Good topic. I have noticed that there is an abundance of clothes made from cheap synthetic fabrics (polyester, rayon) and the higher frequency fabrics (linen and cotton) are expensive and hard to find clothing items.
I just did and it seems it’s all coming from this one substack article due to there being absolutely no scientific evidence I call bs on this and we would have to speak to a religious scholar whom might be able to interpret the verses from the Bible to what they mean now as with younger generations tend to change meaning to words and so what was written in the Bible sometimes can mean something different not to mention the translation could have been amiss when it was converted to English we have now from Hebrew.
Yeah, there's no way to verify this. Unverifiable claims are a sign of pseudoscience. Unfortunately this kind of pseudoscience is rampant in the Torah community, which makes us look bad.
Good topic. I have noticed that there is an abundance of clothes made from cheap synthetic fabrics (polyester, rayon) and the higher frequency fabrics (linen and cotton) are expensive and hard to find clothing items.
This same article is all over the internet - but it sounds like complete nonsense. Any way to check a second source?
I just did and it seems it’s all coming from this one substack article due to there being absolutely no scientific evidence I call bs on this and we would have to speak to a religious scholar whom might be able to interpret the verses from the Bible to what they mean now as with younger generations tend to change meaning to words and so what was written in the Bible sometimes can mean something different not to mention the translation could have been amiss when it was converted to English we have now from Hebrew.
Yeah, there's no way to verify this. Unverifiable claims are a sign of pseudoscience. Unfortunately this kind of pseudoscience is rampant in the Torah community, which makes us look bad.
How do we attach clothing to an Oscilloscope?
Great information, did you know the Bible already talked about this. (Deuteronomy 22:11 & Leviticus 19:19)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us
thank you! great summary!
What frequency is chasmer
Not sure the frequency but it is a one of the higher frequency fabrics after Wool and linen
Thank you for this great information. Have you heard anything or have any information on Bamboo?
I will make some content about bamboo later on
Thank you 🙏
Its a myth. Organs and the body is around 60 to 78. Brain higher to 90.
Too much like linen is unnessesary