When we did our overstock sale…we advertised online only… with PICTURES…we advertised on about 6 or 7 yard sale websites. Plus we told everyone we knew and put it on FB..sold $1000 worth! Huge success! We were also off the beaten path. I think the pictures with all the yard sale sites is what did the trick! Don’t give up!
I’ve sold my stockpile at a local flea market. The booth rental was $15 and I would make $500 easily on the weekend. Don’t give up!!! We are all learning, stay positive you will figure it out! Positive vibes 😊❤️
I think you did great for first time especially with rain! Really once people get to you, you will sell out. Your prices perfect, signs perfect but curious what you posted. I do just like grocery store...MAJOR SALE ITEM. That brings people by droves then they buy other stuff. The item I find that brings everyone, TIDE PODS. So I sell pods at $3 or 4 for $10. And I post that all over with pics of my tables set with other product. Then I sign most items $3 or 4 for $10. Once people are there, no one wants to leave empty handed. I never advertise until 5 am morning of and post on 5 online Facebook garage sale pages. We typically sell out by 11. Another tip, I let people sign up for text message for my next sale. After 3 sales, I dont put up signs at all. I send text day before and let those people come first, 7 am. I then post saleonline to start at 830. Almost everyone signs up AND I even have some people ask if I get more to message them.
I've only sold part of my stockpile at a garage sale twice. I typically give to my adult children's family and/or donate to various groups. The first time a gentleman came by and bought almost everything and I thought yay for me. A week later I saw him at a flea market with most of it with jacked up prices 😕 which was his choice. The next time I was smarter and had younger family members share my Facebook post to their friends. Word got out quickly and I sold tons to them. They truly enjoyed the savings and I made $$ too.
I taught my 19 year old son to coupon and he has set up several times this summer. He does OK at the flea market, but the church yard sales where you buy a "spot" for $10 or $15 are the best. He made crafty displays with wooden crates and uses the Cricut for signs and for pricing. He made a display to hang razors with 2 mop handles and some wire metal dish holders all spray painted gold. Combining two hobbies...crafting and couponing! Toothpaste is actually our BEST seller at those places. He has more time so his stockpile is way bigger than mine now lol! Super proud of my saavy college kid!!
You did good and I know you are grateful!!! So I would suggest signs letting people know you are having a stockpile yardsale.. Use lots of colors it draws in people. Don't give up and try it again. The best days to do a sale is Saturday. My first stockpile sale I made $1500.00 that was 8 years ago I haven't done anymore. Try and do another sale. I am proud of you!! You don't give up beautiful. Thank you for sharing Jodi💙
The weather was a big deterrent so the amount you made with it raining sounds great. Every area is different with advertising- i.e. small town, large city, suburb, rural, etc. I would go to a few yard sales in your area that look like they have a lot of people coming too and ask them about what they did to advertise. Signs and good traffic areas are good for our area and sometimes advertising in the local newspaper but that doesn’t work everywhere. I would definitely try again when the weather is better and at least put up signs even the day before so people get some advanced notice. Happy yard selling!
Hey Jodi. I just did a stockpile sale twice this month from my driveway. I made approximately $1200 & I still have more. I’m moving & I didn’t want to move all of these items. Too bad the weather didn’t cooperate with you that day!!
Your amazing! You got this. Some church’s in the area have flea markets every month you can purchase a table and sell at them. Put signage up around the area. I would move the tables closer To the street. Try again those 12 people Will Tell there Friends.
We had one last week I added a little bit of my stock pile to get a feel if it would sell. We didn’t get a lot of people but I did pretty well on my coupon items. I also got a new customer who is now buying from me. I think you did great and some days are better than others. Stay positive and keep trying. I posted in Craigslist and put up a couple of signs. Like you I’m great full for what I sold.
My mother and I both coupon and do a stockpile sale at her house once a month in the spring, summer and fall. It helps her and gets some of the taxes back in our pocket. It may be free, but taxes add up! We sell for a few hours on Saturday and everyone knows when the next one is. We get names and email addys for the next one and shoot a line to them the day before. Lots of regulars now and mainly in the neighborhood, so it's been a great way to meet everyone. So fun! It's all in the sign. We use florescent colored poster board with big, bold letters you can see from space. Less is more in lettering.
We do FB post on a few buy/sell sites, but I think most of the traffic comes from colorful signs that say 'yard sale' and have a sign at two major roads close by. Fridays were good while school was still in, but seems Saturday is when more people are out. We also get most of our customers between 730-9. We put eight am in ads, but they are here early while setting up, every time. I hope you great luck with the next one!
I love that you have been so open to trying new methods. Also, after watching this, I really admired your awareness of yourself and your ability to restructure your way of thinking into a more positive and healthy manner!
We did a Friday-Sunday. Friday was the best day, Saturday morning was great too, the rest not so much. We posted on Facebook and had signs up on other streets with arrows and we did great!!
I usually do my yard sale on my mom’s house, i live in a close street so there’s no many cars passing by. I usually make $300 and my husband always says to me, if you sell even a $10 is a blessing. I’m so grateful for what I make in every single yard sale, is a blessings . I get so tired, but I love couponing and make a yard sale.
Hi Jodi. I have seen yard sale signs on every corner in my neighborhood when there is a yard sale. It has the date, time and location. I would place signs in a radius around your home. My area coordinates a neighborhood yard sale. They all tell as many people and it increases the amount of buyers. One day of multiple yard sales. You can also use the next door app to let neighbors or people near your location know you are having a yard sale. I hope this helps.
Hey Jodi!! I love how honest you were about your experience because I've had plenty yard sales that have left me feeling like that! I live right off one of the biggest freeways in Houston so I did have a lot of traffic but people haggled for dirt cheap prices too much that I was not making much profit. You were already giving amazing prices so I would suggest you don't lower them for people and maybe next time it would help to put multiple signs up like at the stop signs at the end of the streets? Also Saturdays/Sundays go a little better (for me at least) because more people are off of work. I really enjoyed the video and I hope your next stockpile sale goes amazing!!! :)
Love this, you are so right: true gratefulness is not when things go your way, it’s when things don’t go as planned or as expected where you did true gratefulness and lessons.
You couldn't control the weather, so hopefully the next time you do one it is a nicer day outside! I would try doing a Saturday. People work on Fridays, and the hours you did made it hard for people to get there even after work since you had already ended it for the day. I think people tend to "look" for yard sales on the weekend. And DEFINITELY put up signs!! I know that whenever I am driving down the street and see a sign posted, it will at least get me to drive by to see what is there! Don't give up. I am planning to give it a shot too and your video has prepared me not to get discouraged if things don't go according to plan!
Big green or pink poster neon signs with big lettering with day and dates and time.I will drive on if I don't see that information cause to many people don't take their signs down and me wasting my time taking chances going 2-4 miles out of my way and maybe missing a good bargain up the road.Always good to have a big sign a good ways from your driveway so people have time to slow down.My husband won't turn around under no circumstances.If you could have a few neighbors have one same day draws people too.(signs saying community,neighborhood, subdivision) is the ones I remember to be sure to go to.Most people get paid on Fridays and like to go yard selling on Saturday mornings.Best time to put is around 9-10 cause some people will show up a hour earlier than you say and you haven't even got your stuff situated yet.lol. Thanks for all you do for us couponers.You do amazing job
Never did a yard sale, but I would put more signs up around the neighborhood and on a main street with balloons and arrows showing people the direction to your mom's house.
dont give up i sale at the flea market, but i have had yard sales put signs through out the neighbor hood that is one of the best ways to let people know.
Thank you so much for sharing Jodi. I don’t have near enough stuff for a yard sale, but I do remember in my “treasure hunting” days, that signage is key. Neon poster boards cut into arrows to lead the way is all you need! I’m sure you learned a lot, and were able to help so many of your followers with your honest feedback on the day. The weather definitely didn’t help either, btw. Love all your videos, have a FABULOUS day!
I have had fantastic sales....over $2000. We are visible from a busy road and advertised on nextdoor and marketplace but what really has made a difference was signs. When the first day of the sale brought in $300 I knew something was up. Thankful for the $300 but knew from past year it wasn't the best we could do. We made big, clear signs and the rest of the weekend rocked it. I'm a true believer in the signs. Hope it helps
I do a monthly stock pile yard sale & I can hardly keep up usually. But I've noticed that the most important factor is old fashioned SIGNS! Lots & lots of SIGNS! And once you start having them, you'll get regulars. And they'll tell their friends & family. It takes a few times though usually to get going really good. It's definitely worth it to me though, because i usually average about $1000 to $1200 a day on Fridays, about $800 - $1000 on Saturdays & $300-$600 on Sundays. And Being open on Fridays makes all the difference. And my prices are almost exactly the same as yours! Good luck & don't give up!
Yes a did a stock pile yard sale made $139 it was OK but I think I could do better make sure everything is price and I’ll put a piece of tape over my price stickers so no one could change the price and I would know what each item cost when they came to buy it to check out it was fun my daughter and I did it
Aww Im sorry you didn’t get too many people I think maybe the weather was a big factor. I know personally, I love being out and about and hunting for garage sales on nice sunny hot days! I hope you give it another try on another day, I truly think you could have a better experience the third time. I think you going back and ponding what would make it better is definitely admirable! And I think your right, advertising would be really helpful! I think every business has that struggle. But I’m happy you gave it another shot today!! Love your videos and good luck!!
I did a joint garage sale with a friend and just had another friend post it on her facebook page abd we also advertised on Craigslist and put out signs. I sold a box of stockpile and additionally sold garage sale stuff. We were swarmed for hours. So basically sell other stuff to get them there they will buy stockpile. A man immediately bought my stockpile right away. Hope that helps!
heyy!! omg dont be bummed, $180 is awesome... my first yard sale made $230 so it isnt a big difference! a advertising tip, is making signs and posting them down the streets. i did a yard sale a couple months ago and it really helped, most people that came was because of those signs. and the prices were amazing! as you said my area compared to your area may be different. but overall you did awesome!
Hi Jodi, I had a stockpile rummage sale a few weeks ago and had some success! I did a Thursday and Friday sale and had much more success on Friday! I was a little disappointed with Thursday, but it was amazing on Friday and I even had people come back multiple times yo the sale! I did mine from 9-1 on Friday and had a few people contact me through the local group I posted in if they could stop by after work. I only posted on the local rummage sale group and posted two signs around town. Otherwise it was mainly word of mouth 🤗. I priced my items very similar to yours as well. I also had to hall my items to a different location because I live in an Apartment, so I hauled it two hours away to my fiancé’s townhouse so I could use his garage. 🤗🤗 I will be doing another sale in September when the town has its city wide rummage sale, so I am hoping to make even more then 🤗.
By the way, I only did one yard sale with my old stuff and put an ad on Craigslist with pictures of my stuff. I would put up price tags and give discounts throughout the day. A huge sign in front helps alot cause all the people walking their dogs came by.
When I post on Facebook marketplace in the past about my stockpile sale I normally post it a week ahead and keep on bumping it so that others can see and I also post pictures of what I’ve got and I do amazing along with signs on busy streets normally brite pink or green signs everyone seen them I had quite the turn out love watching your videos makes me want to do a sale now thanks
Jodi, I felt your prices were very reasonable. Location is key. Signs are huge. Weather is also key. I also get the numbers of those who like my prices so I can text them the next time I have a garage sale. That has helped so so much. I also always say my target goal is $500 to keep me pushing.
Definitely try again on a Saturday.that is the best day for people that yard sale shop.put up simple signs with basic info.as a shopper u r driving and reading signs.so you need it simple and in black or dark writing.with your quality items you should do very well 🙂🙂
I have had 2 two-day couponing yard sales before and I made $400-$200 each day. I have yard sales on Friday and Saturday and find Friday’s to be the busiest by far. It’s all about location, though. Some areas have people who will pay the prices you are asking and other areas have people who will always ask for a lower price no matter how cheap. I usually advertise signs on my main street corners and I make listings on Craigslist and the neighborhood watch. I get a lot of people who spend about $10-$30 each. My most popular items are toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, laundry products, and shampoo. I usually sell out of all my toothpaste, and toothbrushes, I always sell all of my laundry products in the first hour, and I sell most or all of my shampoo. Conditioner is oddly not sold too often so I keep this in mind when I do my shopping. I used to get one shampoo and one conditioner with deals, but now I always get all shampoo because it sells like crazy. I sell my toothpaste for 2 for $3 or 2 for $5 for the nicer stuff and it sells all day, every day. If you have another one, you could try displaying the products by price instead of grouping like items together. I have $1, 2 for $3, 2 for $5, and $5 sections. I mix all my items up, but sort them by price like that so people look for stuff they need and find stuff they don’t. Hope this helps!
October is the best month to do garage sales in my area, very hot here. I have done well on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, but after 11:30, it’s dead. I have noticed that most of the people who come to yard sales these days are resellers, not just average people. For me the magic price point is $2, no one wants to pay more. The market is so saturated with people selling that it’s getting harder and harder. Thanks for all you do!!
This video is SO helpful!! I am to that point too...I NEEEEEEED to sell and luckily so far I've been seeling quickly with family and friends. I literally have no more space🤣🤣 and yet of course I'm still shopping
I would certainly buy from you. I bet the rain is a big issue in my area the big day to sell is Thursday that would be good to know. Signs on all major roads around you. Also if the subdivision that you are having the sale in has a day the neighborhood has a garage sale
Congrats! I am in FL. I do a yard sale every month with my coupon, clearance & Penney DG items. I average $800+ per month, but it it didn't start out that way. For me, Saturday's are 100% better. I have a lot of of signs that I put out...and a clip board of to "sign up" regulars. They give email or phone...& I email or text them when the next sale will be. Also, I accept cash app & Zelle for payment. It's a process, and a lot of work. On the winter months I can do 2 sales a month & get up to $1200, but alas... it's very time consuming. Keep trying. You actually do did fabulous for only 12 customers. You averaged over $15 per customer. You just need more customers.
Oh Jodi, I'm sorry you were feeling so bummed. I get it. And everything you said about the mental/physical and drained etc. I've felt as I'm sure we all have. I had a few yard sales at my home over the years and even had it advertised in the newspaper but hardly had any customers each time. However, at my daughter's home this past May we had a small yard sale and we sold a ton of stuff. And she posted a few things on FB Marketplace too but I think back in May it was different. But what I think really helps, and this is just my opinion or experience is when there are other yard sales going on in the area or even on the street. So we had ours the weekend before Memorial Day weekend and there were also a ton of people on her street who had one as well. So people were able to park and walk up and down each side of the street and stop at each one to look and purchase. There are towns like that. Unfortunately, I do not live in a town where there are many yard sales but I've always found that the ones I see people at all the time are when there are a few in one general little area so they can hit each one without traveling far. And I don't know if in your area local churches sometimes have "flea markets," but they do in our area especially in the summer where you can make a small donation to the church, usually $10, and set up a few tables in an area that is a designated size and sell your products. This is usually in the church hall or basement where they hold dinners or other fund raisers, etc. Then there is a ton of traffic because people can go and look at many things all in a few hours. I know people who do it once a year when they clean out clothing, etc. and I've been to ones where there are people selling everything, like their art, ceramics they make, and even products like we have, new stockpile items. So it might be something to look into. And usually there are a few tables with bake sale items too and that's the downside because I always have to get some kind of real yummy cake or pie to bring home when I go to these things. LOL. Anyway, I'm sure you will have luck selling; it's just a matter of finding the right place. I do have to say one thing...I thought I'd pee my pants when I saw the beginning of this when you were standing showing it was raining. I was like omg! It is NOT raining, really? I just had to giggle though because not knowing how the day went not having watched the video yet, I was like oh my gosh!! But anyway, that's my two cents on it. I think you will do much better next time because hey, we all learn from our experiences and do better the next time. :)
I have the best luck with yard sale stuff EARLY on a SATURDAY. Any other time after about 8-10am on any other day won't get anywhere near as much traffic! Try putting out some signs by the road next time and at some busy intersections! I didn't have great luck my first time either, but I think you should definitely stick with it and try it again!!
Old school neon signs are still magic. Putting some up a few days prior in some prime areas is the best advertising campaign. You have to remember that there is a lot of people who yard sale that dont use social media and they go out looking for those neon cheezy signs..lol
Hi Jodi, I hold a lot of garage sales, not for stockpiles but I post on Craigslist and Nextdoor Neighborhood (not sure if your area has those websites). I also post signs on the main streets. You had Great prices, even as a couponer I would have bought a few things at those prices. Weather was a huge factor. Don't give up!! You did great!! Also recommend a Saturday or Sunday (I never have the energy to do 2 days but up to you)
My niece and I put a Garage Sale in June, my subdivision is in the middle of two welled traffic roads. We open Friday and Saturday. we were opened a total of 10 hours between both days. Along with selling a few other items like clothing. We made over 3k I don’t advertise any where other than putting sighs in both entrances.
Yard sales are so much work! Maybe try on a Saturday when the shoppers are usually out. I wanted to put a car up for sale and FB wanted to charge me 5.00. Maybe more signs in main roads might help. Thank you for sharing🥰
So flipping funny i had no idea u were doing a yard sale i actually tried this same thing saturday and Sunday n it didnt go as well as i thought either but im glad to see our prices were pretty similar.
Thank you for sharing Jodi! This video along w the comment section is so helpful for a relatively new couponer like myself who hopes to sell once I have more of a stockpile, but I have no idea how I’d go about it. You’re amazing 💕
I'm a huge garage sale-r...I 100% believe it was the weather that held you back. Most people looking for yard sales dont get out if it's rainy. You need signs on every corner and even more on your street. That will help. Ask your friends to share your fb posts. I appreciate so much that you documented this for us to all learn!
Hey Jodi, I did my first yard sale about 4 months ago, and I didn’t do that well. I was just like you disappointed in the results. Believe it or not, I have a person still asking me for another one. I just haven’t got courage to do another. After watching your video, I know the next time it will be great. DONT GIVE UP! You totally got this❤️!
The rain is a very good sign! I did one last month and as soon as I finished setting everything out the rain came pouring down. After is passed I ended up making $300 in sales.
Thank you for the video. I advertise in the newspaper for my sales, I know it's old school but it works. I have asked people how they found my sale and some have said because of the newspaper. I have my family advertise on face book as well and I put it on Facebook marketplace. I don't get charged however for that. Also we get our customers email address that want to give it to us and then we send out a mass email a week before the sale to let everybody we are having another sale. I also have the philosophy to have the sale at the beginning of the month when people have more money.
I'm selling my house and sold a lot of my stock pile this week Jodi and did most of it through FACEBOOK on my personal page! Family and friends are great support
I live in mid Michigan, on a dead end dirt road with no traffic, and my stockpile sales are epic but I think it is mostly because I put several large signs with great directions to my sale, but even more, because I post my sale with pics on Facebook marketplace.. that is where most of my customers come from, and I also gain several permanent customers at every sale! Advertisement is what makes my stockpiles sales so successful, even on a dead end dirt road, several miles out of town! Your sale looks amazing though! So organized and a great variety of products for some amazing prices!
Yes I definitely failed at the advertising part for sure!!! I did post on FB market but I was heavily depending on the high traffic area I was in. Thanks so much for your feedback ❤️❤️❤️
@@jodimdunn1660 Not bad $$ considering the rain. I don’t think just expecting traffic from drive by as people are looking for regular yard sales driving around. I would definitely advertise on line more next time.
In our area most run weekends. Signs go up several days in advance, maybe 11-3 or 11-6 for a fri.., get those people on lunch or after work. If it's going to be regular, just tell people you'll be there next week or in 2 weeks. They'll think about you when they reach for the $$$ tide in the grocery store and come back to you. .i think you did great considering it's a new pop up and the rain. Maybe do a fri 11-3 and sat 9-2, see what has more traffic.. $183/15(?) people is an avg sale of $12. That's not too bad.Make cards that say "Jodi I brought a friend! ".. with your yt channel on it if course..Give them out, if they bring it back with a friend give them something you got for free. Make it as fun as you are!
Hi. I live in Puerto Rico and I always watch your deal in Walgreens. I have only near me. I appreciate everything that you share. I wll like that you post every Saturday the deals for the next week because I can run for the offers. Thank you. I excuse my English.
Wait till the fall weather kicks in. That’s when everyone is out and about for garage sales because the weather is nice. Just been so rainy lately and hot.
Some more to add from last comment I have a huge cover in front of house a one in back that helps alot . I start putting out the night before my stockpile always goes out in the back or it's away from the road so that's how I can put it out for the night before
Looking absolutely beautiful!! We all love you for your help, and, you are so appreciated. Being a recovering alcoholic (42 MONTHS sober!! Woo-hoo) i got myself in alot of financial disaster. Its not just being able to now afford essentials, but, your positive n upbeat personality💗💗💗
Beth oh my goodness!!! HUGE congratulations to you on your sobriety!!! That is simply amazing 👏👏👏👏 I am so so proud of you and so happy you shared that!!
Oh Jodi I am so sorry that you didn't sell as much as you wanted to. I've had many yard sales over the years and for me, putting up lots of signs with arrows leading to my house and I've always done extremely well. Another tip is to put it on Craig's list along with Facebook marketplace. Your prices were great though so it's definitely not that. I also like to have my Yard sale on Fri and Sat. I've almost always sold more on Friday than I do on Sat. Better luck next time Hun.
your prices are spot on! I have an annual garage sale every year with a friend’s community sale and i always bring in around $1,000 - and my humane society has a fundraiser garage sale shortly after that so everything left over goes to them to raise money for the shelter dogs. Then i start over with building the stockpile again.
Watch for a town-wide, subdivisions or neighborhood sale weekends. If you have a friend/family in that area do a sale there. I have found that is the trend for garage-sales, people want to hit a bunch of sales in one day. (We are in NW Indiana) I feel like your prices were good. Some stockpile sales are too high on their prices that I know they got for “free” lol And I would have asked the people who came “how did you learn about the sale?” Then you know if they just saw the signs, or if they saw it on marketplace etc. then you can really focus your energies for advertising. Craigslist is also a good place to post for sales, I still check that when I plan to go out “saling” lol Thanks for showing us how it went!
My 1st yard sale I made $300 4th of July weekend 😊. I was happy and didn't seem like I put a dent in merchandise I bought out. Got rid of all the lawn chairs 😄😂 YEEEEESSSS !!! You did Great! Your next one will be even better!
Spring and Fall season is great for me. Its usually our community sale and a TON of people are out. Hang in there! I don't advertise on websites. I put out a ton of signs.
I've just started putting bundles together to sale. I have asked u before about any help or advice on bundle pricing. Thank you for your time and experiences and enthusiasm.
I had one Saturday in the rain also, does dampen the success. I would display less and add as purchased. Personally I would not dig thru a box. Tooth paste, razors generally are a big seller but would display more visible. Too much product displayed can almost be over whelming for people to look. I hoarse shoe tables so I can talk with people to explain the hobby and assist with pricing . I price each product with a specific color to clarify pricing. Hope this is of assistance defiantly great effort and loved your sign girls!!
I just had one a few weekends ago. I posted on Facebook and around a few Main streets close to my house. I done a 10a to 6p ended up selling 345$ worth of product still didn't put a dent in it! I sold a lot of men's product. Razors was my best seller! I also put "Couponers Yard Sale" on the signs I put around the neighborhood.
I never did a yard sale before is there a local flea market where you can rent a booth don't give up at all it can be done I like that you analyzed the reasons now is the time to strategically plan for next time there is always a positive side you did make $183 it's like anything you do in life if it don't work out the first time you continue to do it until you get better at it.
The weather probably affected your traffic flow more than anything! Corner signs are important too, so you can bring in ppl from streets and neighborhoods farther away. You can and will have an EPIC sale! But the weather needs to cooperate. Also Thursdays are a huge sale day here in Iowa for some reason. I’d recommend Thursday-Saturday sale!
Hi Jodi I am new to your channel and I love your positive and up beat attitude. Thank you for showing me different ways of couponing. I am trying to learn how to coupon it can be very frustrating but I am determine your learn this way of saving money.
Hi Paula 🤗 Yes it definitely can be frustrating when things don’t work out and it’s a lot of work. Stick to smaller transactions if you can and take it slow. And most importantly be patient with yourself. I still make mistakes and it’s all a learning process ❤️
My friend just had a yard sale and what she did is take pics and made a post and tagged a bunch of us. She also put out like 6 different signs. But I think the weather fought against you. But remember you did great with it raining.
You did a lot of work! And I don’t think that you should give up, definitely try the flea markets and target the younger families who could definitely appreciate your amazing prices. Maybe try again at the same time a fair, local event is going on . I’m a Michigan gal too , and we aren’t quitters 😀. I would love to purchase all of your air fresheners, I have many pets and taking care of an elderly parent…we could really use some good smelling air . Let me know how much a medium sized postal box plus items would cost ! They aren’t very heavy items. I have PayPal. Good luck Jodi, and thank you for sharing your life with us. I would buy it all if I lived closer.
Preparation I would say would be the key to a successful sale. Advertise, signs with balloons leading to the sale, timing, mid month. After bills are paid and before the crunch to make ends meet till next month. Forecast for sure unless inside of garage or having a tarp you can make into some kind of big umbrella lol. Cold water for sale and some baked items cookies ect. People get thirsty when going garage selling. Do it for the whole weekend. That way people that have come have a chance to let their friends and family know that hey they got some good buys. To go check it out. Most importantly have fun 😘💕
Signs, attach helium balloons (from dollar Tree) they attrack peoples eyes, I also would use those party flags ( the one that are attached to the next one etc) at my drive way (they also attract attention, everywhere, all busy roads and intersections to and from schools daycares, be sure you put the dates and times on signs.
When we did our overstock sale…we advertised online only… with PICTURES…we advertised on about 6 or 7 yard sale websites. Plus we told everyone we knew and put it on FB..sold $1000 worth! Huge success! We were also off the beaten path. I think the pictures with all the yard sale sites is what did the trick! Don’t give up!
I’ve sold my stockpile at a local flea market. The booth rental was $15 and I would make $500 easily on the weekend. Don’t give up!!! We are all learning, stay positive you will figure it out! Positive vibes 😊❤️
I think you did great for first time especially with rain! Really once people get to you, you will sell out. Your prices perfect, signs perfect but curious what you posted. I do just like grocery store...MAJOR SALE ITEM. That brings people by droves then they buy other stuff. The item I find that brings everyone, TIDE PODS. So I sell pods at $3 or 4 for $10. And I post that all over with pics of my tables set with other product. Then I sign most items $3 or 4 for $10. Once people are there, no one wants to leave empty handed. I never advertise until 5 am morning of and post on 5 online Facebook garage sale pages. We typically sell out by 11. Another tip, I let people sign up for text message for my next sale. After 3 sales, I dont put up signs at all. I send text day before and let those people come first, 7 am. I then post saleonline to start at 830. Almost everyone signs up AND I even have some people ask if I get more to message them.
Wow great tip thank you!!
@@kerriking2801 Wow! That's such a great strategy! Thanks for sharing that :)
WOW! That’s a great profit!
I've only sold part of my stockpile at a garage sale twice. I typically give to my adult children's family and/or donate to various groups. The first time a gentleman came by and bought almost everything and I thought yay for me. A week later I saw him at a flea market with most of it with jacked up prices 😕 which was his choice. The next time I was smarter and had younger family members share my Facebook post to their friends. Word got out quickly and I sold tons to them. They truly enjoyed the savings and I made $$ too.
I taught my 19 year old son to coupon and he has set up several times this summer. He does OK at the flea market, but the church yard sales where you buy a "spot" for $10 or $15 are the best. He made crafty displays with wooden crates and uses the Cricut for signs and for pricing. He made a display to hang razors with 2 mop handles and some wire metal dish holders all spray painted gold. Combining two hobbies...crafting and couponing! Toothpaste is actually our BEST seller at those places. He has more time so his stockpile is way bigger than mine now lol! Super proud of my saavy college kid!!
You did good and I know you are grateful!!! So I would suggest signs letting people know you are having a stockpile yardsale.. Use lots of colors it draws in people. Don't give up and try it again. The best days to do a sale is Saturday. My first stockpile sale I made $1500.00 that was 8 years ago I haven't done anymore. Try and do another sale. I am proud of you!! You don't give up beautiful. Thank you for sharing Jodi💙
I had my first one back in May made 3,800 dollars in one day it was amazing.I priced everything half of what walmart would sell it for
Wow your prices were insanely reasonable and cheap! I would’ve bought so much stuff! Can’t believe you didn’t sell out.
The weather was a big deterrent so the amount you made with it raining sounds great. Every area is different with advertising- i.e. small town, large city, suburb, rural, etc. I would go to a few yard sales in your area that look like they have a lot of people coming too and ask them about what they did to advertise. Signs and good traffic areas are good for our area and sometimes advertising in the local newspaper but that doesn’t work everywhere. I would definitely try again when the weather is better and at least put up signs even the day before so people get some advanced notice. Happy yard selling!
Jodi you are amazing at what you do! Don't give up, a lot of people (like me) look up to you ! Don't be disappointed or discouraged!
Thank you Rebeca ❤️❤️❤️
I definitely won’t give up
Hey Jodi. I just did a stockpile sale twice this month from my driveway. I made approximately $1200 & I still have more. I’m moving & I didn’t want to move all of these items. Too bad the weather didn’t cooperate with you that day!!
That’s so awesome Katy 👏👏👏👏
Yes I need better weather for sure ❤️
$183 for a few hours work is great! Don’t give up!
Thank you Stephanie ❤️❤️
Yard sales are a lot of work! Congrats on getting $183! Really that's good considering the rain 🌧 ❤❤
Agree, it is good!
Thank you for the transparency you always give us! 🥰 Your positivity is absolutely amazing!
The Next door all is a great place to advertise because it’s specially for your neighborhood. You did great! The next time will be even better!
I forgot about the next door
@@sherrynalder1359 It’s awesome!
Next door is an app?
@@nenagarziaa8392 Yes, it’s a really great way to connect with your neighbors!
Your amazing! You got this. Some church’s in the area have flea markets every month you can purchase a table and sell at them. Put signage up around the area. I would move the tables closer To the street. Try again those 12 people
Will Tell there
The weather was a definite factor. Also how many signs did you put up around the area? That can make a difference.
We had one last week I added a little bit of my stock pile to get a feel if it would sell. We didn’t get a lot of people but I did pretty well on my coupon items. I also got a new customer who is now buying from me. I think you did great and some days are better than others. Stay positive and keep trying. I posted in Craigslist and put up a couple of signs. Like you I’m great full for what I sold.
My mother and I both coupon and do a stockpile sale at her house once a month in the spring, summer and fall. It helps her and gets some of the taxes back in our pocket. It may be free, but taxes add up! We sell for a few hours on Saturday and everyone knows when the next one is. We get names and email addys for the next one and shoot a line to them the day before. Lots of regulars now and mainly in the neighborhood, so it's been a great way to meet everyone. So fun! It's all in the sign. We use florescent colored poster board with big, bold letters you can see from space. Less is more in lettering.
We do FB post on a few buy/sell sites, but I think most of the traffic comes from colorful signs that say 'yard sale' and have a sign at two major roads close by. Fridays were good while school was still in, but seems Saturday is when more people are out. We also get most of our customers between 730-9. We put eight am in ads, but they are here early while setting up, every time. I hope you great luck with the next one!
I love that you have been so open to trying new methods. Also, after watching this, I really admired your awareness of yourself and your ability to restructure your way of thinking into a more positive and healthy manner!
Irene thank you so much for such a sweet comment ❤️❤️❤️
We did a Friday-Sunday. Friday was the best day, Saturday morning was great too, the rest not so much. We posted on Facebook and had signs up on other streets with arrows and we did great!!
I usually do my yard sale on my mom’s house, i live in a close street so there’s no many cars passing by. I usually make $300 and my husband always says to me, if you sell even a $10 is a blessing. I’m so grateful for what I make in every single yard sale, is a blessings .
I get so tired, but I love couponing and make a yard sale.
Hi Jodi. I have seen yard sale signs on every corner in my neighborhood when there is a yard sale. It has the date, time and location. I would place signs in a radius around your home. My area coordinates a neighborhood yard sale. They all tell as many people and it increases the amount of buyers. One day of multiple yard sales. You can also use the next door app to let neighbors or people near your location know you are having a yard sale. I hope this helps.
Saturdays and Sundays are the best days for yard sales. Not bad for a Friday sale.
Nextdoor app and signs around neighborhood helps
Hi Jodi, I appreciate you being so positive even if you did not get the outcome you wanted! That’s why I enjoy your videos so much!! 😊
Thank you Sofia 🤗🤗
Hey Jodi!! I love how honest you were about your experience because I've had plenty yard sales that have left me feeling like that! I live right off one of the biggest freeways in Houston so I did have a lot of traffic but people haggled for dirt cheap prices too much that I was not making much profit. You were already giving amazing prices so I would suggest you don't lower them for people and maybe next time it would help to put multiple signs up like at the stop signs at the end of the streets? Also Saturdays/Sundays go a little better (for me at least) because more people are off of work. I really enjoyed the video and I hope your next stockpile sale goes amazing!!! :)
Love this, you are so right: true gratefulness is not when things go your way, it’s when things don’t go as planned or as expected where you did true gratefulness and lessons.
You couldn't control the weather, so hopefully the next time you do one it is a nicer day outside! I would try doing a Saturday. People work on Fridays, and the hours you did made it hard for people to get there even after work since you had already ended it for the day. I think people tend to "look" for yard sales on the weekend. And DEFINITELY put up signs!! I know that whenever I am driving down the street and see a sign posted, it will at least get me to drive by to see what is there! Don't give up. I am planning to give it a shot too and your video has prepared me not to get discouraged if things don't go according to plan!
Big green or pink poster neon signs with big lettering with day and dates and time.I will drive on if I don't see that information cause to many people don't take their signs down and me wasting my time taking chances going 2-4 miles out of my way and maybe missing a good bargain up the road.Always good to have a big sign a good ways from your driveway so people have time to slow down.My husband won't turn around under no circumstances.If you could have a few neighbors have one same day draws people too.(signs saying community,neighborhood, subdivision) is the ones I remember to be sure to go to.Most people get paid on Fridays and like to go yard selling on Saturday mornings.Best time to put is around 9-10 cause some people will show up a hour earlier than you say and you haven't even got your stuff situated yet.lol. Thanks for all you do for us couponers.You do amazing job
Never did a yard sale, but I would put more signs up around the neighborhood and on a main street with balloons and arrows showing people the direction to your mom's house.
Great idea thats what my mom and i do
I hope you sold most of the things keep us informed for tomorrow please god bless you
dont give up i sale at the flea market, but i have had yard sales put signs through out the neighbor hood that is one of the best ways to let people know.
Thank you so much for sharing Jodi. I don’t have near enough stuff for a yard sale, but I do remember in my “treasure hunting” days, that signage is key. Neon poster boards cut into arrows to lead the way is all you need! I’m sure you learned a lot, and were able to help so many of your followers with your honest feedback on the day. The weather definitely didn’t help either, btw. Love all your videos, have a FABULOUS day!
I have had fantastic sales....over $2000. We are visible from a busy road and advertised on nextdoor and marketplace but what really has made a difference was signs. When the first day of the sale brought in $300 I knew something was up. Thankful for the $300 but knew from past year it wasn't the best we could do. We made big, clear signs and the rest of the weekend rocked it. I'm a true believer in the signs. Hope it helps
I do a monthly stock pile yard sale & I can hardly keep up usually. But I've noticed that the most important factor is old fashioned SIGNS! Lots & lots of SIGNS! And once you start having them, you'll get regulars. And they'll tell their friends & family. It takes a few times though usually to get going really good. It's definitely worth it to me though, because i usually average about $1000 to $1200 a day on Fridays, about $800 - $1000 on Saturdays & $300-$600 on Sundays. And Being open on Fridays makes all the difference. And my prices are almost exactly the same as yours! Good luck & don't give up!
Awesome thanks so much for your feedback Carla ❤️❤️
Your sales are awesome!!
Yes a did a stock pile yard sale made $139 it was OK but I think I could do better make sure everything is price and I’ll put a piece of tape over my price stickers so no one could change the price and I would know what each item cost when they came to buy it to check out it was fun my daughter and I did it
Aww Im sorry you didn’t get too many people I think maybe the weather was a big factor. I know personally, I love being out and about and hunting for garage sales on nice sunny hot days! I hope you give it another try on another day, I truly think you could have a better experience the third time. I think you going back and ponding what would make it better is definitely admirable! And I think your right, advertising would be really helpful! I think every business has that struggle. But I’m happy you gave it another shot today!! Love your videos and good luck!!
I did a joint garage sale with a friend and just had another friend post it on her facebook page abd we also advertised on Craigslist and put out signs. I sold a box of stockpile and additionally sold garage sale stuff. We were swarmed for hours. So basically sell other stuff to get them there they will buy stockpile. A man immediately bought my stockpile right away. Hope that helps!
heyy!! omg dont be bummed, $180 is awesome... my first yard sale made $230 so it isnt a big difference! a advertising tip, is making signs and posting them down the streets. i did a yard sale a couple months ago and it really helped, most people that came was because of those signs. and the prices were amazing! as you said my area compared to your area may be different. but overall you did awesome!
Hi Jodi,
I had a stockpile rummage sale a few weeks ago and had some success! I did a Thursday and Friday sale and had much more success on Friday! I was a little disappointed with Thursday, but it was amazing on Friday and I even had people come back multiple times yo the sale!
I did mine from 9-1 on Friday and had a few people contact me through the local group I posted in if they could stop by after work.
I only posted on the local rummage sale group and posted two signs around town. Otherwise it was mainly word of mouth 🤗.
I priced my items very similar to yours as well.
I also had to hall my items to a different location because I live in an Apartment, so I hauled it two hours away to my fiancé’s townhouse so I could use his garage. 🤗🤗
I will be doing another sale in September when the town has its city wide rummage sale, so I am hoping to make even more then 🤗.
By the way, I only did one yard sale with my old stuff and put an ad on Craigslist with pictures of my stuff. I would put up price tags and give discounts throughout the day. A huge sign in front helps alot cause all the people walking their dogs came by.
I have 2 stockpile yard sales 2 times a year i had one in march and then this November
When I post on Facebook marketplace in the past about my stockpile sale I normally post it a week ahead and keep on bumping it so that others can see and I also post pictures of what I’ve got and I do amazing along with signs on busy streets normally brite pink or green signs everyone seen them I had quite the turn out love watching your videos makes me want to do a sale now thanks
Jodi, I felt your prices were very reasonable. Location is key. Signs are huge. Weather is also key. I also get the numbers of those who like my prices so I can text them the next time I have a garage sale. That has helped so so much. I also always say my target goal is $500 to keep me pushing.
The few,times I have done sales I did Friday and Saturday cause I work on sundays and staurdays always make more then friday. Dont give up
Definitely try again on a Saturday.that is the best day for people that yard sale shop.put up simple signs with basic info.as a shopper u r driving and reading signs.so you need it simple and in black or dark writing.with your quality items you should do very well 🙂🙂
Dang it the stupid rain!! I had to the same thing a few years. You’ll get rid of it next time. Keep your positive attitude.
Hi Jodi. Thanks for sharing.
i do the end of the month and put posters up
I have had 2 two-day couponing yard sales before and I made $400-$200 each day. I have yard sales on Friday and Saturday and find Friday’s to be the busiest by far. It’s all about location, though. Some areas have people who will pay the prices you are asking and other areas have people who will always ask for a lower price no matter how cheap.
I usually advertise signs on my main street corners and I make listings on Craigslist and the neighborhood watch. I get a lot of people who spend about $10-$30 each.
My most popular items are toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, laundry products, and shampoo. I usually sell out of all my toothpaste, and toothbrushes, I always sell all of my laundry products in the first hour, and I sell most or all of my shampoo. Conditioner is oddly not sold too often so I keep this in mind when I do my shopping. I used to get one shampoo and one conditioner with deals, but now I always get all shampoo because it sells like crazy. I sell my toothpaste for 2 for $3 or 2 for $5 for the nicer stuff and it sells all day, every day.
If you have another one, you could try displaying the products by price instead of grouping like items together. I have $1, 2 for $3, 2 for $5, and $5 sections. I mix all my items up, but sort them by price like that so people look for stuff they need and find stuff they don’t.
Hope this helps!
Thank you Jody. I thought about doing a garage sale too. Hope it goes well for you
October is the best month to do garage sales in my area, very hot here. I have done well on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, but after 11:30, it’s dead. I have noticed that most of the people who come to yard sales these days are resellers, not just average people. For me the magic price point is $2, no one wants to pay more. The market is so saturated with people selling that it’s getting harder and harder. Thanks for all you do!!
I always hold my yard sales Friday and Saturday. Men's items sell great at my home and women's when we do it at my daughter's house.
This video is SO helpful!! I am to that point too...I NEEEEEEED to sell and luckily so far I've been seeling quickly with family and friends. I literally have no more space🤣🤣 and yet of course I'm still shopping
I cant wait for my stockpile to get big enough to where I can sell/donate some! Your goals!
I would certainly buy from you. I bet the rain is a big issue in my area the big day to sell is Thursday that would be good to know. Signs on all major roads around you. Also if the subdivision that you are having the sale in has a day the neighborhood has a garage sale
Congrats! I am in FL. I do a yard sale every month with my coupon, clearance & Penney DG items. I average $800+ per month, but it it didn't start out that way. For me, Saturday's are 100% better. I have a lot of of signs that I put out...and a clip board of to "sign up" regulars. They give email or phone...& I email or text them when the next sale will be. Also, I accept cash app & Zelle for payment.
It's a process, and a lot of work. On the winter months I can do 2 sales a month & get up to $1200, but alas... it's very time consuming.
Keep trying. You actually do did fabulous for only 12 customers. You averaged over $15 per customer. You just need more customers.
Oh Jodi, I'm sorry you were feeling so bummed. I get it. And everything you said about the mental/physical and drained etc. I've felt as I'm sure we all have. I had a few yard sales at my home over the years and even had it advertised in the newspaper but hardly had any customers each time. However, at my daughter's home this past May we had a small yard sale and we sold a ton of stuff. And she posted a few things on FB Marketplace too but I think back in May it was different. But what I think really helps, and this is just my opinion or experience is when there are other yard sales going on in the area or even on the street. So we had ours the weekend before Memorial Day weekend and there were also a ton of people on her street who had one as well. So people were able to park and walk up and down each side of the street and stop at each one to look and purchase. There are towns like that. Unfortunately, I do not live in a town where there are many yard sales but I've always found that the ones I see people at all the time are when there are a few in one general little area so they can hit each one without traveling far. And I don't know if in your area local churches sometimes have "flea markets," but they do in our area especially in the summer where you can make a small donation to the church, usually $10, and set up a few tables in an area that is a designated size and sell your products. This is usually in the church hall or basement where they hold dinners or other fund raisers, etc. Then there is a ton of traffic because people can go and look at many things all in a few hours. I know people who do it once a year when they clean out clothing, etc. and I've been to ones where there are people selling everything, like their art, ceramics they make, and even products like we have, new stockpile items. So it might be something to look into. And usually there are a few tables with bake sale items too and that's the downside because I always have to get some kind of real yummy cake or pie to bring home when I go to these things. LOL. Anyway, I'm sure you will have luck selling; it's just a matter of finding the right place. I do have to say one thing...I thought I'd pee my pants when I saw the beginning of this when you were standing showing it was raining. I was like omg! It is NOT raining, really? I just had to giggle though because not knowing how the day went not having watched the video yet, I was like oh my gosh!! But anyway, that's my two cents on it. I think you will do much better next time because hey, we all learn from our experiences and do better the next time. :)
I know it must have been a tough day, but you went out and did it and that's what counts.
I have the best luck with yard sale stuff EARLY on a SATURDAY. Any other time after about 8-10am on any other day won't get anywhere near as much traffic! Try putting out some signs by the road next time and at some busy intersections! I didn't have great luck my first time either, but I think you should definitely stick with it and try it again!!
Thank you so much Taybree ❤️❤️
Old school neon signs are still magic. Putting some up a few days prior in some prime areas is the best advertising campaign. You have to remember that there is a lot of people who yard sale that dont use social media and they go out looking for those neon cheezy signs..lol
You can put an ad in your local merchandiser. I think it’s reasonably priced. Maybe even talk with neighbors and do a community yard sale
Hi Jodi, I hold a lot of garage sales, not for stockpiles but I post on Craigslist and Nextdoor Neighborhood (not sure if your area has those websites). I also post signs on the main streets. You had Great prices, even as a couponer I would have bought a few things at those prices. Weather was a huge factor. Don't give up!! You did great!! Also recommend a Saturday or Sunday (I never have the energy to do 2 days but up to you)
Try not to do in rain. Here it’s great right after the 1st of the month. I put signs on main streets around the area.
My niece and I put a Garage Sale in June, my subdivision is in the middle of two welled traffic roads. We open Friday and Saturday. we were opened a total of 10 hours between both days. Along with selling a few other items like clothing. We made over 3k I don’t advertise any where other than putting sighs in both entrances.
Yard sales are so much work! Maybe try on a Saturday when the shoppers are usually out. I wanted to put a car up for sale and FB wanted to charge me 5.00. Maybe more signs in main roads might help. Thank you for sharing🥰
I have found more signage. Several blocks away with the address. Saturday's are much better than Friday's
Try putting your car on the Nextdoor app thats how I got my car. It's like a Facebook for your neighborhood
So flipping funny i had no idea u were doing a yard sale i actually tried this same thing saturday and Sunday n it didnt go as well as i thought either but im glad to see our prices were pretty similar.
Thank you for sharing Jodi! This video along w the comment section is so helpful for a relatively new couponer like myself who hopes to sell once I have more of a stockpile, but I have no idea how I’d go about it. You’re amazing 💕
I'm a huge garage sale-r...I 100% believe it was the weather that held you back. Most people looking for yard sales dont get out if it's rainy. You need signs on every corner and even more on your street. That will help. Ask your friends to share your fb posts. I appreciate so much that you documented this for us to all learn!
Hey Jodi, I did my first yard sale about 4 months ago, and I didn’t do that well. I was just like you disappointed in the results. Believe it or not, I have a person still asking me for another one. I just haven’t got courage to do another. After watching your video, I know the next time it will be great. DONT GIVE UP! You totally got this❤️!
The rain is a very good sign! I did one last month and as soon as I finished setting everything out the rain came pouring down. After is passed I ended up making $300 in sales.
Saturday and Sunday are definitely better days to have a yard sale.
Thank you for the video. I advertise in the newspaper for my sales, I know it's old school but it works. I have asked people how they found my sale and some have said because of the newspaper. I have my family advertise on face book as well and I put it on Facebook marketplace. I don't get charged however for that. Also we get our customers email address that want to give it to us and then we send out a mass email a week before the sale to let everybody we are having another sale. I also have the philosophy to have the sale at the beginning of the month when people have more money.
Thank you Nicki ❤️❤️❤️
I'm selling my house and sold a lot of my stock pile this week Jodi and did most of it through FACEBOOK on my personal page! Family and friends are great support
Awesome Andrea 👏👏👏
And congratulations on selling your house ❤️
I live in mid Michigan, on a dead end dirt road with no traffic, and my stockpile sales are epic but I think it is mostly because I put several large signs with great directions to my sale, but even more, because I post my sale with pics on Facebook marketplace.. that is where most of my customers come from, and I also gain several permanent customers at every sale! Advertisement is what makes my stockpiles sales so successful, even on a dead end dirt road, several miles out of town! Your sale looks amazing though! So organized and a great variety of products for some amazing prices!
Yes I definitely failed at the advertising part for sure!!! I did post on FB market but I was heavily depending on the high traffic area I was in. Thanks so much for your feedback ❤️❤️❤️
@@jodimdunn1660 Not bad $$ considering the rain. I don’t think just expecting traffic from drive by as people are looking for regular yard sales driving around. I would definitely advertise on line more next time.
Awesome video! Thanks for sharing!
In our area most run weekends. Signs go up several days in advance, maybe 11-3 or 11-6 for a fri.., get those people on lunch or after work. If it's going to be regular, just tell people you'll be there next week or in 2 weeks. They'll think about you when they reach for the $$$ tide in the grocery store and come back to you. .i think you did great considering it's a new pop up and the rain. Maybe do a fri 11-3 and sat 9-2, see what has more traffic.. $183/15(?) people is an avg sale of $12. That's not too bad.Make cards that say "Jodi I brought a friend! ".. with your yt channel on it if course..Give them out, if they bring it back with a friend give them something you got for free. Make it as fun as you are!
Hi. I live in Puerto Rico and I always watch your deal in Walgreens. I have only near me. I appreciate everything that you share. I wll like that you post every Saturday the deals for the next week because I can run for the offers. Thank you. I excuse my English.
Wait till the fall weather kicks in. That’s when everyone is out and about for garage sales because the weather is nice. Just been so rainy lately and hot.
Some more to add from last comment I have a huge cover in front of house a one in back that helps alot . I start putting out the night before my stockpile always goes out in the back or it's away from the road so that's how I can put it out for the night before
Looking absolutely beautiful!! We all love you for your help, and, you are so appreciated. Being a recovering alcoholic (42 MONTHS sober!! Woo-hoo) i got myself in alot of financial disaster. Its not just being able to now afford essentials, but, your positive n upbeat personality💗💗💗
Hi!!! Viv and Donna Jean (woo!) and Elena! 👑🎀💘
Congratulations on your sobriety ❣
Beth oh my goodness!!! HUGE congratulations to you on your sobriety!!! That is simply amazing 👏👏👏👏 I am so so proud of you and so happy you shared that!!
@@kimchristensen9496 thank you💗
@@jodimdunn1660 thank you Jodi! 💘
Oh Jodi I am so sorry that you didn't sell as much as you wanted to.
I've had many yard sales over the years and for me, putting up lots of signs with arrows leading to my house and I've always done extremely well.
Another tip is to put it on Craig's list along with Facebook marketplace.
Your prices were great though so it's definitely not that. I also like to have my Yard sale on Fri and Sat. I've almost always sold more on Friday than I do on Sat. Better luck next time Hun.
your prices are spot on! I have an annual garage sale every year with a friend’s community sale and i always bring in around $1,000 - and my humane society has a fundraiser garage sale shortly after that so everything left over goes to them to raise money for the shelter dogs. Then i start over with building the stockpile again.
Watch for a town-wide, subdivisions or neighborhood sale weekends. If you have a friend/family in that area do a sale there. I have found that is the trend for garage-sales, people want to hit a bunch of sales in one day. (We are in NW Indiana)
I feel like your prices were good. Some stockpile sales are too high on their prices that I know they got for “free” lol
And I would have asked the people who came “how did you learn about the sale?” Then you know if they just saw the signs, or if they saw it on marketplace etc. then you can really focus your energies for advertising. Craigslist is also a good place to post for sales, I still check that when I plan to go out “saling” lol
Thanks for showing us how it went!
Craigslist garage sale listing, signs, garage sale apps etc.
My 1st yard sale I made $300 4th of July weekend 😊. I was happy and didn't seem like I put a dent in merchandise I bought out. Got rid of all the lawn chairs 😄😂 YEEEEESSSS !!! You did Great! Your next one will be even better!
It will work out give it another shot I wish I lived near.
Spring and Fall season is great for me. Its usually our community sale and a TON of people are out. Hang in there! I don't advertise on websites. I put out a ton of signs.
Thank you Ann 🤗🤗
I've just started putting bundles together to sale. I have asked u before about any help or advice on bundle pricing. Thank you for your time and experiences and enthusiasm.
I had one Saturday in the rain also, does dampen the success. I would display less and add as purchased. Personally I would not dig thru a box. Tooth paste, razors generally are a big seller but would display more visible. Too much product displayed can almost be over whelming for people to look. I hoarse shoe tables so I can talk with people to explain the hobby and assist with pricing . I price each product with a specific color to clarify pricing. Hope this is of assistance defiantly great effort and loved your sign girls!!
I just had one a few weekends ago. I posted on Facebook and around a few Main streets close to my house. I done a 10a to 6p ended up selling 345$ worth of product still didn't put a dent in it! I sold a lot of men's product. Razors was my best seller!
I also put "Couponers Yard Sale" on the signs I put around the neighborhood.
I never did a yard sale before is there a local flea market where you can rent a booth don't give up at all it can be done I like that you analyzed the reasons now is the time to strategically plan for next time there is always a positive side you did make $183 it's like anything you do in life if it don't work out the first time you continue to do it until you get better at it.
The weather probably affected your traffic flow more than anything! Corner signs are important too, so you can bring in ppl from streets and neighborhoods farther away. You can and will have an EPIC sale! But the weather needs to cooperate. Also Thursdays are a huge sale day here in Iowa for some reason. I’d recommend Thursday-Saturday sale!
Hi Jodi
I am new to your channel and I love your positive and up beat attitude. Thank you for showing me different ways of couponing. I am trying to learn how to coupon it can be very frustrating but I am determine your learn this way of saving money.
Hi Paula 🤗
Yes it definitely can be frustrating when things don’t work out and it’s a lot of work. Stick to smaller transactions if you can and take it slow. And most importantly be patient with yourself. I still make mistakes and it’s all a learning process ❤️
Love seeing a different video and your girls!!!
My friend just had a yard sale and what she did is take pics and made a post and tagged a bunch of us. She also put out like 6 different signs. But I think the weather fought against you. But remember you did great with it raining.
Sorry about the yard sale. I think it's the rain. I don't go to yard sale when it rains. My yard sales are always a fail when it rains.
You did a lot of work! And I don’t think that you should give up, definitely try the flea markets and target the younger families who could definitely appreciate your amazing prices. Maybe try again at the same time a fair, local event is going on . I’m a Michigan gal too , and we aren’t quitters 😀. I would love to purchase all of your air fresheners, I have many pets and taking care of an elderly parent…we could really use some good smelling air . Let me know how much a medium sized postal box plus items would cost ! They aren’t very heavy items. I have PayPal. Good luck Jodi, and thank you for sharing your life with us. I would buy it all if I lived closer.
Preparation I would say would be the key to a successful sale. Advertise, signs with balloons leading to the sale, timing, mid month. After bills are paid and before the crunch to make ends meet till next month. Forecast for sure unless inside of garage or having a tarp you can make into some kind of big umbrella lol. Cold water for sale and some baked items cookies ect. People get thirsty when going garage selling. Do it for the whole weekend. That way people that have come have a chance to let their friends and family know that hey they got some good buys. To go check it out. Most importantly have fun 😘💕
Signs, attach helium balloons (from dollar Tree) they attrack peoples eyes, I also would use those party flags ( the one that are attached to the next one etc) at my drive way (they also attract attention, everywhere, all busy roads and intersections to and from schools daycares, be sure you put the dates and times on signs.