@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn thats really true , but we both drive a Alfa Romeo and know how much passion and joy brings Alfa Romeo in my and your Life . Thank you for sharing this
I have Guilia TI Sport. I guess in Europe it goes by Veloce. Handling is great. It’s pretty quick and agile. I do wish it had 350 ponies instead of 280. It’d be incredible. Considering it’s sportiness and driving dynamics it needs to be a little quicker than an average A6. I love driving it though.
I had Q4 Stelvio for a day while my Giulia Base was in the shop. Main complaint is engine sound. It is beautiful but truely muffled, mine is unleased. Good ride for a rather high SUV though.
wenn der Alfa in dem Moment hinter den Audi nach rechts zieht ist der Abstand nicht ausreichend... also ich denke mal ist schon in Ordnung er wird ja schon in den Rückspiegel geguckt haben, dass keiner kommt
A bit embarrassing to flash the dude into the middle lane and then not being able to overtake him. I would have moved into the middle lane to save face. I guess its a lesson for next time :)
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn no mate, he showed class by allowing you to pass and leaving the fast lane to you but the Stelvio just did not have what it takes to do so, so you had no reason being in that fast lane for so long. You could have just followed him in the middle lane and if you ultimately find youself faster than the other car then you overtake. You flashed him, he made room for you and did not manage to overtake him, so in my view that’s a bit humiliating.
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn not to be disrespectful, just saying that the fast lane is for overtakers. If for whatever reason you can’t do it - should not be in that lane for too long.
@@pauliusjankaitis6722 I used the left lane to overtake him, bu he changed his mind and floor it, how come is my fault? When someone is trying to overtake you, you keep your speed, you don't accelerate. In the video you can't see the real distance, actually the distance between the two of us was much smaller.
I like how internet idiots are amazed that lower and less weight car won against tall suv in top speed. Staggering level of genius here. Now give some corners and you will be amazed how audi is shit at cornering with overweight engine on its front bumper and stelvio will outrun it easily
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn I think I misunderstood, an advertisement popped up in the upper right corner of the video showing A6 1.8T, in fact, I guess the car in front of you is a RS4 or RS6, right? Amazing fast!
Don't block the left lane! You always drive as far to the right as possible!!! The Audi did it right properly. People like you are the reason for slow moving traffic.
@@fgm1197 really? Than why did he accelerated when I tried to overtake him? You see... You made the assumption that I am blocking the left lane, but I know for sure that in all of my videos, not once, was a car behind me. You praise the Audi driver that he drove correctly and the law says, that when somebody is trying to overtake you, you are not allowed to accelerate nor brake, you need to maintain your driving speed.
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn yea sure. if the right or middle lane is free you go there it doesn't matter if you go 120km/h or 250km/h. and if i understand you correctly the Audi should have slowed down cause you couldn't keep up lol. what you say my apply on one-lane country roads. you familiar with the german traffic laws?
That Audi drove properly , you on the other hand should move over to the right when you are done passing...please..I am a Giulia owner, and had several Alfas before, and love Alfa so do not disrespect others ..gives bad vibes to all of us Alfistas.
L'unico motivo per la quale l'audi si è allontanata dalla stelvio è stato perché in curva a destra l'audi era nella corsia più interna alla curva(la corsia più a destra) di conseguenza anche se le due macchine avessero avuto la stessa velocità chi avrebbe fatto la curva nella corsia più interna l'avrebbe conclusa prima, è un dato di fatto a livello fisico. Se il proprietario della stelvio la curva a destra l'avrebbe fatta seguendo la stessa corsia di quello con l'audi. Gli sarebbe sicuramente rimasto attaccato al Culo come è successo per tutto il resto del rettilineo precedente e antecedente.
Ma che cavolo stai a dire, negli ultimi 20s di video l'audi é sparita via forte di almeno 10kmh di velocità di punta in più! Anche se per assurdo la Stelvio sarebbe passata avanti, poco dopo avrebbe fatto una figura di merda colossale facendosi sverniciare la portiera.
@@TheCarletto86 si si hai ragione te. Non capisco niente io. È solo un caso che l'audi comincia ad allontanarsi da quabdo comincia la curva a destra.. Sono io che non capisco nulla 👍
Si parla sempre di una station wagon contro un suv da 1800 kg. I metri che ha preso lo Stelvio di distanza sono comunque giustificati sia dal peso che dall altezza della Stelvio, un auto più bassa avrà sempre meno resistenza aerodinamica, e chi giudava la stelvio stava usando il cambio in modalità automatica. Lo Stelvio è comunque un suv coi controcoglioni, anche se è la versione "veloce".
Contro la Giulia l'Audi sarebbe diventata presto un puntino nel retrovisore dell'Alfa per poi sparire. Comunque le Alfa danno il meglio in curva ed in frenata.
Ricordiamo che e un suv contro una SW Solo di aerodinamica non ce gara… In piu se l’audi e un 3.0 tdi ovvio che l’alfa sta dietro… Cmq Stelvio gran macchina 🇮🇹🐍👍
Ok, in Stelvio's defense, I just want to say that when I did the 100-200 kmh, it was some uphill driving involved. If you've seen other videos from my channel, a lot of cars that have under 150hp, will stop accelerating on that particular road.
@@jeffrey-f I wrote in the description. Anyway, in real life you don't allways have only flat surface. These are real conditions. Sometimes, with other cars it involves driving against wind. As I said, real conditions that may or may not influence Acceleration or top speed. Main thing is that all cars are tested on the same road. If I have the feeling that the car can do more, I will take it a little further until I reach the absolut top speed.
Well, that upshift at 113kph with following downshift again didn't help the timing either :D It would be better to start the run with the free lane, so there is no need to slow down because of that car in front of you.
Yeah, I know, I was behind him and flashing him to clear the left lane, than I was surprised to see that I can't overtake him. 😅Maybe the small downhill at the end has helped him put some distance between us
Un big ``like`` si ``subscribe``. Ma tenteaza f mult sa-mi iau un Stelvio second hand, 280 hp, undeva in jur de 35k de euro cu vreo 30k de km. As fi tare curios cam ce consum are la un mers normal( undeva in jur de 130 km pe ora) si mai ales parerea dvs in privinta fiabilitatii masinii( am citit ``tone`` de review-uri, iar parerile sunt contradictorii) Tinand cont de pretul ei, chiar si sh, m-as bucura totusi ca masina sa fie una fiabila. PS- dintre un Cupra Formentor-luat la aceiasi bani, cu zero km, si garantie 4 ani( 310cai putere, motor de audi rs) si Stelvio 280, SH, cu ``doar`` vreo 1-2 ani ramasi de garantie care ar fi optiunea dvs? Multumesc ..si cati mai multi abonati!
Salut. Multumesc. Calitatea din Stelvio este premium (parerea mea). Motorul de 2.0l 280cp este foarte potent, cutia este un vis. Padelele sunt putin mai ciudate din cauza ca sunt mari iar pe partea stanga aceasta acopera maneta de semnalizare. Nu stiu ce consum are la mers normal dar as spune ca undeva aproape de 10. Daca il alergi sa te astepti la un consum mare. Eu am reusit sa consum aproape un rezervor in 7 ore 😅. Per total este o masina superba. Nu cunosc nimic despre fiabilitatea lui dar per total, Alfa Romeo a avansat mult la capitolul fiabilitate in ultimii 10 ani. Cantareste 1800-1900kg, dar nu simti acea greutate, datorita motorului de 2.0l este foarte agil si stabil. Scaunele sunt formidabile. Ce nu mi-a placut mie la el a fost jantele. In rest nu ai ce sa ii reprosezi, merita fiecare banut. La capitolul Cupra, nu ma pot pronunta, nu am condus inca. Dar daca vreodata voi avea ocazia, imi voi putea da cu parerea din punctul meu de vedere. ✌️
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn Multumesc pentru raspunsul dvs , pertinent si obiectiv, care ma incurajeaza si mai mult sa merg in Germania si s-o cumpar direct de la dealer cu km corecti si garantie inca vreo 2 ani.As fi tare curios daca ati putea sa-mi dati cateva informatii despre Stelvio din filmare- daca e a dvs, ce an de fabricatie, daca este sau nu SH, cati km are la bord, eventual ce probleme ati intampinat cu ea, cat v-a costat? .. si orice credeti dvs ca ar trebui sa mai stiu, (ca viitor posesor-sper cat mai in curand) despre Stelvio.Multumesc anticipat!
@@adriandraghici607 Acel Stelvio Veloce cu care am facut videoclipul, nu imi apartine. Este luat de la reprezentanta de unde am cumparat Giulietta sotiei. Este fabricatie 2021 si avea parca pana in 7000km. Am intrebat la reprezentanta si mi-au spus ca pretul aceluia din videoclip, nou cu zero km, ar fi in jur de 70.000€ cu tva. Daca ma gandesc mai bine, este cam mult. Cu 60-70.000€, poti gasi varianta quadrifoglio la mana a doua. Dar, acea varianta este scump de intretinut. Daca gasesti varianta Veloce, la un pret de 30-35.000€, ar fi o achizitie buna. Eu unul am fost foarte multumit de motorizare, comfort si aspect, chiar nu i-am putut gasi nici un defect.
I know. But this petrol engine SOUNDS like a 4 pot diesel. That`s what I wrote. And 280HP in a Truck is not „more than enough power“ at least not for staying in the left lane when trying to race a car. In a Giulia it would be different but even a Giulia would be worth at least a V6 like Busso engine. Keep the SUV for what it is good for - mommy taking the kids to school and occasionally the horse to the races.
@@alexandermenck6609 it is not a truck, it's a SUV. 😅 It has a nice deep sound, just that from inside it is a little bit to quiet. 280hp, won't win any races, but it is more than enough. You can't compare this to an Audi rsq5, but it moves 😁
Questo video sarebbe meglio non mostrarlo perché verso la fine del filmato si vede come la Stelvio non riesca a superare un Audi sw anzi questa allunga e la lascia indietro. 280 cv un poco stanchi direi.
If I'm correct it wasn't the most recent model. The predecessor of the actual A6 was available with up to 350hp for the 3.0 TDI models. So it could just be one of those stronger versions. If so it should not be surprising the Audi was a bit faster as those versions have significantly more torque. Not to mention two additional cylinders and 50% more engine capacity Nontheless the Giorgio models are great cars - although I don't like the interior in all details...
@@turbatothomas4653 How can you tell this? The Stelvio shown in the video is a "Veloce TI" 280 hp so 80 hp more, no chance for a 200 hp Audi to win, also the two cars have different engine performance. That Stelvio is brand new I don't think it is an issue to win against a minus 80 hp Audi.
Nu cred ca era nevoie de soft. Am impresia ca este limitat la 233kmh. Nu stiu daca ai observat dar a prins 233kmh pe drept, iar cand am ajuns in coborare, audi, a inceput sa se distanteze iar Stelvio nu trecea de 233. Normal daca nu era limitat, tot trebuia sa mai prinda ceva in plus.
Here is another video for you, this time a German SUV 💪
2017 Audi Q5 3.0 tdi Top Speed Acceleration
It's increbly fast to be a suv with "only" 280 hp. Great work alfa romeo
I completely agree with you, that engine is a beauty. 💪
The gloves add a 10hp extra
@@marcel7138 at least... I was thinking around 15-20hp 😁
Its only 1800kg 🤷♂️ bmw 5series 1880kg..
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn gloves are for Nm, not for hp - don't you know that ??? ;-)
I love Alfa Romeo , great Car and a super cool Video . Congrats to both
Thank you. ✌️
Alfa Romeo is such an underrated car brand...
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn thats really true , but we both drive a Alfa Romeo and know how much passion and joy brings Alfa Romeo in my and your Life . Thank you for sharing this
@@buloortaca4584 that is so true... 💪
That sound and speed was a bit more than I was expecting from 280hp. Very nice.
Sound is fske from speakers.
My next car ☝️ but for now I still enjoy my Guilietta🔥
The 280HP Stelvio is quite a ride. That gearbox is amazing 🥰
I'm picking up mine next week, switching from a diesel engine, the petrol one feels so powerful
@@MrMonocleGaming it realy is more powerful. 💪🚀
I’ve got a 2018 Giulia and it was love at first sight 🥰.
@@scottbrown1834 enjoy your Giulia. I never got to drive one, but I will try to find a Giulia veloce to make a video. 😍
Leave a comment with the car you want to see next 👍
Oh... and don't forget to subscribe 🔥
I have Guilia TI Sport. I guess in Europe it goes by Veloce. Handling is great. It’s pretty quick and agile. I do wish it had 350 ponies instead of 280. It’d be incredible. Considering it’s sportiness and driving dynamics it needs to be a little quicker than an average A6. I love driving it though.
Yes, but you can always go for a tune, that will surely awake the car 😅💪
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn I wish! I'm leasing 🙁
@@razputin75 a tune will not be detected. If you won't say anything, they will not look 😁
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn what tune are you talking about?
@@razputin75 tune = remap (more horsepower) 😅
I Have Software to 310HP/470NM in my Stelvio. 100-200 17sec (GPS corrected) and Top Speed ist over 250km/h now👍🏻
Well, it got pretty fast 😯
Is it noticeable while every day driving? Or only on highway with full throttle? Thanks😉
@@icarusOVA a real tune will be noticeable in all gears and through out the entire rev range
Super Fahrzeug, meiner kommt nächste Woche in Blu Misano Farbe🔥🔥🔥
Schön. Das ist ein unglaubliches Auto. Deine kommt mit der 2.0t mit 280 ps?
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn Genau, mit Veloce Austattung
Dann wünsche ich dir viel Spaß mit dem Auto ✌️
@@eniskaplan9720 Blu Misano 🥰👍
I think I’m gonna move from my Range Rover velar to a alfa romeo stelvio cause I’m in love with it 😍
Velar is way better looking
@@woody555kl Velar looks like a box.
That just showed me that the other car was faster than the Alfa Romeo.
tack never left 5k... he was cruising at that speed. not accelerating like the audi
No buddy. That showed that the 2.0t Alfa is as good as a 3.0t Audi.
@@adriano8809 il have to dissapoint you...i only see exhaust on the left side and that means only one thing on a6 c7 (4 cylinders)
@@player30gaming96 well that the max top speed you can get from a 2.0 liter
@@adriano8809 i own a4 b8 2.7 tdi fwd remap on dyno showed 240 hp 532 nm fastest ive driven it on a straight line is 262 kmh( no downhill or uphill)
Alfa romeo giulia 🇮🇹👍👑
I will try to find one and do a video in the near future ✌️
That Audi is saying so politely "fuck off mate!" LMAO
I had Q4 Stelvio for a day while my Giulia Base was in the shop. Main complaint is engine sound. It is beautiful but truely muffled, mine is unleased. Good ride for a rather high SUV though.
It is pretty stable for a SUV
Angry? All I see is the Audi driver adhering to the 'Rechtsfahrgebot' - unlike the Alfa driver
wenn der Alfa in dem Moment hinter den Audi nach rechts zieht ist der Abstand nicht ausreichend... also ich denke mal ist schon in Ordnung er wird ja schon in den Rückspiegel geguckt haben, dass keiner kommt
Agree, bs title, audi expected more from that suv, there are more powerful models
Audi was definitely hitting 250, as it pulled away quickly
At 3:43 Audi driver realized that You are not a QV.
If this was a QV, the Audi driver, wouldn't had the chance to see me 😅
Forza Alfa 🍀!! Next time the qv please..!
Next video, is the video that people choose through the comunity posts 🙃
🍀💥I love Stelvio and Giulia, My Giulia Quadrifoglio than 640 hp💥🍀
Da hamma nen pfaffenhofener haha wo wohnst denn genau? Gutes Video!
Dankeschön . In Manching 😁
A bit embarrassing to flash the dude into the middle lane and then not being able to overtake him. I would have moved into the middle lane to save face. I guess its a lesson for next time :)
Why whould I be embarrassed? He won fair. Sad that at that time I didn't test the top speed of the Focus rs 🙃😅
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn no mate, he showed class by allowing you to pass and leaving the fast lane to you but the Stelvio just did not have what it takes to do so, so you had no reason being in that fast lane for so long. You could have just followed him in the middle lane and if you ultimately find youself faster than the other car then you overtake. You flashed him, he made room for you and did not manage to overtake him, so in my view that’s a bit humiliating.
@@pauliusjankaitis6722 strange... I don't feel humiliated 🙂
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn not to be disrespectful, just saying that the fast lane is for overtakers. If for whatever reason you can’t do it - should not be in that lane for too long.
@@pauliusjankaitis6722 I used the left lane to overtake him, bu he changed his mind and floor it, how come is my fault? When someone is trying to overtake you, you keep your speed, you don't accelerate. In the video you can't see the real distance, actually the distance between the two of us was much smaller.
for anyone wondering what Audi was, it's an A6 C7 with a 200HP 2.0 TDI engine
Hard to believe that it only had 200hp
No Alessandro, it was a remapped 3.0 TDI
@@DavidColex No
@@turbatothomas4653 i agree with you, a6 c8 avant 40 TDI. 241km/h max speed. 3 second slower in 0-100.. but pretty good in autobahn.
Come fai a dirlo?
Sehr schöner Wagen. 👌
Dankeschön ✌️
Shame for the speed limiter tho
Complimenti Stupenda
Grazie ✌️
Nice race with the Audi, a bit more of top speed for the german
I believe that the top speed of the Stelvio was factory limited. Because downhill, I had the same top speed as on a flat road. 🤔
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn yes, you're right, Stelvio Veloce and Giulia Veloce are limited from factory!
@@Brunoperes_88 yes, it felt that way 😊
The A6 is much lower.
@@miks564 the Aerodynamics of the A6 may be better, but that doesn't change the fact that the Stelvio is limited
Need the QF version....
The Stelvio QV will overkill the a6 😅 but a 2.0t Giulia, will take him easily ✌️
A Stelvio mainly too
I have a ti sport Stelvio ❤️❤️❤️
I like how internet idiots are amazed that lower and less weight car won against tall suv in top speed. Staggering level of genius here. Now give some corners and you will be amazed how audi is shit at cornering with overweight engine on its front bumper and stelvio will outrun it easily
Good drive but please going with the A9 direction nuremberg and making thie 100-200 going uphill.....
I had one on a flat road segment but for some unknown reason, I couldn't find the video, so I added this one instead
Great ALFA, I have a Giulia Virtu 280, incredible controlling experience. BTW, why the A6 1.8T so fast?!?
Thank you. What a6 1.8t? You mean the one in this video?
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn I think I misunderstood, an advertisement popped up in the upper right corner of the video showing A6 1.8T, in fact, I guess the car in front of you is a RS4 or RS6, right? Amazing fast!
@@jayshung no, I don't believe that it's an rs6. Maybe a 3.0tdi. I don't know either 😅
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn Two less cylinders, so sad...
@@jayshung the Stelvio did pretty good for a SUV. 🙂
it reminds me the porche cayenne coupe just I feel it's more fun even though less power as I remember
Don't block the left lane! You always drive as far to the right as possible!!! The Audi did it right properly. People like you are the reason for slow moving traffic.
You're joking, right? What did the Audi do right?
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn he switched lanes as required
@@fgm1197 really? Than why did he accelerated when I tried to overtake him?
You see...
You made the assumption that I am blocking the left lane, but I know for sure that in all of my videos, not once, was a car behind me. You praise the Audi driver that he drove correctly and the law says, that when somebody is trying to overtake you, you are not allowed to accelerate nor brake, you need to maintain your driving speed.
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn yea sure. if the right or middle lane is free you go there it doesn't matter if you go 120km/h or 250km/h. and if i understand you correctly the Audi should have slowed down cause you couldn't keep up lol. what you say my apply on one-lane country roads. you familiar with the german traffic laws?
@@fgm1197 you clearly didn't watch the video. There is nothing more to be said here
Stelvio & Giulia ❤
Didn't anyone see the BMW m3 with camo?
They don't care 😂
Alfa Romeo Stelvio or range rover evoque ?
@@carlo6488 Stelvio veloce
Do you have any modifications done to it?
💚🤍❤️ Alfa Romeo 👍
You're shifting a little bit late in my opinion, let the gearbox in D for better fuel economy...
The gearbox was in D. I didn't changed gears 😅. I was not triyng to be economic 😅
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn yeah,but with manual transmission with the pedals behind the wheel or I'm wrong 🙂...
@@lebronnaumoskinn no, I was driving in automatic. I filmed the top speed of the car
@@lebronnaumoskinn you mean the paddle shifters 🧐😏
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn i have a stelvio diesel 210 hp edition sport top speed just 215km/h 😏 damage
Nice gloves!
Thank you ✌️
Numele acestei mașini tipa:" sunt din Italia" 😅😂
Asa este. Mie unul mi-a placut foarte mult masina asta. Este destul de agila
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn e imposibil sa nu îți placa aceasta mașina e prea frumoasa
Este. Negru sau rosu, ii sta formidabil. As alege oricand un Stelvio inainte sa ma uit la orice alt suv 😊
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn te cred pe cuvânt 😁✌️
@@cosminhutuleac57 ✌️
That Audi drove properly , you on the other hand should move over to the right when you are done passing...please..I am a Giulia owner, and had several Alfas before, and love Alfa so do not disrespect others ..gives bad vibes to all of us Alfistas.
L'unico motivo per la quale l'audi si è allontanata dalla stelvio è stato perché in curva a destra l'audi era nella corsia più interna alla curva(la corsia più a destra) di conseguenza anche se le due macchine avessero avuto la stessa velocità chi avrebbe fatto la curva nella corsia più interna l'avrebbe conclusa prima, è un dato di fatto a livello fisico. Se il proprietario della stelvio la curva a destra l'avrebbe fatta seguendo la stessa corsia di quello con l'audi. Gli sarebbe sicuramente rimasto attaccato al Culo come è successo per tutto il resto del rettilineo precedente e antecedente.
Ma che cavolo stai a dire, negli ultimi 20s di video l'audi é sparita via forte di almeno 10kmh di velocità di punta in più! Anche se per assurdo la Stelvio sarebbe passata avanti, poco dopo avrebbe fatto una figura di merda colossale facendosi sverniciare la portiera.
@@TheCarletto86 si si hai ragione te. Non capisco niente io. È solo un caso che l'audi comincia ad allontanarsi da quabdo comincia la curva a destra.. Sono io che non capisco nulla 👍
Si parla sempre di una station wagon contro un suv da 1800 kg. I metri che ha preso lo Stelvio di distanza sono comunque giustificati sia dal peso che dall altezza della Stelvio, un auto più bassa avrà sempre meno resistenza aerodinamica, e chi giudava la stelvio stava usando il cambio in modalità automatica. Lo Stelvio è comunque un suv coi controcoglioni, anche se è la versione "veloce".
Contro la Giulia l'Audi sarebbe diventata presto un puntino nel retrovisore dell'Alfa per poi sparire. Comunque le Alfa danno il meglio in curva ed in frenata.
Ricordiamo che e un suv contro una SW
Solo di aerodinamica non ce gara…
In piu se l’audi e un 3.0 tdi ovvio che l’alfa sta dietro…
Cmq Stelvio gran macchina 🇮🇹🐍👍
I think it weighs less than 1800kg. Should be around 1660kg.
The weight for this stelvio from the video is 1820kg. I looked in the registration certificate
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn must be fully loaded with extras then :)
@@mateusz9050 yes, I believe that this is the most expensive Stelvio Veloce that you can buy 😅
Is it stelvio sport car? It is SUV, mass, slow
Who said it's a Sport car? I believe that for a SUV, it does pretty good.
Much difference between Giulia and Stelvio. Giulia 280 16s on 100-200km / h, Stelvio 23s (Suv).
Ok, in Stelvio's defense, I just want to say that when I did the 100-200 kmh, it was some uphill driving involved. If you've seen other videos from my channel, a lot of cars that have under 150hp, will stop accelerating on that particular road.
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn then why wouldn’t you wait until flat or tell people… tests make no sense when not the same standards
@@jeffrey-f I wrote in the description. Anyway, in real life you don't allways have only flat surface. These are real conditions. Sometimes, with other cars it involves driving against wind. As I said, real conditions that may or may not influence Acceleration or top speed. Main thing is that all cars are tested on the same road. If I have the feeling that the car can do more, I will take it a little further until I reach the absolut top speed.
Well, that upshift at 113kph with following downshift again didn't help the timing either :D
It would be better to start the run with the free lane, so there is no need to slow down because of that car in front of you.
@@Matus.S I don't remember slowing down while doing the 100-200 Acceleration.
ooo that lorry was too close at the slip road!!!!
What lorry?
can it drift?
Probably not
" was ist das für ein Kombi"?
Super fain
Multumesc. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut 😊✌️
Very unsatisfying end with that audi escaping..)
Yeah, I know, I was behind him and flashing him to clear the left lane, than I was surprised to see that I can't overtake him. 😅Maybe the small downhill at the end has helped him put some distance between us
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn probably that diesel top speed was closer to 250, Stelvio is around 230 i think. Anyway, nice video!
@@deniszhuravlev9772 Thank you ✌️
Un big ``like`` si ``subscribe``. Ma tenteaza f mult sa-mi iau un Stelvio second hand, 280 hp, undeva in jur de 35k de euro cu vreo 30k de km. As fi tare curios cam ce consum are la un mers normal( undeva in jur de 130 km pe ora) si mai ales parerea dvs in privinta fiabilitatii masinii( am citit ``tone`` de review-uri, iar parerile sunt contradictorii) Tinand cont de pretul ei, chiar si sh, m-as bucura totusi ca masina sa fie una fiabila. PS- dintre un Cupra Formentor-luat la aceiasi bani, cu zero km, si garantie 4 ani( 310cai putere, motor de audi rs) si Stelvio 280, SH, cu ``doar`` vreo 1-2 ani ramasi de garantie care ar fi optiunea dvs? Multumesc ..si cati mai multi abonati!
Salut. Multumesc. Calitatea din Stelvio este premium (parerea mea). Motorul de 2.0l 280cp este foarte potent, cutia este un vis. Padelele sunt putin mai ciudate din cauza ca sunt mari iar pe partea stanga aceasta acopera maneta de semnalizare. Nu stiu ce consum are la mers normal dar as spune ca undeva aproape de 10. Daca il alergi sa te astepti la un consum mare. Eu am reusit sa consum aproape un rezervor in 7 ore 😅. Per total este o masina superba. Nu cunosc nimic despre fiabilitatea lui dar per total, Alfa Romeo a avansat mult la capitolul fiabilitate in ultimii 10 ani. Cantareste 1800-1900kg, dar nu simti acea greutate, datorita motorului de 2.0l este foarte agil si stabil. Scaunele sunt formidabile. Ce nu mi-a placut mie la el a fost jantele. In rest nu ai ce sa ii reprosezi, merita fiecare banut. La capitolul Cupra, nu ma pot pronunta, nu am condus inca. Dar daca vreodata voi avea ocazia, imi voi putea da cu parerea din punctul meu de vedere. ✌️
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn Multumesc pentru raspunsul dvs , pertinent si obiectiv, care ma incurajeaza si mai mult sa merg in Germania si s-o cumpar direct de la dealer cu km corecti si garantie inca vreo 2 ani.As fi tare curios daca ati putea sa-mi dati cateva informatii despre Stelvio din filmare- daca e a dvs, ce an de fabricatie, daca este sau nu SH, cati km are la bord, eventual ce probleme ati intampinat cu ea, cat v-a costat? .. si orice credeti dvs ca ar trebui sa mai stiu, (ca viitor posesor-sper cat mai in curand) despre Stelvio.Multumesc anticipat!
@@adriandraghici607 Acel Stelvio Veloce cu care am facut videoclipul, nu imi apartine. Este luat de la reprezentanta de unde am cumparat Giulietta sotiei. Este fabricatie 2021 si avea parca pana in 7000km. Am intrebat la reprezentanta si mi-au spus ca pretul aceluia din videoclip, nou cu zero km, ar fi in jur de 70.000€ cu tva. Daca ma gandesc mai bine, este cam mult. Cu 60-70.000€, poti gasi varianta quadrifoglio la mana a doua. Dar, acea varianta este scump de intretinut. Daca gasesti varianta Veloce, la un pret de 30-35.000€, ar fi o achizitie buna. Eu unul am fost foarte multumit de motorizare, comfort si aspect, chiar nu i-am putut gasi nici un defect.
Cupra has a bit more power and better acceleration. ...But the Cupra is not in the same segement. It uses the Q3 platform. Stelvio is a Q5 competitor.
@@miks564 maybe, but I whould still pick the Stelvio. It has a better interior. 🥰
Now they are with Carbon Interieur 😁
Maybe it's just an option that you can choose 🙂
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn I think so :) But Im working at a very good Alfa Romeo Carhouse. And we are only getting Veloce TI's with carbon interior
@@Estrema939 lucky you. You get to see all the new cars 🙃
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn Thats what I love about my Job 😁 We got the Giulia GTAm in the first week
@@Estrema939 nice 🙂
I whould like to drive one 😁
The acceleration is not so impressive, but the sound though it's amazing for a 2.0 l👌
0-100kmh it is kind of quick though 😁
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn yeah it is. I meant only over 100 kmh it is not so impressive
@@slow_ford_garage 👍
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn ✌✌
No way to race the car so donˋt hug the left lane with a sluggish SUV. Get a Giulia. With an engine. This sounds like a 4pot diesel.
It is not a 4 pot diesel. It is a 4 pot petrol engine with 280HP, more than enough power. 💪
I know. But this petrol engine SOUNDS like a 4 pot diesel. That`s what I wrote. And 280HP in a Truck is not „more than enough power“ at least not for staying in the left lane when trying to race a car. In a Giulia it would be different but even a Giulia would be worth at least a V6 like Busso engine. Keep the SUV for what it is good for - mommy taking the kids to school and occasionally the horse to the races.
@@alexandermenck6609 it is not a truck, it's a SUV. 😅
It has a nice deep sound, just that from inside it is a little bit to quiet. 280hp, won't win any races, but it is more than enough. You can't compare this to an Audi rsq5, but it moves 😁
2litre 1995 Alfa GTV did 240kmh . so 25 years later. ? Slower
Are you sure?
You need to take in consideration that the Stelvio has AWD, which creates drag and that the top speed is limited. 🙃
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn totally sure , I had two GTVS
@@tim.iteland.9447 no, I meant that are you sure that the Stelvio is slower than the GTV?
suffer from sweaty hands ? Those gloves 😂
Only when I'm nervous 😅😂
Audi in tha house. Jajajaj😅
Dont sit in the left Lane...
If you want to drive on the autobahn follow the rulrs
Questo video sarebbe meglio non mostrarlo perché verso la fine del filmato si vede come la Stelvio non riesca a superare un Audi sw anzi questa allunga e la lascia indietro. 280 cv un poco stanchi direi.
I was the happy driver 😂 in the Audi and I am not angry at all
I don't believe you 😅
Audi a6 3.0 tdi..15tisic euro vs 60 tisic euro stevio...😄😄audi win!!!!!!!!!!
2,0T hit 145 mph
Yes, I believe that it's limited to 145mph
You probably raced a tuned A6 or a top level trim, even if it was the 3L TDI you had more hp and engine performance to beat him.
Maybe it was the 3.0l with 272hp.
Anyway, acceleration was almost the same, but his top speed was a bit more
If I'm correct it wasn't the most recent model. The predecessor of the actual A6 was available with up to 350hp for the 3.0 TDI models. So it could just be one of those stronger versions. If so it should not be surprising the Audi was a bit faster as those versions have significantly more torque.
Not to mention two additional cylinders and 50% more engine capacity
Nontheless the Giorgio models are great cars - although I don't like the interior in all details...
finally, someone that doesn't compare only horsepower
for anyone wondering what Audi was, it's an A6 C7 with a 200HP 2.0 TDI engine
How can you tell this? The Stelvio shown in the video is a "Veloce TI" 280 hp so 80 hp more, no chance for a 200 hp Audi to win, also the two cars have different engine performance. That Stelvio is brand new I don't think it is an issue to win against a minus 80 hp Audi.
Giullietta 170MA, 👌😜
You want a video with the Giulietta?
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn go for the giulietta !😍
@@Lol-rx7sx I already have a video with the 170hp MA Giulietta 😅
Audi:"Easy gg" hahahahah. I think the audi a6 avant is heavier than Stelvio.
Wow,people wearing driving gloves make me cringe.
It looks like he is trying to pretend like he is some kind of pro driver,its silly.
I never said that I am a pro driver..
La A6 non pesa 1800 kg....e poi che Audi A6 è?....comunque le merdaudi restano sempre merdaudi.....le auto non si giudicano solo dalla velocità...
With racing gloves.Very funny
Yes, I need to have full control of the car 😁
If you will pass then pass, if you cant, then dont obstruct the left lane.
How should I have known that I can't overtake him? Maybe it was him who should have give up due to the cars being on his lane
How dare you tryin to overtake my audi! It's not just Audi. It's a lifestyle 😂
If I was behind the steering wheel of a Giulia, the Audi whould have been only a small dot in the mirror 😅
Thank you 🙂
4 minutes and 33 seconds of my live waisted... what was this about?
What do you mean with wasted? You got exactly what the titel and thumbnail said..
Daca aveai soft cred ca faceai lejer audi-ul
Nu cred ca era nevoie de soft. Am impresia ca este limitat la 233kmh. Nu stiu daca ai observat dar a prins 233kmh pe drept, iar cand am ajuns in coborare, audi, a inceput sa se distanteze iar Stelvio nu trecea de 233. Normal daca nu era limitat, tot trebuia sa mai prinda ceva in plus.
love Alfa Romeo but this car seems kinda slow
What do you mean with slow? Slow as in the top speed is low ?
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn acceleration mostly
@@macp988 I believe it did pretty good for an SUV
La macchina di davanti la perso ,
Non si capisce che al sia ma la stelvio un bel chiodo 280 cv fermi
De aș avea 40k euro știu ce as cumpăra 😂
Oare ce? Clar stelvio
@@hhggbh7445 am, crezut ca faci referire la altceva 😅
Audi left you bro..
Bit higher top speed
@@SlowFordTopSpeedAutobahn if it was a quadrifoglio he couldn't, lol..
@@omarstephenson8967 or a Giulia with the same engine as the Stelvio
generally, an alfa can't hold a candle to audi models (except for stelvio QV). but this was fun lol
But this is Veloce, not Veloce Ti
It was said to me that it is the veloce ti. What are diference between those two ? 🤔
Perché fare queste cose in strada. Esistono le piste per le prove e le gare.
Why, what did I do?
Of course the Audi walks away easy
This Car weighs1660 kg.
233 is fast
i hate rev limiter at 5k...it seems a diesel
Limiter is at 5700 RPM
haha deutscher Michel im Audi fühlt sich von Italiener bedroht.
Audi power, sorry for Italia 🤣
It wasn't that bad 🙂
Heil Alfa Romeo
Sehr schnell 233km/h mit 280ps, dass macht kein anderer SUV. ODER?
Doch, das schafft viele andere. Aber der Stelvio hat ein Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung
Io ho Stelvio
230 km per uur, nicht slecht
Poor alfa baby… 🍼
And then you realize it was just an 190hp Diesel audi 😁
It was not a 190hp. I drove the 190hp from Audi on an A4 and they are slow af. 😁
No way its 250hp+ version
Thats a 3.0TDI C7 even a 2.0TDI stage 1 cant keep up with that alfa
Over 233km/h, very fast! With only 280hp
Si poi trovi un'Audi lungo il tuo tragitto e fai una figura di merda😆😆😆🤣