If he is singing at the Met, it is not often enough. This is really beautiful singing and I am so proud to have known him when he was still working out his technique. Boy, is it ever worked out! There are just not very many tenors like this any more - anywhere. The powers-that-be in London and New York that seem intent on ruining the art of singing for all time need to reconsider and get this guy in the spotlight - instead of what they have there now. Bravo, Fernando.
@maya4406 Pues este es un disco que se grabó con una gran orquesta, la Welsh National Opera Orchestra bajo la batuta de Sir Charles Mackerras. De los otros comentarios, no se si sea la voz del siglo, me parece que llegará más lejos David Lomelí, en el repertorio operístico similar al de Fernado de la Mora; pero en lo de Villazón, sí, él ha sido un parteaguas. Saludos.
@dendrix01 Totalmente de acuerdo! Es uno de los tantos casos del éxito del marketing. Villazón no es un mal tenor, pero al lado de este es uno sumamente mediocre. Gran voz e igual técnica. Bravo!
Bella voz y gran interpretación. Bravo, maestro.
If he is singing at the Met, it is not often enough. This is really beautiful singing and I am so proud to have known him when he was still working out his technique. Boy, is it ever worked out! There are just not very many tenors like this any more - anywhere. The powers-that-be in London and New York that seem intent on ruining the art of singing for all time need to reconsider and get this guy in the spotlight - instead of what they have there now. Bravo, Fernando.
Simplemente brillante!
¡Que hermosura!
@maya4406 Pues este es un disco que se grabó con una gran orquesta, la Welsh National Opera Orchestra bajo la batuta de Sir Charles Mackerras. De los otros comentarios, no se si sea la voz del siglo, me parece que llegará más lejos David Lomelí, en el repertorio operístico similar al de Fernado de la Mora; pero en lo de Villazón, sí, él ha sido un parteaguas. Saludos.
@dendrix01 Totalmente de acuerdo! Es uno de los tantos casos del éxito del marketing. Villazón no es un mal tenor, pero al lado de este es uno sumamente mediocre. Gran voz e igual técnica. Bravo!
il Nuovo Corelli
This is from 1995, so I really have no idea what he sounds like now. But, his voice then sounds very similar to Bergonzi, which is a good thing.