Hi Bill, sorry for your loss! We went thru similar in the Marshall fire in Colorado. Our home was not damaged, but down our street, dozens of homes burned!! While we still feel incredibly grateful, the memories are painful. Many have built new homes, but some lots remain. Be ready for symptoms of PTSD in yourself and your neighbors. Best of luck, Bill. God Bless You!
Don’t have any guilt, your home was spared for some reason. Use your energy and compassion wisely to reach out to others and help. I believe you have a very kind heart.
Love you, Bill. Been reading you since I was a kid in the Palisades, I'm now 41 and live out of state. I'm sure I speak for all of your longtime fans when I say we mourn alongside of you.
Wow, it’s amazing to hear how the community comes together during such tough times! Bill's reflections really capture the whirlwind of emotions we all feel in moments like these. It’s a wild ride between joy and guilt, isn’t it? Hope everyone is finding their way through!
Possessions are fleeting. We matter. Things can be replaced. Your heart is in the right place. Keep dedicating yourself to your profession. Lord knows the world still needs as many truthful and hardworking journalists as it can get these days...
First, thank you to the firefighters and police and other first responders! Second, thank goodness there were some surviving homes so that people can learn why and do better when rebuilding happens. Suggestion for the state of CO -- require that any homeowner who has a swimming pool has a pipe coming up from it with a pump and sprayer that they can use to put out a house fire with pool water. Someone needs to design that before any rebuilding is done.
What I nice man with a kind heart! God works in odd and wonderful ways my friend and you deserve this for some reason you were chosen to carry one and help others! It is because of your kind heart and the way you are! So go walk into the night and help tires rebuild now that is your job! It will give you great joy and pleasure as you reach higher level of consciousness! God bless!
Your faith BILL will get you through this......the neighbors may not be same or there anymore but you have YOU and your family and supporters to BUILD your community again!------prayers for you from the Philippines!
There are no words to describe the tragedy for those who have lost loved ones and their homes. Yet here is a story of a few who have come back to a house standing in the midst of this horrendous fire to see their house still there. What can be said, your house was spared yet you have those neighbors who lost everything. Somewhere in this tragedy you may feel lucky and yet feel undeserving... Two extreme feelings all in one moment, how do you process this in mind... Almost like seeing the floods in Noah's time only this is fire.. he survived yet there was nothing in the land once the water reseeded. He only had his family and restarted his life over.
That image of the neighbors house between 2:23 and 2:26 is interesting. It may be an optical illusion , but it appears as if tree leaves a foot or so from the blackened chimney did not catch fire. Im not sure how a home burns so hot ( at at least 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit to break metal down and make metal disappear which is what we see in that neighbors home ) yet fragile tree leaves with a combustion temperature of 500 degree Fahrenheit did not catch fire . Heat rises . Given that , How did the inferno less than a foot away not burn those tree leaves ? It would be great if this reporter who shot that image could be granted permission down the road from his neighbor ( after shes gone through her rubble of course . Theres usually nothing left to be painfully honest though ) and film from under that tree to see if in fact those tree leaves truly were over her roof. If those leaves were over her roof , those fragile leaves should have ignited. The damage in this neighborhood looks quite strange to me. The homes seem to have had self contained extreme heat damage that didnt affect fragile tree leaves a few inches or feet from the homes. That seems odd to me. I hope some serious researchers will look harder imto that. God bless all these people and their long road to recovery. At least they have love and respect for each other to help them on their journey..
I have seen cases of survivors guilt for many years. Stop feeling sorry for yourself &reach out to your neighbors. Every one needs to support each other at a time like this. A kind word,simple gesture, goes along way. Just be there for others....RF
🤔 Don't feel guilty. Even if you lost nothing personally in the fire, there are no neighbors, shopping centers, other community services left. You're pretty much alone there, inhaling toxic dust and fumes from collapsed homes and buildings....
Buck up buddy and start allowing neighbors or friends to live at your home while theirs is rebuilt. Also if U have a backyard intact then foster some of the dogs that are overflowing at the animal shelters now as many temp accom don't allow pets. I have been thru PTSD myself and THE BEST WAY I have gotton over the trauma is to help others. You have a home and God is telling U something........HELP OTHERS.
Help that lady that lived across the street, who came over to party and dance in your driveway. Because she's part of your home too. Sure she didn't live with you. But she did live with you. And now you have sort of lost her. If you want her back, then you have to decide if that is something that you need more than just being thankful and counting your blessings. If you count your blessings, what about all our neighbors losses? Are they not yours too? Sure you can't give them all $100K and say I want to help put it all back together again. But maybe you can? Some people have that kind of money. Or maybe you say to her, "Look, I want to help. Here's $10K or $20K and I want you to stay and rebuild and I need you to stay."?
It is ALL about the learnings. You Bill, apparently weren’t meant to learn the lesson of complete loss. Not this time. Yours is another lesson. God doesn’t target people, things happen and we are meant to learn and grow stronger from them. Be there for your neighbors as they fight to rebuild. It could just as easily have been your home so no guilt. Be grateful. Take that as your lesson. I’m sorry for everyone’s loss in these fires. It’s a horrible thing to have happen.
I got a beaded necklace in Bulgaria last year, at Alexander Nevski, or maybe the year before. But I don't believe that I am a Christian. I also can walk into the Sofia Mosque and sit and feel the peace and beauty of the sanctuary there too. To me, they all are places for Humanity to seek sanctuary and contemplate something more than ourselves. On my necklace is a cross. I am sure it was made for the Christians that go to that Orthodox Christian Cathedral. But I was never raised in that faith. I have lived in Europe and America most of my life, back and forth and so I sort of feel close to Europe and lately I am feeling that we, we being Humanity, are at a cross roads in the course of our evolution or our "spiritual" awareness. I believe that we are being given a choice. And that choice is to decide. To continue on one path or to choose another. And the one path, the Path of Separateness, of being in a Transactional World, of give and take, earn and be paid, is somewhat lacking in that it leads to some being paid a lot and some hardly at all. And that creates great inequity and suffering. The other path is to realize that I am just part of Humanity, and also just part of Nature. I exist only because both Humanity and Nature sustains me. I may do this or that to prosper in some little ways. But still I am using societies measures of "goals" or success to accumulate the things that support my existence. And so with Nature, the air I breathe is NOT paid for. But it's all around me, and it is daily renewed by the trees and grasses and oceans. So, how did I earn this breath of life? I believe in the second path. The path of Belonging to Humanity and to Nature. It's sustaining. And while it's not that competitive, still I have to do some things to participate, to give aide to the system overall. And importantly, to NOT take and degrade the system. To hurt others, or the destroy Nature. I believe now we are being asked to choose how we live, what we do with our money, the types of cites we build and the kinds of businesses we transact and build and the way we share the Earth with other peoples and with the Natural world and it's creatures, plants and things. What do you think?
California state has earthquakes and wildfires: California as a state should buy a small reactor that pumps, ocean, water and filters it using reverse osmosis, and supplies to the residence and is used for wildfires and other natural emergencies: from the ocean to the pipelines in the city or national park is all underground. The state of California can make its money with no time by selling clean water to its residence, and I have to depend transporting it from all the way up north.
Too expensive. That money is being used to reward and pay people like Janisse quinones their $750K / year salary, the head of department of water and power. The lefties must support their cronies.
And remember, not just you, but all of us. We who sit in our houses in Florida and wherever, like me, and watch this unfold, we are lucky. But we are all ticking timebombs We are all waiting for our own personal calamity. Maybe we have already had some before? Who hasn't lived, and not been burned in a Divorce or an illness or a Death of a Parent, or even worse a Death of a Child? We have to be aware that we are all just walking across the proverbial frozen lake of life wondering if we will make it across, or if the ice will crack and we may have to walk another way. None of us will get out of this life we have unscathed. We all will live our own personal hardships. It's what defines us really. It's not the success that gives us courage. It's the pain and sorrow of failure and loss that we have to overcome to become courageous. Even if we live another year past this. Remember, just because you all survived this or that event or tragedy in your lives, there's still more to come. I hope we can learn from this and try to give something to each other and be Kind and Hopeful and just a little bit Charitable. My goal is for 130 Million Americans to give something every month or so to their preferred charity, the Red Cross, or World Central kitchens or something. Just $15 a month from each of us would be a start to at least put some fund together to give assistance now. Or maybe there is a better way, and I am listening? Tell me. Tell us all.
Don't let gavin newsom destroy it for his smart city. The community needs to keep out smart meters and rebuild with a better water system without the resnicks controlling it. Better funding for firefighters.
Charlton Heston walking down the beach in the move Planet of the Apes and he comes across the partially buried Statue of Liberty. He realizes that the world he knew is gone. What do they say? "What good is it to inherit the World and lose your soul?" See I think that Soul is a shared thing. Like the air and Time. It's not unique to me> but I can become desolate. We can become desolate. That neighborhood has become desolate. It's not just the house and that land. That's just the part of the place you cling to. But we are really our brother's keeper. We keep each other's home in our lives and they keep our home in theirs. What good is it to inherit the World and lose one's Soul?
Maybe you can open your doors to people coming back to the neighbor to clean up and rebuild and so on, they will have no place to go. Just open your doors so that there is a loving meet up place, have coffee and rolls and a shoulder to cry on ready. Just trust God, He has a reason.
I don't know the value of things anymore. I use to believe I did. Or I thought I knew. But the things I valued, are gone. Maybe just to Time or Age or Divorce. I go down the Path less travelled as the poem went, and that has made all the difference. But now we all go down a path less travelled by. We are all going down the path of shedding our former lives, our status, our possessions and our "place" our one thing that we said, "look at it. it's mine." But it wasn't really yours at all. Just you had it for a moment and that moment changed. And now it's gone. What is left? What do we still have? Can we still have a belief in our way of life? Can we still believe in our shared sense of community? What is it that we can be part of in this moment of desolation? It's like I said below in another comment, in the movie Planet of the Apes, Charlton Heston in the last scene is walking down the beach and come around a cliff to find a half buried Statue of Liberty. And he curses the people of the world he knew. Because he knows now that they destroyed it and he can never go home again.
Your house was saved and we are happy for you. I know it is sad to see and you ask yourself : Why me? Why my house was saved? and you feel sad for others but please allow the guilt to leave you as I am.sure God as a plan for you and your house was part of it
I am reminded of the Prevalent Zero Sum Game theory. Or perhaps something more simplistic, in the Transactional World of I win and you lose there are only an exact number of winners to match the same number of losers. But I fear that sort of Analysis is incomplete. It is based on a notion of Separateness. That I am separate from you. I am separate from Nature. I can do as I please to enhance my well being at the expense of Nature or resources or society at large. But we have seen that that Model of Civilization really does NOT work for long. I believe it always ends in collapse and failure. But how do I win if the world around me is slowly being destroyed? How can I sit in my walled compound and maybe call it Mar E Lago or something and believe that I am the "Winner"? While around be are neighborhoods across the way or farther off with people who are struggling or suffering? How am I immune to the Virus that kills have of Humanity? How am I lucky if I don't die of Fentanyl overdose, but my neighbor down the street loses a child to such a tragedy? See? I believe we have to stop believing we are separate and immune to the suffering of Humanity> I believe that Humanity is at a Cross Roads and we are being asked to choose. To love one another or to die because we can only selfishly love only ourselves. Maybe I am just silly? What do you all think?
Prayers for all of us. I feel this is an act of greed. It is paid arsonists. Yes, the wind contributed to it but wind doesn't start a fire. Get to the bottom of this and prosecute to the max. Bill you are blessed your faith is strong. 🙏✝️
You need Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world - He is our Peace - when nothing makes sense. He is our HOPE when all hope seems lost. Jesus and Him alone - life is forever changed. After this life we will go somewhere. That is what life is really all about. Prepare to meet your Creator today - just like LA fires, it happens too quick. Those not prepared and name not in the Book of Life will be separated from God for all of eternity. That is what matters. That is what really, really matters. Bill, your life is for a purpose, beyond what you do for a living. Find Jesus and Him alone. Life, peace, a future - forgiveness of all sin, Jesus - Jesus - Jesus (Yeshua). John 3:16
1.09. House on right is not burnt. 1.17 same house- not burnt. As he's driving near his house. The houses on left, seen through driver's window are not burnt. I am glad you are ok. Just chance and luck, not God.
Mock God keep going. God is Doug this across the globe. If you don’t believe in him then that’s on you eternally but mocking faith is a evil trait . Wait and see
Gosh. You may want to think about getting that sensitivity chip Jennifer Aniston used to talk about. I definitely can relate to this. Maybe guilt is the wrong word. But wondering why is definitely normal during these type of experiences. Word to the wise..and not so wise: if you do not live in California or you have never experienced a natural disaster, please STFU as you add only your negativity to a state where this has happened. Whether fire, flood or other, when these things happen best to actually help or get out of the way. Your comment is not welcome at this time.
You can help someone else recover. And we can all help someone else recover. It's a matter of finding the best way to put a person in need with a person seeking to help. Maybe instead of a Go Fund Me campaign, there can be Come help me campaigns. Just put up a description of your situation, total destruction, or partial, and what you want help with first. Its it clearing the land? Is it just removing the damaged part of a building? I think we can help each other, even if just a little. Maybe ten people chip in something to each affected house? Maybe it happens slowly and spotty? But how else will people be able to recover from this?
Hi Bill, sorry for your loss! We went thru similar in the Marshall fire in Colorado. Our home was not damaged, but down our street, dozens of homes burned!! While we still feel incredibly grateful, the memories are painful. Many have built new homes, but some lots remain.
Be ready for symptoms of PTSD in yourself and your neighbors.
Best of luck, Bill. God Bless You!
Don’t have any guilt, your home was spared for some reason. Use your energy and compassion wisely to reach out to others and help. I believe you have a very kind heart.
"I'm thankful and blessed that the house is here...but there is no more here."
Glad you're safe, Bill. Hang in there. Spring will come again.
Love you, Bill. Been reading you since I was a kid in the Palisades, I'm now 41 and live out of state. I'm sure I speak for all of your longtime fans when I say we mourn alongside of you.
Wow, it’s amazing to hear how the community comes together during such tough times! Bill's reflections really capture the whirlwind of emotions we all feel in moments like these. It’s a wild ride between joy and guilt, isn’t it? Hope everyone is finding their way through!
Communities should come together all the time
Not just in tragedies
Possessions are fleeting. We matter. Things can be replaced. Your heart is in the right place. Keep dedicating yourself to your profession. Lord knows the world still needs as many truthful and hardworking journalists as it can get these days...
This was an incredibly thoughtful video on the destruction. 😔 Thank you to whoever put this together.
Praying for you and everyone in the path
Blessings to you and for your emotions.
I'm glad your home is still there. Home is key. Your gratitude is inspirational. Please, take that and move forward. Help the cause.
🙏🏼A miracle for a man of faith? Keep on praying🙏🏼
What about all the other chistians that weren't spared? Maybe it's just luck, not a miracle, or is god that nasty?
First, thank you to the firefighters and police and other first responders! Second, thank goodness there were some surviving homes so that people can learn why and do better when rebuilding happens. Suggestion for the state of CO -- require that any homeowner who has a swimming pool has a pipe coming up from it with a pump and sprayer that they can use to put out a house fire with pool water. Someone needs to design that before any rebuilding is done.
Yes, I am so very surprised they have not been doing this. I am such a worry wart, I would insist.
So sad! Wishing everyone in Altadena including my close friend, Christopher Haydel, health & abundance! Blessings! 😀
We as Dodgers fans will be with you Bill.
I think that it will be longer than two or three years to rebuild. Sad.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Bill.
So traumatic..
What I nice man with a kind heart! God works in odd and wonderful ways my friend and you deserve this for some reason you were chosen to carry one and help others! It is because of your kind heart and the way you are! So go walk into the night and help tires rebuild now that is your job! It will give you great joy and pleasure as you reach higher level of consciousness! God bless!
It's a miracle! You are so blessed... 🙏
God bless you and everyone you love
We all will be paying for this ALL OF US
Altadena was a special community.
Hey Bill! I live near Adams and Arlington! And my house didn't burn down either!
There will be suffering remaining there. No guilt needed. Construction, smoke damage, no neighbors or town. But still amazing.
Your faith BILL will get you through this......the neighbors may not be same or there anymore but you have YOU and your family and supporters to BUILD your community again!------prayers for you from the Philippines!
I was there a few weeks ago now everything is gone
Saved your things but lost what can’t be replaced and must deal with damages all the same.
Happy your house is standing. You are blessed Bill ❤
Bittersweet. 🙁❤
There are no words to describe the tragedy for those who have lost loved ones and their homes. Yet here is a story of a few who have come back to a house standing in the midst of this horrendous fire to see their house still there. What can be said, your house was spared yet you have those neighbors who lost everything. Somewhere in this tragedy you may feel lucky and yet feel undeserving... Two extreme feelings all in one moment, how do you process this in mind... Almost like seeing the floods in Noah's time only this is fire.. he survived yet there was nothing in the land once the water reseeded. He only had his family and restarted his life over.
God bless you for crying out to Him.
That image of the neighbors house between 2:23 and 2:26 is interesting. It may be an optical illusion , but it appears as if tree leaves a foot or so from the blackened chimney did not catch fire. Im not sure how a home burns so hot ( at at least 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit to break metal down and make metal disappear which is what we see in that neighbors home ) yet fragile tree leaves with a combustion temperature of 500 degree Fahrenheit did not catch fire . Heat rises . Given that , How did the inferno less than a foot away not burn those tree leaves ? It would be great if this reporter who shot that image could be granted permission down the road from his neighbor ( after shes gone through her rubble of course . Theres usually nothing left to be painfully honest though ) and film from under that tree to see if in fact those tree leaves truly were over her roof. If those leaves were over her roof , those fragile leaves should have ignited. The damage in this neighborhood looks quite strange to me. The homes seem to have had self contained extreme heat damage that didnt affect fragile tree leaves a few inches or feet from the homes. That seems odd to me. I hope some serious researchers will look harder imto that. God bless all these people and their long road to recovery. At least they have love and respect for each other to help them on their journey..
Work to make areas around your homes more aesthetic for the ones who've had their homes spared you oughta do that
I have seen cases of survivors guilt for many years. Stop feeling sorry for yourself &reach out to your neighbors. Every one needs to support each other at a time like this. A kind word,simple gesture, goes along way. Just be there for others....RF
The power of prayer, mama Mary’s help
The toxins are rampant in these areas, making me want him to leave the area immediately and talk about his feelings in a much safer environment.
In certain areas they’ve been given the all clear already. Residents have been returning since Monday to their homes or what’s left of it
I realize this…any residual ash or flame retardant can be a serious health issue unfortunately. Such a heart-wrenching dilemma to face.
What an awful situation, I feel for him
🤔 Don't feel guilty. Even if you lost nothing personally in the fire, there are no neighbors, shopping centers, other community services left. You're pretty much alone there, inhaling toxic dust and fumes from collapsed homes and buildings....
How did his house didn't burn?
Buck up buddy and start allowing neighbors or friends to live at your home while theirs is rebuilt. Also if U have a backyard intact then foster some of the dogs that are overflowing at the animal shelters now as many temp accom don't allow pets. I have been thru PTSD myself and THE BEST WAY I have gotton over the trauma is to help others. You have a home and God is telling U something........HELP OTHERS.
Its not really, what did I do, but what am I going to do to deserve this.
Do not say the bad word
Help that lady that lived across the street, who came over to party and dance in your driveway. Because she's part of your home too. Sure she didn't live with you. But she did live with you. And now you have sort of lost her. If you want her back, then you have to decide if that is something that you need more than just being thankful and counting your blessings.
If you count your blessings, what about all our neighbors losses? Are they not yours too? Sure you can't give them all $100K and say I want to help put it all back together again. But maybe you can? Some people have that kind of money. Or maybe you say to her, "Look, I want to help. Here's $10K or $20K and I want you to stay and rebuild and I need you to stay."?
God bless you and your kind words. Nothing to say. God is good ☘️
Survivors guilt is that feeling in your gut, Bill.❤
It is ALL about the learnings. You Bill, apparently weren’t meant to learn the lesson of complete loss. Not this time. Yours is another lesson. God doesn’t target people, things happen and we are meant to learn and grow stronger from them. Be there for your neighbors as they fight to rebuild. It could just as easily have been your home so no guilt. Be grateful. Take that as your lesson. I’m sorry for everyone’s loss in these fires. It’s a horrible thing to have happen.
I got a beaded necklace in Bulgaria last year, at Alexander Nevski, or maybe the year before. But I don't believe that I am a Christian. I also can walk into the Sofia Mosque and sit and feel the peace and beauty of the sanctuary there too. To me, they all are places for Humanity to seek sanctuary and contemplate something more than ourselves.
On my necklace is a cross. I am sure it was made for the Christians that go to that Orthodox Christian Cathedral. But I was never raised in that faith. I have lived in Europe and America most of my life, back and forth and so I sort of feel close to Europe and lately I am feeling that we, we being Humanity, are at a cross roads in the course of our evolution or our "spiritual" awareness. I believe that we are being given a choice.
And that choice is to decide. To continue on one path or to choose another. And the one path, the Path of Separateness, of being in a Transactional World, of give and take, earn and be paid, is somewhat lacking in that it leads to some being paid a lot and some hardly at all. And that creates great inequity and suffering.
The other path is to realize that I am just part of Humanity, and also just part of Nature. I exist only because both Humanity and Nature sustains me. I may do this or that to prosper in some little ways. But still I am using societies measures of "goals" or success to accumulate the things that support my existence. And so with Nature, the air I breathe is NOT paid for. But it's all around me, and it is daily renewed by the trees and grasses and oceans. So, how did I earn this breath of life?
I believe in the second path. The path of Belonging to Humanity and to Nature. It's sustaining. And while it's not that competitive, still I have to do some things to participate, to give aide to the system overall. And importantly, to NOT take and degrade the system. To hurt others, or the destroy Nature.
I believe now we are being asked to choose how we live, what we do with our money, the types of cites we build and the kinds of businesses we transact and build and the way we share the Earth with other peoples and with the Natural world and it's creatures, plants and things.
What do you think?
Just think about people that used to work for you and lost their jobs
Better than losing everything and everything
An existential crisis
People who think California is "blue". Its complicated.
Dream come true
California state has earthquakes and wildfires:
California as a state should buy a small reactor that pumps, ocean, water and filters it using reverse osmosis, and supplies to the residence and is used for wildfires and other natural emergencies: from the ocean to the pipelines in the city or national park is all underground.
The state of California can make its money with no time by selling clean water to its residence, and I have to depend transporting it from all the way up north.
Too expensive. That money is being used to reward and pay people like Janisse quinones their $750K / year salary, the head of department of water and power. The lefties must support their cronies.
And remember, not just you, but all of us. We who sit in our houses in Florida and wherever, like me, and watch this unfold, we are lucky. But we are all ticking timebombs We are all waiting for our own personal calamity. Maybe we have already had some before? Who hasn't lived, and not been burned in a Divorce or an illness or a Death of a Parent, or even worse a Death of a Child? We have to be aware that we are all just walking across the proverbial frozen lake of life wondering if we will make it across, or if the ice will crack and we may have to walk another way.
None of us will get out of this life we have unscathed. We all will live our own personal hardships. It's what defines us really. It's not the success that gives us courage. It's the pain and sorrow of failure and loss that we have to overcome to become courageous. Even if we live another year past this.
Remember, just because you all survived this or that event or tragedy in your lives, there's still more to come.
I hope we can learn from this and try to give something to each other and be Kind and Hopeful and just a little bit Charitable.
My goal is for 130 Million Americans to give something every month or so to their preferred charity, the Red Cross, or World Central kitchens or something. Just $15 a month from each of us would be a start to at least put some fund together to give assistance now.
Or maybe there is a better way, and I am listening? Tell me. Tell us all.
Where is the picture of his complete house next to all the burnt ones?
They're not showing the intact houses in full on most channels to keep the location safe from looters
Wel, he lost his whole community. Not a nice lace to live.
Don't let gavin newsom destroy it for his smart city. The community needs to keep out smart meters and rebuild with a better water system without the resnicks controlling it. Better funding for firefighters.
Claim your insurance ...don't just show your emotion here sir
❤ blessings from the Lord
Charlton Heston walking down the beach in the move Planet of the Apes and he comes across the partially buried Statue of Liberty. He realizes that the world he knew is gone.
What do they say? "What good is it to inherit the World and lose your soul?"
See I think that Soul is a shared thing. Like the air and Time. It's not unique to me> but I can become desolate. We can become desolate. That neighborhood has become desolate. It's not just the house and that land. That's just the part of the place you cling to. But we are really our brother's keeper. We keep each other's home in our lives and they keep our home in theirs.
What good is it to inherit the World and lose one's Soul?
Oh WOW 🎉
Maybe you can open your doors to people coming back to the neighbor to clean up and rebuild and so on, they will have no place to go. Just open your doors so that there is a loving meet up place, have coffee and rolls and a shoulder to cry on ready. Just trust God, He has a reason.
Bill, you should feel guilty. You voted for no-water Newsome, Bass, Biden.
I don't know the value of things anymore. I use to believe I did. Or I thought I knew. But the things I valued, are gone. Maybe just to Time or Age or Divorce. I go down the Path less travelled as the poem went, and that has made all the difference. But now we all go down a path less travelled by. We are all going down the path of shedding our former lives, our status, our possessions and our "place" our one thing that we said, "look at it. it's mine."
But it wasn't really yours at all. Just you had it for a moment and that moment changed. And now it's gone.
What is left? What do we still have? Can we still have a belief in our way of life? Can we still believe in our shared sense of community?
What is it that we can be part of in this moment of desolation?
It's like I said below in another comment, in the movie Planet of the Apes, Charlton Heston in the last scene is walking down the beach and come around a cliff to find a half buried Statue of Liberty. And he curses the people of the world he knew. Because he knows now that they destroyed it and he can never go home again.
Why is his house totally white and clean outside? Something is fishy here.... just saying.
Your house was saved and we are happy for you. I know it is sad to see and you ask yourself : Why me? Why my house was saved? and you feel sad for others but please allow the guilt to leave you as I am.sure God as a plan for you and your house was part of it
Grace of Jesus Christ
I am reminded of the Prevalent Zero Sum Game theory. Or perhaps something more simplistic, in the Transactional World of I win and you lose there are only an exact number of winners to match the same number of losers.
But I fear that sort of Analysis is incomplete. It is based on a notion of Separateness. That I am separate from you. I am separate from Nature. I can do as I please to enhance my well being at the expense of Nature or resources or society at large.
But we have seen that that Model of Civilization really does NOT work for long. I believe it always ends in collapse and failure.
But how do I win if the world around me is slowly being destroyed? How can I sit in my walled compound and maybe call it Mar E Lago or something and believe that I am the "Winner"?
While around be are neighborhoods across the way or farther off with people who are struggling or suffering?
How am I immune to the Virus that kills have of Humanity? How am I lucky if I don't die of Fentanyl overdose, but my neighbor down the street loses a child to such a tragedy?
See? I believe we have to stop believing we are separate and immune to the suffering of Humanity>
I believe that Humanity is at a Cross Roads and we are being asked to choose. To love one another or to die because we can only selfishly love only ourselves.
Maybe I am just silly? What do you all think?
It's the "act of God" - thanks to your lucky star. Shits happened the other way too.
Get a divorce. You will lose your house.
vote for carnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzness you goooooooooooooooooooooooot it
Prayers for all of us. I feel this is an act of greed. It is paid arsonists. Yes, the wind contributed to it but wind doesn't start a fire. Get to the bottom of this and prosecute to the max.
Bill you are blessed your faith is strong. 🙏✝️
Survivors guilt
Ask God He has a great plan for you
You didn’t do anything and neither did your state to serve you.
You need Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world - He is our Peace - when nothing makes sense. He is our HOPE when all hope seems lost. Jesus and Him alone - life is forever changed. After this life we will go somewhere. That is what life is really all about. Prepare to meet your Creator today - just like LA fires, it happens too quick. Those not prepared and name not in the Book of Life will be separated from God for all of eternity. That is what matters. That is what really, really matters. Bill, your life is for a purpose, beyond what you do for a living. Find Jesus and Him alone. Life, peace, a future - forgiveness of all sin, Jesus - Jesus - Jesus (Yeshua). John 3:16
Enjoy to. All
1.09. House on right is not burnt. 1.17 same house- not burnt. As he's driving near his house. The houses on left, seen through driver's window are not burnt.
I am glad you are ok. Just chance and luck, not God.
It is a miracle and act of God in his belief and mine.
If you choose to believe different it's your choice. You have no right to call the shots.
He says he was praying... hail Mary's.. oh okaay. 🎉 She is an amazing mother. Try to check those who have been praying through her.
Mock God keep going. God is Doug this across the globe. If you don’t believe in him then that’s on you eternally but mocking faith is a evil trait . Wait and see
@BearDidIt I believe a "hail mary" is a football term as well?
Mary is the Mother of Jesus, she does wonders in people's lives. Try praying through her.
Fiancee at the age of 90😮mercy, don't torture yourself
Latimes is a rag these days
why would you feel guilty for not losing your house, lol that's stupid
Empathy -- something you don't have.
Bingo! @@Tiredgeek
@@Tiredgeekhes probablt a kid or a psycho
Gosh. You may want to think about getting that sensitivity chip Jennifer Aniston used to talk about. I definitely can relate to this. Maybe guilt is the wrong word. But wondering why is definitely normal during these type of experiences. Word to the wise..and not so wise: if you do not live in California or you have never experienced a natural disaster, please STFU as you add only your negativity to a state where this has happened. Whether fire, flood or other, when these things happen best to actually help or get out of the way. Your comment is not welcome at this time.
God recognized he has a humble heart.
QURAN - Chapter 2 Verse 266:
"...... and a fiery whirlwinds strike it, and it is (all) consumed by FIRE".
Allahu Akhbar!!!
Say no to that in America. Move where people believe that!
Yeah...we are a Christian nation. We actually believe God loves us. The Muslim God is a God of hate
You can help someone else recover. And we can all help someone else recover. It's a matter of finding the best way to put a person in need with a person seeking to help. Maybe instead of a Go Fund Me campaign, there can be Come help me campaigns. Just put up a description of your situation, total destruction, or partial, and what you want help with first. Its it clearing the land? Is it just removing the damaged part of a building?
I think we can help each other, even if just a little. Maybe ten people chip in something to each affected house? Maybe it happens slowly and spotty? But how else will people be able to recover from this?