Even if you crouch, figure can still hear your heartbeat when he’s next to you, if you are crouching and always stay in the opposite direction. You can easily do the entire library in 5 minutes even without closets.
For the drawer compartment that holds five drawers, there is a compartment at the top, which guarantees a good item. (Lighter, flashlight, vitamins, lock-picks and bandages). For door 50, Figure actually goes down a set path. The heartbeat mini game isn’t that necessary. Rush comes from behind you. Don’t backtrack, as you are moving to him. The eyes on the wall do nothing, they are an indicator that Seek will happen soon. (the guy that chases you) When Seeks eyes are present, rush cannot spawn to prevent bugs
8:40 for Halt, yes, you don’t need to turn around, but the cue for Halt is a lot, and I mean *A lot* of flickering in a room with no Rush or Ambush encounter. 9:10 Timothy is like a 1/200 chance of spawning, he does like 5 - 10 damage I believe. 13:14 you can look at Seek’s eyes, they don’t work like Eyes. You are completely fine to look at them 14:45 Screech can give a fake “psst!”
Alright so some more tips: Timothy has a 1/200 chance to appear in any drawer you open, but he barely deals damage. Seek: He's the guy that chases you. His eyes start to appear in the walls a few levels beforehand, as an indication. During this time, Rush and Ambush cannot spawn, but dark rooms appear more frequently. Dark rooms: Dark rooms always play the sound that sounds like a Minecraft cave sound. If it doesn't, it's just a lighting error and not an actual dark room. Lighters and flashlights decrease the spawn rate of Screech, so be sure to save them for actual dark rooms. Room 50: Figure can hear exceptionally well. Do not open drawers and stay crouching. There are 8 books, but only 5 are needed for the code. Each book collected increases Figure's speed. Hide cannot kick you out in room 50 until you unlock the door, but Jack can still appear. Halt: Halt is indicated by an *extra-long* light flicker, and not by room. When it says to turn around, do not hesitate to do so. Finally, as others have said, Rush can only spawn in a room with enough wardrobes for everyone playing, so there's never a need to check the room behind you for wardrobes. Luv u
For door 50, I'd suggest crouching the whole time unless you know the figure is far away. Some books aren't part of the code you get on the paper, so you'll need to keep finding books until you have all the correct ones. There are also a few safe spots to just sit while the figure is searching for you. They don't work 100% of the time, but here are the ones I use: 1. Behind the desk where you get the code 2. When you first come in, take a left and go in the corner with the broken lamp 3. The opposite corner 4. Behind the furniture on the top floor 5. (This one requires some directions) when you first come in, take a right then a left. Once you see a closet, there should be a corner where there's a wall of stuff and a bookshelf. That one's safe. Hope this helps YuB!
For an easier way to find the key is to listen closely for a sparkling noise. Items list info: Lighter - Basic light source that has limited fuel. Recommended to keep it above half for better item loot. Decreases Screech chance to appear. When it's at 1-3 bars, the Lighter needs to flick 1-3 more times to turn on. Lockpick - Unlocks doors that are locked, useful for dark rooms that has a locked door. Always recommended for dark rooms with a locked door. Vitamins - Makes you speed for a period of time, also heals you by a bit. Can be used in situations like Seek's Doors section when you go to the wrong way. Flashlight - Starts at 50% power on pre-run shop, it points at where you're looking at. Batteries can be found in drawers. Also has an extended time to be turned on.
the lighter can not be destroyed btw. if it runs out of battery, its just chilling in ur inventory. also, u can pick up batteries, even if ur flash is full, and theyll just be in ur pocket, and will automatically be used
Tip: if you stay in a dark room for long enough, a blue light will mark the door and the key (if it's needed for the door). The blue light will also appear if you don't enter the room so if there's a big dark room just stay in the previous one for a short while and wait for the light to appear
One tip to avoid Rush: Every room he spawns in has at least one locker, meaning you don't need to backtrack and risk death. There is also a entity called Ambush, which works similar to rush except he passes through the room twice and repeats the proccess a few times. Whenever he double-bolts through the room, get out of the closet and re-enter it quickly to avoid getting backhand slapped by Hide (the closet guy that pushes you out). Hope this helps.
Just a few tips to help you out: - When Halt is about to appear, the lights will flicker for a lot longer than if Rush is coming along. You don't need to actually turn around when Halt appears in front of you; you can just walk backwards away from it. - Sometimes, an entity called Ambush will appear instead of Rush. You can identify him because his screaming while passing by will sound different, plus he'll have a green glow. I won't spoil exactly what he does, but let it be known that he is NOT the same as Rush. - Screech can only appear in rooms if a "stinger" sounds when you enter it. As such, it's best to save lighters and other light sources for those rooms. - When you come across an intersection in the Seek chases, you should flick your camera left and right to see which direction to go (shown by the blue light). If neither way is highlighted, keep running; there will be another door in the middle that's the way out. - Timothy is extremely rare, and it's quite normal to not encounter him for quite some time. Even if you do, Timothy is the least of your worries; he deals very little damage. Also you can't avoid getting attacked by Timothy if he does appear. - When you reach the Library, it's safest to always crouch around. The Figure can't see, so it uses sound to find you. Crouching doesn't make any sound while walking does. - Almost any room with one of those desks that have a "push-up drawer" (the ones that open upward) will have a useful item, like a lighter. Make sure to check those! Edit: You don't always HAVE to crouch in the Library. You can still walk around, and you'll be safe as long as Figure isn't nearby. It's still much safer to always crouch, though.
Room 50 That piece is VERY important, there are a total of 8 books each one has a different shape, once you have them all look at the piece of paper to start decoding Example: Paper: Square=1, Circle=2, Your list: Square=4, Circle=0 The number on the paper is the order your deciphered numbers go in on the padlock Sorry if that's confusing I'm not good at explanations
Door 100 go hide in the wardrobe or run pass him of figure is gone get the key and figure is stuck at door 99 of you unlock electrocute room do the puzzled of you did it run to the exit and you escape or there’s more….
At 10:15, you encountered a room where you’re guaranteed a useful item. On the top of the desk, you can open it and you’ll see either the lighter, flashlight, lockpick or vitamins, each of which are very useful. Also, just a tip for Door 50, crouch when hes near you. When he makes a roar sound, following by fast and loud footsteps, that means he’s heard you. Try not to walk over debris on the ground like wooden planks to prevent this. Another tip is back yourself into a corner and stand completely still instead of hiding. He’ll usually walk right past you since he typically doesn’t walk into corners. Remember that he is blind.
For the code, there are different books with shapes and numbers. The sheet you picked up says the code order in roman numerals (I is one, II is two, III is three, IV is four, and V is five) and the shapes represent the number beside it, and once you get all five shapes/numbers then enter the code and leave. Hopefully you find this useful.
the flashlight is very useful it makes dark rooms easier and makes screech not appear as often. Also the further you get the faster screech attacks after whispering. Edit: any light source reduces screech spawn rate not just flashlight
Idk how to properly describe this but in some draws there is a guaranteed item (lighter, lockpick, etc). These can be found in the draws with 5 normal openings, but at the very top there is a 6th opening which has the item! This can spawn any item in the game. (Although lockpicks / vitamins will only spawn 1 of) These can be found in the place you have to crawl through the glass. (Places you can find: 4:16 , 10:16 , 11:07). If there are more you can reply with them ^^ Hopefully this is useful!
Tip for avoiding rush: Don't go into the previous room to find a closet if there is not one nearby in that previous room. If you can see in the next room and there is a nearby closet hide in it and you will be safe. Also, don't stay in hiding spots for too long for no reason.
yub, you got extremely lucky with the figure in room 50. it is recommended to almost ALWAYS stay crouching because the figure is blind and can only hear your footsteps. as for the books, the order (the paper) is randomized and each book is randomized as well. remember that everytime you pick up a book the figure starts roaming faster and faster and becomes more and more unpredictable.
Some note able things to help you: The entity you saw during the whole "turn around" thing was Halt. Let me try and clear it up for you. When the lights flicker, and something like rush doesn't come, it might mean Halt is going to appear after you open the next door. During this, you have to walk forward. Whenever the screen flashes "Turn around", you need to turn around and walk the other way. Keep switching every time you see the "Turn around" until you reach the end. You can also just walk backward and not turn around, but only do that once you get the hang of Halt. Oh and Timothy. Timothy does 5 damage and cannot kill you. Timothy appears in drawers with a 1/200 chance. Timothy will then jumpscare you. Seek was the one chasing you. They appear when those black and white eyes appear on the walls. After a few doors of that, there will be a long hallway. Reaching near the end will begin the chase. Figure always appears at door 50. Figure is noise based, and is blind. I highly recommend you are always crouching to minimize noise. There are 8 special books scattered around. They make a faint twinkling sound. Only 5 are needed, the other 3 are decoys. There's a sheet with the order of code. It corresponds with the shapes in the books. If anything is wrong here, just reply and I'll fix it.
here's a tip not really useful in some situations but if there is a dark room you can go back in the previous room and see what's in the dark room also at 11:05 in those drawers you will always find something good at the top but don't always waste your light source on something memorable
I will try my best to help and give advice on different entity’s, Rush: the lights flicker when he is arriving. but only get in the closet when he SOUNDS close, the reason to not go in the closet for too long is because there is another entity called hide which if you hide in a closet for too long, you will die. but hide does not appear on door 50. Ambush: he is the same as rush, but he comes multiple times, forcing you to get in and out. Halt: you must make sure you keep changing directions when the screen gets full of these commands to turn back or run. Timothy: the spider does almost no damege. There is no avoid though. Seek: when in the hallway with two options in the chase, look both directions. When you see a glowing door, GO THROUGH IT! Figure: he is blind but has good hearing. Make sure to crouch when he is close. But I would recommend crouching at all times. He is basically a roblox warden. There are not 5 books to get, there are some fake books. There are 8 books to get. Please do a part 3 and use my advice.
Hey YuB! Did you know the lighter and flash light reduces the chance of screech appearing? Also, sometimes screech appears without giving his ‘psst’ cue. Or, he appears OUTSIDE of dark rooms after you’ve left them. So, keep watch of them! Also, you have to crouch while playing figure. Also, what the comment meant with halt is that you can turn around and walk backwards so you can keep going the same direction.
Not to sound nerdy, just trying to correct some misdirection. What the comment meant is that when you see your screen flash “turn around”, you can just hold s to walk backwards instead of turning around. This is useful because walking backwards is slower than walking forwards. This can be tricky at first, so another easy trick is to turn around and when you’re going toward the past door, go side to side using a and d while holding w to slow down your movement that way as well. Back to tip 1, the reason this works is because it doesn’t matter if you turn around, it just matters if Halt hits you. Other than that, everything was right. Nice man❤️ (Sorry if this sounded bossy, nerdy, or rude lol, was just trying to fix that misdirection and not confuse people.)
Screech will always make the "Psst", but he will always appear, wait 3 seconds, make the sound, then give you 3 more seconds, but if you frantically look for him, you will never hear the sound cue. Hope this helps in your next run!
a quick tip: during the seek chase you will have an incredibly small time gap to look both ways to find a door, the door that glows blue is the correct one
I recommend using the flashlight, it’s (in my opinion) the best item in the game, unlike lighter, it shows what’s in front of you instead of what’s around you. Flashlight is also rechargeable with batteries that you can find in drawers. If you’re like me who hates dark rooms, I recommend you use it.
I get so angry when yub unnecessarily uses the lighter, or when he goes backwards to hide, or when he doesn't check the desk in the office for loot knowing that something useful is guaranteed to spawn there.
for door 50: always crouch- dont walk/run at all. the figure is blind and can only hear you which is why you dont want to run around. this level is way easier if you dont hide in the closets, you should hide behind chairs. for the code part: each book has a number and shape, the paper you get at the desk shows the order of the shapes, simply plug in the numbers that correspond with the correct shape and put the code in the correct order of what the paper says.
A short guide to Doors: Rush - Hide in closets when the lights flicker, and if you don't hear a noise (Rush's "far away" noise), you can continue since false alarms can happen. Ambush - Use what you learned from Rush, but since it goes back and forth up to 3-4 times, you MUST get out of your hiding spot to avoid Hide. Hide - Will force you out of hiding spots to prevent campers (and also to make the game harder); the time limit you have gets shorter after Door 50, so be aware of that. Figure - Is blind but will be able to figure out where you are if you make any sound. You must crouch for however long you are in the room, and you absolutely should not be near it because it will be able to hear your heartbeat (hence the heartbeat minigame when you are in the closer AND it's right in front of you to check; you must control your heartbeat) Screech - Only appears in naturally dark rooms (rooms that are dark and play an eerie static noise when you enter them / open the door to them. Dodge them by looking for it. Guiding Light - The only helpful entity in the game; it's the blue light that you see inside dark rooms that highlight the doors or the keys in the room, and inside the Seek chases Eyes - Don't look at it otherwise it will attack you for every tick in the game. You cam circumvent this by looking directly away from it or by looking down. Halt - The lights will flicker a lot longer than Rush's will. In short, when you begin the mini-game, keep walking forward until the game tells you to turn around in which you should walk backwards a little bit from where the message was shown. Halt will start coming at you in front of you but will only get to where you were when the message was shown. When it says "turn around" again, continue walking forward and repeat until you reach the end of the room.
an easier way to avoid halt: Basically when the lights flicker for ATLEAST 3-5 seconds that means halt will go "hi" when opening the next door Walk foward when you get teleported to the hallway and hold the "S" key when the screen flashes static saying "TURN AROUND" Repeat the process until you reach the next door, when finishing halt you can safely walk back into the hallway without being harmed. and if you ask why you cant just turn around simply, turning around works the same as the walk backwards trick but slower.
So, figure is blind, but has really good hearing. You must crouch everywhere to avoid him hearing you. Also make sure not to get too close to him because he can hear your heartbeat too. You need to listen out for a sparkly noise and you will find a book. There are 8 books. The code is the corresponding numbers to the shapes in order on the paper. Also, there might be a monster called Ambush soon. You need to hide, and when he leaves, get out then back in so hide does not push you out. Good luck on beating the game! P.S. There are 100 doors.
Here’s a couple tips! 1: turning your graphics down to 4 or less can help SO MUCH with dark rooms! 2: when you encounter rush or ambush, always hide in the room in front of you. (the rook in which the lights flicker.)This is because rush and ambush can only spawn in doors with 2 or more closets, so you will have a guaranteed hiding place. 3. In rooms with those desks (I don’t remember exactly what it was called) always open the top large folding drawer. This always holds a useful item. (Usually a lighter, flashlight, or lock pick)
So glad you played more of this game! Edit: you can’t dodge Timothy, he’s just a rare entity in drawers, he only deals 5% of your health and leaves you on 1% if you’re almost dead. Also, in door 50 there are 8 books, try to collect them all while crouching to figure out the code.
5 hp not 5%, 5% would be 25 hp i think also my dad owns roblox and he will get you banned eheeheheheheheehhehehhe ahahahahahha lalalalahahhaalfakghafnka ^ this is a dumb joke dont take it seriously
Light Sources only need to be used in Rooms with a sound when the door opens. Which means scenarios like Rush and Ambush Breaking lights and the gate room do not house screech. Timothy only does 5 damage to you, and cannot kill you, do not worry about him. Halt is a tricky one for beginners, just use W and S to go forward and backwards when it tells you to turn around, he's easier when you've finally gotten it down. Back to screech, you can sometimes hear fake/ambience pssts, they are quieter than normal ones, so keep your ears nice and open in dark rooms! Figure is an odd ball, the minigame can be avoided entirely actually, you must crouch while staying far away from him, he is blind but has decent hearing, another comment explained the puzzle so I will not go into detail. Tip for Screech, He spawns a bit before he actually pssts, so its recommended to helicopter up down and left right Tip for rush, dont walk backwards, the room ahead is guaranteed to have at least 1 closet 2 tips for Seek, the eyes only indicate that he will appear soon, they do no hard, unlike eyes, the one from the puzzle room that you found when running from seek, make sure to look both ways at the crossroads! if you see a blue light, run towards it, if neither left or right doors have a light, the door is in the middle And finally, There are 3 monsters that use Flickers as a sign that they are coming Rush- his lights flicker a normal amount, hide in closet when you hear that he is close Halt- his lights flicker a TON, that's how you know the next room is halt (I also think he only appears once every game) There is one more monster that uses flickers, but you haven't seen him yet, Try using what you've learnt from rush but in a different way when you spot him, he can appear very rarely at door 5 and above (i think) and very common after 90, also, it is very rare for him to appear twice, so don't sweat it Hope you see these and they help, have a good door
Yub makes my days better I have been watching yub's videos as soon as they came out I am always the first to watch them I love them thank you soo much Also heres a guide of the entitys i met Eyes-dont look at him Halt-if the lights flicker alot that means he is there , if "turn around" flashes on your screen walk backwards or turn the other way Rush-not much light flickering , hide if this happens Ambush-a bit more light flickering , comes 2 to 6 times , hide like rush Timothy-dont worry about him , only if you have 5 or less health Seek-run for your life , eyes on walls mean hes coming , also he can make hands at the last room of the chase and avoid the fire Figure-hes blind but he has better sense then you (eg : hearing) he can trigger a mini game if he comes to a closet with you in it , comes in door 50 and 100 Screech-hides in dark rooms , if you hear "psst" then look around furiously (deals 40 damage if not found in time)
flashlight is good to buy at the start of the game if you're constantly searching drawers for batteries. they only spawn if you obtain one at the beginning, or in a drawer (rare)
ive beaten doors like 10 times I think this might help timothy: There is nothing you can do timothy just wants to say hi rush: lights fllickering and u jump in a closet, it might be helpful to wait until you hear lightbulbs shattering because of hide's patterns (i will elaborate more further down on hide) halt: hes the one that said turn around and run, whenever you encounter him run straight forward, once you see turn around just walk back a few steps, he will not be able to get you eyes: a bunch of eyes with purple glow, if you look straight down, even if you pass straight through eyes, it will not hurt you. seek: you beat seek already hes the one that chased you through a lot of doors, you encounter him once before door 50 and once after, they are random but usually around door 30 and 80 figure: hes the Demogorgon looking one that ended the episode, he is blind but has heightened hearing, never get to close or walk while he is near, always crouch, as for heartbeat minigame using mouse is easier for most people, he has a set walking pattern so watching him for a while before you look for books is easier, on door 50 the sheet of paper has tally marks telling you the order of shapes and numbers, get the paper and look for books with shining noise and they stick out from the wall. he is also the main antagonist of this game, you encounter him on door 50 and 100 screech: when you hear the "psst!" flick your mouse to turn around and look up and down as fast as you can, this is because he always appears behind you either above or below you ambush: this is like rush but a much higher pitched scream, he will come back so every time he comes by and disappears, get in the closet and get out once hes gone, get back in and get back out however many times it takes him to despawn, also vents are the best spots to be during ambush. glitch: its just a jumpscare shadow: will make a lit room turn dark or a dark room lit, also just a jumpscare. jack: will hide in a closet and when you open it will jumpscare you and deny you entry, make sure to try to re-enter if he does that, also there is "hallway jack" just a jumpscare hide: dont stay in a closet or bed for too long, you will be kicked out and wont be able to re enter a hiding spot until the next door, also the further in the game you are the faster hide will kick you out, keep this in mind when rush is coming. side note: hide will not come on door 50 or 100 guiding light: the only friendly entity, they are responsible for the blue light you see during the seek sequence, in a dark room while looking for a key, spirit (alternate guiding light name) will light up a key sometimes or the exit to a dark room, they also cause the shining sound you hear when near a key or book. ITEMS key: opens doors (yeah duh) lighter: provides small amount of light until fuel runs out flashlight: provides tons of lights, batteries for flashlight will spawn only if a player has a flashlight and even if flashlight is dead you wont lose it vitamins: gives you big speed boost and heals you a little bit lockpick: picks locks then breaks, you should only use these on dark rooms if you dont want to get hurt by screech hope this helps!
The rooms with the big drawer aka the offices have good loot. Just open the top circle-ish drawer. Also in Door 50 you always have to crouch just in case, you have to stay in spots that The Figure doesn't go. Also he's blind so thats why you have to crouch. But if he's close don't move.
Here are tips: Rush: Hide in a hiding spot when it's near Glitch:has a chance to appear when opening doors Ambush:comes back 4-6 times so you might need to go in and out of a closet Screech: If you hear it, then stare it down Hide:kicks you out if your in a closet for too long! Seek: chases you Jack: sometimes appears in a closet and rejects you Figure:Crouch in door 50 and hide when needed. If at door 100, then walk past after cutscene Eyes:Hurts you, look down to fully avoid him! Timothy: has a 1/1200 chance to appear in drawer Halt: Run from it and walk backwards when it says turn around! I think that's all! Enjoy!
Tips: For Figure (The red one) you must crouch ALL THE TIME while searching the books, because if you don't figure can hear you, either don't get too close tough because it will hear your heartbeat. For Rush, once you open a door you will find wardrobes (Or whatever their name are) and hide there For Thimothy, you can not avoid it, but it dosen't do much damage and it appears really rarely For Halt, Once you get teleported into the room, walk, when it says "Turn around" you turn around and walk, and then it will say turn around again and you can turn around again and keep going, you must keep doing this for all the time, tough, when it says "Run" turn around and run Sometimes in wardrobes, you can find "Jack" that will just scream in your face and that means you can not use that wardrobe, but it dosen't do any damage Then there is Ambush, is like Rush, but it will make a different sound, it will go away and come back, after it does it the first time, exit from the wardrobe to breath and then enter again in it fastly, the number of times is random Anyways you need the coins for buying stuff before the game starts like: -The flashlight, that lights up more than the lighter, that will have 50% of battery at the start but it needs other batteries that are difficult to find -The lighter, that lights room up -the lockpick, that when you don't find a key or simply are too lazy to do so, you can open the door with the lock -and the vitamins, that heals you a little and makes you go faster for a short time. And anyways some noises are harmless, like the door knocking and hearing the "ptts" sound in door 50 (You can't get Screech in level 50) Hope this helps
A few tips: For rush your don't need to backtrack, there is always at least one closet If you hear a psst in a light room or it's not a loud psst then screech isn't there. It's only if it sounds like he's whispering directly in ur ear Seek, the black goop guy that chases you, makes eyes appear in the rooms before him. Not the blue looking eyes, but the wall eyes. If the lights flicker but you hear a sort of squishy sound then it's just the eyes, not rush or ambush. Depending on how many eyes there are in each room can indicate on how close you are you are to seek. There are 2 seek chase scenes in one run. I'll try to explain this as non-confusing as I can, for halt everytime it flashes in your face "TURN AROUND" you, of course, turn around. You may need to do this multiple times before you reach the next door. BUT! If you want to go a bit faster then when it says "TURN AROUND" you can just back up a bit so halt doesn't touch you. Once it flashes it again just keep going. It's rinse and repeat. For door 50, there is figure. Figure is very blind, but has very good hearing. If he's close by then you have to crouch to stay undetected. If he comes close then just back into a corner or closet and wait till he leaves. The paper is the code to the symbols and numbers. If it says something like O - 5 (Circle - five) and the paper says O - l (Circle - Roman numeral of one) then 5 is the first digit of the code. There are, i think, 8 books you may have to collect. Also, the big desk looking thing always has something at the big top drawer, usually like a lighter or lockpick and stuff like that. Depending on how far you get and if you collect money along the way it will give you copper looking coins you can use in the pre-run shop. Vitamins heal a bit and make you faster for a few seconds, lockpick are, well, lockpicks, and lighters and flashlights are light sources. If you don't have a light source and you get to a dark room, try to look where to go before you get in the room. If you hug the wall it might help. Btw the background noises like knocking and footsteps don't mean anything, they're just there to trick you Sorry if this was a bit long, hope it helps! :)
also if you play with friends, you die by getting to far away from your group, and the creature is called "glitch" he also appears is you break the game somehow, like clipping out a window.
Heres some help if you make part 3 yub! Rush - He comes by rooms when the lights flicker and kills everyone who is not hiding in a closet or under a bed. Eyes - You need to look at the opposite direction or at the ground and he can spawn in any room. Hide - All you need to do is not hide in closets or under beds for to long. Screech - He only apears in dark rooms and he makes a "Psst" sound when hes near. But with a light sourse like a lighter or a flashlight the chance of him apearing is lowered. Ambush - Just like rush he flickers the lights when hes coming but he doesnt go just once, he goes back and foward 2 to 6 times. Halt - It has a low chance of spawning but what you need to do when you incounter it is when hes behind you go foward, and when the screan says turn around, go backwards. By doing this you can get past halt and the long hallway. It isnt hard, just annoying in speedruns. Timothy - He only takes away 10 hp but is very rare with a 1/200 chance of him spawning in drawers. Jack - He is a jumpscare entity. He has a 1/20 chance of spawning in drawers. Guiding light - The guiding light is a peaceful entity and it gives off blue hues on drawers and doors for players to easily find keys. Glitch - He only apears in doors games with more than 1 player. If your group leaves you behind by 5 doors, glitch will run towards you and teleport you to your friends. Seek - He comes at doors 30-40 and 70-80. You need to run through obstacles by crouching and dodging. Figure - He comes at door 50. What you need to do when you reached theres rooms are crouch almost all the time, find books in bookshelfs, and get the paper on the table to turn the shapes on the books into numbers to find the 5 digit code. Figure (again) - He comes again at door 100. What you need to do is open the big door by pulling the lever and hiding in the closet after the cutscene, wait about 2 to 3 minues in the closet. Then you need to go in to the security room and activate the power by playing a minigame for the elevator to work. After you have done all of that go to the place where the cutscene happened and climb the stairs. Afther climbing you will find an elevator. Go in it and you win! Hope this helps! :D
Explanation Of Every Character And Every Way To Not Die: Rush: Hide In A Closet To Avoid Being Killed. Screech: Look At Him Whenever You Hear A Psst. Sometimes Screech Does Not Make A Psst So Keep An Eye Out! Seek: after A Few Rooms Of Eyes Showing On Walls, There Will Be A Long Hallway Which Is When A Chase Seen Starts. Run And Crouch Under Objects And Also Make Sure Not To Touch The Black Hands Or Fire. The Fire Takes A Segment Of Your Health Away However The Black Hands Instantly Kill You. The Figure: The Figure Is Blind So Stay Crouched To Not Get Caught. You Will Need To Collect 8 Books In Order To Crack The Code. There Is Also No Point In Looking The Code Up On The Internet As It Is Different For Everyone. Hiding In Closets As The Figure Comes By Will Result In A Rhythm Game Type Mechanic Which You Can Not Mess Up On 3 Times. If You Do, It Will Result In An Instant Death. Ambush: Ambush Is The Same As Rush But He Comes Multiple Times. From 2 To 5 Times You Will Have To Leave And Enter The Closets Until He Goes. Hide Also Kicks You Out The Closets Sooner So It’s Very Complicated! Hide: You Don’t See Hide But Hiding In Any Hiding Place For Too Long Will Result In A Segment Of Your Health Taken Away And Pushed Out Of The Hiding Place. Halt: The Room Will Turn Into A Dark Hallway With The Only Illumination Being Either Halts Eyes, Your Flashlight Or Lighter. Halt Will Appear Back And Fourth As You Can Look At Him If You Want To Or Just Not Look. Either Way It Doesn’t Matter. You Must Make It Through A Few Doors To Escape Him. Jack: He Is Harmless Only He Appears In Closets And Jump-Scares You In Hopes To Either Get You Killed By Not Letting You In Or Scaring You. After Being Jump Scared Once He Will Go Away And You Can Enter. Guiding Light: This Entity Will Help You Escape. He Sheds A Blue Light Onto Doors. Or Drawers Hoping To Get You To Safety. Like So YuB Sees!
Alot and alot of tips for your gameplay: Figure has advanced hearing, and it is advise to crouch all the time and stay quiet, and remember Figure’s patrol path as it’s very important, don’t get too close, and hide in the closet if you absolutely have to, he can sense your heartbeat if your too close so it is advise to stay out from his range, and every book you get, the more faster he get’s and his detecting range will get large as you get the book also, find book’s that are in the paper then decode them in the correct order, example is octagon, hexagon, circle, triangle and square, if i get the book with those shapes/geometric shapes, then go upstairs and stay on the right corner of the exit door of Door 50, i stay there and decode them, so the code is 83290, i put the code in the padlock, and Door 50 is completed! Figure can also appear in Door 100/The end of the 1st floor, I will add tips on Door 100 soon. More tips under here! More entity tips!: Ambush = A familiar entity that has a function of Rush but more faster plus has braincells, he goes back 2 times to 3, and 4 times, and you must get out to prevent Hide to attack you, get in if he gets back. Hide = An entity that kicks you out for staying in the closet for too long, maybe this happens because your paranoid, anyways. Hide can kick you out (before Door 50) to 1 to 10/12 seconds, but after Door 50, Hide will get more common as now his attack time is 7/5 seconds, so it is advise to stay out the closet fast or Hide will attack you. Glitch = Glitch occurs in Singleplayer or neither Multiplayer, he occurs in Singleplayer when a room generation glitches, Glitch will not take your health and rescue you from a glitched room generation room, he also appears when you open a door but the second you open the door, the room gets deleted and Glitch will teleport you to the next room, no damage still but the Multiplayer Glitch is different. Glitch (Multiplayer Version) = Glitch in Multiplayer is the same mechanics but Glitch in Multiplayer has a new feature, his new feature is this: If someone/or you are AFK while your teammates/friends are going, if they reached to door 5/6, Glitch will teleport you to the group/teammates/friends, he will take 40/20 of your health so it is advise in Multiplayer to stay with your friends together. Shadow = A rare entity that has 1/2000 chance of appearing, this is very rare as he will occur in the next room, if your lucky, then he will make a glitchy sound and flicker light as he goes away in a milisecond, your lucky as this is very rare! Window/Sally/Sally2 = An entity that has 1/2000 or maybe even rarer, this is the most rarest entity as this entity only appears in a window with a fast going-away thunder, with that placeholder, Sally/Windows will be beside of it and gets away with the thunder in a milisecond, honestly if you got this entity, you are in good and lucky! Jack = Jack has 2 versions, the one in the closet (ooga booga hahaha) and the room version. But i will go on to the closet one. The Closet Jack has a 1/20 chance of appearing so hes rare, he will appear when Rush/Ambush is trying to kill you, basically he will troll you and make Rush/Ambush kill you, but this event is very rare, Now the Room Jack is super rare much like Shadow/Creepy_dude and Sally/Sally2/Window, he will appear with a chance of 1/2000! He will appear and turn the room he stays on bloody and red with dark, it will fade away as long as your in the room his with on, but he will disappear before he turns the room bloody. Halt = A blue tornado dude with a shining sparkly eyes, he appears when the light flickers too long, he will sent you to his own corridor, you must act quickly if you must turn around! (Hint: you can go backwards instead turning around as this will waste your time, you can look at Halt if your going backwards as he says Turn around, have fun looking at a horror blue tornado of living!). That’s all the talking tips so see ya if you want some tips!
Yub, Here's A Couple Tips, Its Pretty Long, Sorry. In The Room With The Boxes And Bed, In The Drawers You Find The Key In. There's A Secret Compartment With A Lighter On Top Of The Drawers. The Figure, Or The Guy In Door 50, is blind, so if you crouch he can't find you. But if you get too close, he can hear your heartbeat. For Seek, The Guy At The Chase, Look For The Sparkling Particles, they lead the way. And When Doing The Chase And Your At The Part With The Doors, look both ways for the sparkles and if there is no sparkles and go to the door at the front of the room/ behind the obstacles When Lights Flicker But The Eyes Are On The Wall, Its Not Really Gonna Kill You. For Halt. Just Look One Way, And Right As You See The Static "run away" or "turn around",look the same way but move the opposite way of halt. It saves time. If your In a room with a vent and the lights flicker, hiding in the vents means he can't kill you. The Monster Named "Hide" Is That Thing When You Hide Under The Bed and it kicks you out. If you hide for too long then it kicks you out. When in a dark room, never use your lighter and just keep walking forward. If you still don't get to the door. Use the lighter. There's A Monster Named Ambush, He Is Just Rush Except He Keeps Going Forwards And Backwards. You Have To Get Out The Bed/ Locker Once He Passes You And Get Back Into Hiding. This Is So "Hide" Can't Kill You. Hope This Helps You! I Found Your Channel In 2021 And I Love Your Channel! Bye!
Just some more tips yuby wuby Screech- you just look at him before he gets you Rush-get into a hiding place or instantly die Seek- go through the obstacles or instant death(there are 2 of them through all doors) Halt- turn around when it says or run into him (Not seen) Ambush-the same effects as rush but does it multiple times (Not seen)Glitch-only comes to take u to the rest of the group Figure -idk I suck Thx for the great vids yub
With dark rooms, do NOT search the drawers, only if you're in a room with a locked door, as it can waste your lighter/flashligh fuel. Also, if you have a lockpick, only use them in dark rooms which has a lock.
To make things brighter lower your graphics too 2 it makes it so much better. Also the flashlight is a good source of light but needs battery’s which will spawn in drawers as soon as you obtain it. ALSO when you find the table with 5 drawers the top part can be opened which has guaranteed items such as pills, lighter, flashlight, and lock picks.
*Tips!* - If the lights flicker, NEVER GO BACKWARDS!! There's bound to be at least 1 closet in the room to hide in if the lights flicker. - the Figure is blind. While they can't see you, they can hear you very well. Make sure you stay crouched and far away from them! - The order for the lock code on the library door is shown on the paper you find on the desk! It's always random, and there's a bunch of books in the library to find. The Roman numerals line up with the shapes on the paper, and the shapes correspond to a number in the code. - If there are eyes on the walls, that means that you will soon encounter Seek. _(aka the one that chases you with the cool soundtrack.)_ - *SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR DOOR 100!!* There will be a cutscene after you pull a lever. While the cutscene plays, hold the forward key (W). This will allow you to go straight up the stairs and get the key instead of hiding in a closet and waiting! Plus, you don't have to do the heart mini-game again! :D I love your videos YuB!! Have a nice day! :] _(Also, you should play Rat House! It's another Roblox horror game, and it's one of my favorites.)_
Tips: Don't go back when you see rush, just get next to a closet in the room where the lights flicker. Jack may appear in a closet, and he is a 1 in 20. Timothy sucks. The rooms that look like the ones at 6:10 with those large 5 drawers have a top 6th drawer, which is guaranteed a lighter or flashlight if you have neither. If you have a lighter / flashlight, you can still find lighters and flashlights, but also vitamins or lockpicks. At 50, just crouch. The figure won't go after you if you are far away from it. Hide will tell you to 'get out' of a closet or from under a bed. If you see warning signs, get out of the hiding spot. Also, not a tip: I wonder how many 9 year olds have gone like 'yUb iM GoOd aT DoOrS PlAy wItH Me'
Tips to getting through room 50 since it's hard The figure rarely goes past the right side of the lower floor as long as you don't move when he is heading towards the stairs and he always goes through the left side when it is downstairs To know you are near a book listen for a sparkle noise To know when you can leave a closet especially the one next to the paper make sure the footsteps of the figure are hard to hear There are three books with shapes you don't need Crouch through the whole thing unless he is running to you and you gotta get in a closet The entrance door is a safe spot and the figure never walks there if it can't hear you Make sure the figure is upstairs when going through the left side and middle There are many closets in the upper area Avoid getting the heartbeat game Check the downstairs first then do upstairs and stay near closets when the creature is near Also you have to turn around when halt tells you to
yub i like you soooo much keep up the good work also a tip:when you see the lights flicker for a long time that means that rush is not coming, but that means that if you open the next door halt will spawn, if you see the screen say TURN AROUND that means that halt just spawnd right in front of you, that means that you gotta TURN AROUND, repeat that process until you reach the next door and a tip for figure, he cant see but he can hear far more better than you, that means you need to keep crouching so that figure dosent get you, and when you collect a book he gets faster so beware of that, also when you collect 2 books figure is the same speed as you just so you know, anyways yub keep it up😄👍
If you wanna make a part 3 of doors here are the other monsters if you encounter them Ambush - ambush is the same as rush but has difference, he can come back for 2, 3, 4 times, to beat him if he goes back to the previous room get out of the closet and go back in so hide can't get you Jack - there is a 1 in 20 chance he can pop out in the closet but he cannot damage you, he just jump scare you, and there is a rare chance it can happen when you enter the other room and can make the entire room red A-60 - he is the rarest entity in the game if the light flickers differently it means it's him, but he can catch up to you for 2-3 minutes, but the thing is he is faster than ambush meaning hiding in the closet when he comes in the room will shake more violently Ripper - same rarity as A-60 but has difference if you hear the scream of it, the room will become red and hide quickly because he is also fast but did not shake the closet violently, and if he goes in the room he will slam the next door Shadow - he can appear in the next room but it's rarity is almost as the same as A-60 and ripper he can just jump scare you a bit That's it........let me know if there are monsters that he didn't encounter
Here's a tip for room 50: ALWAYS crouch and the books tell you a shape and a number, the note tells you the order of the shapes and the shapes = number. the figure is blind but can hear very well however if you are in a closet you will have to do a minigame (aka that heartbeat one) there are 8 books in total however only 5 of them are real
One tip with avoiding Ambush: It is really just like Rush but Ambush goes back and forward a couple times. If there is Hide (the thing that kicks you out of a hiding spot) is there just exit then get back in after Ambush goes back at least once. However you may not be having many problems with Ambush since Ambush is rare.
The more doors you go through, Ambush gets more common after door 50/60. There are cases when players get Ambush on door 5 and it is Extremely rare to encounter on door 5 on a game.
Tip for the items The lockpick is good for getting rooms done quickly The vitamins are good for running fast, if you see eyes on the wall and then a long room without any, use them when seek appears to run as fast as possible, and they can stack Lighter decreases the chance of screech by 98%, so if you don't want to deal with him just get a lighter via purchase or random drop. Flashlight is just a slightly worse version of the lighter, and only provides 90% decrease Coins provide a small boost to knobs, and you use knobs to buy items at the start of the game I won't suggest buying the items, I find it a waste.
I have a magic trick. I can make the rest of the comments dissapear! Only below this tho. Click on read more for it See? It worked! Fine. You can get them back :(
10:15 you NEED (should) open the top drawer of the desk. There is usually an item inside. Note: any light source (for example, lighter.) protects you from Screech.
More tips: Jack: he has a chance to appear in a hallway or closet Ambush: he’s like rush but he backtrack, Seek: just run, when you see a hallway that has two sides, look both sides, if you see glowing blue lights go to it if you see none just go ti the middle Figure: he is blind, just don’t get near him, he gets faster like BALDI basics every book, Halt: whenever he says turn around do it, repeat until you get out
There's a version of Rush that can come back their name is Ambush so basically you do the same thing as rush but you have to stay inside the closet or whatever you're hiding in they will be a greenish blue hue
encounters on how to do them: rush: once the light flickers do not turn back and find the nearest closet} Seek: once you reach door 30/35 eyes will start to apear on the wall you can look at them but once you reach a hallway qith no eyes on the wall you need to R U N.} then seek will apear from the floor then crouch under objects that are in your way then when you reach the very last seek door go left right left then you beat seek!} Figure: once you reach door 50 figure will come out you need to stay crouched the whole time your in that room and make sure he doesnt hear you! on book shelfs you need to find books then in them there will be shapes and numbers then you will see a desk some where is that room that has the code on it once you do that code for the door you are good to go} Ambush: so once you reach door 95/or/35 Ambush will apear he flickers the lights longer and he does a staticy noise once he gos past you 2 times hes not done he will come back over and over again that means you need to jump out of a closet a few times. then soon he will be gone and your good to go} seek:2 encounter this ones a little tricky but you will get used to it you need to run away from seek and make sure you dont go the wrong way find doors with a large blue light on them those are the doors u need to go through} Figure 2: once you reach door 100 you flick the lever and the left side once figure jumps on the railing run left up the stairs and dont go back down until you dont see him theres a key in the elevator and theres a power box to power the elevator up the numbers with full squars in it you need to turn the numbers with nothing in the squars you keep off} and boom just like that you beat the game
YuB here are some tips Rush-when the lights flicker like normal you know he is coming Ambush-pretty much the same as rush but ambush scream sounds different and once he passes by he will come back a few times Timothy-just a spider that sometimes jumpscares you when you open drawers and is very rare Eyes-a entity that damages you if you look at it Seek-at door 30 you make it to seeks room and he will chase you until you reach door 37 Hide-a creature in every closet that kicks you of a closet if you stay in it too long Halt- i dont know much about halt lol but all i know is that halts room lights flicker a lot faster than rush Jack- a monster that sometimes spawns in a closet making you unable to enter it Figure-a blind tall creature who has great hearing so much he can hear your heartbeat Glitch-i dont know about glitch lol
A few tips for you Glitch - it will spawn when any room don't spawn and you take 0 damage. If you left behind by the group you take 10 or 40 damage. Eyes - If Eyes spawn Look down quickly You will take 10 damage when looking at him. Jack - It will Spawn at the room or closet. Jack at closet will jumpscare you. Jack at room will spawn a red room Seek - He will goes up at the slime and chase you make sure you see guiding light at the door don't get to close to the hand it will get you and die. Shadow - He will scare you and disappear. Ambush - Hes like rush but not the same. Ambush goes 2-6 times. Hide - He will do "GET OUT" if you stay longer you get kick, you will take 40 damage
-Halt is very slow so you can walk backwards while looking forward. -Timothy has a 1/200 chance of being in a drawer and does 5 damage. Don’t worry about getting rid of him
Rush- If the lights flicker, hop in a closet. Ambush- Ambush is Rush but better and will come back and forth, you have to get out of the locker and back in 2-4 times until Ambush leaves. Timothy- Spider boi in drawer lol. Screech- If you hear a 'pssst' then look all around your screen and look at him. Jack- He just sometimes does not let you go in a wardrobe. Halt- When he says 'turn around' you don't even have to turn around you can just start walking the opposite way over and over until you reacher the end of the corridor. Hide- Will kick you out of a wardrobe if you are in it too long. Seek- Follow the blue light, crouch under falling shelves, and look left and right to find the lit-up door in the pick-a-path. Figure door 50- ALWAYS be crouched because of his insane hearing (he can't see btw) you have to go to the librarian's desk and grab the paper to find out how to do the code, then find all the books needed to enter it into the lock and leave. Eyes- Do not look at him, simple Figure door 100- Run past him in the cutscene (walk through the metal shelf that he pulls down) and run up the stairs to grab the electrical key, then go back down to open the door and do they puzzle (flip the numbers that are lit up) then RUN as fast as you can too the elevator and you have beaten the game
For ambush you need to hide in a closet.don’t think that is it it comes back when it is gone and coming for round 2 get out the same closet and go back in so hide won’t push you out.
YuB, in those rooms you call… ‘harmless’, you should probably see if you can try to click the top, if you do, you can actually get things. Also… good content! :>
In that room with the switch and the barrels, its isn't very good to use your lighter because you are in no danger of screech if you don't hear that eerie sound when you open the door.
Rush=when the lights flicker hide Ambush= he comes back 2-6 times so hide then get out and do it again Halt= when it said turn around turn around Timothy=he just jumpscares and do -1hp Figure=crouch and find books and find a paper to do a code Seek=run away from him and dodge stuff Screech= look at his ugly face
tips and tricks: ambush: the same as rush but comes back more than once and the flicker lasts a bit longer but don't look at it! rush: the lights flicker for about a second, hide under or in a vent closet or bed. timothy: open a drawer and there is a rare chance you find him. jack: same as timothy but its a closet. hide: stay in a closet to long and you get kicked out. seek: indicated by eyes on the wall you can run from him but you can't hide. figure: yeah you're basically dead halt: if there is a very long flicker (longer than ambush) happens halt will spawn if you see "run away" or "turn around" walk backwards if your walking forwards, vica versa
Here is how to avoid all the monsters: Rush, to avoid this one go to a closet when the lights flicker it will also break the lights so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Sometimes instead of Rush, Ambush may spawn, he is much more dangerous than Rush because he can go through the rooms multiple times and he is faster than Rush. Screech: quickly look behind you when you hear a “psst” sound. Halt: when you see the word turn around go backwards or turn around and run he appears in the next numbered door after the lights flicker but Rush or Ambush doesn’t appear. Hide: if you stay a hiding place for too long you are kicked out and are unable to enter another hiding place for a while. Eyes: if you progress too fast, Eyes will appear to slow you down. All you have to do is look away from him and you’ll be fine. Timothy: has a 1/200 chance to appear in a cabinet and will scare you on opening his cabinet. Jack: has a very low chance to appear in a closet, he is very scary. Seek: he will chase you and appears in both doors 30-45 and doors 80-95 all you have to do is crouch under the rubble and follow the light, his presence is noted by eyes on the walls. Figure: appears on door 50 and 100, in the door 50 encounter, search for books and a special note. The note has the order of the number and the books have a symbol and a number. The numerals on the note represent the order of the numbers example, if circle = 1 and the numeral underneath it is V, that means 1 is the fifth digit. Note: Timothy deals 5 damage but cannot kill you, Halt deals 60 damage, Screech deals 40, Eyes deal 10 per second and Hide deals 40 damage.
here are tips for doors yub: rush - hide from him in the closets or beds ambush - the same as rush except he rebounds he does this 1-6 rimes hide - dont hide for too long or he will take 40 hp from you (hide is not on 100 or 50) jack - appears in closets to make u NOT get in shadow - the dude who will have a rare chance at getting and cant hurt (jack cant either) figure - he cannot see but can sense so crouch only but do not get close to him guiding light - he guides you thru the game and dark rooms and helps you screech - he says "psst" if you hear it try to find him and look at him eyes - basically the opposite of screech cause you cant look at him or u will take 5 damage timothy - just a lil spider that does 5 damage eye - the one who appears when seek is coming and cant do damage but tries to be creepy seek - he will spawn some eyes in rooms when he is near called eye and if u dont run fast enough from him u will die so its basically just a chase but we call it seek chase glitch - a fail-safety entity he basically will appear when your behind your team or some rooms need time to load-in the books in door 50 - there are 8 in total the paper is the shapes in order and the code is random halt - start running the opposite way he is coming to you when he gives u a flash image (turn around message) if you dont he will deal 60 damage get hit again and your dead (sorry if i explained this one badly) thats all the info i got hope this helped and i hope you will play doors again! also feally sorry if this spoils stuff
Even if you crouch, figure can still hear your heartbeat when he’s next to you, if you are crouching and always stay in the opposite direction. You can easily do the entire library in 5 minutes even without closets.
bros 15 minutes into the video already
@@SnowinBinxers frrrr
How tf does man’s know this, vids been out like 4 minutes💀
Bro that’s why I always died from him when I was not making sound
And if he hears you run to the nearest closet and get your fnf skills ready
Hiding at figure is annoying
4:31 Hide
5:06 Rush
5:24 Eyes
6:46 Timothy
6:59 Rush (Death)
7:57 Halt (Death)
10:03 Rush
10:53 Rush
12:31 Rush
13:28 Screech
13:51 Seek
14:47 Screech
15:05 Rush
15:45 Figure (Death)
who needed this?
@@vieiratyler this is interesting okay
@@vieiratyler its youtube tradition to have jumpscare timestamps in horror game videos
Yes ur right
For the drawer compartment that holds five drawers, there is a compartment at the top, which guarantees a good item. (Lighter, flashlight, vitamins, lock-picks and bandages).
For door 50, Figure actually goes down a set path. The heartbeat mini game isn’t that necessary.
Rush comes from behind you. Don’t backtrack, as you are moving to him.
The eyes on the wall do nothing, they are an indicator that Seek will happen soon. (the guy that chases you)
When Seeks eyes are present, rush cannot spawn to prevent bugs
8:40 for Halt, yes, you don’t need to turn around, but the cue for Halt is a lot, and I mean *A lot* of flickering in a room with no Rush or Ambush encounter.
9:10 Timothy is like a 1/200 chance of spawning, he does like 5 - 10 damage I believe.
13:14 you can look at Seek’s eyes, they don’t work like Eyes. You are completely fine to look at them
14:45 Screech can give a fake “psst!”
1 damage
agreed listen to theese
No, Your Wrong Timothy is not 1/200 he got buffed so he comes WAYYY more often when u open drawers
no he still a 1/200
it was
It was 🎉
For as so
i don't think it's possible for yub to have a flop era. he's just too cool for it lol
So true
Nice but yub is guna die if no enter locker
Ya he died
Died again but by hult
@@samurablood202 “hult” lol it’s halt
Alright so some more tips:
Timothy has a 1/200 chance to appear in any drawer you open, but he barely deals damage.
Seek: He's the guy that chases you. His eyes start to appear in the walls a few levels beforehand, as an indication. During this time, Rush and Ambush cannot spawn, but dark rooms appear more frequently.
Dark rooms: Dark rooms always play the sound that sounds like a Minecraft cave sound. If it doesn't, it's just a lighting error and not an actual dark room. Lighters and flashlights decrease the spawn rate of Screech, so be sure to save them for actual dark rooms.
Room 50: Figure can hear exceptionally well. Do not open drawers and stay crouching. There are 8 books, but only 5 are needed for the code. Each book collected increases Figure's speed. Hide cannot kick you out in room 50 until you unlock the door, but Jack can still appear.
Halt: Halt is indicated by an *extra-long* light flicker, and not by room. When it says to turn around, do not hesitate to do so.
Finally, as others have said, Rush can only spawn in a room with enough wardrobes for everyone playing, so there's never a need to check the room behind you for wardrobes.
Luv u
True I got him at door 99
For door 50, I'd suggest crouching the whole time unless you know the figure is far away. Some books aren't part of the code you get on the paper, so you'll need to keep finding books until you have all the correct ones. There are also a few safe spots to just sit while the figure is searching for you. They don't work 100% of the time, but here are the ones I use:
1. Behind the desk where you get the code
2. When you first come in, take a left and go in the corner with the broken lamp
3. The opposite corner
4. Behind the furniture on the top floor
5. (This one requires some directions) when you first come in, take a right then a left. Once you see a closet, there should be a corner where there's a wall of stuff and a bookshelf. That one's safe.
Hope this helps YuB!
For an easier way to find the key is to listen closely for a sparkling noise.
Items list info:
Lighter - Basic light source that has limited fuel. Recommended to keep it above half for better item loot. Decreases Screech chance to appear. When it's at 1-3 bars, the Lighter needs to flick 1-3 more times to turn on.
Lockpick - Unlocks doors that are locked, useful for dark rooms that has a locked door. Always recommended for dark rooms with a locked door.
Vitamins - Makes you speed for a period of time, also heals you by a bit. Can be used in situations like Seek's Doors section when you go to the wrong way.
Flashlight - Starts at 50% power on pre-run shop, it points at where you're looking at. Batteries can be found in drawers. Also has an extended time to be turned on.
thank you
the lighter can not be destroyed btw. if it runs out of battery, its just chilling in ur inventory. also, u can pick up batteries, even if ur flash is full, and theyll just be in ur pocket, and will automatically be used
yub if you are looking at this the flashlight is just to see further
@@FL4M3real it does get destroyed
Tip: if you stay in a dark room for long enough, a blue light will mark the door and the key (if it's needed for the door). The blue light will also appear if you don't enter the room so if there's a big dark room just stay in the previous one for a short while and wait for the light to appear
Fun fact the blue light is an entity that helps you its called guiding light. Its the entity that tells you what to do when you die
@@therandomone5718 yeah I know I just didn't think it would've helped knowing that
One tip to avoid Rush: Every room he spawns in has at least one locker, meaning you don't need to backtrack and risk death. There is also a entity called Ambush, which works similar to rush except he passes through the room twice and repeats the proccess a few times. Whenever he double-bolts through the room, get out of the closet and re-enter it quickly to avoid getting backhand slapped by Hide (the closet guy that pushes you out). Hope this helps.
ambush actually come 2-6 times
hide when you are trying to stay in the closet when trying to stay away from ambush: watch yo tone * slaps balls and flings out of closet *
@@aresm932 😳
“Locker” closet.
@@unvrsll 2-8, actually.
Just a few tips to help you out:
- When Halt is about to appear, the lights will flicker for a lot longer than if Rush is coming along. You don't need to actually turn around when Halt appears in front of you; you can just walk backwards away from it.
- Sometimes, an entity called Ambush will appear instead of Rush. You can identify him because his screaming while passing by will sound different, plus he'll have a green glow. I won't spoil exactly what he does, but let it be known that he is NOT the same as Rush.
- Screech can only appear in rooms if a "stinger" sounds when you enter it. As such, it's best to save lighters and other light sources for those rooms.
- When you come across an intersection in the Seek chases, you should flick your camera left and right to see which direction to go (shown by the blue light). If neither way is highlighted, keep running; there will be another door in the middle that's the way out.
- Timothy is extremely rare, and it's quite normal to not encounter him for quite some time. Even if you do, Timothy is the least of your worries; he deals very little damage. Also you can't avoid getting attacked by Timothy if he does appear.
- When you reach the Library, it's safest to always crouch around. The Figure can't see, so it uses sound to find you. Crouching doesn't make any sound while walking does.
- Almost any room with one of those desks that have a "push-up drawer" (the ones that open upward) will have a useful item, like a lighter. Make sure to check those!
Edit: You don't always HAVE to crouch in the Library. You can still walk around, and you'll be safe as long as Figure isn't nearby. It's still much safer to always crouch, though.
Sweep the floors
Bro wrote a whole paragraph
Room 50
That piece is VERY important, there are a total of 8 books each one has a different shape, once you have them all look at the piece of paper to start decoding
Paper: Square=1, Circle=2,
Your list: Square=4, Circle=0
The number on the paper is the order your deciphered numbers go in on the padlock
Sorry if that's confusing I'm not good at explanations
in order 12345
Door 100 go hide in the wardrobe or run pass him of figure is gone get the key and figure is stuck at door 99 of you unlock electrocute room do the puzzled of you did it run to the exit and you escape or there’s more….
Light means click
No light means don’t click in the puzzled
It's changes randomly
Surprised people still play this game
At 10:15, you encountered a room where you’re guaranteed a useful item. On the top of the desk, you can open it and you’ll see either the lighter, flashlight, lockpick or vitamins, each of which are very useful.
Also, just a tip for Door 50, crouch when hes near you. When he makes a roar sound, following by fast and loud footsteps, that means he’s heard you. Try not to walk over debris on the ground like wooden planks to prevent this. Another tip is back yourself into a corner and stand completely still instead of hiding. He’ll usually walk right past you since he typically doesn’t walk into corners. Remember that he is blind.
he if you stay near the figure, he will kill you because he heard your breating
Nice advice, you made your advice better and shorter than mine!… 😅🥲
For the code, there are different books with shapes and numbers. The sheet you picked up says the code order in roman numerals (I is one, II is two, III is three, IV is four, and V is five) and the shapes represent the number beside it, and once you get all five shapes/numbers then enter the code and leave. Hopefully you find this useful.
No 9 books
@@berlbruce49 it’s 8
its 8 books guys!
@@berlbruce49 8 :/
Guys its just an amount of books :I
I love that he is so scared of timothy
the flashlight is very useful it makes dark rooms easier and makes screech not appear as often. Also the further you get the faster screech attacks after whispering.
Edit: any light source reduces screech spawn rate not just flashlight
basically 2 items
Idk how to properly describe this but in some draws there is a guaranteed item (lighter, lockpick, etc).
These can be found in the draws with 5 normal openings, but at the very top there is a 6th opening which has the item!
This can spawn any item in the game. (Although lockpicks / vitamins will only spawn 1 of)
These can be found in the place you have to crawl through the glass. (Places you can find: 4:16 , 10:16 , 11:07). If there are more you can reply with them ^^
Hopefully this is useful!
Tip for avoiding rush:
Don't go into the previous room to find a closet if there is not one nearby in that previous room. If you can see in the next room and there is a nearby closet hide in it and you will be safe. Also, don't stay in hiding spots for too long for no reason.
That's the thing I was confused about since he comes from the previous door anyways
yub, you got extremely lucky with the figure in room 50. it is recommended to almost ALWAYS stay crouching because the figure is blind and can only hear your footsteps. as for the books, the order (the paper) is randomized and each book is randomized as well. remember that everytime you pick up a book the figure starts roaming faster and faster and becomes more and more unpredictable.
Some note able things to help you:
The entity you saw during the whole "turn around" thing was Halt.
Let me try and clear it up for you.
When the lights flicker, and something like rush doesn't come, it might mean Halt is going to appear after you open the next door.
During this, you have to walk forward.
Whenever the screen flashes "Turn around", you need to turn around and walk the other way.
Keep switching every time you see the "Turn around" until you reach the end.
You can also just walk backward and not turn around, but only do that once you get the hang of Halt.
Oh and Timothy.
Timothy does 5 damage and cannot kill you.
Timothy appears in drawers with a 1/200 chance.
Timothy will then jumpscare you.
Seek was the one chasing you.
They appear when those black and white eyes appear on the walls.
After a few doors of that, there will be a long hallway.
Reaching near the end will begin the chase.
Figure always appears at door 50.
Figure is noise based, and is blind.
I highly recommend you are always crouching to minimize noise.
There are 8 special books scattered around.
They make a faint twinkling sound.
Only 5 are needed, the other 3 are decoys.
There's a sheet with the order of code.
It corresponds with the shapes in the books.
If anything is wrong here, just reply and I'll fix it.
*If the lights flicker, but something like rush doesnt come, and if there are no eyes on the walls
the lights flicker alot more if it's halt.
Ive seen timothy kill before, very bad run 😢
@@Kool2772 u cant die by timothy
only happens when awkwardly quiet and flickers too much.
here's a tip not really useful in some situations but if there is a dark room you can go back in the previous room and see what's in the dark room also at 11:05 in those drawers you will always find something good at the top but don't always waste your light source on something memorable
I will try my best to help and give advice on different entity’s,
Rush: the lights flicker when he is arriving. but only get in the closet when he SOUNDS close, the reason to not go in the closet for too long is because there is another entity called hide which if you hide in a closet for too long, you will die. but hide does not appear on door 50.
Ambush: he is the same as rush, but he comes multiple times, forcing you to get in and out.
Halt: you must make sure you keep changing directions when the screen gets full of these commands to turn back or run.
Timothy: the spider does almost no damege. There is no avoid though.
Seek: when in the hallway with two options in the chase, look both directions. When you see a glowing door, GO THROUGH IT!
Figure: he is blind but has good hearing. Make sure to crouch when he is close. But I would recommend crouching at all times. He is basically a roblox warden. There are not 5 books to get, there are some fake books. There are 8 books to get. Please do a part 3 and use my advice.
This is a really well made game and I'm so happy you checked it out YuB. Great video as always!
Hey YuB! Did you know the lighter and flash light reduces the chance of screech appearing? Also, sometimes screech appears without giving his ‘psst’ cue. Or, he appears OUTSIDE of dark rooms after you’ve left them. So, keep watch of them! Also, you have to crouch while playing figure.
Also, what the comment meant with halt is that you can turn around and walk backwards so you can keep going the same direction.
Not to sound nerdy, just trying to correct some misdirection. What the comment meant is that when you see your screen flash “turn around”, you can just hold s to walk backwards instead of turning around. This is useful because walking backwards is slower than walking forwards. This can be tricky at first, so another easy trick is to turn around and when you’re going toward the past door, go side to side using a and d while holding w to slow down your movement that way as well. Back to tip 1, the reason this works is because it doesn’t matter if you turn around, it just matters if Halt hits you. Other than that, everything was right. Nice man❤️ (Sorry if this sounded bossy, nerdy, or rude lol, was just trying to fix that misdirection and not confuse people.)
Screech will always make the "Psst", but he will always appear, wait 3 seconds, make the sound, then give you 3 more seconds, but if you frantically look for him, you will never hear the sound cue. Hope this helps in your next run!
@@SpectrizedwastakenThough this is meant in a kind gesture, there are some instances where even if you’re still, screech will not make his ‘psst’ cue.
a quick tip: during the seek chase you will have an incredibly small time gap to look both ways to find a door, the door that glows blue is the correct one
I recommend using the flashlight, it’s (in my opinion) the best item in the game, unlike lighter, it shows what’s in front of you instead of what’s around you. Flashlight is also rechargeable with batteries that you can find in drawers. If you’re like me who hates dark rooms, I recommend you use it.
I get so angry when yub unnecessarily uses the lighter, or when he goes backwards to hide, or when he doesn't check the desk in the office for loot knowing that something useful is guaranteed to spawn there.
@@teamxarev4097 I did not know you could send images of your face on TH-cam can you teach me how
@@G-GLITCH just send this 🤓
for door 50: always crouch- dont walk/run at all. the figure is blind and can only hear you which is why you dont want to run around. this level is way easier if you dont hide in the closets, you should hide behind chairs. for the code part: each book has a number and shape, the paper you get at the desk shows the order of the shapes, simply plug in the numbers that correspond with the correct shape and put the code in the correct order of what the paper says.
No. You should only walk if he's close to you.
Crouching is optional. Most speedrunners can do it without crouching.
A short guide to Doors:
- Hide in closets when the lights flicker, and if you don't hear a noise (Rush's "far away" noise), you can continue since false alarms can happen.
- Use what you learned from Rush, but since it goes back and forth up to 3-4 times, you MUST get out of your hiding spot to avoid Hide.
- Will force you out of hiding spots to prevent campers (and also to make the game harder); the time limit you have gets shorter after Door 50, so be aware of that.
- Is blind but will be able to figure out where you are if you make any sound. You must crouch for however long you are in the room, and you absolutely should not be near it because it will be able to hear your heartbeat (hence the heartbeat minigame when you are in the closer AND it's right in front of you to check; you must control your heartbeat)
- Only appears in naturally dark rooms (rooms that are dark and play an eerie static noise when you enter them / open the door to them. Dodge them by looking for it.
Guiding Light
- The only helpful entity in the game; it's the blue light that you see inside dark rooms that highlight the doors or the keys in the room, and inside the Seek chases
- Don't look at it otherwise it will attack you for every tick in the game. You cam circumvent this by looking directly away from it or by looking down.
- The lights will flicker a lot longer than Rush's will. In short, when you begin the mini-game, keep walking forward until the game tells you to turn around in which you should walk backwards a little bit from where the message was shown. Halt will start coming at you in front of you but will only get to where you were when the message was shown. When it says "turn around" again, continue walking forward and repeat until you reach the end of the room.
Heh, figure out. Nice pun
Guiding light isn’t the only helpful entity, we have curious light now
Who else loves it when a TH-cam plays doors for the first time, and then they get killed by rush, I love their reactions to the entities.
an easier way to avoid halt:
Basically when the lights flicker for ATLEAST 3-5 seconds that means halt will go "hi" when opening the next door
Walk foward when you get teleported to the hallway and hold the "S" key when the screen flashes static saying "TURN AROUND"
Repeat the process until you reach the next door, when finishing halt you can safely walk back into the hallway without being harmed.
and if you ask why you cant just turn around simply, turning around works the same as the walk backwards trick but slower.
you can turn around or use w and s
So, figure is blind, but has really good hearing. You must crouch everywhere to avoid him hearing you. Also make sure not to get too close to him because he can hear your heartbeat too. You need to listen out for a sparkly noise and you will find a book. There are 8 books. The code is the corresponding numbers to the shapes in order on the paper. Also, there might be a monster called Ambush soon. You need to hide, and when he leaves, get out then back in so hide does not push you out. Good luck on beating the game!
P.S. There are 100 doors.
YuB playing with the skateboard on the microphone was so me when i was younger, huge throwback
7:09 Why do you have so many windows open lmao
Here’s a couple tips!
1: turning your graphics down to 4 or less can help SO MUCH with dark rooms!
2: when you encounter rush or ambush, always hide in the room in front of you. (the rook in which the lights flicker.)This is because rush and ambush can only spawn in doors with 2 or more closets, so you will have a guaranteed hiding place.
3. In rooms with those desks (I don’t remember exactly what it was called) always open the top large folding drawer. This always holds a useful item. (Usually a lighter, flashlight, or lock pick)
Or vitamins too
So glad you played more of this game!
Edit: you can’t dodge Timothy, he’s just a rare entity in drawers, he only deals 5% of your health and leaves you on 1% if you’re almost dead. Also, in door 50 there are 8 books, try to collect them all while crouching to figure out the code.
@@pppjack250_plays youre going to r/gocommitdie
actually, you CAN dodge timothy! just close the drawer on his face
5 hp not 5%, 5% would be 25 hp i think
also my dad owns roblox and he will get you banned eheeheheheheheehhehehhe ahahahahahha lalalalahahhaalfakghafnka
^ this is a dumb joke dont take it seriously
@@OverviewEdits you have 100 HP in total and 5% of 100 is 5 so he is right
Light Sources only need to be used in Rooms with a sound when the door opens.
Which means scenarios like Rush and Ambush Breaking lights and the gate room do not house screech.
Timothy only does 5 damage to you, and cannot kill you, do not worry about him.
Halt is a tricky one for beginners, just use W and S to go forward and backwards when it tells you to turn around, he's easier when you've finally gotten it down.
Back to screech, you can sometimes hear fake/ambience pssts, they are quieter than normal ones, so keep your ears nice and open in dark rooms!
Figure is an odd ball, the minigame can be avoided entirely actually, you must crouch while staying far away from him, he is blind but has decent hearing, another comment explained the puzzle so I will not go into detail.
Tip for Screech, He spawns a bit before he actually pssts, so its recommended to helicopter up down and left right
Tip for rush, dont walk backwards, the room ahead is guaranteed to have at least 1 closet
2 tips for Seek, the eyes only indicate that he will appear soon, they do no hard, unlike eyes, the one from the puzzle room that you found
when running from seek, make sure to look both ways at the crossroads! if you see a blue light, run towards it, if neither left or right doors have a light, the door is in the middle
And finally, There are 3 monsters that use Flickers as a sign that they are coming
Rush- his lights flicker a normal amount, hide in closet when you hear that he is close
Halt- his lights flicker a TON, that's how you know the next room is halt (I also think he only appears once every game)
There is one more monster that uses flickers, but you haven't seen him yet, Try using what you've learnt from rush but in a different way when you spot him, he can appear very rarely at door 5 and above (i think) and very common after 90, also, it is very rare for him to appear twice, so don't sweat it
Hope you see these and they help, have a good door
Bro you sound like the guiding light
@@Oohrah_man OOOOO-
well timothy can kill you if you dont have alot off health
@@baconking314 this is false! he cant actually kill you!
Yub makes my days better
I have been watching yub's videos as soon as they came out
I am always the first to watch them
I love them thank you soo much
Also heres a guide of the entitys i met
Eyes-dont look at him
Halt-if the lights flicker alot that means he is there , if "turn around" flashes on your screen walk backwards or turn the other way
Rush-not much light flickering , hide if this happens
Ambush-a bit more light flickering , comes 2 to 6 times , hide like rush
Timothy-dont worry about him , only if you have 5 or less health
Seek-run for your life , eyes on walls mean hes coming , also he can make hands at the last room of the chase and avoid the fire
Figure-hes blind but he has better sense then you (eg : hearing) he can trigger a mini game if he comes to a closet with you in it , comes in door 50 and 100
Screech-hides in dark rooms , if you hear "psst" then look around furiously (deals 40 damage if not found in time)
love how yub can still be entertaining while not even playing the game for 2 minutes
how does bro do it
yum 😟
@@oaktoaster8599 LMAO ITS UNDERSTANDABLE 💀
The king plays Doors again! Looking forward to the spooks ahead
flashlight is good to buy at the start of the game if you're constantly searching drawers for batteries. they only spawn if you obtain one at the beginning, or in a drawer (rare)
Sucks for the fact that lighter is as effective and costs less
@@Me_Proffy Nah, flashlight lets you see deeper into the dark. That's rlly good alredy
Lighter is better. It can spawn more vitamins and cool stuff, and its a honestly more effective light source rather than the flashlight
ive beaten doors like 10 times I think this might help
timothy: There is nothing you can do timothy just wants to say hi
rush: lights fllickering and u jump in a closet, it might be helpful to wait until you hear lightbulbs shattering because of hide's patterns (i will elaborate more further down on hide)
halt: hes the one that said turn around and run, whenever you encounter him run straight forward, once you see turn around just walk back a few steps, he will not be able to get you
eyes: a bunch of eyes with purple glow, if you look straight down, even if you pass straight through eyes, it will not hurt you.
seek: you beat seek already hes the one that chased you through a lot of doors, you encounter him once before door 50 and once after, they are random but usually around door 30 and 80
figure: hes the Demogorgon looking one that ended the episode, he is blind but has heightened hearing, never get to close or walk while he is near, always crouch, as for heartbeat minigame using mouse is easier for most people, he has a set walking pattern so watching him for a while before you look for books is easier, on door 50 the sheet of paper has tally marks telling you the order of shapes and numbers, get the paper and look for books with shining noise and they stick out from the wall. he is also the main antagonist of this game, you encounter him on door 50 and 100
screech: when you hear the "psst!" flick your mouse to turn around and look up and down as fast as you can, this is because he always appears behind you either above or below you
ambush: this is like rush but a much higher pitched scream, he will come back so every time he comes by and disappears, get in the closet and get out once hes gone, get back in and get back out however many times it takes him to despawn, also vents are the best spots to be during ambush.
glitch: its just a jumpscare
shadow: will make a lit room turn dark or a dark room lit, also just a jumpscare.
jack: will hide in a closet and when you open it will jumpscare you and deny you entry, make sure to try to re-enter if he does that, also there is "hallway jack" just a jumpscare
hide: dont stay in a closet or bed for too long, you will be kicked out and wont be able to re enter a hiding spot until the next door, also the further in the game you are the faster hide will kick you out, keep this in mind when rush is coming.
side note: hide will not come on door 50 or 100
guiding light: the only friendly entity, they are responsible for the blue light you see during the seek sequence, in a dark room while looking for a key, spirit (alternate guiding light name) will light up a key sometimes or the exit to a dark room, they also cause the shining sound you hear when near a key or book.
key: opens doors (yeah duh)
lighter: provides small amount of light until fuel runs out
flashlight: provides tons of lights, batteries for flashlight will spawn only if a player has a flashlight and even if flashlight is dead you wont lose it
vitamins: gives you big speed boost and heals you a little bit
lockpick: picks locks then breaks, you should only use these on dark rooms if you dont want to get hurt by screech
hope this helps!
"A perfect beatbox doesn't exist-"
The beatbox: 2:53
It’s hilarious seeing yub (a grown man) absolutely freaking out over a kids game
Bro I always get scared of "Oliver"! He is utterly terrifying!
That’s the whole channel
@@YuB yes
The rooms with the big drawer aka the offices have good loot. Just open the top circle-ish drawer. Also in Door 50 you always have to crouch just in case, you have to stay in spots that The Figure doesn't go. Also he's blind so thats why you have to crouch. But if he's close don't move.
Here are tips:
Rush: Hide in a hiding spot when it's near
Glitch:has a chance to appear when opening doors
Ambush:comes back 4-6 times so you might need to go in and out of a closet
Screech: If you hear it, then stare it down
Hide:kicks you out if your in a closet for too long!
Seek: chases you
Jack: sometimes appears in a closet and rejects you
Figure:Crouch in door 50 and hide when needed. If at door 100, then walk past after cutscene
Eyes:Hurts you, look down to fully avoid him!
Timothy: has a 1/1200 chance to appear in drawer
Halt: Run from it and walk backwards when it says turn around!
I think that's all! Enjoy!
For Figure (The red one) you must crouch ALL THE TIME while searching the books, because if you don't figure can hear you, either don't get too close tough because it will hear your heartbeat.
For Rush, once you open a door you will find wardrobes (Or whatever their name are) and hide there
For Thimothy, you can not avoid it, but it dosen't do much damage and it appears really rarely
For Halt, Once you get teleported into the room, walk, when it says "Turn around" you turn around and walk, and then it will say turn around again and you can turn around again and keep going, you must keep doing this for all the time, tough, when it says "Run" turn around and run
Sometimes in wardrobes, you can find "Jack" that will just scream in your face and that means you can not use that wardrobe, but it dosen't do any damage
Then there is Ambush, is like Rush, but it will make a different sound, it will go away and come back, after it does it the first time, exit from the wardrobe to breath and then enter again in it fastly, the number of times is random
Anyways you need the coins for buying stuff before the game starts like:
-The flashlight, that lights up more than the lighter, that will have 50% of battery at the start but it needs other batteries that are difficult to find
-The lighter, that lights room up
-the lockpick, that when you don't find a key or simply are too lazy to do so, you can open the door with the lock
-and the vitamins, that heals you a little and makes you go faster for a short time.
And anyways some noises are harmless, like the door knocking and hearing the "ptts" sound in door 50 (You can't get Screech in level 50)
Hope this helps
Ah yes, flashlight 1 and flashlight 2
Btw, just joking about a typo, this can be useful for any new players
I love it when yup thinks that hiding behind a chair would make him avoid rush.
Cuz it will
A few tips:
For rush your don't need to backtrack, there is always at least one closet
If you hear a psst in a light room or it's not a loud psst then screech isn't there. It's only if it sounds like he's whispering directly in ur ear
Seek, the black goop guy that chases you, makes eyes appear in the rooms before him. Not the blue looking eyes, but the wall eyes. If the lights flicker but you hear a sort of squishy sound then it's just the eyes, not rush or ambush. Depending on how many eyes there are in each room can indicate on how close you are you are to seek. There are 2 seek chase scenes in one run.
I'll try to explain this as non-confusing as I can, for halt everytime it flashes in your face "TURN AROUND" you, of course, turn around. You may need to do this multiple times before you reach the next door. BUT! If you want to go a bit faster then when it says "TURN AROUND" you can just back up a bit so halt doesn't touch you. Once it flashes it again just keep going. It's rinse and repeat.
For door 50, there is figure. Figure is very blind, but has very good hearing. If he's close by then you have to crouch to stay undetected. If he comes close then just back into a corner or closet and wait till he leaves.
The paper is the code to the symbols and numbers. If it says something like O - 5 (Circle - five) and the paper says O - l (Circle - Roman numeral of one) then 5 is the first digit of the code. There are, i think, 8 books you may have to collect.
Also, the big desk looking thing always has something at the big top drawer, usually like a lighter or lockpick and stuff like that. Depending on how far you get and if you collect money along the way it will give you copper looking coins you can use in the pre-run shop. Vitamins heal a bit and make you faster for a few seconds, lockpick are, well, lockpicks, and lighters and flashlights are light sources. If you don't have a light source and you get to a dark room, try to look where to go before you get in the room. If you hug the wall it might help. Btw the background noises like knocking and footsteps don't mean anything, they're just there to trick you
Sorry if this was a bit long, hope it helps! :)
Also copper looking gold thing is knobs
That's what she said
also if you play with friends, you die by getting to far away from your group, and the creature is called "glitch"
he also appears is you break the game somehow, like clipping out a window.
Heres some help if you make part 3 yub!
Rush - He comes by rooms when the lights flicker and kills everyone who is not hiding in a closet or under a bed.
Eyes - You need to look at the opposite direction or at the ground and he can spawn in any room.
Hide - All you need to do is not hide in closets or under beds for to long.
Screech - He only apears in dark rooms and he makes a "Psst" sound when hes near. But with a light sourse like a lighter or a flashlight the chance of him apearing is lowered.
Ambush - Just like rush he flickers the lights when hes coming but he doesnt go just once, he goes back and foward 2 to 6 times.
Halt - It has a low chance of spawning but what you need to do when you incounter it is when hes behind you go foward, and when the screan says turn around, go backwards. By doing this you can get past halt and the long hallway. It isnt hard, just annoying in speedruns.
Timothy - He only takes away 10 hp but is very rare with a 1/200 chance of him spawning in drawers.
Jack - He is a jumpscare entity. He has a 1/20 chance of spawning in drawers.
Guiding light - The guiding light is a peaceful entity and it gives off blue hues on drawers and doors for players to easily find keys.
Glitch - He only apears in doors games with more than 1 player. If your group leaves you behind by 5 doors, glitch will run towards you and teleport you to your friends.
Seek - He comes at doors 30-40 and 70-80. You need to run through obstacles by crouching and dodging.
Figure - He comes at door 50. What you need to do when you reached theres rooms are crouch almost all the time, find books in bookshelfs, and get the paper on the table to turn the shapes on the books into numbers to find the 5 digit code.
Figure (again) - He comes again at door 100. What you need to do is open the big door by pulling the lever and hiding in the closet after the cutscene, wait about 2 to 3 minues in the closet. Then you need to go in to the security room and activate the power by playing a minigame for the elevator to work. After you have done all of that go to the place where the cutscene happened and climb the stairs. Afther climbing you will find an elevator. Go in it and you win!
Hope this helps! :D
Explanation Of Every Character And Every Way To Not Die:
Rush: Hide In A Closet To Avoid Being Killed.
Screech: Look At Him Whenever You Hear A Psst. Sometimes Screech Does Not Make A Psst So Keep An Eye Out!
Seek: after A Few Rooms Of Eyes Showing On Walls, There Will Be A Long Hallway Which Is When A Chase Seen Starts.
Run And Crouch Under Objects And Also Make Sure Not To Touch The Black Hands Or Fire.
The Fire Takes A Segment Of Your Health Away However The Black Hands Instantly Kill You.
The Figure: The Figure Is Blind So Stay Crouched To Not Get Caught. You Will Need To Collect 8 Books In Order To Crack The Code.
There Is Also No Point In Looking The Code Up On The Internet As It Is Different For Everyone.
Hiding In Closets As The Figure Comes By Will Result In A Rhythm Game Type Mechanic Which You Can Not Mess Up On 3 Times.
If You Do, It Will Result In An Instant Death.
Ambush: Ambush Is The Same As Rush But He Comes Multiple Times.
From 2 To 5 Times You Will Have To Leave And Enter The Closets Until He Goes.
Hide Also Kicks You Out The Closets Sooner So It’s Very Complicated!
Hide: You Don’t See Hide But Hiding In Any Hiding Place For Too Long Will Result In A Segment Of Your Health Taken Away And Pushed Out Of The Hiding Place.
Halt: The Room Will Turn Into A Dark Hallway With The Only Illumination Being Either Halts Eyes, Your Flashlight Or Lighter. Halt Will Appear Back And Fourth As You Can Look At Him If You Want To Or Just Not Look.
Either Way It Doesn’t Matter.
You Must Make It Through A Few Doors To Escape Him.
Jack: He Is Harmless Only He Appears In Closets And Jump-Scares You In Hopes To Either Get You Killed By Not Letting You In Or Scaring You.
After Being Jump Scared Once He Will Go Away And You Can Enter.
Guiding Light: This Entity Will Help You Escape. He Sheds A Blue Light Onto Doors. Or Drawers Hoping To Get You To Safety.
Like So YuB Sees!
@🎃-thedeadbana-💀 real
F4 Yub haters
Alot and alot of tips for your gameplay:
Figure has advanced hearing, and it is advise to crouch all the time and stay quiet, and remember Figure’s patrol path as it’s very important, don’t get too close, and hide in the closet if you absolutely have to, he can sense your heartbeat if your too close so it is advise to stay out from his range, and every book you get, the more faster he get’s and his detecting range will get large as you get the book also, find book’s that are in the paper then decode them in the correct order, example is octagon, hexagon, circle, triangle and square, if i get the book with those shapes/geometric shapes, then go upstairs and stay on the right corner of the exit door of Door 50, i stay there and decode them, so the code is 83290, i put the code in the padlock, and Door 50 is completed! Figure can also appear in Door 100/The end of the 1st floor, I will add tips on Door 100 soon.
More tips under here!
More entity tips!:
Ambush = A familiar entity that has a function of Rush but more faster plus has braincells, he goes back 2 times to 3, and 4 times, and you must get out to prevent Hide to attack you, get in if he gets back.
Hide = An entity that kicks you out for staying in the closet for too long, maybe this happens because your paranoid, anyways. Hide can kick you out (before Door 50) to 1 to 10/12 seconds, but after Door 50, Hide will get more common as now his attack time is 7/5 seconds, so it is advise to stay out the closet fast or Hide will attack you.
Glitch = Glitch occurs in Singleplayer or neither Multiplayer, he occurs in Singleplayer when a room generation glitches, Glitch will not take your health and rescue you from a glitched room generation room, he also appears when you open a door but the second you open the door, the room gets deleted and Glitch will teleport you to the next room, no damage still but the Multiplayer Glitch is different.
Glitch (Multiplayer Version) = Glitch in Multiplayer is the same mechanics but Glitch in Multiplayer has a new feature, his new feature is this: If someone/or you are AFK while your teammates/friends are going, if they reached to door 5/6, Glitch will teleport you to the group/teammates/friends, he will take 40/20 of your health so it is advise in Multiplayer to stay with your friends together.
Shadow = A rare entity that has 1/2000 chance of appearing, this is very rare as he will occur in the next room, if your lucky, then he will make a glitchy sound and flicker light as he goes away in a milisecond, your lucky as this is very rare!
Window/Sally/Sally2 = An entity that has 1/2000 or maybe even rarer, this is the most rarest entity as this entity only appears in a window with a fast going-away thunder, with that placeholder, Sally/Windows will be beside of it and gets away with the thunder in a milisecond, honestly if you got this entity, you are in good and lucky!
Jack = Jack has 2 versions, the one in the closet (ooga booga hahaha) and the room version. But i will go on to the closet one. The Closet Jack has a 1/20 chance of appearing so hes rare, he will appear when Rush/Ambush is trying to kill you, basically he will troll you and make Rush/Ambush kill you, but this event is very rare, Now the Room Jack is super rare much like Shadow/Creepy_dude and Sally/Sally2/Window, he will appear with a chance of 1/2000! He will appear and turn the room he stays on bloody and red with dark, it will fade away as long as your in the room his with on, but he will disappear before he turns the room bloody.
Halt = A blue tornado dude with a shining sparkly eyes, he appears when the light flickers too long, he will sent you to his own corridor, you must act quickly if you must turn around! (Hint: you can go backwards instead turning around as this will waste your time, you can look at Halt if your going backwards as he says Turn around, have fun looking at a horror blue tornado of living!).
That’s all the talking tips so see ya if you want some tips!
The hell is sally?
@@Unusedaccountssss Sally is Window’s real name.
@@Unusedaccountssss Also, not the Window’s PC.
Yub, Here's A Couple Tips, Its Pretty Long, Sorry.
In The Room With The Boxes And Bed, In The Drawers You Find The Key In. There's A Secret Compartment With A Lighter On Top Of The Drawers.
The Figure, Or The Guy In Door 50, is blind, so if you crouch he can't find you. But if you get too close, he can hear your heartbeat.
For Seek, The Guy At The Chase, Look For The Sparkling Particles, they lead the way. And When Doing The Chase And Your At The Part With The Doors, look both ways for the sparkles and if there is no sparkles and go to the door at the front of the room/ behind the obstacles
When Lights Flicker But The Eyes Are On The Wall, Its Not Really Gonna Kill You.
For Halt. Just Look One Way, And Right As You See The Static "run away" or "turn around",look the same way but move the opposite way of halt. It saves time.
If your In a room with a vent and the lights flicker, hiding in the vents means he can't kill you.
The Monster Named "Hide" Is That Thing When You Hide Under The Bed and it kicks you out. If you hide for too long then it kicks you out.
When in a dark room, never use your lighter and just keep walking forward.
If you still don't get to the door. Use the lighter.
There's A Monster Named Ambush, He Is Just Rush Except He Keeps Going Forwards And Backwards. You Have To Get Out The Bed/ Locker Once He Passes You And Get Back Into Hiding. This Is So "Hide" Can't Kill You.
Hope This Helps You! I Found Your Channel In 2021 And I Love Your Channel! Bye!
Strange Way Of English? Intriguing If I Do Say So Myself.
Just some more tips yuby wuby
Screech- you just look at him before he gets you
Rush-get into a hiding place or instantly die
Seek- go through the obstacles or instant death(there are 2 of them through all doors)
Halt- turn around when it says or run into him
(Not seen) Ambush-the same effects as rush but does it multiple times
(Not seen)Glitch-only comes to take u to the rest of the group
Figure -idk I suck
Thx for the great vids yub
4:44 5yo me staring at my mom from the foot of the bed in the middle of the night
With dark rooms, do NOT search the drawers, only if you're in a room with a locked door, as it can waste your lighter/flashligh fuel. Also, if you have a lockpick, only use them in dark rooms which has a lock.
To make things brighter lower your graphics too 2 it makes it so much better. Also the flashlight is a good source of light but needs battery’s which will spawn in drawers as soon as you obtain it. ALSO when you find the table with 5 drawers the top part can be opened which has guaranteed items such as pills, lighter, flashlight, and lock picks.
that makes the game look like crap tho
Don't tell him to lower the graphics, it makes the game look horrible
dont do it the game will look like doo doo
@@PaveReal it would if you had it the whole game, but doing low graphics for the library is pretty helpful
@@magej1 how come i can see perfectly in the library at 10
Yub :*gets jumpscared by timothy once* Also Yub: *living in fear of getting timothy again*
- If the lights flicker, NEVER GO BACKWARDS!! There's bound to be at least 1 closet in the room to hide in if the lights flicker.
- the Figure is blind. While they can't see you, they can hear you very well. Make sure you stay crouched and far away from them!
- The order for the lock code on the library door is shown on the paper you find on the desk! It's always random, and there's a bunch of books in the library to find. The Roman numerals line up with the shapes on the paper, and the shapes correspond to a number in the code.
- If there are eyes on the walls, that means that you will soon encounter Seek. _(aka the one that chases you with the cool soundtrack.)_
- *SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR DOOR 100!!* There will be a cutscene after you pull a lever. While the cutscene plays, hold the forward key (W). This will allow you to go straight up the stairs and get the key instead of hiding in a closet and waiting! Plus, you don't have to do the heart mini-game again! :D
I love your videos YuB!! Have a nice day! :]
_(Also, you should play Rat House! It's another Roblox horror game, and it's one of my favorites.)_
Don't go back when you see rush, just get next to a closet in the room where the lights flicker.
Jack may appear in a closet, and he is a 1 in 20.
Timothy sucks.
The rooms that look like the ones at 6:10 with those large 5 drawers have a top 6th drawer, which is guaranteed a lighter or flashlight if you have neither. If you have a lighter / flashlight, you can still find lighters and flashlights, but also vitamins or lockpicks.
At 50, just crouch. The figure won't go after you if you are far away from it.
Hide will tell you to 'get out' of a closet or from under a bed. If you see warning signs, get out of the hiding spot.
Also, not a tip:
I wonder how many 9 year olds have gone like 'yUb iM GoOd aT DoOrS PlAy wItH Me'
Oh great a stupid bot
im terrible at doors
Hey what is a spider with two legs in Roblox Spider-Man
Tips to getting through room 50 since it's hard
The figure rarely goes past the right side of the lower floor as long as you don't move when he is heading towards the stairs and he always goes through the left side when it is downstairs
To know you are near a book listen for a sparkle noise
To know when you can leave a closet especially the one next to the paper make sure the footsteps of the figure are hard to hear
There are three books with shapes you don't need
Crouch through the whole thing unless he is running to you and you gotta get in a closet
The entrance door is a safe spot and the figure never walks there if it can't hear you
Make sure the figure is upstairs when going through the left side and middle
There are many closets in the upper area
Avoid getting the heartbeat game
Check the downstairs first then do upstairs and stay near closets when the creature is near
Also you have to turn around when halt tells you to
That's very helpful 👍.
the figure*
Hmm... is this helpful? NO. CUZ I ALLREADY KNOW EM ALL
@@HarambeOfficial this is helpful for the players that don't know how to finish level 50
@@darkberry yeah i fixed it now
yub i like you soooo much keep up the good work also a tip:when you see the lights flicker for a long time that means that rush is not coming, but that means that if you open the next door halt will spawn, if you see the screen say TURN AROUND that means that halt just spawnd right in front of you, that means that you gotta TURN AROUND, repeat that process until you reach the next door and a tip for figure, he cant see but he can hear far more better than you, that means you need to keep crouching so that figure dosent get you, and when you collect a book he gets faster so beware of that, also when you collect 2 books figure is the same speed as you just so you know, anyways yub keep it up😄👍
With the lighter, Screech has roughly a 3% chance of spawning.
1:41 is a vibe lol
0:27 3 yr would scream and cry at this
No 0:28
If you wanna make a part 3 of doors here are the other monsters if you encounter them
Ambush - ambush is the same as rush but has difference, he can come back for 2, 3, 4 times, to beat him if he goes back to the previous room get out of the closet and go back in so hide can't get you
Jack - there is a 1 in 20 chance he can pop out in the closet but he cannot damage you, he just jump scare you, and there is a rare chance it can happen when you enter the other room and can make the entire room red
A-60 - he is the rarest entity in the game if the light flickers differently it means it's him, but he can catch up to you for 2-3 minutes, but the thing is he is faster than ambush meaning hiding in the closet when he comes in the room will shake more violently
Ripper - same rarity as A-60 but has difference if you hear the scream of it, the room will become red and hide quickly because he is also fast but did not shake the closet violently, and if he goes in the room he will slam the next door
Shadow - he can appear in the next room but it's rarity is almost as the same as A-60 and ripper he can just jump scare you a bit
That's it........let me know if there are monsters that he didn't encounter
Here's a tip for room 50: ALWAYS crouch and the books tell you a shape and a number, the note tells you the order of the shapes and the shapes = number. the figure is blind but can hear very well however if you are in a closet you will have to do a minigame (aka that heartbeat one) there are 8 books in total however only 5 of them are real
One tip with avoiding Ambush: It is really just like Rush but Ambush goes back and forward a couple times. If there is Hide (the thing that kicks you out of a hiding spot) is there just exit then get back in after Ambush goes back at least once. However you may not be having many problems with Ambush since Ambush is rare.
@@Tsukareta100 noone cares if ur first or not 😎
The more doors you go through, Ambush gets more common after door 50/60. There are cases when players get Ambush on door 5 and it is Extremely rare to encounter on door 5 on a game.
Tip for the items
The lockpick is good for getting rooms done quickly
The vitamins are good for running fast, if you see eyes on the wall and then a long room without any, use them when seek appears to run as fast as possible, and they can stack
Lighter decreases the chance of screech by 98%, so if you don't want to deal with him just get a lighter via purchase or random drop.
Flashlight is just a slightly worse version of the lighter, and only provides 90% decrease
Coins provide a small boost to knobs, and you use knobs to buy items at the start of the game
I won't suggest buying the items, I find it a waste.
Why use lockpick in bright rooms? That's a terrible idea! Use them in dark rooms >:(
And use vitamins in a mistake. Not to run fast as possible. But you can run as fast as possible if it's behind
But I have a joke lol. Scroll down!
Almost there
Noob:door 0 is now ez! I can now use lockpick
Normal player:Bruh
I have a magic trick. I can make the rest of the comments dissapear! Only below this tho. Click on read more for it
See? It worked!
Fine. You can get them back :(
This is for example
10:15 you NEED (should) open the top drawer of the desk. There is usually an item inside. Note: any light source (for example, lighter.) protects you from Screech.
At 3:06 in the vid..I was actually dancing
I was also dancing at 2:58
I AM RU- 8:17
More tips:
Jack: he has a chance to appear in a hallway or closet
Ambush: he’s like rush but he backtrack,
Seek: just run, when you see a hallway that has two sides, look both sides, if you see glowing blue lights go to it if you see none just go ti the middle
Figure: he is blind, just don’t get near him, he gets faster like BALDI basics every book,
Halt: whenever he says turn around do it, repeat until you get out
There's a version of Rush that can come back their name is Ambush so basically you do the same thing as rush but you have to stay inside the closet or whatever you're hiding in they will be a greenish blue hue
encounters on how to do them: rush: once the light flickers do not turn back and find the nearest closet} Seek: once you reach door 30/35 eyes will start to apear on the wall you can look at them but once you reach a hallway qith no eyes on the wall you need to R U N.} then seek will apear from the floor then crouch under objects that are in your way then when you reach the very last seek door go left right left then you beat seek!} Figure: once you reach door 50 figure will come out you need to stay crouched the whole time your in that room and make sure he doesnt hear you! on book shelfs you need to find books then in them there will be shapes and numbers then you will see a desk some where is that room that has the code on it once you do that code for the door you are good to go} Ambush: so once you reach door 95/or/35 Ambush will apear he flickers the lights longer and he does a staticy noise once he gos past you 2 times hes not done he will come back over and over again that means you need to jump out of a closet a few times. then soon he will be gone and your good to go} seek:2 encounter this ones a little tricky but you will get used to it you need to run away from seek and make sure you dont go the wrong way find doors with a large blue light on them those are the doors u need to go through} Figure 2: once you reach door 100 you flick the lever and the left side once figure jumps on the railing run left up the stairs and dont go back down until you dont see him theres a key in the elevator and theres a power box to power the elevator up the numbers with full squars in it you need to turn the numbers with nothing in the squars you keep off} and boom just like that you beat the game
YuB here are some tips
Rush-when the lights flicker like normal you know he is coming
Ambush-pretty much the same as rush but ambush scream sounds different and once he passes by he will come back a few times
Timothy-just a spider that sometimes jumpscares you when you open drawers and is very rare
Eyes-a entity that damages you if you look at it
Seek-at door 30 you make it to seeks room and he will chase you until you reach door 37
Hide-a creature in every closet that kicks you of a closet if you stay in it too long
Halt- i dont know much about halt lol but all i know is that halts room lights flicker a lot faster than rush
Jack- a monster that sometimes spawns in a closet making you unable to enter it
Figure-a blind tall creature who has great hearing so much he can hear your heartbeat
Glitch-i dont know about glitch lol
A few tips for you
Glitch - it will spawn when any room don't spawn and you take 0 damage. If you left behind by the group you take 10 or 40 damage.
Eyes - If Eyes spawn Look down quickly You will take 10 damage when looking at him.
Jack - It will Spawn at the room or closet. Jack at closet will jumpscare you. Jack at room will spawn a red room
Seek - He will goes up at the slime and chase you make sure you see guiding light at the door don't get to close to the hand it will get you and die.
Shadow - He will scare you and disappear.
Ambush - Hes like rush but not the same. Ambush goes 2-6 times.
Hide - He will do "GET OUT" if you stay longer you get kick, you will take 40 damage
I just noticed at the start of the game, yub says "I want die" in the roblox chat-
YuB popping off about the items in the shop is hilarious lol🤣
-Halt is very slow so you can walk backwards while looking forward. -Timothy has a 1/200 chance of being in a drawer and does 5 damage. Don’t worry about getting rid of him
help door 50:stay crouching
that is all for you now
Rush- If the lights flicker, hop in a closet.
Ambush- Ambush is Rush but better and will come back and forth, you have to get out of the locker and back in 2-4 times until Ambush leaves.
Timothy- Spider boi in drawer lol.
Screech- If you hear a 'pssst' then look all around your screen and look at him.
Jack- He just sometimes does not let you go in a wardrobe.
Halt- When he says 'turn around' you don't even have to turn around you can just start walking the opposite way over and over until you reacher the end of the corridor.
Hide- Will kick you out of a wardrobe if you are in it too long.
Seek- Follow the blue light, crouch under falling shelves, and look left and right to find the lit-up door in the pick-a-path.
Figure door 50- ALWAYS be crouched because of his insane hearing (he can't see btw) you have to go to the librarian's desk and grab the paper to find out how to do the code, then find all the books needed to enter it into the lock and leave.
Eyes- Do not look at him, simple
Figure door 100- Run past him in the cutscene (walk through the metal shelf that he pulls down) and run up the stairs to grab the electrical key, then go back down to open the door and do they puzzle (flip the numbers that are lit up) then RUN as fast as you can too the elevator and you have beaten the game
YuB:I’m gonna turn up my sound so don’t be suprised if I get scared by something
Him 5 mins later:AH- oh that’s embarrassing
For ambush you need to hide in a closet.don’t think that is it it comes back when it is gone and coming for round 2 get out the same closet and go back in so hide won’t push you out.
Figure is blind but he can sense your heartbeat
YuB, in those rooms you call… ‘harmless’, you should probably see if you can try to click the top, if you do, you can actually get things. Also… good content! :>
In that room with the switch and the barrels, its isn't very good to use your lighter because you are in no danger of screech if you don't hear that eerie sound when you open the door.
Rush=when the lights flicker hide
Ambush= he comes back 2-6 times so hide then get out and do it again
Halt= when it said turn around turn around
Timothy=he just jumpscares and do -1hp
Figure=crouch and find books and find a paper to do a code
Seek=run away from him and dodge stuff
Screech= look at his ugly face
hide= when you sit in the closet too long he will kick you out and take damage
I love how that 1 time he encounters Timothy he suddenly becomes permanently paranoid of every drawer
tips and tricks:
ambush: the same as rush but comes back more than once and the flicker lasts a bit longer but don't look at it!
rush: the lights flicker for about a second, hide under or in a vent closet or bed.
timothy: open a drawer and there is a rare chance you find him.
jack: same as timothy but its a closet.
hide: stay in a closet to long and you get kicked out.
seek: indicated by eyes on the wall you can run from him but you can't hide.
figure: yeah you're basically dead
halt: if there is a very long flicker (longer than ambush) happens halt will spawn if you see "run away" or "turn around" walk backwards if your walking forwards, vica versa
Here is how to avoid all the monsters: Rush, to avoid this one go to a closet when the lights flicker it will also break the lights so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Sometimes instead of Rush, Ambush may spawn, he is much more dangerous than Rush because he can go through the rooms multiple times and he is faster than Rush. Screech: quickly look behind you when you hear a “psst” sound. Halt: when you see the word turn around go backwards or turn around and run he appears in the next numbered door after the lights flicker but Rush or Ambush doesn’t appear. Hide: if you stay a hiding place for too long you are kicked out and are unable to enter another hiding place for a while. Eyes: if you progress too fast, Eyes will appear to slow you down. All you have to do is look away from him and you’ll be fine. Timothy: has a 1/200 chance to appear in a cabinet and will scare you on opening his cabinet. Jack: has a very low chance to appear in a closet, he is very scary. Seek: he will chase you and appears in both doors 30-45 and doors 80-95 all you have to do is crouch under the rubble and follow the light, his presence is noted by eyes on the walls. Figure: appears on door 50 and 100, in the door 50 encounter, search for books and a special note. The note has the order of the number and the books have a symbol and a number. The numerals on the note represent the order of the numbers example, if circle = 1 and the numeral underneath it is V, that means 1 is the fifth digit.
Note: Timothy deals 5 damage but cannot kill you, Halt deals 60 damage, Screech deals 40, Eyes deal 10 per second and Hide deals 40 damage.
When you use a flashlight or a lighter it highly decreases the chance of screech spawning when your in a dark room.
Me watching Yub waste a lighter on a room he cant die in:👁👄👁
A quick tip for Figure: The more health you have, the less he can hear you, so if you're at door 50 with full health, it'll be easier to survive.
This man made me feel happiness again.
I haven’t laughed at a TH-cam video in a long time, and he does it every video
18:28 You died to figure while hiding, i reccomend using left click and right click. Its easier using that.
Figure is blind but he hears really well
here are tips for doors yub:
rush - hide from him in the closets or beds
ambush - the same as rush except he rebounds he does this 1-6 rimes
hide - dont hide for too long or he will take 40 hp from you (hide is not on 100 or 50)
jack - appears in closets to make u NOT get in
shadow - the dude who will have a rare chance at getting and cant hurt (jack cant either)
figure - he cannot see but can sense so crouch only but do not get close to him
guiding light - he guides you thru the game and dark rooms and helps you
screech - he says "psst" if you hear it try to find him and look at him
eyes - basically the opposite of screech cause you cant look at him or u will take 5 damage
timothy - just a lil spider that does 5 damage
eye - the one who appears when seek is coming and cant do damage but tries to be creepy
seek - he will spawn some eyes in rooms when he is near called eye and if u dont run fast enough from him u will die so its basically just a chase but we call it seek chase
glitch - a fail-safety entity he basically will appear when your behind your team or some rooms need time to load-in
the books in door 50 - there are 8 in total the paper is the shapes in order and the code is random
halt - start running the opposite way he is coming to you when he gives u a flash image (turn around message) if you dont he will deal 60 damage get hit again and your dead (sorry if i explained this one badly)
thats all the info i got hope this helped and i hope you will play doors again!
also feally sorry if this spoils stuff