this spring, the first 8 of the promised trams have arrived in ukraine after all, and one of them can already be seen on the road in a new video. a total of 35 trams are to be delivered. First there were delays because the new vehicles arrived late in Zurich and then came the difficult time in February 2022 for the Ukraine where it was not clear for a long time how safe a transport would be. I hope that the rest of the promised 35 trams will soon be in service in the Ukraine. a few days ago i read a report on the internet that trams from Bern might be delivered to Lviv if the technical conditions are right.
Всештаки як їм добре. Напевне одна з найкращих систем світу
this spring, the first 8 of the promised trams have arrived in ukraine after all, and one of them can already be seen on the road in a new video.
a total of 35 trams are to be delivered.
First there were delays because the new vehicles arrived late in Zurich and then came the difficult time in February 2022 for the Ukraine where it was not clear for a long time how safe a transport would be.
I hope that the rest of the promised 35 trams will soon be in service in the Ukraine.
a few days ago i read a report on the internet that trams from Bern might be delivered to Lviv if the technical conditions are right.
Залишилось дочекатися, коли в нашему місті з''являться "кобри" та "бомбардири Флексіті"!
Що і казати,все залежить від виховання людей ,від морального виховання людей,від високої культури,якої у наших українців не має,іще скоро не буде .
А як вони оплачують проїзд? Валідаторів не бачу, кондукторів теж....
Є спеціальні термінали для купівлі квитків на зупинках. У них є денні, годинні квитки на різні зони(маршрути)!