Fana tv has to follow up this case until the end, we all want to know what is going to happen to the land and these poor farmers who are forced to leave their lands and left on the street with their family. This is outrageous, and anyone who involved in this corruption case has to go to prison where they belong.
I just want to let you know, whoever you are, that is stilling there land, there life, and dignity of these poor people. God is giving you a chance to represent and return everything you stole from them. If you are not going to do these two things, you are putting yourself and the life of your loved ones into the judgment of God. Just to remember you, God is a defender of the poor and needy. Therefore, you are going to find yourself fighting against God Himself, and your distraction will be worst than your life right now. If you don’t believe me, read your Bible yourself, you will find out what happened to people like you. Fana keep on burning and shining the lights of truth telling news for the sake of the poor and needy people. You will be greatly rewarded in the end. And we want to know the end as well. We will also pray for justice to prevail. Thank you for showing us the hidden evil.
በጣም ደስ የምል ነው ፋናዎች በርቱ ኢንዲህ መፈታተሽ ጡሩ ነው
እባካችሁ ፋናዎች የደሃዉን ህዝብ ዕምባ አብሱ እንጠብቃችኃለን
ፋናዎች በርቱ
ፋናዎች እናመሰግናለን
Good jobs thank you fbc
ዳዊት መሥፍን_መምህሬ!
Thanks this time
አንተ ጋዜጠኛ እግዚአብሔር ይስጥህ ሁል ግዜ የምታደርገው ቃለመጠይቅ ደስ ይለኛ ዛሪ ደሞ የደሀን እንባ ልታብስ ነው በርታ ልጄ
ፋናዎች የከተማው አስተዳደር መሬት አጥቶ ነው ከገበሬዎች ላይ የነጠቀው፡ ባለሃብቱም አገር እዲያለማ ቦታ ይሰጠው የስራ እድል ለአካባቢው ይፍጠሩ፡ ለገበሬዎችም ካሣ ከተለዋጭ መሬት ጋር ይሰጣቸው
ፍትህ ለተጎጂዎች
Fana tv has to follow up this case until the end, we all want to know what is going to happen to the land and these poor farmers who are forced to leave their lands and left on the street with their family. This is outrageous, and anyone who involved in this corruption case has to go to prison where they belong.
ሀገራችን ወደ ቁልቁል የሚዳርጉ መሰል ተግባሮች ነፍ ናቸው
This needs immediate action by the responsible authorities. ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የለውም በረካ!
ያሳዝናል በጣም ፍትህ የልለበት ሀገር ሙስና የተንሰራፋበት ሀገር ሌባና ነፍሰ ገዳይ ወሮበላ የበዛበት ሀገር••••
መሬቱን መመለስ ብቻ ነው እንዴ ባለሀብቱም ገቢ መሆን አለበት በጭንቅላቱ እንጂ በገንዘብ እንዳያስብ የተወሰኑ አመታት ገቢ በተደረገበት ኮርስ እንዲወስድ መደረግ አለበት
በጣም አሪፍ ነው ግን የዚን የፖሮግራም አቅራቢ እዴት ነው ማግኛት ምችለው
I just want to let you know, whoever you are, that is stilling there land, there life, and dignity of these poor people. God is giving you a chance to represent and return everything you stole from them. If you are not going to do these two things, you are putting yourself and the life of your loved ones into the judgment of God. Just to remember you, God is a defender of the poor and needy. Therefore, you are going to find yourself fighting against God Himself, and your distraction will be worst than your life right now. If you don’t believe me, read your Bible yourself, you will find out what happened to people like you. Fana keep on burning and shining the lights of truth telling news for the sake of the poor and needy people. You will be greatly rewarded in the end. And we want to know the end as well. We will also pray for justice to prevail. Thank you for showing us the hidden evil.
አንድ ትልቅ ፋብሪካ የአካባቢዉን ኢኮኖሚ የሚለዉጥ ፋብሪካ ሲመጣ ገበሬዉ ቦታዉን በግድ መልቀቅ አለበት ገበሬ ቦታ ነዉ ብለን እድገት ልናቆም አንችልም፠
ይህ ማለት ድሀዉ ገበሬ ቦዶ እጁን አይደለም የሚነሳዉ ካሳ ተከፍሎት መወጣት አለበት፠ ይህ የካሳ ሰርዓት ለህድገታችን በጣም አሰፈላጊ ነዉ፠ ባቡርን የሚያህልን፠ መሰኖን የሚያህል ፕሮጀክቶች ገበሬዎቹን እራሳቸዉ ተመን አዉጪዎቹ ቦታዉን አለቅም በሉ ገንዘብ ይጨመርላቹዋል አያሉ ተመሳጥረዉ የመንግሰትን ካሳ ተጨማሪ ማሰከፈል ብቻ ሳይሆን ኘሮጀክቶችን ከሁለተ አራትም አመት የሚያዘገጁ አልወጣም ገበሬዎች አሉ
መቼነው የምትዘገቡት ህዝበቹ ሸገርን ለመገበት ህዙቡ ሜደ ለይ ነቸው ልጆቸቸውን ጅብ እየበለበቸው
ጢባርያም የሆነ ባለሃብት ተብዬ መሬቱ ለደሃው ይመለስ
Ye sidaman kilil gud bitay min til yihun😂😂😂
Oromia lay atiserumi
አገልጥት እንደዚህ አይነት አጭበርባር
ዎይ ጉድ ይህ እኮ የአገሪቱ ከዳር እስከዳር መደበኛ አሠራሪ ነው። ሁሉ ሌባ ሁሉ ዘራፊ! ጤናማ አሠራሪ ብናይ ነበር የሚደንቀንና የሚገርመን።