I've Google'd more products (the chair you mentioned) from a video that has no sponsor, than I ever did /ever had from video's that are sponsored to advertise... goes to show ramming advertisements in my face turns me away. Want to advertise? Just drop it into casual and relevant conversation =)
25th or 9th Pz would be cool to see because i cant find any gameplay of them on YT yet
One day i will beat you Mr Tman, i may have lost all our games so far but theres always tomorrow haha
:) good attitude to have!
I've Google'd more products (the chair you mentioned) from a video that has no sponsor, than I ever did /ever had from video's that are sponsored to advertise... goes to show ramming advertisements in my face turns me away. Want to advertise? Just drop it into casual and relevant conversation =)
I hate adverts with a passion haha
Nice game! Have you tried out 4e (NL) yet?
Yes I have, suffers against air :/
This meta is so cooked, Air spam, Arty spam and SPAAG is better than IFV’s.