Thanks for highlighting that. I sincerely don't understand why in all this retreat videos, some of the participants are constantly appearing with eyes shut in meditative mode while another person, or Rupert himself, is talking, it all seems to go against human instinct. They may not be aware of this, but from the outside they look completely selfish, even solipsistic, and why not?...rude. I have only been once to one of this live events with Rupert Spira, and that was years ago at the Rudolf Steiner house in London. It was my very first and only experience of the kind, and all throughout the event I kept feeling like the odd one out just for naturally directing my attention to Rupert's words, and the exchange that followed later with the audience. Sorry about this negative comment but I couldn't hold it anymore.
@@elvisonthemoonto be fair these are always privileged middle class people, ok they’re struggling like the rest of us, but the fact they drove there in there 21 plate beemers and are indulging in the personal bliss of the event us really a bit crass, I mean I love Rupert’s teaching etc but these are not people grafting on minimum wage in mould infested estates, but I mean good for them, good way to spend their time in Oxford but it’s a far cry from a true non dual understanding, hopefully don’t sound too arrogant but these are just alternative luxury getaways like a spar day or 5* holiday
@@elvisonthemoon I think the same when watching people ask a question my only thought is these people must be a lot further down the road of enlightenment then me
I’m so glad that the profound experiential wisdom of the non dual truth is being carried to so many. Over half a million subscribers now. I remember when it was a fraction of that. This world need deeply compassionate sharers of this truth. Thank God for Rupert and thank God for this community. ❤🙏🏻
Das ist ein geniales Timing. Ich hatte heute diese Erfahrung gehabt. Diese Erklärung hat mir sehr geholfen mit meiner erfahrung. Es hilft mir loszulassen und die Versuche meines Verstandes diese Erfahrung zu rationalisieren als Versuche anzusehen und nicht als die absolute Wahrheit anzusehen. Danke.
Of course the mind is our awareness. We think it through and stay with it. The answer comes or not. Without the intelligence, and curiousority awareness. It was suffering and me working my shadow and issues that made me awake.
I’ve been watching hours upon hours of Rupert’s clips and 98% of what he teaches resonates with me fully. This is probably my least favorite clip of them all. Why? Because he’s claiming our limited mind’s interpretation of Infinite Consciousness is “incorrect” however legitimate the interpretation given our limitations is. Ultimately I did like how they both concluded that no words can define the actual essence of Infinite Consciousness. That’s the bottom line ultimately.
This is wild... he's really distinguishing between just a mere non-ordinary state of consciousness and the actual reality of awareness and the reality of human experience. That's a key thing. That is a major discernment.
Consciousness is the basic canvas on which the Universe manifests. So there's no question of where in macro cosmic realm. In individuals it appears to manifest inthe space/cave of spiritual heart. Appears because it's there everywhere, but cause of action is from heart center.
we are the final product of all those vast varieties and species of life that ever existed. that is why we all have so varied features and thinking levels and even skills. when awake our minds interact with energy to create new thoughts. when in slumber we are semi concious but still interact with energy sources. and we keep on doing that until our last breath happens
Actually the meditation gets her closer to zero which is also endlessly vast. The duality is all the gradations between zero and infinity, but infinity is an emerging property in the world.
Sometimes he seems to be, but then he also says that is a “lesser level of understanding” and seems to infer that the Tantric path of inclusion is “the top of the mountain.”
Can some of you beautiful beings explain this me? There seems to be too many unexplained issues about life in this non-dual tradition. I've spent about a year now listening and learning from Rupert/Francis/Klein and all the masters like Maharshi and Nisargadatta as well as the Parsons/Newman camp. I get all of the differences but am still bothered by something missing from all of it. I'm not religious but simply by natural life in general, as well as knowing about the natural order of creatures in general that it seems there is some kind of eternal mind or intelligent designer of some kind. When I've sat for awhile and simply looked at the basic order of things I see that the sun comes up and goes down, my cat chases birds, the squirrel eats nuts....and even though I'm not the body or mind when I'm with my wife and she's in the mood I simply go with the flow and it seems my body and mind really have a back seat. It's simply my nature. How does it not make more sense that some kind of designer has put everything in place to work so properly and effortlessly? I simply cannot buy the theory that everything is just energy or a Consciousness that is void of original intelligence. Help
I forgot to mention the in the Jewish/Christian/Muslim traditions it says that man is made in the image of a creator and is therefore a spirit. The body is simply what the spirit/awareness is being held in until death. This seems to make perfect sense to my experience knowing I am not my body or thoughts but also eternal unchanging spirit of some kind. Why is everything in life so beautiful in form yet so incredibly complex in the dna and all the functions of all the forms? All of life is so effortlessly and seemingly worked out all the while we are simply here like fish in aquarium flowing threw it all and knowing we have absolutely nothing to do with all this complex function and beauty. Strange how an apple fits so perfectly in my hand.
@@zachburnett2433 The Kybalion by the Three Initiates is the closest I have come to some kind of explanation. The Universe is a thought in the mind of The All Every sentient being is on a journey back to union with The All. Even the grossest of matter in our dimension has some kind of consciousness and is is progressing to more complexity. I am going to stop now because I know I am distorting what I have read. Read it for yourself, several times.
To me, it looks as if we are asking the wrong kind of question when we ask where is consciousness located? consciousness is something we feel is happening when we experience in our body/ brain/ mind ( just words we invent to try to describe what we think we are experiencing). just a false question created by the way we use words like " consciousness" " mind"/brain/body/experience/ time/ space etc). if we don't use words to try to describe what we "experience" then we don't need to tie our "mind/ brain" in knots.
Mind awareness is not in the brain because mind and brain are not the same. The mind is spiritual awareness and very different from the physical brain.
@@terefefeyssa877 you can, if you were not aware, then you wouldn't know either way, aware or not. That checking for the answer is Consciousness. Are you male or female? Is it sunny outside? To answer these you need consciousness. That's what it is
The I, and Consciousness is always Here and Now. the I, is the Only Real Steady Point, in Existence. Consciousness is an Inner Space, and the Day-Consciousness, is what Rupert call 'awareness'. Motion become time, and time become Time-Spaces. Consciousness is pictured in Rainbow, it is the Same set of Abilities, (Colors) in a technical composition, as make This Device work so well. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo. Instinct, Gravity, Feeling, Intelligence, Intuition, Memory. Automatic, Power, Sensors, Logic/Order, (*), Harddisc. Intuition* need more text to explain.
Its both. But neither at the same time. It is of a vastness that uses a 'machine' (the body) to secure a fixed point of accessibility into this existence. It peeks through a peeks through a tiny portal which is constructed by a part of the machine which takes information about the external reality and sends it to the information processing center. This processing center uses the intrinsic, inherited and imprinted coding to arrange the information in the various configurations and send this configuration of arrangements for the conscious mind to experience. It is like an oxygen mask for a living being who wants to occupy an area with air not fit to sustain life. You can take this further and consider the astronaut inba space suit which allows him to remain in existence in an environment absolutely incompatible with the persons biology. Take this a couple of steps further and you see the mind is a mechanism for a being of some nature to enter into a reality it is completely and utterly incompatible with. It can not even 'see' the reality for itself, it has to develop a machine that is capable of the sensory which perceive the plane of reality which is of a incomparably lower energy spectrum that permits the formation of the physical universe. Without the mind we would be as a fish or less. The point it interacts with the brains information is at an adjacent structure which can detect the wave forms and harmonics of the information and decode it to perceptually configure the information in the minds eye. This area which receives the em wave signals is not in one location as the harmonics produce 3d standing waves which need to be captured across its entire wavelength. But the depiction in the minds eye comes from the focal point of that field, an infinitesimally tiny dimensionless point. But it is none the less an unmistakable point. As though everything that 'you' are exists in a higher dimension and you're peeking through the bodies mind in order to 'inhabit' a realm that is like no other. So its here but nowhere and infinitesimally small yet monumentally, epically vast and grand, in a way that makes this universe feel like a constricting fluid that's on the inside of a sealed cereal box. And your looking at this world through augmented goggles that are linked to a tiny remote controlled puppet with an operating system interface that is plugged in to the mind at the atomic level. The mind can also use some cheat codes to manipulate the brains functionality to be able to receive other wave forms from the external reality beyond its own physical universe.
the real consciousness is omnipresent..but to really know It you have to make all of anything created dissappear so that it can appear as awareness/consciousnes self-effulent genderless clear light ( the face of god) and peace..
most definitely not inside this or any other sphere of any sort. each life is a conscience. when more than one cell get together and create a life form a conscience is what has been created. multi cell lives created all the varied species of life over time by learning of their own accord.
Huge claims of Rupert Spira! How does he know this exactly? He doesn’t. The hard problem of consciousness which eminent philosophers & neuroscientists work on & cannot define! yet RS has all the answers repeating old scriptures & gurus. Amazing.
He speaks from personal experience or not at all. He is attempting to explain the unexplainable. If an experience like this happened to you, could you explain it better? Words are limited, that's all.
@@kristinestout1170 you need to study psychology, the mind is very good at delusion making things up, especially when we suffer & try to escape. If it’s unexplainable then how is it Rupert can explain it yet eminent philosopher’s & science can’t. It’s unfalsifiable & a good way to earn money from the gullible. Yet another guru preying on people with un critical minds.
@BubbleGendut But you don't know what he knows. It may seem likely to you, but you're not privy to the content of his mind. It seems harsh to be so certain of what you can't be certain of.
@@kristinestout1170 I am privy to fact he’s just regurgitating all the material that’s been said & written since history. Nothing new! Just what his guru indoctrinated him with & their gurus before that. In fact he quotes & repeats a lot of what’s been written in the past he has nothing original to add. Just write down all his claims and ask “ how does he know this” he doesn’t he just believes he does cognitive biases at work. If he gives you a psychological warm delusional feeling that gets you through life then that’s fine believe what you must.
That is not the point ie " where is consciousness located', the real point is what is the purpose for awareness and consciousness and to where is the awareness information being relayed to for it's purpose. This teacher is attempting to present Consciousness a a reality and a knowledge source. Reality couldn't care less about the state of consciousness nor someone's perception. Reality is its own entity because it's random and according to Universal matter formulation. Random means happening without method or conscious decision. Consciousness is fleeting and requires a faculty which is the mind, both that are non physical and both require a faculty which is the physical brain. Consciousness and awareness are simply just tools to inform the physical brain which inform the Physical Source within of its surrounds for the purpose of Evolving to survive. The mind nor consciousness cannot form anything especially not a physical brain and body nor a physical brain cannot form a physical body. That would mean a Source initially Formed to then give rise to the intelligent species physical body and brain. Hence, you your lineage was initially FORMED not BORN. Consciousness was nowhere to be seen nor had a hand in that process.
Awareness knows nothing of Nonduality or Rupert, nothing belongs to me, I cannot know presence conceptually, there is no seasoning I must add to the meal, I am already free, there is nothing too great or small, and if I imagine otherwise, find myself caught in dreams, why is it always the current dream which I say is too great, that too is imagination.
Repeat a false statement , it will feel like real and right , all of your body feelings will tell you , you are right . I just invite people to judge whether this knowledge by these gurus are logical or reasonable to believe. I think it's pseudoscience because all they are building hypothesis over hypothesis and trying to find evidence which supports it . This make us so biased .
Wonderful question? But dont know why that non furtile farm smiling like he thinks he knows everything 😂 Consciousness means gyana 'Knowledge' For instance Imagine there is a 'clay pot' who knowing it ? Me .. Then the physical existence of clay pot is outside but im The knower who knows it in the form of knowledge im grasping it, hence im claiming/says that pot is exist ,Like the person sitting next to you exist bc you are known him or how could we prove it ,. Nice now what is shape size colour weight of knowledge/consciousness? :) non of them but one thing im sure that i who knowing it aware of it Vastness/infinite The space inside & outside of empty clay pot ! are those two different ? No,space cant be split or different That's why there is nothing like inside and out But we think this way, that is why it feels like inside and outside to me. ,infinite vastness is something we cant think or count or measure it else it would be fall under space like tiny or vast inside or out height or weights beginning or end Like our body attributes and all surrounding comes under the time and space ,but knowledge consciousness being knower experiencer We can't describe it in words The world exists because I know it experiencing it constantly in the form of knowledge or how could we state it ? And theres no different multiple consciousness like your consciousness and and my consciousness ,but essence is the same
You're getting lost in words, as does Spira who is a man trying to make a living by selling something he hasn't fully understood. Words and concepts are not reality and you're concerning yourself with something that has no meaning rather than simply observing what's happening, including yourself/your own mind and all it's reactions, which is what these people (at best) try to recommend. Talking, thinking and debating words and concepts is an endless and pointless cycle when it comes to understanding the totality of life, which is all-inclusive of absolutely everything including you. All these words are merely trying primitively to point to being quiet and observing actuality, so do it. Or don't do it if you don't care to, it's your life.
Copy and paste everyone. Lol dual and non dual same. Lol how do feel the non dual through body. Who feels the bliss. Body. So feel non dual through dual haha. Welcome to programming matrix of next level. Lol isn't the non dual feel also in everything in dual?.
Blue shirt guy is absolutely blissed out haha
Thanks for highlighting that.
I sincerely don't understand why in all this retreat videos, some of the participants are constantly appearing with eyes shut in meditative mode while another person, or Rupert himself, is talking, it all seems to go against human instinct. They may not be aware of this, but from the outside they look completely selfish, even solipsistic, and why not?...rude. I have only been once to one of this live events with Rupert Spira, and that was years ago at the Rudolf Steiner house in London. It was my very first and only experience of the kind, and all throughout the event I kept feeling like the odd one out just for naturally directing my attention to Rupert's words, and the exchange that followed later with the audience.
Sorry about this negative comment but I couldn't hold it anymore.
Isn't the "blue shirt guy" Darryl Anka - the fellow who channels Bashar?
@@elvisonthemoonwhy is it selfish?
@@elvisonthemoonto be fair these are always privileged middle class people, ok they’re struggling like the rest of us, but the fact they drove there in there 21 plate beemers and are indulging in the personal bliss of the event us really a bit crass, I mean I love Rupert’s teaching etc but these are not people grafting on minimum wage in mould infested estates, but I mean good for them, good way to spend their time in Oxford but it’s a far cry from a true non dual understanding, hopefully don’t sound too arrogant but these are just alternative luxury getaways like a spar day or 5* holiday
@@elvisonthemoon I think the same when watching people ask a question my only
thought is these people must be a lot further down the road of enlightenment then me
I am laughed my heart out for 10+ seconds when I saw blue guy in the video at 5 am in the morning....just thanking him for was bliss😂
Been a while since I’ve listened to Rupert. Well said, as usual. Also must say he’s looking very good, like he had a makeover. Right on.👍🏼
I’m so glad that the profound experiential wisdom of the non dual truth is being carried to so many. Over half a million subscribers now. I remember when it was a fraction of that. This world need deeply compassionate sharers of this truth. Thank God for Rupert and thank God for this community. ❤🙏🏻
Bald guy found what he was looking for
Or thinking happy thoughts
Rupert tu explicación es fantástica y la de hoy es maravillosa ,muchas gracias!!!!
Maybe yes, maybe not
What an explanation! I had the same thought as awareness was vast. Thank you, Rupert!
Das ist ein geniales Timing. Ich hatte heute diese Erfahrung gehabt. Diese Erklärung hat mir sehr geholfen mit meiner erfahrung. Es hilft mir loszulassen und die Versuche meines Verstandes diese Erfahrung zu rationalisieren als Versuche anzusehen und nicht als die absolute Wahrheit anzusehen. Danke.
Wunderbar! Sehr gut.
Absolutely yes! There are no words. ❤
Amazing. My experience has been that Unlocatableness. Never heard of that from someone else except now.
Thank you, Rupert. 🙏
Consciousness is not confined to this time-space illusion. 🌎
You can checkout anytime but u can never leave. I felt eventually, from a nondual perspective, that this was an unintentionally profound observation.😮
Wow, great. You nailed it, Rupert. Thanks❤
What a profound teaching ❤♾
Of course the mind is our awareness. We think it through and stay with it. The answer comes or not. Without the intelligence, and curiousority awareness. It was suffering and me working my shadow and issues that made me awake.
Awareness is your consciousness of being that you wish to be, or what you already are, what you already have,
It's your state of being
@sumittroz143. IMHO, there is no you
instant peace, and all is well, 🙏
on listening to Rupert, Thankyou Rupert, much Love & Gratitude ❤
I like this Ahaa moment which people have in rupert sessions ...😅
It's like trying to localize your mind in the space of your own dream, it's everywhere and nowhere, it's "outside", yet a part of it.
Thank you so much rupert
I’ve been watching hours upon hours of Rupert’s clips and 98% of what he teaches resonates with me fully. This is probably my least favorite clip of them all. Why? Because he’s claiming our limited mind’s interpretation of Infinite Consciousness is “incorrect” however legitimate the interpretation given our limitations is. Ultimately I did like how they both concluded that no words can define the actual essence of Infinite Consciousness. That’s the bottom line ultimately.
One of your best. Thank you!!!
This is wild... he's really distinguishing between just a mere non-ordinary state of consciousness and the actual reality of awareness and the reality of human experience. That's a key thing. That is a major discernment.
Perfect explanation, Rupert, as always 😊
Consciousness is the basic canvas on which the Universe manifests. So there's no question of where in macro cosmic realm. In individuals it appears to manifest inthe space/cave of spiritual heart. Appears because it's there everywhere, but cause of action is from heart center.
Love you Rupert ❤🙏
Awareness is projecting the consciousness.
Everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.
Consciouslness is aatma. The soul. YOU. In your unadulterated form. PURE.
"The witness is the last refuge of the ego." Ken Wilbur
I haven't heard that name in forever.
So true....there is no witness, only witnessing
Being~Mind~Sense of self(ego)~Body
Never heard of it. Ken Wilber on the other hand is an amazing thinker.@@joeycarter8846
we are the final product of all those vast varieties and species of life that ever existed. that is why we all have so varied features and thinking levels and even skills. when awake our minds interact with energy to create new thoughts. when in slumber we are semi concious but still interact with energy sources. and we keep on doing that until our last breath happens
Actually the meditation gets her closer to zero which is also endlessly vast. The duality is all the gradations between zero and infinity, but infinity is an emerging property in the world.
Infinito Absoluto
IT IS ❤😊
“If I speak, I tell a lie. But if I remain silent, I am a coward.”
The mind is something totally different than the brain.
Jimmy Dore is so chill here
Glad you know who 'Jimmy Dore' is....cuz no one else does...🧐
Reminds me of J Krishnamurti, truth in action, not in words.
Thank you!
So is awareness from the soul?
Good of Bashar to join them.
awareness is mind
Consciousness is located in the head. Ego Dissolution may feel like it isn't but that doesn't mean it isn't. No head, no brain no consciousness
So is consciousness experiencing itself vibrating (tantric path) or is consciousness experiencing its dream (advaita)?
seems like rupert is on the advaitic approach
Sometimes he seems to be, but then he also says that is a “lesser level of understanding” and seems to infer that the Tantric path of inclusion is “the top of the mountain.”
Good one.I like this analogy.And yes bald guy is living the dream
@dreadinajeep liking an analogy doesn’t make it true.
Or appears to be.
If Jane has no way of knowing Mary, then how can one claim that consciousness is in another realm, when no one is able to know this? A good guess?
Who is making GOD THE GOAL ? Versus moving towards some epiphany of understanding.
Just a question to consider ..
Can some of you beautiful beings explain this me? There seems to be too many unexplained issues about life in this non-dual tradition. I've spent about a year now listening and learning from Rupert/Francis/Klein and all the masters like Maharshi and Nisargadatta as well as the Parsons/Newman camp. I get all of the differences but am still bothered by something missing from all of it.
I'm not religious but simply by natural life in general, as well as knowing about the natural order of creatures in general that it seems there is some kind of eternal mind or intelligent designer of some kind. When I've sat for awhile and simply looked at the basic order of things I see that the sun comes up and goes down, my cat chases birds, the squirrel eats nuts....and even though I'm not the body or mind when I'm with my wife and she's in the mood I simply go with the flow and it seems my body and mind really have a back seat. It's simply my nature.
How does it not make more sense that some kind of designer has put everything in place to work so properly and effortlessly? I simply cannot buy the theory that everything is just energy or a Consciousness that is void of original intelligence.
I forgot to mention the in the Jewish/Christian/Muslim traditions it says that man is made in the image of a creator and is therefore a spirit. The body is simply what the spirit/awareness is being held in until death. This seems to make perfect sense to my experience knowing I am not my body or thoughts but also eternal unchanging spirit of some kind.
Why is everything in life so beautiful in form yet so incredibly complex in the dna and all the functions of all the forms? All of life is so effortlessly and seemingly worked out all the while we are simply here like fish in aquarium flowing threw it all and knowing we have absolutely nothing to do with all this complex function and beauty.
Strange how an apple fits so perfectly in my hand.
@@zachburnett2433 The Kybalion by the Three Initiates is the closest I have come to some kind of explanation. The Universe is a thought in the mind of The All Every sentient being is on a journey back to union with The All. Even the grossest of matter in our dimension has some kind of consciousness and is is progressing to more complexity. I am going to stop now because I know I am distorting what I have read. Read it for yourself, several times.
My i-Mind culminates 0s & 1s, Intangible~Tangible, 01 and the same word - Uni-Verse.
you can only in-vision what is in your own one’s mind
One doesn’t exist within time and space. Time and space exist within.
One does not wake up from the dream. One wakes up to the dream.
To me, it looks as if we are asking the wrong kind of question when we ask where is consciousness located? consciousness is something we feel is happening when we experience in our body/ brain/ mind ( just words we invent to try to describe what we think we are experiencing). just a false question created by the way we use words like " consciousness" " mind"/brain/body/experience/ time/ space etc). if we don't use words to try to describe what we "experience" then we don't need to tie our "mind/ brain" in knots.
Mind awareness is not in the brain because mind and brain are not the same. The mind is spiritual awareness and very different from the physical brain.
He might be right; he might be wrong. I don't think anyone on earth "knows" what consciousness is or where it is located.
You know what consciousness is every day
Are you aware?
That's consciousness
Trust your own experience and not what "people" tell you.
@malabuha : Yes, you are aware,not as an object. If I am not aware, I can't respond to this message.
@@terefefeyssa877 you can, if you were not aware, then you wouldn't know either way, aware or not.
That checking for the answer is Consciousness. Are you male or female? Is it sunny outside? To answer these you need consciousness. That's what it is
I am. Empty. To many words.
The I, and Consciousness is always
Here and Now.
the I, is the Only Real Steady Point,
in Existence.
Consciousness is an Inner Space,
and the Day-Consciousness,
is what Rupert call 'awareness'.
Motion become time,
and time become Time-Spaces.
Consciousness is pictured in Rainbow,
it is the Same set of Abilities, (Colors)
in a technical composition,
as make This Device work so well.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo.
Instinct, Gravity, Feeling, Intelligence, Intuition, Memory.
Automatic, Power, Sensors, Logic/Order, (*), Harddisc.
Intuition* need more text to explain.
Its both. But neither at the same time. It is of a vastness that uses a 'machine' (the body) to secure a fixed point of accessibility into this existence. It peeks through a peeks through a tiny portal which is constructed by a part of the machine which takes information about the external reality and sends it to the information processing center. This processing center uses the intrinsic, inherited and imprinted coding to arrange the information in the various configurations and send this configuration of arrangements for the conscious mind to experience. It is like an oxygen mask for a living being who wants to occupy an area with air not fit to sustain life. You can take this further and consider the astronaut inba space suit which allows him to remain in existence in an environment absolutely incompatible with the persons biology. Take this a couple of steps further and you see the mind is a mechanism for a being of some nature to enter into a reality it is completely and utterly incompatible with. It can not even 'see' the reality for itself, it has to develop a machine that is capable of the sensory which perceive the plane of reality which is of a incomparably lower energy spectrum that permits the formation of the physical universe. Without the mind we would be as a fish or less.
The point it interacts with the brains information is at an adjacent structure which can detect the wave forms and harmonics of the information and decode it to perceptually configure the information in the minds eye. This area which receives the em wave signals is not in one location as the harmonics produce 3d standing waves which need to be captured across its entire wavelength. But the depiction in the minds eye comes from the focal point of that field, an infinitesimally tiny dimensionless point. But it is none the less an unmistakable point. As though everything that 'you' are exists in a higher dimension and you're peeking through the bodies mind in order to 'inhabit' a realm that is like no other.
So its here but nowhere and infinitesimally small yet monumentally, epically vast and grand, in a way that makes this universe feel like a constricting fluid that's on the inside of a sealed cereal box. And your looking at this world through augmented goggles that are linked to a tiny remote controlled puppet with an operating system interface that is plugged in to the mind at the atomic level. The mind can also use some cheat codes to manipulate the brains functionality to be able to receive other wave forms from the external reality beyond its own physical universe.
Is he smiling???
A great deal of love on less than a pin head
But where's the mind located? I can't find the mind either.
As with all "things", it can only be located in Consciousness, and IS Consciousness. Rupert calls it a "modulation".
Consciousness is not in your head. It’s the other way around
the real consciousness is omnipresent..but to really know It you have to make all of anything created dissappear so that it can appear as awareness/consciousnes self-effulent genderless clear light ( the face of god) and peace..
most definitely not inside this or any other sphere of any sort. each life is a conscience. when more than one cell get together and create a life form a conscience is what has been created. multi cell lives created all the varied species of life over time by learning of their own accord.
What is that guy in the blue shirt smoking.
I was thinking the same 😂😂😂
Non-dual pipe
Pure consciousness
Huge claims of Rupert Spira! How does he know this exactly? He doesn’t. The hard problem of consciousness which eminent philosophers & neuroscientists work on & cannot define! yet RS has all the answers repeating old scriptures & gurus. Amazing.
He speaks from personal experience or not at all. He is attempting to explain the unexplainable. If an experience like this happened to you, could you explain it better? Words are limited, that's all.
@@kristinestout1170 you need to study psychology, the mind is very good at delusion making things up, especially when we suffer & try to escape. If it’s unexplainable then how is it Rupert can explain it yet eminent philosopher’s & science can’t. It’s unfalsifiable & a good way to earn money from the gullible. Yet another guru preying on people with un critical minds.
@BubbleGendut But you don't know what he knows. It may seem likely to you, but you're not privy to the content of his mind. It seems harsh to be so certain of what you can't be certain of.
@@kristinestout1170 I am privy to fact he’s just regurgitating all the material that’s been said & written since history. Nothing new! Just what his guru indoctrinated him with & their gurus before that. In fact he quotes & repeats a lot of what’s been written in the past he has nothing original to add. Just write down all his claims and ask “ how does he know this” he doesn’t he just believes he does cognitive biases at work. If he gives you a psychological warm delusional feeling that gets you through life then that’s fine believe what you must.
@BubbleGendut If you don't believe in this stuff, why are you here? To troll? To warn us? To prove something else? What's the deal?
What is Awareness without language? This is all conceptual. Reality is physical. Take humans out of reality, what Awareness is there to speak of?
The Tao which can be described is not the Tao
That is not the point ie " where is consciousness located', the real point is what is the purpose for awareness and consciousness and to where is the awareness information being relayed to for it's purpose.
This teacher is attempting to present Consciousness a a reality and a knowledge source.
Reality couldn't care less about the state of consciousness nor someone's perception.
Reality is its own entity because it's random and according to Universal matter formulation. Random means happening without method or conscious decision.
Consciousness is fleeting and requires a faculty which is the mind, both that are non physical and both require a faculty which is the physical brain. Consciousness and awareness are simply just tools to inform the physical brain which inform the Physical Source within of its surrounds for the purpose of Evolving to survive. The mind nor consciousness cannot form anything especially not a physical brain and body nor a physical brain cannot form a physical body. That would mean a Source initially Formed to then give rise to the intelligent species physical body and brain.
Hence, you your lineage was initially FORMED not BORN. Consciousness was nowhere to be seen nor had a hand in that process.
There is no my or I.
Awareness knows nothing of Nonduality or Rupert, nothing belongs to me, I cannot know presence conceptually, there is no seasoning I must add to the meal, I am already free, there is nothing too great or small, and if I imagine otherwise, find myself caught in dreams, why is it always the current dream which I say is too great, that too is imagination.
Repeat a false statement , it will feel like real and right , all of your body feelings will tell you , you are right .
I just invite people to judge whether this knowledge by these gurus are logical or reasonable to believe. I think it's pseudoscience because all they are building hypothesis over hypothesis and trying to find evidence which supports it . This make us so biased .
Consciousness comes from Planets such as mercury ,Venu s ,Mars Jupiter Saturn,moon , Uranus, Neptune and from 27 stars
Why is he so smiley? 😂
Ha h ah ah ah ah ah HAAAAAA isn’t it great 🙌
The same damn questions over and over
Bald Guy is on Dope
Wonderful question? But dont know why that non furtile farm smiling like he thinks he knows everything 😂
Consciousness means gyana 'Knowledge'
For instance Imagine there is a 'clay pot' who knowing it ? Me ..
Then the physical existence of clay pot is outside but im The knower who knows it in the form of knowledge im grasping it, hence im claiming/says that pot is exist ,Like the person sitting next to you exist bc you are known him or how could we prove it ,.
Nice now what is shape size colour weight of knowledge/consciousness? :) non of them but one thing im sure that i who knowing it aware of it
The space inside & outside of empty clay pot ! are those two different ? No,space cant be split or different That's why there is nothing like inside and out But we think this way, that is why it feels like inside and outside to me. ,infinite vastness is something we cant think or count or measure it else it would be fall under space like tiny or vast inside or out height or weights beginning or end Like our body attributes and all surrounding comes under the time and space ,but knowledge consciousness being knower experiencer We can't describe it in words The world exists because I know it experiencing it constantly in the form of knowledge or how could we state it ? And theres no different multiple consciousness like your consciousness and and my consciousness ,but essence is the same
Welcome to 5000 bc India
I use drugs to expand the field of my consciousness into true super duper mono cassette consciousness, and I only do general anaesthesia.
So does this mean that being is exactly the same as consciousness?
You're getting lost in words, as does Spira who is a man trying to make a living by selling something he hasn't fully understood. Words and concepts are not reality and you're concerning yourself with something that has no meaning rather than simply observing what's happening, including yourself/your own mind and all it's reactions, which is what these people (at best) try to recommend. Talking, thinking and debating words and concepts is an endless and pointless cycle when it comes to understanding the totality of life, which is all-inclusive of absolutely everything including you. All these words are merely trying primitively to point to being quiet and observing actuality, so do it. Or don't do it if you don't care to, it's your life.
she is mixing up consciousness and awareness.
Copy and paste everyone. Lol dual and non dual same. Lol how do feel the non dual through body. Who feels the bliss. Body. So feel non dual through dual haha. Welcome to programming matrix of next level. Lol isn't the non dual feel also in everything in dual?.
Baldie won the lottery
You won dopiest comment on the planet...
I want to have same thing what that bald guy had
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