I have had only one question most of my life. Are there other people that see what I see, hear what I hear and feel what I feel about the world? Yes! I have found them on this podcast. Thank you Nate.
BY 2016 post-truth was in the dictionary, fact-free decisions became the crazy norm. Humans never made ANY sense to me, science education at Berkeley and Stanford grounded me in facts.
@@steveo5295 AN Whitehead, who was _really_ "out there" in his Process Cosmology work, stated that consistency and coherence had to be your DayStars to get you through. He was more alone then in what he was doing. There are only a handful of people now, but it is good to connect with others that can at least see the problems and the shape of the solution. Nate is a good guide and connector in this sphere. Agreed for the need to feel grounded. It is not too hard to "lose it" when you are out at the very edge.
The hard truth should be at the core of one's life, even if it's indarkenment. You can only be in the moment if you are living without delusion. The difficult mindset. I don't know if I can...
You have had an impact on me and I am grateful for helping me cure my energy blindness. I am trying to cure others. I was a software engineer for 45 years. So I had a strong bias as to how technology would solve all our problems going forward. I am now a (retired) hillbilly homesteader in the mountains of North Carolina. My wife and I live at ground zero Helene. We have preparing for her for the past 5 years due in part to people like you. I believe that the only solution that gives us a chance to survive the approaching macro storm of simplification is to organize locally. I am trying to influence my family and anyone I can to start to build survival communities. Local food tribes need to become robust. I am lucky enough to have accumulated enough retirement money to invest in a large solar farm on our property. We are also getting proficient in growing food effectively in our area. All with the intention of being a contributor to the local community.
Thank you James for your candid, honest and down to earth approach to life. You're done things in the way I believe will lead to a sustainable and possible living. Much sucess to you and yours!
Nate, you haven't ruined my life at all. I managed to do that myself long before discovering your podcasts. 🥴 I've been down this rabbit hole for a few decades and dug deeper after retiring 12 years ago. I still don't understand why so many people refuse to even acknowledge that there's a problem, let alone that we're the ones who have caused it. One thing is abundantly clear, however, at least from my experience. Nobody wants to talk about it. I'm quite regularly ridiculed by friends and family for caring about it, especially when I take small, personal actions, like refusing to fly, or not chasing after the latest shiny object. People seem to view that as a threat, even though I'm just one inconsequential 70-year old guy. Thank you for doing what you're doing. There are lots of us who appreciate your regular doses of sanity in an otherwise crazy world.
Thank you for being a Humanist, I don’t want to call it, an activist any more. It’s clearly an act of love for Humans, and planet and the living world . Well done, I hope you can keep it strong&calm with path you’re taking.
That resonates with me quite a lot. There is an overwhelming majority of people who haven‘t the slightest clue that eco sustainability trumps everything be it social or economical. That‘s why I feel increasingly alien in my social web here in Western Europe. I decided for me that it is unethical to continue flying 15 years ago. I use to communicate that casually without putting too much moral pressure on friends and relatives. And they just continue to fly to their holidays, drive their fossil cars, live in big houses with fossil heating, buy all that useless stuff, all fuelling exponential economic growth that is a killing machine to our precious biosphere. There must be something dramatically wrong with our brain wiring. So the bend will be gut wrenching and maybe a catastrophic break inevitable. Thanks again and have nice Christmas 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲
@@steveo5295 Are you talking about the Integrative Enlightenment? Yes, a new Enlightenment is critical to the transition. A new perceptual framework is required.
"Thank you for ruining my life" is such a powerful compliment, much better than anything else - because it means that not only you added value to someone's life, you've also helped with creative destruction of negative values, which is like double-help :)
Nate you ARE the man. You opened the portal for me. It's all REAL TALK. And the people are paying attention. Local eco-centrism, real skills, and community solidarity IS the future! KEEP ON KEEPING ON BROTHER!
Thank you for beating me to that comment. I was just thinking having listened to all the videos and many more than once it has help to see others with the same world view in these times.
I see new ecosystem / habitat destruction every time I leave my house. This onslaught can be overwhelming when you are completely tuned into it. I'm 70 years old and been involved in the protection of ecosystems for most of my life. “There is just one hope of repulsing the tyrannical ambition of civilization to conquer every niche on the whole earth. That hope is the organization of spirited people who will fight for the freedom of the wilderness.” ~ Bob Marshall
Brilliant. Confirmation you aren't just "preaching to the choir". Your podcast is making a profound impact. The ripple effect is reaching worldwide. Always looking forward to your upcoming shows and incredible guests. Thank you Nate! LIKE REPLY
Hi Nate. I've been tuning into your podcast for over a year now and it had been immensely helpful. I'm wanting to start commenting on your videos more so here goes. I had a situation at work recently where my co-worker is at risk of being fired for a very simple mistake. She's worked with the company for over 14 years and is a good worker. My boss was telling me that corporate doesn't care about its workers, they only care about what looks good on paper. Which led me to thinking about how one has to be a psychopath to do something like that. This is my co-workers livelihood but they just dont care about that. They do just care about what looks good on paper. I think that our system promotes dissociated and psychopathic behavior. In order to climb up the corporate ladder, you have to some extent, walk on others. Our legal system has been hijacked by corporations to suit their own untrammeled growth. Anyways, I bring this up because this video reminded me of a nuance I sometimes forget. That people may feel justified in their behavior due to a worldview that was instilled into them. Motivated reasoning and ignorance are a factor in many instances. And your podcast helps many people become less ignorant. There are still psychopaths, to be sure, but some of these people, like the nice gentlemen you talked to, are just simply ignorant. The question becomes: What determines our worldview? And in schmachtenbergers words: "How do we close niches for predatory behavior?" I have my own thoughts about this but I'll save that for now. Anyways, happy holidays Nate. Keep doing what you're doing. You are my absolute favorite podcaster and I'm a fan for life.
Your Franklies lend new meaning to "TGIF"! I first became aware that something was wrong with the world when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, at the age of 30. Way too young, we said, and still say. That's an old ladies' disease. I discovered specifically how cruel and limited was our medical system, which had nothing to do with health at all. I wrote books aiming to help others cope with cancer and other medical conditions, discovering complementary (i.e. "alternative" ) treatments along the way. Thus I stumbled upon the social and environmental causes of cancers and the other conditions that plague us. Down the rabbit hole of the polycrisis, further and further into overwhelm, grasping at straws to keep from drowning. And then, miraculously, I found Nate. Nate, the voice of intelligence and heart, the organizing and directing funnel through which all this stuff is collected and made more sense of. The funnel in which we all have met each other, in a sense, forming the counter superorganism hoping to bend, not break things. Thanks, Nate, and everyone. Enjoy the feeling that we are not alone.
Hi Nate, I just wanted to say that I feel similar. The information that you and your guests share is sometimes difficult to digest and I’ve been through a personal breakdown over the past 8 months in terms of this. And yet I’m feeling deep gratitude. For the beauty of life and for a growing understanding of the world we live in and our human predicament. I feel deep resonance with you on a heart and soul level. I can see that your message comes from a place of love. Thank you for being part of humanity figuring itself out 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The first time I listened to Nate Hagens on a Global Governance Initiative podcast, my mind was blown. Then I watched The Great Simplification on his channel, my mind was blown again. The I went through his educational playlist for students. I am a changed man since. ❤ Thanks!
Count me among the immensely grateful for finding you and your work. I've shared your links with many friends and have found some 'converts', and as you say, the second (and higher) order effects are rippling out. The initial conditions of the future are being adjusted one conversation, one Frankly, one podcast at a time. Thanks again!
It's just funny that the mosre comfortable millionaires like the one spoken about CAN ALLOW themselves to rethink their lives. The rest of us will just die like rats on the pavement trying to change anything at all.
Nate, you did it, your message got across to an individual that one would think could not be charged. Kudos to you, awesome. I’m one of those people that saw how the dogma of the dominant viewpoint was killing the planet, and us humans. This was in my twenties, when my story was just unfolding. My ahh moment was in college in marketing 101 class. I clearly saw how manipulative, and immoral advertising was, and how the economic arguments we have were not healthy. So I read what I could find of economic viewpoints that were counter to the conventional. I understand how your new friend said that you ruined his life. Once one sees the situation for what it is, you can’t un- see it. This makes it harder going through life, like swimming up stream. I hope it makes one more resilient, bend and not break.
This was one of the best frankly I've seen. Thank you. I have a lot of similar feelings. Your podcast, especially the bent not break series, as well as the Planet Critical podcast have fully reshaped my life. I've now started working on a climate resilient community framework. I'll be trying to setup something that will allow me to offer a better chance for both the following generation and my own children. To save someone, you do need to ruin the life that's killing them. Change to anything else, start by letting go of what we are doing.
"I feel terror for civilisation and yet peace in my understanding, and even joy...." This. This is one of the primary benefits of collapse acceptance. The peace from understanding our predicaments allows you to take steps off the treadmill of the matrix (Nate's superorganism) and see the world in a different way. For me, looking at the world through an ecological lens just changes everything. At this stage it becomes obvious that much of what humans stress about is mere nonsense - the politics, the rage, the loss of privilege, the latest in-thing on social media - all become unimportant in the face of ecological overshoot that is irreversible on time scales relevant to humans. And so, it becomes a quest, almost like a fantasy series from Lord of the Rings, to let this civilisation go, and focus on what is possible to replace it with. all the whilst accepting that a possible outcome is that there no kind of civilisation that can ecologically replace the current one.
I am at the point where i wonder what is the point of "saving the planet" for all of the NPCs stumbling around. I have a small tree nursery that brings me joy and will soon make me a living, but really have no faith that tree planting efforts make a difference other than to give false hope to the other non-NPCs. Thoughts?
@@az55544, trees are good things, planting trees is a good thing. Do the good thing and try to adopt an attitude of benevolent indifference to the outcome. What else can any of us do?
Yes, it's not about "saving the planet" for humans, but to make the planet a better place than we found it for all the other 8.7 million species on the planet, such that some of them might survive the current 6th mass extinction. Yes, I too plant trees, our town planted a million in 2000-2002, I've helped plant over 15,000 in the last few years. Will it save the planet? No. Once the global heating really kicks in, alongside pests and diseases that sweep away entire species, a lot of our remaining woodland is history. That doesn't include the wildfires and floods. But there is joy in seeing for example flocks of birds now using the trees we planted 7 years ago for food - in other words we have created a habitat that wasn't there before, that now supports a bit of life. Nationally (here in UK) mass tree planting only has a 20% success rate, we've no doubt all seen the mass die-off of saplings planted by Highways Agency alongside motorways. Locally we have a 50% success rate or better, because we go back and mulch them, remove plastic rings, add new plantings, etc.
@@sultanbev I share your joy. I work in ecological restoration in the UK. Peatland restoration, woodland and wetland creation, etc. It's exhausting but hugely rewarding and meaningful. Thanks for your efforts. You're proving that humans don't need to be destructive, exploitative and dominating. We can be a force for good. We can be keystone species, co-creating with the rest of nature to restore and regenerate ecosystems. As we help nature to heal, we heal ourselves.
This podcast was far from my first foray into the collapse/metacrisis, but it is undoubtedly the most positive, and alleviates my fears about the future to a degree. Nate certainly has a way of framing negative topics in an uplifting way. That being said, I am also painfully aware how few people share the sentiments of this channel and its viewers, especially as someone almost finished a degree in environmental science. I do still greatly worry that things will become much, much worse before a broad lifestyle change occurs in the West.
Thank you Nate for all you do. All of us who care deeply about life are right with us and I believe they do the best they know how to serve the well-being of all beings on earth and beyond. I'm very grateful for you ❤ and all who are on the journey alongside us. Everybody has their own path but the goal is the same. We want to live a happy and fruitful life.
As one of many members of the "400 Club" I feel for everyone who had their life "ruined" by your words. Having followed the collapse of civilization since before Peak Oil, I've often felt like the only one in my circle who comes close to understanding the implications. Your words, when they open people's eyes, are invaluable! Btw, your hat is great and is probably knit not crocheted but beautiful.
Nate, you are not ruining anyone's life. It is many of us humans who are doing it to the planet, others unintentionally because they are trapped in a vicious cycle of survival, or some knowingly for a quick buck. The latter bunch does not care much about what future our species has as long as they make every possible gain out of the gut of our planet. I am just grateful that there are people like you and your collaborators who dedicate their lives to opening up the eyes of the rest of us. Thanks, and I wish you good health to continue doing what you are doing. Cheers
Thanks for the impact youve had on me, my wife & my friends & colleagues in the Transition Town groups in Clacton, Brighton & Malta. I had a long night of Soul on holiday watching you interviewing Simon P Michaux, Art Berman & Steve Keen ... I woke in the late morning Calling you the 4 Horsemen - she often asks me how are the horsemen now. We were already way along the path, but its was fantastic to have a renewed round of deeper understanding of Scale & opportunity.
I find that your hat is trully warmly cool! 😉 Your spontaneity is more worthly than a lot of producción. You have many more friends that you haven’t met.
My life was ruined during what seemed at the time, to be an endless journey. Watching the sea, and home disappear from the stern of the SS Homeric during a trans Atlantic voyage to Montreal, Canada. I was five, and immune to sea sickness. Most of my family were not. Remaining on deck captivated and soothed me. After that I had so many questions about our pale blue dot, that needed answers! Seldom have I felt them answered with such sincerity, and clarity as here, within TGS. Thanks for sharing your incredible journey with us
This IS your story, Nate, to all of us who see what we're collectively doing, and what's before us. Your story, this series, unites an amazing, disparate, multi-talented, thoughtful, wise group of people who hold so many pieces of what we need to be contemplating in an effort to get any kind of realistic grasp on what "sustainability" might entail. Consumer society has spoiled us, distracted us, addicted us to novelty, stuff and virtual chatter - and kept us ignorant of ecology - so much that it can be an effort to sit quietly and take in the prognosis, the causes, the inexorably worsening consequences of our overshoot, and our ecological incapability to think about how to do better. Lighter, wiser, closer together. Protecting what sustains our lives. My bit of all this has been trying to get one Canadian provincial education system to include more environmental, sustainability and climate content. It's been a slow unsatisfactory battle. Only after thirty-five years have I come to see the careful spotty inclusions, and the glaring, essential exclusions in much of what passes for "environmental education." In a line, it's designed to not complete with neoliberal market capitalism. Simple. No mentions of protection (of anything), of lessening consumption (it's what keeps GDP going), of the life-sustaining qualities of nature (only it's "natural resources" for plunder). Of what CAUSES climate change (omissions in curriculum led me to notice that the first 25 or so Summaries for Policymakers published following UN Climate COP sessions made no mention of fossil fuels! Number 26 had one. Fossil fuel companies totally determine the output of these corrupted sessions. So YOU are creating a community of people who see alike, share their particular knowledge and WISDOM (another word not included in school curriculum), and help your followers expand their knowledge and insights on where we're headed. It's painful, but we need to keep going. You already have more that that 1,000 in your audience. Thank you for your insight, courage and endless inspiration.
you are right. We cannot beat the system (neoliberal market capitalism), which is just so dominant and so all-powerful. We need to _change_ the system. Replace it with something better. People need to be awakened to reality in order to see the mistake of the current system and the solution/correction of the new system. Keep up your good work. Inspiring the minds of the youth - even by tiny fragments - is both magical and critical.
First time commenter, long time listener. Nate, just want to say that you are a hero in our modern information age. Thank you for sharing these stories and for all of the great knowledge you bring together for us to use to help shape our lives for the better. You are a gem of a person and I am so glad I found you.
I am getting up in years. May retire in a few years....God willing. My retirement will free me up to help spread the word and discussions that Nate has so excellently started.
I truly appreciate your work. In this you expressed so much of what was meant by the word "love" in mid-60s Haight Ashbury. It was looking for a peaceful way to live with each other, a willingness to look at reality from various perspectives and supporting each other in that endeavor. One cannot say they want peace and support the war machine. I try to explain to folks, that means your stock portfolio. We are entering the cycle of wars again. A time of realizing what really matters. We can't let Madison Avenue or the news swamp cheapen that. We can't let National Guardsmen shoot students. Protests must be kept peaceful. No cheerleaders, no ego, only leaders. It is the real people, poor by choice who will survive by continuously observing, questioning and meditating. "Blessed are the meek. . ." I like earth. They can go live on Mars, I'm protecting the birds and the bugs in hopes of saving life here.
So glad you had this experience, Nate. So glad. And I am deeply encouraged by the magnitude of the affect change in this person. Thank you for what you and those you collaborate you are doing.
I hear you, Nate. The next step is actually having a physical community where people get together, and listen to one another, help each other and improve their little corner of the world.
@@nancercize no you will be locked up the number one thing all governments did when we had the bug was stop us talking face to face us talking face to face with no face book etc is the biggest treat to government from the day government was invented it has always divided us
First of all, thanks for your work Nate. We really need a short primer to introduce people on the matter. I have been trying to raise awareness of the imminent simplification but its always long videos about things they have reported to me that "are too abstract problems" which they can't even engage anymore. People seem to need something that shows them how non-abstract, immediate and make clear the outcomes that we know cant be avoided.
Oh my Nate, good for you. Unlike most of us, you know your work has profoundly changed an individual. That, makes it all worthwhile. Best wishes to you as you continue to change the world, one person at a time.
Excellent for him and you! Nice for you to see a positive influence on the world. Nice that he had the emotional maturity to examine his beliefs and move through the Kubler-Ross stages so quickly! May all humans mature/evolve/grow in such a manner!
You did not ruin my life, Wendell Berry and Aldo Leopold among others, did that a long time ago, much to my benefit, but you have added greatly to it over the last year + when I started listening to your episodes, franklys and other pieces. It takes good thinking to develop good actions, and your thinking, along with that of your guests, is most helpful. I will keep watching or listening, and spreading the content, for as long as you keep it up. Thanks.
Nate, I almost said, "me too", but actually my life was ruined in the same way a little bit before finding you by the folks at the Post Carbon Institute, starting with Richard Heinberg. But that ruin set me free. Like in the words of Janis Joplin, "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose". I'm free to imagine futures that were hitherto unimaginable, for better as well as worse. I've also listened or watched about 400 hours of your content, and read books & papers by your guests. Thank you so much for a lens into the Big Picture!
I'm here. This pod and many others like it helped wake me up. I try to focus on finding ways to evolve our money and exchange systems as that is so integrated with this insane requirement for perpetual growth and our general energy blindness. I rarely comment anywhere, but if there was ever a comment section to find my people...
I can’t say that you were the one to “ruin my life”, completing my undergraduate in Environmental Policy in 2020, recognizing all at once what the “actual” problem was, and how quickly we were working to undo it, ruined my life. This podcast just made it easier to explain to others. I’ve listened to every single piece of content this channel has put out, most of them while I am working. Love what you do and I do wish that it would somehow break through to the general population, although i’m not sure how you’d even begin to make that happen, especially now.
Going through the same. It’s impossible to see ‘beneficial’ way out without an energy breakthrough. Until then the Simplification is the only path. There’s the conundrum. We need techno optimism to keep pushing
Don't sell yourself short, that hat is very kool! Your channel and info has been very important indeed in the understanding of where we are and where need to be going. Cheers, keep up the good work.
Thanks for this, its great to remember the 2nd order effects of our actions/voices. Recognizing that people can change their minds helps me to maintain motivation towards this work.
Wow Nate 400 hrs of listening to you and your knowledgeable guests, I’d never counted how many hours I’ve spent but it must be round the same. One of my fellow followers, on the then Twitter, during a comment conversation on energy, materials and the economy recommended I view one of your videos and providing a link to “Energy Blindness // Frankly #03, coincidence or not you hadn’t released it long, it fitted my side oTwitter discussion exactly, I was hooked, and so back peddled through your catalog, coming across Art Berman, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Paul Ehrlich, Nora Bateson, Dennis Meadows, Simon Michaux and Thomas Murphy. Although not coming across Vandana Shiva until later have to say what a wonderful person she is, I was hooked. Unfortunately with all this new found knowledge provided by yourself, TGS, and numerous books referenced, I’ve moved away from being optimistic over the environment and the biosphere and bend not break, to one of being an Ecological Doomer, I just don’t see any other path for humanity than fast returning to a 17th century lifestyle, on its eventual way to extinction, which I now see as being the only way that other earthlings we share this planet with can survive. Somehow somewhere along the path of human development it caught the Wetiko virus, finding and utilising flammable fossils has mutated Wetiko in the worst possible way to the extent whatever is needed to save itself from its demise just Ain’t Gonna’ Happen🤔
I appreciate this particular episode very much, Nate. As I do all of them. I don’t listen to every single one, but anytime I tune in, I always feel very at home and very grateful for the conversations you have here on your channel. I was reflecting just yesterday and how I came across Mark Gafni‘s work who has recently made a profound impact on my life. Then I realized I heard about him through Daniel Schmachtenberger, who I heard about from your channel. And heard your name mentioned from Canadian Prepper Nate whose video I stumbled upon one day when doing some research about hot tents for winter camping. Absolutely mind-boggling how the thread we need to follow somehow crosses our paths in the matrix and leads us to great minds like you, the work you are doing, and the people you surround yourself with. I will be forever grateful to you and always love coming back to your channel for thoughtful, invigorating, if sometimes disturbing conversations. It’s also pretty cool that I think you said at one point you were a professor somewhere in Wisconsin. I am from Rice Lake, so of course I think it’s pretty cool as well. Much love and gratitude for your work. 🙏
Hope is a loaded word. I have grappled with it. Thanks to a course with Fritjof Capra I found out about during Nate's interview with him, I now have this quote by Vaclav Havel that makes the most sense to me. Be sure to read it all the way. Life itself, at every scale, is about trying new things. HOPE Either we have hope within us or we do not. It is a dimension of the soul and is not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world. HOPE is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart. It transcends the world that is immediately experienced and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons. HOPE in this deep and powerful sense is not the same as joy that things are going well or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed for early success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good, not because it stands a chance to succeed. HOPE is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out. It is HOPE, above all which gives the strength to live and continually try new things.
Nate, old head who knows your work from the Oil Drum days. Your ongoing evolution here and the transparent continuity of thinking and learning it represents, is enormously valuable. You deserve the feelings of value in service and purpose he helped you conjure. They should be yours to cherish whether anyone ever articulates it to you directly again or not. Much respect and admiration sir 🙏🏼✌🏼🫶🏼💪🏻
Thanks for your work Nate. I'm three years into my collapse/Deep Adaptation journey and earlier this year moved my family and started a new path because of collapse. One thing your friend (and you for that matter) might want to ponder now, is to learn about indigenous life ways. Namely the kinship world view as opposed to the modern world view. There are universal qualities from our ancestors that inform understanding about how homo sapiens evolved. Research into our brains and healing prove that indigenous culture is deep rooted in our biology. What I have found interesting is many cultures describe a person's character, not rules to live by. For example, speaking truth. If you live in community where everyone speaks truth you will be able to rely on each other. But a community where there are lies, there is also discord and soon the community will fall apart. Humility, courage, generosity, integrity, selflessness, there are so many things we need to become in order to survive the next couple decades as all this falls apart.
I've been on a quest for information for decades and am already familiar with much of what you present, Nate (although I've learnt some new from your podcasts) It's true the cognitive dissonance is too painful for most, but probably the most valuable aspect of your channel is the presenting of our challenges in one place and with multiple expert guests in different fields, making it easier to simply refer the newly curious to here. The clarity, simplicity and accessibility of such important information is rare and priceless
I am not at 400 hours but i must be getting close to 200 hours. You are doing a fantastic job Nate and i thank you for it. Count me in as one of the 1000 or 100 000 people needed to orchestrate a change.
LIFE IS SELF-DIRECTED - Thanks, Nate, for taking us along as you journey toward a better future for Earth, and for recognizing that it will be essential for each of us to discern how best to apply ourselves in this shared effort. A healthy planetary system, including all the smaller living entities they are made of (ecosystems, biomes, communities, individuals, cells, etc...), are "autopoetic". There is no way for a living system to survive, let alone flourish, by external or top-down power and control. Life is cooperative and self-directed by necessity. While I can kill a bug or cut myself just by using the power of my will, I cannot grow a bug or heal my hand just with the power of my mind. Insects, like all creatures, grow themselves from a single cell. Wounds are healed when the cells set about dividing, growing and coming together, freely and on their own, to regenerate the beautiful comunities of cells we call a "tissue". While there are essential influences from the outside, most external interference just hampers the process. Another example of this is the Korean DMZ, which our cutting-edge military technology had turned into a bombed out wasteland 70 years ago, and which has flourished since then just by being left alone, off-limits. It is now recognized as one of the most well-preserved areas of temperate habitat in the world, with abundant wildlife, including species endangered elsewhere. What I'm trying to say is that there may be a reason your efforts to quietly inspire and awaken from the periphery rather than to manage and dictate from a center of power is proving to be a fruitful path toward nurturing planetary regeneration. As the rest of us struggle to chart our own course, we are blessed look to your example and those of your guests.
I've probably put a good 100 hours into this podcast myself. Your work has inspired me to shift my focus from general polymathy toward ethics and morality, on my socials and my own channel. Thank you.
Beautiful, Nate. This is the kind of feedback we teachers, those of us committed to communicating the big picture, live for. On board and with you all the way...
Very cool that your new friend gave you his experience with your channel. No doubt that you will never know all the effects that your efforts are making. But it is important, I think, that people do tell you the ways that you have been making a difference. The more detailed their sharing, the more it will help you determine which subjects, experiences, guests, etc. will be beneficial in your quest and those who listen to your creative works.
I've been paying attention to "this stuff" since before Nate was born, so you can't shock me! And I've found the resulting social isolation to be personally beneficial. I have my two dogs and I'm a very happy person. People are just stupid and every day for the past 7 decades has proven it to me. Stupidity is contagious. Protect yourself!
@@sunspot6502 Not all people are stupid and you do realise that human beings are social creatures? When shtf only those will survive who have strong relationships to skilled and comitted likeminded people? I can think for myself so stupidity is not contagious for me. I try to find protection together with friends.
@@sunspot6502 Good for you… Dialectically sad that your wisdom never included all us silly majority people. People our age indeed brought individualism into being, as OP brilliantly portrays. Deepest thanks, OP (and Nate!).
🙌 Many thanks for your efforts and sharing of food of thoughts, and vulnerability in this important crossing point of humanity, and humanity's predicament. We are many who need to feel kinship and empowerment in this situation. I think I speak for many when I say that your pod and channels help us in this situation.
Your podcasts have not ruined my life. Rather they have brought clarity and depth to what I already but incoherently sensed was going on in the world. I hope that your future podcasts can help us ride the downslope of the carbon pulse because it's going to be a very rough trip that many will not survive. But at least it will kill our present global economy and make room for something different that relieves the stress on the biosphere we are part of.
Youve also changed mine also. At least the way ser my life. ( not ruined, enhanced) ive also listened to most podcasts by now. My first encountered you when I searched "just stop oil" in Spotify and stumbled across your 4 part episode on oil and "just stopping it" was fanciful. And suddenly it all made more sense. Thanks for your work Keep it up.
I really appreciate your outreach to people who might have the wherewithal to actually influence events. Meanwhile, me and many people I know have watched this catastrophe going down since the 1970's, and heard virtually all of U.S. society, including plenty of liberals and some people on this podcast denigrate environmentalists. So when your correspondent has some massive revelation about the polycrisis (or is that polycrises?) I really have to ask myself "have these people even been on the same planet as me?" Apparently not. I realize that people only have a limited amount of time and energy, but it pretty much takes tunnel vision to not know that some of these threats are existential. Although I suppose easier if your academic background is in how to make money from money and not the sciences. Anyway, thank you for doing such a comprehensive podcast - presenting so many angles that almost anyone can relate to at least one of them, and then maybe start to comprehend the others.
Great! One bit of constructive criticism I would have is this though, Nate: your dialogue often tends to use a lot of jargon which in many cases could be avoided and replaced with everyday language. That would help spread these ideas. Just my two cents, hope you don’t mind, and thanks to you and all the people whose ideas you feature pm this channel-you’re all doing really important work.
I have had only one question most of my life. Are there other people that see what I see, hear what I hear and feel what I feel about the world? Yes! I have found them on this podcast. Thank you Nate.
BY 2016 post-truth was in the dictionary, fact-free decisions became the crazy norm. Humans never made ANY sense to me, science education at Berkeley and Stanford grounded me in facts.
You can fool all of the people some of the time... And (alarmingly) some of the people all of the time.--P T BARNUM
Those of us who travel so far out of the boundaries need to feel grounded in fact or risk losing it...
@@steveo5295 AN Whitehead, who was _really_ "out there" in his Process Cosmology work, stated that consistency and coherence had to be your DayStars to get you through. He was more alone then in what he was doing. There are only a handful of people now, but it is good to connect with others that can at least see the problems and the shape of the solution. Nate is a good guide and connector in this sphere.
Agreed for the need to feel grounded. It is not too hard to "lose it" when you are out at the very edge.
The hard truth should be at the core of one's life, even if it's indarkenment. You can only be in the moment if you are living without delusion.
The difficult mindset. I don't know if I can...
You have had an impact on me and I am grateful for helping me cure my energy blindness. I am trying to cure others. I was a software engineer for 45 years. So I had a strong bias as to how technology would solve all our problems going forward. I am now a (retired) hillbilly homesteader in the mountains of North Carolina. My wife and I live at ground zero Helene. We have preparing for her for the past 5 years due in part to people like you. I believe that the only solution that gives us a chance to survive the approaching macro storm of simplification is to organize locally. I am trying to influence my family and anyone I can to start to build survival communities. Local food tribes need to become robust. I am lucky enough to have accumulated enough retirement money to invest in a large solar farm on our property. We are also getting proficient in growing food effectively in our area. All with the intention of being a contributor to the local community.
Thank you James for your candid, honest and down to earth approach to life. You're done things in the way I believe will lead to a sustainable and possible living. Much sucess to you and yours!
Nate, you haven't ruined my life at all. I managed to do that myself long before discovering your podcasts. 🥴
I've been down this rabbit hole for a few decades and dug deeper after retiring 12 years ago. I still don't understand why so many people refuse to even acknowledge that there's a problem, let alone that we're the ones who have caused it. One thing is abundantly clear, however, at least from my experience. Nobody wants to talk about it. I'm quite regularly ridiculed by friends and family for caring about it, especially when I take small, personal actions, like refusing to fly, or not chasing after the latest shiny object. People seem to view that as a threat, even though I'm just one inconsequential 70-year old guy.
Thank you for doing what you're doing. There are lots of us who appreciate your regular doses of sanity in an otherwise crazy world.
yep nothing is hidden just not talked about openly the dates that matter are 1913 1971 and september 17 2019
Thank you for being a Humanist,
I don’t want to call it, an activist any more. It’s clearly an act of love for Humans, and planet and the living world . Well done, I hope you can keep it strong&calm with path you’re taking.
That resonates with me quite a lot. There is an overwhelming majority of people who haven‘t the slightest clue that eco sustainability trumps everything be it social or economical. That‘s why I feel increasingly alien in my social web here in Western Europe. I decided for me that it is unethical to continue flying 15 years ago. I use to communicate that casually without putting too much moral pressure on friends and relatives. And they just continue to fly to their holidays, drive their fossil cars, live in big houses with fossil heating, buy all that useless stuff, all fuelling exponential economic growth that is a killing machine to our precious biosphere. There must be something dramatically wrong with our brain wiring. So the bend will be gut wrenching and maybe a catastrophic break inevitable.
Thanks again and have nice Christmas 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲
Winter solstice on the 21st we should know by the 25th of the Enlightenment...
@@steveo5295 Are you talking about the Integrative Enlightenment? Yes, a new Enlightenment is critical to the transition. A new perceptual framework is required.
"Thank you for ruining my life" is such a powerful compliment, much better than anything else - because it means that not only you added value to someone's life, you've also helped with creative destruction of negative values, which is like double-help :)
Nate you ARE the man. You opened the portal for me. It's all REAL TALK. And the people are paying attention. Local eco-centrism, real skills, and community solidarity IS the future! KEEP ON KEEPING ON BROTHER!
Thank you for improving my life, Nate. This channel of yours mean a lot ❤
Thank you for beating me to that comment. I was just thinking having listened to all the videos and many more than once it has help to see others with the same world view in these times.
hear hear
I wondered about the title of this video ...good click bait you got me
I see new ecosystem / habitat destruction every time I leave my house. This onslaught can be overwhelming when you are completely tuned into it. I'm 70 years old and been involved in the protection of ecosystems for most of my life.
“There is just one hope of repulsing the tyrannical ambition of civilization to conquer every niche on the whole earth. That hope is the organization of spirited people who will fight for the freedom of the wilderness.” ~ Bob Marshall
you do realise the nature is constance change al humans have do different is fight nature longer
Brilliant. Confirmation you aren't just "preaching to the choir". Your podcast is making a profound impact. The ripple effect is reaching worldwide. Always looking forward to your upcoming shows and incredible guests. Thank you Nate!
Hi Nate. I've been tuning into your podcast for over a year now and it had been immensely helpful. I'm wanting to start commenting on your videos more so here goes.
I had a situation at work recently where my co-worker is at risk of being fired for a very simple mistake. She's worked with the company for over 14 years and is a good worker.
My boss was telling me that corporate doesn't care about its workers, they only care about what looks good on paper. Which led me to thinking about how one has to be a psychopath to do something like that. This is my co-workers livelihood but they just dont care about that. They do just care about what looks good on paper.
I think that our system promotes dissociated and psychopathic behavior. In order to climb up the corporate ladder, you have to some extent, walk on others. Our legal system has been hijacked by corporations to suit their own untrammeled growth.
Anyways, I bring this up because this video reminded me of a nuance I sometimes forget. That people may feel justified in their behavior due to a worldview that was instilled into them. Motivated reasoning and ignorance are a factor in many instances. And your podcast helps many people become less ignorant.
There are still psychopaths, to be sure, but some of these people, like the nice gentlemen you talked to, are just simply ignorant.
The question becomes: What determines our worldview?
And in schmachtenbergers words:
"How do we close niches for predatory behavior?"
I have my own thoughts about this but I'll save that for now.
Anyways, happy holidays Nate. Keep doing what you're doing. You are my absolute favorite podcaster and I'm a fan for life.
You're right Nate... There ARE a lot of us out here! Thanks for everything xx
Your Franklies lend new meaning to "TGIF"! I first became aware that something was wrong with the world when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, at the age of 30. Way too young, we said, and still say. That's an old ladies' disease. I discovered specifically how cruel and limited was our medical system, which had nothing to do with health at all. I wrote books aiming to help others cope with cancer and other medical conditions, discovering complementary (i.e. "alternative" ) treatments along the way. Thus I stumbled upon the social and environmental causes of cancers and the other conditions that plague us. Down the rabbit hole of the polycrisis, further and further into overwhelm, grasping at straws to keep from drowning. And then, miraculously, I found Nate. Nate, the voice of intelligence and heart, the organizing and directing funnel through which all this stuff is collected and made more sense of. The funnel in which we all have met each other, in a sense, forming the counter superorganism hoping to bend, not break things. Thanks, Nate, and everyone. Enjoy the feeling that we are not alone.
The collective needs your channel in this present moment. Buddhist "charnel ground practice" is facing reality, as it is.
Much gratitude 🙏
Hi Nate, I just wanted to say that I feel similar. The information that you and your guests share is sometimes difficult to digest and I’ve been through a personal breakdown over the past 8 months in terms of this. And yet I’m feeling deep gratitude. For the beauty of life and for a growing understanding of the world we live in and our human predicament. I feel deep resonance with you on a heart and soul level. I can see that your message comes from a place of love. Thank you for being part of humanity figuring itself out 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
"B+ in service of the environment" is a great mantra. I haven't come across any objection for doing my best in a world where most don't see an issue.
The first time I listened to Nate Hagens on a Global Governance Initiative podcast, my mind was blown. Then I watched The Great Simplification on his channel, my mind was blown again. The I went through his educational playlist for students. I am a changed man since. ❤ Thanks!
"The demons of techno-optimism" : I love that expression.
What this channel, among others, does, it not ruining people's lifes but waking people up. Thank you for that!
@@tiwiatg2186 Right! the venture capitalist had a great elevator pitch line for Nate, but the truth is deeper and broader, not a pitch line
Count me among the immensely grateful for finding you and your work. I've shared your links with many friends and have found some 'converts', and as you say, the second (and higher) order effects are rippling out. The initial conditions of the future are being adjusted one conversation, one Frankly, one podcast at a time. Thanks again!
It's just funny that the mosre comfortable millionaires like the one spoken about CAN ALLOW themselves to rethink their lives. The rest of us will just die like rats on the pavement trying to change anything at all.
B+ can also be read as Be Positive. Thank you Nate for being. Being you, right where you need to be, doing what you're meant to do.
th-cam.com/video/RJBldx3dNnQ/w-d-xo.html "I'm exactly where I need to be. I need to be exactly where I am, I am a blessing manifest." Amy Steinberg
Nate, you did it, your message got across to an individual that one would think could not be charged. Kudos to you, awesome.
I’m one of those people that saw how the dogma of the dominant viewpoint was killing the planet, and us humans. This was in my twenties, when my story was just unfolding. My ahh moment was in college in marketing 101 class. I clearly saw how manipulative, and immoral advertising was, and how the economic arguments we have were not healthy. So I read what I could find of economic viewpoints that were counter to the conventional.
I understand how your new friend said that you ruined his life. Once one sees the situation for what it is, you can’t un- see it. This makes it harder going through life, like swimming up stream. I hope it makes one more resilient, bend and not break.
i think i've spent well over 50 hours listening to this podcast, maybe even 100 or more and i think, this podcast has brightened my life!
That was a beautiful + profound letter, Nate......just like your work. Many thanks for sharing this. It gives hope.
Nate, you are a gem of a human being. Much 💚💙
This was one of the best frankly I've seen. Thank you.
I have a lot of similar feelings. Your podcast, especially the bent not break series, as well as the Planet Critical podcast have fully reshaped my life.
I've now started working on a climate resilient community framework. I'll be trying to setup something that will allow me to offer a better chance for both the following generation and my own children.
To save someone, you do need to ruin the life that's killing them. Change to anything else, start by letting go of what we are doing.
I could certainly see how this gentleman's email affected you. And it is what we all need. Keep going, you're doing good work.
Thanks Nate for all the teachings that has changed the way I look at the world and how I approach my every day life and teaching♥️
Oh Nate, man, he's exactly right. Getting through to people like that I feel is the only way for real change.
Nate, your a good man.
"I feel terror for civilisation and yet peace in my understanding, and even joy...."
This is one of the primary benefits of collapse acceptance. The peace from understanding our predicaments allows you to take steps off the treadmill of the matrix (Nate's superorganism) and see the world in a different way. For me, looking at the world through an ecological lens just changes everything. At this stage it becomes obvious that much of what humans stress about is mere nonsense - the politics, the rage, the loss of privilege, the latest in-thing on social media - all become unimportant in the face of ecological overshoot that is irreversible on time scales relevant to humans.
And so, it becomes a quest, almost like a fantasy series from Lord of the Rings, to let this civilisation go, and focus on what is possible to replace it with. all the whilst accepting that a possible outcome is that there no kind of civilisation that can ecologically replace the current one.
I am at the point where i wonder what is the point of "saving the planet" for all of the NPCs stumbling around. I have a small tree nursery that brings me joy and will soon make me a living, but really have no faith that tree planting efforts make a difference other than to give false hope to the other non-NPCs.
@@az55544, trees are good things, planting trees is a good thing. Do the good thing and try to adopt an attitude of benevolent indifference to the outcome. What else can any of us do?
Yes, it's not about "saving the planet" for humans, but to make the planet a better place than we found it for all the other 8.7 million species on the planet, such that some of them might survive the current 6th mass extinction.
Yes, I too plant trees, our town planted a million in 2000-2002, I've helped plant over 15,000 in the last few years. Will it save the planet? No. Once the global heating really kicks in, alongside pests and diseases that sweep away entire species, a lot of our remaining woodland is history. That doesn't include the wildfires and floods.
But there is joy in seeing for example flocks of birds now using the trees we planted 7 years ago for food - in other words we have created a habitat that wasn't there before, that now supports a bit of life.
Nationally (here in UK) mass tree planting only has a 20% success rate, we've no doubt all seen the mass die-off of saplings planted by Highways Agency alongside motorways. Locally we have a 50% success rate or better, because we go back and mulch them, remove plastic rings, add new plantings, etc.
@@sultanbev I share your joy. I work in ecological restoration in the UK. Peatland restoration, woodland and wetland creation, etc. It's exhausting but hugely rewarding and meaningful. Thanks for your efforts. You're proving that humans don't need to be destructive, exploitative and dominating. We can be a force for good. We can be keystone species, co-creating with the rest of nature to restore and regenerate ecosystems. As we help nature to heal, we heal ourselves.
This podcast was far from my first foray into the collapse/metacrisis, but it is undoubtedly the most positive, and alleviates my fears about the future to a degree. Nate certainly has a way of framing negative topics in an uplifting way.
That being said, I am also painfully aware how few people share the sentiments of this channel and its viewers, especially as someone almost finished a degree in environmental science. I do still greatly worry that things will become much, much worse before a broad lifestyle change occurs in the West.
Blessed to have found your podcast, Sir! ❤
Well Done Nate! You are part of the awakening to the truth. Thank you.
Thank you Nate for all you do. All of us who care deeply about life are right with us and I believe they do the best they know how to serve the well-being of all beings on earth and beyond. I'm very grateful for you ❤ and all who are on the journey alongside us. Everybody has their own path but the goal is the same.
We want to live a happy and fruitful life.
The hat is so you... meant as a compliment. I too wear crocheted hats, one knitted by my mom. Winter is here, keep head and feet warm!
The best example of "creative destruction". Thank you mr Hagens..
As one of many members of the "400 Club" I feel for everyone who had their life "ruined" by your words. Having followed the collapse of civilization since before Peak Oil, I've often felt like the only one in my circle who comes close to understanding the implications. Your words, when they open people's eyes, are invaluable! Btw, your hat is great and is probably knit not crocheted but beautiful.
You are an inspiration!
Nate, you are not ruining anyone's life. It is many of us humans who are doing it to the planet, others unintentionally because they are trapped in a vicious cycle of survival, or some knowingly for a quick buck. The latter bunch does not care much about what future our species has as long as they make every possible gain out of the gut of our planet. I am just grateful that there are people like you and your collaborators who dedicate their lives to opening up the eyes of the rest of us. Thanks, and I wish you good health to continue doing what you are doing. Cheers
I appreciate your channel as it delves into the very complex systems and how they interact. Thank you very much!
Thanks for the impact youve had on me, my wife & my friends & colleagues in the Transition Town groups in Clacton, Brighton & Malta. I had a long night of Soul on holiday watching you interviewing Simon P Michaux, Art Berman & Steve Keen ... I woke in the late morning Calling you the 4 Horsemen - she often asks me how are the horsemen now. We were already way along the path, but its was fantastic to have a renewed round of deeper understanding of Scale & opportunity.
I find that your hat is trully warmly cool! 😉
Your spontaneity is more worthly than a lot of producción.
You have many more friends that you haven’t met.
My life was ruined during what seemed at the time, to be an endless journey. Watching the sea, and home disappear from the stern of the SS Homeric during a trans Atlantic voyage to Montreal, Canada. I was five, and immune to sea sickness. Most of my family were not. Remaining on deck captivated and soothed me. After that I had so many questions about our pale blue dot, that needed answers! Seldom have I felt them answered with such sincerity, and clarity as here, within TGS. Thanks for sharing your incredible journey with us
SS Homeric is an interesting side-bar. An era and window into the past. Thanks!
This IS your story, Nate, to all of us who see what we're collectively doing, and what's before us. Your story, this series, unites an amazing, disparate, multi-talented, thoughtful, wise group of people who hold so many pieces of what we need to be contemplating in an effort to get any kind of realistic grasp on what "sustainability" might entail. Consumer society has spoiled us, distracted us, addicted us to novelty, stuff and virtual chatter - and kept us ignorant of ecology - so much that it can be an effort to sit quietly and take in the prognosis, the causes, the inexorably worsening consequences of our overshoot, and our ecological incapability to think about how to do better. Lighter, wiser, closer together. Protecting what sustains our lives. My bit of all this has been trying to get one Canadian provincial education system to include more environmental, sustainability and climate content. It's been a slow unsatisfactory battle. Only after thirty-five years have I come to see the careful spotty inclusions, and the glaring, essential exclusions in much of what passes for "environmental education." In a line, it's designed to not complete with neoliberal market capitalism. Simple. No mentions of protection (of anything), of lessening consumption (it's what keeps GDP going), of the life-sustaining qualities of nature (only it's "natural resources" for plunder). Of what CAUSES climate change (omissions in curriculum led me to notice that the first 25 or so Summaries for Policymakers published following UN Climate COP sessions made no mention of fossil fuels! Number 26 had one. Fossil fuel companies totally determine the output of these corrupted sessions. So YOU are creating a community of people who see alike, share their particular knowledge and WISDOM (another word not included in school curriculum), and help your followers expand their knowledge and insights on where we're headed. It's painful, but we need to keep going. You already have more that that 1,000 in your audience. Thank you for your insight, courage and endless inspiration.
you are right. We cannot beat the system (neoliberal market capitalism), which is just so dominant and so all-powerful.
We need to _change_ the system. Replace it with something better. People need to be awakened to reality in order to see the mistake of the current system and the solution/correction of the new system.
Keep up your good work. Inspiring the minds of the youth - even by tiny fragments - is both magical and critical.
First time commenter, long time listener. Nate, just want to say that you are a hero in our modern information age. Thank you for sharing these stories and for all of the great knowledge you bring together for us to use to help shape our lives for the better. You are a gem of a person and I am so glad I found you.
Thank you, Nate and thank you to this community.
I am getting up in years. May retire in a few years....God willing. My retirement will free me up to help spread the word and discussions that Nate has so excellently started.
I truly appreciate your work. In this you expressed so much of what was meant by the word "love" in mid-60s Haight Ashbury. It was looking for a peaceful way to live with each other, a willingness to look at reality from various perspectives and supporting each other in that endeavor. One cannot say they want peace and support the war machine. I try to explain to folks, that means your stock portfolio.
We are entering the cycle of wars again. A time of realizing what really matters. We can't let Madison Avenue or the news swamp cheapen that. We can't let National Guardsmen shoot students. Protests must be kept peaceful. No cheerleaders, no ego, only leaders. It is the real people, poor by choice who will survive by continuously observing, questioning and meditating. "Blessed are the meek. . ." I like earth. They can go live on Mars, I'm protecting the birds and the bugs in hopes of saving life here.
So glad you had this experience, Nate. So glad. And I am deeply encouraged by the magnitude of the affect change in this person. Thank you for what you and those you collaborate you are doing.
Thank you for your heartfelt message. I call all these are part of enlightenment! Thank you for your inspirations Nate.
Learning this info completely changed my life.
I wouldn't say ruined, but everything is different now.
I hear you, Nate. The next step is actually having a physical community where people get together, and listen to one another, help each other and improve their little corner of the world.
That’s what walkable cities are for.
@@nancercize no you will be locked up the number one thing all governments did when we had the bug was stop us talking face to face
us talking face to face with no face book etc is the biggest treat to government from the day government was invented it has always divided us
First of all, thanks for your work Nate.
We really need a short primer to introduce people on the matter.
I have been trying to raise awareness of the imminent simplification but its always long videos about things they have reported to me that "are too abstract problems" which they can't even engage anymore. People seem to need something that shows them how non-abstract, immediate and make clear the outcomes that we know cant be avoided.
Working on it. (Define short).
Oh my Nate, good for you. Unlike most of us, you know your work has profoundly changed an individual. That, makes it all worthwhile. Best wishes to you as you continue to change the world, one person at a time.
That’s good news, meeting that guy. You are a champion at balancing the ugly truths with positive vibes. Thanks again for your work!
Perspective is so important. Thanks for sharing yours and helping me with mine.
Excellent for him and you! Nice for you to see a positive influence on the world. Nice that he had the emotional maturity to examine his beliefs and move through the Kubler-Ross stages so quickly! May all humans mature/evolve/grow in such a manner!
"B+ in the service of LIFE!" love it, my new motto
You did not ruin my life, Wendell Berry and Aldo Leopold among others, did that a long time ago, much to my benefit, but you have added greatly to it over the last year + when I started listening to your episodes, franklys and other pieces. It takes good thinking to develop good actions, and your thinking, along with that of your guests, is most helpful. I will keep watching or listening, and spreading the content, for as long as you keep it up. Thanks.
My life was ruined back in the 70s beginning with Jacques Cousteau.
Nate, your podcast is great. Try not to overthink it.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your voice snd info.
Good evening Nate
Yip Yip and YIP
Still clearly and utterly
Grateful for you.
“You ruined my life!” Is my favorite line, I try to use it all the time. If another being is capable of such a thing, you are ripe for it!
Thanks for the work you do.
Nate, I almost said, "me too", but actually my life was ruined in the same way a little bit before finding you by the folks at the Post Carbon Institute, starting with Richard Heinberg. But that ruin set me free. Like in the words of Janis Joplin, "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose". I'm free to imagine futures that were hitherto unimaginable, for better as well as worse. I've also listened or watched about 400 hours of your content, and read books & papers by your guests. Thank you so much for a lens into the Big Picture!
I'm here. This pod and many others like it helped wake me up.
I try to focus on finding ways to evolve our money and exchange systems as that is so integrated with this insane requirement for perpetual growth and our general energy blindness.
I rarely comment anywhere, but if there was ever a comment section to find my people...
I can’t say that you were the one to “ruin my life”, completing my undergraduate in Environmental Policy in 2020, recognizing all at once what the “actual” problem was, and how quickly we were working to undo it, ruined my life. This podcast just made it easier to explain to others.
I’ve listened to every single piece of content this channel has put out, most of them while I am working. Love what you do and I do wish that it would somehow break through to the general population, although i’m not sure how you’d even begin to make that happen, especially now.
Going through the same. It’s impossible to see ‘beneficial’ way out without an energy breakthrough. Until then the Simplification is the only path. There’s the conundrum. We need techno optimism to keep pushing
Don't sell yourself short, that hat is very kool! Your channel and info has been very important indeed in the understanding of where we are and where need to be going. Cheers, keep up the good work.
Thanks for this, its great to remember the 2nd order effects of our actions/voices. Recognizing that people can change their minds helps me to maintain motivation towards this work.
Wow. Bet that gave your soul so much nourishment. I’m a geologist in your camp. Thanks for sharing this message.
That email pretty well sums up this project 🎯
Keep the hat Nate. Don't go all glitzy on us. That's your charm and allows honesty, truth and goodwill to shine through.
You sure have been placed on an exceptional path, Sir. Thank you for pushing forward. ❤
Wow Nate 400 hrs of listening to you and your knowledgeable guests, I’d never counted how many hours I’ve spent but it must be round the same. One of my fellow followers, on the then Twitter, during a comment conversation on energy, materials and the economy recommended I view one of your videos and providing a link to “Energy Blindness // Frankly #03, coincidence or not you hadn’t released it long, it fitted my side oTwitter discussion exactly, I was hooked, and so back peddled through your catalog, coming across Art Berman, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Paul Ehrlich, Nora Bateson, Dennis Meadows, Simon Michaux and Thomas Murphy. Although not coming across Vandana Shiva until later have to say what a wonderful person she is, I was hooked. Unfortunately with all this new found knowledge provided by yourself, TGS, and numerous books referenced, I’ve moved away from being optimistic over the environment and the biosphere and bend not break, to one of being an Ecological Doomer, I just don’t see any other path for humanity than fast returning to a 17th century lifestyle, on its eventual way to extinction, which I now see as being the only way that other earthlings we share this planet with can survive. Somehow somewhere along the path of human development it caught the Wetiko virus, finding and utilising flammable fossils has mutated Wetiko in the worst possible way to the extent whatever is needed to save itself from its demise just Ain’t Gonna’ Happen🤔
I appreciate this particular episode very much, Nate. As I do all of them. I don’t listen to every single one, but anytime I tune in, I always feel very at home and very grateful for the conversations you have here on your channel. I was reflecting just yesterday and how I came across Mark Gafni‘s work who has recently made a profound impact on my life. Then I realized I heard about him through Daniel Schmachtenberger, who I heard about from your channel. And heard your name mentioned from Canadian Prepper Nate whose video I stumbled upon one day when doing some research about hot tents for winter camping. Absolutely mind-boggling how the thread we need to follow somehow crosses our paths in the matrix and leads us to great minds like you, the work you are doing, and the people you surround yourself with. I will be forever grateful to you and always love coming back to your channel for thoughtful, invigorating, if sometimes disturbing conversations. It’s also pretty cool that I think you said at one point you were a professor somewhere in Wisconsin. I am from Rice Lake, so of course I think it’s pretty cool as well. Much love and gratitude for your work. 🙏
This is THE best TH-cam channel, hands down...thank you Nate!
Very cool. You are paving the way! Life A+
I am one who has followed your feed for quite a while too. Appreciate,and consider. Thank You
Same here. Thank you for ruining my life. ;)
Trying to spread the word in the community.
Hope is a loaded word. I have grappled with it. Thanks to a course with Fritjof Capra I found out about during Nate's interview with him, I now have this quote by Vaclav Havel that makes the most sense to me. Be sure to read it all the way. Life itself, at every scale, is about trying new things.
Either we have hope within us or we do not.
It is a dimension of the soul and is not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world.
HOPE is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart. It transcends the world that is immediately experienced and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons.
HOPE in this deep and powerful sense is not the same as joy that things are going well or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed for early success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good, not because it stands a chance to succeed.
HOPE is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out.
It is HOPE, above all which gives the strength to live and continually try new things.
Thank you!
Nate, old head who knows your work from the Oil Drum days. Your ongoing evolution here and the transparent continuity of thinking and learning it represents, is enormously valuable. You deserve the feelings of value in service and purpose he helped you conjure. They should be yours to cherish whether anyone ever articulates it to you directly again or not. Much respect and admiration sir 🙏🏼✌🏼🫶🏼💪🏻
Thanks for your work Nate. I'm three years into my collapse/Deep Adaptation journey and earlier this year moved my family and started a new path because of collapse.
One thing your friend (and you for that matter) might want to ponder now, is to learn about indigenous life ways. Namely the kinship world view as opposed to the modern world view. There are universal qualities from our ancestors that inform understanding about how homo sapiens evolved. Research into our brains and healing prove that indigenous culture is deep rooted in our biology. What I have found interesting is many cultures describe a person's character, not rules to live by. For example, speaking truth. If you live in community where everyone speaks truth you will be able to rely on each other. But a community where there are lies, there is also discord and soon the community will fall apart. Humility, courage, generosity, integrity, selflessness, there are so many things we need to become in order to survive the next couple decades as all this falls apart.
I've been on a quest for information for decades and am already familiar with much of what you present, Nate (although I've learnt some new from your podcasts) It's true the cognitive dissonance is too painful for most, but probably the most valuable aspect of your channel is the presenting of our challenges in one place and with multiple expert guests in different fields, making it easier to simply refer the newly curious to here. The clarity, simplicity and accessibility of such important information is rare and priceless
I am not at 400 hours but i must be getting close to 200 hours. You are doing a fantastic job Nate and i thank you for it. Count me in as one of the 1000 or 100 000 people needed to orchestrate a change.
Thank you
Love your work Nate. Wishing you many B plus's!
Thank you for this moving and edifying message.
I am with you and the community reaching for working towards the new future.
LIFE IS SELF-DIRECTED - Thanks, Nate, for taking us along as you journey toward a better future for Earth, and for recognizing that it will be essential for each of us to discern how best to apply ourselves in this shared effort. A healthy planetary system, including all the smaller living entities they are made of (ecosystems, biomes, communities, individuals, cells, etc...), are "autopoetic". There is no way for a living system to survive, let alone flourish, by external or top-down power and control. Life is cooperative and self-directed by necessity. While I can kill a bug or cut myself just by using the power of my will, I cannot grow a bug or heal my hand just with the power of my mind. Insects, like all creatures, grow themselves from a single cell. Wounds are healed when the cells set about dividing, growing and coming together, freely and on their own, to regenerate the beautiful comunities of cells we call a "tissue". While there are essential influences from the outside, most external interference just hampers the process. Another example of this is the Korean DMZ, which our cutting-edge military technology had turned into a bombed out wasteland 70 years ago, and which has flourished since then just by being left alone, off-limits. It is now recognized as one of the most well-preserved areas of temperate habitat in the world, with abundant wildlife, including species endangered elsewhere. What I'm trying to say is that there may be a reason your efforts to quietly inspire and awaken from the periphery rather than to manage and dictate from a center of power is proving to be a fruitful path toward nurturing planetary regeneration. As the rest of us struggle to chart our own course, we are blessed look to your example and those of your guests.
I've probably put a good 100 hours into this podcast myself. Your work has inspired me to shift my focus from general polymathy toward ethics and morality, on my socials and my own channel. Thank you.
Beautiful, Nate. This is the kind of feedback we teachers, those of us committed to communicating the big picture, live for.
On board and with you all the way...
Very cool that your new friend gave you his experience with your channel. No doubt that you will never know all the effects that your efforts are making. But it is important, I think, that people do tell you the ways that you have been making a difference. The more detailed their sharing, the more it will help you determine which subjects, experiences, guests, etc. will be beneficial in your quest and those who listen to your creative works.
Thank you for enlightening my life 🥳
me too, thx a lot. But this knowlege is socially isolating and hard to bear. still I thank you.
I've been paying attention to "this stuff" since before Nate was born, so you can't shock me! And I've found the resulting social isolation to be personally beneficial. I have my two dogs and I'm a very happy person. People are just stupid and every day for the past 7 decades has proven it to me. Stupidity is contagious. Protect yourself!
@@sunspot6502 Not all people are stupid and you do realise that human beings are social creatures? When shtf only those will survive who have strong relationships to skilled and comitted likeminded people? I can think for myself so stupidity is not contagious for me. I try to find protection together with friends.
@@sunspot6502 Good for you… Dialectically sad that your wisdom never included all us silly majority people.
People our age indeed brought individualism into being, as OP brilliantly portrays. Deepest thanks, OP (and Nate!).
Yes, ignorance is bliss indeed! It's depressing to know we blew it as an 'intelligent' species.
@@sunspot6502yes, and the recent election reinforces this.
Your work inspires action. Thanks
🙌 Many thanks for your efforts and sharing of food of thoughts, and vulnerability in this important crossing point of humanity, and humanity's predicament. We are many who need to feel kinship and empowerment in this situation. I think I speak for many when I say that your pod and channels help us in this situation.
Your podcasts have not ruined my life. Rather they have brought clarity and depth to what I already but incoherently sensed was going on in the world. I hope that your future podcasts can help us ride the downslope of the carbon pulse because it's going to be a very rough trip that many will not survive. But at least it will kill our present global economy and make room for something different that relieves the stress on the biosphere we are part of.
That was awesome!
Youve also changed mine also. At least the way ser my life. ( not ruined, enhanced)
ive also listened to most podcasts by now.
My first encountered you when I searched "just stop oil" in Spotify and stumbled across your 4 part episode on oil and "just stopping it" was fanciful. And suddenly it all made more sense.
Thanks for your work
Keep it up.
I really appreciate your outreach to people who might have the wherewithal to actually influence events. Meanwhile, me and many people I know have watched this catastrophe going down since the 1970's, and heard virtually all of U.S. society, including plenty of liberals and some people on this podcast denigrate environmentalists. So when your correspondent has some massive revelation about the polycrisis (or is that polycrises?) I really have to ask myself "have these people even been on the same planet as me?" Apparently not. I realize that people only have a limited amount of time and energy, but it pretty much takes tunnel vision to not know that some of these threats are existential. Although I suppose easier if your academic background is in how to make money from money and not the sciences. Anyway, thank you for doing such a comprehensive podcast - presenting so many angles that almost anyone can relate to at least one of them, and then maybe start to comprehend the others.
Great! One bit of constructive criticism I would have is this though, Nate: your dialogue often tends to use a lot of jargon which in many cases could be avoided and replaced with everyday language. That would help spread these ideas. Just my two cents, hope you don’t mind, and thanks to you and all the people whose ideas you feature pm this channel-you’re all doing really important work.