I've used a similar slotted deep socket to remove stubborn old HEGO sensors, and found that with the really, really tight ones, the socket would spread out and strip things. Using a hose clamp around the bottom of that socket fixed that issue, so a tip for you if you ever run into the same situation.
The biggest change in mine occurred when I cleaned the idle air controller, was really carboned up & would not move fully through it's cycle. 15 minute fix at no cost except a bit of brake cleaner. Off idle acceleration dramatically improved & even improved the ticking the top end did, all though I don't know why.
Wow, except for being tiger tight, that was simple to change! You didn't have to struggle under the car, try to find the stupid thing because it's out of sight, on top of the exhaust pipe, or any of that nonsense. It's almost like Hyundai knew you would be changing it someday!
I'm thoroughly enjoying these Accents. Fun to drive, easy to service, stupid simple. I started my apprenticeship at a Hyundai dealership and thought I'd never recover, but Hyundai has really come a long way from the 80's.
I've used a similar slotted deep socket to remove stubborn old HEGO sensors, and found that with the really, really tight ones, the socket would spread out and strip things. Using a hose clamp around the bottom of that socket fixed that issue, so a tip for you if you ever run into the same situation.
If I was really in a pinch, I'd just cut the wire off and use a regular socket. They don't need to be that tight going in.
Thanks for posting this, my G! This summer, I'm gonna be doing the O2 sensors on my EF and on the Celica.
The biggest change in mine occurred when I cleaned the idle air controller, was really carboned up & would not move fully through it's cycle. 15 minute fix at no cost except a bit of brake cleaner.
Off idle acceleration dramatically improved & even improved the ticking the top end did, all though I don't know why.
Thanks man! Have a Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉
Does this make your temperture jump up and down?? If the car adds to rich fuel?
A lean engine _may_ run hotter, but if the temp is jumping around, that's a cooling system problem, not an O2 problem.
So which O2 sensor is responsible for the fuel trims, upstream or downstream? My luck it will be both😂
Upstream (closest to the engine) controls the tune. Downstream (the one after the catalytic converter) only checks that the cat is working.
upstream does all fuel calculation
is this the in or out sensor that you replace?
Upstream. It's the one that the computer looks at to tweak fueling. The downstream one tells the computer if the catalytic converter is working.
Wow, except for being tiger tight, that was simple to change! You didn't have to struggle under the car, try to find the stupid thing because it's out of sight, on top of the exhaust pipe, or any of that nonsense. It's almost like Hyundai knew you would be changing it someday!
I'm thoroughly enjoying these Accents. Fun to drive, easy to service, stupid simple. I started my apprenticeship at a Hyundai dealership and thought I'd never recover, but Hyundai has really come a long way from the 80's.
I had a friend who had a very early model. It literally rattled itself apart. Good to know that they have improved since then!@@GregWellwood