Todrick and Miesha make me physically sick and what Todrick did to Chris as he was leaving, saying his family will be embarrassed. No Todrick's family should be embarrassed.
He is clearly showing the world who he really is bc he’s gone wayyyy beyond game. I question another show he was a part of after seeing this im satisfied in saying he will do anything to get what HE WANTS !
Yea well he’s a narcissist… they do whatever it takes for their advantage and just like Chris said he plays victim to manipulate people. I went on his TH-cam channel and all his fans still love this narcissistic human being because they don’t see his true colors.
To be such a big brother fan he sure did make us stupid Big Brother gameplay so I question how much of a fan he truly is because that definitely was not a good move. The other side the house would definitely put him up over top of Lamar and Todd any single day of the week so why he thought that he would be safe or thought that it was a good idea to lay down and throw his game away for Shanna Moakler is beyond me. I would like to have seen him stay in the game and make a good game move and when the money for his family. What a stupid move I just keep shaking my head what an idiot move.
It really sucks that Todrick might have ruined this experience for Chris knowing Chris is a huge fan. I feel bad for him! Kids should NEVER be brought up! I hope the good out ways the bad! Love you Chris! You did great! 🖤
Todrick did not ruin his experience he's the one that did not make a good Big Brother move by sacrificing himself that was ridiculous that is not how you play Big Brother.
I heard Shanna say she swears on her kids so I heard her bring her kids up I don't know what the other reference is about bc I cannot see toddrick saying something like that. Would love to see this clip.
@@danellekenny741 Chris Kirkpatrick is a household name Todrick is not there's no way Chris Kilpatrick would lie about that and we see how Todrick can lie and manipulate. Stay Woke
@@reneesydnor-henry4538 all she has to do is watch the show and the live feeds and she can see what he says. It’s awful. Also, just look his name up on tweeter and there are plenty of examples and clips. 🤷🏻♀️
What they did to Shanna is not how the game is played. They were dirty and very shameful. They talked about Shanna being unclassy. Miesha plea speech before the veto was trashy &nasty as hell . This crew left is what it should be . Celebrity Backstabbing Big Brother .
Carson is likable but he didn’t have the backbone to give into Cynthia’s wishes. I felt like he backdoored Shana just cuz that’s what he thought everything wanted
Funny how there are always ppl coming out against Todrick yet he always plays the victim. Ppl have been sharing how he really is behind closed doors for years.
Yes Todrick is a BULLY. He says anything he wants about people and I guarantee nothing will be said later. But if Chris was saying things like that about Todrick it would be a whole big deal made of it.
Exactly now I hope Lamar wins. "CarCyn" irks tf outta me now I hope they go home the same day. Evidently they don't know the game they just got played ole dumb ducks😡💯
@@loveit59 i feel the same which is crazy cuz i was rooting for Carcyn but after this last week the only person left I'd like to see win is Lamar. I've noticed with Cynthia after Ultimate Girls Trip and now BBC she seems very needy and acts like she's in high school... Idk i used to be a big fan but am no longer and glad she quit RHOA
I hope Todd are Lamar tells Carson how Todrick and Meeisha celebrated about Todrick lying to them to get Shanna out. Lamar looked at them like these snakes.
Todrick is a nasty person! The only reason I watched was because of Chris and now the way they are treating Sharna I will not watch and could not careless who wins now. Love you Chris!!!❤️
As a huge UFC fan, I think this season would have been much better without Meisha. Mean, vindictive, controlling. She's playing like there's $100 million at stake. Sheesh
Who else believe that Toddrick can stoop lower? These people have the most petty reason to turn on friends and spent so little time to investigate the truth. It's frustrating to see how quickly and aggressive they run with lies. Where is the common sense?
Just when you think he can’t go lower, he does. What a miserable life he must have to be so mean and nasty. Happy people don’t do that 💩. Lamar for the Win 🏆
And Meesha is showing her true green colors. Insecure, threatened by Shanna. As soon as someone is a threat she doesn’t like them cause she can’t control them. I liked her before, but no more. . Sore loser. I’m about ready to quit watching, I’m so upset how they turned on Shanna because of here say and rumors from the enemy instead of ACTIONS OF FRIENDS!!!!!
This is Big Brother people what in the world is all this b******* I am reading! They made Big Brother gameplay moves glad to see somebody do that during this whole season because if we had to watch the rest of the house and didn't have them to to make game moves it would have been one boring-ass season! They are playing a game people! Why did they even come there if they're not ready to play!
I swear Carson and Cynthia have played the worst game I've ever seen. Just gave the final two to the devil and the bully. This season is so funny. No one besides Chris and Shanna knows how to play the game. Worst one yet.
@@Ghost-un6oe Chris played a respectable game, but I agree w you that he shoulda told Miesha whatever she wanted to hear in regards to how he was gonna vote. He shoulda just lied to her. Why not, Todrick did it
@@swedejohanson7739 that's the whole point though. He didn't want to sacrifice his morals just to win some stupid game. He probably wanted to show his family what he should be
@@dcheck6569 I see your point and like I said, he played respectful, but people in Big Brother stretch the truth. At some point, you’re gonna have to either lie or stab someone in the back to win. That’s where the social game comes into play. I don’t like it when people know their back is against the wall and start pulling a Dan, lying about other players just to stay in the game, but it happens every season.
Carson is messing up everything with his deal with Meisha now they winning 😒 🙄 😑 ... Poor Shanna, ik its a game but they are playing low and Carson just falling for it .
I used to have a lot of respect for Todrick 5 years ago. He's very talented. And I still want to respect him, but it is hard. His ego has gotten too big and he gives me negative vibes.
I can't be a fan of someone if I don't think they are a good person. Luckily, Chris has proved himself many times to be a stand up guy. Always love him ❤
She isn’t stupid . She was just not a backstabbing dirty player like the rest of them . She knows the game - no one wanted her on their team at the end . Their loss now . They screwed themselves over 😂
Ty for leaving Shanna on her own bc her game is probably over in part to him leaving. Cynthia should have gone home. Carson, Todrick n Cynthia are the worst humans to play CBB we just naturally expect better from the people we once supported. I’ve unfollowed on all social media formats Carson, Cynthia and that pathetic Todratt ! Watch the feeds for the truth.
One of the major differences between Chris and Todricks game play was dignity and moral character. Some things are more important than money.. Hold your head high Chris! Carson or Chris should have taken this season!
@@loveit59 I'm starting to think it is. They had Lamar and Todrick tied up together like wth. So Lamar could not tell Cynthia are Carson what he saw are heard.
That’s all Toderick does is talk horribly gross about other players! I wish they would show more of the live feeds on the actual shows! Cynthia screaming & acting crazy towards Shanna makes those two a great F2! Although I’d rather the couch win at that point, it would be more deserving! BB is suppose to be a game, back stabbing, making deals etc is fair game but making things personal -talking about Shanna & Chris Kirk’s kids, her clothing, & questioning why they are on the show because they are not famous enough (?) is uncalled for!! Chris Kirk played a great game-even though he did back door himself! lol 💕💕💕
Todrick chooses to have that kind of awful behavior on tv knowing full well everyone is watching. He thinks he's famous but he's not. He hangs with Taylor Swift which also definitely tells us what kind of taste she has. Next.
Toddrick made the comment "You don't want somebody who is legitimately not a good person winning the game." Talking about Chris. Man, that really came back to bite him.
Mr Kirkpatrick you are a stand-up man! You played a game you can be proud of and hold your head high! Unfortunately Toddrick has a rude awakening when he faces the public...
Chris I apologize for voting to late in the favorite player in the house to give you my vote. I was on a trip so behind on watching so when I saw the texting info ended at 9am on Wednesday. I missed that part and my text at 11am didn’t count. Sorry! I thought you deserve the $25k
I was SUPER pissed when Todrick made that comment about Chris's family!!! That was low and very wrong. I'm pretty sure that Mesha and Todrick will be in the finale, and I am also pretty sure that Todrick will NOT receive any votes to win, even tho no one wants Mesha to win either. Todrick should be ashamed of himself, but he won't be.
Todrick Is A Very, Very Dark Soul And Cynthia Was His Suck Up. Cynthia And Todrick Played Great Together. They Will Be Best Of Friends After Big Brothers. The Truth About The Real Cynthia Bailey Came Out. Now Everyone Understands Why She Got Divorced With Her 2nd Ex. *
This is my first season not on LiveFeeds, which Production may have cut the slurs made from some of the houseguests. What I didn't like is when Todrick mentioned Chris Kirkpatrick son, this is a game. Also, he watched the cookout and should've learned when kyland did the same thing with Xavier. I think I heard that Chris Kirkpatrick made comments as well. I also don't like to hear when people use the word "Bully". Really, Kirkpatrick. I don't like how Todrick is playing the game, because he's being personal. I wish he was backdoored, but I know Carson will keep his promise. Chris thought it was odd for Shanna to vote him out.
I used to love Todrick not anymore after watching him on this show he is a big bully saying that to chris is disgusting he should be ashamed of himself bringing someones kid into it.
Guys this is a game of cut throat,no one is your friend.I hate when people come in thinking everyone is your friend.EVERYONE is trying to win i wouldn;t take it to heart,who can out smart who.
I hate that Chris left to keep Carson but now I’m looking forward to Carson and Cynthia getting voted out and looking stupid. Of course their egos are as immune to change as their botoxed faces.
Top bad Chris didn't see what was really going on, trying to be transparent but that doesn't win game . They definitely weren't to him. He got played too
I seen nothing you did wrong chris you played beautiful honest game. Todrick was totally in the wrong. Todrick is playing a shitty game cause Todrick is playing back and fourth with who ever win head of households he's all up in their face. Wait till Meisha see how Todrick being playing. Big Brother is all about strategic in it to win it...👏 I feel Shania got the bad in of the stick..
I don’t understand why Mirai was way to hung up on being the only Asian in the house. She could’ve just been friendly with everyone as equal human beings.
Who brings personal into game play? I can't wait til he gets stomped out. I hate his game play. He acts like he's friends with everybody but no. The one person he is friends with is himself he will take out his best ally too at the end so he wins. Chris didn't deserve those comments. Show some respect for these people's families.
Todrick has really made a mess of himself and if he thinks he’s going to win he has another thing coming. Not only will he probably fail the jury vote but also the public. So either way he’s going to lose lmao. I hope he enjoys watching someone else take home that huge check.
Chris played a clean stand up game, wish he was still in the house. I loved it when he wouldn't tell Miesha what she wanted to hear, although sadly that's what lead to his exit. Todrick should be the one gone, he's a dirty dog bringing family into the game! And a million other things he says and does! Ugh! It's sad that Shanna is gone too. All the good, stand up players are going quickly and that sucks! So sorry Chris that you had to endure the mouth of the pathetic bully Todrick! He's Got to Go!! You are an awesome person Chris!!
Oh Chris!! Thought you were great!! So sorry you got crapped on!! You should be proud! Todrick is a yuck and good luck to him after the way he played! What a creep!
Todrick and Miesha make me physically sick and what Todrick did to Chris as he was leaving, saying his family will be embarrassed. No Todrick's family should be embarrassed.
Hi dear how’re you doing?
Chris please don't vote for Meisha🙏🏼💯
Todrick is not a good person amd is a bully. He should be pushed/voted out next
Todrick is a narcissist and has no morals. He will never be bothered by his bad behavior or his disgusting words.
I'm a gay immigrant of color who thinks Todrick is a bigot.
He’s very prejudiced, and judgmental. Even about how Shanna dresses. Judging who is worthy of winning,. Excuse You!
little todrick hates everyone, he's miserable
Todrick is in for a rude awakening when this is all over. I think he's gonna regret ever going on the show!
Right?! During live feeds Carson told him he needs to watch his brand
I hope your right.
Personally, I hope his career is in RUINS after this show., Despicable lack of character.
No, he wont! it will be Everyone elses Fault
@@TheDeblulu I totally agree
Chris, you played an honorable game. Once everyone views back the episodes, all will be revealed. You have no worries!
Todrick is just vile.
What did he do or say
Thanks Chris For Calling Todrick Out He Made Things Personal He Has No Respect For Anyone
He is clearly showing the world who he really is bc he’s gone wayyyy beyond game. I question another show he was a part of after seeing this im satisfied in saying he will do anything to get what HE WANTS !
Yea well he’s a narcissist… they do whatever it takes for their advantage and just like Chris said he plays victim to manipulate people. I went on his TH-cam channel and all his fans still love this narcissistic human being because they don’t see his true colors.
Todrick is vile & disgusting....thank you Chris for calling him out on his behavior. Hated seeing you go 😭😭
100% Correct. I don't like him, he's disrespectful and disgusting and I hope he receives everything he deserves.
Todrick needs to be evicted pronto
Todrick has a rep for being toxic. SMH
I agree I don’t like how he is and will no longer support him. Very disappointed in his behaviour.
To be such a big brother fan he sure did make us stupid Big Brother gameplay so I question how much of a fan he truly is because that definitely was not a good move. The other side the house would definitely put him up over top of Lamar and Todd any single day of the week so why he thought that he would be safe or thought that it was a good idea to lay down and throw his game away for Shanna Moakler is beyond me. I would like to have seen him stay in the game and make a good game move and when the money for his family. What a stupid move I just keep shaking my head what an idiot move.
It really sucks that Todrick might have ruined this experience for Chris knowing Chris is a huge fan. I feel bad for him! Kids should NEVER be brought up! I hope the good out ways the bad! Love you Chris! You did great! 🖤
Todrick did not ruin his experience he's the one that did not make a good Big Brother move by sacrificing himself that was ridiculous that is not how you play Big Brother.
I heard Shanna say she swears on her kids so I heard her bring her kids up I don't know what the other reference is about bc I cannot see toddrick saying something like that. Would love to see this clip.
@@danellekenny741 Chris Kirkpatrick is a household name Todrick is not there's no way Chris Kilpatrick would lie about that and we see how Todrick can lie and manipulate. Stay Woke
@@reneesydnor-henry4538 all she has to do is watch the show and the live feeds and she can see what he says. It’s awful. Also, just look his name up on tweeter and there are plenty of examples and clips. 🤷🏻♀️
Wtf are you talking about? Ruined Chris experience? It's a game. Oh pity on the white guy. I get it.
Chris is one of the few houseguests that doesn't need to issue a public apology to anyone after playing the game. So in my opinion, you win Chris! ❤
Todrick is not a good person.
What they did to Shanna is not how the game is played. They were dirty and very shameful. They talked about Shanna being unclassy. Miesha plea speech before the veto was trashy &nasty as hell .
This crew left is what it should be . Celebrity Backstabbing Big Brother .
People play different, no one way to play.
Unfortunately Cynthia is screwing Carson’s game at this point, Chris you and Carson were the favorites in our house.
Carson made his own decision about Shanna; wrong wrong wrong, but don't blame Cynthis's stupidity for Carson being stupid.
Carson is likable but he didn’t have the backbone to give into Cynthia’s wishes. I felt like he backdoored Shana just cuz that’s what he thought everything wanted
Totally agree Carson ultimately responsible for the horrible decision.
Chris, I have 💯% respect for you! (All the way back to NSYNC Days) You played a truly respectable game, don't let anyone tell you different.😊
He was the most honest, then Shanna 💯
@@loveit59 I agree 💯😎
Wait until he sees what Carson did with that swing now that he's gone. Terrible. Can't believe my eyes. Poor Shanna.
I hope Carson is gone next...
I was pulling for Carson, but what a dummy. He’s gonna be gone next. Stupid move
No doubt
So cringe worthy!
We love you. Played a great game.
Meshia is mean to her core and now she acting like a big baby, her and Tooddric get everything they deserve.
Funny how there are always ppl coming out against Todrick yet he always plays the victim. Ppl have been sharing how he really is behind closed doors for years.
Todrick is a total jerk, his goodbye message was messed up when he back stabbed everyone except Misha. I can't stand him.
Yes Todrick is a BULLY. He says anything he wants about people and I guarantee nothing will be said later. But if Chris was saying things like that about Todrick it would be a whole big deal made of it.
Exactly now I hope Lamar wins. "CarCyn" irks tf outta me now I hope they go home the same day. Evidently they don't know the game they just got played ole dumb ducks😡💯
Exactly! If Chris said or did half the things Toddrick does, I'm sure cancel culture would be out for him.
@@loveit59 i feel the same which is crazy cuz i was rooting for Carcyn but after this last week the only person left I'd like to see win is Lamar. I've noticed with Cynthia after Ultimate Girls Trip and now BBC she seems very needy and acts like she's in high school... Idk i used to be a big fan but am no longer and glad she quit RHOA
I hope Todd are Lamar tells Carson how Todrick and Meeisha celebrated about Todrick lying to them to get Shanna out. Lamar looked at them like these snakes.
Todrick is a nasty person! The only reason I watched was because of Chris and now the way they are treating Sharna I will not watch and could not careless who wins now. Love you Chris!!!❤️
The live feeds are so good
I don’t think I can watch anymore either. Tidrick is being so awful. That all need to be ashamed on how they lied about Shaina. Shame on them.
@@speeddash4979 I gave up on them. Every time I try to watch they are down.
I stopped watching when I knew they were going to backdoor Shanna.
Gucci please watch, Todrick is not going to win
You played an honorable game and your son WILL be proud of you
As a huge UFC fan, I think this season would have been much better without Meisha. Mean, vindictive, controlling. She's playing like there's $100 million at stake. Sheesh
Chris your a stand up guy! Don’t know how you sat though all the BS Todrick was throwing at you & basically kept your cool. ❤️
Years of being in a boy band. The man got called out by Eminem and took it in strides
Chris Kirkpatrick is the People's Champ
He was my favorite in the house.
I really liked this guy. Stand up guy
Who else believe that Toddrick can stoop lower? These people have the most petty reason to turn on friends and spent so little time to investigate the truth. It's frustrating to see how quickly and aggressive they run with lies. Where is the common sense?
I agree just one thing said and they belive it to be true to on another when others are not. I am so disappointed 😞
Just when you think he can’t go lower, he does. What a miserable life he must have to be so mean and nasty. Happy people don’t do that 💩. Lamar for the Win 🏆
Chris America loves you. I’ve watched BB everything since day 1 season 1. I wanted to cheer for Toddrick, but no.
And Meesha is showing her true green colors. Insecure, threatened by Shanna. As soon as someone is a threat she doesn’t like them cause she can’t control them. I liked her before, but no more. . Sore loser. I’m about ready to quit watching, I’m so upset how they turned on Shanna because of here say and rumors from the enemy instead of ACTIONS OF FRIENDS!!!!!
I quit watching when I heard they were about to backdoor Shanna. Wow.
This is Big Brother people what in the world is all this b******* I am reading! They made Big Brother gameplay moves glad to see somebody do that during this whole season because if we had to watch the rest of the house and didn't have them to to make game moves it would have been one boring-ass season! They are playing a game people! Why did they even come there if they're not ready to play!
So disappointed with Cynthia.
Same…I’ve watched her on housewives. No idea she was this much of a liability. So pathetic and bratty.
Yes I'm so disappointed in Cynthia's dumb behind😡💯
Me too!!! I never thought of her as this big follower. NENE was right. She sways with the wind.
Cynthia has no brain for herself, and it’s sick to watch
I swear Carson and Cynthia have played the worst game I've ever seen. Just gave the final two to the devil and the bully. This season is so funny. No one besides Chris and Shanna knows how to play the game. Worst one yet.
That's why Chris fumbled the game changing move 😂
@@Ghost-un6oe Chris played a respectable game, but I agree w you that he shoulda told Miesha whatever she wanted to hear in regards to how he was gonna vote. He shoulda just lied to her. Why not, Todrick did it
Oh I think Todd Bridges knows how to play
@@swedejohanson7739 that's the whole point though. He didn't want to sacrifice his morals just to win some stupid game. He probably wanted to show his family what he should be
@@dcheck6569 I see your point and like I said, he played respectful, but people in Big Brother stretch the truth. At some point, you’re gonna have to either lie or stab someone in the back to win. That’s where the social game comes into play. I don’t like it when people know their back is against the wall and start pulling a Dan, lying about other players just to stay in the game, but it happens every season.
Cynthia and Carson ruined the game. Wish you could have stayed and got rid of Meisha and Todrick. Love this interview 💕
I didn't know you left!!!! Bummer wanted you or Carson to win 🏆 you rock Dude
Why did you quit a game for 250,000:? You were the smartest and most genuine person in the house!!
the way kirkpatrick , shanna and mirai could have ran the house had they not start targeting mirai since the beginning
I love Lamar with his innocence in the game lol
Mayday8177. I love that too with Lamar.
Chris You Played The Game Fair. Thanks! We Love Your Honesty.
Chris, God bless dude! Pay Toddler no mind. He's f'd up his reputation completely. So sorry Carson has been so stupid in his HOH!!!
Carson is messing up everything with his deal with Meisha now they winning 😒 🙄 😑 ... Poor Shanna, ik its a game but they are playing low and Carson just falling for it .
I've never heard of Todrick and after this season hopefully I'll never hear of it again.
I used to have a lot of respect for Todrick 5 years ago. He's very talented. And I still want to respect him, but it is hard. His ego has gotten too big and he gives me negative vibes.
I can't be a fan of someone if I don't think they are a good person. Luckily, Chris has proved himself many times to be a stand up guy. Always love him ❤
Shanna tried really hard. But can’t argue with stupid.
She isn’t stupid . She was just not a backstabbing dirty player like the rest of them . She knows the game - no one wanted her on their team at the end .
Their loss now . They screwed themselves over 😂
@@frenchtoast7742 NOT Shanna. The others . Cynthia and Carson are acting stupid.
Todrick, is a very hurt person so he hurts others. Hurt people hurt people.
Yes absolutely! I am also a hurt person but I will never hurt someone but I always help others to not to feel bad.
I don’t know about hurt but only miserable people act like that. Happy people don’t go around trying to hate on everyone else.
Ty for leaving Shanna on her own bc her game is probably over in part to him leaving. Cynthia should have gone home. Carson, Todrick n Cynthia are the worst humans to play CBB we just naturally expect better from the people we once supported. I’ve unfollowed on all social media formats Carson, Cynthia and that pathetic Todratt ! Watch the feeds for the truth.
Sorry to see Chris go so soon !
Chris is such a good dude.
After last night's episode, I can say I dislike Miesha Tate and Todrick Hall what they did was dead wrong.
His explanation is legit, all the guys from N'SYNC. Have had there share of backstabbing . Props to him !!!
I’m disappointed in Toddrick, he’s showing a different side to himself that’s not attractive as a deceit person.
Chris we wish you were here!! You played a great game!!
One of the major differences between Chris and Todricks game play was dignity and moral character. Some things are more important than money.. Hold your head high Chris! Carson or Chris should have taken this season!
Chris you could have put Meisha up but nope. You leave it up to Shanna. Why would people who can't win want to keep Meisha around
I was wondering if this game was rigged just because of that💯
@@loveit59 I'm starting to think it is. They had Lamar and Todrick tied up together like wth. So Lamar could not tell Cynthia are Carson what he saw are heard.
Good game and classy play, Chris. Wishing you all the best.
That’s all Toderick does is talk horribly gross about other players! I wish they would show more of the live feeds on the actual shows! Cynthia screaming & acting crazy towards Shanna makes those two a great F2! Although I’d rather the couch win at that point, it would be more deserving! BB is suppose to be a game, back stabbing, making deals etc is fair game but making things personal -talking about Shanna & Chris Kirk’s kids, her clothing, & questioning why they are on the show because they are not famous enough (?) is uncalled for!! Chris Kirk played a great game-even though he did back door himself! lol 💕💕💕
You can play the game cleverly without bringing family into it.
Chris, Todrick was wrong for saying that about your son. And Todrick did Shanna wrong, and also Mirai wrong also
Todrick chooses to have that kind of awful behavior on tv knowing full well everyone is watching. He thinks he's famous but he's not. He hangs with Taylor Swift which also definitely tells us what kind of taste she has. Next.
He probably sucks up to Taylor like he does Miesha. So she thinks he’s good. But he’s not
Todrick should be ostracized. He thinks he's famous but really he's just a leech to famous people. He's a horrible person.
Toddrick made the comment "You don't want somebody who is legitimately not a good person winning the game." Talking about Chris.
Man, that really came back to bite him.
I was disappointed that Carson did not believe Shanna.
Mr Kirkpatrick you are a stand-up man! You played a game you can be proud of and hold your head high! Unfortunately Toddrick has a rude awakening when he faces the public...
I didn't know he (Todrick) said that about Chris's son...very disappointing and disrespectful. It's a game! No one should be talked to like that!
Chris I apologize for voting to late in the favorite player in the house to give you my vote. I was on a trip so behind on watching so when I saw the texting info ended at 9am on Wednesday. I missed that part and my text at 11am didn’t count. Sorry! I thought you deserve the $25k
It’s Big Brother! You do what you gotta do to stay in the Game. Celebrities don’t know how the game is Played.
How is Lamar commenting on facebook?
I was SUPER pissed when Todrick made that comment about Chris's family!!! That was low and very wrong. I'm pretty sure that Mesha and Todrick will be in the finale, and I am also pretty sure that Todrick will NOT receive any votes to win, even tho no one wants Mesha to win either. Todrick should be ashamed of himself, but he won't be.
Todrick Is A Very, Very Dark Soul And Cynthia Was His Suck Up. Cynthia And Todrick Played Great Together. They Will Be Best Of Friends After Big Brothers. The Truth About The Real Cynthia Bailey Came Out. Now Everyone Understands Why She Got Divorced With Her 2nd Ex. *
cynthia is less than smart
She is such a disappointment. I thought she would be smarter than this.
She always ends up becoming good friends with mean ppl bc she thinks close and can trust todrick
Todprick seems to have picked up The Orange One’s playbook.
This is my first season not on LiveFeeds, which Production may have cut the slurs made from some of the houseguests. What I didn't like is when Todrick mentioned Chris Kirkpatrick son, this is a game. Also, he watched the cookout and should've learned when kyland did the same thing with Xavier. I think I heard that Chris Kirkpatrick made comments as well. I also don't like to hear when people use the word "Bully". Really, Kirkpatrick. I don't like how Todrick is playing the game, because he's being personal. I wish he was backdoored, but I know Carson will keep his promise. Chris thought it was odd for Shanna to vote him out.
Todrick was wrong and need to be called out for trying to use Chris love for his son to manipulate him into doing what he want
I used to love Todrick not anymore after watching him on this show he is a big bully saying that to chris is disgusting he should be ashamed of himself bringing someones kid into it.
This is hardly an exclusive . Two other sites posted an interview 1 & 2 days before this one
Guys this is a game of cut throat,no one is your friend.I hate when people come in thinking everyone is your friend.EVERYONE is trying to win i wouldn;t take it to heart,who can out smart who.
I hate that Chris left to keep Carson but now I’m looking forward to Carson and Cynthia getting voted out and looking stupid. Of course their egos are as immune to change as their botoxed faces.
Top bad Chris didn't see what was really going on, trying to be transparent but that doesn't win game . They definitely weren't to him. He got played too
I seen nothing you did wrong chris you played beautiful honest game. Todrick was totally in the wrong. Todrick is playing a shitty game cause Todrick is playing back and fourth with who ever win head of households he's all up in their face. Wait till Meisha see how Todrick being playing. Big Brother is all about strategic in it to win it...👏 I feel Shania got the bad in of the stick..
Todrick pays respect to others like he’s paying his dancers… none. Lol
I don’t understand why Mirai was way to hung up on being the only Asian in the house. She could’ve just been friendly with everyone as equal human beings.
Hey Sharon, we got the same last name let's talk about this. Have a good one
I always had a bad feeling about Todrick, way before BB. He seemed like a self centered narcist sociopath. Glad to see people finally seeing it
Who brings personal into game play? I can't wait til he gets stomped out. I hate his game play. He acts like he's friends with everybody but no. The one person he is friends with is himself he will take out his best ally too at the end so he wins. Chris didn't deserve those comments. Show some respect for these people's families.
How interesting. Miesha is actually the bully...Hmmm.
Toddrick bringing up his family is so low. Over a dumb game? Not Cool!!!
He played it well
Todrick has really made a mess of himself and if he thinks he’s going to win he has another thing coming. Not only will he probably fail the jury vote but also the public. So either way he’s going to lose lmao. I hope he enjoys watching someone else take home that huge check.
I'm sorry Chris felt they way. What Todrick said was beyond rude. Never been a fan of him. My spirit is always right!
It’s funny how bb didn’t have the white girls name to play veto. Just like last year
Chris played a clean stand up game, wish he was still in the house. I loved it when he wouldn't tell Miesha what she wanted to hear, although sadly that's what lead to his exit. Todrick should be the one gone, he's a dirty dog bringing family into the game! And a million other things he says and does! Ugh! It's sad that Shanna is gone too. All the good, stand up players are going quickly and that sucks! So sorry Chris that you had to endure the mouth of the pathetic bully Todrick! He's Got to Go!! You are an awesome person Chris!!
Todrick is also racist some if the comments he’s made
Tf is todrick? 😂
I wanted todrick to win. But not anymore. Todrick is toxic and pure 😈 evil.
Todrick is acting horrible. I used to really like him but not anymore.
I wonder if Todricks career will be hurt or will they love his attitude and hate filled words the entitlement is real.
Well he is Taylor swift’s friend after all, he learned alot from her in those private sessions they have
Taylor is awesome…donut even go there.
Theyre not even close like that. Just worked together before.
They should have gotten rid of them when they had the chance
I don't watch this not sure why it's coming thru
Todrick seems tricky it’s a game
Welcome back to Upper Class Twit of the Year!
Todrick was a huge bully!!!
Oh Chris!! Thought you were great!! So sorry you got crapped on!! You should be proud! Todrick is a yuck and good luck to him after the way he played! What a creep!