You always share the truth indeed I was sent to you bethi angilande impande and kwenzeka , thank you Baba may you continue your work, yas at times we are promised the moon and the tars and told we will be powerful wealthy etc ...however you are right at a cost the journey is long and hard and requires discipline and a sound mind, I hope bonke bayezwa mauthi take it easy...
Thokoza Babu Mkhize, thanks again for your helpful content, What does ukuphothula mean? Can I come kuwe though my Ancestors haven't shown me ukuthi kumele ngize lapho to start ukuthwasa uBunyanga? People will always undermine each other, even when there's no need. One would argue ukuthi I can't have left my lifestyle ekade ngiyithanda, ngiphola kahle and come ebuNyangeni to be told ngePatience , I want the blessing or izonto zami ziVuleke ebunyangi or Being umthandazi. Thanks for the infomartive video 📷 asbonge.
Camagu Baba, nam learn different things from different people ngoba it's rare ukuthi uzofunda everything from umntu oyedwa!
Bakhona eMkhomazi kuMaKhosi uMbhele. EMkhunya
Sbonge Babu Mkhize ngelenkulumo eqondile engadingwe kutolikwa.Lezinkulumo zakho ezinjena Baba ziwusizo kithi esingazi.Zisize kakhulu ekhaya la ngiphuma khona.Zimbili izinto ezisilimazayo kakhulu,eyokuqala ukungazi bese ungafuni ulwazi.Eyesibili ogobela abanenkani nomona. Kwinkulumo yakho ebhalwe kwiSolezwe,uthinte udaba lokungenelela kukahulumeni kwezokwelapha.Uma kungaba nje nesbhedlela eselapha ngesintu kuphela,ziningi izinto ezingagwemeka njengokulutha abantu.
Siyabonga baba ngezimfundiso zakho
Uqedile ungethole, Gubhela!!
You always share the truth indeed I was sent to you bethi angilande impande and kwenzeka , thank you Baba may you continue your work, yas at times we are promised the moon and the tars and told we will be powerful wealthy etc ...however you are right at a cost the journey is long and hard and requires discipline and a sound mind, I hope bonke bayezwa mauthi take it easy...
Syafana nami bangthume kuye fr impophoma nd impande
Thokoza Mkhulu Khabazela.. Bengisacel ukukhanyiseleka kwisbonakaliso sami be kunendlela ebengihamba ngayo engumhubhe ngahlangana nokhozi. Ngasocingwen ngilijikijele kepha ngilugeje, ngabona ngophaqa ngaqal ngowodwa ngalugeja kepha owesbil ngalishay ngob nalo beluvika. Lwashayek ekhanda kwaba sengath luyawa phans ngaphaphama
wakhuluma iqiniso khabazela
thokoza Khehla..Yebo kunjalo..
Akwande Mkhulu, wena Nyakanyaka Kalu Phuzi
Amen and Amen well said Thokoza Baba
Well said siyabonga Mkhulu
Thokoza Babu Mkhize, thanks again for your helpful content, What does ukuphothula mean?
Can I come kuwe though my Ancestors haven't shown me ukuthi kumele ngize lapho to start ukuthwasa uBunyanga?
People will always undermine each other, even when there's no need.
One would argue ukuthi I can't have left my lifestyle ekade ngiyithanda, ngiphola kahle and come ebuNyangeni to be told ngePatience , I want the blessing or izonto zami ziVuleke ebunyangi or Being umthandazi. Thanks for the infomartive video 📷 asbonge.
Thokoza Mkhulu 🙌🙌🙌
Ndiyabonga mkhulu
Iqiniso lodwa ke leli
Ngunezi nginombuzo, ngibonisiwe ozongisize, wangisiza, ngase ngiphupha omunye ugogo... ngenzenjani uma sekunjalo?
@Luyanda liqondile nje iphupho lakho kumele uye kulogogo kukhona okumele akukhanyisele kukho. Kodwa akusho ukuthi lowangaphambili akenzanga kahle. Kungenzeka kukhona okuthize okwasala ozokuthola kuloya gogo abakukhombisa yena