Priscilla: Queen of Controversy | Why Trans Representation is Important

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 103

  • @kenoathiog1156
    @kenoathiog1156 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Terence Stamp was/is not a trans woman. Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce are not gay men. They are, however, all actors. And what is required from all actors is empathy, and the ability to ask themselves “what if?”, and immerse themselves in the act of imagining- and giving truth & honouring the characters they play. I am a gay man… and I felt represented by those performances. I’m SOOOO sick of this argument. Did Anthony Hopkins steal a role from an otherwise deserving, actual cannibalistic serial killing psychopathic Psychiatrist??? Let actors act.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  ปีที่แล้ว

      You aren't a trans woman, are you? Not sure either you or I have the capacity to speak on authentic representation.

  • @grutarg2938
    @grutarg2938 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I remember watching the film as a teen - not knowing much about anything - and learning through the original Bernadette's performance that she was a different kind of woman from the other two characters. I don't think they ever talk about it or use the word transgender in the movie, but the story and performance makes it clear. She is always a woman, the other two only play women on stage. So, for me, the film opened my eyes to the existence of trans people in a positive way. But that was 30 years ago.
    Responding to a few comments about how anyone should play any character if they can act it well enough: In an ideal world that would be great. But if you're seeing a lot of Group A playing the parts of Group B and not - equally - the other way around, that's when it's less than ideal. Have you seen a lot of shows with trans women (in drag as men) playing the male lead? No?

    • @lindakahler4799
      @lindakahler4799 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So much talk about including everyone that currently on BWY only five straight white women with ovaries are leading actresses. Competition is great and in the current climate only Lea Michele, Sara Jessica and Kelli O'Hara get roles. Being fair and equitable to all is hard

    • @lindakahler4799
      @lindakahler4799 ปีที่แล้ว

      Eric Adams mayor has just given us a new minority. Fat people. So now when casting a show a fat person who sings and dances poorly can sue if not given the part. Theater prices will go up and grosses will go down. Be honest be totally honest. Do you want a skinny Hugh Jackman or a fat guy who is not a matinee idol?

    • @grutarg2938
      @grutarg2938 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lindakahler4799 "Being fair and equitable to all is hard" you can say that again. But I appreciate that people are trying.

  • @Banjo_Tails
    @Banjo_Tails 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Cast the right person in the right role for the right reason for the right context and meaning of a show.
    That's it really. We can all breath again.

  • @kateflanagan9355
    @kateflanagan9355 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I would agree with your opening statement if this movie was made yesterday but it came out in the 90s it wasn't a lot of trans women working in Hollywood then

  • @TheSpinDoctor
    @TheSpinDoctor 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Adèle Anderson would be great in the rôle - esp. as she was one of several trans women with whom Mr Stamp consulted prior to the movie and who didn’t really get credit for it.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Really? That's so interesting, I'd love to see her play the role now, I think it would be a great fit for her!

    • @TheSpinDoctor
      @TheSpinDoctor 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@MickeyJoTheatre It would - subject to some major key changes, obviously! Her belt is very low but she can sing very high in head voice. Contralto with some mezzo head notes and some baritone low notes, I would say - kind of like Lauren Bacall with the addition of head voice. She’s talked about her meetings with Mr Stamp extensively in print and radio and podcast interviews.

  • @rialladeabreu9953
    @rialladeabreu9953 3 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Thank you so much for this! As a trans female wanting to be in musical theatre myself, it's so refreshing to hear this conversation come from a cisgender male performer❤️

    • @faffolite
      @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wish you luck and sucess

    • @Showtunediva
      @Showtunediva ปีที่แล้ว

      Best of luck to you ❤

    • @hefinrosser8685
      @hefinrosser8685 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you are the right person for the role great! Being cast just because you are trans is not good! Acting is acting! Just like I disagree with Michael Sheen saying only Welsh characters should be only be played by Welsh people!!

    • @rialladeabreu9953
      @rialladeabreu9953 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hefinrosser8685 there’s a huge difference between how Welsh may be misrepresented on stage, and how trans people may be misrepresented on stage. For one Welsh people aren’t being murdered just for being Welsh, no country right now is pushing for the eradication of welsh people, and pushing this narrative that Welsh people are confused English people. When a cisgender man plays a trans woman, people may see the actor on stage as a woman but when they see the actor outside of the show they’ll see a man, this very much reinforces the agenda that trans woman are men in disguise, as if a trans woman played a trans females part the audience would see the character on stage as a woman but also as a woman outside of the show. If acting is acting then why is there such a large level of trans unemployment in the entertainment industry?

  • @charliehorey9886
    @charliehorey9886 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    what makes this discussion so important right now is the context of the times we are living in. the LGBTQ community is under growing attack, especially the trans community. We are being called perverts, groomers and facing violence and murder, especially black trans women.. Laws are being passed restricting free speech and rights. who should be eligible to play what roles has to be seen in light of this current climate where there are politicians proclaiming "trans women are just men in a dress". while voting will make the most difference, how Broadway depicts LGBTQ characters has the ability to influence peoples attitudes, both positively and negatively. Under different circumstances, probably any actor should be able to play any part as long as its BELIEVABLE AND HONEST, and respectful of the story being told, the context of the current times needs to be considered. Lots of voices screaming who LGBTQ people are...its important that the actual members of the communities are heard.

  • @Paul_Ernst
    @Paul_Ernst 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I understand your arguments but can't agree. If we insist on principles, we must also insist on consistency. Should white characters in musicals only be played by white actors? Hamilton says we can (and should) look through any particular defining characteristics of an actor and judge them on only on their talent. Should gender-changed revived musicals (eg Company) never happen because that's not how the character was written, or should we allow a character to be defined by whoever is playing it at the time? Should Les Mis only be played by french people?? Should characters only be played by people of the right age?? Also, there are so many talented trans actors out there, are we saying that they should only ever be allowed to play trans roles, because they cannot play characters that are written as cis-gender? Saying "this type of character" must be played by "this type of actor" is very dangerous. Art is meant to disrupt our assumptions and expectations, and that may sometimes involve casting choices to bring new interpretations of characters.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      I appreciate your concerns but the equivalency between authentic representation for a continually marginalised, oppressed and disproportionately victimised group (the trans community) is not the same as casting French people in Les Mis.
      I am simply stating that men should not be playing trans women, as trans women are women and not men in dresses as this suggests subliminally to audiences. If a trans actor is not available, Bernadette should at a minimum be played by a woman, not by a man.

  • @fritzlondon3162
    @fritzlondon3162 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Tony Sheldon! There will be no better Bernadette. Ever.

  • @liquid_pig
    @liquid_pig 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm seeing the Finnish production soon and I was really happy to see that they'd cast a trans actress as Bernadette! She's been getting lots of praise in the reviews.

  • @johmyword3791
    @johmyword3791 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    What gets me about the idea that they "couldn't find the right people" is that more often than not they didn't look hard enough. This country is full of talented trans people who just aren't in the industry, partly because the industry doesn't hold space for trans people in the same way. And so when cis men are cast as trans women, younger trans people are gonna see the industry keeping them out and are likely to make the decision to not get involved.
    It's such a horrid cycle

  • @Vonnitube
    @Vonnitube 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Loved this x thank you for sticking up for trans women on this topic .

  • @ItisEssence
    @ItisEssence 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Do you have thoughts about Edna Turnblad being played by men? A lot of brilliant actors have played Edna Turnblad however I have been in a smaller production where Edna was played by a woman.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      This is a different circumstance because it's a cis female character written as a drag role to be played by a man, I think it's cool to have a female play Edna as well though 😊

    • @TylerActs86
      @TylerActs86 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Edna should always be played by a man. The jokes get lost if its not a man.

    • @ItisEssence
      @ItisEssence 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TylerActs86 that’s very true

  • @kabardinka1
    @kabardinka1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The character of Bernadette was totally based on a famous Aussie trans woman, Carlotta, who was also performer in what would now be called drag but what was then labeled 'female impersonation.' Personally, I think the casting of Terrance Stamp in the original film was an insult to trans women. And I agree, casting a few trans people to be window dressing or to "shut people up" is pathetic.

  • @wwozanewmusical
    @wwozanewmusical 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I'm sorry, I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you on saying they should have not produced the show. If they had open calls and the only trans performer that could do what was needed for the role was one person, and you cast them as the understudy or the alternet, than its not their job to go hunting down actors and actresses for their show. And the other side of this is the same fact problem i have with the entire recasting of phantom of the opera in london, the actors that lost their jobs during covid should not be replaced and not go back into their shows just cause their is back lash and cause everyone has now become so woke with everything. if their were actors and actresses that were in the show before covid and were fired or let go due to it, they have the right to have their jobs back, and not have them taken from them due to being woke or correct. Its also the same thing with book of mormon and weather it should reopen when Broadway opens again, people who are doing the backlashing and stuff aren't thinking of the actors and actresses who are contracted or these shows some times for five years or so, and because of covid their contracts are terminated or their shows not returned due to the woe crowds and cancel culture. thats unfair, and just cause your unhappy with choices producers are making or casting directors chose to make, its their money and their loss if they chose wrong. But unless you were in those production meets or the auditions for those trans actors or actresses to play this role, you don't know how many could do everything from look the part, and sing the part and dance the part. So don't judge and get upset unless you were in the room where it happened.
    I love your videos and your inside, but their has to be a point where make statements and show your not for it at the box office, not attacking companies and saying actors or actresses shouldn't have or be given roles due to how society is treating certain classes and minorities, cause I have not heard anyone sticking up for actors or actresses of short stature, or actresses or actors like Alley Stoker who are in wheel chairs, or great tapers and performers who are one legged and can still perform, if we say the words diversity, it should not only go for people of color and sexuality, it should cover every single diversity thats out there.

  • @ijornhribrudkrvir
    @ijornhribrudkrvir 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    While i agree that in a new tour trans actirs should be the go-to, its a small demographic and a huge part of Bernadette's story is that she doesnt pass. It does make ne wonder if sych a role could be geaviky dysphoria triggering for soneond to perform such a show over and over. If they couldnt find a trans actor who was able to do whag tgey beeded, i do understand the choice as a cis wonan casting wouldnt communicate the fact that she isn't passing

  • @shakeandblake92
    @shakeandblake92 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you!!! 🏳️‍⚧️💜

  • @faffolite
    @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Authenticity is key many roles help us learn. Representation is important but I Think a lot is virtue signaling. I have played a role on a play of a Cuban trans role. I did months or research and connecting with people. I learnt a lot which helps me understand and empathise and has helped my activism and support of trans community. I have always been defined by myself. Gender is fluid. Rules can be oppressive. Genitals are not acting authenticity in any way. Change isn't always immediate.

  • @cassieosbourne7666
    @cassieosbourne7666 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for this video. You were clear and articulate and explained everything really well

  • @falkon26
    @falkon26 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi,interesting thoughts,i did not know a trans person had been cast,i thought the only new person was Tick,i have seen this production previous and 2 other tours too,plus the London show. I was going to say more but thought i better not,even though i was not going to be negative,Miles was ok in the role of Bernadette.

  • @kakao-katze
    @kakao-katze 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This is a strange topic to me. If gender is irrelevant and some theatres even give roles to any actor that fits the part regardless of gender, why should trans roles be only played by trans actors? I understand it's a lesser known or understood thing and that people want more representation about it and I totally see how awesome it is to have trans people more prominent in theatre, but what I don't understand is- why must it be seen as straight up offensive if a cis person plays a trans person? I see the points being made, but it's having a rough time clicking with me. Acting is about- when done really well- deeply connecting and respecting who you are acting as. Understanding the ins and outs of their personality and journey. I think I think that it's fine for a cis person to act for a trans person (only if they themselves are deeply respectful and understanding of the character) because you might not be able to find a trans person perfect for the role.
    I seriously apologise a thousand times to anyone if I have offended you, that's not my vibe, I just have a rough time understanding people who are trans in general. I don't know how they feel or why they feel that gender is important enough to want to not associate with what they were born as. I don't mind people who are trans, I love seeing people happy, especially with themselves and why should I judge who people are? But I just don't understand why they want to transition in the first place. If any trans people have the answers, I'd love to hear it, I wanna be cultured and again, I apologise if this offends.
    Sorry that this was long.

    • @AmyLovatt1
      @AmyLovatt1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I’m really sorry but I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of trans issues and trans people with some of the things you said in this comment.
      I also think if you genuinely want to learn more and actually understand their lives you should be doing that work yourself and doing research, not asking in a TH-cam comment section why trans people even want to transition in the first place?!? how incredibly insensitive and flippant to the harm and struggles they face every day.
      Watch the documentary Mickey cited in this video (Disclosure), listen to trans performers and activists. If you genuinely want to know, it’s easy to learn and understand. Dont wait for someone to tell you.

    • @NairAthul
      @NairAthul 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@AmyLovatt1 Phantom of the Opera is a show about a man with a disfigured face. That's definitely an experience people have in the real world which a normal person can't relate to. But can you demand that only an actor with a facial malformation can be cast? Has one ever been cast in 30 years and 3 million productions?
      How many Aladdin leads are middle Eastern? Why is Kristoff in Frozen, a character with clear Sami influence (who are an indigenous culture and should be protected as such) always portrayed by a man of color? Why isn't Catherine Howard in Six portrayed by a victim of s*x*al abuse? Demanding that a character be cast only if an actor has a real life experience to relate to is a ridiculous demand that takes away the whole purpose of acting and theater. Fight for equality.... I'll support that. If trans actors weren't allowed to audition , I'd be furious too. But if they've cast the best actor for the job regardless of their personal life story, then it's based on merit.

  • @miacoss9809
    @miacoss9809 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This was super interesting, thanks so much for explaining it in such a clear way! I was thinking about going to see Priscilla (knowing nothing about the controversy, casting or even the original film) but obviously, now I won't be going.

    • @qwertyTRiG
      @qwertyTRiG ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm not sure that a boycott is appropriate here. See, perhaps, Matt Baume's video on Priscilla for an alternative take. That film did a lot of good.

  • @David-pt8ge
    @David-pt8ge 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am glad you made this video and listened to what you said and watched again. I am glad that a trans performer, has got such an amazing opportunity to play their part in this musical and build up even more experience.
    I genuinely hope that because I say that, it could be construed as not offering opportunities to trans performers. I also think it is important that these performers get to play a myriad of interesting roles. that may not match their own gender or sexual identity.
    I suppose I am saying that we should be vigilant to diversity, but apart from colour of skin, I would not want to be prescriptive that there are rules that should never be broken.

  • @rachaelkilpatrick9774
    @rachaelkilpatrick9774 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Priscilla is also available for amateur musical groups to put on. Does it come with guidance on casting?

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Not to my recollection, which doesn't surprise me seeing as Hairspray has only recently specified amateur casting requirements and the conversation on race in casting is far ahead of the conversation around gender identities.

  • @katieholden6577
    @katieholden6577 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm disappointed by the casting choices they could have done so much more and I'm angry. By doing this I agree with you @mickeyjotheatre. They have added to th belief that trans women are men in dresses. When they are in fact women like myself and I'm so angry. How are we ever going to move forward. I know this is completely different situation but it's got the same ignorance that The Prom had when they cast James Corden as an openly gay man.
    This is just my opinion if anyone thinks I'm talking over someone's voice please let me know

    • @DisabledAtDisney
      @DisabledAtDisney 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      When I saw it on stage, I didn’t see it as being about trans people. I interpreted the story as men who enjoyed dressing up and performing but maybe I don’t remember it clearly other than the feel good factor of it

  • @jamesswindley9599
    @jamesswindley9599 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It was the 90s… and at least for then there was some sort of representation! 😂❤

  • @Angelicwings1
    @Angelicwings1 ปีที่แล้ว

    I totally agree. It’s not only an important chance for a trans performer but it shows true representation.
    I got annoyed at glee having a woman sing sweet transvestite too. Really annoyed

  • @AmyLovatt1
    @AmyLovatt1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    this was perfect 👌🏻

  • @claire2088
    @claire2088 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Totally with you here- in an ideal world trans and cis women would both have equal access to women's roles so a woman playing bernadette isn't reinforcing a negative sterotype at least, but a trans actor will have more experience as a trans person so they'd be more likely to be able to bring authenticity. Until trans women have the same level of access to all women's roles then other actors shouldn't be taking one of the very very few roles out there that are almost made for them. (I can see a future where bernadette is played by both cis and trans women depending on who the actresses available are, but again until trans women are getting cast in other roles we should be really doing everything we can to make sure they're given access to roles as a transwoman)
    The only reason I could ever see for having a man play a transwoman would be if a significant part of the story was set while the character was living as a cis man

  • @Tracey_Armstrong
    @Tracey_Armstrong 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Brilliantly explained! Thank you ❤️

  • @backedup39
    @backedup39 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you mr casting director for the benefit of your experience.
    Christ. The person cast shpuld be the right person for the role. Its called acting, sweetheart not representation for the sake of it!
    And I bet if a trans woman was cast in the Betnadette role. You'd probably complain about tokenism.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I just think men probably shouldn't be playing trans women

  • @Leftatalbuquerque
    @Leftatalbuquerque ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Next: why only princes of Denmark can be cast as a Prince of Denmark.

  • @MichaelaBennison
    @MichaelaBennison 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    New to your channel (I have a theatre channel as well) and I found this video very informative. Thanks for sharing!

  • @faffolite
    @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just because you can think of trans actors does not mean they have not turned it down or be considered

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      There was never any intention to replace the cis male actor that was cast in the role.
      If you can't accurately cast a trans role, don't produce the show.

    • @faffolite
      @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MickeyJoTheatre It's Not that time yet to be honest we have a long way to go . People get offered and turn stiff down . Adele is a no brainer but may not be interested. I'd rather tell stories is it not more important to have stories that represent ideas and community.

    • @faffolite
      @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's acting the art of suspension on disbelief let's not forget

    • @faffolite
      @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      To act is not to play yourself

  • @TheSimonGoss
    @TheSimonGoss 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm sorry, but this destroys acting. The whole idea of becoming an actor is to put one's self into the shoes and reality of someone else who has a different lived experience. So what now? Gay men can't play straight? Alzheimer’s roles only played by those suffering Alzheimer’s, for authenticity? Only French actors played by the French? What does Neil Patrick Harris say about this and his role in How I Met Your Mother? Would you go so far as to say this is comparable to black-face? Is this really about authenticity, or just virtue signalling wokeness? To say that an actor cannot authentically act to be sexually attracted to the same sex shows almost a complete lack of understanding of what an actor's job actually is. If a role is reduced to lazy stereo-type, it isn't because it's not authentic, it's because they are a sh1t actor. Sean Penn won an Oscor for playing Harvey Milk. He's not gay.

  • @DaylanTheAngrySauerkraut
    @DaylanTheAngrySauerkraut ปีที่แล้ว

    Because there were not many if any trans actors back then. Seriously, get over yourselves.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  ปีที่แล้ว

      Except I was very much talking about the recent tour casting - consider listening with both ears at the same time.

  • @jasoncrystal7189
    @jasoncrystal7189 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So glad to see someone address trans issues in theater! It’s so important to discuss the inclusion and representation of trans people on the stage in both characters and performers with not just the bare minimum but also with responsibility and respect. It makes me incredibly happy to see someone speaking on this, I’ve been ranting for weeks! Very similar conversations should be had for Mrs. Doubtfire, Tootsie and Jagged Little Pill.

    • @hefinrosser8685
      @hefinrosser8685 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is no issue it's called acting!!

  • @kweet13
    @kweet13 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This video was incredibly well done. You were so informative and firm but yet calm. This video is so important!

  • @hefinrosser8685
    @hefinrosser8685 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your comment is SO WRONG!!!! I played Bernadette in the Welsh Premier production of Priscilla! I'm a gay man. I spent a long time exploring the role. How to make it funny, but sincere and human. I gave a radio interview about playing the role of Bernadette, the interview reached trans people in London and I had wonderful support and met so many of the trans community who come down from London. It was the greatest experience of my life.
    Its about ACTING!

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, I read this the first time you commented on the video months ago, Hefin.

  • @Pinkflamingo1458
    @Pinkflamingo1458 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    That is so wrong. Cast them as that gender, your making a statement on trans performers and yet now ur saying women play women and men not play trans. However, does it matter what your gender is to play any character? What your not getting is anyone can play any character? Anyone who can act can play any character. Your just going over the top, and you need to calm down. People who are trans can play any character as long as they can act!

  • @faffolite
    @faffolite 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't forget bombay dreams great representation

  • @alvinmedina7121
    @alvinmedina7121 ปีที่แล้ว

    great video .

  • @daveku99
    @daveku99 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm offended by being called cis-gendered.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't actually remember calling you anything?

    • @daveku99
      @daveku99 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MickeyJoTheatre specifically no. But you repeated used the term 'cis gendered male'. Any male that is referred to now as a 'cis male' so others are not offended should be angry. I am male and I am gay. I have been beat up, locked up, and have beaten up up others for my right to be who I am. A tenor sax to the face can cause a lot of damage!!! I am sorry... the trans thing strikes a nerve. Are you trans? are you a trans male or trans female... or are you now a male or a female? Please make up you mind? I don't give a damn. Just don't make me redefine myself because you still have issues. I am a gay male. i'm proud of it. I don't force it down people. Accept me.. or don't. I have no intension of offending people who transition to the opposite sex. One of my best friends transitioned in the 90's and has been told she should kill herself for not identifying herself as 'trans'. She is a woman.. all woman (I've seen it. She didn't stop at being trans. She went the whole way) So technically, the role should go to a male to female actor, that competed the transition, as Bernadette did. That being said, I love your theatre reviews, and I agree with most of them. If you want to get historical, this all started with Johnathan Pryce playing the Engineer in Miss Saigon. There were groups back then that said it should have gone to an Asian performer. When does one stop checking the social boxes and hire the best performer for the job?

  • @gracemai27
    @gracemai27 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As a Cis person I want to do the right thing regarding this show. If and when the tour starts up again should I boycott it because of the casting choices?

  • @gregorykeithmorris3970
    @gregorykeithmorris3970 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wonderful video. You're super eloquent, kindhearted, charismatic and likeable. I'm subscribing.

  • @Paulad39uk
    @Paulad39uk 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This reeks of PC going a bit too far. As a gay man I am all for equality but doesn't the best actor for the role come into it. Isn't acting meant to suspend belief. It would be wonderful for a trans female to get the role on her own merits by being the best actor for the role, but I feel it is wrong to disqualify men or for that matter women who could be better performers.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      A trans actress in the role would be ideal, but the alternative should be a woman, and not a man, playing the role as casting men as trans women perpetuates a damaging, false narrative 😊

  • @dazd8306
    @dazd8306 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's the opposite of transgender 😊

    • @charlie-oc4460
      @charlie-oc4460 ปีที่แล้ว

      For example a man who is born as a man and lives a man x

  • @CassidyDylyn
    @CassidyDylyn 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You know what else is very harmful to the trans community? Cis men treating transwomen like we all must have the exact same perspective on issues concerning us.
    For the record, I completely agree with you. I showed the video to a friend (she is also trans), and she does not agree with you at all. Which one of us two is wrong?

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi Cassidy, I'm so sorry if this video came across as me asserting my own opinion on behalf of transwomen, at the time of filming this my hope was to amplify the shared sentiments of many prominent trans and LGBT+ activitists in the UK Theatre community who had signed an open letter in condemnation of this casting. I also watched and cited the Netflix documentary, Disclosure, which brilliantly explicated the correlation between cis men portraying trans roles and the devastating violence against the trans community. Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion and I, as always, speak only for myself (nobody else should be held responsible for my big mouth 😅) but I do feel an obligation as someone with a platform to advocate for marginalised groups rather than to speak only on issues affecting cis men. Apologies again if my sincerity in trying to help address this issue didn't come across.

    • @CassidyDylyn
      @CassidyDylyn 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MickeyJoTheatre It's fine, really. I absolutely acknowledge your sincerity and genuine concern about, as I said, I completely agree, so I didn't mean for my comment to come off as so standoffish; I tend to use very "direct" and dramatic language.
      It's just that these are serious sticking-points to me. It's culturally unacceptable for a man to speak as to what is "good for" a cis woman, though that still does not seem to quite extent to transwomen. As it pertains to this specific issue of casting, to my knowledge (you'll forgive me, I'm not a big theatre person lol) there was period in history where women were not welcome in theatre, with all female roles being portrayed instead by men. I can definitely picture a scenario where there's a push to include women in theatre, met with by some woman saying "F--- you, you don't speak for me!"
      And long after you and I have both returned to dust, it'll be cyborgs. 😂

  • @hefinrosser8685
    @hefinrosser8685 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The thing is Hefin, is you haven't addressed any of the statements or arguments I made in this video, you just keep loudly yelling about how important your performance was.
      I'm glad you had fun, you don't speak for the whole trans community any more than I do.

    • @hefinrosser8685
      @hefinrosser8685 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@MickeyJoTheatre I'm not yelling about my performance!! And I think you are very rude for saying that! I had a chance to portray a trans gender character!! Which was a difficult challenge
      I had a radio interview and the result of it was the trans community showing their massive support

    • @hefinrosser8685
      @hefinrosser8685 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Theatre suspends disbelief! If the perormer/ actor/ actress is right for the production then great!
      Your objection to this casting is ridiculous. You are limiting talent by your views!!

  • @notapal4285
    @notapal4285 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Mentioning how inappropriate blackface is in a video about which men should be allowed to do women face is next level hyprocricy. "Women should play women, men shouldn't play trans women" , do you hear yourself, men are transwomen. No self awareness.

  • @minsunkang7264
    @minsunkang7264 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Trans women are women, and there is no better way to show this to people than to have trans women play trans women and not be played by men." 👏👏 YES

  • @et7949
    @et7949 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What have you got to say about all the black and Asian actors being cast to represent historic ethnic British characters? I’m guessing absolutely nothing.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      As it happens I have lots to say about it, but I'm pretty sure you won't like any of it 😉

    • @et7949
      @et7949 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MickeyJoTheatre So you’re going to swerve the question, and think an emoji seals the deal…. Cute. But cowardly.

  • @tweetypie1978
    @tweetypie1978 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeh but would you say a trans woman couldn't play a female character? Actors are actors and this is based on a film from the early 90s where Bernadette was I'd say in her 50s. Transition wasn't as good then as it was now. Stop being so bloody woke! It's like how people say straight people can't play gay characters, it's called acting! You wouldn't say a gay character shouldn't play a straight character. It's just being offended for no reason it's stupid