Watching your replays and seeing what you could have done differently or what you shouldn’t have done is by far the EASIEST way to get better and get out of silver/gold
Skillcapped in their lane guides: "so we got 5cs lead which let us get lvl3 2s faster than the enemy, it's safe to say the game is basically won at that point" meanwhile behind the scenes:
I love that we get to see the human side of McBaze with his little rants about the game while he plays. It's nice to see that even a challenger who smurfs for a living has these little thought processes, and what makes them different is that they don't let them affect their decisions and knowing what the right play is.
Great video. This is why you also recommend only playing a certain amount of games since if you want to improve your chances of winning you have to be 100% concentrated all the time. So you can minimize crucial mistakes.
It is very important to recognize that you are not your best friend when it comes to understanding if you're burning out, lol. People will deny and convince themselves that they're tilted or burned out and just wreck themselves. So I started to put two hard caps into my League gameplay: 3 Ranked (SoloQ) games maximum; win or lose. No Ranked games after 9pm. No exceptions.
@@crownjax placements went well? when should this happen ? lol community is most brainless in lower elo and totally toxic , i am happy when i finish a game 5 vs5
I think one reason people aren't climbing is that they 'forget' everything they have learned when playing an actual game. My plat 4 friend is an example. He's very good at vod reviewing, he always have all right answers in skillcapped"s skill test vids. But when I watched him play a soloq game (I sat next to him), he was completely clueless about what he's doing. I and him reviewed that game afterwards, and he himself spotted 7 mistakes in the first 15 minutes.
i think the #1 thing to do to improve is ask what are your intentions when performing an action! This way you catch mistakes before they even happen and adjust to situations
On 02:05 you say you can go back and tp back to attack the tower. With "new" teleport this is no longer possible. Your wave would be dead until you tp to your own tower and go back to attack the enemy tower.
"Low elo where enemys can do random stuff". Man I feel this so much. Playing with friends is always confusing me, when I see what the people do in this games xD
This guy has the correct mindset. He aims to improve, not win. And ranting about game balance isn't immature. It's healthy to let out the frustration at times, and sometimes the rant is warranted
Dev: Ok, so you have an ability that grants you speed, allows you to pass through every wall once every 4 seconds and heals you on top of that Blue Kayn: Ok, understood Talon: ...
#1 THING YOU can do to improve, is watch more skillcapped! got from stucked plat every season to diamond 2 peak and played since season 1 thank to this
I get limit testing but dealing with your teammates who probably don't understand that you're learning and not trolling is something else entirely. I'd expect you to get absolutely flamed during this process.
/mute all Every game you suspect you'll deal with trolls. No need to fight with mental strain of pushing down negative thoughts stemming from flame and understanding the test results of your recent int.
mute them if theyre dicks. its about improving yourself and their words and spam pings means no shit to your improvement, it just distracts you and steers you from being better
this is a very simple advise but it goes deep. It is hard to have this mentality in a game that you play for fun. Life is already demanding enough. But yes, I agree, this is the number one mentality to have. Not just in league but in life in general.
Typical top laners: -Complain about Shieldbow adcs -Complain about Galeforce adcs -Complain about kraken slayer Meanwhile Jax has dash, dodges and stat checks everyone
Top laner: ADC item that gives minor dash should be in the game. ADC: I’m just trying to live my life here. Some of us can’t roam on a single item and boots. Dota player: You have not felt suffering until you have fought a feed Tinker or Naga.
Just letting you know this guy mains mid. And yes Top laners will complain about ADCs because most of Top lane champions r countered by them (Jax is not in this category), just like every "typical" ADC player complains about assassins for the same reason.
Also funny how every experienced high elo player knows without a doubt that blue kayn, gale force and obvious absurd things like these should never be in the game.
gale force? literally just giving adcs a tiny bit more survivability and rarely is even good enough but ofc y’all wanna complain abt that when ur champs have dashes on no cd and a billion ways to gap close but no omg i can’t oneshot adcs no way theyre so op
I returned to LoL after 5 years, and people are so toxic. In my first few games back, I've had people following me around and taking cs, or inting my lane because of the tiniest thing or missplay, and this isn't even ranked.
This channel is top quality, hard to find league content this good, but one criticism i have is you guys need to work on your diction, cause for some people not native english speakers it's very hard to understand stuff. Chill a little, speak slower, if people want they can fast forward the video.
I feel like I learn more every day but there's some champions that I still don't understand as far as damage output goes. Only been playing for about 2 years though.
the best tip i can give you. Use Hotkey A + Leftclick to auto attack the nearest enemys. Its so much safer and faster to kill people with Autoattacks instead of having to click on them every time
I just started Lol 3 weeks ago many friends play this and I like this game tried every lane like mid the best still never played ranked as Im not lvl 30 but Its hard as someone who doesnt know anything to get better fast for example I dont know most champs so I do many mistakes cause I dont know what they can do its frustating sometimes
Hello I have a cool and legitimate champion concept if you think that this champion is good drop a like if not tell me what you didn't like about him so I may can change it His passive: when he attacks an enemy with his abilities or basic attacks he applies a bone stack when these stacks reaches 3 the enemy get slowed when the stacks reach max (which is 5) they get rooted. His first ability Q: He unleashs a wave of pats to a certain direction dealing full damage to first target hit and reduced damage to the other targets If this wave hits an enemy champion it leaves some pats that starts attacking this champion while applying bone stacks and the wave continues moving at the same direction. if the enemy champion was the first target hit by this ability they get damaged 3 times with full damage and if the enemy champion wasn't the first target hit they get damaged 2 times with reduced damage this ability can hit multiple targets. His second ability W: He leashes a circular wave that fears all targets hit and summons 5 small skeletons His third ability E: it has tow parts passive and active. Passive: when he kills an enemy minion there is a chance that it spawns a small skeleton Also when an allied minion dies near him it has a chance of spawning a small skeleton but it is lower than when he kills enemy minion skeletons attacks nearby targets Active: he spawns 2 big graves and order them to open spawning 2 zombies that targets nearby enemy champions they can leap to enemy champions if they are cced (slow is not included) they also prioritize low health targets the small skeletons follow the zombies and attack the same zombies' target and leap if zombies leap His ultimate R: After a short delay he summons a graveyard in a specific area that damage enemies over time while applying his passive stacks it also lowers the cool dawn of his passive to 3 seconds instead of 6 second while revealing 3/5/7 big graves (depends on his ultimate level) which immediately opens revealing zombies while continously spawning small skeletons up to 10/15/20 depending on his ultimate level. While in the graveyard skeletons are Invernable to basic attacks and zombies take 50% reduced damage from all Sources if he is in the graveyard he gets bonus ability haste and ability power damage over time is increased based on enemies' missing health (similar to Morgan's W)
Passive is either way worse braum or extremely broken, depending on if there is a timer before stacks can be applied again after reaching max, like Braum. If there are, it is Braum except only he can apply it, need 5 stacks, and roots instead of stunning. If there isn't, build enough as and you can permaroot. Even if it will end up being a bad build because of bad samage and being noot useful at all in teamfights, it will be so cancerous and make some champions literally useless.
@@amitaish1055 his passive has 6 seconds cool dawn and he can't build attack speed he also have low attack speed and his range I small he would need to over extend to atuoatack you
@@amitaish1055 this isn't the point of his passive the point is to make his zombies leap to the enemy and deal damage fir free he usnt support ge can't have brum passive it would be op for him and maybe you can make his abilities deal more damage to the targets that have full stacks and remember that his ult reduces his passive cool dawn
I feel like going aggressive top time and time again is like this definition of insanity thing where you expect a different outcome with even though you are doing the same thing. At least having better vision with a blue trinket would have helped immensely when split-pushing. You probably would have won the game if it weren't for your stubborness :D.
Yeah but the thing is we all know Jax is a very helpful champ to carry in low elo what you are doing in case you want to play something harder that requires IQ, especially as a marksman with out having anything as ss just only dmg and week early like Aphelis dose fro example . Can all this information aply to this scenario as well ? Or all this information is when we play something brain dead , with dodge stuns healing dmg attack speed pretty much everything for 1vs5 situations? Nice video !
Not lose. If you tilt because you got counter picked and your jg doesn't come, you are gonna feed hard. Just accept that you are screwed and farm the best you can. You can go 30cs behind if you need to, as long as you don't die, you will still be relevant in the game.
1:50 Assuming that their jungler was at dragon, even though you didn't see him. / no vision in river.--- You were also solo at less than half health past river. Just begging to get ganked after a failed kill on Vi. Aka - You got greedy af. at 2:38 Vi was clearly pathing straight to you.. sure you had vision, but it was to close for it to do anything for you. Either way the fact that your going for kills instead of shoving the waves was a giant no no. 2:45 lissandra even tried pinging you about it, and you ignored it. at 2:49 aka 15:58 - 16:06 You should have been running for your life, but instead you got greedy an got rightfully punished for it. Heck at 2:58 you even knew why would he stick around to fight me? yet you jumped right in for it. - Your unnecessary greed is what cost this game.
i legit want to limittest too. but i know the limits of my main champion and those limits are... i just call them release gap. i think if i play better champion i have less release gap
You could have survived that probably of you walk down to force him to commit to you under tower. Then jump to ally minion. You also used e too early as the stun and sundered proc could been the difference maker. Also ur e has 25% aoe dmg reduction
you said you we're mistaken by fighting morde, but it wasn't a mistake. the msitake is your mechanics. 2 w would have killed him and then you one shot karma and rotate to vi upper easily. and this would have made you have a huge gold lead and probably put down some visions around baron and drag pit that respawned like 30 seconds later. so yeh free drag there.
2:00 Well you think like it was high elo? Dude I am bronze and literally think the same way and it always works in that type of situations so… just that 1 guy was stupid
@@davidnguyen2474 in some cases I ask in others when someone is 15 kills up in 15 minutes it's pretty clear. I can share some replays. (not saying I play well at all but you can definitely see the skill difference)
3:00 u completely disregarded chat, vi was pinged missing and u were told to retreat smh, this video is literally the most braindead way to "improve" its just being map aware and not over extending your lane
Or maybe just aa him i see u spend a lot of time just walking around in mordes passive while he has no abilities up, and u also have life steal so ? I dont understand why u dont keep aaing him (6:45)
@Skillcapped, how long would it take someone playing a little everyday to get to d4? I'm a g4 peak rn but only been playing for a season and a half, this season is the only one I plan on seriously climbing in.
They give 1 division / month guarantee as you can see in promotion part of the video You'll probly plateau somewhere in plat and will need personal coaching to get further g4 to d4 is probably a bit unrealistic goal in one season imo, unless what's holding you back is easy to fix
Greetings! I began season 11 as a silver jungler. I've always been around silver and g4, had knowledge on a few champs but nothing more. Then, during season 11 i decided that I want to get better and began watching LoL videos, champion guides, jungle guides, and replays. Focused on a tiny jungle champ pool and with time I got better at my fav lads and the jungle macro. I finished S11 as Diamond 3 and I am hoping to get even higher this season. I hope this gave you some ideas on how to proceed, good luck comrade!
Biggest issue i see is hoarding kills when other teammated are nearby hence pushing said teammates even more behind and not giving them a chance to catch up.
Losing through you not playing correctly or perfectly is how you get better at league. Instead of playing in a way where you're just hoping your allies carry you while you just "play safe"
Its so sad to see that the most informative videos get the least views. These kind of videos are really great for learning league, but everyone seems like they would just want to see a small brain tier list. Dont get me wrong these tier lists are useful knowledge but your guy's best videos just dont seem to get as much attention.
Yes,absolutely right. Another channel of skillcapped with challenger full game play also get very little traction. I learn how to deal with zed by viewing how Hector learned zed. Never afraid of my zed opponents anymore. At least I have a clear clue about what would be a bad play. But those good contents just got like 20k+- view counts. The tier list contents on the other hand always have 100k view counts.
This channel explains macro well but I realised it completely ignores micro. After my 10 experience I realise you can get to diamond with good macro really easily but if you have bad mechanics it's really hard to go beyond that. It's season 12 now and players have really good micro and you need to keep up with your apm tethering spacing skillshot accuracy and all these things. I see so many people get frustrated for not climbing because they have good macro + mental but what about your mechanics? If you don't main support I suggest you practice on micro with sites like lol dodge game ( It helps a LOT=play on hard mode) and you will see immidiate results with your clicks and you will feel more confident.
Riot is dogshit,9-1 placements, s+ rating in all games, bronze4, I am 35-17 and I get 15 lp pr win and 14 per loss, makes zero sense to struggle to climb mwith a 60% win rate. Mmr isn't the issue, I had a 11 Game win streak and my lp per game went down every game, my Frien D who was ranked higher 2 seasons ago and hasn't played has a 49% win rate after 50 games and he loses 13 and gains 22..
I hate how skill capped still scam viewers, this game was in G2 Average why would you say it's plat only 1 Player was P4 "Lissandra" and some were Gold 3 Imagine if you are Plat1 watching this video you might think this is the same elo that you always play at but actually, it's not, the Vi in the enemy team is Silver 1 currently with negative WR ( no offense ) but it's not even comparable to the Diamond 4-3 players that you are playing against sometimes they even say that the enemy's rank is gold when they are iron1-bronze 3
Summary Dont go 1 for 1 when u got bounty. consider if the enemy has Flash, gale or not. dodge the morde Q's and spam the ability on your keyboard(W jax).
Improve FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted at: 💪
It's not about winning it's about improving. I think that's the best advice when playing any game.
Now that is a healthy mindset
its about drive its about power…
Watching your replays and seeing what you could have done differently or what you shouldn’t have done is by far the EASIEST way to get better and get out of silver/gold
But then some guides say “if you’re not winning, it’s you’re fault you’re not improving. How to you measure improvement if not by winning?
Skillcapped in their lane guides: "so we got 5cs lead which let us get lvl3 2s faster than the enemy, it's safe to say the game is basically won at that point"
meanwhile behind the scenes:
on the other hand ,, *me in solo q with 20 cs lead , 3 kills and 2 levels behind* BRUH XD
@@amrismail7336 You need to get the XP from the minions
on the other hand my team is well fed, l dont die as much as usual and we still lose somehow
I love that we get to see the human side of McBaze with his little rants about the game while he plays. It's nice to see that even a challenger who smurfs for a living has these little thought processes, and what makes them different is that they don't let them affect their decisions and knowing what the right play is.
2:54 chat is legendary
I aughed hahha
Great video. This is why you also recommend only playing a certain amount of games since if you want to improve your chances of winning you have to be 100% concentrated all the time. So you can minimize crucial mistakes.
I play concentrated only 50% of games and thats why I need to play 100% more. Grinding is fun tho.
@@SXLLXNBXE pretty sure if you can get to chall in 200 games like general sniper you wont make this kind of copium statement
@@fengliu975 i can make silver-plat in 200 games XD lets see how it goes after 2000
Dude when I play the game in the morning I play so good but my brain is stil sleeping😂
It is very important to recognize that you are not your best friend when it comes to understanding if you're burning out, lol. People will deny and convince themselves that they're tilted or burned out and just wreck themselves.
So I started to put two hard caps into my League gameplay:
3 Ranked (SoloQ) games maximum; win or lose.
No Ranked games after 9pm.
No exceptions.
Good luck to everyone on their grind and I hope your placements went well
They didn’t so I’ll be grinding hard this season :)
@@monstman99 same here got today my 3rd match lost due a losing top and a ADC that fed on botlane haha, but hey every mistake is a lesson learned
@@crownjax placements went well? when should this happen ? lol community is most brainless in lower elo and totally toxic , i am happy when i finish a game 5 vs5
I played 1 game ans they put me in B1
Almost about where I left off and on a rocket straight up so, it’s going well.
I think one reason people aren't climbing is that they 'forget' everything they have learned when playing an actual game.
My plat 4 friend is an example. He's very good at vod reviewing, he always have all right answers in skillcapped"s skill test vids. But when I watched him play a soloq game (I sat next to him), he was completely clueless about what he's doing. I and him reviewed that game afterwards, and he himself spotted 7 mistakes in the first 15 minutes.
soo he would be a good coach, but not a good player
I think watching too many videos and vods is problem too. Your friend is probably better off playing more games instead
I have this same problem, and it sucks
When analyzing you don't have to watch for CS, enemy abilities, junglers, position etc))
i think the #1 thing to do to improve is ask what are your intentions when performing an action! This way you catch mistakes before they even happen and adjust to situations
Love this peek Into how someone actually reviews
On 02:05 you say you can go back and tp back to attack the tower. With "new" teleport this is no longer possible. Your wave would be dead until you tp to your own tower and go back to attack the enemy tower.
More lose analysis please. This is so good
Nicely said:
"Low elo where enemys can do random stuff". Man I feel this so much. Playing with friends is always confusing me, when I see what the people do in this games xD
2:50 (Chat)
I tried to take this seriously for one time and this shows up..
This guy has the correct mindset. He aims to improve, not win. And ranting about game balance isn't immature. It's healthy to let out the frustration at times, and sometimes the rant is warranted
Dev: Ok, so you have an ability that grants you speed, allows you to pass through every wall once every 4 seconds and heals you on top of that
Blue Kayn: Ok, understood
Talon: ...
Quinn: ...
thx man was trying to improve by vod rev but didnt know what to pay attention to.
"Kayn being an abomination of a champion" holy shit dude, so true it hurts. Awesome video!
9:32, I love how it's poor bubbles' request that gets rejected haha
#1 THING YOU can do to improve, is watch more skillcapped! got from stucked plat every season to diamond 2 peak and played since season 1 thank to this
Challenge: Win a game in low elo without ever trying to fight the enemy at all.
Bring back Hector!
Oof that would be fucking hilarious, like the comment so they see this on top XD
Look up zero damage Tryndamere challenge, or inting Sion. I’m sure plenty of people have done this exact thing before.
@@D3ath3657 inting sion is basically baus strat, and he's top damage pretty often
Do this on Udyr all the time. like 0-5k damage to champs, 60-100,000 dmg to objectives.
Why do you seem to hold your ult for so much of a fight? In a lot of these deaths, I see you waiting until you're like half health to use it.
I get limit testing but dealing with your teammates who probably don't understand that you're learning and not trolling is something else entirely. I'd expect you to get absolutely flamed during this process.
/mute all
Every game you suspect you'll deal with trolls. No need to fight with mental strain of pushing down negative thoughts stemming from flame and understanding the test results of your recent int.
mute them if theyre dicks. its about improving yourself and their words and spam pings means no shit to your improvement, it just distracts you and steers you from being better
You want to climb or you want your teammates to not flame you?
Full mute is the way to play with strangers bro trust me
this is a very simple advise but it goes deep. It is hard to have this mentality in a game that you play for fun.
Life is already demanding enough. But yes, I agree, this is the number one mentality to have. Not just in league but in life in general.
Popped notification directly came here.!
Typical top laners:
-Complain about Shieldbow adcs
-Complain about Galeforce adcs
-Complain about kraken slayer
Meanwhile Jax has dash, dodges and stat checks everyone
Top laner: ADC item that gives minor dash should be in the game.
ADC: I’m just trying to live my life here. Some of us can’t roam on a single item and boots.
Dota player: You have not felt suffering until you have fought a feed Tinker or Naga.
Kraken Slayer is kinda nuts though. I miss playing tanks.
dont forget the divine sunderer lmao
Just letting you know this guy mains mid. And yes Top laners will complain about ADCs because most of Top lane champions r countered by them (Jax is not in this category), just like every "typical" ADC player complains about assassins for the same reason.
Justice for my boy Small Benis he a real one fr🗣🔥🔥
Also funny how every experienced high elo player knows without a doubt that blue kayn, gale force and obvious absurd things like these should never be in the game.
gale force? literally just giving adcs a tiny bit more survivability and rarely is even good enough but ofc y’all wanna complain abt that when ur champs have dashes on no cd and a billion ways to gap close but no omg i can’t oneshot adcs no way theyre so op
@@bluebeaver0 i think people don't like it because the reason adcs are adcs are because they aren't supposed to have movement
Can mcbaze tell me why they are nerfing zed and buffing yone?
This is great! It means that the things I'm thinking about and critiquing myself on are the correct way to go and I just need to keep at it! :D
Thank you for your time and analysis! ❤ may your games be fulfilling!
2:40 very nice kda score
definitely needed this one Mcbaze!
I like'd the video right away when you did the sincere dragon rant
I returned to LoL after 5 years, and people are so toxic. In my first few games back, I've had people following me around and taking cs, or inting my lane because of the tiniest thing or missplay, and this isn't even ranked.
This channel is top quality, hard to find league content this good, but one criticism i have is you guys need to work on your diction, cause for some people not native english speakers it's very hard to understand stuff.
Chill a little, speak slower, if people want they can fast forward the video.
Very great video!
I feel like I learn more every day but there's some champions that I still don't understand as far as damage output goes. Only been playing for about 2 years though.
the best tip i can give you. Use Hotkey A + Leftclick to auto attack the nearest enemys. Its so much safer and faster to kill people with Autoattacks instead of having to click on them every time
I just started Lol 3 weeks ago many friends play this and I like this game tried every lane like mid the best still never played ranked as Im not lvl 30 but Its hard as someone who doesnt know anything to get better fast for example I dont know most champs so I do many mistakes cause I dont know what they can do its frustating sometimes
Hello I have a cool and legitimate champion concept if you think that this champion is good drop a like if not tell me what you didn't like about him so I may can change it
His passive: when he attacks an enemy with his abilities or basic attacks he applies a bone stack when these stacks reaches 3 the enemy get slowed when the stacks reach max (which is 5) they get rooted.
His first ability Q:
He unleashs a wave of pats to a certain direction dealing full damage to first target hit and reduced damage to the other targets
If this wave hits an enemy champion it leaves some pats that starts attacking this champion while applying bone stacks and the wave continues moving at the same direction. if the enemy champion was the first target hit by this ability they get damaged 3 times with full damage and if the enemy champion wasn't the first target hit they get damaged 2 times with reduced damage this ability can hit multiple targets.
His second ability W:
He leashes a circular wave that fears all targets hit and summons 5 small skeletons
His third ability E: it has tow parts passive and active.
Passive: when he kills an enemy minion there is a chance that it spawns a small skeleton
Also when an allied minion dies near him it has a chance of spawning a small skeleton but it is lower than when he kills enemy minion skeletons attacks nearby targets
Active: he spawns 2 big graves and order them to open spawning 2 zombies that targets nearby enemy champions they can leap to enemy champions if they are cced (slow is not included) they also prioritize low health targets the small skeletons follow the zombies and attack the same zombies' target and leap if zombies leap
His ultimate R:
After a short delay he summons a graveyard in a specific area that damage enemies over time while applying his passive stacks it also lowers the cool dawn of his passive to 3 seconds instead of 6 second while revealing 3/5/7 big graves (depends on his ultimate level) which immediately opens revealing zombies while continously spawning small skeletons up to 10/15/20 depending on his ultimate level.
While in the graveyard skeletons are Invernable to basic attacks and zombies take 50% reduced damage from all Sources if he is in the graveyard he gets bonus ability haste and ability power
damage over time is increased based on enemies' missing health (similar to Morgan's W)
Passive is either way worse braum or extremely broken, depending on if there is a timer before stacks can be applied again after reaching max, like Braum.
If there are, it is Braum except only he can apply it, need 5 stacks, and roots instead of stunning.
If there isn't, build enough as and you can permaroot. Even if it will end up being a bad build because of bad samage and being noot useful at all in teamfights, it will be so cancerous and make some champions literally useless.
@@amitaish1055 his passive has 6 seconds cool dawn and he can't build attack speed he also have low attack speed and his range I small he would need to over extend to atuoatack you
@@Endless_night707 so basically way way worse braum passive... Can get a buff
@@amitaish1055 this isn't the point of his passive the point is to make his zombies leap to the enemy and deal damage fir free he usnt support ge can't have brum passive it would be op for him and maybe you can make his abilities deal more damage to the targets that have full stacks and remember that his ult reduces his passive cool dawn
@@Endless_night707 thats fair
7:18 you could place the ward so your auto wouldnt be cancel and you kill morde
If you die more than 3 times you played bad that game
I feel like going aggressive top time and time again is like this definition of insanity thing where you expect a different outcome with even though you are doing the same thing. At least having better vision with a blue trinket would have helped immensely when split-pushing. You probably would have won the game if it weren't for your stubborness :D.
you dont go blue trinket on jax
@@_cookindaddy9689 Probably not because of the ward jump, but I still think those are some very greedy moves :).
Ah yes the average skillcapped player giving "advice" to the experienced challenger player
@@kiddo4838 Ah yes, the one who thinks a Challenger player makes no mistakes and is always right.
@@MrReese "advice" is in "" because this is a smurf game dude there is no way he was taking this even close to serious, no shit he's making mistakes
Yeah but the thing is we all know Jax is a very helpful champ to carry in low elo what you are doing in case you want to play something harder that requires IQ, especially as a marksman with out having anything as ss just only dmg and week early like Aphelis dose fro example . Can all this information aply to this scenario as well ? Or all this information is when we play something brain dead , with dodge stuns healing dmg attack speed pretty much everything for 1vs5 situations? Nice video !
2:48 wtf is going on in all chat LMAO
i just want to know , when i get first pick top, and my jungler dont help me one time, what am i suppose to do?? open lane?
Not lose. If you tilt because you got counter picked and your jg doesn't come, you are gonna feed hard. Just accept that you are screwed and farm the best you can. You can go 30cs behind if you need to, as long as you don't die, you will still be relevant in the game.
1:50 Assuming that their jungler was at dragon, even though you didn't see him. / no vision in river.--- You were also solo at less than half health past river. Just begging to get ganked after a failed kill on Vi. Aka - You got greedy af. at 2:38 Vi was clearly pathing straight to you.. sure you had vision, but it was to close for it to do anything for you. Either way the fact that your going for kills instead of shoving the waves was a giant no no. 2:45 lissandra even tried pinging you about it, and you ignored it. at 2:49 aka 15:58 - 16:06 You should have been running for your life, but instead you got greedy an got rightfully punished for it. Heck at 2:58 you even knew why would he stick around to fight me? yet you jumped right in for it. - Your unnecessary greed is what cost this game.
glad somebody decent agrees with my opinion on hexgates and galeforce xD
#1 thing you can do to improve is to improve! thanks!
more of this please!
i legit want to limittest too. but i know the limits of my main champion and those limits are... i just call them release gap. i think if i play better champion i have less release gap
I beleive if you went bork>triforce those 1v2 would be much easier
I have question. Why tp back to top if we can tp and help fight at dragon?
You could have survived that probably of you walk down to force him to commit to you under tower. Then jump to ally minion. You also used e too early as the stun and sundered proc could been the difference maker. Also ur e has 25% aoe dmg reduction
I finally found my mistake. I consider myself in hight elo and forget I'm bad too^^.
Please tell me what should i do when every game is a coinflip bot lane.
When my goes 0 15 and the enemy adc is 10 0 at 15 mins
Thank for video
you said you we're mistaken by fighting morde, but it wasn't a mistake. the msitake is your mechanics. 2 w would have killed him and then you one shot karma and rotate to vi upper easily. and this would have made you have a huge gold lead and probably put down some visions around baron and drag pit that respawned like 30 seconds later. so yeh free drag there.
While watching stats I noticed something, I have good reasons to think he's a smurf because he had 10 cs/min and a lot of kills with only a few deaths
2:57 look what karma said xDD
This video seemed so rambly to me. The basic message is "The #1 thing you can do to improve, is review your games"... took ages to get to it
3:31 the enemy karma xD
2:00 Well you think like it was high elo? Dude I am bronze and literally think the same way and it always works in that type of situations so… just that 1 guy was stupid
02:53 there u go again thinking u play with humans. My teams morde would think he can win this fight at least 6 more times.
Give me a guide on how to beat smurfs. I get one in about 20% of my games makes it pretty hard to climb. If you do one I'll sing up to skill capped
how do you know that they're smurf?
@@davidnguyen2474 in some cases I ask in others when someone is 15 kills up in 15 minutes it's pretty clear. I can share some replays. (not saying I play well at all but you can definitely see the skill difference)
After that explanation of limit testing I realize I've never not trolled rip
what is the name of the song. synth soundtrack by the end
3:00 u completely disregarded chat, vi was pinged missing and u were told to retreat smh, this video is literally the most braindead way to "improve" its just being map aware and not over extending your lane
What do I do when my botlane goes 5 25
8:30 damn he clearly was more tilted right after the play
Or maybe just aa him i see u spend a lot of time just walking around in mordes passive while he has no abilities up, and u also have life steal so ? I dont understand why u dont keep aaing him (6:45)
Imagine if were we all playing to improve instead of to win, how much time we would save of our life.
I learned the lesson - if I die I'll just say "unlucky" from now on.
Ok but seriously, what was that Morde Q? U were literally nearly behind him not in front.
This feels like one of my games, half way through I just got tilted.
@Skillcapped, how long would it take someone playing a little everyday to get to d4? I'm a g4 peak rn but only been playing for a season and a half, this season is the only one I plan on seriously climbing in.
They give 1 division / month guarantee as you can see in promotion part of the video
You'll probly plateau somewhere in plat and will need personal coaching to get further
g4 to d4 is probably a bit unrealistic goal in one season imo, unless what's holding you back is easy to fix
Greetings! I began season 11 as a silver jungler. I've always been around silver and g4, had knowledge on a few champs but nothing more. Then, during season 11 i decided that I want to get better and began watching LoL videos, champion guides, jungle guides, and replays. Focused on a tiny jungle champ pool and with time I got better at my fav lads and the jungle macro. I finished S11 as Diamond 3 and I am hoping to get even higher this season. I hope this gave you some ideas on how to proceed, good luck comrade!
This video basically
His mistakes 30%
Riots mistakes 70%
Biggest issue i see is hoarding kills when other teammated are nearby hence pushing said teammates even more behind and not giving them a chance to catch up.
Losing through you not playing correctly or perfectly is how you get better at league. Instead of playing in a way where you're just hoping your allies carry you while you just "play safe"
thank you i reached chellenger with this guide i was bronzze 4 50 lp hard-stuck bronze 3 years ty
I'm an uber noob. This video has a lot of jargon that goes over my head xD
Its so sad to see that the most informative videos get the least views.
These kind of videos are really great for learning league,
but everyone seems like they would just want to see a small brain tier list.
Dont get me wrong these tier lists are useful knowledge but your guy's best
videos just dont seem to get as much attention.
It just came out
Yes,absolutely right. Another channel of skillcapped with challenger full game play also get very little traction. I learn how to deal with zed by viewing how Hector learned zed. Never afraid of my zed opponents anymore. At least I have a clear clue about what would be a bad play. But those good contents just got like 20k+- view counts. The tier list contents on the other hand always have 100k view counts.
maybe less complaign on op champ and mecanics would be a better exemple of a coach but nice video anyway.
Chat @3:40
This channel explains macro well but I realised it completely ignores micro. After my 10 experience I realise you can get to diamond with good macro really easily but if you have bad mechanics it's really hard to go beyond that. It's season 12 now and players have really good micro and you need to keep up with your apm tethering spacing skillshot accuracy and all these things. I see so many people get frustrated for not climbing because they have good macro + mental but what about your mechanics? If you don't main support I suggest you practice on micro with sites like lol dodge game ( It helps a LOT=play on hard mode) and you will see immidiate results with your clicks and you will feel more confident.
Riot is dogshit,9-1 placements, s+ rating in all games, bronze4, I am 35-17 and I get 15 lp pr win and 14 per loss, makes zero sense to struggle to climb mwith a 60% win rate.
Mmr isn't the issue, I had a 11
Game win streak and my lp per game went down every game, my
D who was ranked higher 2 seasons ago and hasn't played has a 49% win rate after 50 games and he loses 13 and gains 22..
how can u improve when ur time has 4 trashes who running it down
I hate how skill capped still scam viewers, this game was in G2 Average why would you say it's plat only 1 Player was P4 "Lissandra" and some were Gold 3
Imagine if you are Plat1 watching this video you might think this is the same elo that you always play at but actually, it's not, the Vi in the enemy team is Silver 1 currently with negative WR ( no offense )
but it's not even comparable to the Diamond 4-3 players that you are playing against
sometimes they even say that the enemy's rank is gold when they are iron1-bronze 3
How to improve: kill squishy, let team fight, ks.
Take the advices and play smart like this in low elo, chat will be full of comments” why u didnt kill him” why u didnt go after him”
I mean dragons are pretty huge now tbh
idk if anyone else noticed but, 2:56ish in chat LOL
In the dravens play he got vi to close
Dont go 1 for 1 when u got bounty. consider if the enemy has Flash, gale or not. dodge the morde Q's and spam the ability on your keyboard(W jax).
0 assists at min 37 - a normal day in the live of a toplaner
its a usefull video but i hate it when people smurf... there is no reason for a top player to play in low elo...
The amount of ranting in this one 😂