I wonder if it woud have made a diffence had he fired during the "PING" cycle that gives you a reduced reload on the next shell. so his reload wouldnt be so bad
No experience can be seen: not only did he grab three punches at the beginning, but then he hit the last of the clips with a shell without waiting for the cassette to fully charge!!! In short, the snotty kid played!!!
I'm tired of 17 seconds of uploading, but my friend wasn't really tired of uploading and throwing one by one, I closed it, I couldn't watch the video until the end
Ни какого опыта не видно : мало того , что в начале отхватил три пробития , так и потом бил последним из обоймы снарядом , не дождавшись полной зарядки кассеты !!! Короче говоря , сопливый пацан играл !!!
it's been awhile since the last time someone send a replay of rhinoceronte
That tank is not played very much
Three marked mine a few days ago. Think I might be ranked #1 on the server right now! Hannesgrimminger is the name !
This was a great game but in my opinion the first minutes showed very well how weak the armor/protection of rhino is. Everything penetrated.
I wonder if it woud have made a diffence had he fired during the "PING" cycle that gives you a reduced reload on the next shell. so his reload wouldnt be so bad
No experience can be seen: not only did he grab three punches at the beginning, but then he hit the last of the clips with a shell without waiting for the cassette to fully charge!!! In short, the snotty kid played!!!
"опытный игрок" в начале боя понахватал по мордасам!
он дал им возможность выиграть, но они этим не воспользовались
у него даже минималка вылетела когда стрелял по леопарду
Kakav snap shot za kraj..top
he had help from the IS-4 and IS-7 but he held the hill and that flank
It’s a support tank so it’s more than acceptable. Was a great scenario and well played.
Ох уж эта вечная перезарядка. Да и брони как для тяжа не очень. Бой сыгран вопреки, соперники много ошибались и давали перезарядиться не раз.
I'm tired of 17 seconds of uploading, but my friend wasn't really tired of uploading and throwing one by one, I closed it, I couldn't watch the video until the end
Было мое любимое из итальянской озвучки :
- Гандоне прецизионе !
(Знаю как правильно , но всеравно плющит )
И это опытный игрок? Ржу немогу))))) Тормоз.
report the BOT 140
omg that 140 doing nothing the entire game. Remember the days where you could kill your own teammate?
Да помню раньше меня за это даже банили не раз
Реплей з тест-сарвера
he lags so much
ㅈㄴ 못하는데?? 4:25 내려가서 E5 살렸어야지..슛발도 별로고..
бумажный танк
Ни какого опыта не видно : мало того , что в начале отхватил три пробития , так и потом бил последним из обоймы снарядом , не дождавшись полной зарядки кассеты !!! Короче говоря , сопливый пацан играл !!!