All back of the head shots Wilder landed on Fury. Some of these may be considered legal but most are illegal rabbit punches: ROUND 2 54 s remains: 2 back of head right hands from Wilder ROUND 3 2:27 before the end of round, back of head shot from Wilder during clinch 1:59 before the round ends, Wilder's left hook lands on the back of the Fury's head 1:06 left in R3, behind the ear shot by Wilder during Clinch ROUND 4 2:51 remaining in the round, a hard back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch 1:09 to 1:07 minutes left in R4, 3 back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch while leaning on the rope 59 s remains, back of the head from Wilder shot did not connect properly a second later back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch :04 top of the head right hand from Wilder. Fury moved down his head End of round right at the bell, Wilder hits at the back of the head during clinch ROUND 5 3 seconds in, 2 back to back shots on top of Fury's head a second later, Wilder lands another back of the head punch from above as referee yells Stop 2 seconds later, back of head from Wilder during clinch before Fury's lands an upper cut 2:30 remains, both fighter hit each other behind the ear 1:17 remaining, after knockdown there's a back of the head shot from Wilder 1:01 left in the round, back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch 6 sec remaining, another back of the head shot from Wilder ROUND 6 2:48 left before the end of the round, there's a back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch 2:39 remains, back of the head left hand from Wilder 2:10 back of the head shot from Wilder after fury's lands a body shot 1:48 remains, there's a right hand from Wilder at the back of Fury's head behind his left ear 1:27, back of the head from Wilder 1:24 left in round 6, top of the head Vertical shot from Wilder 1 min left in the round, back of the head shot from Wilder as Fury comes head first :58 before round's end, back of the head left hook from Wilder ROUND 7 1:46 punch lands back of the head as Fury ducks down Fury kept grabbing,leaning and holding but Wilder clearly landed a lot more rabbit punches compared to Fury
I remember you were talking about Fury punching incorrectly, with the backhand, the wrist etc. Now everyone has jumped on it LOL, shows who knows boxing and who doesn't.... Let's be honest....this is hilarious to watch, its just like when they brought Rigo to get thrashed by Loma. Their hero's getting taken down one by one
I noticed in the fight week leading up to this fight they were trying to come into with that “black vs white” angle and Tyson had to shut down their questions Wilder did the whole black history month thing and embarrassed himself. People need to stop with victim mentality looking for race issues where they don’t exist. It’s a sport
To be honest, I think both were Juicy for this.. but, even if thats true, would the Wilder fans really believe thats the only reason he lost? I've seen conspiracies about blood (he never touched Wilder with his tongue CLEARLY on replay), steroids, gloves etcetera.. everything except the actual issue at hand; Deontay never learned to adapt. He has said for years he only needs to be perfect for one second. He never wanted to learn. Tyson Fury actually has altered his style multiple times from 2008-2015 and from 2018-2020. Wilder is showing off his homosexual tendancies a lot more now. His fans have always been that way, but Wilder is clearly a lot more feminine than we thought. Its not normal for anyone, except women and rock stars imo lol, to wear skirts, nose rings, man bags (Kovalev had one too but I think thats different tbh), claims to want to get pregnant and.. he twerked in a room full of other grown 'men'.
Unbelievable that they were saying Tyson cheated via gloves and now it’s come out Wilder may have cheated with his gloves by hitting walls before coming out to loosen his padding
Wilder is being investigated by NSAC for tampering his gloves, and they were accusing Fury lmao. *Edit* : not confirmed yet but in BoxRec, it shows that he's already suspended by NSAC until late April, looking forward if it's just a troll or not.
@@arber124 all boxers that get a beating get an automatic suspension 30-90 days depending which commission it is think new york dish out a 90 day auto suspension after a fight think its just a health thing,,lol the glove thing could be interesting i havent heard anything about that though
Ive heard someone say "why did mark breland give Wilder a fresh bottle of water huh?! he was poisoned"... more like Deontays other water bottles were filled with his own blood LMFAO
Oh my God lol. I know you read this a lot in comment sections about laughing out loud, but in this case I really did laugh out loud at “ the I’m being opwessed lol. Who’s the guy wanting reparations lol. Fortunately the boxing public ain’t as daft as what the minority LDBC community would like to think.
@@nordicwarrior5014 lmao okay mate.. I saw a boxing glove flopping about not on probley. Fury has been cheating before got banned for steroids so hes not as clean as you think. Why your boy team cover up the cameras in the dressing room just before the fight?
You know mate? I was only thinking last night after seeing Counterpunch boxing video about this shit, and my exact thought were that Nordic won’t really wanna even bother respond to this shit. I kid you not lol. Anyhow here we are, and I’m glad for it, as I knew you’d have it right. I’ve always been on the same page re Fury in that I never cared for his illegal, silly backhand jabs and slapping style albeit I always thought if he could go back to how he was in Chisora no 2 fight and actually sit on his punches, he’d be worth watching. These idiots and I’ve gone back n forth with a few, can’t get their head round Fury sitting on his punches and coming forward. They trying to say he’s now using his fist as oppose to a boxing gloves in a twelve round fight lol.
America is fucked . . . UK Fans get behind fighters regardless of colour . . . . Bruno , Hatton , Benn , Hamed , Froch , . . . you wont get a more diverse selection of popular Boxers . . . But certain White American fight fans would back a White Eastern European over a Black American . . . . That's what your dealing with
I’m new to your videos and I think you talk incredible sense. I would like to point out that you should probably work on your phrasing as at times you come across as a racist. I don’t think you are and I hope you aren’t. I would if I were you is to steer clear of calling a whole race self entitled when they are by far from it. I understand the fanboyism of Deontay Wilder and other black fighters but that is because certain every day fans that happen to be black haven’t much to hang their hat on it’s a masssive escape for them. Please refrain from sounding like you don’t like black people because as a fan of boxing that would be silly. There have been many an incredible black boxer. And as a community it’s also away to escape poverty as it is white lads in inner cities of the uk. Don’t let race be an arguing point. You weaken your argument. The true argument is it’s non boxing fans that look at deontay’s record and think he’s awesome. No fully fledged fan does.
Not feeling the rhetoric here. I agree that Wilder and his "fans" are racist and uneducated, but the generalisations here andhating on black Americans is factually incorrect and lazy stereotyping. But hey, your channel is Nordicwarrior 🤷🏿♂️
for normal african americans in the USA there is actual racism nowadays, even now, and they have to deal with it sometimes - thats part of why these guys have this bad attitude - we dont realise that this still goes on since we live in the UK we're not dealing with that sort of thing. for example: police get called to a situation in certain places in USA. there is a black dude at the scene (totally unrelated), police auto arrest them - its stuff like that - unheard of in UK. we must remember that.
This isn't true the way you're putting it. Police here in America are no different to whites. Of course there are very rare exceptions. Does racism still exist? Yes but in certain specific ways. What you're referring to is high crime rate areas here in America. Which are dominated by Browns. Police are going to be more racial then, I don't agree with it but it's understandable. I'm not even going to discuss statistics. Police are police here, they're very corrupt. They don't care what color you are. Brown police are just as racial against other browns. There a ton of Brown police taking out other Browns. The problem is Brown on Brown crime. Please don't feel bad for Browns here in America. Edit - I had to replace words. The comment wasn't going through. So forgive me.
@elliot j In the UK they don't stop and search black people out of fear of being called wayciss. I on the other hand have been stopped multiple times, despite the fact knife crime in this country is overwhelmingly from you know who.
AllBoxingTalkAndNews I 💯% agree with what your saying... it is different in America to the UK. I’m black & I live in London & I had no idea how far back Americans were when it came to race issues. On a person to person ration (not as an independent figure but as a percentage likelihood) an unarmed black person is more likely to be killed that any other demographic... there is real racism in America... I saw Larry Merchant on an interview just recently saying he’s glad that the “Black hope” in Wilder is finally over... whilst I’m glad Wilder has been exposed, there is still this bullshit where it’s a Black & White thing over there... UK networks wouldn’t even begin to touch that kind of subject because it’s actually uncomfortable listening to hear any of that kinda talk. But... this appears to be a symbiotic relationship because the black demographic in America (I’m referring to the ghettos in particular) have some of the most dysfunctional, self destructive, violence combined with a victim mentality that I’ve ever seen in my life... The LDBC bring race into EVERYTHING, speak racial slurs about non blacks but then complain that non black people are racist 🤦🏽♂️ its some of the most bizarre set of behaviours I’ve ever seen. I got called a “coon” because I wanted Fury to beat Wilder & give him a sustained beating like he did in that fight 😂 I’m glad Fury beat him up & I’m glad that the LDBC are truly showing their fragile weak inner selves because even if they won’t verbally admit it, they know they’re not real men when they look in the mirror. Of all the fanboy groups I’ve seen over the years, the Mayweather fanboys, the Pacquiao fanboys, the GGG fanboys, I must admit I miss those obsessed fanboys dearly compared to the Wilder fanboys! The Wilder fanboys have raised the bar for stupidity to a whole other level that I didn’t think was possible from grown ass men, I really didn’t... Anybody who is racist is mentally limited so therefore I perceive them as someone who suffers from some sort of mental disability... black or white, it don’t matter.. a racist is a fucking racist 👍🏽
All back of the head shots Wilder landed on Fury. Some of these may be considered legal but most are illegal rabbit punches:
54 s remains: 2 back of head right hands from Wilder
2:27 before the end of round, back of head shot from Wilder during clinch
1:59 before the round ends, Wilder's left hook lands on the back of the Fury's head
1:06 left in R3, behind the ear shot by Wilder during Clinch
2:51 remaining in the round, a hard back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch
1:09 to 1:07 minutes left in R4, 3 back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch while leaning on the rope
59 s remains, back of the head from Wilder shot did not connect properly
a second later back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch
:04 top of the head right hand from Wilder. Fury moved down his head
End of round right at the bell, Wilder hits at the back of the head during clinch
3 seconds in, 2 back to back shots on top of Fury's head
a second later, Wilder lands another back of the head punch from above as referee yells Stop
2 seconds later, back of head from Wilder during clinch before Fury's lands an upper cut
2:30 remains, both fighter hit each other behind the ear
1:17 remaining, after knockdown there's a back of the head shot from Wilder
1:01 left in the round, back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch
6 sec remaining, another back of the head shot from Wilder
2:48 left before the end of the round, there's a back of the head shot from Wilder during clinch
2:39 remains, back of the head left hand from Wilder
2:10 back of the head shot from Wilder after fury's lands a body shot
1:48 remains, there's a right hand from Wilder at the back of Fury's head behind his left ear
1:27, back of the head from Wilder
1:24 left in round 6, top of the head Vertical shot from Wilder
1 min left in the round, back of the head shot from Wilder as Fury comes head first
:58 before round's end, back of the head left hook from Wilder
1:46 punch lands back of the head as Fury ducks down
Fury kept grabbing,leaning and holding but Wilder clearly landed a lot more rabbit punches compared to Fury
I wish Breland hadn't thrown in the towel so spaghetti-legs could've left on a stretcher, but then LDBC would've called it a hate crime.
You got that right. By the way, to all British 🏴boxing fans-DW(dimmed witted) is NOT the best of America 🇺🇸, but the ABSOLUTE WORST!
I remember you were talking about Fury punching incorrectly, with the backhand, the wrist etc. Now everyone has jumped on it LOL, shows who knows boxing and who doesn't....
Let's be honest....this is hilarious to watch, its just like when they brought Rigo to get thrashed by Loma. Their hero's getting taken down one by one
@@johnconnor6114 haha not bad mate 😁
"They shit 40 pounds..." The best line I I've heard all day! Great rant!
I noticed in the fight week leading up to this fight they were trying to come into with that “black vs white” angle and Tyson had to shut down their questions Wilder did the whole black history month thing and embarrassed himself. People need to stop with victim mentality looking for race issues where they don’t exist. It’s a sport
you speak the truth bro.🏆
I'm not black or white. I'm Mexican American. I don't care about race in boxing. may the best man win.
To be honest, I think both were Juicy for this.. but, even if thats true, would the Wilder fans really believe thats the only reason he lost? I've seen conspiracies about blood (he never touched Wilder with his tongue CLEARLY on replay), steroids, gloves etcetera.. everything except the actual issue at hand; Deontay never learned to adapt. He has said for years he only needs to be perfect for one second. He never wanted to learn. Tyson Fury actually has altered his style multiple times from 2008-2015 and from 2018-2020.
Wilder is showing off his homosexual tendancies a lot more now. His fans have always been that way, but Wilder is clearly a lot more feminine than we thought. Its not normal for anyone, except women and rock stars imo lol, to wear skirts, nose rings, man bags (Kovalev had one too but I think thats different tbh), claims to want to get pregnant and.. he twerked in a room full of other grown 'men'.
"Veteran Tactics''
Unbelievable that they were saying Tyson cheated via gloves and now it’s come out Wilder may have cheated with his gloves by hitting walls before coming out to loosen his padding
Wilder is a scumbag thug. I would put nothing past him.
I think its just a little payback for wilders fans. I don't think it happened, but i love that somebody made it up.
Wilder refused to give VADA a drug sample. Goes back to the whole entitlement thing lol
Wilder is being investigated by NSAC for tampering his gloves, and they were accusing Fury lmao. *Edit* : not confirmed yet but in BoxRec, it shows that he's already suspended by NSAC until late April, looking forward if it's just a troll or not.
This is true I've seen it put can't remember where
john wayne I saw that on Twitter, not official yet but check BoxRec, it shows he's suspended by NSAC until April
Ricky Vw I saw it on Twitter, not confirmed yet tho
@@arber124 all boxers that get a beating get an automatic suspension 30-90 days depending which commission it is think new york dish out a 90 day auto suspension after a fight think its just a health thing,,lol the glove thing could be interesting i havent heard anything about that though
scot Ex scarrier yeah just checked that, it's fake I guess
Great video!!! 👍 The monolog is more relevant now than ever! 😂
Ive heard someone say "why did mark breland give Wilder a fresh bottle of water huh?! he was poisoned"... more like Deontays other water bottles were filled with his own blood LMFAO
You speak the truth thanks for having the courage to say it
Just turnt up the BASED @ 4:16
Very well said, as john wayne is saying you hit the nail. But to be honest, at the same time I'm very entertained by their antics.
10/10 vid completely agree, said it once ill say it again, best boxing channel on youtube imo.
Oh my God lol. I know you read this a lot in comment sections about laughing out loud, but in this case I really did laugh out loud at “ the I’m being opwessed lol. Who’s the guy wanting reparations lol.
Fortunately the boxing public ain’t as daft as what the minority LDBC community would like to think.
Morrowind is a great game!!! Deontay is bum
Both facts 100%
Hard to disagree with anything. I'd just qualify this re: black fans: #notAll. Because I'm so PC.
I didnt want to see the 3rd one, Now after all the excuses, I need to see the immediate 3rd fight.
Great channel 🤩👍
Respect you for speaking the truth.
Good points.
2 of the judges were Jewish, if it went to points Tyson would have had a huge disadvantage.
It's a race thing, it's always a race thing :)
I was a huge fan of fury mate. But facts are facts I seen the pictures and video with my own eyes.
I saw the videos and saw nothing but speculation.
@@nordicwarrior5014 lmao okay mate.. I saw a boxing glove flopping about not on probley. Fury has been cheating before got banned for steroids so hes not as clean as you think. Why your boy team cover up the cameras in the dressing room just before the fight?
@@kinguploader7344 u mad, boy?
@@PatkaBoy831 I'm not mad I'm just the 1 getting in the ring and I'm not the 1 cheating. Lol
yo what game is this?
100% facts
Thanks bro.
As a white american, this is so fuckin true.
You know mate? I was only thinking last night after seeing Counterpunch boxing video about this shit, and my exact thought were that Nordic won’t really wanna even bother respond to this shit. I kid you not lol.
Anyhow here we are, and I’m glad for it, as I knew you’d have it right.
I’ve always been on the same page re Fury in that I never cared for his illegal, silly backhand jabs and slapping style albeit I always thought if he could go back to how he was in Chisora no 2 fight and actually sit on his punches, he’d be worth watching. These idiots and I’ve gone back n forth with a few, can’t get their head round Fury sitting on his punches and coming forward.
They trying to say he’s now using his fist as oppose to a boxing gloves in a twelve round fight lol.
My comment finally added. This platform is awful. Lets all pray for the day it ends. Good riddance.
My comments disappear all the time also bro. Censorship.
@@nordicwarrior5014 Literally took me 30 mins to add my comment and figure out why it wasn't going through. :/
you give me a good laugh :)
America is fucked . . . UK Fans get behind fighters regardless of colour . . . . Bruno , Hatton , Benn , Hamed , Froch , . . . you wont get a more diverse selection of popular Boxers . . . But certain White American fight fans would back a White Eastern European over a Black American . . . . That's what your dealing with
I’m new to your videos and I think you talk incredible sense. I would like to point out that you should probably work on your phrasing as at times you come across as a racist. I don’t think you are and I hope you aren’t. I would if I were you is to steer clear of calling a whole race self entitled when they are by far from it. I understand the fanboyism of Deontay Wilder and other black fighters but that is because certain every day fans that happen to be black haven’t much to hang their hat on it’s a masssive escape for them. Please refrain from sounding like you don’t like black people because as a fan of boxing that would be silly. There have been many an incredible black boxer. And as a community it’s also away to escape poverty as it is white lads in inner cities of the uk. Don’t let race be an arguing point. You weaken your argument. The true argument is it’s non boxing fans that look at deontay’s record and think he’s awesome. No fully fledged fan does.
A gang initiation 😆
Greatest Boxers have. All been BLACK
Keep telling yourself that myth.
Not feeling the rhetoric here. I agree that Wilder and his "fans" are racist and uneducated, but the generalisations here andhating on black Americans is factually incorrect and lazy stereotyping.
But hey, your channel is Nordicwarrior 🤷🏿♂️
I agree and I ain’t even black lol
It's facts.. you lot attack us, and then play victim after the fact.. no sympathy
for normal african americans in the USA there is actual racism nowadays, even now, and they have to deal with it sometimes - thats part of why these guys have this bad attitude - we dont realise that this still goes on since we live in the UK we're not dealing with that sort of thing. for example: police get called to a situation in certain places in USA. there is a black dude at the scene (totally unrelated), police auto arrest them - its stuff like that - unheard of in UK. we must remember that.
@@eatapeach6041 are you ignorant?
This isn't true the way you're putting it. Police here in America are no different to whites. Of course there are very rare exceptions. Does racism still exist? Yes but in certain specific ways. What you're referring to is high crime rate areas here in America. Which are dominated by Browns. Police are going to be more racial then, I don't agree with it but it's understandable. I'm not even going to discuss statistics. Police are police here, they're very corrupt. They don't care what color you are. Brown police are just as racial against other browns. There a ton of Brown police taking out other Browns. The problem is Brown on Brown crime. Please don't feel bad for Browns here in America. Edit - I had to replace words. The comment wasn't going through. So forgive me.
@elliot j In the UK they don't stop and search black people out of fear of being called wayciss. I on the other hand have been stopped multiple times, despite the fact knife crime in this country is overwhelmingly from you know who.
That may be, but also fuck them.
AllBoxingTalkAndNews I 💯% agree with what your saying... it is different in America to the UK.
I’m black & I live in London & I had no idea how far back Americans were when it came to race issues.
On a person to person ration (not as an independent figure but as a percentage likelihood) an unarmed black person is more likely to be killed that any other demographic... there is real racism in America... I saw Larry Merchant on an interview just recently saying he’s glad that the “Black hope” in Wilder is finally over... whilst I’m glad Wilder has been exposed, there is still this bullshit where it’s a Black & White thing over there... UK networks wouldn’t even begin to touch that kind of subject because it’s actually uncomfortable listening to hear any of that kinda talk.
But... this appears to be a symbiotic relationship because the black demographic in America (I’m referring to the ghettos in particular) have some of the most dysfunctional, self destructive, violence combined with a victim mentality that I’ve ever seen in my life...
The LDBC bring race into EVERYTHING, speak racial slurs about non blacks but then complain that non black people are racist 🤦🏽♂️ its some of the most bizarre set of behaviours I’ve ever seen.
I got called a “coon” because I wanted Fury to beat Wilder & give him a sustained beating like he did in that fight 😂 I’m glad Fury beat him up & I’m glad that the LDBC are truly showing their fragile weak inner selves because even if they won’t verbally admit it, they know they’re not real men when they look in the mirror.
Of all the fanboy groups I’ve seen over the years, the Mayweather fanboys, the Pacquiao fanboys, the GGG fanboys, I must admit I miss those obsessed fanboys dearly compared to the Wilder fanboys! The Wilder fanboys have raised the bar for stupidity to a whole other level that I didn’t think was possible from grown ass men, I really didn’t...
Anybody who is racist is mentally limited so therefore I perceive them as someone who suffers from some sort of mental disability... black or white, it don’t matter.. a racist is a fucking racist 👍🏽