Divorce and Remarriage part 1.flv

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 97

  • @101bible
    @101bible 13 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    David Pawson is the most knowledgeable person on the Bible I have heard. Jesus sometimes offended and was disliked. Many of today's pastors are teaching a false, feel good, self centered doctrine that can't be found in the Bible. I've seen way too many divorces and heart break in families that are approved by the church. If church goers would just follow Ephesians 5:21-31, it would stop all divorces in the church. Thank you David Pawson for having the boldness to teach what Jesus taught.

  • @tammyreise
    @tammyreise 11 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    exactly...we are living in a time of apostasy. Pastor Pawson speaks the truth.

  • @andrewrobinson2985
    @andrewrobinson2985 9 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    This is a clear teaching from a great bible expositor. It took courage for Pawson to write this book and declare it publicly. Remarriage after divorce, while the divorced covenant spouse is still alive, is adultery. The church is plagued by this from the pew to the pulpit and we wonder why the church lacks power and real influence. Thank you, David Pawson!

    • @smashmouth1001
      @smashmouth1001 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Andrew Robinson This is a false doctrine. Even God divorced Israel for adultery! And Christ PLAINLY SAID there are exceptions to the rule of no divorce and rmarriage, and one of them is fornication. Matthew 5 and 19 state this plainly. Further, Paul said:
      1Co 7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. 1Co 7:28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned.Here Pau plainly says that someone who is divorced from a wife and marries, HAS NOT SINNED. but Pawson and others say they have. Who shall we believe???????

    • @andrewrobinson2985
      @andrewrobinson2985 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +smashmouth1001 I'm sorry, I have no idea what this is about, My grandfather managed to comment this on my account some how. Though I do appreciate your insight on the subject.

    • @smashmouth1001
      @smashmouth1001 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      God bless!

    • @andrewrobinson2985
      @andrewrobinson2985 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same to you brother!

    • @smashmouth1001
      @smashmouth1001 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Because the Bible does not teach what you just said. Did you not read the verses I posted. Paul said if someone who is divorcecd marries, HE HAS NOT SINNED!!!!!! Hoe can you say he has sinned??????? Because you are following a man, and not scripture? I like Pawson, and listen to his teachings, but he is DEAD WRONG on this issue.

  • @BiGMANJOE32
    @BiGMANJOE32 12 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    True pastors of God are hated by both the world and the apostate church

  • @politicallyincorrecttvseas159
    @politicallyincorrecttvseas159 10 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    So what your got cheated on what did you think for better or for worse meant. You signed up for a marriage regardless of what happens to stay faithful till death do you part

    • @pastorshandonevangkimlaellis
      @pastorshandonevangkimlaellis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jay blac... Nobody and I mean nobody,has ever meant that if a person cheated on them or abused them that they still wanted to stay in a marriage.When people say for better or worse.They are saying through financial problems,health problems,children problems,marital problems.And by marital problems that don't mean you can come home drunk from having sex with different people.It don't mean you can come home at 1 at night and beat your spouse because you are drunk or angry.No one that get married is saying that.And since GOD is all knowing,unlike you and I.He knows what a person is saying.One thing I have learned about people who tell a man or woman that they can't divorce someone who is being unfaithful to them or abusing them,is that they always paint GOD out to be a Monster,Uncaring,Unmerciful and just plain mean.If GOD is like that how is he good?To tell a woman to stay with a man who beats her fir years,cheats on her,and tear her down,is just plain evil.Even our goverment would tell a woman to leave the abusive man.But according to you,GOD wants the woman to stay with the abuser or remain single for the rest of her life or go to hell if she gets remarried.I will never tell my daughter to stay with a lunatic that abuse and cheats on her.And you mean to tell me that GOD will tell her to stay in that marriage or remain single and unmarried.The bible says JESUS was full of Grace and truth.Yes,JESUS is full of Truth but he is also full of Mercy.You can't have truth without Mercy.The Truth is GOD hated divorce.Just like the bible says GOD hates a proud look and GOD hates he that SOWS discord amoung the brethern.But Mercy says GOD knows these things happen and he provides Mercy.GOD knows every situation, unlike us as men.If a person you was married to stabbed you 7 times and left you for dead.You wouldn't want to be around them or married to them.Please don't lie and say you would.People tend to not have Mercy for others until the same thing happen to them.JESUS also said those in adultrey should be stoned but the woman caught in the act of adultrey was shown Mercy.The letter of the law killeth but the SPIRIT of the law gives Life.Yoi are just stop at what the letter of the law,SAY.But you are not listening to what the SPIRIT OF THE LAW Ssys.Mercy always Triumph over judgement.I also agree that people should never divorce once they come into the KNOWLEDGE of GOD'S Word.But I also believe that people being unfaithful and abusive to their spouse in a unrepentant way,warrants a person to divorce them.And I think GOD knows why and HIS Mercy is available.GOD BLESS.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@pastorshandonevangkimlaellis you write a lot, but you are wrong....for better or worse, is just that....better or worse.....separate, yes, divorce, that too, remarry, no...

  • @politicallyincorrecttvseas159
    @politicallyincorrecttvseas159 10 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Marriage is for life even im the face of adultery you can separate and pray for their souls if its happened to you. If you remarry your just as bad as them. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    • @smashmouth1001
      @smashmouth1001 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +jay black FALSE. This doctrine is utterly unbiblical. Even God divorced Israel for adultery!

    • @laurapiovan
      @laurapiovan 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      +smashmouth1001 god only temporarily divorces Israel .
      He does take her back, after having disciplined her.

    • @smashmouth1001
      @smashmouth1001 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This false doctrine. Remarriage is not sin:
      1Co 7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
      1Co 7:28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.
      It is very clear. If a man has been loosed from a wife--divorced, Paul says don't seek a wife. BUT if you do marry again YOU HAVE NOT SINNED. End of this debate

    • @laurapiovan
      @laurapiovan 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      smashmouth1001 I think if you want to understand what Paul is talking about you need to read the whole chapter. (1 corinthians 7) not just cherry pick 1 verse and twist it and bend it until it means what you want to read in to it.
      In the two verses you are quoting (verses 27-28), Paul is adressing not "generical unmarried" people, but he is adressing the VIRGINS. (those who have neither ever been married nor ever had sex). In those verses Paul is saying if you are virgin (never had sex, never married) it's up to you wether you choose to remain single or choose to seek a spouse.
      In verses 8-9 of the same chapter Paul addresses the unmarried and the widowed. (since in later verses he is adressing specifically the VIRGINS and the MARRIED people we know that these "unmarried" from verses 8-9 are single people who never were married but were not virgin...i.e. they had premarital sex).
      1 cor. 7: 8-9
      "8 Now to the unmarried[a] and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
      Later on Paul is talking to the MARRIED and he says:
      1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 11
      "10 To the married I give this command (*not I, but the Lord*): A wife must *NOT SEPARATE* from her husband. 11 *But if she does, she must REMAIN UNMARRIED or else BE RECONCILED* to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
      1 Corinthians 7: 15
      "But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace."
      In verse 15 Paul is adressing a specific situation where a person becomes a christian, but his/her spouse does not. If the Unbeliving spouse in such cases wants a divorce, the beliving spouse cannot do anything but let the other person go. (makes sense....no one can force another person against their will)
      This does not automatically mean "DIVORCE" them.
      And for sure this does not automatically imply that if you let someone go, this means that it is OK to remarry.
      Paul is clearly telling us in verse 10 -11 that if a person divorces, remaining single or seeking reconciliation with their own spouse are the only option possible.

    • @damedame-rq9su
      @damedame-rq9su 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      smashmouth1001 false bro

  • @friends7000
    @friends7000 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    telling the truth shall make everyone free.amen!

    • @angelamilne2054
      @angelamilne2054 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      nikki ritsou KNOWING The Truth ....

  • @dharmony07
    @dharmony07 12 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Remarriage from a covenant spouse is Adultery. Jesus said it, now why argue. If u are in an adulterous marriage, u must repent & turn from the adulterous marriage regardless if youve gotten children, property,etc.. during that adulterous marriage. I agree. Marriage is until death. TO BE CONTINUED

    • @ragionepercredere3490
      @ragionepercredere3490 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Because Jesus did NOT say it!
      No! Jesus did NOT teach that divorce is allowed unless there is illicit sexual offense. He said : whoever SENDS AWAY his wife commits adultery and causes her to be adulteress. Because he does so without granting her legal divorce. A practice still well known today among Jewish communities, where "agonà" ('chained')women have created several associations to fight against this ongoing abuse. This is what god detests, not legal divorce!!
      The exception clause of sexual immorality is also absurd because adultery, lack of virginity discovered the wedding night, bestiality and such things were, according to Deuteronomy, punished with DEATH! Not "sending away"! So Jesus says what he says: the only case in which a man would be justified in sending away his wife (without legal divorce or a public declaration) is sexual immorality - so she does not meet her death. As an act of grace! Just like Joseph did with Mary!!
      You guys, evangelical preachers, have no understanding of this issue of divorce and remarriage at all.
      The church is given one rule only: love your neighbor as yourself. This is the basis upon which an individual must confront his/her motivations for a divorce. None else. And it will disqualify many divorces, even the ones in which one of the two "fell" into adultery, and grant permission for others in which this particular sin is not present.
      One more thing: as to the theory that "separating from a wrong marriage is never wrong" and inducing people to go back to their previous spouse after building a relationship with someone else, please note that in the same passage Deuteronomy you quote, God specifically states that going back to the previous husband/wife AFTER having been married to another is an ABOMINATION for him. I respect David Pawson very much, but evangelical preachers have ruined more lives with this crazy teaching than anyone else.

  • @garyhudson568
    @garyhudson568 11 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I believe this should show all of us to not take getting married as non serious-great thought and prayer should be made & counsel from parents and the pastor, before entering into it. if you want Gods perfect will for your spouse, He will let us know, if we will listen

  • @sierrakamau1510
    @sierrakamau1510 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow! Truth spoken boldly.

  • @SaanichtonMinistries
    @SaanichtonMinistries 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    We ascribe to the teachings David Pawson before another other man teach in our time. He is an example of a true with ness not ashamed of the gospel of the Word of God. We will expound and continue to spread his teachings which are God’s teachings.

  • @lpercycii
    @lpercycii 11 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    David's union with Bathesheba was no longer adulterous when her husband was killed (albeit at the hand of David)

    • @pjetri24
      @pjetri24 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes it was.David was still married !

    • @Rmiller488
      @Rmiller488 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pjetri24 david had multiple wives. God said to him if you wanted more wives I would have given that to you.

  • @TaughtToProfit
    @TaughtToProfit 12 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    @jhamlin726 Amen. The world and worldly professing Christians love the sins of divorce and remarriage. They rabidly fight anyone that proclaims what Jesus aid about remarriage and marrying a divorcee being adultery,.

  • @roseslink2000
    @roseslink2000 12 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wow! Praise God for truth.

  • @shaneliki
    @shaneliki 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Its one thing to live in the law of Moses and be freed by the son, Its so true that many claim to be born again but choose to follow their own intuition and deciding what Christ meant in their favor...Christ spoke it, you choose. Its not easy to accept rebuke especially if its on an issue ur a victim of, but better is open rebuke that a hidden love...Seems like a sound teaching to me.

  • @BiGMANJOE32
    @BiGMANJOE32 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You get a divorce split up any assets acquired in your adulterous relationship and get visitation rights its that simple!

  • @pastorshandonevangkimlaellis
    @pastorshandonevangkimlaellis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have to address this issue of divorce and remarriage.And I welcome all feedback.For one I believe that once a man or woman come into the KNOWLEDGE of what GOD'S Word say about divorce and remarriage,that they shouldn't divorce their spouse.The bible says GOD hate divorce but the bible also says GOD hates a proud look and he that sows discord amoung the brethern.So we see their are many things that GOD hate.Yet,we as humans do these very things.I believe that if a man or woman divorce and it was not for sexual immorality or abuse,then they are wrong for divorcing.Now,the problem is that a person who don't know GOD and who is a sinner,is in a different category all together.For one the sinner don't know GOD,have no relationship with GOD.Nor know what GOD'S WORD say about divorce and remarriage.The bible SAYS,GOD don't hear sinners.The bible says GOD'S Face is against sinners.The bible says,the sinner is already condemned.The bible says,the sinner is dead in their TRESPASSES.They are separated from GOD.If these things are true.How can GOD charge a sinner with divorce and remarriage,if they were not under HIS LORDSHIP at that time?The bible says l,If any man be in CHRIST he is a new creature old things has passed AWAY behold all things have become new.Once the sinner comes to JESUS the bible says old things has passed AWAY behold all things have become new.Now it can't be double Jeopardy!Either the sinner is forgiven for all their sins or not.The bible says,all of our sins have been washed away by the blood of JESUS,once we come to saving faith in JESUS.So how can the sin of divorce and remarriage still be there?I mean a sin that the sinner knew nothing about.That's why Paul was writing the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 7.Because these were ex pagans,heathens,sinners,who knew nothing about divorce and remarriage.In Roman's paul said I speak to those who know the Law about marriage.You know there were many gentiles who came to saving faith in JESUS who were divorced and remarried at the time.Either they are forgiven or not.Yes,saints shouldn't divorce but a sinner is not a saint.To tell a woman that has been physically,emotionally,and mentally abused for years,that she must go back to her abuser or stay single,is not good.A woman who'd husband is constantly being unfaithful and bringing diseases home to her.Is told that she need to accept it or separate and stay single until her husband dies.Because if she leave him and remarry she is in adultrey and will go to hell.We paint GOD out to be a Monster.The bible says JESUS is full of grace and truth.Yes,JESUS is full of truth but HE is also full of Grace.I would never tell my daughter to stay with a man that's abusing her or cheating on her.But according to some that's exactly what GOD is saying to do.The letter of the law killeth but the SPIRIT of the Law gives life.The law says alot of things but that don't mean that's what it meant.Even our government would tell a woman or man that's being abused and cheated on to leave the marriage.You paint GOD out to be a Monster that looks down on women or men being in a marriage,being abused and cheated on and says,stay there.I know about women who was left for dead by their husbands.And as a Pastor I can't bring myself to say,go back to your husband,in good conscience.JESUS was clearly telling them what GOD'S original intentions were for marriage.He was not saying you can abuse your spouse and cheat on them and they have to stay with you.If a sinner can only be forgiven if they go back and divorce their current spouse and go back and remarry their 1st spouse then it's not grace that saved them but the law and works.Just saying.I welcome feedback,so me how much you think GOD is a condoner of a woman or man being abused and cheated on.Show me how GOD want them to stay in that situation or remain single for the rest of their lives.As if it was there fault.Show me how GOD want that woman to go back to that man that stabbed her 7 times because she caught him cheating.And how GOD says,he is still your husband,go back to him or stay single.Where is GOD'S Mercy and Grace for the victim or the person who was done wrong?You paint GOD out to be a Monster with law but no grace.Who wants to serve a GOD like that.I bet if you who believe this was stabbed and left for dead you would think different.

  • @TaughtToProfit
    @TaughtToProfit 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @angelamilne2054
    @angelamilne2054 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    As far as i'm aware .....regarding dropping to the standards of the world IN church .....Jesus as an example ...Lived with his disciples ....travelling about ....THEN ...they went INTO the world as they travelled & preached to people ...into the circumstances that they were IN.... OR people followed them & Jesus gave a sermon.....THEN as people received Him & ....& His teaching they became beleivers, went home & joined with other beleivers in their houses in their community & communities of Christians were developed .
    It seems like a more Intimate & realistic WAY than having a SEPARATED building for the public to be encouraged/ tempted INTO in the worldly way as Mr Pawson was explaining? ..The Building may be needed but maybe the WAY it is spiritually built INTO will reveal the POWER of Gods Presence or not. ?
    ....AS A lifestyle rather than living in two seperate worlds .. .I understand the need for organisation ....& dates & times in the modern busy world ...however... True beleivers are precious...& Jesus SAID that the world would know they are His followers by the Love they have for one another .....why would we need anything More to attract people to Jesus because if THIS is manifesting then SURELY there will be no where else like it!

  • @kathyegarrett
    @kathyegarrett 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Actually, it reads literally, "If she goes and becomes another man's wife..." You are correct, Todd in that Moses did allow for divorce.
    And in response to that Jesus said, "For the hardness of your hearts, Moses allowed divorce, but from the beginning it was not." Whosoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery and whoever marries her that is divorced commits adultery."

  • @billsmith-fo3wd
    @billsmith-fo3wd 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    He speaks the truth but why did he wait till now to weight in on marriage and remarriage, where were you back 30 years are more?

  • @chanelkoh3807
    @chanelkoh3807 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Our body is the temple of God, that's why we have to keep holy as commanded by our father in heaven. If we love God, we should believe every words written in bible, particularly those words spoken by the one and only son of God, which is Jesus Christ. Peace...

  • @carolLDickinson
    @carolLDickinson 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jesus does not here condemn divorce; he upholds the teaching of Moses. What he condemns is the “sending away” or "putting away" (as in Malachi 2) with out terminating one’s first marriage, and marrying another. We would call this bigamy, which technically is a form of adultery. Let us look at the Greek word for "put away" and it's actual meaning...
    APOLUO - “Put away” (thrust out, put out, driven away... without a document of divorce)
    And let us also look at the Greek word for "Divorce" and it's actualy meaning...
    APOSTASION - An actual “Divorce” (document of divorce ending the marriage contract)
    Looking at Apoluo's meaning... we can clearly see why Jesus hated this practice of thrusting out or putting away a wife and not giving her an Apostasion (document of divorce). Therefore any other man who married a thrust out, driven out, or put away women was actually marrying someone who was still married... and that is why it says..."causes her to commit adultery"... and "anyone who marries her commits adultery"... because she is still married. She was never given a written document of divorce (Apostation... document of divorce).
    The purpose of the Apostasion or document of divorce... was to legally break the bond between the first husband and wife... because without it... they were still legally married.
    This is why Jesus hated just "Putting Away" because it caused people to commit adultery.
    Men at that time would cast out or drive away a women for any reason... and if the women had valuble property or land... and the husband wanted to legally hang on to it... he would hang on to it by not giving her a written document of divorce (because if he divorced her he could no longer lay claim to it). If the husband gave her a written document of divorce then he could no longer claim her land. This was very selfish and greedy of this first husband. Not only was it cruel to the women... but it put her in a very awkward and dangerous position because she was still his wife though she was driven away or thrust out she was not legally divorced... thus legally freed from that marriage... that she could marry again. This is precisely what Jesus hated... was the thrusting out of a women... without giving her a document of divorce legally and totally ending the marriage... thus causing these poor women to commit adultery and anyone who married her to be committing adultery.
    Notice in all of Scripture it NEVER refers to a man being "put away". This is also a strong proof putting away was referring to kicking out your wife to live else where... without a written document of divorce. Remember if this horrible husband did this he could keep all her holdings and land. To divorce her... he would loose it all. Put away... Apoluo... was not divorce... but exactly what it says... put away... or put her away from him physically probably in a moment of rage so as not to see her again. This was cruel to her... for if she tried to remarry she would be committing adultery and so would the man marrying her be committing adultery BECAUSE she had no document of divorce thus still legally married to the first man who was greedy and cruel. Do you see how these passages make a lot more sense now.
    This 'Apoluo'... or putting away his wife was very very cruel... likened to violence or treachery... it was so cruel.
    Mal 2:16... "For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away (Apoluo or thrusting out) : for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously." Violence... because it placed an innocent women back into the world (without a document of divorce) and without the care and covering she most desperately needed from her husband... who rejected her... and basically threw her to the dogs of the world as it were. This was a very violent act and a treacherous act on the part of this husband... because he plotted against his very own wife... to cast her out without giving her a document of divorce... so that she could properly remarry.
    Covenants, marriage contracts... and even documents of divorce (known as Apostasion) were very important... and legally positioned that person or persons under God to either be "bound" (marriage contract)... or "unbound" (document of divorce). Moses did allow documents of divorce (because their hearts were hard... but never the less did allow documents of divorce). The purpose of these documents was to legally unbind a husband and wife that they would be no longer bound to one another... and if they were no longer bound to one another (because of this proper and legal Apostation or document of divorce) they were unbound or free to marry another.
    Jesus did not hate Mose's Apostasion (document of divorce). Jesus hated Apoluo (putting away or thrusting out a wife without a document of divorce)... for it violently and treacherously put the women in great danger! That is why in Mal 2 God uses the words here..."putting away"... "violence"... and "treacherously". Jesus did not like divorce either... but it was given by Moses. He did not like divorce either because it is a breaking of a marriage covenant... but it was not a sin. Adultery is a sin thus those who are only "put away" or cast out without a certificate of divorce will automatically be committing the sin of adultery if they were to marry again. This is what Jesus hated... the "Apoluo"... the casting out or "putting away" but not legally divorced for then as still being married to the first husband... she would commit the sin of adultery if she remarried also causing the one who married her to be committing adultery.
    A margin note in The Geneva Bible (1599) concerning the term "put away" said, "that is, was not lawfully divorced." Even in our beloved King James the word divorce is used once where it should have been translated "Put Away". And even in modern Christianity the world "Put Away" has come to be known as divorce. Knowing the Greek meanings of words especially in this highly controversial subject is vital and is definitely less violent. Knowing the meaning of "Apoluo" and "Apostation" is very important... else the church will stay locked in a state of confusion and stress.

    • @atsuinakada
      @atsuinakada 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Carol Dickinson If what you are saying is true then why did the disciples say it is better to not marry if this is the case between a man and woman? If The Messiah was only concerned with whether or not they had a piece of paper, then why would the disciples think that was a hard thing? Would they not be relieved that they could marry and divorce and marry another once they had the right paper work? Why would they think it was better to stay single or avoid marriage altogether? They should have been like, "Whew! Is that all? We just need to have the paperwork? Wow. Thank God!"Then are the disciples heartless jerks? Wanting to string along the first wives?Are the disciples wanting to "put away" meaning separate WITHOUT officially divorcing them and marry another woman AND still keep the first wife without "freeing" himself of her and "freeing" her? Are the disciples that cruel? This is one of the MANY reasons I think,at this time, that marrying again after divorce is adultery. Because the disciples could not believe it and would rather not marry at all than be stuck with the first wife.

  • @jv777jv
    @jv777jv  12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I believe that every marriage is valid. I don't come to all of the same conclusions as David Pawson but we need to hear him on this subject and the church needs to repent of the sins of both divorce and remarriage

  • @gordonjensen1575
    @gordonjensen1575 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How does "mercy" negate the clear teaching of God's Word?

    • @pastorshandonevangkimlaellis
      @pastorshandonevangkimlaellis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen,that's what I keep saying.JESUS was Full of Grace and Truth.The way that many explain divorce and remarriage,they paint GOD out to be a Monster.Who punishes a man or woman who is cheated on and abused.To stay in the marriage or remain single for the rest of their life.While they burn for sexual relations and companionship with the opposite gender.All because someone cheated on them and physically abused them for years and they wanted to get out of that abuse.I agree people shouldn't divorce for stupid reasons.But infidelity and abuse should be reasons.Otherwise GOD is telling us to stay in abusive relationships and to keep letting our spouse cheat on us and keep bringing us home diseases.Where is GOD'S Mercy and Grace in all of this.That's why I don't listen to what someone tell me about GOD.I learn him for myself.The letter of the law killeth the the SPIRIT brings life,understsnding,mercy,and grace to the law.The law can say something but don't really mean what people say it mean.The pharisees was strict about the law of the Sabbath.But the SPIRIT of the law of the Sabbath.Was just for men to rest and reflect on GOD.But when merciless,mean,and erroneous understanding people taught it.They put burdens on people that GOD never meant to be there.Any man or woman that has been divorced and remarried need to fast and pray and ask GOD what he want them to do because GOD knows why they got a divorce.GOD also know if they knew it was wrong or not.So we can say what the law say.But what do JESUS say,he meant about the law that we strongly rebuke or try to correct others with.JESUS is the final answer not man's erroneous understanding.GOD BLESS.

  • @cosmogang
    @cosmogang 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AssemblyMinistries1 I find your comments hard to take seriously because of your lack of respect.

  • @phil4508
    @phil4508 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    divorce....is quite the same all over the world...

  • @BiGMANJOE32
    @BiGMANJOE32 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    King David went back to his first wife

  • @garyhudson568
    @garyhudson568 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree that remarriage to another person, while the spouse is still alive (Rom7:2,3) is a one time act of adultery before God. However, I think we need to pray to get God's will for the next step. David commited adultery, married Bathsheba, but God allowed them to stay married when they had kids. But in Ezra, In time of revival, God said to separate. We need to get Gods plan for each situation-its not going to be a one for all solution. Where did Jesus paul ever counsel someone to divorce.

    • @lovefaithhopelfh3887
      @lovefaithhopelfh3887 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      gary hudson David married Bathsheba AFTER the death of her husband.

  • @phil4508
    @phil4508 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    how does one sort out the "literal" language from the "hyperbolic" such as take out your eye...cut off your hand....or unless your righteousness exceeds the scribes and the pharisees...

    • @laurapiovan
      @laurapiovan 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Philip Buckley what makes you think Jesus is speaking figuratively when he says "anyone who puts away his wife and marries another commits adultery, and everyone who marries the one who is divorced commits adultery".
      Where do you see an "hyperbolic" language here?

  • @parbatiebrotherson618
    @parbatiebrotherson618 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    so true

  • @cheles9463
    @cheles9463 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can a wife divorce her husband for repeated cheating.

    • @nothereanymore6463
      @nothereanymore6463 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Chele S No unfortunately. Marriage is a covenant with God and your spouse until death. Pray for your husband and ask God to heal his heart and give you strength to endure. Much love to you

    •  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Chele S praying for you, i cheated on my spouse from 2 years apart and didnt feel loved. I turned to her instead of god snd made the brutal mostake of not only cheating but a child out of sin. And ill tell you now i regret my sin and beg forgiveness daily. My pain holds no bounds i am sorrowfully repentant. I will never remarry or fornicate with others im devoted to god and my covenant of marriage. I will stay devout to my wife even though i sinned against her and she has left for 1.5 years. Singleness or reconciliation, its in gods hands. I pray your husband is woken by god and repents as i have. Praying for your strength and gods intervention to your husband.

    • @t.a.3191
      @t.a.3191 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @ Thank you for your honesty. I pray and believe the Lord restores your marriage, and that you can come back and share your testimony. God bless you.

  • @phil4508
    @phil4508 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder if violence has any significance....in this....ergo is it a "valid" reason for separation or divorce...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      separation, or maybe even divorce....but no remarriage....

  • @phil4508
    @phil4508 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    unfortunately...because there is no answer to comments...a lot of this information lacks value...

    • @carnation_cat
      @carnation_cat 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The person who posted the video is not the teacher, so has no responsibility or authority to answer questions. David Pawson is about 90 and living in England, but you could try to contact him through www.davidpawson.org if you really want to. :)

    • @sierrakamau1510
      @sierrakamau1510 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's Bible based. Not high minded arguments. To me it's the TRUTH.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@carnation_cat people who teach should set up a group that can address issues...and not be the one man show....

  • @cosmogang
    @cosmogang 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AssemblyMinistries1 Your "guess" is wrong (and disrespectful once again). I think you should be a little more hesitant to assume/judge. I'm glad you are hardcore. I'm also glad that our salvation does not hinge on Mr Pawson! Amen?! Have a great weekend. God bless.

    @ALBERTABERTASENNAH 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    People who have had 5-15-50-100 sex partners guess what somewhere somebody was your husband(s) yes you've had these many. 5-15-50-100..in olden days Kings or men married several women called wives & then they gather concubines other women guess what they All belong to that one guy..Women if you hook up with several men you've had several HUSBANDS..if you have SEX you have consummated your relationship with each partner...marriage certificate or not it's about "Sharing Body Fluids that binds you

  • @stevenjames3658
    @stevenjames3658 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    If anybody says the Cross of Christ is not sufficient, they are of their father the devil, and the truth is not in them. He/ God is not the author of confusion, and this all sounds to me like the naysayers of remarriage are causing confusion in the body of Christ, misery and pain goes along with what the adversary satan is driving people to. He's speaking into these people's minds causing chaos.
    This goes along with if I wouldn't shorten the days the very elect would be deceived. Grace does not Advocate sinning or a license to sin in any sense of the word. Common Sense will tell you people do not look for a way to divorce and remarry. My my heart goes out to those who are living a destitute life, without the help of a spouse, disrupting their children's lives causing misery everywhere. Does that sound like God to you? I think not.
    In this situation I was smelling a skunk weeks ago, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Where are these naysayers of remarriage?. Who listens to this nonsense? I'll tell you who! The people that don't know the word and are led way as sheep to the slaughter. Who are these people anyway? What religion do they belong to? I would really like to know. They are taking a particular truth of God's word, and turning it into a lie, a Works mode and it's causing Untold misery to thousands.
    My thought is If your focus isn't on Jesus then the power of the cross is not your focus. Impotent means without power. To make the cross without power (in your life) is to replace it with something else as the source of your salvation (identifying with a person place or thing or law, instead of Christ Jesus and him crucified where by he made old things pass away, and behold All Things become new. Christ Jesus and him crucified. So the answer for which you seek is found in the cross. Not in the wooden beam, but the price that our savior their paid on calvary's Hill. Galatians 5:4 again Christ has become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by any kind of law we are fallen from Grace for we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith and faith alone.
    The Apostle Paul says don't let anybody condemn you in anyting. In Galatians 5:4 the Apostle Paul writes the following>> Christ has become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by law you are fallen from Grace. I'm assuming any kind of law including the Ten Commandments. That it is by faith and faith alone in the finished work of the cross how Christ Jesus. Then in another place says we preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling block to the Greeks it is nonsense.. I hope more people listen to you on this subject. The Cross of Christ makes the difference in people's lives not the do's and don'ts. Christian Life is supposed to be full of joy and peace. But where is the piece today.?
    This Is Steven James
    Good Day

    • @brianhemmert9394
      @brianhemmert9394 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Steven James, (John 14:15 If you love me keep my commandments). My sheep know me and they hear my voice. A true follower of Christ is not looking for loopholes into sin.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      are you divorced, and remarried....

  • @politicallyincorrecttvseas159
    @politicallyincorrecttvseas159 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    So what your got cheated on what did you think for better or for worse meant. You signed up for a marriage regardless of what happens to stay faithful till death do you part

    • @jennifermarsden9508
      @jennifermarsden9508 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +jay black If the spouse was in a brutal and violent abusive marriage should that person stay until they are beaten to death? Or the kids? And become another news story that COULD have been prevented? I'd really like to know the logic.

    • @politicallyincorrecttvseas159
      @politicallyincorrecttvseas159 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No separate get the cops involved if necessary

    • @redletters7933
      @redletters7933 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Jennifer Marsden ; the Bible aka God and his words gives you two options......stay single or be reconciled.....no fornification or realy it's adultery if you have ever been wed......

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redletters7933 yes👍💯