I must say that Japanese people really honor they're fish.They prepare there fish on a table no matter what size it is. And they take real pride in cutting the fish and cleaning the prosses. I think that they have the best fish cutters in the world.
Wow!!! i have to try one of these restaurants when i visit in January!. Also, i'm addicted to watching professional fishmongers prepare fish. It's very interesting I think I will definitely visit wakimizutei!
Another beautiful sharing upload and share ! .. appreciate your efforts and hard work for sharing your beautiful sharing lifestyle adventure to the World ! .. TQSM ! ..
I must say that Japanese people really honor they're fish.They prepare there fish on a table no matter what size it is. And they take real pride in cutting the fish and cleaning the prosses. I think that they have the best fish cutters in the world.
新鮮さが伝わり、美味しそう👍 このお店へ行って食べてみたい❤皆さん、ご苦労様です🙇⤵️🤗
I am watching from 🇮🇩 Indonesia of the Southeast Asia. I líke tuna fish, seafood in general. Best regards to 🇯🇵
All the fish are fresh. I watch when I'm hungry 😅😅😅👍👍👍👍👍
잘보고 많이 배워갑니다 매번봐도 존경합니다
海鮮丼、いくら丼、握り寿司、海老フライ、お刺身盛り合わせ、お弁当、アップルパイ、巻き寿司、稲荷寿司、軍艦巻き、お寿司盛り合わせ、てっさ、あら汁、イカそうめん、茶そば、日替わり寿司定食、穴子肝煮、寿司若御膳、ネギトロユッケ、美味しそうですね。お弁当、焼肉定食、ヒレカツ、お好み焼き、日替わりランチ、トンカツ定食、焼肉丼、八宝菜、ポテトフライ、親子丼、カツとじ丼、ハンバーグ定食、唐揚げ定食、ホルモン焼きうどん、オムライス、美味しそうですね。海鮮丼、あさり汁、カツ丼、釜揚げしらす丼、揚げ出し豆腐、ホタルイカ丼、いくら丼、濃厚玉子丼、親子丼、天丼、穴子天丼、海老天丼、雲丹丼、特上三色丼、鰤しゃぶ、海鮮鍋、雑炊セット、牡蠣味噌鍋、蟹汁、鯛すまし汁、野菜天、鮪中トロ丼、煮魚弁当、白身魚のフライ弁当、焼き魚弁当、唐揚げ弁当、トンカツ弁当、お味噌汁、アサリ汁、かけうどん、海鮮サラダ、おでん、焼き鯖、だし巻き卵、ホタルイカ天丼、おでん、穴子天丼、美味しそうですね。カツ丼、会席料理、握り寿司、お刺身、茶碗蒸し、わきみずいろどり御膳、天麩羅盛り合わせ御膳、いろどり煮込みかつ御膳、握り盛り合わせ御膳、いろどりトンカツ御膳、いろどりすき焼き御膳、海の幸御膳、海の幸ちらし、釜飯御膳、釜飯セット、釜飯会席、旬彩天麩羅御膳、旬彩とんかつ御膳、旬彩和牛すき焼き御膳、旬彩寿司 天麩羅御膳、海鮮サラダ、豆腐サラダ、冷奴、煮込みカツ、鶏の唐揚げ、ロースカツ、カツ丼、海老天丼、海鮮巻き、巻き寿司、細巻き、うどん、茶そば、天麩羅うどん、鍋焼きうどん、牡蠣の釜飯、海老マヨ、鯛の兜煮、鯵の塩焼き、鰤大根、牡蠣の天麩羅、生牡蠣、鯵のお刺身、蛸のお刺身、牡蠣フライセット、いろどり牡蠣フライ御膳、コーヒー、美味しそうですね。
Wow!!! i have to try one of these restaurants when i visit in January!. Also, i'm addicted to watching professional fishmongers prepare fish. It's very interesting
I think I will definitely visit wakimizutei!
Another beautiful sharing upload and share ! .. appreciate your efforts and hard work for sharing your beautiful sharing lifestyle adventure to the World ! .. TQSM ! ..
How much for Sushi platter $ ?
Cooking tuna
Managing director son just standing around 😅
👍👍👍👍👍 👏👏👏
Nobody speaks 😢
I don't know how to eat raw fish meat. The meat will stay at my mouth and I won't be able to swallow.😢