Itthunai Krupai En Mel | MG #25 | Kirtan on Lord Krishna | Sri Ashwin Bhaskaran

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • Madhurageethams are Divine Compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These kirtans have emerged from Sri Swamiji during moments when he was immersed in Blissful Communion with Bhagavan.
    Ragam: Desh Talam: Adi
    itthunai kripai en mEl thagumO aiyA
    Oh Sire! Do I deserve the abundance of grace you shower on me!
    nappinnai nAthanE yamunait thuRaivanE
    The Lord of Nappinnai (Radha Rani), the One who resides on the banks of River Yamuna!
    uNDu uRangi oru thoNDum seyyAmal
    Eating, sleeping and without lending a hand in any seva
    kAlam uruNDODudhE en aiyA
    Time is rolling by, my Sire!
    01. bhakthi enbadu ennavenDrE nAn aRiyEn
    I do not know what devotion (bhakti) means
    shakthiyum illai thavam purivadaRku
    Nor do I have the fortitude to do penance
    pandangaLaiyum nAn viTTavanum illai
    I have not detached myself from (worldly) objects
    mandha madhiyanum nAnE AvEn
    I am verily the dull-witted one
    02. vEdamum nAn aRindOn illai
    I have not learned the scriptures (Vedas)
    un pAdamum nAn paNindOn illai
    I have not worshipped your (holy) Feet
    oru sAdhanaiyum nAn purindOn illai
    I have not indulged in a single spiritual practice (sadhana)
    sAdhu bOdhanaiyum kETTOn illai
    I have not listened to the teachings of sages
    03. un thalangaLukku vandOn illai
    I have not visited your shrines
    uLLa malangaLum pOnavanillai
    Nor have I gotten rid of my ills
    uyarnda sheelamum koNDOn
    I don’t posses lofty values either
    utthamanE mAlavanE muraLIdharanE
    Oh great one! Krishna! Muralidhara!

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