"Are you calling from a rotary telephone, sir?" I lost it . . . (I would have died if she had asked if his rooftop TV antenna were interfering with his phone reception.) This was marvelous. Genuinely funny. Howard and Robin and Ronnie & crew STILL got it. I love it.
Lol Ronnie held it together better than I thought. I thought he was gonna explode at the very beginning when he hears "assisted living" suggested to him. 😅
This call should be used for future social services training LOL. So funny. Some elderly clients do not want to respond to questions from their medical providers
Why is he scared of catching a cold if he's had the cold causing shots. He's a spredder now and should worry where his health goes down from the bio weapon. His wife should leave and pursue real happiness.
this was some of the best content in years. MORE OF THIS, FEWER CELEBRITIES!
4:37 “Are you calling from a rotary telephone sir?” 😂
When she askes "how are your stools" I lost it! Love Ronnie.
What is your problem?
Loose and full of bum love.
Crying I was laughing so hard. 😂
Lets be honest here... for Ronnie, that was staying incredibly calm.
Zen monk calm for Ronnie.
I would have liked to hear the call ronnie would have made to the police.
he smokes weed now :)
I think if it was a male operator that had called he would of freaked out more
Well said!
"Are you calling from a rotary telephone, sir?"
I lost it . . .
(I would have died if she had asked if his rooftop TV antenna
were interfering with his phone reception.)
This was marvelous. Genuinely funny.
Howard and Robin and Ronnie & crew STILL got it.
I love it.
Ronnie actually enjoying hearing the prank that got played on him for once.
When she asked if he called from a rotary phone 🤣🤣
I seriously have not laughed that much and for that length of time for at least 3 years! Thank you all so much!
“Do I have to call the police on you???” 😂😂😂
Has to be up there as the funniest prank call.
The two lady pranksters were hilarious 😂😂😂
-Have to admit, one of the Funniest Bits I have ever Heard!!
Howard and Robin cracking up yet they’re pretty much the same age 😂
How are your stools? A caregiver? 😳😆😆😆 Lmfao! This is classic Ronny. 😂
Such an incredible call! Really one of the best of all time!!!
still not in the studio
This Is The Best Phony Phone Call Of All Times.I Love It Especially When She Asked About His Stools,LMAO!What A Classic!
All these years later and he’s still the funniest part of the show.
Omg. I wanted this phone call to go on forever.
We ❤
I love it if your a member of the Stern show you have to be in guard at all times for pranks
The rotary phone was the best
Lol !! This was great ,I love that they pranked Ronnie
I must say, I'm impressed with how well he kept it together. Great bit. I wish it was longer.
Ronnie was calm.. needed to be a male supervisor, he would have cut loose.
Great bit!!!!
Was I the only one thinking "how does he not realize this is the show pranking him?!"
part of it isn't real. her voice was added later.
@@trevorhamblinit does sound that way.
He does, they've been doing this bit forever n why the show is 💩.
Lol Ronnie held it together better than I thought. I thought he was gonna explode at the very beginning when he hears "assisted living" suggested to him. 😅
this is great, we need more of this
This is very calm for Ronnie 🤣🤣
That's gold😂😂
The first funny bit I have heard from the show in about seven years now...
1:32 She had to hold in her laughter.
This is a good one! 🤣😆
Get back in the studio please. It’s embarrassing at this point
I think cows will learn to fly first.
He's going back in soon to see someone perform, either this week or next.
@@d.b.1176 Im not talking about one-offs.
Realest Ronnie Mund moment ever!! 😅😁😁😂😂🚗
Damn hilarious! I love Ronnie
Ronnie was calm
He remained calm imo. I expected him to lose it
This call should be used for future social services training LOL. So funny. Some elderly clients do not want to respond to questions from their medical providers
Shirley St. Germain is a riot.
Lol Ronnie needs to be on the show more he's such great content on the show
Ronnie looks so much better than howard with age.
This shit was hilarious
Reminds me of how funny the show used to be, 15-20 years ago
When you get up here you’ll do it. T-O-P-L-E-S-S
Still hitting them out of the park after all this years. I laughed so hard tears came out of my eyes.
Me too!
Robin is just 2 years younger, love when they bust Ronnies balls.
Ronnie is the Winston Wolf of the stern show.
This is great!!!
The women on the phone were so fast and funny with the questions.
Yes she was ..It's almost as if she was reading from a script.
It's AI.......
Donald Hazel crapped his pants on the school bus.
Your show nuts 😅
That’s my grandfather lmao
The best prank call ever!
Now they can get back to having Nick Cannon on monthly
Whatever you say two times in four years is a lot 😂
this was pretty good
I think his wife is his caregiver.
Ronnie definitely looks ELDERLY..
Are you calling from a rotary phone?😅😅😅😅😅
Ronnies the best
I want you to go to jail for this
0.0 has aged gracefully
That's hilarious
Where can I watch the new shows anyone know
A rotary phone is so funny
Ronnie is only 4 years older than Howard btw. Lol.
Ms. St. Germaine has a beautiful smile.
One of the best phony phone calls ever
I love it miss Ronnine
Ronnie turns into a Karen......"I want to speak to your supervisor". Priceless......
😅😅😅..Too funny 😅😅😅
This was a great bit LOLOL
Why is he scared of catching a cold if he's had the cold causing shots. He's a spredder now and should worry where his health goes down from the bio weapon. His wife should leave and pursue real happiness.
Money is her happiness
Is Howard in the studio yet?
It would've been better at the end(and funnier) if "HOWARD" was the Supervisor at the end instead of that lady.😅
"Mom, can we get a Calm Ronnie?"
"We have a Calm Ronnie at home."
The Calm Ronnie at home:
Howard calling Ronnie a Karen made me physically roll my eyes for the first time in my life
When did Howard become a pod cast?
The word "elderly" not used once in that call! 🤔
Robin looks great
Actually something funny on the show
Ronnie block party updates?
Ronnie would have flipped if he knew it was for the show.
So, sad what this has become. When they can’t let it go.
Angry angry dope. Feel sorry for his wife
He still alive?
I want you to go to jail for this.
Howard is the queen Karen! Ronnie was great!
Wow! One of the best PP in years Howard. But please, get Ronny a better webcam. The image is poor
I would have cussed her out! Soooo funny 😂
Ronnie was calm af 😂 I’m actually shocked hahaha
This show is still on?