I didn't own every video clips and photos in this video, that's why I didn't cropped their names and watermarks as a sign of respect. Thank you for supporting my videos. Pls don't forget to subscribe. And also hateful comments will be remove. Thank you once again ❤️
Idols don't want themselves to get shipped . But this 😳 Dammmmmm , its real , they know what's going on they would have dismissed such rumors but Literally showing their love 😳
Taehyung don't even know what is meaning of vkook jk told him it's you and me Then how can he know vsoo? when he doesn't know even know what's is vkook?
I wrote in youtube "clap if real" and i found only vsoo videos about it, I scrolled to the end, I didnt find anything about clapping of another ship, it means that only vsoo shippers were asking for clapping and taehyung always sees it and claps, or touches
@@prakshisharma5779 it depends, in vsoo situation everything is clear, taehyung cant declare about relationship so he gives hints, it is impossible that he claps 5-10 times just because He wants it
@@prakshisharma5779 Well, it depends tho. Clapping or touching the candle won't make people speculate what they're doing cuz it doesn't seem sus if they didn't read the comment. Tough I don't want shippers to do this type of stuff and say the ship name in lives cuz I'm pretty sure they'll be uncomfortable, even if the ship is real or not
vsoo is real my heart beat when I see both of them together I have seen their a lot of videos about people telling that vsoo is real I really hope that they both would get married because if they get marry then they are the game changers of k pop grps I really love both of them God plz bless both and make their mind to get marry with one another
Like Taeyang (Bigbang, YG) married Min Hyo-rin (JYP). Just love it when it will be Tae Tae's turn and that will be Taehyung (BTS, Bighit/HYBE) marries Jisoo (BP, YG)!!!👍🥰🤟✌💜😄
Even if they're dating in secret But they will never be together in public Bc YG or Big hit will not agree this bc two of these totally different industry But wish them will be together one e day
This video is that they are shipping but if they are not shipping and this is just a coincidences then this all coincidences are made by God to make them two body one soul😊😍 Love from India ♥️🇮🇳
They are just scared if they reveal that they are dating, they will get hate comments and hate from army and blink But we support you guys :)😊😊😊 Vsoo❤❤
Imo, These must be their hints cuz coincidence for 1000 times is not possible. If not then they are soulmate that's why coincidence happens for millions of time 😌
I saw that live and there was not comment like that these all are fake touch this if vsoo touch that if vsoo is real you know what is real few days ago tae had a live in which a taennie shipper asked V if Taennie is real and tae said no and just after that Vsoo shipper asked touch your necklace if Vsoo is real and he didn't touched if he can clap for vsoo touch candle for vsoo can't he touch necklace for Vsoo this all is fake if you want to see that live you can search for it on TH-cam only he was sitting in a car
Dang...see, that's how convincing this type of video. That snowflower is Jennie as his initial J🤟, she posted one day before his birthday as her favorite time while holding a strawberry & also a pic with a snowflower filter. The lyrics "I would match your footsteps" this is a famous jennie TMI in survival village as she likes the guy who matches his footsteps for her. Related to this video if V was really clapping because he saw the comment, most likely he was trolling. He sometimes trolls his other shipper tho (just like he made a pass of his game acc with freedom14 on 11 Jan 2020 plus at the same time he also had a rumor with YoonJung because of train/the shipper believes if this was because of tzuyu birthday or can be freedom from jazz since he likes it & made the pass one month before on 14 Dec 2019 so pure coincidence or mostly likely that he was trolling since there was article allkpop on Dec 2019 about them dating just because both uploaded a pic outside while holding their dogs, tzuyu uploaded a few days early. The funny thing is that jennie uploaded the same pic holding a dog but inside a building while laying down. Then V used the same necklace like jennie on that pic. Indeed they weren't dating, but most likely a flings/friend zone from last 2016-early 2021
People shipping vsoo are Real : cz one korean teen reaveal that vsoo is real her father is in bighit and her brother is in yg . the rumours about GD AND JENNIE are also fake ......yg never allow jennie to date after jenkai... You know she said that lisa hate when she get shipped with jk.. Junkook and rose are fond of each other but they never dated 😌 Vsoo is real
I don't get it- Isaw V x Rose- He cares About her feelings and giving what's his.... And i saw V x Jennie They both made eye contact to each other and Then Smiling to each other Like some suspicious That happened Now Vsoo "eat if strawberry if Vsoo is real" *Eats strawberry*
Jajaj yo? Yo amo estos videos vsoo. Quiero que revelen la relación pero a la vez no xdd. Quiero que la revelen para que todo el mundo sepa que están juntos y saciar nuestras dudas, pero a la vez no quiero por que si es verdad su relación se iría a la mrd por la gente que critica y eso. Así que ya no se :'c
I didn't own every video clips and photos in this video, that's why I didn't cropped their names and watermarks as a sign of respect.
Thank you for supporting my videos. Pls don't forget to subscribe.
And also hateful comments will be remove. Thank you once again ❤️
Your videos are lit
Idk like how can they data and YG IS HERE
Your video is fake
If VSoo is real I would be very very happy and glad a fan of BangPink
the evidences here are more convincing than those trending taehyung ship on tiktok tbh
It would be exciting if these two will act in a drama as a couple. Since both of them can act.
Then why did they work together
I've been a VSoo shipper since 2017 and I just can't get enough of their cuteness.
I don’t care what anybody says now they are my fav Kpop ship of all time and no one can convince me or change my Mind 💯💯
Bts my bias: V
Bp: Jisoo
There is not a single hate comment it shows how much Powerful this ship is😆😆
Conclusion: VSOO IS REAL
Vsoo forever'❤️ and it's on second rank in king choice
If vsoo real, we will all support them ✨♥
Taennie is real
No v is only my
@@sanjayadav23 he is everyone
@@CreativeCentral. ya vsoo is my favorite😍💕
@@anu6101 any proves?
Idols don't want themselves to get shipped .
But this 😳
Dammmmmm , its real , they know what's going on they would have dismissed such rumors but Literally showing their love 😳
I don't ship idols but Why do they look so cute together 😍
They're another level of cutieeeee!!! If this is real, its gonna explode guysss!! The strogest couple ever
5:46 we indians always here to support vsooo 😮😮😮😚😚😚😚😅
jichu touching her hair is normal . .
but candle b is ...What? ..why? .hahaha
vsoo hwaitinh
Taehyung don't even know what is meaning of vkook
jk told him it's you and me
Then how can he know vsoo? when he doesn't know even know what's is vkook?
@@joy-vt9dt yes po ..you have a point.. i'm also thinking in some point that V just misunderstood what army means
@@spongy_spongee2609 anyways, let's forget about this and can we be friends?🤝💜
@@joy-vt9dt yesss
@@spongy_spongee2609 ok can we chat in instagram?
idc if they dating or not. i just want them to be happy and ..etc in there relationship and not destroy by some fandom or anything else
Yes vsoo is real
I wrote in youtube "clap if real" and i found only vsoo videos about it, I scrolled to the end, I didnt find anything about clapping of another ship, it means that only vsoo shippers were asking for clapping and taehyung always sees it and claps, or touches
@@prakshisharma5779 it depends, in vsoo situation everything is clear, taehyung cant declare about relationship so he gives hints, it is impossible that he claps 5-10 times just because He wants it
@@prakshisharma5779 Well, it depends tho. Clapping or touching the candle won't make people speculate what they're doing cuz it doesn't seem sus if they didn't read the comment.
Tough I don't want shippers to do this type of stuff and say the ship name in lives cuz I'm pretty sure they'll be uncomfortable, even if the ship is real or not
Taehyung doesn't know vsoo means
@@joy-vt9dt he knows, he would not clap if he would not know
@@joy-vt9dt he will not clap or touch for no reason lamao
If Vsoo is not real means then no other ships are real I mean they are just exposing themselves it can't be coincident always 😏💜✨..
Vsoo I love it 🦋
they are both bubbly..good match👍
I hope they could be free with their own life now. 😭🤙❤️💜
Oh God they are overdosed with cuteness 😍
vsoo is real my heart beat when I see both of them together I have seen their a lot of videos about people telling that vsoo is real I really hope that they both would get married because if they get marry then they are the game changers of k pop grps
I really love both of them God plz bless both and make their mind to get marry with one another
Like Taeyang (Bigbang, YG) married Min Hyo-rin (JYP). Just love it when it will be Tae Tae's turn and that will be Taehyung (BTS, Bighit/HYBE) marries Jisoo (BP, YG)!!!👍🥰🤟✌💜😄
vsoo love you❤️
0:46 jungkook is in all top 4 ships
International playboy for a reason😆👐
I love #vsoo 😘
visual couple ❤❤
Yeah 😀
You saw jennie's part- Jisoo
Suga's part- V
Suga and jennie THAT was interesting
Vsoo foreverr
Happy vishu all ❤️ love from India, Kerala ❤️
Happy vishu
vishu and Vsoo, so similarr
@@swastisstudio4120 vishu bcz he said bcz yesterday was vishu in Kerala India
It is festival
Iam also from INDIA Karnataka
I really hope that Vsoo is real cause they make a great and cute couple I love them😍😍
1:56 he is having good time teasing vsoo shipper
Vsoo is real💜💖
Do you vote for vsoo in king choice
Any matured army and blinks who ship VSoo?
Ah no one, okay
Me I am 22
I love them ❤❤❤❤❤
I love you guys so much and I am a biggest fan of you guys 🥺❤️..
awww. nice final clip, to end this video. vsoooo is so real
Vsoo forever💜
Their smirks though😏
Love of life taehyung loves jisoo . jisoo loves taehyung
I think it is real.
if it will be real they bring a very powerful couple. ❤❤
We always support them😊😊😊
ʋsօօ ɨs ʀɛaʟ😍
Even if they're dating in secret
But they will never be together in public
Bc YG or Big hit will not agree this bc two of these totally different industry
But wish them will be together one e day
They were in the same industry but different companies🤦
VSOO real Nyonggan💜💜💜💜
I like your disclaimer 😃
It’s kinda useless these taennie shippers still comment saying taennie is real
Vsoo is reall ❤️🐅🐇
Waiting for them to announce 🤣
This video is that they are shipping but if they are not shipping and this is just a coincidences then this all coincidences are made by God to make them two body one soul😊😍
Love from India ♥️🇮🇳
7:10 OMG!! 😱
I want it's full video plss
7:36 where can I find the original clip
It’s bts bon voyage season 5 or was it 4 and it’s when they went to Switzerland
Bts run episode
Vsoo 😍😍😍
Vsoo is real 🖤💜😘
Vsoo is real😍😍
I love you vsoo always forever 😘😙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Vsoo forever
Seriusly,i hope vsoo is real
Nurul anis? Eh malaysia buat pe ek kat sini LOL
@@hmtiadaapauntukditulis7026 aik tak boleh ke sya kat sini? 😂
The B candle one was... Suspicious ngl.....(I mean it can be real)
ya’ll i read something about their relationship but it’s in spanish, apparently it’s ss info but it’s really interesting
it’s too long tho, @lonYbaby on twt!! so i can post it there!!
@@lonyzepam I can't find that account
Can you send me hahah
@@chazmwah sorry, i changed it to “@27ny__”
@@jiayingyang1421 i’ll post them on twitter!!
Wahhh Vsooo 😚
Yaa Vsoo🥰
Vsoo ❤️
Vsoo.. love
From India NE...AP
K I'm subscribing
They are so same
☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 entah benar atau tidak, aku bahagiaaa lihat cuplikan2 ini omooooo....
👑Vsoo 💜 forever💯💜💜💜👑
True this💚
They are just scared if they reveal that they are dating, they will get hate comments and hate from army and blink
But we support you guys :)😊😊😊
Or companies won’t allowed it... Orr there’s age difference I don’t know! All I want is vsoo real because they look so cutest couples!!
Vsoo clap clap
PROF!! 1:36 2:56
These must be their hints cuz coincidence for 1000 times is not possible. If not then they are soulmate that's why coincidence happens for millions of time 😌
The things which you call hints are not hints it's just coincidence and some of them which you call your so called hints are made up
Vsoo shippers💜💜
Vsoo is real❤❤
2:23 of which date is the live video ???please say
I saw that live and there was not comment like that these all are fake touch this if vsoo touch that if vsoo is real you know what is real few days ago tae had a live in which a taennie shipper asked V if Taennie is real and tae said no and just after that Vsoo shipper asked touch your necklace if Vsoo is real and he didn't touched if he can clap for vsoo touch candle for vsoo can't he touch necklace for Vsoo this all is fake if you want to see that live you can search for it on TH-cam only he was sitting in a car
Dang...see, that's how convincing this type of video. That snowflower is Jennie as his initial J🤟, she posted one day before his birthday as her favorite time while holding a strawberry & also a pic with a snowflower filter. The lyrics "I would match your footsteps" this is a famous jennie TMI in survival village as she likes the guy who matches his footsteps for her. Related to this video if V was really clapping because he saw the comment, most likely he was trolling. He sometimes trolls his other shipper tho (just like he made a pass of his game acc with freedom14 on 11 Jan 2020 plus at the same time he also had a rumor with YoonJung because of train/the shipper believes if this was because of tzuyu birthday or can be freedom from jazz since he likes it & made the pass one month before on 14 Dec 2019 so pure coincidence or mostly likely that he was trolling since there was article allkpop on Dec 2019 about them dating just because both uploaded a pic outside while holding their dogs, tzuyu uploaded a few days early. The funny thing is that jennie uploaded the same pic holding a dog but inside a building while laying down. Then V used the same necklace like jennie on that pic. Indeed they weren't dating, but most likely a flings/friend zone from last 2016-early 2021
People shipping vsoo are
Real : cz one korean teen reaveal that vsoo is real her father is in bighit and her brother is in yg . the rumours about GD AND JENNIE are also fake ......yg never allow jennie to date after jenkai...
You know she said that lisa hate when she get shipped with jk..
Junkook and rose are fond of each other but they never dated 😌
Vsoo is real
Yes it is true Jen and gd is fake
But yg staff said they find Lisa and jk talking in back stage
But he delete it
@@sahaja8158 yss
@@sahaja8158 whaf I am saying they r just friends
@taetae actually no BTS and black pink ship don't have interaction
ʋsօօ ɨs real
1:36 someone commented and asked why "bday" and
tae said on korean: 'why bday? (touched 'b') bcoz birthday'
Dont hate me im vsoo shipperrrr
So I turned on my subtitles when the other guy/girl said jisoyaa and v's reply is he's okay
So many proof there😮
When jisoo was telling her name and showed v sign means vsoo like she is introducing both of them
I don't get it-
V x Rose-
He cares About her feelings and giving what's his....
And i saw V x Jennie
They both made eye contact to each other and Then Smiling to each other Like some suspicious That happened
Now Vsoo
"eat if strawberry if Vsoo is real"
*Eats strawberry*
4d couple 💖💖💖💖
Ojala sea verdad lo de jisoo me encantaria
i ship taekook mostly but if they are happy, i respect. i will be happy if taetae will be happy.
It is normal, they don't have a relationship we all know that and that is impossible BWAHAHAHAA
Anung vlive account Ng bts
Jajaj yo? Yo amo estos videos vsoo.
Quiero que revelen la relación pero a la vez no xdd. Quiero que la revelen para que todo el mundo sepa que están juntos y saciar nuestras dudas, pero a la vez no quiero por que si es verdad su relación se iría a la mrd por la gente que critica y eso. Así que ya no se :'c
That is jungkook place not vsooo