no matter how many times i've seen senna die. How many times i've literally rewatched how brutal his death was, this one really hit. My heart was literally beating so fast.
@ anyway they forgot to include this part Erik comas trying to help senna but it was too late but we later learn is that the new team was not aware of the red flag
@@kmbat4121 and then halfway through the race in the final 10 laps of the race, another incident occurred this time with Michaele Alberto Minardi car lost his righ rear wheel causing several mechanics to be injured by the debris
Senna foi o maior de todos, foi um dos poucos brasileiros a ter orgulho de mostrar seu pais nas vitórias, principalmente por sermos de um país tão desigual, o contexto da época de sua morte, vivíamos em um Brasil sem razões para sorrir e ele nos trazia a alegria nos finais de semana... o único e inesquecível Ayrton Senna.
That entire weekend will forever be a black mark on F1. As well as a stark reminder that the officials. Decided money was more valuable than the lives of their own drivers.
@@walover165 I’m not the biggest F1 fan and rarely say this about a Netflix shows based on real events. But they did a great job recreating Imola 1994.
@@mbry1 Well, I am a huge F1 fan, and there was so much wrong with the depiction of Imola, not least the implication that Mosely deliberately made the cars more dangerous, or that Professor Watkins told Senna poor Roland was dead *at the scene* (Roland was airlifted to Maggiore, where he died. Watkins *did* know it was hopeless, but he had no idea that Senna had gone to the scene. There also was little blood - Roland broke his neck. Senna's was the bloody accident.)
At that time, I was 8 years old. I remember the world stood still-unbelievable in a context without the internet. It was a very sad day, with my whole family watching the race on the kitchen TV while my mom and grandmother prepared lunch.
I watched it live in Finland, I was a huge Senna fan. I was 9 years old when I started to "fan" Senna in 1986-87. I was 16 when the crash happened in Imola... I still remember hoping Senna would be ok, and he will get through it and survive to race again. The devastation in the early evening when they announced Senna was dead... Senna's death still bothers me, I think I'll never get over it completely. It's still a delicate subject for me as an 46 years old man.🥲
As a German who was eight years old at the time of the accident and a fan of the young Schumacher, I saw Senna as that great legend to be beaten and the main reason why Formula 1 was so exciting, with intense battles on the grid. He was a legend. I was happy to see Schumacher beat him in the first races of 1994 precisely because I knew Senna was a legend with otherworldly speed and was definitely the greatest driver of all time.
Para voces que nao o viram correr ou nao são brasileiros... esse cara foi o maior piloto de todos os tempos... e o maior patriota que o Brasil ja teve... Senna THE GOAT... Obrigado por tudo que fez pelo esporte e pelo Brasil e obrigado pelos shows que dava aos sabados e domingos.... Obrigado.
Foi um grande piloto, mas difícil dizer que foi o maior Há grandes talentos atuais como Schumacher, Hamilton, Verstappen Fora Lauda, Fangio, Piquet, Prost
@@raulzitoo999Concordo, certamente pra mim está no top 5 da história da F1, mas dizer o melhor é complicado demais, eu nem sei dizer exatamente qual considero melhor, a exemplo de Fangio e Lauda, foram fenômenos inegáveis de suas épocas, difícil demais hierarquizar isso aí, mas como disse, acredito sim que certamente Senna está no top 5 que são pilotos extremamente parelhos p se hierarquizar.
Lembro dessa corrida como se fosse semana passada... Foi um final de semana terrível. Nós perdemos um grande esportista e um grande ser humano. As manhãs de domingo nunca serão as mesmas. Senna, vc faz muita falta. Vc foi o melhor!! Até hoje me inspiro em vc quando passo por dificuldades! Vc foi um exemplo de superação! Obrigado por tudo!
I also agree that it’s the most probable cause, but… They can’t show because it was never confirmed… imagine how many people were going to press charges against them.
It is not confirmed it was the steering column, and probably even wasn't, if I remember, this Williams at the time was always known for it's poor performance and horrible suspension after the banning of driver aids (active suspension, the transmission and etc), I've seen someone driving this car on simulator with the tank full of fuel for the race and them themselves lost control on the corner.
@@0I0lII I'm glad they handled the crash well, no over the top images of senna without his helmet with the use of prosthetics, just tension like how people felt on the day
Sensacional a dramatização, bem resumido, mas ficou legal. E era pra ser exatamente do jeito que foi, é triste sim, dói até hoje, mas Senna era único e por isso tinha que partir desta forma, fazendo aquilo que nasceu para fazer.
Watching this crash happen in real life was bad enough. Reawakening it with actors is like reopening a wound that for many fans will never fully heal. Rip Ayrton. I miss you ❤❤❤
I watched the documentary before this one and watching senna crash and the announcement of his death still haunts me and brings me to tears even others f1 drivers knows the best driver to this day is ayrton senna Michael and Lewis even says senna was the best
No matter how touching his fatal crash is to watch, the most disturbing is that has car sounds as if it had a H pattern manual gearbox while it was already paddle shifted. A bit of a mistake though...
@josiewallace7968 Yes I know, but he was a great man and had incredible race craft & awesome strategies as well. :) Same with Clark, Fangio and of course Senna.
I was a child when I was watching the tv when I saw the accident, but, watching this scene, it's the first time that I cry. Senna, the greatest of all time.
There are tragic moments in every sport that send ripples through generations, this was F1's. I'm relatively new to watching f1, so most of the time that I've heard senna's name was from all these young drivers striving to be like him.
Que saudades do tri-campeão Senna! Pra mim, o melhor piloto de todos os tempos. Foi um dos poucos brasileiros que uniu a nação. Naqueles domingos eu sentia orgulho de ser brasileiro. E sua morte chocou o mundo todo. Que falta faz um cidadão como Ayrton Senna nos dias de hoje.
Temos que afirmar uma coisa naquela época a FIA não se importava com a segurança dos pilotos e foi por isso que decidiram continuar a corrida mesmo depois da batida de Senna e mesmo eu que nasci em 2009 sei o quanto isso deve ter doido em 2022 conheci mais sobre o Ayrton Senna e eu sei que a morte dele no momento ja era esperada mas ninguém queria ouvir o obvio todo mundo queria ouvir que ele estava bem e eu não tenho dúvidas que o Senna se estivesse vivo estaria contando história sobre o seu tempo na fórmula 1 mas hoje ele ainda está correndo no céu sendo um lenda e descansando
Several drivers crashed at the Tamburello corner in previous years. All they had to do was put a wavy gravel trap and tire barriers and Senna would have stepped out of the car !
My Idol Ayrton Senna died. For me F1 died too the same time. After his death, it was only F1 V2.0 with only one real talent Schumacher. After Schumacher it is F1 v3.0 without talents.
You can watch TH-cam videos of his onboards and the steering column is visibly broken it’s on TH-cam and only a search away they don’t even show the crash for all you weak stomachs
I was 18 years old, I was in front of the TV, when I saw the crash I was happy for a moment that for once Ayrton was perhaps making a Ferrari win. An instant later I swear I knew he was no longer in his body. The movement of the head so unnatural, the blood. Then you don't believe it, you think maybe you were wrong. Then certainty. There is a wonderful song by Cesare Cremonini that says: since Senna no longer races it's no longer Sunday. And that's what F1 was for me.
Senna raced for only 10 full seasons and the three from 1994, the last one being the one he died in. So we have 10 full seasons of Senna and 17 full seasons. Senna achieved three titles, countless victories and pole positions in just 10 years. He faced Niki Lauda, Alan Prost, Nelson Piquet, Nigel Mansell and Schumacher himself. We will not know what else he would have done in subsequent years.
the problem was the wall mate.... try to learn about what happens when you hit your body with a solid at 100km/h... then, imagine with 300+... you don't need to break your helm, your brain mass will get destroyed and permanently damaged....
I don't know who this film is for, certainly not an F1 fan. I shake my head how it is possible in the 21st century to add effects from games from 2 decades ago to a film
In portuguese.....estou vendo toda hora na minha timeline esses videos do dia do acidente. Vamos lá, reflexões: 1. Esses capacetes não são testados? Não deveriam proteger a cabeça dos pilotos contra impactos? 2. Um piloto tinha morrido nos treinos, o Ratzenberger, isso por si só deveria ter sido motivo para cancelar a corrida. 3. Claramente o Ayrton não estava bem emocionalmente - cena apoiado no carro e dentro dele no grid de largada, possivelmente com conflitos com sua vida como piloto, sua vida pessoal - Adriane Galisteu, sua namorada à época, tinha pedido para ele não correr. Aviso? Possivelmente, mas ignorado. Bater meta, cumprir com obrigações trabalhistas, e outras coisitas mais lhe custaram a vida - e o desconforto de ter que correr num carro ruim e mal ajustado. Eu vi a corrida, nessa época a F1 era muito popular e lá em casa nunca perdíamos nenhuma. Vi a hora da batida e sabia que ele tinha morrido. Estranhamente todas as pessoas que foram se aproximando nada fizeram para tirá-lo do carro ou checar se ele estava bem e podia sair sozinho ou precisaria de assistência médica. Alguns chegaram perto e logo se afastaram, isso indica muito que eles sabiam que tinha sido grave e ele já estava morto. Na hora que a cabeça balança, aquilo foi só um espasmo, um estertor de morte. Galvão Bueno disse: " ah balançou a cabeça, está vivo" só que não. Eu não sei do que ele morreu, se quebrou o pescoço com a violência do impacto, se o capacete foi atingido por partes do carro, mas sério, aquilo foi a coisa mais esquisita. O muro em que ele bateu não tinha nenhuma proteção, nem pneus para amortecer um eventual impacto, ou seja não previram que naquele ponto se algum piloto tivesse algum problema, era morte na certa. O cara bateu num muro num carro merda a mais de 300 km por hora, ele não fez a curva, passou reto, o que indica que: 1. Ele perdeu o controle da direção por algum motivo, coluna de direção soltou/quebrou, ou por desgaste físico do próprio piloto; 2 ele perdeu a consciência por mal súbito; ou algum outro evento desconhecido. Ele recebeu avisos, muitos, mas preferiu correr. Correu pra morte podendo ter desistido daquela corrida, ter cobrado um carro melhor e mais seguro, ter dado um tempo da F1 e ido construir a família que ele queria, foi correr pra morte. E, sinceridade, o que fizeram com a Galisteu foi ridículo. Se ele estava com ela é porque gostava dela e da presença dela na vida dele. Ela era muito jovem na época e pelas fotos parecia estar feliz ao lado dele. Mas, as convenções da nossa "iluminada" sociedade, mataram o maior piloto da história da F1 e infelicitou a vida de uma moça que por ser de origem simples, foi mal vista, mal julgada e publicamente condenada. Ah ser humano, quando é que vais aprender😢😢😢😢? E, por ora é melhor que eu me abstenha de tecer comentários outros e mais aprofundados que talvez me colocassem em posição não muito confortável em relação aos grandes que efetivamente traçam os destinos humanos. These who would like to know what I' ve written, please find a way to translate, after these word, sorry but I' m not in the mood.😢
Ayrton senna estará sempre em nossos corações💚💛💙 English: Ayrton senna will always be in our hearts Español: Ayrton Senna siempre estará en nuestros corazones. 日本語: アイルトン・セナはいつも私たちの心の中にあります Русский: Айртон Сенна всегда будет в наших сердцах
Direksiyon kolonu kırıldı. Güvenlik aracı evet bir sorundu, ama kazayla hiçbir ilgisi yoktu. Güvenlik aracı çıktıktan sonra 6. turda Senna sorunsuz ve hızlı bir tur atmıştı.
I'll explain, in the real accident and in this series too, the condition of Senna's car was not the best, he could barely control that car, the point is that he crashed because he couldn't turn the steering wheel, if you watch the real accident with the car's camera, you will see that he tried to turn the steering wheel but the car simply went straight ahead making him crash at 230 km/h.
its strange how life is. If the initial accidents/incidents didnt happen or the safety car didnt need to stay on track that long....he would've abandoned in another turn, somewhere else. Everything happened exactly like this and boom... it blew right into Tamburello corner, and no, he was not the kind of driver that would ease at all . Strange how life is
Vc ter no retrovisor o Michael Shumacher se não pisar o pé em fundo o cara passa e aconteceu que ele ganhou, a corrida tinha ser cancelada por causa do acidente que foi fatal e ele foi a óbito na corrida , mas como F1 tem interesse e politicagem seguiu normalmente eu acho isso muita falta de respeito ,
1:39 ayrton senna fez a pole nas duas primeiras provas do ano Mas Michael Schumacher levou melhor nas duas corridas e lidera o campeonato Ai ele tenta fazer falar mais alto o seu motor renault relacione ao motor ford de Schumacher 2:03 e a parte de maior velocidade no circuito eles vão antigir aos 330 km por hora Senna bateu forte Ayrton Senna a batida muito forte
Nel punto in cui e' uscito Ayrton la non complanarità del tratto di pista ha avuto purtoppo il suo peso, avrebbe sbattuto ad una velocita 50-70 km orari inferiore quindi sui 150 km circa la sospensione avrebbero ceduto ma non avrebbe avuto quell' efetto sinistro che purtroppo ha avuto anche il trauma alla base cranica sarebbe stato inferiore
no matter how many times i've seen senna die. How many times i've literally rewatched how brutal his death was, this one really hit. My heart was literally beating so fast.
Yeah, but this was nothing compared to what happened with roger Williamson 19 years earlier
@@kevingame3198 god, imagine a movie about that.
@@kevingame3198 yk now that i think about it, they could've done that in rush since it did take place when hunt and lauda were still fighting.
@ anyway they forgot to include this part Erik comas trying to help senna but it was too late but we later learn is that the new team was not aware of the red flag
@@kmbat4121 and then halfway through the race in the final 10 laps of the race, another incident occurred this time with Michaele Alberto Minardi car lost his righ rear wheel causing several mechanics to be injured by the debris
I never cry, but I got so into this show and felt so connected to Senna, I cried my eyes out after this scene.
Same bro
Same, we all know what happened. But seeing his family and then announcing his death hit hard.
We all did
Senna foi o maior de todos, foi um dos poucos brasileiros a ter orgulho de mostrar seu pais nas vitórias, principalmente por sermos de um país tão desigual, o contexto da época de sua morte, vivíamos em um Brasil sem razões para sorrir e ele nos trazia a alegria nos finais de semana... o único e inesquecível Ayrton Senna.
Exactly the same. Couldn’t hold the tears
This show was great. Senna was truly one of the greatest F1 drivers.
Not one of the greatest,the Greatest ever.
He was the GOAT
That entire weekend will forever be a black mark on F1. As well as a stark reminder that the officials. Decided money was more valuable than the lives of their own drivers.
After Senna's death, next Dale Earnhardt Sr. died in 2001 Daytona 500, later Marco Simoncelli died in 2011 Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix
@@GamerMangakaYudi98Jules bianchi in 2014 next f1 fatality after ayrton senna then Antoine Hubert 5 years and recently Danilo vant hoff
That is not true. The way this was presented in the series was a disgrace.
@@walover165 I’m not the biggest F1 fan and rarely say this about a Netflix shows based on real events. But they did a great job recreating Imola 1994.
@@mbry1 Well, I am a huge F1 fan, and there was so much wrong with the depiction of Imola, not least the implication that Mosely deliberately made the cars more dangerous, or that Professor Watkins told Senna poor Roland was dead *at the scene* (Roland was airlifted to Maggiore, where he died. Watkins *did* know it was hopeless, but he had no idea that Senna had gone to the scene. There also was little blood - Roland broke his neck. Senna's was the bloody accident.)
At that time, I was 8 years old. I remember the world stood still-unbelievable in a context without the internet. It was a very sad day, with my whole family watching the race on the kitchen TV while my mom and grandmother prepared lunch.
I watched it live in Finland, I was a huge Senna fan. I was 9 years old when I started to "fan" Senna in 1986-87. I was 16 when the crash happened in Imola... I still remember hoping Senna would be ok, and he will get through it and survive to race again. The devastation in the early evening when they announced Senna was dead... Senna's death still bothers me, I think I'll never get over it completely. It's still a delicate subject for me as an 46 years old man.🥲
@@GaryKariesse dia ficou marcado na história,🇧🇷🥀🥀
As a German who was eight years old at the time of the accident and a fan of the young Schumacher, I saw Senna as that great legend to be beaten and the main reason why Formula 1 was so exciting, with intense battles on the grid. He was a legend. I was happy to see Schumacher beat him in the first races of 1994 precisely because I knew Senna was a legend with otherworldly speed and was definitely the greatest driver of all time.
ich auch , war 14 jahre alt und Schumacher Fan, aber Senna war für mich ne Legende im Quadrat.
Schumacher roubou, a Benneton era ilegal
Nome do cara é xarutonaruto e é alemão?
R.I.P Ayrton Senna (March 21, 1960 - May 1, 1994), aged 34
You will be remembered as a legend
@@AndresMarquina-qc3xk matematica boa a sua né
Para voces que nao o viram correr ou nao são brasileiros... esse cara foi o maior piloto de todos os tempos... e o maior patriota que o Brasil ja teve... Senna THE GOAT... Obrigado por tudo que fez pelo esporte e pelo Brasil e obrigado pelos shows que dava aos sabados e domingos.... Obrigado.
Foi um grande piloto, mas difícil dizer que foi o maior
Há grandes talentos atuais como Schumacher, Hamilton, Verstappen
Fora Lauda, Fangio, Piquet, Prost
não serei capaz de ver a série... é demais para mim, chorei a ler a biografia dele
@@raulzitoo999Concordo, certamente pra mim está no top 5 da história da F1, mas dizer o melhor é complicado demais, eu nem sei dizer exatamente qual considero melhor, a exemplo de Fangio e Lauda, foram fenômenos inegáveis de suas épocas, difícil demais hierarquizar isso aí, mas como disse, acredito sim que certamente Senna está no top 5 que são pilotos extremamente parelhos p se hierarquizar.
The race should have never happened after Ratzenbergers fatal accident the day before the race.
Why would it have been stopped people die all the time in motorsport
@TinyBearTim I suggest you read up on Italian Motorsport Law young fella.
The whole Thing should have been stopped after Rubens Barrichellos Accident.
It was the 90’s. Back then people just got on with it.
@@FiregloNo it was all about money. Bernie kept the race going
Lembro dessa corrida como se fosse semana passada... Foi um final de semana terrível. Nós perdemos um grande esportista e um grande ser humano. As manhãs de domingo nunca serão as mesmas. Senna, vc faz muita falta. Vc foi o melhor!! Até hoje me inspiro em vc quando passo por dificuldades! Vc foi um exemplo de superação! Obrigado por tudo!
they cant show that it was a steering column
I also agree that it’s the most probable cause, but… They can’t show because it was never confirmed… imagine how many people were going to press charges against them.
The FIA and Williams probably don't want to be held responsible for the car's problem But we know about the steering column
It is not confirmed it was the steering column, and probably even wasn't, if I remember, this Williams at the time was always known for it's poor performance and horrible suspension after the banning of driver aids (active suspension, the transmission and etc), I've seen someone driving this car on simulator with the tank full of fuel for the race and them themselves lost control on the corner.
They only made superficial references (like in the flashback).
@@VictorPaixao4funyeah its confirmed
I once saw a thing that said "Ayrton Senna wasn't gone. He was only 1 lap ahead of the rest of us"
@@curzongaming damn. That got me in the feels
Nunca me esqueço a hora que vi está cena. Foi um dos dias mais tristes para o Brasil e o mundo da f1 !
Rip Ayrton Senna (1960-1994) 😢😢😢
2:28 the image of Prost here shows just how horrifying it was (yes it's tv series, but you can tell everything by face alone)
Well it happened in real life and we saw the real Prost reaction , do you have a mental disability
@ I know, but I'm just saying the acting is phenomenal
@@0I0lII I'm glad they handled the crash well, no over the top images of senna without his helmet with the use of prosthetics, just tension like how people felt on the day
I think we need films about Jackie Stewart and other legends
Sensacional a dramatização, bem resumido, mas ficou legal. E era pra ser exatamente do jeito que foi, é triste sim, dói até hoje, mas Senna era único e por isso tinha que partir desta forma, fazendo aquilo que nasceu para fazer.
Exato amigo, lindas palavras! Aquilo que nasceu pra fazer!
Watching this crash happen in real life was bad enough. Reawakening it with actors is like reopening a wound that for many fans will never fully heal. Rip Ayrton. I miss you ❤❤❤
I remember seeing this live like it was yesterday. Sad times
He should've stayed with McLaren and never join Williams
I watched the documentary before this one and watching senna crash and the announcement of his death still haunts me and brings me to tears even others f1 drivers knows the best driver to this day is ayrton senna Michael and Lewis even says senna was the best
It's such a great series.
I knew it was coming, but it still hurt.
The parade at the end when he got back home just killed me.
This was such a cursed race week, I can’t even get my words out. All those accidents in a single race… It’s just unbelievable.
Only death stop the king of rain 😢
Il avait quasiment le même âge que moi ... !! RIP Ayrton ..!! 😔
No matter how touching his fatal crash is to watch, the most disturbing is that has car sounds as if it had a H pattern manual gearbox while it was already paddle shifted. A bit of a mistake though...
And not to mention the three downshifts while going through Tamburello
The engine sound is completely wrong, it’s a V8 while the real car had a Renault V10 and semi-automatic gearbox.
Ayrton was so special... He was like Jim CLARL... So quick.. Both died in the same way, racing and in a curve.....
I remember watching this live on TV when I was 20 years old. This series brought back so many memories.
Lembro no plantao do jornal la no Japao... Quando chegou essa informacao , os repórteres nao tiveram chao e comecaram a chorar ao vivo .. foi triste
Tem no yutube esse plantão deles
I watched some weeks before on Netflix this documentary series as a great F1 fan
most of us know it was gonna happen and still cried
RIP Ayrton Senna, the greatest driver who ever lived besides Jim Clark and Striling Moss & Juan Manuel Fangio. :)
Stirling Moss??? Don't make me laugh, he was never F1 champion
@josiewallace7968 Yes I know, but he was a great man and had incredible race craft & awesome strategies as well. :) Same with Clark, Fangio and of course Senna.
I was a child when I was watching the tv when I saw the accident, but, watching this scene, it's the first time that I cry. Senna, the greatest of all time.
There are tragic moments in every sport that send ripples through generations, this was F1's. I'm relatively new to watching f1, so most of the time that I've heard senna's name was from all these young drivers striving to be like him.
This day will forever hurt.
This is exactly what I should do on my upcoming go kart race. I'm coming, Ayrton.
I miss him so much😭😭😭he was a best
Respect for this automotive legend! He’s one that will be respected and remembered forever.
May, 1st, 1994: a day never forget.😭
You weren’t even alive
@@andrewr7982 you dont even know how old he is bud
@@iamrons I’m judging him based off the pic bud, unless he’s a creep and using someone else’s picture.
Que saudades do tri-campeão Senna! Pra mim, o melhor piloto de todos os tempos. Foi um dos poucos brasileiros que uniu a nação. Naqueles domingos eu sentia orgulho de ser brasileiro. E sua morte chocou o mundo todo. Que falta faz um cidadão como Ayrton Senna nos dias de hoje.
Para quem diz que foi a morte que tornou Senna num mito, Senna ja era um mito da F1 antes do acidente.
Temos que afirmar uma coisa naquela época a FIA não se importava com a segurança dos pilotos e foi por isso que decidiram continuar a corrida mesmo depois da batida de Senna e mesmo eu que nasci em 2009 sei o quanto isso deve ter doido em 2022 conheci mais sobre o Ayrton Senna e eu sei que a morte dele no momento ja era esperada mas ninguém queria ouvir o obvio todo mundo queria ouvir que ele estava bem e eu não tenho dúvidas que o Senna se estivesse vivo estaria contando história sobre o seu tempo na fórmula 1 mas hoje ele ainda está correndo no céu sendo um lenda e descansando
Brilliantly done series! His fatal accident never fails to make me cry!
No it wasn’t this was garbage!! You can’t see anything, it’s so blurry and up close there’s no sense of scale
Cuidando de seu instituto aqui no Brasil com certeza. 😢 🇧🇷
Q.E.P.D. Ayrton Senna (1960-1994) 😢😢😢
Several drivers crashed at the Tamburello corner in previous years. All they had to do was put a wavy gravel trap and tire barriers and Senna would have stepped out of the car !
Para gente que é brasileiro n tem dor maior😢
Que bien recrearon el audio de Cabrini 😢
1) steering column got broken %1000
2) senna = goat undoubtedly
3) senna = the ultimate driver's driver
4) senna = god given talent
My Idol Ayrton Senna died. For me F1 died too the same time. After his death, it was only F1 V2.0 with only one real talent Schumacher. After Schumacher it is F1 v3.0 without talents.
podem falar o que for! Senna o maior piloto que ja pisou na terra!
You can watch TH-cam videos of his onboards and the steering column is visibly broken it’s on TH-cam and only a search away they don’t even show the crash for all you weak stomachs
Yes, and worse, he knew something was wrong with the steering the lap before, but he carried on anyway. The racer in him would never give up.
@ 100 percent. Dude knew the barrier moved quarter of an inch in Dallas. There’s no shot he didn’t know something was wrong.
The connection you feel to Senna while watching the series makes you want him to still be alive and want it changed 🥲
Legends never dies
small detail...the helmet visor was dark
May 1, 1994 will be remembered as the tragic departure of Senna and the death of Formula 1.
He's number one... Period.
I was 18 years old, I was in front of the TV, when I saw the crash I was happy for a moment that for once Ayrton was perhaps making a Ferrari win. An instant later I swear I knew he was no longer in his body. The movement of the head so unnatural, the blood. Then you don't believe it, you think maybe you were wrong. Then certainty. There is a wonderful song by Cesare Cremonini that says: since Senna no longer races it's no longer Sunday. And that's what F1 was for me.
Senna raced for only 10 full seasons and the three from 1994, the last one being the one he died in. So we have 10 full seasons of Senna and 17 full seasons. Senna achieved three titles, countless victories and pole positions in just 10 years. He faced Niki Lauda, Alan Prost, Nelson Piquet, Nigel Mansell and Schumacher himself. We will not know what else he would have done in subsequent years.
Escena bastante triste
pace car was an opel vectra A, not an Alfa Romeo
steering column broken
the problem was the wall mate.... try to learn about what happens when you hit your body with a solid at 100km/h... then, imagine with 300+... you don't need to break your helm, your brain mass will get destroyed and permanently damaged....
I don't know who this film is for, certainly not an F1 fan. I shake my head how it is possible in the 21st century to add effects from games from 2 decades ago to a film
Goodbye Ayrton Senna
If he only went fishing with Sid.
Common sense would put a $100 tire barrier there.
I was stunned as it was horriable weekend like Dales at Daytona in feb 18 01.
Epic scene! And the music - brilliant composition! Can anyone tell me the name of it, please... Sounds here... 01:45 - 02:11 . Thank you in advance!
I'm getting some Rush vibes with the cinematography.
They put Alfa 155 as safety car...😮 It was vectra!
In portuguese.....estou vendo toda hora na minha timeline esses videos do dia do acidente. Vamos lá, reflexões: 1. Esses capacetes não são testados? Não deveriam proteger a cabeça dos pilotos contra impactos? 2. Um piloto tinha morrido nos treinos, o Ratzenberger, isso por si só deveria ter sido motivo para cancelar a corrida. 3. Claramente o Ayrton não estava bem emocionalmente - cena apoiado no carro e dentro dele no grid de largada, possivelmente com conflitos com sua vida como piloto, sua vida pessoal - Adriane Galisteu, sua namorada à época, tinha pedido para ele não correr. Aviso? Possivelmente, mas ignorado. Bater meta, cumprir com obrigações trabalhistas, e outras coisitas mais lhe custaram a vida - e o desconforto de ter que correr num carro ruim e mal ajustado.
Eu vi a corrida, nessa época a F1 era muito popular e lá em casa nunca perdíamos nenhuma. Vi a hora da batida e sabia que ele tinha morrido. Estranhamente todas as pessoas que foram se aproximando nada fizeram para tirá-lo do carro ou checar se ele estava bem e podia sair sozinho ou precisaria de assistência médica. Alguns chegaram perto e logo se afastaram, isso indica muito que eles sabiam que tinha sido grave e ele já estava morto. Na hora que a cabeça balança, aquilo foi só um espasmo, um estertor de morte. Galvão Bueno disse: " ah balançou a cabeça, está vivo" só que não.
Eu não sei do que ele morreu, se quebrou o pescoço com a violência do impacto, se o capacete foi atingido por partes do carro, mas sério, aquilo foi a coisa mais esquisita. O muro em que ele bateu não tinha nenhuma proteção, nem pneus para amortecer um eventual impacto, ou seja não previram que naquele ponto se algum piloto tivesse algum problema, era morte na certa. O cara bateu num muro num carro merda a mais de 300 km por hora, ele não fez a curva, passou reto, o que indica que: 1. Ele perdeu o controle da direção por algum motivo, coluna de direção soltou/quebrou, ou por desgaste físico do próprio piloto; 2 ele perdeu a consciência por mal súbito; ou algum outro evento desconhecido.
Ele recebeu avisos, muitos, mas preferiu correr. Correu pra morte podendo ter desistido daquela corrida, ter cobrado um carro melhor e mais seguro, ter dado um tempo da F1 e ido construir a família que ele queria, foi correr pra morte.
E, sinceridade, o que fizeram com a Galisteu foi ridículo. Se ele estava com ela é porque gostava dela e da presença dela na vida dele. Ela era muito jovem na época e pelas fotos parecia estar feliz ao lado dele. Mas, as convenções da nossa "iluminada" sociedade, mataram o maior piloto da história da F1 e infelicitou a vida de uma moça que por ser de origem simples, foi mal vista, mal julgada e publicamente condenada. Ah ser humano, quando é que vais aprender😢😢😢😢? E, por ora é melhor que eu me abstenha de tecer comentários outros e mais aprofundados que talvez me colocassem em posição não muito confortável em relação aos grandes que efetivamente traçam os destinos humanos.
These who would like to know what I' ve written, please find a way to translate, after these word, sorry but I' m not in the mood.😢
His crash to horrific. Until had only show flying debris in this scene😔
Uma série que ninguém pediu e que ninguém precisava
I cried a lot omg
Ayrton senna estará sempre em nossos corações💚💛💙
English: Ayrton senna will always be in our hearts
Español: Ayrton Senna siempre estará en nuestros corazones.
日本語: アイルトン・セナはいつも私たちの心の中にあります
Русский: Айртон Сенна всегда будет в наших сердцах
Frank Williams knows what he did
Hepsi güvenlik aracının suçuydu. Daha hızlı gitmesini söyledi fakat tempra daha fazlasını yapamıyordu.
The lack of the speed of the safety car was a contributing factor, definitely.
Direksiyon kolonu kırıldı. Güvenlik aracı evet bir sorundu, ama kazayla hiçbir ilgisi yoktu. Güvenlik aracı çıktıktan sonra 6. turda Senna sorunsuz ve hızlı bir tur atmıştı.
Schumi is seen Senna's fatal crash at Tamburello corner
2:03 😢😢😢❤
i got very emo with ep 5 & 6
Mesmo sabendo o final eu torci pra ele bater 😢
Coming up to the crash I’m like eh like it gets nervous
After watching the series, I felt as if he had hit on purpose, everyone with me felt that, it was strange.
I'll explain, in the real accident and in this series too, the condition of Senna's car was not the best, he could barely control that car, the point is that he crashed because he couldn't turn the steering wheel, if you watch the real accident with the car's camera, you will see that he tried to turn the steering wheel but the car simply went straight ahead making him crash at 230 km/h.
1.19 anyone know the music name? Pls 🫶🏻
1.18 whats the music name? Anyone knows??
Não era pra ele ter morrido nessa corrida era pra ele ter vencido ❤ e dado continuidade o filme dele ❤
2:09 o momento do acidente de Ayrton Senna.😢
its strange how life is. If the initial accidents/incidents didnt happen or the safety car didnt need to stay on track that long....he would've abandoned in another turn, somewhere else. Everything happened exactly like this and boom... it blew right into Tamburello corner, and no, he was not the kind of driver that would ease at all . Strange how life is
I feel him like the goat. A diferent feeling when compared with Schumacher and Fangio.
0:51 why does the guy on the left kinda look like matpat
Its just a theory he's there
Vc ter no retrovisor o Michael Shumacher se não pisar o pé em fundo o cara passa e aconteceu que ele ganhou, a corrida tinha ser cancelada por causa do acidente que foi fatal e ele foi a óbito na corrida , mas como F1 tem interesse e politicagem seguiu normalmente eu acho isso muita falta de respeito ,
Se cancelasse ele seria o primeiro a reclamar
Era o pole
1:39 ayrton senna fez a pole nas duas primeiras provas do ano
Mas Michael Schumacher levou melhor nas duas corridas e lidera o campeonato
Ai ele tenta fazer falar mais alto o seu motor renault relacione ao motor ford de Schumacher
2:03 e a parte de maior velocidade no circuito eles vão antigir aos 330 km por hora
Senna bateu forte
Ayrton Senna a batida muito forte
Nel punto in cui e' uscito Ayrton la non complanarità del tratto di pista ha avuto purtoppo il suo peso, avrebbe sbattuto ad una velocita 50-70 km orari inferiore quindi sui 150 km circa la sospensione avrebbero ceduto ma non avrebbe avuto quell' efetto sinistro che purtroppo ha avuto anche il trauma alla base cranica sarebbe stato inferiore
I hate these shows that aren’t faithful reproductions 😖.