Hey so I might've said chests have 36 slots when they in fact don''t The real final numbers when using a proper 27-slot boat chest are: Steve's Punch = 157,027,676,145,511,355,471,410 J Kinetic Boat Bombardment Attack = 51,910,014,517,880,141,180,858,438 J The comparisons are still roughly correct at least
you could have a second player in the boat insted of the chest letting you have more inventory slots in the boat as well as the armor. Also depending on how absurd you wanna get with it you could also pull a bunch of mules filled with blue ice shulkers behind you with leads as well (idk what the limit of mobs you can lead at one time tho)
Now let's take into consideration that Steve can put leads on the boat,s carrying multiple at a time then let's take it a step further have Alex be in one of those boats writing off of the boat that Steve is pulling then attaching more boats behind her like Steve *good luck finding room on a paper to put down that number*
given how they can hypothetically eat an infinite amount of seeds if you keep failing the 1/10 taming roll, and the fact that they never poop, you could eventually get the parrot to make a dent in the final number
You can also tie animals on a leash, like a donkey with a chest full of shulker boxes, although we don't need that, cuz there is no limit to this, except for computer performance, so... Steve is infinitely strong?
@@rqmxn. idk how far off the deep end we're going with this, but matching the parrot with its real life conterpart as much as possible (they don't sweat, for example) we still have a net gain, assuming you can feed him more than whatever weight he'd lose to breathing or the environment edit: elaborating on the sweat thing, the villagers actually do visually sweat during raids, which kinda removes any room for doubt on the other mobs. And even if it didnt, the mobs would be able to sweat indefinitely without losing weight. it's the water source all over again.
they arent just nuclear level, they are almost a million times stronger than the strongest nuclear bomb ever. a minecraft fish could probably wipe out humanity
Calling minecraft gravity greater than earth gravity, while I‘m here, standing before a floating half chopped down tree, is not something I expected to hear.
time to calculate how many calories are inside each food item given how far steve can run with maximum weight i know walking doesnt use hunger so that would just yield infinity as a result, but running actually has a limit
You’re actually correct! ✅ In bedrock edition if you put dyes in a full cauldron of water it can completely turn the water into the color of that dye. And since a full cauldron the clean water’s mass is equal to that of a full water bucket! So yes my friend you’ve done it the dyes weight diffused into the shulker has added more mass!
While 65 septillion, or 6.5 x 10^25 joules is a lot of force, it would take at least 2 x 10^32 joules of energy to destroy the earth, over 300,000 times more energy than Steve could produce.
A reminder that Water weighs that much and yet steve still sinks into it when not doing anything, which means that steve has to be heavier than that water to sink, and it's all pure muscle
@@Alierii Right, sorry, i sometimes confuse the two, but still, the steve is denser than water which is pretty crazy when water's density is so high cuz it can spread out so much,
@holahola-ym1xv also don't forget that he can easily sink to the bottom of a 256 tall water source block column which would have increasing density the farther down you go.
Steve is never limited by the weight he can carry, only by physical space(and even so in a questionable way) so all this is a lower bound. But also, steve is pushed upwards by bubble columns
Him being pushed up by water is strange, but still, he doesn't have to be too light, only lighter than water itself. so I guess his muscles are insanely dense
yea if you put a bunch of shit in a shulker and then keep putting that shulker in other shulkers wouldnt that makee him be able to carrry infinite mass or weight, or is there a limit for how many shulkers you can carry in other shulkers etc etc
@@webpombo7765 very good observation brotherman, also his legs may be even stronger since he can stack alot of these chest boats on his head while crouching so probably hundreds of times stronger
According to my calculations, two "Kinetic boat bombardments" release the amount of energy that is nearly enough to obliterate Pol from Kerbal Space Program.
You can also put a pig (which you can feed) in a boat with a saddle which can hold another player holding the same things as Steve and still ride the boat plus Steve can have 2 parrots on his shoulders which you can feed as well. Steve can also have arrows stuck in him which can be tipped. Steve can also eat so the mass of food in his digestive system can count to it as well. He can also drag animals with leads and some of the animals can have armor/saddles put on them as well as being feed and being in boats. Steve can also have a cape on.
You can put a lead on entities, including a boat with a chest. When you stand on a clif the boat with the chest is held by Steve, so the real Number would be multiplied by the amount of chest boats you can hold with leads. As far as I know, there is no limit, so the number would be as many entities your computer can handle, but I think that is a bit cheaty and not as "real" as the number calculated in the video.
Theres also the fact that while people would use the limitations of skulker boxes to have a limited amount the inventory can carry, (sprint + copy block) can copy a chest with its block data, and this can create a feasibly infinite inception chest and is another method only limited as the limitations of the program
i think steve would be moving so fast into your planet that he would almost phase right through it. if what im thinking is correct, his passage through the planet would cause severe radiation and other reactions within the core to just erase the planet from existence. not literally, of course.
Can't we just say there is no weight in minecraft, and blocks just fall because they do 😅 This may sound like a flat-earther theory, but earth is literally flat in minecraft lol
9:43 a more rigorous(?) proof of this would be (and I think this is still in the game) when a shulker box is destroyed (cactus, tnt) it drops the items, and an ender chest doesn’t, proving the items are actually in the shulker the whole time
If you put hopper below the shulker box, you would see that the items inside is being drain, therefore the item that you put into the shulker are indeed there unlike ender chest
@@seijihimouto8591 yeah there's a lot of very cool systems that only work on shulkers vs. not on ender chests because you can directly manipulate the contents of each individual shulker box using redstone
Take Steve's max weight as calculated here, and assuming that he is a 1m radius sphere, we can calculate his gravity from g=GM/R^2. This gives us 85,759,844,571 g, which means that objects should have over 26 billion times the gravitational acceleration towards Steve as the planet he is on. Mobs should fall towards Steve rather than the ground. If only we had a few more ways to multiply this mass, then we could turn steve into a black hole.
@@MrJohn8apie in fact it is said wrongly - and in fact in the centre of mass for sphere is zero gravity acceleration. In physics you calculate mass and its centre of mass and use that infinitely small point to calculate distances to other body/object calculated same way. Then it does not matter if he is a sphere or a cone - g of steve in some distance is able to calculate. Difference is if we will ask what is a surface acceleration, that is other question and has multiple answers - as example Earth has different distances from centre of mass, due to not being a sphere, which is caused by rotation which lowers final acceleration by centrifugal acceleration and on top of that (hmmm... maybe underneath of it) is not homogeneous then different materials in actual body of Earth are adding differently to surface gravity and its surface has various distances from those masses we add into account. (and of course - gravity is a vector then we need to consider directions too)
@@Loking120 Like fr, I went to minecraft and found that it takes steve 2 seconds or 15 punches to break a minecraft log, meaning that a log of wood can survive a 198 sextillion joules, 3000 times the total of all the nuclear weapons on earth. so a log of wood can survive 14 punches from steve
so, if cows floating in water means that the water is heavier, does that mean steve, iron golems, every type of fish, guardian and drowned weigh AT LEAST 264,299,784,937,890,654kg?
@@Voipy if it can be hollow, it would be better to just be a vacuum as that is less dense any material but the iron of the bucket is still additional weight onto the water it carries!
Ngl this really reminds me of what The Game Theorist used to be. Before fnaf and stringing together stories, and just applying math and science to absurd scenarios in video games. Well done! Love these videos :D
Now you can also measure how tough steve is considering that if another player attacks him with the boat attack he only loses half a heart, in other words 1/20 of his total health, meaning he can sustain 19 of those punches while also being able to accomplish a boat attack many times (until he loses his hunger and dies of hunger)
Wrong. 1. Instead of putting a chest in the back, put a camel. Then put 2 players on the camel with full inventories. You can't actually put a camel in a boat but you can put a baby camel, then just wait for it to grow up 2. You can then lead a lot of boats, with 2 camels on them, each camel having 2 players making for 4 players for each boat, then those players can also lead someone, then those players lead someone until the entire 60 000 000 x 60 000 000 world is filled. 3. Instead of carrying blue ice carry a lead. Calculate how much of the strongest material on earth is needed for the lead to not break when Steve is dragging all those stuff. Then equip everyone with leads. If the lead can not stand the new weight, increase the lead's weight. If the lead can not stand the new weight, increase the lead's weight. If the lead can not stand the new weight, increase the lead's weight. Repeat forever, infinite weight
There is also the height of 384, in this case it would be 383 if we removed all the bedrock except the bottom layer for people to stand on, and the entity cramming limit of 24 per block so it would be 60m x 60m x 383 x 24 x 4 x 81sx which is about 1e+43 or 10 tredecillion. I didn’t account for the 6 entites per boat though, as i dont know how many blocks it would take up with a boat, camel, and two players so the total number may be less.
I Literally Forgot the Fact that on Bedsrock Version you can put a Lead on the Boats, which is now basically Infinity amount of Streight and power when it comes to arm push
@@godzillaplaysvideogames 1. Now that I consider entity cramming boats are a terrible option. You see when you try to put 2 boats in the same space, 1 will just go above the other. It's much better to just directly lead camels because you can cram a bunch of them in 1 space. 2. There is a game rule where you can change the entity cramming limit. You can set it to 0 to disable it 3. It's possible to put shulkers in the void, meaning you can break the bedrock and instead put the boats on shulkers. The shulkers will not attack you if they are upside down and on Y -128. When they shoot, their bullets will be in the damaging part of the void and immediately die 4. The height limit does not affect entities
@@sentakatsukiin my opinion, he could say 1.6 times 10 to the 11th and say something like "that's x times the weight of a blue whale" or something like that
@@sentakatsuki ifhe had actually read the number he wrote instead of just saying quadrillion, he wouldn't;t have made the mistake at 7:56 calling it quadrillion when it shows quintillion
I agree the ender chest is a pocket dimension, but i do not agree that shulkers are. The justification for an ender chest being a pocket dimension is that youre effectively accessing a remote storage, where the ender chest itself merely acts as the interface for doing so. It'd be like accessing data stored in the cloud irl. A shulker, however, is storing all of its items locally within itself, which is why you can only ever access the storage from the one specific shulker you deposited the items into. A PC analogy would be that the ender chest is cloud storage, a shulker is a local SSD on a pc without internet, and a normal chest is RAM since it clears contents on reset/break.
Personally i would say shulkers are iffy at best because they come from a creature that allows levitation, which gives me the feeling that the stuff you put in it becomes effectively weightless, though that's just a theory.
@@SolTheIdiot the only part of the shulker that allows levitation are its bullets, which are magic in nature while the shulker itself is always stuck in place. maybe you could argue that the shell is magic for being held up in the air when the container is open but its block game, everything floats
idk man the bag of holding carries items locally and is definitely a pocket dimension, so does the tardis for that matter, I don't think theres a "canon" answer so might as well use it in the name of big numbers
@@vakk985 Shulkers are also able to teleport showing both them and their shells are magical in nature. Since we don’t know how Shulkers teleport or create their bullets it means the inside of their shells is more complex than a normal chest. After all the shells on the outside allow for the chest to be moved while a normal chest just breaks and spills its contents. This means the inside of a Shulker box could be an altered dimension of some kind
new question: who hits harder, terraria guy or steve? terraria guy with the shadow lance and the inflatable tube with a top to bottom of the world water column can do wacky things
I second the others points here, if we really wanted to test it then Terraria's guy would instantly fail any test we could provide since he's unable to defend himself without starting with a sword and unlike steve he deals 0 damage when using non weapon items. Additionally, if we said both sides are allowed to use the best items and buffs they can get their hands on then Terraria would have a significant unfair advantage due to it completely relying on continuous power creeping while steve is able to be as effective with stone as he is with diamond (through enchants or simply using an axe to deal higher damage)
Damage numbers are clearly calculated using different metrics entirely, so that's not a viable comparison. You'd have to calculate some analogous metric, which might not be possible. And that's without even getting into how we'd control for all the magic crap. Considering he physically cannot attack without weapons, and his damage (and swing speed) is entirely based on those weapons and magical enhancements, can we really say that any of it is really _his_ strength? The Terrarian is less a powerhouse like Steve, and more a vessel for a myriad of magical tools that grant him power. Steve can punch through a block of solid stone in a matter of seconds. The Terrarian couldn't in a hundred thousand years. He borrows and steals and plunders the power of the world he lives in, but has none of his own.
counter argument: Steve moves at exactly the same speed while having an empty inventory, and while carrying the absolutely insane weight, so he is infinitely strong
@@Somepersonrblx even more than that, it's simple maths, he doesn't slow down a single milimeter per hour while walking, so he literally has infinite strength
@@loopcat4369 but that is still 999 bundles. One cubic meter of wool weighs 1,1314 kg. Using the crafting recipe for wool, one string is a fourth of the mass of wool so 328.5 kg. Neglecting the weight of the leather, 999 bundles weigh AT LEAST 328,171.5 kg. Which means the weight Steve could carry(not including leading boat chests with donkeys) would be 264,299,784,938,218,825.5 kg. Edit: I forgot that shulkers were stackable, so The weight of bundles would be 777,888kg. Including the dye, we get a net weight of 2,938,195.456kg. Which means the net weight Steve could carry would be 264,299,784,940,828,849.456 kg.
Also, Steve can temporarily store 4 more shulker boxes in his crafting inventory area thing.(As long as his inventory is open).So that is 4 more shulkers or 108 more bundles which is 35,478 kg more
I really like to imagine how animators would animate this and i think it would be freakin hilarious. Great and definitely not overcomplicated video that i didnt fall asleep to yesterday so i had to rewatch yes yes
Idk if you would count this because it does require some commands, but if you fill a chest with blue ice you can select block and get the chest with all it's items as an item, you can then put it into another chest and repeat doing that. There is a limit to how many layers you can have, it's called the dept tag limit so it wouldn't be just another way to get infinite weight. I think the limits around 171 times so it can still get pretty heavy
Following that logic, the true final range would be in the ballpark of 4.1*10^3591kg. That number is so ridiculous, it is equivalent to 2*10^3561 Suns, which is still so large it’s incomprehensible. It’s large enough that even if every atom in the universe has the mass of the Sun, the mass Steve carries would be 10^3449 times greater than the universe of atoms with masses of the sun.
Rowing and punching using the same muscle groups isnt the problem with that assumption. The issue lies in the physics of how a boat is rowed... with a paddle/oar. The oar is acting as a lever, multiplying the force applied by Steve. Typical boat oars multiply the force by 5-7 times as much, meaning steve's punching force is far less than calculated.
I’m actually pretty sure its the opposite, since most oar arrangements actually put you at a mechanical disadvantage in exchange for longer, more continuous stroke length. Steve is actually even stronger.
@patrickguyum that's not how levers work. Rowing a boat is a class one lever and absolutely multiplies the force you exert when rowing. The fulcrum being close to the rower means it multiplies the force to a lesser extent, but it absolutely is not reducing the total force. Humans wouldn't have rowed boats the same way for hundreds of years if it was dividing the force exerted. That's about as common sense as it can get. You're applying a force over a short distance, and in return getting a force over a much longer distance, which when all things are done results in a mechanical advantage for the rower.
If you enable touch screen mode, you can carry items in the crafting grid and then click off to the side of the screen to close the gui while keeping the items in there while being able to walk around. So you can add 4 more shulkers
And if you want to be really funny, you can squeeze in one more shulker by clicking on one in your inventory, holding it in the cursor 'slot', and picking up another that was previously on the ground. This trick doesn't affect either of the boat calculations, but for sheer maximum lift then this can be done
@@mambodog5322 actually thatsa good point. if you do that then we finaly have steve max lift capacity. why is that the max? because he is incapable of moving on his own at that point. he must put down 1 shulkerbox jsut so he can move again.
Spawn eggs are like normal eggs, they don't contain the thing inside, they contain the things necessary to create the final product inside. Spawn eggs just happen to be very fast at incubation
@@distorted_heavyyes but even so there was an April fools update where Steve would pick up blocks and mobs, and Steve can pick up both a squid (which could be milked in earlier versions), and a cow
@@distorted_heavy I also forgot to mention that steve can hold bedrock in creative mode. And a cubic metre of tnt should break it but not even 1,000,000 TNT does. In fact it doesnt even move so therefore Bedrock should be nearing the Googolplex of weight considering nothing can even nudge it.
OH! HAHAHA. The centrifugal force experienced by Steve as he turns while on a minecraft at MAX VELOCITY would be absolutely huge, far larger than the force due to gravity, but he STILL LIVES! He can go in a minecart particle accelerator while carrying everything!
I actually find it impressive that with all of these multiplicative formulas that seem totally out of control, they are still well within the bounds of practical values, still being far less than the weight of the earth for example.
According to my calculations 🤓🤓Steve punches at a speed of 7.5 punches per second (when breaking a block) , it takes approximately 25 seconds, or 187 punches, for Steve to break a diamond block with his bare hands. You need 2.66 diamond blocks to craft a full set of armor. A zombie deals 3 hearts of damage with his BARE hands in normal difficulty, and for every 4 hearts of damage, your armor's durability decreases by 1 point. This means a zombie would break a full set of diamond armor with 704 hits. And steve only deals half a heart of damage, this would mean that a simple zombie is six times stronger than steve
What if you attached a bunch of leads to chestboats full of blue ice shulkers? There's no limit on the amount of leads you can use, and steve can hold all the boats up in the air at once.
you also have 4 slots in your inventory's crafting which you can fill up, if you then pick up more items while they're in there, steve *is* carrying them still, you just can't really go out of your inventory
12:09 this will not give you the highest number. instead of a chest boat, get another player with the same inventory as yourself and run the calculations again to get the power of steves punch. this is unless you are talking specifically single player
a couple notes in order of stupidity: 1) steve can balance boats on his head, including chest boats, which can be balanced in a pyramid with more than one stacked on top of each other (potentially also possible with chest minecarts but I think they have a taller hitbox) so you could stack up a boat pyramid to however far beyond build limit you can launch boats, and combine this with another comment about boats on leads to dangle some amount of boats into the void. 2) you could argue that, using glass bottles and a cauldron, one water source block has virtually infinite water, meaning it can fill up at least the entire world + the end, for 30m * 30m * (392 for the overworld + 256 for the end) or about 583 quintillion kg per block of ice. And if you want to be pedantic and say that some of that weight comes from the bottles and the cauldron, since they're both reusable you could just carry one stack of each to account for that (or even iron pants because the crafting recipes imply they should be the same as a cauldron). combining those, assuming you could fit about 10,000 boats to be "carried by steve," i think his max carrying capacity would be about 22 nonillion kg or about 11 suns (in mass not weight) also there might be something to either putting mules with chests in the boats or on the leads, but im not sure that helps and also he can do most of this while exerting enough downward force on normal water to stay afloat so i dont wanna know what that does to the calculations
to add to that because i didnt see the first video eariler, if you want to get the highest number possible that isnt just infinite, I would argue that an "infinite" source doesn't carry infinite amounts of water, but only knowably enough to fill the entire minecraft world making it finite and therefore usable
i think it's also important to consider (for powerscaling purposes): 1. (tldr: Steve is nigh impossible to kill if you aren't a planet buster or don't have some form of non-physical attacks) ONE (1) of these punches from Steve deals 1 damage (half a heart). Considering that Minecraft players (Steve) have 20 health and also suffer no physical impairments no matter their health, Steve can EASILY tank 19 of these punches before dying to the 20th. 2. (tldr: Steve is also stupidly fast) Even through Steve doesn't get any faster if his inventory is empty, the fact he can walk and SPRINT (going as fast as one can) without slowing down at all suggests that in a one-on-one fight he'd be incredibly fast and 3. (tldr: Steve is actually so, so, SO much more strong and durable than calculated here) Fill Steve's inventory with shulker boxes. Those shulker boxes can contain shulker boxes. And those shulker boxes, can also contain shulker boxes. Continue repeating these layers until you hit the depth tag limit and fill the last layer of shulker boxes with packed ice. I'm no scientist, but whatever that number is, it's pretty high. And remember, Steve can effortlessly tank 19x that force. Just some things to remember.
The speed is an asspull that doesn't reflect the reality of Steve's ingame feats, especially considering he can die from bumping into any solid block with an elytra, which is close to the fastest mode of travel in the game
I think you can balance boats on top of players, so you could possibly find out how many boats fit on top of steves head until height limit and see how much the sum in weight of all those boats is and that would probably be our last effort to finding Steves real strength
Canonical Steve is terrifying, especially when you brought up Pluto, i just got a mental image of Steve pile driving the ground on Pluto so hard it gets sent into the sun faster than the speed of light
@SolTheIdiot yes my bad that is significant, don't forget the dye as well and remember to add the mass of a name tag as well since that would increase the mass. Also make the name tag the max possible length so it uses as much materials as possible. Use black dye so that it absorbs the most infrared radiation since electrons have a mass of 9.11x10^-31 they are significant in this calculation don't forget to count the mass of the atmosphere of minecraft (air) inside the bundle since not all the bundle is filled by water since we know the bundle can hold 64 cubic metres of material and a bucket of water is approximately 0.56m we can calculate the empty mass of air at 56.44m^3 of air. Air has a mass of 1.2kgm^-3 and thus we obtain a value of 67.728kg of air trapped inside that bundle as well. Next we need to consider if poison is present on the string and that can only be found out if we know whether the string originated from a cave spider or a regular spider. The mass of poison can be assumed to be 1046kgm^-3 and thus we can calculate the mass of poison on all strings would likely be 0.67g. Add this all together and bam more accurate
Actually steve has a a weight limit of 27×64×36×81 infinities (inventory and off hand filled with shulker boxes filled with stacks of blue ice, 1 blue ice=81 regular ice that melts into 81 water source blocks, 1 water source block has infinite mass since 1 water source fills infinite bottles of water)
wait a second, chests add 27 slots not 36 (12:50). I suppose you can put another player in the boat, but at that point you might as well put a llama with a chest plus a player. Cool video by the way! Edit: corrected in comment, very cool
I can bypass all of this and be far more accurate in my numbers with one simple trick: parrots. A parrot can theoretically consume infinite weight in seeds, and can never poop. Therefore, they can have ω mass. Steve can hold 2 parrots on his shoulders, and jump as high as he would before. This means that ω x 2 is not even close to his maximum carry capacity. But lets look at his jumps, for those of you who don't like the rowing/punching comparison. Steve can jump on a 1 x 1 x 1 metre cube of glass, which will never break from this stress. This means that everything in minecraft is also similarly scaled up as steve. Steve can break this glass block with his fists in (i think)
I like where you're thinking, but I was specifically avoiding infinite numbers because I think theyre boring for the question at hand, plus theres minor problems like the difference between ininite and arbitrary like dootnoot said, and also none of your further calculations increased the magnitude beyond ω because doing math with infinite numbers is dumb
@@Schmedley-the-Sign-Nezha fair enough, i can see where you're coming from. however, i didn't actually do any weight calculations beyond ω unless you count adding an extra parrot, so of course i didn't increase the magnitude beyond ω. however, what i did do was give a far more accurate measure of his punching strength, by seeing how much force a glass block can withstand versus how fast steve can punch it to death, which would only be a calculation if i was dealing with cardinal numbers. i've always wanted to see a video like this where someone brings up the glass block thing and the discrepancies between different damage types, even if they lowballed his true strength to make it less boring. with that being said, i loved the video!
5:54 this is actually incorrect, because the only place where lava flower like water is the nether where there is a height limit of only 256 blocks instead of the overworlds 384.
This really puts into perspective just how strong Minecraft mobs are if they can take multiple hits before dying and even deal near-fatal damage to such a monster.
Friendly reminder that isn’t so friendly: Shulker boxes are stackable… 💀 Which means Steve can take all that mass and shove 27x that in another shulker box. And then do it again, and again, and so on.
Accounting for dripstone farms, any bucket of water OR lava has an unlimited mass because it can reproduce via dripstone indefinitely. This means Steve can carry the weight of an infinite amount of universes and yet run and jump as normal
This is further proven by the fact water source blocks seem to be able to make streams of infinite volume, and two source blocks can create an infinite amount of extra source blocks. Worse yet, we still have to consider the size of Steve's stomach. Steve is able to eat apples combined with 8 ingots of gold, each 1/9th of a 1x1 meter block of gold, all with no issue. This means that he is able to chew that much gold no problem, and that his stomach is able to withstand an infinite amount of food since he never gets full and never excretes in any way. Furthermore, the food itself is able to generate an infinite number of crumbs. To top it all off, mobs like the camel can carry two steves, doubling the strength of the animal. Though, I have to wonder force friction applies when steve actually gets slowed down by a block (like water)
Unlimited POTENTIAL mass, but still a finite contained mass. The single bucket itself still only holds the limited volume that a single source can spread out to be. Just because it is able to make more does not mean it's constantly carrying that infinite amount more.
@doughboywhine it's entirely possible that's Steve's digestive system is 100% efficient, with all foods being fully bioavalible and not leaving any waste.
@@viper_exe_ Okay that explains why he poops, but doesn't explain why he doesn't get full. If he is doing nothing, his body would have to at least build fat stores unless the calories he gets from the apple is only enough to cover chewing it, in which case that doesn't explain how it fills his hunger bar and heals him. Also, doesn't explain how he can eat food the generates an unlimited number of crumbs
its 5 A.M. and I randomly thought "I wonder if anyone ever looked into how much lava Steve can carry and converted it into a number" and honestly I'm surprised you only made this 1 month ago
Not to mention that this type of power to punch means that a stone block, which Steve has some trouble mining with his bare fist, is most likely infinitely more denser than calculated, and so is everything else. In essence this would mean that everything scales infinitely, since if the things he carries are denser, then he hits harder, but the stone still survives the hits so it kind of goes on forever if we ignore the "gameplay reasons" side of things.
But you can take infinite amount of bottles from one waterbucket. Also 2 waterbuckets can make infinite water, so... Steve can carry infinite amount of water
This is one of those youtube videos that makes me wonder how this app is free? Genuinly one of the best videos I have seen in a long time. Please keep them coming.
Great video my one issue is the assumption that crafting uses the entirety of a resource, surely crafting a bucket wastes some iron, because if you smelt it you don't get 3 ingots back
Hey so I might've said chests have 36 slots when they in fact don''t
The real final numbers when using a proper 27-slot boat chest are:
Steve's Punch = 157,027,676,145,511,355,471,410 J
Kinetic Boat Bombardment Attack = 51,910,014,517,880,141,180,858,438 J
The comparisons are still roughly correct at least
You should visit Greenland🇬🇱
What about compressed potato in April fools update???
you could have a second player in the boat insted of the chest letting you have more inventory slots in the boat as well as the armor. Also depending on how absurd you wanna get with it you could also pull a bunch of mules filled with blue ice shulkers behind you with leads as well (idk what the limit of mobs you can lead at one time tho)
Now, steve can leash boats... boats with chests... Carrying llamas with chests...
Now let's take into consideration that Steve can put leads on the boat,s carrying multiple at a time then let's take it a step further have Alex be in one of those boats writing off of the boat that Steve is pulling then attaching more boats behind her like Steve *good luck finding room on a paper to put down that number*
close enough welcome back matpat
Austin screams in the distance.
Old school Matpat that looked at the math and science of the games and not just the lore of Freddy Fazbear
"I will finish what you have started" ah coment
@@JohnSkao ah coment
You forgot to add in the weight of two parrots. C’mon dude
given how they can hypothetically eat an infinite amount of seeds if you keep failing the 1/10 taming roll, and the fact that they never poop, you could eventually get the parrot to make a dent in the final number
You can also tie animals on a leash, like a donkey with a chest full of shulker boxes, although we don't need that, cuz there is no limit to this, except for computer performance, so... Steve is infinitely strong?
@@vakk985 weight loss to breathing/sweat/heat exists, so some kind of ideal parrot in the minecraft world would still maintain somewhat constant mass
@@rqmxn. idk how far off the deep end we're going with this, but matching the parrot with its real life conterpart as much as possible (they don't sweat, for example) we still have a net gain, assuming you can feed him more than whatever weight he'd lose to breathing or the environment
edit: elaborating on the sweat thing, the villagers actually do visually sweat during raids, which kinda removes any room for doubt on the other mobs. And even if it didnt, the mobs would be able to sweat indefinitely without losing weight. it's the water source all over again.
@@vakk985 again, weight loss to breathing/heat is pretty big
Now there's the question of, given steve's nuclear-level punches only inflict 1/2 heart of damage, how durable are minecraft mobs?
Continental chicken 🗿🍷
they arent just nuclear level, they are almost a million times stronger than the strongest nuclear bomb ever. a minecraft fish could probably wipe out humanity
Able to withstand asteroid impacts that’s for sure
Now take that fact and apply it to Minecraft TNT. 😂
Apply it to an End Crystal explosion now lmao
Calling minecraft gravity greater than earth gravity, while I‘m here, standing before a floating half chopped down tree, is not something I expected to hear.
12:50 you can have a second steve in the boat with the same inventory!
Not when you have a chest on it
@@callmelou5397 in a normal boat a second player can sit in the boat who can hold the same inventory
@dragoni_penguin aaah good point
This is all while entirely sober and sustained only by baked potatoes
If you’ve seen an Irish person, Steve’s abilities suddenly make a lot more sense
or dried kelp
time to calculate how many calories are inside each food item given how far steve can run with maximum weight
i know walking doesnt use hunger so that would just yield infinity as a result, but running actually has a limit
Come out ye black 'n tans...
you mean rotten meat?
Thats gotta add some grams!!!!
We can all aggree brown dyed shulkers look ass
@@SirBentiger Depends where you use it
Also you can put every stack of thing in a bundle, which also can be dyed.
You’re actually correct! ✅
In bedrock edition if you put dyes in a full cauldron of water it can completely turn the water into the color of that dye.
And since a full cauldron the clean water’s mass is equal to that of a full water bucket! So yes my friend you’ve done it the dyes weight diffused into the shulker has added more mass!
I now understand why Jack Black said "I am steve" in such a menacing way
he could destroy the earth by raising a finger
While 65 septillion, or 6.5 x 10^25 joules is a lot of force, it would take at least 2 x 10^32 joules of energy to destroy the earth, over 300,000 times more energy than Steve could produce.
@@xian2themax ok but he could destroy a mountain so it's still pretty menacing
He can hit multiple times.
Old school Game Theory / Shoddycast lives on. I'm glad *someone* is still making that kind of content.
15:09 wait. Boats float too.
Yo, that’s true!!!
So there is an infinite amount of kilograms in 1 water bucket!
_Sudden realization_
Mc water paradox
Bruh, boats in real life float to, and I think metal is quite a bit more dense then water
A reminder that Water weighs that much and yet steve still sinks into it when not doing anything, which means that steve has to be heavier than that water to sink, and it's all pure muscle
Steve just needs to be denser than water to sink in it
@@Alierii Right, sorry, i sometimes confuse the two, but still, the steve is denser than water which is pretty crazy when water's density is so high cuz it can spread out so much,
@holahola-ym1xv also don't forget that he can easily sink to the bottom of a 256 tall water source block column which would have increasing density the farther down you go.
@@holahola-ym1xv but the calculations for the weight assumed the water is at constant density, so it would be the same as normal water
Steve is never limited by the weight he can carry, only by physical space(and even so in a questionable way) so all this is a lower bound. But also, steve is pushed upwards by bubble columns
Him being pushed up by water is strange, but still, he doesn't have to be too light, only lighter than water itself. so I guess his muscles are insanely dense
A pop from one of those bubbles would disintegrate any one of us.
the bubbles like him
Well given how much each of those source blocks seem to weigh the fact that he doesn’t float should tell you something.
yea if you put a bunch of shit in a shulker and then keep putting that shulker in other shulkers wouldnt that makee him be able to carrry infinite mass or weight, or is there a limit for how many shulkers you can carry in other shulkers etc etc
*Steve gets into a boat*
And casually exerting the force of multiple nuclear bombs by just rowing💀
He doesn't move forward, he pulls the world backwards with every rowing.
@@NoahtheGameplayer knowing he don't even bend his legs...
now how dense is minecrafts water?
i saw the "nice" when he said "sextillion"
Steve magically reduces the weight of anything he Carry’s because otherwise carrying that much water would stop him from swimming
Also same for boats
So according to this logic steve jumping should cause nuclear blasts when he hits the ground
And when he pushes off of the ground too
@@webpombo7765 very good observation brotherman, also his legs may be even stronger since he can stack alot of these chest boats on his head while crouching so probably hundreds of times stronger
Also he isnt even bending his legs to jump
strong enough to destroy the world
Actually, considering how the majority of blocks can withstand Steve's punches for so long, I think they would be fine
This is why Jason Mamoa shouldve played Steve in the movie. Steve is an absolute unit with abs chiseled enough to cut diamond.
One of his abs weighs more than the sun 😂
Of course, if they couldn’t cut diamond how would he craft diamond tools?
Movie has the worst casting I've ever seen. They don't even try nowadays lol they're basically laughing at us.
According to my calculations, two "Kinetic boat bombardments" release the amount of energy that is nearly enough to obliterate Pol from Kerbal Space Program.
Prolly a nasa engineer
How many Steves will be needed to destroy Dres?
@@thwartificer I've calculated it to be around 2000 Steves. (Punching at once)
Is that including that ksp is 7 times smaller than our own universe?
@@triccster6772 Yes
Missed opportunity for a mom joke at the end.
You can also put a pig (which you can feed) in a boat with a saddle which can hold another player holding the same things as Steve and still ride the boat plus Steve can have 2 parrots on his shoulders which you can feed as well. Steve can also have arrows stuck in him which can be tipped. Steve can also eat so the mass of food in his digestive system can count to it as well. He can also drag animals with leads and some of the animals can have armor/saddles put on them as well as being feed and being in boats. Steve can also have a cape on.
You can put a lead on entities, including a boat with a chest. When you stand on a clif the boat with the chest is held by Steve, so the real Number would be multiplied by the amount of chest boats you can hold with leads. As far as I know, there is no limit, so the number would be as many entities your computer can handle, but I think that is a bit cheaty and not as "real" as the number calculated in the video.
so this basically mean the maximum should be ω
Theres also the fact that while people would use the limitations of skulker boxes to have a limited amount the inventory can carry, (sprint + copy block) can copy a chest with its block data, and this can create a feasibly infinite inception chest and is another method only limited as the limitations of the program
@@ThatCyanThing-yt5wuthat doesn't work in survival (at least not without mods or cheats) so it's irrelevant to the discussion.
@@smoloreo2410not cheats, commands (they recently changed the allow cheats to say allow commands)
@@w-lilypad that's just semantics, they essentially mean the same thing
imagine a guy wearing a blue shirt and rowing a boat with a chest on it smashing into your planet causes an extinction level explosion
Not just that. I think the planet would just stop existing
i think steve would be moving so fast into your planet that he would almost phase right through it. if what im thinking is correct, his passage through the planet would cause severe radiation and other reactions within the core to just erase the planet from existence. not literally, of course.
@@wkhdt it's only 72 m/s
Damn, that is one strong lily pad
Couldnt we say that blocks that fall, sand and gravel, are the only blocks in the game that have mass, seeing as the other blocks float midair
Can't we just say there is no weight in minecraft, and blocks just fall because they do 😅
This may sound like a flat-earther theory, but earth is literally flat in minecraft lol
Now put each stack in a dyed bundle for some small non negligible increase.
Choose dye based on whatever heaviest.
In theory, light blue dye should be the heaviest as it’s the weight of (1/9 1m^3 Lapis + 1/9 1m^3 Bone) / 2
“Well erm actually, you forgot the weight of the trims themselves because they themselves contain 7 diamonds and one material”
one of the trims is made with teracotta so it's even more than just the diamonds
It's unlikely that the smithing _template_ makes it into the final product even if it's removed in the process.
He specifically mentioned trimming the armor, so I think it's safe to assume he did that math without telling us the irrelevant numbers.
@@TinyDeskEngineer One of the assumptions he made was that crafting recipes are loss-less, which I imagine extends to the templates as well.
9:43 a more rigorous(?) proof of this would be (and I think this is still in the game) when a shulker box is destroyed (cactus, tnt) it drops the items, and an ender chest doesn’t, proving the items are actually in the shulker the whole time
thats a good point!
If you put hopper below the shulker box, you would see that the items inside is being drain, therefore the item that you put into the shulker are indeed there unlike ender chest
@@seijihimouto8591 yeah there's a lot of very cool systems that only work on shulkers vs. not on ender chests because you can directly manipulate the contents of each individual shulker box using redstone
Take Steve's max weight as calculated here, and assuming that he is a 1m radius sphere, we can calculate his gravity from g=GM/R^2. This gives us 85,759,844,571 g, which means that objects should have over 26 billion times the gravitational acceleration towards Steve as the planet he is on. Mobs should fall towards Steve rather than the ground. If only we had a few more ways to multiply this mass, then we could turn steve into a black hole.
"assuming that he is a 1m radius sphere" .Spoken like a true physics student fair play🤣
Internet said that average human density is 1010kg/m3. Average human mass at 62kg would be 0.061m2 in volume.
Prolly a math teacher
@@MrJohn8apie in fact it is said wrongly - and in fact in the centre of mass for sphere is zero gravity acceleration. In physics you calculate mass and its centre of mass and use that infinitely small point to calculate distances to other body/object calculated same way. Then it does not matter if he is a sphere or a cone - g of steve in some distance is able to calculate. Difference is if we will ask what is a surface acceleration, that is other question and has multiple answers - as example Earth has different distances from centre of mass, due to not being a sphere, which is caused by rotation which lowers final acceleration by centrifugal acceleration and on top of that (hmmm... maybe underneath of it) is not homogeneous then different materials in actual body of Earth are adding differently to surface gravity and its surface has various distances from those masses we add into account. (and of course - gravity is a vector then we need to consider directions too)
Steve is holding back for the entirety of minecraft. He could one shot the ender dragon and the wither with a sneeze.
The Steve trend has been real quiet since the Minecraft Movie Trailer came out.😂 “I… Am Steve!”😂😂😂
minecraft world is pretty funny, if you get into physics and stuff you can come to a conclusion that a minecraft fish is stronger than a tsar bomb
13:44 no wonder Steve's fists can completely disintegrate some of the strongest blocks
Yet he still cant chop down a whole tree in one go
@@owlised now imagine how strong a tree in minecraft is😮
@@Loking120 Like fr, I went to minecraft and found that it takes steve 2 seconds or 15 punches to break a minecraft log, meaning that a log of wood can survive a 198 sextillion joules, 3000 times the total of all the nuclear weapons on earth. so a log of wood can survive 14 punches from steve
so, if cows floating in water means that the water is heavier, does that mean steve, iron golems, every type of fish, guardian and drowned weigh AT LEAST 264,299,784,937,890,654kg?
Bro. Water buckets float on water. Should water tickets be denser than the water?
@@SomeRandomKydd you see, the bucket is actually hollow and filled with helium to make it slightly more buoyant.
They could be treading water
@@Voipy if it can be hollow, it would be better to just be a vacuum as that is less dense any material but the iron of the bucket is still additional weight onto the water it carries!
Ngl this really reminds me of what The Game Theorist used to be. Before fnaf and stringing together stories, and just applying math and science to absurd scenarios in video games. Well done! Love these videos :D
Now you can also measure how tough steve is considering that if another player attacks him with the boat attack he only loses half a heart, in other words 1/20 of his total health, meaning he can sustain 19 of those punches while also being able to accomplish a boat attack many times (until he loses his hunger and dies of hunger)
Ah yes... Minecraft: The game where physics and logic are merely a suggestion.
thats why its so great. No other game lets you build like minecraft which is why its so good
1. Instead of putting a chest in the back, put a camel. Then put 2 players on the camel with full inventories. You can't actually put a camel in a boat but you can put a baby camel, then just wait for it to grow up
2. You can then lead a lot of boats, with 2 camels on them, each camel having 2 players making for 4 players for each boat, then those players can also lead someone, then those players lead someone until the entire 60 000 000 x 60 000 000 world is filled.
3. Instead of carrying blue ice carry a lead. Calculate how much of the strongest material on earth is needed for the lead to not break when Steve is dragging all those stuff. Then equip everyone with leads. If the lead can not stand the new weight, increase the lead's weight. If the lead can not stand the new weight, increase the lead's weight. If the lead can not stand the new weight, increase the lead's weight. Repeat forever, infinite weight
There is also the height of 384, in this case it would be 383 if we removed all the bedrock except the bottom layer for people to stand on, and the entity cramming limit of 24 per block so it would be 60m x 60m x 383 x 24 x 4 x 81sx which is about 1e+43 or 10 tredecillion.
I didn’t account for the 6 entites per boat though, as i dont know how many blocks it would take up with a boat, camel, and two players so the total number may be less.
I Literally Forgot the Fact that on Bedsrock Version you can put a Lead on the Boats, which is now basically Infinity amount of Streight and power when it comes to arm push
@@NoahtheGameplayer its on java now too!
@@godzillaplaysvideogames 1. Now that I consider entity cramming boats are a terrible option. You see when you try to put 2 boats in the same space, 1 will just go above the other. It's much better to just directly lead camels because you can cram a bunch of them in 1 space.
2. There is a game rule where you can change the entity cramming limit. You can set it to 0 to disable it
3. It's possible to put shulkers in the void, meaning you can break the bedrock and instead put the boats on shulkers. The shulkers will not attack you if they are upside down and on Y -128. When they shoot, their bullets will be in the damaging part of the void and immediately die
4. The height limit does not affect entities
Dude you forgot something, to bring those players he needs to have friends 😢
my man's gotta learn about significant figures
but this was a golden youtube homepage pull
Teach pls: what is significant figures 😇
@@Kindabad2i think it's for dramatic effect. it's one thing to say 16 billion, and another to spell out the whole number
@@sentakatsukiin my opinion, he could say 1.6 times 10 to the 11th and say something like "that's x times the weight of a blue whale" or something like that
@@kristyandesouza5980 no the dramatic effect is better
@@sentakatsuki ifhe had actually read the number he wrote instead of just saying quadrillion, he wouldn't;t have made the mistake at 7:56 calling it quadrillion when it shows quintillion
Octuple Compressed Cobblestone: PATHETIC
with this kind of force, steve was put on the earth to hunt down the remainder of the dinosaurs, plus another 75% of life
I agree the ender chest is a pocket dimension, but i do not agree that shulkers are.
The justification for an ender chest being a pocket dimension is that youre effectively accessing a remote storage, where the ender chest itself merely acts as the interface for doing so. It'd be like accessing data stored in the cloud irl.
A shulker, however, is storing all of its items locally within itself, which is why you can only ever access the storage from the one specific shulker you deposited the items into.
A PC analogy would be that the ender chest is cloud storage, a shulker is a local SSD on a pc without internet, and a normal chest is RAM since it clears contents on reset/break.
Personally i would say shulkers are iffy at best because they come from a creature that allows levitation, which gives me the feeling that the stuff you put in it becomes effectively weightless, though that's just a theory.
@@SolTheIdiot the only part of the shulker that allows levitation are its bullets, which are magic in nature while the shulker itself is always stuck in place. maybe you could argue that the shell is magic for being held up in the air when the container is open but its block game, everything floats
idk man the bag of holding carries items locally and is definitely a pocket dimension, so does the tardis for that matter, I don't think theres a "canon" answer so might as well use it in the name of big numbers
@@SolTheIdiot A Game Theory!
@@vakk985 Shulkers are also able to teleport showing both them and their shells are magical in nature. Since we don’t know how Shulkers teleport or create their bullets it means the inside of their shells is more complex than a normal chest. After all the shells on the outside allow for the chest to be moved while a normal chest just breaks and spills its contents. This means the inside of a Shulker box could be an altered dimension of some kind
I'll be glad to bring the numbers up at the next family dinner.
Just wait till this man finds out that beacons have stars inside of them
With all this strength it makes sense why he’s so op in smash bros
new question: who hits harder, terraria guy or steve? terraria guy with the shadow lance and the inflatable tube with a top to bottom of the world water column can do wacky things
Mappy made a setup with teleporters so you don't need the entire world anymore
But is that really the force of the terraria guy? He can withstand infinite g forces as long as he doesn’t fall.
Terraria guy cant attack without a weapon, so a control test isnt possible.
I second the others points here, if we really wanted to test it then Terraria's guy would instantly fail any test we could provide since he's unable to defend himself without starting with a sword and unlike steve he deals 0 damage when using non weapon items.
Additionally, if we said both sides are allowed to use the best items and buffs they can get their hands on then Terraria would have a significant unfair advantage due to it completely relying on continuous power creeping while steve is able to be as effective with stone as he is with diamond (through enchants or simply using an axe to deal higher damage)
Damage numbers are clearly calculated using different metrics entirely, so that's not a viable comparison. You'd have to calculate some analogous metric, which might not be possible. And that's without even getting into how we'd control for all the magic crap. Considering he physically cannot attack without weapons, and his damage (and swing speed) is entirely based on those weapons and magical enhancements, can we really say that any of it is really _his_ strength?
The Terrarian is less a powerhouse like Steve, and more a vessel for a myriad of magical tools that grant him power. Steve can punch through a block of solid stone in a matter of seconds. The Terrarian couldn't in a hundred thousand years. He borrows and steals and plunders the power of the world he lives in, but has none of his own.
counter argument: Steve moves at exactly the same speed while having an empty inventory, and while carrying the absolutely insane weight, so he is infinitely strong
Or atleast like 100-1000x as strong as the weight, just like when you have a chocolate bar in your pocket and clothes on
@@Somepersonrblx even more than that, it's simple maths, he doesn't slow down a single milimeter per hour while walking, so he literally has infinite strength
I mean is he running as fast as he possibly can?
@@mr_pigman1013 yes
@@M1szS another dubious assumption I guess
In 1.21 there are also bundles which can fit in shulker boxes, which makes steve's maximum carrying capacity slightly heavier.
bundles can only contain one stack, so they only increase the weight by the weight of the bundles
@@loopcat4369 It’s still more weight, however minuscule.
@@loopcat4369 but that is still 999 bundles. One cubic meter of wool weighs 1,1314 kg.
Using the crafting recipe for wool, one string is a fourth of the mass of wool so 328.5 kg.
Neglecting the weight of the leather, 999 bundles weigh AT LEAST 328,171.5 kg.
Which means the weight Steve could carry(not including leading boat chests with donkeys) would be 264,299,784,938,218,825.5 kg.
Edit: I forgot that shulkers were stackable, so
The weight of bundles would be 777,888kg.
Including the dye, we get a net weight of 2,938,195.456kg.
Which means the net weight Steve could carry would be 264,299,784,940,828,849.456 kg.
Also, Steve can temporarily store 4 more shulker boxes in his crafting inventory area thing.(As long as his inventory is open).So that is 4 more shulkers or 108 more bundles which is 35,478 kg more
I'm almost certain we can make Steve go much faster than travelling on blue ice. Maybe shooting him out of some TNT cannon? 🤔
I really like to imagine how animators would animate this and i think it would be freakin hilarious. Great and definitely not overcomplicated video that i didnt fall asleep to yesterday so i had to rewatch yes yes
Idk if you would count this because it does require some commands, but if you fill a chest with blue ice you can select block and get the chest with all it's items as an item, you can then put it into another chest and repeat doing that. There is a limit to how many layers you can have, it's called the dept tag limit so it wouldn't be just another way to get infinite weight. I think the limits around 171 times so it can still get pretty heavy
Following that logic, the true final range would be in the ballpark of 4.1*10^3591kg. That number is so ridiculous, it is equivalent to 2*10^3561 Suns, which is still so large it’s incomprehensible. It’s large enough that even if every atom in the universe has the mass of the Sun, the mass Steve carries would be 10^3449 times greater than the universe of atoms with masses of the sun.
@@horizon4937 not that ridiculous in terms of powerscaling 💀fictional characters get wild sometimes
At this point, congratulations, you’ve successfully created a black hole.
so the true max is >max*(bigger than a googol cubed) kg?
@@wryyy2841im waiting for fictional character to be googologically strong
Rowing and punching using the same muscle groups isnt the problem with that assumption. The issue lies in the physics of how a boat is rowed... with a paddle/oar.
The oar is acting as a lever, multiplying the force applied by Steve. Typical boat oars multiply the force by 5-7 times as much, meaning steve's punching force is far less than calculated.
well, I still doubt I want to get in an argument with him.
At least that doesn't change the boat ramming impact force
I’m actually pretty sure its the opposite, since most oar arrangements actually put you at a mechanical disadvantage in exchange for longer, more continuous stroke length. Steve is actually even stronger.
@patrickguyum that's not how levers work. Rowing a boat is a class one lever and absolutely multiplies the force you exert when rowing. The fulcrum being close to the rower means it multiplies the force to a lesser extent, but it absolutely is not reducing the total force.
Humans wouldn't have rowed boats the same way for hundreds of years if it was dividing the force exerted. That's about as common sense as it can get. You're applying a force over a short distance, and in return getting a force over a much longer distance, which when all things are done results in a mechanical advantage for the rower.
Yes, it lessens it, but when you're talking these magnitudes, a difference of 5x barely matters, it's still close to 10 gigatons.
If you enable touch screen mode, you can carry items in the crafting grid and then click off to the side of the screen to close the gui while keeping the items in there while being able to walk around. So you can add 4 more shulkers
Wtf thats some wild shit😂
And if you want to be really funny, you can squeeze in one more shulker by clicking on one in your inventory, holding it in the cursor 'slot', and picking up another that was previously on the ground. This trick doesn't affect either of the boat calculations, but for sheer maximum lift then this can be done
@@mambodog5322 actually thatsa good point. if you do that then we finaly have steve max lift capacity. why is that the max? because he is incapable of moving on his own at that point. he must put down 1 shulkerbox jsut so he can move again.
Saitama been real quite since this dropped
Steve can stand up with infinit arrows on his body
You forgot that steve can hold a cow spawn egg, and a cow can be milked infinitely. Its true that Steve can solo fiction.
Spawn eggs are like normal eggs, they don't contain the thing inside, they contain the things necessary to create the final product inside. Spawn eggs just happen to be very fast at incubation
@@distorted_heavyyes but even so there was an April fools update where Steve would pick up blocks and mobs, and Steve can pick up both a squid (which could be milked in earlier versions), and a cow
@@distorted_heavy I also forgot to mention that steve can hold bedrock in creative mode. And a cubic metre of tnt should break it but not even 1,000,000 TNT does. In fact it doesnt even move so therefore Bedrock should be nearing the Googolplex of weight considering nothing can even nudge it.
The mushroom is heavier since stew is Denver than milk
The mule who can carry a full chest of shulker boxs filled by blue ice + Steve with the heaviest inventory 😅
and steve can carry the mule with a lead
OH! HAHAHA. The centrifugal force experienced by Steve as he turns while on a minecraft at MAX VELOCITY would be absolutely huge, far larger than the force due to gravity, but he STILL LIVES! He can go in a minecart particle accelerator while carrying everything!
I actually find it impressive that with all of these multiplicative formulas that seem totally out of control, they are still well within the bounds of practical values, still being far less than the weight of the earth for example.
nice subtle touch that he replaced height with height - 1 in the formula, making it a lot more pluggable if automated.
Now just imagine how durable Minecraft mobs are, like you can't even kill a chicken in one punch.
a horse can carry steve when hes loaded with gold, thats kinda crazy
According to my calculations 🤓🤓Steve punches at a speed of 7.5 punches per second (when breaking a block) , it takes approximately 25 seconds, or 187 punches, for Steve to break a diamond block with his bare hands. You need 2.66 diamond blocks to craft a full set of armor. A zombie deals 3 hearts of damage with his BARE hands in normal difficulty, and for every 4 hearts of damage, your armor's durability decreases by 1 point. This means a zombie would break a full set of diamond armor with 704 hits. And steve only deals half a heart of damage, this would mean that a simple zombie is six times stronger than steve
7:06 the eyes are probably negative weight since they are less dense then air and float up. im not sure how dense minecraft air is but yeah
good point!
What if you attached a bunch of leads to chestboats full of blue ice shulkers? There's no limit on the amount of leads you can use, and steve can hold all the boats up in the air at once.
steve can hold on to leads while rowing the boat. he can lead donkeys that have chests on them with shulker boxes in them full of blue ice
This is the type of content I started watching game theory for. Cool vid.
I feel that there is a lot of quantum physics at play, where a block has "potential" weight in some situations, but otherwise does not.
Thanks for painting my house's every surface area with grey matter
godspeed bro, glad to be here before this blows up
I think what makes this so impressive is that steve can carry all of this weight and do everything like it's nothing, like it's nothing
you also have 4 slots in your inventory's crafting which you can fill up, if you then pick up more items while they're in there, steve *is* carrying them still, you just can't really go out of your inventory
12:09 this will not give you the highest number. instead of a chest boat, get another player with the same inventory as yourself and run the calculations again to get the power of steves punch. this is unless you are talking specifically single player
14:41 Yea, now do that into the tiny lip between a dirtblock and a pathblock. Not enough mass nor momentum now huh...
Minecraft farming literally breaks conservation of mass law lol
a couple notes in order of stupidity:
1) steve can balance boats on his head, including chest boats, which can be balanced in a pyramid with more than one stacked on top of each other (potentially also possible with chest minecarts but I think they have a taller hitbox) so you could stack up a boat pyramid to however far beyond build limit you can launch boats, and combine this with another comment about boats on leads to dangle some amount of boats into the void.
2) you could argue that, using glass bottles and a cauldron, one water source block has virtually infinite water, meaning it can fill up at least the entire world + the end, for 30m * 30m * (392 for the overworld + 256 for the end) or about 583 quintillion kg per block of ice. And if you want to be pedantic and say that some of that weight comes from the bottles and the cauldron, since they're both reusable you could just carry one stack of each to account for that (or even iron pants because the crafting recipes imply they should be the same as a cauldron).
combining those, assuming you could fit about 10,000 boats to be "carried by steve," i think his max carrying capacity would be about 22 nonillion kg or about 11 suns (in mass not weight)
also there might be something to either putting mules with chests in the boats or on the leads, but im not sure that helps
and also he can do most of this while exerting enough downward force on normal water to stay afloat so i dont wanna know what that does to the calculations
to add to that because i didnt see the first video eariler, if you want to get the highest number possible that isnt just infinite, I would argue that an "infinite" source doesn't carry infinite amounts of water, but only knowably enough to fill the entire minecraft world making it finite and therefore usable
smort pepol meinkampf
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a TH-camr so responsive to their community, you’re truly a pioneer
His pockets are the real final boss for not ripping what we put into them.
My guy is not only a legendary warframe player, *but an incredible math wiz.*
The talent dosnt end!
I did notice Fortuna in the background and thought: “This guy plays Warframe, doesn’t he?”
@@PureWater-nh9yr go to fortuna 69 and youll probably see him
i think it's also important to consider (for powerscaling purposes):
1. (tldr: Steve is nigh impossible to kill if you aren't a planet buster or don't have some form of non-physical attacks) ONE (1) of these punches from Steve deals 1 damage (half a heart). Considering that Minecraft players (Steve) have 20 health and also suffer no physical impairments no matter their health, Steve can EASILY tank 19 of these punches before dying to the 20th.
2. (tldr: Steve is also stupidly fast) Even through Steve doesn't get any faster if his inventory is empty, the fact he can walk and SPRINT (going as fast as one can) without slowing down at all suggests that in a one-on-one fight he'd be incredibly fast
and 3. (tldr: Steve is actually so, so, SO much more strong and durable than calculated here) Fill Steve's inventory with shulker boxes. Those shulker boxes can contain shulker boxes. And those shulker boxes, can also contain shulker boxes. Continue repeating these layers until you hit the depth tag limit and fill the last layer of shulker boxes with packed ice. I'm no scientist, but whatever that number is, it's pretty high. And remember, Steve can effortlessly tank 19x that force.
Just some things to remember.
You can't put a shulker box in a shulker box :c
@@oppo2 NBT data , so i think so , with chest atleast
The speed is an asspull that doesn't reflect the reality of Steve's ingame feats, especially considering he can die from bumping into any solid block with an elytra, which is close to the fastest mode of travel in the game
Shulker boxes can’t contain shulker boxes though?
Wouldn't it be better to add another player to the boat for 2 inventories? Should be a little better than a chest I think.
not only a little better it would add 10 slots+another armor set to the weight
Yeah but it’s only what steve can carry tho, another player would be Steve+alex
@@Somepersonrblx If Steve is rowing the boat, he's singlehandedly moving 2 full inventories. Alex's fatarse is not helping.
@@reenokopli yeah ig
I think you can balance boats on top of players, so you could possibly find out how many boats fit on top of steves head until height limit and see how much the sum in weight of all those boats is and that would probably be our last effort to finding Steves real strength
Canonical Steve is terrifying, especially when you brought up Pluto, i just got a mental image of Steve pile driving the ground on Pluto so hard it gets sent into the sun faster than the speed of light
wait until he finds out about bundles
Wouldn't add anything
@@aocxeadds the weight of string and leather
@SolTheIdiot yes my bad that is significant, don't forget the dye as well and remember to add the mass of a name tag as well since that would increase the mass. Also make the name tag the max possible length so it uses as much materials as possible. Use black dye so that it absorbs the most infrared radiation since electrons have a mass of 9.11x10^-31 they are significant in this calculation don't forget to count the mass of the atmosphere of minecraft (air) inside the bundle since not all the bundle is filled by water since we know the bundle can hold 64 cubic metres of material and a bucket of water is approximately 0.56m we can calculate the empty mass of air at 56.44m^3 of air. Air has a mass of 1.2kgm^-3 and thus we obtain a value of 67.728kg of air trapped inside that bundle as well. Next we need to consider if poison is present on the string and that can only be found out if we know whether the string originated from a cave spider or a regular spider. The mass of poison can be assumed to be 1046kgm^-3 and thus we can calculate the mass of poison on all strings would likely be 0.67g. Add this all together and bam more accurate
@@aocxe yes it would, not a visible amount but it would
Steve can make an infinite water source with only 2 buckets of water so technically he doesn’t have a weight limit
Actually steve has a a weight limit of 27×64×36×81 infinities (inventory and off hand filled with shulker boxes filled with stacks of blue ice, 1 blue ice=81 regular ice that melts into 81 water source blocks, 1 water source block has infinite mass since 1 water source fills infinite bottles of water)
wait a second, chests add 27 slots not 36 (12:50).
I suppose you can put another player in the boat, but at that point you might as well put a llama with a chest plus a player.
Cool video by the way!
Edit: corrected in comment, very cool
oops, thanks though!
Isn't a donkey heavier?
Bro boats on a lead
If anything, I've always imagined shulker boxes making stuff lighter. Shulkers literally make things float, hence allowing you to carry more.
I can bypass all of this and be far more accurate in my numbers with one simple trick: parrots.
A parrot can theoretically consume infinite weight in seeds, and can never poop. Therefore, they can have ω mass. Steve can hold 2 parrots on his shoulders, and jump as high as he would before. This means that ω x 2 is not even close to his maximum carry capacity. But lets look at his jumps, for those of you who don't like the rowing/punching comparison. Steve can jump on a 1 x 1 x 1 metre cube of glass, which will never break from this stress. This means that everything in minecraft is also similarly scaled up as steve. Steve can break this glass block with his fists in (i think)
🤓 parrots can't consume an infinite number of seeds, they can consume an arbitrarily large but finite number of seeds
I like where you're thinking, but I was specifically avoiding infinite numbers because I think theyre boring for the question at hand,
plus theres minor problems like the difference between ininite and arbitrary like dootnoot said, and also none of your further calculations increased the magnitude beyond ω because doing math with infinite numbers is dumb
@@Schmedley-the-Sign-Nezha fair enough, i can see where you're coming from. however, i didn't actually do any weight calculations beyond ω unless you count adding an extra parrot, so of course i didn't increase the magnitude beyond ω. however, what i did do was give a far more accurate measure of his punching strength, by seeing how much force a glass block can withstand versus how fast steve can punch it to death, which would only be a calculation if i was dealing with cardinal numbers. i've always wanted to see a video like this where someone brings up the glass block thing and the discrepancies between different damage types, even if they lowballed his true strength to make it less boring. with that being said, i loved the video!
@@dootnoot6052 🤓 that's what ω is. it's a number that can't be counted to or compehended in it's entirety, but isn't technically infinite.
Steve literally only dies when he feels like it 😂
5:54 this is actually incorrect, because the only place where lava flower like water is the nether where there is a height limit of only 256 blocks instead of the overworlds 384.
in part 1 we increased the height limit of both dimensions to 2042 using the custom world type, good catch though!
Imagine power scalers using this to justify why Steve could beat Gojo or something 💀
I mean steve defies all logic
I feel like steve could conceptually beat most characters in fiction but in game, he'd probably die very quickly.
"Kinetic Boat Bombardment" sounds like the superweapon of a galactic empire
This really puts into perspective just how strong Minecraft mobs are if they can take multiple hits before dying and even deal near-fatal damage to such a monster.
Friendly reminder that isn’t so friendly:
Shulker boxes are stackable… 💀 Which means Steve can take all that mass and shove 27x that in another shulker box. And then do it again, and again, and so on.
Filled shulkers cannot stack, plus you cannot put shulker boxes in shulker boxes
1. Chests can be made from different types of wood. (eg, birch is lighter than oak)
2. netherite armour can also be made by only using bars
Netherite armor can only be crafted by upgrading diamond armor
me when i lie
Accounting for dripstone farms, any bucket of water OR lava has an unlimited mass because it can reproduce via dripstone indefinitely. This means Steve can carry the weight of an infinite amount of universes and yet run and jump as normal
This is further proven by the fact water source blocks seem to be able to make streams of infinite volume, and two source blocks can create an infinite amount of extra source blocks. Worse yet, we still have to consider the size of Steve's stomach. Steve is able to eat apples combined with 8 ingots of gold, each 1/9th of a 1x1 meter block of gold, all with no issue. This means that he is able to chew that much gold no problem, and that his stomach is able to withstand an infinite amount of food since he never gets full and never excretes in any way. Furthermore, the food itself is able to generate an infinite number of crumbs. To top it all off, mobs like the camel can carry two steves, doubling the strength of the animal.
Though, I have to wonder force friction applies when steve actually gets slowed down by a block (like water)
Unlimited POTENTIAL mass, but still a finite contained mass. The single bucket itself still only holds the limited volume that a single source can spread out to be. Just because it is able to make more does not mean it's constantly carrying that infinite amount more.
@doughboywhine it's entirely possible that's Steve's digestive system is 100% efficient, with all foods being fully bioavalible and not leaving any waste.
@@viper_exe_ Okay that explains why he poops, but doesn't explain why he doesn't get full. If he is doing nothing, his body would have to at least build fat stores unless the calories he gets from the apple is only enough to cover chewing it, in which case that doesn't explain how it fills his hunger bar and heals him. Also, doesn't explain how he can eat food the generates an unlimited number of crumbs
its 5 A.M. and I randomly thought "I wonder if anyone ever looked into how much lava Steve can carry and converted it into a number" and honestly I'm surprised you only made this 1 month ago
Not to mention that this type of power to punch means that a stone block, which Steve has some trouble mining with his bare fist, is most likely infinitely more denser than calculated, and so is everything else. In essence this would mean that everything scales infinitely, since if the things he carries are denser, then he hits harder, but the stone still survives the hits so it kind of goes on forever if we ignore the "gameplay reasons" side of things.
But you can take infinite amount of bottles from one waterbucket. Also 2 waterbuckets can make infinite water, so... Steve can carry infinite amount of water
This is one of those youtube videos that makes me wonder how this app is free? Genuinly one of the best videos I have seen in a long time. Please keep them coming.
6:21 obzidian 👽
Great video my one issue is the assumption that crafting uses the entirety of a resource, surely crafting a bucket wastes some iron, because if you smelt it you don't get 3 ingots back
with water being noncompressable, Steve really manages to fit a lot in those buckets