Again, thanks for the teaching. The balance between territory and influence you regularly refer to is vital for kyu players. As you say, 'I lost my corner - how can that be good?' and now it is clearly not an absolute bad.
It looks to me that in most cases the best for white is variation from 2 minute in which white is getting the corner. I would say that the variation from 5 min. is good for black only when he needs or prefers influence.
Again, thanks for the teaching. The balance between territory and influence you regularly refer to is vital for kyu players. As you say, 'I lost my corner - how can that be good?' and now it is clearly not an absolute bad.
Thanks for support ^^
You have a well organized Go brain! :))
It looks to me that in most cases the best for white is variation from 2 minute in which white is getting the corner. I would say that the variation from 5 min. is good for black only when he needs or prefers influence.
Hard to tell, because "sente or gote" is the key when we make the judgment in the beginning or middle game.
What software go board do you use? Just marking a complete area and moving all stones is awesome
Gowrite, it is free^^
I like the first picture xD you should make a meme . thanks for the lecture Doctor YW ;)
You are welcome ^^