LGBTQ+ Series Recap: “What do we do NOW?”

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 22

  • @belissarius5176
    @belissarius5176 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great series on a difficult topic! I hoped to see a episode with Timothy Jennings from Come and Reason Ministries on this topic as it is a fairly unique one. I've seen it make a huge impact in my local youth group and others when it was shared. Keep up the good conversation!

  • @RyanNCardenas
    @RyanNCardenas 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    We LOVE Jordan !! (:

  • @jayt2257
    @jayt2257 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I listened to this series to increase my compassion and empathy and to know genuinely what the scriptures say and I believe my intentions have been satisfied by the series of interviews.
    As a result my views of the act if homosexuality being sin remain but my heart is at a better place.
    I think what is important to understand is this idea of peace. The feeling of peace is an indicator that a decision has been made. Having peace though doesn’t mean we made the right decision.
    Jesus alludes to two types of peace in john 14:27, a peace that the world gives, and a peace that only God can give.
    Linked to these ideas of peace is the broad way/ and narrow way/strait gate - Luke 13:13-14. Few go the narrow way(the path towards true peace), Jesus says, because they perceive it to be too hard. As a result , many instead choose the broad way (path towards worldly peace).
    Now, parallel the narrow way/strait gate with the born again experience discussed in John 3, which Nicodemus had no understanding of(but are we any better?) To be born again is to take the narrow way (take up our cross, denying self)THROUGH the strait gate(receiving true peace). This we also call conversion. The condition is, giving up our wants or desires for something better-eternal life.
    If we think of what the narrow way means in terms of probabilities, then most of us are not likely to be converted. In Ellen Whites time, she stated not 1 in 100 (maybe that is understated or overstated ) was converted. The fact she had to state this implies that those who thought they were in the faith were not actually in the faith.
    Therefore, these testimonies from this series should be solemn to us and cause us ALL to really “seek what they sought” , and what they sought is the peace that only God can give. Once we all have that, then we will be united as a people. I cannot read the hearts of men but Michael Carducci(spelling?) is a prime example of a converted man imo. This is available to us all.

  • @NevillePeter777
    @NevillePeter777 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have a question for Jesse Anthony Sean and Eric. I noticed the title of your podcast is seeking what they sought. I believe they is supposed to be the founders of the seventh day Adventist church. How close do you guys feel you are getting to what they sought? how would you measure your progress? Is there a best way to get there and a not so good way to get there? I stopped at the 58 second mark because I have obligations. I am planning to finish, but I have noticed that you guys very rarely refer to scripture. May I ask why? I can understand the peace that comes when someone like Jordan an LGBTQ person comes to terms with what feels most comfortable to them. However, is god expecting followers of his word to process his word by their feelings and experiences or should his followers process their feelings and experiences by his word?
    there are so many other questions I would like to ask you maybe I should have a podcast and invite you all on it to ask my questions. L O L much love to you.

    • @AZSROSE
      @AZSROSE 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Why would there be only these options you mentioned: processing God's word by one's feelings or processing one's feeling by His word? And what does the second one mean?
      Accepting one's feelings is part of processing them and feelings we do not chose. They happen. We only chose what to do with them. God's word is given to us also without our interference. And part of processing it is acepting it. But in order to accept something, be it an emotion or a rational thing, we must first ifentify it. Be it a feeling or an aspect on which God wants us to improve. And only what we can accept we can improve or change. Just some things to think about.

    • @NevillePeter777
      @NevillePeter777 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@AZSROSE I am not saying that we should not process our feelings. We should never ignore how we feel. In fact, people who struggle with same-sex attraction most likely do this once they realize that they are same sex attracted. This is not a good thing to do. However what I am saying is that God’s word comes first. It is much better to acknowledge that you have a feeling and take that feeling to God’s word than to say that because this is the way I feel then it must be right. This is the problem that the LGBTQ community is causing in Christianity today. There is no and I say no in fact absolutely no reason why it is OK to put my feelings before what God says. When I do that I show I have no faith in him. when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior it means that we submit to his authority. We do not live the Christian life on our terms but on his terms. This is what I mean when I say that we do not process God’s word by our feelings because God‘s word is the final authority in the life of all true believers. this is what Jesus did when he was tempted in the wilderness after fasting for 40 days. he submitted completely to his father and likewise we must submit completely to him. If Jesus is not our Lord then he cannot be our savior.
      Much Love to you.

  • @edenicawakening
    @edenicawakening 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I agree with Jesse about some things being sins for different people. I recently quit caffeine, nicotine and weed because I used all three all the time and it was eating my life. I eventually realized this and with God's help quit them all cold turkey. However I still have a drink every once in awhile because I don't really like it so the temptation of life ruining addiction isn't present for me in that particular substance. I think there's a lot of nuance around what sin is for different people and the tendency in the church I've seen is everyone applying their experience on everyone else. Not that their experience isn't valid, it's just that others have different experiences that are also valid.

    • @merg-vh5sx
      @merg-vh5sx หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you identify as an Adventist while using drugs, drinking coffee, and smoking?

    • @edenicawakening
      @edenicawakening หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@merg-vh5sx for the first few years I didn't but about two years ago I started identifying as Adventist again even though I still used those substances. Thankfully I'm free and clear for several months now.

    • @merg-vh5sx
      @merg-vh5sx หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@edenicawakening I always wonder what Adventism means to American liberals so I really wouldn't have been surprised if you'd said yes.
      I'm really glad you're free from the weed and the nicotine tho. Caffeine is a far lesser evil imo and I'm pretty conservative.
      Welcome back. :)

    • @edenicawakening
      @edenicawakening หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@merg-vh5sx seems like Adventism means whatever conservative individuals like. I've heard conservatives say you have to be vegan to be Adventist I've heard others say you don't even have to be vegetarian to be Adventist. So conservatives have no objective basis for what being an Adventist is. It's just their own individual subjective preferences which is a pretty flimsy basis Imo. I think someone can believe in the tenets of adventism even if they don't live up to it.
      Caffeine is a slightly lesser evil but still a gateway drug and very unhealthy. I would advise Caffeine addicts to remove the plank from their own eye before judging others.

    • @edenicawakening
      @edenicawakening หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@merg-vh5sx I've also quit drinking altogether since the first comment I made on this thread. I'm working on getting my diet back in line with adventism as well. I think all Adventists should be vegan but I'm not going to say people who don't live up to that can't be Adventist.

  • @ThatLee4
    @ThatLee4 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Have we once asked God for a clearer way to deal with this topic these days? Or just use the bible from different perspectives? Lessening it's usability

  • @NevillePeter777
    @NevillePeter777 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    OK guys, I made it almost to the end but to be honest with you, this podcast was too painful to finish. I wish I could find the words to describe the sadness I feel when I hear all of you express yourselves. The thing that makes me the most sad is the fact that you seem to have such a non-binary view of God and scripture. yet, at least three of you occupied positions of leadership in our church. I would like to know if there are any absolutes for you guys at all or is truth a moving target that changes with culture as time goes by? Does god change? Isn’t Jesus supposed to be The same yesterday today and forever according to Hebrews 13:8? in first or second Timothy, I cannot remember which right now, Paul says that in the last days there will be people who will always be learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. How would you guys differentiate yourselves from those in that class? I think it would be very difficult to come to the table and discuss the LGBTQ I a plus question without first considering these things. Much love to you.

    • @AZSROSE
      @AZSROSE 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Reading your comment I wonder how you reconcile the changes Jesus himself made when he came on Earth, making commands He gave in the Old Testament obsolete. I don't think God changes at all. I think society does, and I think God approaches it differently, the core principles and intent being actually the same..

    • @NevillePeter777
      @NevillePeter777 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@AZSROSE what you are saying is self refuting. If God‘s intentions and purposes always remain the same, we simply need to go back to Genesis and see his intention for creating man and woman. God absolutely doesn’t change he is perfect and you are right. We change, but this has been the cause of many problems in society and in our world. Nevertheless, God will have a people on the Earth who reflect his image and his intents and purposes will be fulfilled in those who choose his ways above their ways.
      Much love to you.