ANGOLA & Angolan Portuguese

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
  • As a follow-up to my video about African Portuguese, I wanted to look at the largest lusophone African country in more detail, with regard to Angola as a country on the whole and the situation of Portuguese spoken there. Legendado em português.
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    Music by Mark Generous - Yellow Pinwheel -

ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @CristinaGalhardoAmado
    @CristinaGalhardoAmado ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Hi Sasha. Thank you for making this video :) Kimbundu is a dying language... It was never spoken by a large number of people., when compared to other native languages, since the Ambundu people were never a majority. They were, however, politically dominant. Nowadays, the most spoken native languages are Umbundu and Kikongo, by far. Kimbundu used to be spoken by the Ambundu people, but if you spend time in Luanda and/or the province you will only be able to listen to it on rare occasions, by older people. However, it is true that the Portuguese variant spoken in Angola (and I mean all over the country as well as in Portugal, by descendants) has a lot of kimbundu words, which are an actual part of European Portuguese nowadays and can be found in a dictionary (mainly informal words). Kikongo, on the other hand, is widely spoken by the Bakongo people, and they are a large number of the Angolan population. I love Angolan Portuguese, its rhythm, open vowels and overall prosody. But I'm biased :)

  • @modalmixture
    @modalmixture 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m very impressed with all the research you have done - there is so little information online about Portuguese in African lusophone nations.

  • @josealbertoribeiro7819
    @josealbertoribeiro7819 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Por favor Sasha , se possível, faça um vídeo sobre a importância da língua portuguesa em Moçambique e quais as perspectivas da língua portuguesa neste país. Seria muito interessante........ Outra questã não poderia intercalar , Inglês e português em seus vídeos ? Seria muito interessante, e provavelmente outras pessoas também poderiam ter acesso a esses conteúdos...... Seria excelente se pudesse fazer isso. Obrigado pela excelente matéria.....mas se possível um vídeo em ambos os idiomas, seria extremamente interessante.. Grande abraço meu amigo.

    • @SachaDoesPortuguese
      @SachaDoesPortuguese  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      É provável que os vídeos fiquem com o mesmo formato de inglês com legendas por motivos de praticidade. Mas quanto ao vídeo sobre Moçambique, tenho toda a intenção de fazê-lo neste período primavera-verão!

  • @That1Bronzie
    @That1Bronzie ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this, I knew very little of Angola, and have a influx of students at my school that are from there and I wanted to learn more about where they come from.

  • @Lunalatinaa
    @Lunalatinaa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    \○/ virei teu fã

  • @pauvermelho
    @pauvermelho 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    (ler com sotaque Angolano)

  • @romanavieria8900
    @romanavieria8900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You should start with why the Portuguese colonize Angola, and they still feel intitle to a Country that's not theirs and use pictures with black in it to show the world that racism did not exist, I was born in Angola and I know it's not true 🙈

  • @pmlbeirao
    @pmlbeirao ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ironically, Portuguese colonial politics was inspired by their own experience as subjects of the Roman Empire. Latin was adopted as the lingua franca among the several tribes and promoted as the prestige language, through which local elites could become "Roman Citizens". With time local languages would be spoken only by smaller and isolated populations, until they were dropped entirely.

  • @franklinchenfranklin4840
    @franklinchenfranklin4840 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i very greatfully i was born in Rio de Janiero Brazil especially in Hospital Federal Cardoso fontes ,thank you this video very helpfully i really enjoy it.

  • @pauvermelho
    @pauvermelho 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Só uma coisa
    Apesar dos Europeus terem dividido as fronteiras de Africa no final do sec. 19, os Portugueses só começaram a ocupar de facto a grande maioria do interior de Angola e Moçambique a partir de 1920

  • @gracasilver8574
    @gracasilver8574 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Outro canal angolano : " Vlogs do Primata " ...

  • @pauvermelho
    @pauvermelho 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    5:41 " *Consolidação mais significante entre todos* "
    Curiosamente não é apenas entre os países que falam português. Angola tem a maior percentagem de falantes nativos de uma língua europeia naquela zona de Africa. Nem a Africa do Sul tem uma percentagem tão alta de africânder

    • @SachaDoesPortuguese
      @SachaDoesPortuguese  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Este é um pormenor bastante interessante! Eu teria interesse em pesquisar um pouco mais para ver o quadro geral do continente além do português, já que se fala com não pouca frequência da importância das línguas europeias no continente no contexto da sua população jovem e potencial para o futuro.

    • @danielamundamba7311
      @danielamundamba7311 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sendo angolana, isso nunca será motivo de orgulho para nós, sonho com o dia que as nossas línguas angolanas serão ensinadas nas escolas...havemos de voltar nbolo dya ngwuaku.

  • @BucyKalman
    @BucyKalman 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The so-called "scramble for Africa" took place in the 19th century. Portuguese colonization of Angola long predates the scramble for Africa though, dating back to the 16th century actually.

  • @Lunalatinaa
    @Lunalatinaa 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vc esqueceu de falar da influência brasileira no português angolano devido ao consumo de músicas, filmes e novelas brasileiras. Além dos canais de TV brasileiros estarem presentes de forma massiva e a audiência africana ser alta, como também o conteúdo pelos angolanos dos youtubers brasucas e intenert em pt-br. Muito da pronuncia do pt-angolano é fruto dessas ondas massivas de acesso ao pt-brasireiro nada a ver com os idiomas nativos étnicos

    • @joaojosesilva693
      @joaojosesilva693 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      O português falado no Brasil é uma merda, adulterado! Os angolanos falam gramaticalmente correto o português, contrariamente ao brasileiro. As telenovelas brasileiras, mexicanas isso é para senhoras que trabalham em casa e aposentados.