They finally added oversampling in the Exciter module which is great, also there's a delta button everywhere, the GUI is improved also (EQ is looking really beautiful now). I think it's an amazing plugin for mixing manually, especially when you can have different modules as separate plugins in a mixing session. But for "automatic" mixing it's not good. It's a great tool for audio engineers who know what they're doing and want to have everything in one window with a nice GUI and a very good sound
I really like the workflow of the Visual Mixer component in Neutron. Throw an instance on every track and you get a GUI with a 2D plane. Panning is on the x-axis, volume is on the y-axis, and every track becomes a node which also has width controls. You can very quickly place everything in the stereo field and get a quick volume balance without manually adjusting every DAW fader. It's easy and very visually efficient.
Thanks for trying this out for us! Based upon your previous Neutron videos, I've always thought exactly what you think about previous Neutron versions/ not worth it! I think you did a great job at testing, and this one did not move me to get out and buy it. Thanks for saving me the $!
yes their upgrade prices are always so greedy. Stopped bothering with this automixing ages ago as it's not accurate and interrupts the flow of mixing I find
NI and iZotope drive me crazy with their update / upgrade policy. No customer relation or loyalty. I stopped to use plugins from both companies (and I was a very large customer for many years). The price policy for existing customers is really ridiculous.
I don't think we're supposed to expect the assistant to mix things for you, at least not yet. The way I have used it is this: I mix the tracks as I think is best. Then I bring the assistant in to see if it has something interesting to add. I generally keep one or another ideia on, sometimes I prefer not to use it. With the new tools, especially the Density tool, it has helped me improve on what I'd done a little more frequently. Other than that, it's a monster plugin, and you can probably mix a whole record with it alone using almost every tool a modern mixer needs.
Mixing things myself and then putting assistant to work - I like this approach and If I was ever to use this assistant, it would be probably exactly in this order. Cheers!
Unlike Melda, Izotope doesn't seem to give me a fair upgrade price on Neutron which is disappointing. I don't use it much at all but thought the multiband clipper and phase rotation are useful features. How necessary are they? Possibly overkill. So yeah I don't think I'm going to go for this. Though I must say I liked the upward compression, do you know of another plugin that does upward compression well, Paul? I think its a bit overlooked. Oh and Kclip also has multiband, I tested 12 settings across 5 clippers last week and Kclip crisp and tube were the two faves, with smooth coming in a close 3rd of all 12. Can't really go wrong with that one.
The multiband on the clipper & the density are quite useful. I like to even out bass with upward compression but the low end gets crazy the split band allows me to do less on the sub lows! Just one example but the use case is large. Might have to purchase 😊
For some reason you're very stubborn, it's an assistant it helps you with setting something up, giving you some options and then you tweak it. Of course your version of the drums sounds better you spend probably 30 minutes on it, the thing 2 seconds.
@frankwalders I have to disagree with you. I also think assistant makes things too bright, overcompressed and oversaturated. Apart from that, almost all suggestions have same signal chain. There's always saturation for example. ALWAYS. I don't want to saturate everything, for example my guitar tones are very polished already. It makes things sound so wrong, how van that be a good starting point? I prefer to save some signal chains in Reaper and it's much better starting point because I can start tweaking right away. With Neutron I have to remove problems that it makes first... Same problem with Ozone. Those masters sound completely different depending on the part of the song that it listens to. I create "live" music, which is more dynamic than electronic music and results are very inconsistent. I'm not a pro mixing or mastering engineer, I might need a tool like that, but even my questionable skills are much better than AI mixing or whatever. I mean, sonible is much better to my ears. Results are VERY subtle. But, unlike izotope, it's indeed good starting point. Though still, Neutron and PSP Infinistrip are my favourite channel strips of all time.
@@Wojcik0602 I hardly ever use the AI functionality, but I really like it as a channel strip. I think just presets would be fine too, this AI is a bit exaggerated. I just simply don't like his reviews, he already made up his mind. He is not going to find the good things, he is just going to trash it, Lazy
Thanks, James, can't really complain, all is good. I have a new idea for a vid that you might find really, really interesting, your music will be featured, that's all I can say for now :D Cheers and keep up great work!
I do like clippers a lot... I had my diy multiband clipper from Ozone dynamics module. U can turn off lookahead, 0 atk 0 rel... Variable knee (Softclip-hardcliop) All separation options... Mid/side, transient/sus... Delta signal. I'd like to get ozone, but sonible seems now my cup of tea, was sleeping too long on smart eq and now I'm really digging the demo.
@@FoliaSound I use their entropy EQ more then I would like to admit... I belive they were one of the first company came with "TransientEQ" So far I was sleeping on the AI stuff, as I was too "proud" to use it. Now I'm slightly torn if I should grab sonible smart essential bundle... Or only SmartEQ. SmartComp SmartEQ SmartLimit... Looks awfully appealing for £90
I think this is just marketing. I tried the Clipper and is way behind the capabilities of other clippers in the market like KClip, Crispy Clipper or even your most basic DAW Cliper. It distorts your signal almost instantly. I was excited about the "phase" module but it turns out is just an static phase correction plugin. If you own something like Fuser by MTM you don't need it. The "Density" module looks nice since it's a multiband upward compressor, but you can already do that with the Izotope's Dynamics plugin. So yes, smoke and mirrors if you ask me.
Where can we find the song you wrote? Love it! Also, thank you for sharing a more critical view, this product is still new and most of the discussion is just hype still.
It would be cool if people would read instructions for things before they do demos. I'm not trying to defend the assistant, I don't use the one in Neutron or ozone, but first off, you're supposed to select a genre. That makes a huge difference in how it acts. Secondly, most of the individual plugins can be told how long to listen. To the people complaining about how it sounds different per section of the song, did you ever think about the fact that you could automate its settings? Use the learn feature, then change its settings through automation per song section using what it told you. I love the unmasking compressor as I'm sick to death of screwing around with Pro q and span to try to figure out where this is happening. You're also getting a very high quality gate for around the same price that Fab filters gate cost alone.(sale). Also, don't know what people are talking about with these upgrade prices. Use your loyalty coupons from your emails people. I paid $120 for the entire thing.
Just realized I should clarify some of my statements. $120 is what I paid for the entire Neutron suite, not an upgrade. And what I said about automating the suggestions that were given to you, this is done using the individual plug-in modules, not the mixing assistant. You can get it to listen longer, and you're not bound by the decisions on one track affecting the others.
Moim zdaniem takie wtyczki jak Neutron czy Ozone, są przeznaczone dla takich ludzi jak ja. Uwielbiam tworzyć muzykę, klepać nutki, midi i inne takie. Nie znoszę robić późniejszej obróbki typu mix/master. Nie mam umiejętności i odpowiedniego sprzętu, aby zrobić bardzo dobry mix/master. I właśnie takie combo wtyczki 100 w jednym ;-) są dla takich amatorów. Gdybym dał Ci mój utwór, zrobiłbyś mix/master o wiele, wiele lepiej niż ja, i tu nie ma dysusji. Ale czy taki amator-kompzytor jak ja, potrzebuje profesjonalnej obróbki utworów? ;-) Są wtyczki dla profesjonalistów i są wtyczki dla amatorów. Wybacz, że komentarz po polsku, ale mój inglisz jest jak Netron, daje radę ale nie ze wszystkim xD
Aaaahaha, fajny komentarz, dzięki :D Jasne, to jest uczciwe podejście do sprawy - do produkcji domowych narzędzia takie jak Neutron i Ozone to jest złoto. Swoją drogą, jest taka prosta wtyczunia masteringowa, naprawdę świetna - nazywa się Master Plan, widełko znajdziesz na moim kanale!
@@FoliaSound Oglądnięte i przyznam, że wtyczka zrobiła wrażenie. Master Plan to ten rodzaj wtyczki zdecydowanie dla mnie. Kilka minut pracy, a efekt naprawdę bardzo dobry. Trzeba sobie ułatwiać życie ;) Dzięki za podpowiedź, bo nie spotkałem się nigdy z tą wtyczką.
@@FoliaSoundz ciekawości - dla noobków chyba bardziej wtyki od Sonible bardziej Ci podeszły? Wg mnie Izotope po prostu powoduje problemy. Za jasno, przekompresowane i za dużo saturacji (swoją drogą, Neutron ZAWSZE daje saturacje). Natomiast Ozone robi różne mastery w zależności od momentu utworu, który słucha. W przypadku dynamicznej muzy (nawet refreny bywają w mojej muzie dynamiczne) to po prostu nie działa. Sonible jest bardzo bardzo subtelny, ale całkiem niezły w identyfikowaniu rezonansów i IMHO faktycznie w 90% przypadków dobrze podpowiada, w którą stronę iść z EQ i kompresją.
I keep waiting for them to make a global plugin to adjust some stuff like sonible eq. They have that visual mixer and it does just panning and volume adjustments.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Neutron is not really a mixing aid. I think the promo is misleading here. Neutron just “beautifies” individual tracks but doesn't really mix them. Mixing is combining a multitude of tracks so they optimally blend. And this is not happening with this plugin. The closest it gets to proper mixing is the masking eq feature which is really useful, yet it can only juxtapose two tracks at a time. Other EQs do that too. Neutron is not in any way mixing the whole sum of the tracks in the mix and that's puzzling.
I don't care for the mix assistant. For one thing, these assistants in Izotope tend to be CPU hogs all the way through the project, especially with Ozone 11. I like the presets much much more. They give you a much more focused aesthetic direction to follow.
You have an upward compressor in cubase? Don't understand you have not noticed, It seems so you haven't judging by this review, it's actually good though
I agree. I'm very disappointed in the Assistant. It seems to use the same module chain for everything. Too much treble and exciter. Drums bus is TOO aggressive. I compared some mixes and found the same things you did. The modules are very useful, but won't use the assistant. I appreciate an honest youtuber that is not influenced by money from the big plugin manufacturers.
Thank you so much for your support! I believe I just don't have to bend my opinion to anyone - I create my values somewhere else and I make my breat also outside TH-cam :)
Yeah clipper should be another function on the compressor or maximiser page and the density is just like adding a bit of reverb and saturation nothing ground breaking here
Bardzo lubię Twoje filmy, ale prawie w każdym, w którym oceniasz plugin, irytuje mnie, że nie zapoznasz się z opisem pluginu i jego możliwości przed rozpoczęciem testowania. Poświęć proszę 10-15 minut przed każdym odcinkiem na zapoznanie się z opisem, możliwościami i funkcjonalnościami pluginów na stronie producentów.
Hello ! Is there any possibility you could show your viewers some examples of your full work, because for words to have value we need to have some reference in the form of examples of your own work, especially if you are going to criticize. Izotope is responsible for countless hits recognized in the industry, both in music and scoring , so it would be great to hear some full compositions for which you are responsible for the sound. Regards.
I don't like these things. I had all these AI Ozone type AI plugins and was never satisfied with them. They compute the numbers but they will never have the producers ears because ears are all different. This might tell some other producer it's perfect. I always found them harsh, thin sounding and over hyped.
@@FoliaSound All Sonible is good stuff. I own all of those including the compressor. I think their limiter is the best though I don't like limiters. I quit using plugins that make me wait for it to do what it does except....Curve Equator. That is the exception I can live with.
not an update worth paying . All the "new" plugins could have been integrated on existing ones. Lastly there is still no lookahead in the compressor nor hold function and the eq has no 18db octave filter nor a comprehensive dynamic controls in it. All these must have tiny things are not there and instead they focus on gimmicks to get more money out of people. Not upgrading and much likely changing to fabfilter or better to a great eq that does not need an upgrade every 2 or 3 years just because money. I have had projects that I can't go back to them because they were done with neutron 2 and now I use neutron 4. Weiss from softube seem a good contender for all these issues.
Heeey! What do you think about new Neutron 5? Lemme know down below, thanks!
They finally added oversampling in the Exciter module which is great, also there's a delta button everywhere, the GUI is improved also (EQ is looking really beautiful now). I think it's an amazing plugin for mixing manually, especially when you can have different modules as separate plugins in a mixing session. But for "automatic" mixing it's not good. It's a great tool for audio engineers who know what they're doing and want to have everything in one window with a nice GUI and a very good sound
I agree with you that it's not good with automation, for the AI is fighting against the automation.
I really like the workflow of the Visual Mixer component in Neutron. Throw an instance on every track and you get a GUI with a 2D plane. Panning is on the x-axis, volume is on the y-axis, and every track becomes a node which also has width controls. You can very quickly place everything in the stereo field and get a quick volume balance without manually adjusting every DAW fader. It's easy and very visually efficient.
The visual mixer deserves a video review of its own.
Really enjoyed this video though and agreed with all the points made.
Thanks for trying this out for us! Based upon your previous Neutron videos, I've always thought exactly what you think about previous Neutron versions/ not worth it! I think you did a great job at testing, and this one did not move me to get out and buy it. Thanks for saving me the $!
No probs, thanks and hear you soon!
Izotope’s upgrade price of $100ish is ridiculous…. sooo pissed at them right now.
exactly :(
Yep, the pricing is very so-so, that's true...
yes their upgrade prices are always so greedy. Stopped bothering with this automixing ages ago as it's not accurate and interrupts the flow of mixing I find
i even get 200!
NI and iZotope drive me crazy with their update / upgrade policy. No customer relation or loyalty. I stopped to use plugins from both companies (and I was a very large customer for many years). The price policy for existing customers is really ridiculous.
I don't think we're supposed to expect the assistant to mix things for you, at least not yet. The way I have used it is this: I mix the tracks as I think is best. Then I bring the assistant in to see if it has something interesting to add. I generally keep one or another ideia on, sometimes I prefer not to use it. With the new tools, especially the Density tool, it has helped me improve on what I'd done a little more frequently. Other than that, it's a monster plugin, and you can probably mix a whole record with it alone using almost every tool a modern mixer needs.
Mixing things myself and then putting assistant to work - I like this approach and If I was ever to use this assistant, it would be probably exactly in this order. Cheers!
Unlike Melda, Izotope doesn't seem to give me a fair upgrade price on Neutron which is disappointing. I don't use it much at all but thought the multiband clipper and phase rotation are useful features. How necessary are they? Possibly overkill. So yeah I don't think I'm going to go for this. Though I must say I liked the upward compression, do you know of another plugin that does upward compression well, Paul? I think its a bit overlooked.
Oh and Kclip also has multiband, I tested 12 settings across 5 clippers last week and Kclip crisp and tube were the two faves, with smooth coming in a close 3rd of all 12. Can't really go wrong with that one.
ADPTR Audio Sculpt from plugin alliance does upward compression
Do you ever hear about Expander?
The multiband on the clipper & the density are quite useful. I like to even out bass with upward compression but the low end gets crazy the split band allows me to do less on the sub lows! Just one example but the use case is large. Might have to purchase 😊
I'll write to iZotope for an NFR after this review :D
For some reason you're very stubborn, it's an assistant it helps you with setting something up, giving you some options and then you tweak it. Of course your version of the drums sounds better you spend probably 30 minutes on it, the thing 2 seconds.
Yes, the point is that the assistant doesn't help and its suggestions are very misleading in some cases. They are not any good starting points even.
@FoliaSound I really like almost all of your videos but I think you are very biased towards Izotope I don't know what it is.
@frankwalders I have to disagree with you. I also think assistant makes things too bright, overcompressed and oversaturated. Apart from that, almost all suggestions have same signal chain. There's always saturation for example. ALWAYS. I don't want to saturate everything, for example my guitar tones are very polished already.
It makes things sound so wrong, how van that be a good starting point? I prefer to save some signal chains in Reaper and it's much better starting point because I can start tweaking right away. With Neutron I have to remove problems that it makes first...
Same problem with Ozone. Those masters sound completely different depending on the part of the song that it listens to. I create "live" music, which is more dynamic than electronic music and results are very inconsistent.
I'm not a pro mixing or mastering engineer, I might need a tool like that, but even my questionable skills are much better than AI mixing or whatever.
I mean, sonible is much better to my ears. Results are VERY subtle. But, unlike izotope, it's indeed good starting point.
Though still, Neutron and PSP Infinistrip are my favourite channel strips of all time.
@@Wojcik0602 I hardly ever use the AI functionality, but I really like it as a channel strip. I think just presets would be fine too, this AI is a bit exaggerated.
I just simply don't like his reviews, he already made up his mind. He is not going to find the good things, he is just going to trash it, Lazy
superb show hope all is well
Thanks, James, can't really complain, all is good. I have a new idea for a vid that you might find really, really interesting, your music will be featured, that's all I can say for now :D Cheers and keep up great work!
I do like clippers a lot...
I had my diy multiband clipper from Ozone dynamics module.
U can turn off lookahead, 0 atk 0 rel... Variable knee (Softclip-hardcliop)
All separation options... Mid/side, transient/sus... Delta signal.
I'd like to get ozone, but sonible seems now my cup of tea, was sleeping too long on smart eq and now I'm really digging the demo.
Sonible are the king of AI tools, period. Nothing comes even close IMHO.
Also phase rotation...
Phase AP1 is good free alternative,
Melda freform phase.
Lately I'm just using MautoAlign
@@FoliaSound I use their entropy EQ more then I would like to admit... I belive they were one of the first company came with "TransientEQ"
So far I was sleeping on the AI stuff, as I was too "proud" to use it.
Now I'm slightly torn if I should grab sonible smart essential bundle...
Or only SmartEQ.
SmartLimit... Looks awfully appealing for £90
THANKS FOR THIS REVIEW. I really trust you opinion
So good to hear that, thanks!
Another real video...thanks dude
Thank you too!
I purchased it today and giving it a go. It’s sounds good so far once you tweak it
I think this is just marketing. I tried the Clipper and is way behind the capabilities of other clippers in the market like KClip, Crispy Clipper or even your most basic DAW Cliper. It distorts your signal almost instantly. I was excited about the "phase" module but it turns out is just an static phase correction plugin. If you own something like Fuser by MTM you don't need it.
The "Density" module looks nice since it's a multiband upward compressor, but you can already do that with the Izotope's Dynamics plugin.
So yes, smoke and mirrors if you ask me.
Got you, man. I still like it, especially for M/S and transient/sustain functions!
Way to keep it real! Do you have a mixing service?
I don't, should I have these launched through my YT chan?
Where can we find the song you wrote? Love it!
Also, thank you for sharing a more critical view, this product is still new and most of the discussion is just hype still.
I really enjoy the results I get from neutron 5.
It would be cool if people would read instructions for things before they do demos. I'm not trying to defend the assistant, I don't use the one in Neutron or ozone, but first off, you're supposed to select a genre. That makes a huge difference in how it acts.
Secondly, most of the individual plugins can be told how long to listen.
To the people complaining about how it sounds different per section of the song, did you ever think about the fact that you could automate its settings? Use the learn feature, then change its settings through automation per song section using what it told you.
I love the unmasking compressor as I'm sick to death of screwing around with Pro q and span to try to figure out where this is happening. You're also getting a very high quality gate for around the same price that Fab filters gate cost alone.(sale).
Also, don't know what people are talking about with these upgrade prices. Use your loyalty coupons from your emails people. I paid $120 for the entire thing.
Just realized I should clarify some of my statements. $120 is what I paid for the entire Neutron suite, not an upgrade.
And what I said about automating the suggestions that were given to you, this is done using the individual plug-in modules, not the mixing assistant. You can get it to listen longer, and you're not bound by the decisions on one track affecting the others.
Moim zdaniem takie wtyczki jak Neutron czy Ozone, są przeznaczone dla takich ludzi jak ja. Uwielbiam tworzyć muzykę, klepać nutki, midi i inne takie. Nie znoszę robić późniejszej obróbki typu mix/master. Nie mam umiejętności i odpowiedniego sprzętu, aby zrobić bardzo dobry mix/master. I właśnie takie combo wtyczki 100 w jednym ;-) są dla takich amatorów. Gdybym dał Ci mój utwór, zrobiłbyś mix/master o wiele, wiele lepiej niż ja, i tu nie ma dysusji. Ale czy taki amator-kompzytor jak ja, potrzebuje profesjonalnej obróbki utworów? ;-) Są wtyczki dla profesjonalistów i są wtyczki dla amatorów. Wybacz, że komentarz po polsku, ale mój inglisz jest jak Netron, daje radę ale nie ze wszystkim xD
Aaaahaha, fajny komentarz, dzięki :D Jasne, to jest uczciwe podejście do sprawy - do produkcji domowych narzędzia takie jak Neutron i Ozone to jest złoto. Swoją drogą, jest taka prosta wtyczunia masteringowa, naprawdę świetna - nazywa się Master Plan, widełko znajdziesz na moim kanale!
@@FoliaSound Oglądnięte i przyznam, że wtyczka zrobiła wrażenie. Master Plan to ten rodzaj wtyczki zdecydowanie dla mnie. Kilka minut pracy, a efekt naprawdę bardzo dobry. Trzeba sobie ułatwiać życie ;) Dzięki za podpowiedź, bo nie spotkałem się nigdy z tą wtyczką.
@@FoliaSoundz ciekawości - dla noobków chyba bardziej wtyki od Sonible bardziej Ci podeszły?
Wg mnie Izotope po prostu powoduje problemy. Za jasno, przekompresowane i za dużo saturacji (swoją drogą, Neutron ZAWSZE daje saturacje). Natomiast Ozone robi różne mastery w zależności od momentu utworu, który słucha. W przypadku dynamicznej muzy (nawet refreny bywają w mojej muzie dynamiczne) to po prostu nie działa.
Sonible jest bardzo bardzo subtelny, ale całkiem niezły w identyfikowaniu rezonansów i IMHO faktycznie w 90% przypadków dobrze podpowiada, w którą stronę iść z EQ i kompresją.
Thanks for the video ! Do you think the philosphy of Neutron is "one plugin per track" and nothing more ? It seems interresting in terms of workflow.
Yep, kind of. This is really conventient as a concept.
the assistant, they claim is just a starting point, for people to tweak further to their needs
Sure thing, but as for me, in many cases, this "starting point" can bevery misleading and wrong, simple as that...
I keep waiting for them to make a global plugin to adjust some stuff like sonible eq. They have that visual mixer and it does just panning and volume adjustments.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Neutron is not really a mixing aid. I think the promo is misleading here. Neutron just “beautifies” individual tracks but doesn't really mix them. Mixing is combining a multitude of tracks so they optimally blend. And this is not happening with this plugin. The closest it gets to proper mixing is the masking eq feature which is really useful, yet it can only juxtapose two tracks at a time. Other EQs do that too. Neutron is not in any way mixing the whole sum of the tracks in the mix and that's puzzling.
I don't care for the mix assistant. For one thing, these assistants in Izotope tend to be CPU hogs all the way through the project, especially with Ozone 11. I like the presets much much more. They give you a much more focused aesthetic direction to follow.
You have an upward compressor in cubase? Don't understand you have not noticed, It seems so you haven't judging by this review, it's actually good though
With cubase squasher you have already a multi-band upward-compressor in your arsenal.
I agree. I'm very disappointed in the Assistant. It seems to use the same module chain for everything. Too much treble and exciter. Drums bus is TOO aggressive. I compared some mixes and found the same things you did. The modules are very useful, but won't use the assistant. I appreciate an honest youtuber that is not influenced by money from the big plugin manufacturers.
Thank you so much for your support! I believe I just don't have to bend my opinion to anyone - I create my values somewhere else and I make my breat also outside TH-cam :)
What the heck is a clipper clipping if not the transients?
Nice track.
Yeah clipper should be another function on the compressor or maximiser page and the density is just like adding a bit of reverb and saturation nothing ground breaking here
Bardzo lubię Twoje filmy, ale prawie w każdym, w którym oceniasz plugin, irytuje mnie, że nie zapoznasz się z opisem pluginu i jego możliwości przed rozpoczęciem testowania. Poświęć proszę 10-15 minut przed każdym odcinkiem na zapoznanie się z opisem, możliwościami i funkcjonalnościami pluginów na stronie producentów.
Hello ! Is there any possibility you could show your viewers some examples of your full work, because for words to have value we need to have some reference in the form of examples of your own work, especially if you are going to criticize. Izotope is responsible for countless hits recognized in the industry, both in music and scoring , so it would be great to hear some full compositions for which you are responsible for the sound. Regards.
Izotope is not recognized for the hits,but the people that used their plugins
You sound EXACTLY like Christopher Walken. 😎
Whaaa? I've heard once that I look a little bit like Ryan Gosling, but sounding like Chris Walken? :D This is absolutely flattering, thanks!
@@FoliaSound You're welcome! 😃
I don't like these things. I had all these AI Ozone type AI plugins and was never satisfied with them. They compute the numbers but they will never have the producers ears because ears are all different. This might tell some other producer it's perfect. I always found them harsh, thin sounding and over hyped.
Did you ever try SmartEQ 4 by Sonible or their limiter? These are the AI tools done right!
@@FoliaSound All Sonible is good stuff. I own all of those including the compressor. I think their limiter is the best though I don't like limiters. I quit using plugins that make me wait for it to do what it does except....Curve Equator. That is the exception I can live with.
@@FoliaSound I think Sonible is as bad if not worse. I don't get the hype.
crossgrade prices are ridiculous high
not an update worth paying . All the "new" plugins could have been integrated on existing ones. Lastly there is still no lookahead in the compressor nor hold function and the eq has no 18db octave filter nor a comprehensive dynamic controls in it. All these must have tiny things are not there and instead they focus on gimmicks to get more money out of people. Not upgrading and much likely changing to fabfilter or better to a great eq that does not need an upgrade every 2 or 3 years just because money. I have had projects that I can't go back to them because they were done with neutron 2 and now I use neutron 4. Weiss from softube seem a good contender for all these issues.
marketing your man