After seeing many versions of Hello Dolly in film and theater, high credit to all that produced this version. A lot of people don't realize all the time and effort it takes to produce a show like this. All the actors and actress get a 5+. Music was truly on the mark. What a wonderful performance by Dolly. Yes all should support local theater groups for their effort.
@Google Reviews I don't think it better than BS movie but those done in Stage Vers. in HS, Community Theater etc.... Many others are amateurish but these actors put there heart and soul.
Call On Dolly 2:45 I Put My Hand In 7:20 It Takes a Woman 14:45 Sunday Clothes 25:55 Ribbons 34:20 Motherhood 44:53 Dancing 49:56 Before the Parade 58:10 Elegance 1:08:00 Waiter’s Gallop 1:12:55 Hello Dolly 1:23:20 Polka 1:35:41 It Only Takes a Moment 1:40:20 So Long Dearie 1:45:30 Finale 1:53:56
Dolly was magnifisent! I love her emotions at the begining of "So long, dearie!". She's like "oh, well, my plan to marry him is almost finished, let's make him believe, that i'm going to give up, hehe!!!". Also, her voice was great!
The costumes might not have been perfect but you have to give them credit for the vivid colors and they were mostly time period true.Production was well cast, everyone could handle their singing assignments. Good show!
This was the first bootleg I ever saw! I was in 8th grade and I had no clue this stuff was illegal. Hello Dolly was also the first musical I was in and it’s still my favorite two years later. Thanks for introducing me to one of the best things ever
La puesta en escena tiene muchas cosas que mejorar, pero es un trabajo muy bien hecho. La primera vez que la vi fue cuando era niño en la superproducción con Barbra Streisand y he visto varias puestas en escena a través de You Tube, pero ésta me encantó por fresca. Eso si los arreglos musicales son excepcionales, me gustaron mucho. Mis felicitaciones al director musical. Respecto a los actores, todavía les fala, pero cantan muy bien!! Felicidades a todos. Algo tarde, pero apenas lo encontré
The guy playing Barnaby should’ve played Cornelius, and the woman playing Minnie should have played Irene. Horace should have been recast. Otherwise, it was perfect.
Put on your Sunday clothes and venture over to the Shubert Theater on West 44th to see the brand new Broadway revival of this classic 1964 musical. You'll be so glad you did.
wow irene did not have a good voice. she was constantly off pitch and didn’t hold notes correctly and rushed the song. hopefully when my school puts on Hello Dolly in march i’ll do a better job playing irene!
Hopefully when your school does the show in March you won't be given a part. Educational theatre is a lot different than professional theatre. Sometimes you give someone a part for reasons other than strictly talent. It's about giving them the experience. One thing you learn in theatre is to be gracious, supportive, and encouraging to your fellow actors. Those with your attitude are usually divas who drive the rest of the cast nuts. No one likes a diva.
1Kuula Tervitus 1 Paulus ja Timoteos, Kristuse Jeesuse sulased, - kõigile Filippis olevatele pühadele Kristuses Jeesuses ning ülevaatajaile ja abilistele: 2 Armu teile ja rahu Jumalalt, meie Isalt, ja Issandalt Jeesuselt Kristuselt! Apostli tänu ja eestpalve 3 Ma tänan oma Jumalat iga kord, kui ma teid meenutan, 4 alati igas oma palves teie kõigi eest rõõmuga tehes eestpalvet. 5 Ma tänan Jumalat teie osaduse pärast evangeeliumiga esimesest päevast tänaseni 6 ja olen veendunud selles, et see, kes teis on alustanud head tööd, lõpetab selle enne Kristuse Jeesuse päeva. 7 Nõnda ju ongi õige mul teist kõigist mõelda, sest teie olete minu südames. Kui ma siis olen ahelais või kui ma kostan evangeeliumi eest ja seda kinnitan, olete teie kõik kaasosalised mulle antud armus. 8 Sest Jumal on mu tunnistaja, kuidas ma teid kõiki igatsen Kristuse Jeesuse südamlikkusega. 9 Ja ma palvetan, et teie armastus üha enam ja enam kasvaks tunnetuses ja kõiksuguses kogemises 10 olulise kindlaksmääramiseks, et te oleksite puhtad ja laitmatud Kristuse päevani, 11 täidetud õiguse viljaga, mis tuleb Jeesuse Kristuse läbi, Jumala kirkuseks ja kiituseks. Pauluse igatsusest saada Kristuse juurde 12 Vennad, ma tahan, et te teaksite: see, mis minuga on toimunud, on evangeeliumile tulnud pigem kasuks, 13 nii et kogu kohtukojale ja kõigile muudele on saanud avalikuks, et ma olen vangis Kristuse pärast. 14 Enamik vendi Issandas on söandanud mu vangipõlve tõttu hakata veel suurema julgusega ja kartmatumalt rääkima Jumala sõna. 15 Mõned küll kuulutavad Kristust kadeduse ja riiu pärast, mõned aga ka heast tahtest. 16 Ühed teevad seda armastusest, teades, et ma viibin siin evangeeliumi eest kostmiseks, 17 teised kuulutavad aga Kristust kiusu pärast, mitte puhta meelega, arvates võivat suurendada mu vangipõlve viletsust. 18 Aga mis sellest! Kui Kristust kuulutatakse igal kombel, olgu tagamõttega, olgu tõemeeli, siis selle üle ma rõõmustan. Kuid tahan ka edaspidi rõõmustada, 19 sest ma tean, et see tuleb mulle päästeks teie eestpalve ja Jeesuse Kristuse Vaimu abi kaudu 20 minu ootust ja lootust mööda, et ma ei jää häbisse milleski, vaid et - nagu alati, nii ka nüüd - Kristus saab täiesti avalikult ülistatud minu ihus, olgu elu või surma läbi. 21 Jah, mulle on elamine Kristus ja suremine kasu! 22 Aga kui ihus elamine toob mu tööle vilja, siis ma ei tea, kumba valida. 23 Mind paeluvad mõlemad. Ma himustan siit lahkuda ja olla Kristusega, sest see on väga palju parem, 24 ent ihusse jäämine on vajalikum teie pärast. 25 Ja selles veendunult ma tean, et jään elama ja jään teie kõikide juurde teie usu edenemiseks ja rõõmuks, 26 et teie kiitlemine Kristuses Jeesuses rohkeneks minu kaudu selle tõttu, et ma tulen tagasi teie juurde. Õhutus üksmeeleks 27 Ainult käituge Kristuse evangeeliumi vääriliselt, et mina, olgu tulles ja teid nähes või tulemata jäädes, kuuleksin teie kohta, et te püsite ühes vaimus ja ühel meelel, võideldes evangeeliumi usu eest, 28 ega lase vastastel end heidutada millegagi, mis on neile hukatuse, teile aga pääste tähiseks, ning seda Jumalalt. 29 Sest teile ei ole ju kingitud ainult armu uskuda Kristusesse, vaid ka kannatada tema pärast 30 ning võidelda sedasama võitlust, mida te minust olete näinud ja nüüd minust kuulete. 2Kuula Õhutus üksmeeleks 1 Kui nüüd on mingisugune julgustus Kristuses, kui mingisugune armastuse lohutus, kui mingisugune Vaimu osadus, kui mingisugune südamlikkus ja kaastunne, 2 siis tehke mu rõõm täielikuks sellega, et te mõtlete ühtmoodi, et teil on sama armastus, et olete üksmeelsed ja ühtviisi mõtlejad 3 ega tee midagi kiusu ega auahnuse pärast, vaid peate alandlikkuses üksteist ülemaks kui iseennast, 4 nii et ükski ei pea silmas mitte ainult oma, vaid ka teiste kasu. Hümn Kristusele 5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses:
6 kes, olles Jumala kuju, ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne, 7 vaid loobus iseenese olust, võttes orja kuju, saades inimese sarnaseks; ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena. 8 Ta alandas iseennast, saades kuulekaks surmani, pealegi ristisurmani. 9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest ja annetanud talle selle nime, mis on üle iga nime, 10 et Jeesuse nimes nõtkuks iga põlv nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all, 11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks: Jeesus Kristus on Issand - Jumala Isa kirkuseks. Jumala laste laitmatust elust 12 Nõnda siis, mu armsad, otsekui te olete ikka olnud kuulekad, ärge olge seda ainult siis, kui ma olen kohal, vaid veel kindlamalt nüüd minu äraolekul; valmistage endile päästet kartuse ja värinaga! 13 Sest Jumal on see, kes teis tegutseb, et te tahate ja toimite tema hea nõu kohaselt. 14 Tehke kõik nurisemata ja vaidlemata, 15 et te oleksite laitmatud ja puhtad, veatud Jumala lapsed keset põikpäist ja rikutud sugupõlve, kelle seas te paistate nagu tähed maailmas, 16 pidades kinni elusõnast. Nii saan kiidelda Kristuse päeval, et ma ei ole tühja jooksnud ega tühja vaeva näinud. 17 Ja kuigi minu veri peaks joogiohvrina valatama teie usu ohvri ja teenistuse peale, ma rõõmustan ja olen rõõmus koos teie kõikidega. 18 Niisamuti siis rõõmustage ka teie ja olge rõõmsad koos minuga! Apostli kavadest 19 Ent ma loodan Issandas Jeesuses peatselt saata teie juurde Timoteose, et ka minu meel läheks kergeks, kui ma saan teada, kuidas teie käsi käib. 20 Mul ei ole kedagi teist niisama tublit, kes tõeliselt teie eest muretseks. 21 Kõik taotlevad ju enda oma, mitte Kristuse Jeesuse oma. 22 Aga tema ustavust te teate, sest nagu laps oma isaga, nõnda on tema koos minuga teeninud evangeeliumi. 23 Teda ma loodangi nüüd saata, otsekohe kui ma näen, kuidas mu asjad arenevad. 24 Ma olen aga veendunud Issandas, et ma ka ise tulen peatselt. 25 Ma olen pidanud vajalikuks saata teie juurde vend Epafroditose, oma kaastöölise ja kaasvõitleja, teie saadiku ja minu vajaduste eest hoolitseja, 26 sest ta igatses teie järele ja muretses, sest te olite kuulnud ta haige olevat. 27 Ta ju oligi suremas haige, kuid Jumal halastas tema peale, aga mitte üksnes tema, vaid ka minu peale, et mulle ei tuleks kurbust kurbusele lisaks. 28 Nüüd ma siis saadan tema seda rutemini, et teie teda nähes jälle saaksite rõõmsaks ja mul oleks kurbust vähem. 29 Võtke ta siis vastu Issandas kogu rõõmuga ja pidage lugu niisugustest meestest, 30 sest ta oli Kristuse töö pärast surmasuus ega hoolinud oma elust, et täita teie aset minu eest hoolitsemisel.
This ensemble has not much energy in the beginning when there getting offstage you can see them breaking out of character. Also there was to much choreography in this show less is better. Ms. Money was great the costumes did not show much happiness but the sing was great 👍. I really hated Mr. Vandergelder was not good at all. Dolly had a great charm to the character and her singing needed some work. Lighting was poorly done the background needed more light. Over all it’s a good performance 8 out of 10.
CHOREOGRAPHY: Amateur choreographers need to stop underestimating the abilities of an amateur cast. DIRECTOR: The title number may sound like a striptease but Dolly should not treat it like she's a burlesque queen. Additionally, this young actress has a nice voice but needed a lot more guidance. SO much, by most of these actors, was just thrown away.
Okay ... getting serious ... I watched the whole Harmonia Gardens scene, again, and I was far too harsh. In almost everyone's acting I did see too much anticipation instead of listening and reacting. But as for the young lady who played Dolly, it would not have been my interpretation or vision but it is not fare to compare her to Channing, Midler or Streisand, all of whom I had the good fortune to see. This young lady and/or director had the courage to present Levy in a different way so my hat is off to them ... not that any of the other actresses I've mentioned shared similar interpretations. And, yes Rudolph, the director made a very good choice when he/she cast you ... though I wonder if you would have made a better Cornelius ... Barnaby was stellar, BTW. Shoot ... now I feel like I should run through and give credit to everyone whose performance I thought good. BUT ... it's just my opinion and who am I? This was better-than-usual community theater, a lot of work went into it a lot of fun was had and it shows. The audience got what it paid for. I would love to direct such a group.
The funny thing is, I actually auditioned for Rudolph specifically. It's not typically a role someone goes out for, it's usually a role someone ends up with, but I actually wanted it. Cornelius would have been a great part and I could have handled the acting, but I am a terrible singer and would have ruined "It Only Takes a Moment." lol. Yea, the kid who played Barnaby was awesome and only a senior in high school at the time. He always did well in these shows. I think everyone in the cast would agree with your assessment. I think we mostly look back on this one as being more "fun to do" than "Amazingly performed." haha.
In musical comedy I always tell my actors that the audience is paying to see them have fun on stage. That's really what they enjoy. I saw Midler in 'Dolly last August and, I swear, I have NEVER seen anyone have so much fun on stage and the woman had already done over 300 performances.
John Grieve Thank you for spreading your negativity! Don‘t say anything at all if you have nothing nice to say! And please spare me your American freedom of speech crap.
Costumes were painful. Dolly has a wonderful voice. Skipped ahead to "Sunday Clothes" and those dresses were nice. Oh, ouch! Skipped again to the parade and my eyes are bleeding from the short skirts! NO! This is the turn of the century. Besides, it wouldn't be women marching in a parade unless they were marching for suffrage. It would be men, boys, band - military type. Think Music Man. Women were spectators in that era.
After seeing many versions of Hello Dolly in film and theater, high credit to all that produced this version. A lot of people don't realize all the time and effort it takes to produce a show like this. All the actors and actress get a 5+. Music was truly on the mark. What a wonderful performance by Dolly. Yes all should support local theater groups for their effort.
@Google Reviews I don't think it better than BS movie but those done in Stage Vers. in HS, Community Theater etc.... Many others are amateurish but these actors put there heart and soul.
Call On Dolly 2:45
I Put My Hand In 7:20
It Takes a Woman 14:45
Sunday Clothes 25:55
Ribbons 34:20
Motherhood 44:53
Dancing 49:56
Before the Parade 58:10
Elegance 1:08:00
Waiter’s Gallop 1:12:55
Hello Dolly 1:23:20
Polka 1:35:41
It Only Takes a Moment 1:40:20
So Long Dearie 1:45:30
Finale 1:53:56
When I was in college, I was in the musical Brigadoon. I was one of the townspeople.LOVED EVERY SECOND OF THE MUSICAL!❤️😊
omg brigadoon is so good!!
Dolly was magnifisent! I love her emotions at the begining of "So long, dearie!". She's like "oh, well, my plan to marry him is almost finished, let's make him believe, that i'm going to give up, hehe!!!". Also, her voice was great!
I saw this musical several years ago as a small kid and have sung it in my head ever since
Not bad at all for a school production, bravo !!!
barnaby and minnie are adorable!!
Barnaby was awesome. haha. and the orchestra was really on point. Good show
My mom and I saw this show at the Players Club. It was my dad's treat for us ladies and we loved it.
The horse at the begging was scary!😧
The costumes might not have been perfect but you have to give them credit for the vivid colors and they were mostly time period true.Production was well cast, everyone could handle their singing assignments. Good show!
The girl who plays Minnie is adorable!!
This was the first bootleg I ever saw! I was in 8th grade and I had no clue this stuff was illegal. Hello Dolly was also the first musical I was in and it’s still my favorite two years later. Thanks for introducing me to one of the best things ever
dolly reminds me of miss gulch from Wizard of Oz
That was awesome!! Thanks for posting this bc Im doing a hello dolly production at my school!!
Ashley Klawitter me too!
Wonderful production.
Love 💕😇❤️🤩😍🥰🌹😘 this musical!
This was a wonderful production! I loved it all (except the guy playing Horace) and watched it til the end. My third favorite musical, definitely!!
ChloetheChlam Nice. Which are your 1st and 2nd favorite musicals?
ChloetheChlam what’s the first
Horace sounds like Ray Romano. Is that him?? Very good production!!!!!!
um belo espetáculo,lindo muito lindo, maravilhoso,parabens a todos os atores e atrizes,producao de primeira.antonio sergio brazil.
La puesta en escena tiene muchas cosas que mejorar, pero es un trabajo muy bien hecho. La primera vez que la vi fue cuando era niño en la superproducción con Barbra Streisand y he visto varias puestas en escena a través de You Tube, pero ésta me encantó por fresca. Eso si los arreglos musicales son excepcionales, me gustaron mucho. Mis felicitaciones al director musical. Respecto a los actores, todavía les fala, pero cantan muy bien!! Felicidades a todos. Algo tarde, pero apenas lo encontré
I did this musical at my school. I played the judge
25:55 Put on your Sunday clothes
Reminds me of Wall-E!
gostaria de ver o musical completo de benadette peters da Broadway ok aguardo.abs obrigado brasil cidade rio de janeiro
Despite only hearing it from one side of my headphones, not bad!
3:53 Dolly monologue
24:07 Dolly & Ambrose
1:30:20 Dolly & Horace
Wall-E and Eve are gonna watch the show!
The guy playing Barnaby should’ve played Cornelius, and the woman playing Minnie should have played Irene. Horace should have been recast. Otherwise, it was perfect.
Is it just me, or does Ambrose look like JonTron?
literally my first thought
25:59 Wait..
Isn’t this song the Wall-E intro!?!?!
Is there a man in drag in the chorus?
Pain in back ( ha ha !? )
Amazing quality video! What did you use to record it with?
Barbie in Cornelius
I like the orchestra but where were the microphones placed?...the music drowned out the actors. Vocal dialogue was heard to hear from the stage.
Dolly’s kinda annoying lol
This is a lot different than the movie
Put on your Sunday clothes and venture over to the Shubert Theater on West 44th to see the brand new Broadway revival of this classic 1964 musical. You'll be so glad you did.
I’m here because of Wall-E
got here from WALL-E lol
Dolly had a lovely voice
That stiff playing Horace is a sad excuse for a rich guy, not believable at all. Uge mistake @ the real Donald Trump.
31:33 Minnie Fay Monologue
54:59 placeholder
verry good error english cop not a NY cop
Personal comment:
Your supposed to be on stage
marking my spot.
The chorus singing sounds good. Too bad the staging of the production numbers- especially Sunday Clothes- is so amateurish.
I'm sorry... but this is not the best Hello Dolly! ever.
NOT good, unless she was trying to play it as strictly comedy.
wow irene did not have a good voice. she was constantly off pitch and didn’t hold notes correctly and rushed the song. hopefully when my school puts on Hello Dolly in march i’ll do a better job playing irene!
Hopefully when your school does the show in March you won't be given a part. Educational theatre is a lot different than professional theatre. Sometimes you give someone a part for reasons other than strictly talent. It's about giving them the experience. One thing you learn in theatre is to be gracious, supportive, and encouraging to your fellow actors. Those with your attitude are usually divas who drive the rest of the cast nuts. No one likes a diva.
1 Paulus ja Timoteos, Kristuse Jeesuse sulased, - kõigile Filippis
olevatele pühadele
Kristuses Jeesuses ning ülevaatajaile ja abilistele:
2 Armu teile ja rahu Jumalalt, meie Isalt, ja Issandalt Jeesuselt
Apostli tänu ja eestpalve
3 Ma tänan oma Jumalat iga kord, kui ma teid meenutan,
4 alati igas oma palves teie kõigi eest rõõmuga tehes eestpalvet.
5 Ma tänan Jumalat teie osaduse pärast evangeeliumiga esimesest
päevast tänaseni
6 ja olen veendunud selles, et see, kes teis on alustanud
head tööd, lõpetab selle enne Kristuse Jeesuse päeva.
7 Nõnda ju ongi õige mul teist kõigist mõelda, sest teie olete minu
südames. Kui ma siis olen ahelais või kui ma kostan evangeeliumi eest
ja seda kinnitan, olete teie kõik kaasosalised mulle antud armus.
8 Sest Jumal on mu tunnistaja, kuidas ma teid kõiki igatsen
Kristuse Jeesuse südamlikkusega.
9 Ja ma palvetan, et teie armastus üha enam ja enam
kasvaks tunnetuses ja kõiksuguses kogemises
10 olulise kindlaksmääramiseks, et te oleksite puhtad ja
laitmatud Kristuse päevani,
11 täidetud õiguse viljaga, mis tuleb Jeesuse Kristuse läbi,
Jumala kirkuseks ja kiituseks.
Pauluse igatsusest saada Kristuse juurde
12 Vennad, ma tahan, et te teaksite: see, mis minuga on toimunud,
on evangeeliumile tulnud pigem kasuks,
13 nii et kogu kohtukojale ja kõigile muudele on saanud avalikuks,
et ma olen vangis Kristuse pärast.
14 Enamik vendi Issandas on söandanud mu vangipõlve tõttu hakata
veel suurema julgusega ja kartmatumalt rääkima Jumala sõna.
15 Mõned küll kuulutavad Kristust kadeduse ja riiu pärast,
mõned aga ka heast tahtest.
16 Ühed teevad seda armastusest, teades, et ma viibin siin
evangeeliumi eest kostmiseks,
17 teised kuulutavad aga Kristust kiusu pärast, mitte puhta
meelega, arvates võivat suurendada mu vangipõlve viletsust.
18 Aga mis sellest! Kui Kristust kuulutatakse igal kombel,
olgu tagamõttega, olgu tõemeeli, siis selle üle ma rõõmustan. Kuid
tahan ka edaspidi rõõmustada,
19 sest ma tean, et see tuleb mulle päästeks teie eestpalve ja
Jeesuse Kristuse Vaimu abi kaudu
20 minu ootust ja lootust mööda, et ma ei jää häbisse
milleski, vaid et - nagu alati, nii ka nüüd - Kristus saab täiesti
avalikult ülistatud minu ihus, olgu elu või surma läbi.
21 Jah, mulle on elamine Kristus ja suremine kasu!
22 Aga kui ihus elamine toob mu tööle vilja, siis ma ei tea,
kumba valida.
23 Mind paeluvad mõlemad. Ma himustan siit lahkuda ja olla
Kristusega, sest see on väga palju parem,
24 ent ihusse jäämine on vajalikum teie pärast.
25 Ja selles veendunult ma tean, et jään elama ja jään teie
kõikide juurde teie usu edenemiseks ja rõõmuks,
26 et teie kiitlemine Kristuses Jeesuses rohkeneks minu kaudu
selle tõttu, et ma tulen tagasi teie juurde.
Õhutus üksmeeleks
27 Ainult käituge Kristuse evangeeliumi vääriliselt, et mina, olgu
tulles ja teid nähes või tulemata jäädes, kuuleksin teie kohta, et te
püsite ühes vaimus ja ühel meelel, võideldes evangeeliumi usu eest,
28 ega lase vastastel end heidutada millegagi, mis on
neile hukatuse, teile aga pääste tähiseks, ning seda Jumalalt.
29 Sest teile ei ole ju kingitud ainult armu uskuda Kristusesse,
vaid ka kannatada tema pärast
30 ning võidelda sedasama võitlust, mida te minust olete näinud ja
nüüd minust kuulete.
Õhutus üksmeeleks
1 Kui nüüd on mingisugune julgustus Kristuses, kui mingisugune
armastuse lohutus, kui mingisugune Vaimu osadus, kui mingisugune südamlikkus
ja kaastunne,
2 siis tehke mu rõõm täielikuks sellega, et te mõtlete ühtmoodi,
et teil on sama armastus, et olete üksmeelsed ja ühtviisi mõtlejad
3 ega tee midagi kiusu ega auahnuse pärast, vaid peate
alandlikkuses üksteist ülemaks kui iseennast,
4 nii et ükski ei pea silmas mitte ainult oma, vaid ka
teiste kasu.
Hümn Kristusele
5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses:
6 kes, olles Jumala kuju,
ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne,
7 vaid loobus iseenese olust,
võttes orja kuju,
saades inimese sarnaseks;
ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena.
8 Ta alandas iseennast,
saades kuulekaks surmani,
pealegi ristisurmani.
9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest
ja annetanud talle selle nime,
mis on üle iga nime,
10 et Jeesuse nimes
nõtkuks iga põlv
nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all,
11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks:
Jeesus Kristus on Issand -
Jumala Isa kirkuseks.
Jumala laste laitmatust elust
12 Nõnda siis, mu armsad, otsekui te olete ikka olnud kuulekad,
ärge olge seda ainult siis, kui ma olen kohal, vaid veel kindlamalt
nüüd minu äraolekul; valmistage endile päästet kartuse ja värinaga!
13 Sest Jumal on see, kes teis tegutseb, et te tahate ja
toimite tema hea nõu kohaselt.
14 Tehke kõik nurisemata ja vaidlemata,
15 et te oleksite laitmatud ja puhtad, veatud Jumala lapsed
keset põikpäist ja rikutud sugupõlve, kelle seas te paistate nagu
tähed maailmas,
16 pidades kinni elusõnast. Nii saan kiidelda Kristuse päeval, et
ma ei ole tühja jooksnud ega tühja vaeva näinud.
17 Ja kuigi minu veri peaks joogiohvrina valatama teie usu ohvri ja
teenistuse peale, ma rõõmustan ja olen rõõmus koos teie kõikidega.
18 Niisamuti siis rõõmustage ka teie ja olge rõõmsad koos minuga!
Apostli kavadest
19 Ent ma loodan Issandas Jeesuses peatselt saata teie juurde
Timoteose, et ka minu meel läheks kergeks, kui ma saan teada, kuidas
teie käsi käib.
20 Mul ei ole kedagi teist niisama tublit, kes tõeliselt teie
eest muretseks.
21 Kõik taotlevad ju enda oma, mitte Kristuse Jeesuse oma.
22 Aga tema ustavust te teate, sest nagu laps oma isaga,
nõnda on tema koos minuga teeninud evangeeliumi.
23 Teda ma loodangi nüüd saata, otsekohe kui ma näen, kuidas mu
asjad arenevad.
24 Ma olen aga veendunud Issandas, et ma ka ise tulen peatselt.
25 Ma olen pidanud vajalikuks saata teie juurde vend
Epafroditose, oma kaastöölise ja kaasvõitleja, teie saadiku ja minu
vajaduste eest hoolitseja,
26 sest ta igatses teie järele ja muretses, sest te olite
kuulnud ta haige olevat.
27 Ta ju oligi suremas haige, kuid Jumal halastas tema peale,
aga mitte üksnes tema, vaid ka minu peale, et mulle ei tuleks kurbust
kurbusele lisaks.
28 Nüüd ma siis saadan tema seda rutemini, et teie teda nähes
jälle saaksite rõõmsaks ja mul oleks kurbust vähem.
29 Võtke ta siis vastu Issandas kogu rõõmuga ja pidage lugu
niisugustest meestest,
30 sest ta oli Kristuse töö pärast surmasuus ega hoolinud oma elust,
et täita teie aset minu eest hoolitsemisel.
This ensemble has not much energy in the beginning when there getting offstage you can see them breaking out of character. Also there was to much choreography in this show less is better. Ms. Money was great the costumes did not show much happiness but the sing was great 👍. I really hated Mr. Vandergelder was not good at all. Dolly had a great charm to the character and her singing needed some work. Lighting was poorly done the background needed more light. Over all it’s a good performance 8 out of 10.
CHOREOGRAPHY: Amateur choreographers need to stop underestimating the abilities of an amateur cast.
DIRECTOR: The title number may sound like a striptease but Dolly should not treat it like she's a burlesque queen. Additionally, this young actress has a nice voice but needed a lot more guidance. SO much, by most of these actors, was just thrown away.
More importantly, how was Rudolph? because that's who I played and thankfully did not have to sing nor dance. Haha.
Okay ... getting serious ... I watched the whole Harmonia Gardens scene, again, and I was far too harsh. In almost everyone's acting I did see too much anticipation instead of listening and reacting. But as for the young lady who played Dolly, it would not have been my interpretation or vision but it is not fare to compare her to Channing, Midler or Streisand, all of whom I had the good fortune to see. This young lady and/or director had the courage to present Levy in a different way so my hat is off to them ... not that any of the other actresses I've mentioned shared similar interpretations. And, yes Rudolph, the director made a very good choice when he/she cast you ... though I wonder if you would have made a better Cornelius ... Barnaby was stellar, BTW.
Shoot ... now I feel like I should run through and give credit to everyone whose performance I thought good. BUT ... it's just my opinion and who am I? This was better-than-usual community theater, a lot of work went into it a lot of fun was had and it shows. The audience got what it paid for. I would love to direct such a group.
The funny thing is, I actually auditioned for Rudolph specifically. It's not typically a role someone goes out for, it's usually a role someone ends up with, but I actually wanted it. Cornelius would have been a great part and I could have handled the acting, but I am a terrible singer and would have ruined "It Only Takes a Moment." lol. Yea, the kid who played Barnaby was awesome and only a senior in high school at the time. He always did well in these shows. I think everyone in the cast would agree with your assessment. I think we mostly look back on this one as being more "fun to do" than "Amazingly performed." haha.
In musical comedy I always tell my actors that the audience is paying to see them have fun on stage. That's really what they enjoy. I saw Midler in 'Dolly last August and, I swear, I have NEVER seen anyone have so much fun on stage and the woman had already done over 300 performances.
The wigs are horrible
Irene was crappy
also Cornelius looked 50
Oh dear......bad choreography, costumes in some cases the wrong size, and lighting was appalling.
John Grieve Thank you for spreading your negativity! Don‘t say anything at all if you have nothing nice to say! And please spare me your American freedom of speech crap.
Costumes were painful. Dolly has a wonderful voice. Skipped ahead to "Sunday Clothes" and those dresses were nice. Oh, ouch! Skipped again to the parade and my eyes are bleeding from the short skirts! NO! This is the turn of the century. Besides, it wouldn't be women marching in a parade unless they were marching for suffrage. It would be men, boys, band - military type. Think Music Man. Women were spectators in that era.
Cornelius is awful
The orchestra is horrible
i don't like the play