When I go to print it out I noticed that my information is not correct like my birthday month year and day is totally not the same as my Id and other things so what can I do before print it out
Dear customer, we would like to inform you that you can update your demographic information through our website at id.gov.et/update. Note: If the information provided on the registration form was accurate, but an error occurred due to the registration officer, you can correct it by selecting the "Correct Demographic Data" option. However, for changes to information not included in the Registration Agreement Form, you may also use the "Update Demographic Data" option. Currently, this option allows you to update only your address and email information, provided you attach the necessary supporting legal documents.
343 ብር ከፍዬ ከዛ ከፓስታ ቤት ለመውሰድ ስሄድ RP number ጠየቁኝ እንዴት ላድርግ
ውድ ደንበኛችን፤ እባክዎን ሙሉ ስምዎን፣ስልክ ቁጥርዎን፣ FAN እና ካርድዎን መቼ እንዳዘዙ ይላኩልን።
When I go to print it out I noticed that my information is not correct like my birthday month year and day is totally not the same as my Id and other things so what can I do before print it out
Dear customer, we would like to inform you that you can update your demographic information through our website at id.gov.et/update.
Note: If the information provided on the registration form was accurate, but an error occurred due to the registration officer, you can correct it by selecting the "Correct Demographic Data" option. However, for changes to information not included in the Registration Agreement Form, you may also use the "Update Demographic Data" option. Currently, this option allows you to update only your address and email information, provided you attach the necessary supporting legal documents.
ፋይዳ መታወቂያ ላይ ተመዝግቤ ነበር ነገርግን ከዚህ በፊት አንድ በማላውቃት ሴት ስም ወደኔ ስልክ የፋይዳ ቁጥር መልክት ደርሶኛል እና ምን ይሻላል መፍትሄውን?
ውድ ደንበኛችን፤ እባክዎን ስልክ ቁጥሮን እና የምዝገባ ቁጥሮን ይላኩ።