I have been trying to figure out what has been done in the past for 4 decades and I think you've either done it or you are on to the right path....Thank you..I am spreading the word to make you grow to the best of my ltd. ability. I can't wait to see what you have next...WOW .👀WIDE OPEN..
@@MadPlasmatist-- it's not about the equipment, and the fix is so simple: don't use a soundtrack when you speak. Your theory is credible. We're here for the science. You don't need dramatic "music" to get your point across, the theory is dramatic enoughon its own. Thanks :)
@@swainsongable he can use a soundtrack if he wants. The issue is simply the dB in editing. Literally takes like 3 seconds to adjust. Music is WAY TOO LOUD it's absurd
I applaud you sir! Free thinkers and home scientist who try to solve mystery with limited resources and a lot of heart are just what we need in times where we cannot 'trust the science' anymore because there are too many monetary interests involved. But I would be careful though. I know there is a rich history of people dying/disappearing whenever they invented a device that can tap into clean and limitless energy sources... So be careful and keep up the good work! :)
Fascinating. There's a very interesting coincidence that many ancient temples were sited over underground water reservoirs or acquifers. Your work also reminds me of the Hutchison Effect, and his work on high-voltage phenomena. You might particularly want to study his work with a television company when they created a replica Ark of the Covenant and turned it into a high-voltage capacitor, able to produce plasma between the arms of the cherubim. The results, allegedly, were astonishing.
It’s all about the EVOs man and those who can somehow think like Hutchinson or have a brain configured like Hutchinson - maybe we all can learn and it can be trained like remote viewing
This is interesting, there are a quite a few famous inventors/scientists of the past - Tesla, Keeley, Kosyrev, Schappeller, who also discovered this phenomenon but nothing further seems to of been done with it. By applying high voltage to egg shaped objects with a centre ring applying voltage, levitation and weight reduction can be achieved, all reporting the same ephenomeon of the top half of the object gets quite hot, but the bottom half is kept cold creating a flowing dimagnetism. Seemingly a whorling vortex 'wind' energy is generated upward that lifts the egg shape upwards making it levitate and weightless.
Hello! I'm Andreas 69 years old, from Hamburg! I have watched your fascinating videos! Great!!! I have tried to transmit the contents to a couple of people around the world, to try to help to spread his information out! (Incl. Christopher Dunn. He has already answered!) Today morning I have found a video on youtube, (published since 1 day), which I would URGENTLY recommend you - to watch! I dind not expect this by it's title , but this video deals EXACTLY !!! about these mysterious "SPARK- LINGAMS", which seem to have been used in ancient cultures massively! The video shows and explains technical aspects of it's construction and it revelates mysterious finds and details in it's context! The tite of the video: A Hindu Temple Hidden Under Islamic University of Indonesia? by PraveenMohan Good luck for your further investigations! Andreas Paschmann, Hamburg
Thank you Andreas! Yes I am aware of Praveen's videos and have tried to contact him many times without luck. The SGL (Spark Gap Lingam) is in itself technological evidence of the past, because as the inventor of WCSG (Water-cooled Spark Gap) technology and discoverer of the SGL, I can attest that the device is in fact very elegantly set up and would catch on fire almost immediately without active water cooling / conditioning. The fact that it functions perfectly as a spark gap, and a very special high-voltage, high-amperage one at that, is an astounding revelation to our ancient past and unmistakable evidence of prevalent, high-voltage integration into their global societies. Thanks again and enjoy!
Dear John! Thanks for answering so promptly! I can only hope, that you are informed about these special investigations (for example of Christopher Dunn, USA) about the "Great Pyramid" of Giza as a seismic power-plant. - Which (following the explanations of such investigations) produced electric effects, electric fields and last not least current. - By absorbing certain vibrations of the earth and transforming them in to accoustic noise, which caused more vibration in the whole building - and by this piezo- electric effects, electric fields, current, Mazer-waves and other electric effects and reactions of the Billions of quartz- cristals in the pyramid- materials. I personally don't understand nothing !!! of this! But I understand, that this, (and also your investigations!), belong to something, which we must find out one more time! Good luck! Andreas/Hamburg
Ok, but what's powering everything? What are the 5 steel cylinders with thick green wires between them? Are they supposed to be Leyden jars? It looks like there's a red wire attached to one of the green wires that's running to a white power supply up the back to the left and it looks like there's a black wire plugged into the power supply and running to the cylinders as well but hard to see exactly where? And what's the thing spinning around and what's powering it to spin? I get that turning the lights off makes the sparks more visible but it also makes it so I can't see what's going on with other things. I get that ya wanna make it dramatic with the music and the overlays but it takes away from the scientific aspect of it all. I just wanna know how it works not be dazzled by fancy overlay effects and music and have the whole thing drag out with a wait, there's still more. Just keep watching and in the next exciting episode etc etc.......Until I've lost interest. I get that ya wanna build a channel and get more subs and all that bs but you'll get more by just showing the solved mystery you claimed to have solved in one go. If what' ya saying's true that'll be enough to make ya famous. Atm you've got more of a, "the hardest thing about making a perpetual motion machine is working out where to hide the battery" vibe going on. To me at least anyway. 🤷♂
I have been fascinated with Lingums for years and I thought they had to produce some sort of power .I also noticed that Indian temples and some others have what I think are lightening rods on top that look like they were from Dr.Frankenstins lab usually 13 in number. Thank you for your reasearch.
Yes I've noticed all the metal bits, pointed rods and very, very interesting electrical-related objects used even (unknowingly) as relics for worship today... Look at images of the Kaaba, for example - you will find that they are worshiping a giant electrode (imagine a stream of plasma blasting into it to soften the stone) - which progress was interrupted by cataclysm long ago...
Thank you soo much for this. I have been looking for this information for years to gap what I am studying with lay lines and ancient burial mound customs surrounding the Thunder Birds and gods
Try stop rain and storm using high voltage electricity . In Russia many years ago was strange weather change. I met a guy who told me it was him doing it. Using electric motor, high voltage electricity and magnets.
The lingam acts as a support for the electrodes, an SGL (spark gap lingam) has an additional set of electrodes that allow it to handle millions to billions of volts - read the entire science journal write-up on my website to understand everything WCSG-Science.com
@@MadPlasmatist but what happened when you applied the voltage in the video? Easier to just say it rather than link to some website. I was impressed when you lifted a rock using electricity but it seems that as far as softening/forming rocks goes, you've showed nothing. Not that I expect anything. This stuff is extremely complex and mysterious.
Valuable, but please stop with the music it's very distracting and makes it hard to take in what you're trying to teach. Also why do you keep using the Electron model? Tesla, Steinmetz, and all the giants of Electrical theory were vehemently against it: “To account for its apparently small mass, science conceives of the electron as a hollow sphere, a sort of bubble, such a bubble could exist in a medium as a gas or liquid because its internal pressure is not altered by deformation. But if, as supposed, the internal pressure of an electron is due to the repulsion of electric masses, the slightest conceivable deformation must result in the destruction of the bubble! Just to mention another improbability, the force tending to tear an electron apart is, in pounds per square inch, represented by the staggering figure of 256,899 followed by twenty-one zeros (256 sextillion, 899 quintillion) - and this is 513,798,000,000,000,000,000 (513 quintillion, 798 quadrillion) times greater that the tension that tungsten wire can withstand! And yet it does not burst! Not even when it is hurled against an obstacle with a speed hundreds of thousands times greater than that of a bullet!" ” - Nikola Tesla Article: “A Famous Prophet of Science Looks into the Future” (Popular Science Monthly) “My ideas regarding the electron are at variance with those generally entertained. I hold that it is a relatively large entity carrying a surface charge and is not an elementary unit (particle). When the ‘electron’ leaves an electrode of high potential and in a high vacuum it carries an electrostatic charge many times greater than normal.” - N. Tesla “In the theoretical treatment of these electrons we are faced with the difficulty that electro-dynamic theory by itself is unable to give an account of their nature.” “For since electrical masses constituting the electron would necessarily be scattered under the influence of their mutual repulsions, unless there are forces of another kind operating between them the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us.” - Einstein on electrons; “Relativity”, by Albert Einstein, Random House Publisher, 1916 JJ Thomson developed the “Ether Atom” ideas of M. Faraday into his “Electronic Corpuscle”, this indivisible unit. One corpuscle terminates on one Faradic tube of force, and this quantifies as one Coulomb. This corpuscle is not and electron, it is a constituent of what today is known incorrectly as an “electron”. (Thomson relates 1000 corpuscles per electron) In this view, that taken by W. Crookes, J.J. Thomson, and N. Tesla, the cathode ray is not electrons, but in actuality corpuscles of the Ether.” - E. Dollard “There is no rest mass to an ‘electron’. It is given here the ‘electron’ is no more than a broken loose “hold fast” under the grip of the tensions within the dielectric lines of force. They are the broken ends of the split in half package of spaghetti. Obviously this reasoning is not welcome in the realm of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.” - E. Dollard “Unfortunately to a large extent in dealing with dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electro-static charge, the ‘electron’, on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and dielectric. This makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated” - C.P. Steinmetz (Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses) The idea of electricity as a flow of ‘electrons’ in a conductor was regarded by Oliver Heaviside as “a psychosis”. This encouraged Heaviside to begin a series of writings. Also consider the J.J. Thomson concept of the "electron" (his own discovery). Thomson considered the electron the terminal end of one unit line of dielectric induction. “Electrons as a separate, distinct entity…doesn’t really exist, they are merely bumps in something called a ‘field’.” - Dr. Steven Biller "Glaringly fallacious theories are responsible for such chimerical hopes. Probably the worst of these is the electron theory. Of the four or five atomic structures which have been suggested not a single one is possible. Not more than one in a thousand men of science knows that an electron - whatever it be - can only exist in the perfect vacuum of intermolecular and interstellar spaces or highly exhausted tubes and that the nucleus stripped of electrons, is devoid of energy.“ -Nikola Tesla “Our Future Motive Power.” Everyday Science & Mechanics. December, 1931. Pg. 230-236. 19 I think Walter Russel describes it best here: "There is much confusion concerning the many kinds of particles of matter such as electrons, protons, photons, neutrons and others. These many particles are supposedly different because of the belief that some are negatively charged, some are positively charged and some are so equally charged that one supposedly neutralizes the other. There is no such condition in nature as negative charge, nor are there negatively charged particles. Charge and discharge are opposite conditions, as filling and emptying, or compressing and expanding are opposite conditions. Compressing bodies are charging into higher potential conditions. Conversely, expanding bodies are discharging into lower potential conditions. To describe an electron as a negatively charged body is equivalent to saying that it is an expanding-contracting body." -Light Does Not Travel by Walter Russell
Electrons, in fact, are a type of electromagnetic wave, as all things are, which can be demonstrated with an electron gun or in the many other ways charged particles can be observed. I only mention that the 'Trident PFR' (Positive Flow Receiver) helps to control electron flow, which are really magnetic waves, and this entire system is mostly a magnetic flux engine - the fluctuations are then harnessed, for example (with a Tesla coil), to vibrate a large space for providing an alternating energy source to power lights and other wireless devices. I will have a video soon on constructing a true radiant energy transmitter, and then, the magnificent receiver. Volt on!
@@MadPlasmatist It's an interesting take on it, but I personally subscribe to the terminal end of a Dielectric (the field responsible for Electrostatics) tension line model as originally depicted by J J Thompson before he moved to the particle model, as I find it to be more realistic and in line with the Aetheric model of reality, it's basically where the wire has failed to reflect the power and results in losses as heat, hence a perfect wire or Superconductor would have no detectible Electron flow because there is no loss in the system, this is also the model Eric Dollard and Ken Wheeler (as controversial as he is) agrees with: "In general, the electrostatic potential, e, in Volt, renders the insulators hot, the magnetomotive force, i, in Ampere, renders the wires hot. Also, it is found that this heating increases with increasing frequency of the potential, e, or the M.M.F., i. It is here where the prevailing concept of the “electron” is to be found. Hence it is the motions of the electrons that give rise to the energy loss in an electrical system. Electrons represent energy dissipation. However, the pedant, the mystic, and the dis-informer all tell us that the electron is what conveys energy, the complete opposite!" -A Common Language For Electrical Engineering by Eric Dollard I eagerly await your videos on some Radiant Shockwave transmitters and resonantly tuned receivers, I've been looking at building my own and a friend of mine has even had success in powering some small lights from metal objects around the room because of it. The more people talk about this, the better.
I've re-written physics properly, I will make a video on that too, you can find my early work on a past Kickstarter campaign which might shed some light on things =) www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnbidwell/the-secret-of-time-and-space @@JenkoRun
@@MadPlasmatist I've looked through the available information and I'm sorry but I can't agree with it, there is no such thing as Quantum, it only exists in the minds of people who have lost themselves in mathematical models that are far removed from reality, you can't point at something and say "That is Quantum." “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ” “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” ― Nikola Tesla Nor is there a Photon particle, a Photon is merely the highest point of compression of the coaxial circuit that constitutes Light towards Counterspace, Tesla was correct when said: “I consider this extremely important,” said Mr. Tesla. “Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.” “We have made sure by experiment,” said Mr. Tesla, “that light propagates with the same velocity irrespective of the character of the source. Such constancy of velocity can only be explained by assuming that it is dependent solely on the physical properties of the medium, especially density and elastic force." The alternating compressions and rarefactions are the Transverse motion of the Longitudinal disturbance we call Light, an Induction, with the highest compression being the incorrectly assumed to be a Particle called the Photon. Nor can there be a dilation of Time or bending of Space: “I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.” One of the only times Tesla ever became publicly irritated was this idea, and he was most certainly correct. Time is a measure of Mass and Magnitude, Space is the after effect of a divergent Magnetic field, they are not things themselves and simply cannot be influenced as if they had properties, because they have none. “[The Theory of Relativity] is a mass of errors and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense. The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.” -NT (“Tesla, 79, Promises to Transmit Force.” New York Times, July 11, 1935.) There are 2 "Ultimate" models of reality that exist today, Atomism and the Aether (the latter does not discount the existence of Atoms), and the former is what today's science is based on, where the Aether is removed and new models and particles have to be constantly "discovered" to maintain the material model in the face of new discoveries, when the reality is the non-physical medium is the basis for all real science. "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." -Nikola Tesla.
Do you think this technology was used to make monoatomic gold or to make some kind of element that can be used as fuel for something. It seems like a lot of work to make monolithic sites of walls and palaces and it must have all been done for things that are really important.
Very interesting, but how much energy would it take to melt a granite rock and how do you get this energy? The ancients must have had a hydroelectric plant or something similar... Why are none of these cables and connectors found in excavations? Congratulations on the work, as it enriches the debate.
@MadPlasmatist I'm curious, why water? In my research of tesla coils, oil is used particularly common was boiled linseed oil. So I'm curious, what made water the insulator of choice instead of oil? Have you tried it with oil? What are the results and differences?
If you watch the last segment in the video "Water-cooled Spark Gap History", you'll see 2 scenes with a bottle of mineral oil in them (you can find these videos on my channel here too)... The same setup / amount of voltage is being applied to them as it is my WCSG's and SGL's... The difference is night and day as the room for dielectric breakdown is the same as through air - oil is messy and burns, although I did make a jar enclosure with a charcoal filter 'chute' on the top to make it near odorless - you may also be mistaken as the water is not used to insulate, it is used to cool the negative electrode of the system. Watch my video 'How a Water-cooled Spark Gap Works' to learn all about it - an SGL shown in this video is the next step up from a WCSG =)
I'll be sending out your legendary SGL today - thank you and enjoy! *edit The post offices are closed until monday, but it's here and ready until then!
Sorry about the audio - Use headphones (or turn on captions) if you are having difficulty hearing, it is a movie-like experience and requires a broader audio spectrum - Thanks and I hope you enjoy seeing REAL TECHNOLOGICAL HISTORY unfold, and REAL ANCIENT SECRETS unveiled for the first time in our modern civilization =) If you would also like to see better quality in my videos, please consider donating so that I may get the equipment needed as I have to do all of this with just my phone and using linux... Thanks again, I'll see you in the future!
The granite boxes in the pyramids were capacitors. The gold caps on top of the pyramids were electrodes and the pyramids either glowed in the dark or acted as stop gaps. Were the pyramids an electrical discharge weapon to destroy the planet beyond Mars ?
They were primarily 'charging stations' for ships and wirelessly powered a large area (a few miles) around them. Also if you look closely, the 'grand gallery' was more than likely a 'marx generator' - you can even see holes / markings where each 'station / step' was as the angle of incline is also the most desirable for hot plasma (heat rises) to connect to the next electrode / voltage multiplier in the chain going upwards...
Fantastic! If I were a rich man, you'd have your "lab". BUT, I'm not... However, I'm experiencing a wee bit of trouble hearing your presentations. It's quite muddy along with the heavy background music blaring. . . I do have a decent sound system, with full controls and an equalizer, (But not an expensive pro's sound-board.), and I'm only only able to decipher about 2/3's of what you're saying.
Thank you =) I've only been making videos for maybe a year now and also deal with substandard equipment, things will get better, I had only intended on sharing just a few unique experiments of mine on this channel, however it has instead turned into something else more incredible =) ...not every day you get to see incredible tech and world first experiments develop and mature all in the same place over time... Thanks for the input, I should have better equipment soon and I hope you'll enjoy watching all the interesting things yet to come!
I didn't see any of the practical applications that were promised just a bunch of spark gaps obviously powered by something that definitely was not around over 200 years ago
The practical use and application was inducing an accelerated crystal growth which can only be achieved by high amperage - demonstrating both a use and the presence of high amperage, which is not found in normal tesla coils...
@@MadPlasmatist Im a rock guy with an obsession of understanding the natural & man-made geo-structures all around us, every country across God's great earth. Which means I'm also obsessed with crystal growth (so I can find the good stuff in the field!). Accelerated crystal growth... Think of the potentials. Grow your bricks & blocks, not even just softening & sculpting. You can GROW the blocks that built the great pyramid. See the practical use now?
This seems super interesting but it is impossible to understand over the volume of the music dear God can you please redo this video without music that drowns out your voice. Or can you explain what the point of this is? Couldn't you have spun the vials using a standard current through a cable? What am I missing?
Thank you for the feedback. I will re-release this video again sometime in the upcoming future, I'm working on upgrading my equipment still. As for the "Practical use and Application" segment, spinning the vials also helps the crystals form out of solution more quickly and I was demonstrating the high-voltage, high-amperage output of an SGLTC (Spark Gap Lingam Tesla Coil), now a new type of Tesla coil, which, because of its high-amperage output, can perform physical 'work', such as (I think this is what relatively occurs) rearranging / aligning the conductive molecular lattice in a solution to accelerate its crystal formation, which can only be achieved by amperage (something no other previous type of Tesla coil could so easily output like an SGL).
@@timh.2137 There are an incredible number of ways to harness charge differentials. Copper + aluminum + water = power and even a simple height difference in elevation, such as a small tower, will harness atmospheric charges; the atmosphere was once said to have always looked like the 'northern lights', until cataclysm from the central star stripped or diminished this ability. Perhaps one of the reasons why these sites are no longer active as they once were.
@@MadPlasmatist do you know how low voltage those battery cells are? It would probably take about five football fields worth of those battery cells to get anywhere near the high voltage that would be required...
Brilliant research. So, correct me if I am wrong. Does your spark gap lingam function like a capacitor? What is the power difference between the input current and output current? Are you observing any over-unity?
I am sorry to be ignorant so please explain what you are showing us. I see sparks generated around rocks but don’t understand the point. Is the rock supposed to melt? Conduct electricity? Work as a capacitor? I just do not understand. Please explain. Thank you.
Keep in mind there are verified stone quarries with half-carved elements left which would at least indicate polymers and such were not the primary means of construction =)
The granite box is too large to fit through the passage of the Great Pyramid, unless it was smaller and then 'inflated' once moved inside, possibly by using those same very electrodes during it's original heating / shaping process inside the Kings chamber... I will have more to share, this is only what fits best about these electrode's presence and the seemingly impossible box's appearance there which to me, is all the most logical so far.
@@MadPlasmatist actually if you are facing the so called sarcophagus to the immediate right the stone in the wall has the exact dimensions as the sarcophagus!
fascinating discovery, but what actually created the power , no magnets, no fly wheel, no stator, maybe static or battery ...what? keep up the great work!
I am not an "expert" but I'm seriously at a loss when it comes to the practical application? And I do not understand how the ancients would produce the electricity flowing to the "spark gap" Lingam? You are creating spark gaps, is not a modern day spark plug utilizing a spark gap that does not hit critical mass and burn up? Maybe you could create a video showing a temple and how, step by step the electricity was created "at the temple" and how it was being harnessed?
These videos of yours would be a lot better if you cut down the music and turned up the audio volume. I'm having a hard time hearing what you're saying.
Love the theory - will read the paper and watch the other videos. Just don’t try to patent this - a patent is only for those associated with the US military it seems from the past history
The easiest way out of an open discussion is immediately drawing the pseudoscience card, how brave! I'm so glad everyone (and you as well) followed the 'science' during the Covid which didn't turn out to be so scientific after all because only certain cherrypicked science was followed and most 'scientific facts' presented were unfactual and highly politicized. So ask yourself the question: who would benefit most about us not knowing a simple and powerful clean alternative energy source? This is why it is so important to keep an open mind and not immediately shut discussions down saying something is 'misinformatie' or 'pseudoscience'.
Hello sir ,, thanks for what you doing,, i dont have money to help you sorry for that,,, my english is good but if you could low down the music on your next video it would be great thanks .Best regard from new caledonia
Looks interesting, but there is no real explanation about how the lingam works... What we can see in fact is electricity conducted by wires around the lingam stone but the electricity is provided by an electric generator and not the lingam...
The lingam is a high-voltage, high-amperage spark gap, capable of handling millions to billions of volts. Even this small model would catch on fire and melt within seconds without water cooling of the negative electrode - a testament to its elegant design thousands of years ago... Take a look at my 'How a Water-cooled Spark Gap Works' video to learn more - as the inventor of WCSG technology, it is because of this understanding and my meticulous study of our ancient past that I have been able to both understand and be the first to recreate a working lingam, and am now also recreating other ancient technology with the use of these high-voltage, high-amperage spark gaps. Thank you for the comment, feel free to ask and learn more.
Stick to the facts/information....no noise! Don't try to pack in too much distraction. None is better. Without explanation of principles, process, application it borders on useless. Forget about movies, less is more!
PLEASE! Repair and better control the background music. Its annoying. I will advance you a comment about your research. You are not fully aware of the magnitude of your discover. Because your discoverer probe, why God was so angry with the rise phallic monuments from the Baal followers, and what was they were trying to do. Is not just a matter of worship. Is an issue of changing the matter structure from his order. I suspect this during years believing that man should not incursion on genetics alterations without God Guidance. Look the images you show from the temples in India. Every structures rise with a face could be a lingam pr a lingam place designed for one persons of for for do a specific genetic change on the matter of an individual Thats could offend God because we are trying to change the order he establish. Your research open a Pandora's Box on the Hebrew Scholastic Studies. Thanks for that. Thank to you I found the confirmation of what I was suspecting.
Um, these are real and proven devices that I even sell on my website to keep the technology free from patent - not sure what he would ridicule, he's already made quite a fool of himself already and his content will never be what it once was =p I've also tried reaching out to both of them, they are just relics of the past to me =) The future is where it is at.
I’m not understanding how any of that would be beneficial to making the structure that’s surrounds it. There seems to be a huge piece of the puzzle that’s missing either. You don’t know like the rest of us and this is all just Clickbait or you’re not sharing it for some reason Personally it doesn’t make sense sense if I had knowledge of how ancient structures were built, I’d be screaming it from the rooftops sorry I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just trying to understand this logically.
The other piece is my "Mystery solved" video. Only a high-voltage, high-amperage water-cooled spark gap can run long enough and create enough heat to perform this function.
Nothing was supposed to change. It just demonstrates water cooled spark gap from long ago. When they "didn't have electricity". I'm not sure what the crystal growth was all about.
Sorry but there is absolutely no useful information on how it works in this video, its just a light show with annoying music. Whats the: power source, the purpose of the centrifuge, the interconnected metal cylinders, material of the lingam, the solution in the syringe etc etc etc. My son and I are both electrical engineers and cant work out any of those things, so i doubt any other viewers can.
Please watch the video 'How a Water Cooled Spark Gap Works', an SGL is the next step up from a WCSG. Look in the comments, there is information about the crystal recipe as well and how to duplicate the accelerated results - Enjoy =)
the entire thing reeks of fake pseudo science mainly because of two things, the over the top dramatic music and the LACK OF EXPLANATION AFTER THE SIGN HOW IT WORKS , PRACTICAL USE AND APPLICATION and again no explanation on the sections after .. i personally am very interested and in awe but your production style is killing any appeal and mimics fake science stories
I really thought my amazing demonstration and the text 'See recipe in video description' kind of all spoke for itself. Everything on my channel is factual and well-established science that can easily be verified or replicated. Science and learning aren't just conglomerates of information to disseminate, they are also an art to spur further curiosities and creativity. Although a bit rough, this is an amazing gift for future generations to look upon - think, if Tesla or Einstein had made videos, of course they might sound a little better (because they had more support, I have just me) but over-all, I think that their 'productions' would look and feel quite similar to mine =) Thanks for the comment - remember, these many things are also world history and these videos are from a special point of view that is rarely, if ever, seen... Enjoy!
Are you on discord? That’s a site that is part message board part chat. In case you didn’t know. I’d love to talk with you. Your not alone in this battle.
I have been trying to figure out what has been done in the past for 4 decades and I think you've either done it or you are on to the right path....Thank you..I am spreading the word to make you grow to the best of my ltd. ability. I can't wait to see what you have next...WOW .👀WIDE OPEN..
Hello John! I wrote to Praveen today, asking him to make contact with you! Let's see what happens.... Good luck! Andreas/Hamburg
Your music is way to loud, we can't really hear your voice (it sounds muddy)
I have substandard equipment because I'm very poor, I am sorry. Hope the sacred knowledge helps.
I heard you just fine 🙂 Thanks for focusing on the discoveries.
@@MadPlasmatist-- it's not about the equipment, and the fix is so simple: don't use a soundtrack when you speak. Your theory is credible. We're here for the science. You don't need dramatic "music" to get your point across, the theory is dramatic enoughon its own. Thanks :)
@@MadPlasmatist just avoid adding the music.. it's good as it is, and the music takes away from what u r showing.
@@swainsongable he can use a soundtrack if he wants. The issue is simply the dB in editing. Literally takes like 3 seconds to adjust. Music is WAY TOO LOUD it's absurd
I applaud you sir! Free thinkers and home scientist who try to solve mystery with limited resources and a lot of heart are just what we need in times where we cannot 'trust the science' anymore because there are too many monetary interests involved. But I would be careful though. I know there is a rich history of people dying/disappearing whenever they invented a device that can tap into clean and limitless energy sources... So be careful and keep up the good work! :)
Fascinating. There's a very interesting coincidence that many ancient temples were sited over underground water reservoirs or acquifers. Your work also reminds me of the Hutchison Effect, and his work on high-voltage phenomena. You might particularly want to study his work with a television company when they created a replica Ark of the Covenant and turned it into a high-voltage capacitor, able to produce plasma between the arms of the cherubim. The results, allegedly, were astonishing.
What about Solomon temple
It’s all about the EVOs man and those who can somehow think like Hutchinson or have a brain configured like Hutchinson - maybe we all can learn and it can be trained like remote viewing
Finally some real science
Did we see an end result? I wanted to see a melted rock.
I guess he wants you to do your own experiments.
This is interesting, there are a quite a few famous inventors/scientists of the past - Tesla, Keeley, Kosyrev, Schappeller, who also discovered this phenomenon but nothing further seems to of been done with it. By applying high voltage to egg shaped objects with a centre ring applying voltage, levitation and weight reduction can be achieved, all reporting the same ephenomeon of the top half of the object gets quite hot, but the bottom half is kept cold creating a flowing dimagnetism. Seemingly a whorling vortex 'wind' energy is generated upward that lifts the egg shape upwards making it levitate and weightless.
Thank you! It all makes sense, you answered my question about the lingam’s.
Hello! I'm Andreas 69 years old, from Hamburg! I have watched your fascinating videos! Great!!! I have tried to transmit the contents to a couple of people around the world, to try to help to spread his information out! (Incl. Christopher Dunn. He has already answered!) Today morning I have found a video on youtube, (published since 1 day), which I would URGENTLY recommend you - to watch! I dind not expect this by it's title , but this video deals EXACTLY !!! about these mysterious "SPARK- LINGAMS", which seem to have been used in ancient cultures massively! The video shows and explains technical aspects of it's construction and it revelates mysterious finds and details in it's context! The tite of the video: A Hindu Temple Hidden Under Islamic University of Indonesia? by PraveenMohan
Good luck for your further investigations! Andreas Paschmann, Hamburg
Thank you Andreas! Yes I am aware of Praveen's videos and have tried to contact him many times without luck. The SGL (Spark Gap Lingam) is in itself technological evidence of the past, because as the inventor of WCSG (Water-cooled Spark Gap) technology and discoverer of the SGL, I can attest that the device is in fact very elegantly set up and would catch on fire almost immediately without active water cooling / conditioning. The fact that it functions perfectly as a spark gap, and a very special high-voltage, high-amperage one at that, is an astounding revelation to our ancient past and unmistakable evidence of prevalent, high-voltage integration into their global societies. Thanks again and enjoy!
Dear John! Thanks for answering so promptly! I can only hope, that you are informed about these special investigations (for example of Christopher Dunn, USA) about the "Great Pyramid" of Giza as a seismic power-plant. - Which (following the explanations of such investigations) produced electric effects, electric fields and last not least current. - By absorbing certain vibrations of the earth and transforming them in to accoustic noise, which caused more vibration in the whole building - and by this piezo- electric effects, electric fields, current, Mazer-waves and other electric effects and reactions of the Billions of quartz- cristals in the pyramid- materials. I personally don't understand nothing !!! of this! But I understand, that this, (and also your investigations!), belong to something, which we must find out one more time! Good luck! Andreas/Hamburg
@@MadPlasmatist where was the power source in ancient
Ok, but what's powering everything?
What are the 5 steel cylinders with thick green wires between them? Are they supposed to be Leyden jars?
It looks like there's a red wire attached to one of the green wires that's running to a white power supply up the back to the left and it looks like there's a black wire plugged into the power supply and running to the cylinders as well but hard to see exactly where?
And what's the thing spinning around and what's powering it to spin?
I get that turning the lights off makes the sparks more visible but it also makes it so I can't see what's going on with other things.
I get that ya wanna make it dramatic with the music and the overlays but it takes away from the scientific aspect of it all.
I just wanna know how it works not be dazzled by fancy overlay effects and music and have the whole thing drag out with a wait, there's still more. Just keep watching and in the next exciting episode etc etc.......Until I've lost interest. I get that ya wanna build a channel and get more subs and all that bs but you'll get more by just showing the solved mystery you claimed to have solved in one go. If what' ya saying's true that'll be enough to make ya famous.
Atm you've got more of a, "the hardest thing about making a perpetual motion machine is working out where to hide the battery" vibe going on. To me at least anyway. 🤷♂
Watching on TH-cam tv app. The music is too loud. Please edit it out or lower in future videos. Thank you so much for sharing your findings.
I have been fascinated with Lingums for years and I thought they had to produce some sort of power .I also noticed that Indian temples and some others have what I think are lightening rods on top that look like they were from Dr.Frankenstins lab usually 13 in number. Thank you for your reasearch.
Yes I've noticed all the metal bits, pointed rods and very, very interesting electrical-related objects used even (unknowingly) as relics for worship today... Look at images of the Kaaba, for example - you will find that they are worshiping a giant electrode (imagine a stream of plasma blasting into it to soften the stone) - which progress was interrupted by cataclysm long ago...
Thank you soo much for this. I have been looking for this information for years to gap what I am studying with lay lines and ancient burial mound customs surrounding the Thunder Birds and gods
Wow! Thoroughly impressed, brother! Thank you so very much. i wish i had buckets of money because i would be pouring some on you.
Try stop rain and storm using high voltage electricity . In Russia many years ago was strange weather change. I met a guy who told me it was him doing it. Using electric motor, high voltage electricity and magnets.
Mate.. great video..id like to hear your ideas oh how they scupted intricate design with these units.. love your work ...cheers from Oz..
Is there a transcript of what's being said. I just can't hear the voice.
You can turn on CC (closed captions) in the video controls, that should help - sorry about the audio I'm upgrading my situation - enjoy!
Are you familiar with Mad Mike Marcum,s... Jacob's ladder type invention that he used for teleportation and time travel?
Have you tried using blue diamond to direct the plasma?
Ok its an electrical stuff but i dont understand the purpose of this technology ? Im french and sorry if you explain it in video but i dont understand
I think I missed it, you applied a lot of voltage to the lingam and then what happened?
The lingam acts as a support for the electrodes, an SGL (spark gap lingam) has an additional set of electrodes that allow it to handle millions to billions of volts - read the entire science journal write-up on my website to understand everything WCSG-Science.com
@@MadPlasmatist but what happened when you applied the voltage in the video? Easier to just say it rather than link to some website. I was impressed when you lifted a rock using electricity but it seems that as far as softening/forming rocks goes, you've showed nothing. Not that I expect anything. This stuff is extremely complex and mysterious.
Valuable, but please stop with the music it's very distracting and makes it hard to take in what you're trying to teach. Also why do you keep using the Electron model? Tesla, Steinmetz, and all the giants of Electrical theory were vehemently against it:
“To account for its apparently small mass, science conceives of the electron as a hollow sphere, a sort of bubble, such a bubble could exist in a medium as a gas or liquid because its internal pressure is not altered by deformation. But if, as supposed, the internal pressure of an electron is due to the repulsion of electric masses, the slightest conceivable deformation must result in the destruction of the bubble!
Just to mention another improbability, the force tending to tear an electron apart is, in pounds per square inch, represented by the staggering figure of 256,899 followed by twenty-one zeros (256 sextillion, 899 quintillion) - and this is 513,798,000,000,000,000,000 (513 quintillion, 798 quadrillion) times greater that the tension that tungsten wire can withstand! And yet it does not burst! Not even when it is hurled against an obstacle with a speed hundreds of thousands times greater than that of a bullet!" ” - Nikola Tesla Article: “A Famous Prophet of Science Looks into the Future” (Popular Science Monthly)
“My ideas regarding the electron are at variance with those generally entertained. I hold that it is a relatively large entity carrying a surface charge and is not an elementary unit (particle). When the ‘electron’ leaves an electrode of high potential and in a high vacuum it carries an electrostatic charge many times greater than normal.” - N. Tesla
“In the theoretical treatment of these electrons we are faced with the difficulty that electro-dynamic theory by itself is unable to give an account of their nature.” “For since electrical masses constituting the electron would necessarily be scattered under the influence of their mutual repulsions, unless there are forces of another kind operating between them the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us.” - Einstein on electrons; “Relativity”, by Albert Einstein, Random House Publisher, 1916
JJ Thomson developed the “Ether Atom” ideas of M. Faraday into his “Electronic Corpuscle”, this indivisible unit. One corpuscle terminates on one Faradic tube of force, and this quantifies as one Coulomb. This corpuscle is not and electron, it is a constituent of what today is known incorrectly as an “electron”. (Thomson relates 1000 corpuscles per electron) In this view, that taken by W. Crookes, J.J. Thomson, and N. Tesla, the cathode ray is not electrons, but in actuality corpuscles of the Ether.” - E. Dollard
“There is no rest mass to an ‘electron’. It is given here the ‘electron’ is no more than a broken loose “hold fast” under the grip of the tensions within the dielectric lines of force. They are the broken ends of the split in half package of spaghetti. Obviously this reasoning is not welcome in the realm of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.” - E. Dollard
“Unfortunately to a large extent in dealing with dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electro-static charge, the ‘electron’, on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and dielectric. This makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated” - C.P. Steinmetz (Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses)
The idea of electricity as a flow of ‘electrons’ in a conductor was regarded by Oliver Heaviside as “a psychosis”. This encouraged Heaviside to begin a series of writings. Also consider the J.J. Thomson concept of the "electron" (his own discovery). Thomson considered the electron the terminal end of one unit line of dielectric induction.
“Electrons as a separate, distinct entity…doesn’t really exist, they are merely bumps in something called a ‘field’.” - Dr. Steven Biller
"Glaringly fallacious theories are responsible for such chimerical hopes. Probably the worst of these is the electron theory. Of the four or five atomic structures which have been suggested not a single one is possible. Not more than one in a thousand men of science knows that an electron - whatever it be - can only exist in the perfect vacuum of intermolecular and interstellar spaces or highly exhausted tubes and that the nucleus stripped of electrons, is devoid of energy.“ -Nikola Tesla “Our Future Motive Power.” Everyday Science & Mechanics. December, 1931. Pg. 230-236.
I think Walter Russel describes it best here:
"There is much confusion concerning the many kinds of particles of matter such as electrons, protons, photons, neutrons and others. These many particles are supposedly different because of the belief that some are negatively charged, some are positively charged and some are so equally charged that one supposedly neutralizes the other.
There is no such condition in nature as negative charge, nor are there negatively charged particles. Charge and discharge are opposite conditions, as filling and emptying, or compressing and expanding are opposite conditions.
Compressing bodies are charging into higher potential conditions. Conversely, expanding bodies are discharging into lower potential conditions. To describe an electron as a negatively charged body is equivalent to saying that it is an expanding-contracting body." -Light Does Not Travel by Walter Russell
Electrons, in fact, are a type of electromagnetic wave, as all things are, which can be demonstrated with an electron gun or in the many other ways charged particles can be observed. I only mention that the 'Trident PFR' (Positive Flow Receiver) helps to control electron flow, which are really magnetic waves, and this entire system is mostly a magnetic flux engine - the fluctuations are then harnessed, for example (with a Tesla coil), to vibrate a large space for providing an alternating energy source to power lights and other wireless devices. I will have a video soon on constructing a true radiant energy transmitter, and then, the magnificent receiver. Volt on!
@@MadPlasmatist It's an interesting take on it, but I personally subscribe to the terminal end of a Dielectric (the field responsible for Electrostatics) tension line model as originally depicted by J J Thompson before he moved to the particle model, as I find it to be more realistic and in line with the Aetheric model of reality, it's basically where the wire has failed to reflect the power and results in losses as heat, hence a perfect wire or Superconductor would have no detectible Electron flow because there is no loss in the system, this is also the model Eric Dollard and Ken Wheeler (as controversial as he is) agrees with:
"In general, the electrostatic potential, e, in Volt, renders the insulators hot, the magnetomotive force, i, in Ampere, renders the wires hot. Also, it is found that this heating increases with increasing frequency of the potential, e, or the M.M.F., i. It is here where the prevailing concept of the “electron” is to be found. Hence it is the motions of the electrons that give rise to the energy loss in an electrical system.
Electrons represent energy dissipation. However, the pedant, the mystic, and the dis-informer all tell us that the electron is what conveys energy, the complete opposite!" -A Common Language For Electrical Engineering by Eric Dollard
I eagerly await your videos on some Radiant Shockwave transmitters and resonantly tuned receivers, I've been looking at building my own and a friend of mine has even had success in powering some small lights from metal objects around the room because of it. The more people talk about this, the better.
I've re-written physics properly, I will make a video on that too, you can find my early work on a past Kickstarter campaign which might shed some light on things =) www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnbidwell/the-secret-of-time-and-space
@@MadPlasmatist I've looked through the available information and I'm sorry but I can't agree with it, there is no such thing as Quantum, it only exists in the minds of people who have lost themselves in mathematical models that are far removed from reality, you can't point at something and say "That is Quantum."
“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ”
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”
― Nikola Tesla
Nor is there a Photon particle, a Photon is merely the highest point of compression of the coaxial circuit that constitutes Light towards Counterspace, Tesla was correct when said:
“I consider this extremely important,” said Mr. Tesla. “Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.”
“We have made sure by experiment,” said Mr. Tesla, “that light propagates with the same velocity irrespective of the character of the source. Such constancy of velocity can only be explained by assuming that it is dependent solely on the physical properties of the medium, especially density and elastic force."
The alternating compressions and rarefactions are the Transverse motion of the Longitudinal disturbance we call Light, an Induction, with the highest compression being the incorrectly assumed to be a Particle called the Photon.
Nor can there be a dilation of Time or bending of Space:
“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.”
One of the only times Tesla ever became publicly irritated was this idea, and he was most certainly correct. Time is a measure of Mass and Magnitude, Space is the after effect of a divergent Magnetic field, they are not things themselves and simply cannot be influenced as if they had properties, because they have none.
“[The Theory of Relativity] is a mass of errors and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense. The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.” -NT (“Tesla, 79, Promises to Transmit Force.” New York Times, July 11, 1935.)
There are 2 "Ultimate" models of reality that exist today, Atomism and the Aether (the latter does not discount the existence of Atoms), and the former is what today's science is based on, where the Aether is removed and new models and particles have to be constantly "discovered" to maintain the material model in the face of new discoveries, when the reality is the non-physical medium is the basis for all real science.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." -Nikola Tesla.
The few that do make the trip (and survive) will need a detailed memory of the constructs. Hope you arrive safely.
Right on, great work!
Can you make it out of all granite like the original ones for a little water that goes around it
Do you think this technology was used to make monoatomic gold or to make some kind of element that can be used as fuel for something. It seems like a lot of work to make monolithic sites of walls and palaces and it must have all been done for things that are really important.
Very interesting, but how much energy would it take to melt a granite rock and how do you get this energy? The ancients must have had a hydroelectric plant or something similar... Why are none of these cables and connectors found in excavations? Congratulations on the work, as it enriches the debate.
@MadPlasmatist I'm curious, why water? In my research of tesla coils, oil is used particularly common was boiled linseed oil. So I'm curious, what made water the insulator of choice instead of oil? Have you tried it with oil? What are the results and differences?
If you watch the last segment in the video "Water-cooled Spark Gap History", you'll see 2 scenes with a bottle of mineral oil in them (you can find these videos on my channel here too)... The same setup / amount of voltage is being applied to them as it is my WCSG's and SGL's... The difference is night and day as the room for dielectric breakdown is the same as through air - oil is messy and burns, although I did make a jar enclosure with a charcoal filter 'chute' on the top to make it near odorless - you may also be mistaken as the water is not used to insulate, it is used to cool the negative electrode of the system. Watch my video 'How a Water-cooled Spark Gap Works' to learn all about it - an SGL shown in this video is the next step up from a WCSG =)
The omphalos an egg shaped stone is depicted in greece often with a 🐍 serpent coiled around it just like these lingams and cobras
So where did the ancients get the Tesla coil that you're powering it with?
ingenious work
But where is the power coming from in the first? Are you saying this is a type of zero point generator?
Captions on 🙂
I'll be sending out your legendary SGL today - thank you and enjoy! *edit The post offices are closed until monday, but it's here and ready until then!
Love content but the music is so loud on this one☹️want to hear what is said
Sorry about the audio - Use headphones (or turn on captions) if you are having difficulty hearing, it is a movie-like experience and requires a broader audio spectrum - Thanks and I hope you enjoy seeing REAL TECHNOLOGICAL HISTORY unfold, and REAL ANCIENT SECRETS unveiled for the first time in our modern civilization =) If you would also like to see better quality in my videos, please consider donating so that I may get the equipment needed as I have to do all of this with just my phone and using linux... Thanks again, I'll see you in the future!
The granite boxes in the pyramids were capacitors. The gold caps on top of the pyramids were electrodes and the pyramids either glowed in the dark or acted as stop gaps.
Were the pyramids an electrical discharge weapon to destroy the planet beyond Mars ?
They were primarily 'charging stations' for ships and wirelessly powered a large area (a few miles) around them. Also if you look closely, the 'grand gallery' was more than likely a 'marx generator' - you can even see holes / markings where each 'station / step' was as the angle of incline is also the most desirable for hot plasma (heat rises) to connect to the next electrode / voltage multiplier in the chain going upwards...
Fantastic! If I were a rich man, you'd have your "lab". BUT, I'm not... However, I'm experiencing a wee bit of trouble hearing your presentations. It's quite muddy along with the heavy background music blaring. . . I do have a decent sound system, with full controls and an equalizer, (But not an expensive pro's sound-board.), and I'm only only able to decipher about 2/3's of what you're saying.
Thank you =) I've only been making videos for maybe a year now and also deal with substandard equipment, things will get better, I had only intended on sharing just a few unique experiments of mine on this channel, however it has instead turned into something else more incredible =) ...not every day you get to see incredible tech and world first experiments develop and mature all in the same place over time... Thanks for the input, I should have better equipment soon and I hope you'll enjoy watching all the interesting things yet to come!
I didn't see any of the practical applications that were promised just a bunch of spark gaps obviously powered by something that definitely was not around over 200 years ago
The practical use and application was inducing an accelerated crystal growth which can only be achieved by high amperage - demonstrating both a use and the presence of high amperage, which is not found in normal tesla coils...
@@MadPlasmatist Im a rock guy with an obsession of understanding the natural & man-made geo-structures all around us, every country across God's great earth. Which means I'm also obsessed with crystal growth (so I can find the good stuff in the field!).
Accelerated crystal growth... Think of the potentials. Grow your bricks & blocks, not even just softening & sculpting. You can GROW the blocks that built the great pyramid. See the practical use now?
This seems super interesting but it is impossible to understand over the volume of the music dear God can you please redo this video without music that drowns out your voice. Or can you explain what the point of this is? Couldn't you have spun the vials using a standard current through a cable? What am I missing?
Thank you for the feedback. I will re-release this video again sometime in the upcoming future, I'm working on upgrading my equipment still. As for the "Practical use and Application" segment, spinning the vials also helps the crystals form out of solution more quickly and I was demonstrating the high-voltage, high-amperage output of an SGLTC (Spark Gap Lingam Tesla Coil), now a new type of Tesla coil, which, because of its high-amperage output, can perform physical 'work', such as (I think this is what relatively occurs) rearranging / aligning the conductive molecular lattice in a solution to accelerate its crystal formation, which can only be achieved by amperage (something no other previous type of Tesla coil could so easily output like an SGL).
The striking snake ⚡️
Umm part 3 practical use and application, so you think the lingams for used the power centrifuges?
Your mind is far from ready for enlightenment - let your curiosity guide you, it's gotten you this far =)
@@MadPlasmatist what was the ancient Indians High volt power source?
@@timh.2137 There are an incredible number of ways to harness charge differentials. Copper + aluminum + water = power and even a simple height difference in elevation, such as a small tower, will harness atmospheric charges; the atmosphere was once said to have always looked like the 'northern lights', until cataclysm from the central star stripped or diminished this ability. Perhaps one of the reasons why these sites are no longer active as they once were.
@@MadPlasmatist The "Central Star" ? You can't just claim that you have solved this ancient mystery if you do not have all the answers!
@@MadPlasmatist do you know how low voltage those battery cells are? It would probably take about five football fields worth of those battery cells to get anywhere near the high voltage that would be required...
Brilliant research. So, correct me if I am wrong. Does your spark gap lingam function like a capacitor? What is the power difference between the input current and output current? Are you observing any over-unity?
Praveen Mohan had a video of a lingam that is producing heat very compelling
I am sorry to be ignorant so please explain what you are showing us. I see sparks generated around rocks but don’t understand the point. Is the rock supposed to melt? Conduct electricity? Work as a capacitor? I just do not understand. Please explain.
Thank you.
For sure i hypothesize that the bumps are where they cut off the electrodes after vitrifieing the mix. They do just that today.
Keep in mind there are verified stone quarries with half-carved elements left which would at least indicate polymers and such were not the primary means of construction =)
Your music levels are to hot for the voice over and the voice over needs some EQ work. Otherwise fascinating.
stupa is a plasma generation device yup you heard it here first! requires rounded surface with wet exterior
Granite, so the Granite box in the pyramid. Would it severe a similar purpose ?
The granite box is too large to fit through the passage of the Great Pyramid, unless it was smaller and then 'inflated' once moved inside, possibly by using those same very electrodes during it's original heating / shaping process inside the Kings chamber... I will have more to share, this is only what fits best about these electrode's presence and the seemingly impossible box's appearance there which to me, is all the most logical so far.
@@MadPlasmatist actually if you are facing the so called sarcophagus to the immediate right the stone in the wall has the exact dimensions as the sarcophagus!
I can only hint that it is not original to the pyramid's original construction...
someone somewhere told me a lingum was a solid form of mercury . separating the wheat from the chaff. how could mercury be apart of this as a lingum
Find a azy how melt Rock using plasma. Try it in a vacuum, Depp vacuum or under pressure.
fascinating discovery, but what actually created the power , no magnets, no fly wheel, no stator, maybe static or battery ...what? keep up the great work!
Suggestion: Don't make the music soundtrack louder than the voiceover.
Turn the background soundtrack down. Way down.
I always thought the cup and ring marks seen all over the world on rocks, looked like some sort of electrical schematic!!
I fear your safety my friend. Be careful in what your doing, many have perished or killed off for this knowledge.
Looks like a fountain for water, but why not.
Please turn off the “background music”. It is conflicting noise that make hearing your voice difficult.
I am not an "expert" but I'm seriously at a loss when it comes to the practical application? And I do not understand how the ancients would produce the electricity flowing to the "spark gap" Lingam? You are creating spark gaps, is not a modern day spark plug utilizing a spark gap that does not hit critical mass and burn up? Maybe you could create a video showing a temple and how, step by step the electricity was created "at the temple" and how it was being harnessed?
Way to loud on the music.
But where were they getting their power from that's what I want to know
Now you know how the ancients melted stone!😁👍
yeah funky now the rest is how did it all 'go down' ?
These videos of yours would be a lot better if you cut down the music and turned up the audio volume. I'm having a hard time hearing what you're saying.
Try if with distilled water.
Love the theory - will read the paper and watch the other videos. Just don’t try to patent this - a patent is only for those associated with the US military it seems from the past history
But like what does it do
I learned how to spell pseudoscience today.
Im glad, keep up the great work - soon you'll be learning 'fact' and 'amazing' and 'thank you' =)
The easiest way out of an open discussion is immediately drawing the pseudoscience card, how brave! I'm so glad everyone (and you as well) followed the 'science' during the Covid which didn't turn out to be so scientific after all because only certain cherrypicked science was followed and most 'scientific facts' presented were unfactual and highly politicized. So ask yourself the question: who would benefit most about us not knowing a simple and powerful clean alternative energy source? This is why it is so important to keep an open mind and not immediately shut discussions down saying something is 'misinformatie' or 'pseudoscience'.
@@robertkersbergen82for real. Unbelievable
Condescending wanker's probably a new one for ya too then. If ya open ya mind up a bit more ya might even be able to fit those big words in.
Make a big one!
Hello sir ,, thanks for what you doing,, i dont have money to help you sorry for that,,, my english is good but if you could low down the music on your next video it would be great thanks .Best regard from new caledonia
Turn the music off,
Looks interesting, but there is no real explanation about how the lingam works... What we can see in fact is electricity conducted by wires around the lingam stone but the electricity is provided by an electric generator and not the lingam...
The lingam is a high-voltage, high-amperage spark gap, capable of handling millions to billions of volts. Even this small model would catch on fire and melt within seconds without water cooling of the negative electrode - a testament to its elegant design thousands of years ago... Take a look at my 'How a Water-cooled Spark Gap Works' video to learn more - as the inventor of WCSG technology, it is because of this understanding and my meticulous study of our ancient past that I have been able to both understand and be the first to recreate a working lingam, and am now also recreating other ancient technology with the use of these high-voltage, high-amperage spark gaps. Thank you for the comment, feel free to ask and learn more.
Now you know how they invented the spark plug
music bad.. even CC doesn't catch all your words..😶☹️
Oh and exactly what was this high voltage power source that you think they had back in ancient India? This is what I would call a Swiss cheese Theory!
I did give u a 👍 but it did not change the number ... just that u know
Music too loud can’t hear you
Whats up with the loud music over the commentary. I can barley hear you over it. Its not needed at all. Just explain.
Stick to the facts/information....no noise! Don't try to pack in too much distraction. None is better.
Without explanation of principles, process, application it borders on useless. Forget about movies, less is more!
Oof thats loud music
The music is unnecessary and very distracting. Turn it down!
I think the idea is to gain power not supply the ligham with power duh!!!!
Turn the volume down on the stupid music- we cant hear a word your saying!
🌼 🤔 👋 👍
PLEASE! Repair and better control the background music. Its annoying. I will advance you a comment about your research. You are not fully aware of the magnitude of your discover. Because your discoverer probe, why God was so angry with the rise phallic monuments from the Baal followers, and what was they were trying to do. Is not just a matter of worship. Is an issue of changing the matter structure from his order. I suspect this during years believing that man should not incursion on genetics alterations without God Guidance. Look the images you show from the temples in India. Every structures rise with a face could be a lingam pr a lingam place designed for one persons of for for do a specific genetic change on the matter of an individual Thats could offend God because we are trying to change the order he establish. Your research open a Pandora's Box on the Hebrew Scholastic Studies. Thanks for that. Thank to you I found the confirmation of what I was suspecting.
Electroboom, ridicules Praven about these devices.
Um, these are real and proven devices that I even sell on my website to keep the technology free from patent - not sure what he would ridicule, he's already made quite a fool of himself already and his content will never be what it once was =p I've also tried reaching out to both of them, they are just relics of the past to me =) The future is where it is at.
Who did your sound ? Seriously, the video is painful to watch.
Little light shows with Tesla toys has nothing to do with ancient megalithic stonework.
You're on a dead end road with that theory.
Um, I've proven it and more. Good luck with your pointless musings =)
I’m not understanding how any of that would be beneficial to making the structure that’s surrounds it. There seems to be a huge piece of the puzzle that’s missing either. You don’t know like the rest of us and this is all just Clickbait or you’re not sharing it for some reason Personally it doesn’t make sense sense if I had knowledge of how ancient structures were built, I’d be screaming it from the rooftops sorry I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just trying to understand this logically.
The other piece is my "Mystery solved" video. Only a high-voltage, high-amperage water-cooled spark gap can run long enough and create enough heat to perform this function.
I saw absolutely nothing change in the experiment. Nice theory, but not evidence.
Nothing was supposed to change. It just demonstrates water cooled spark gap from long ago. When they "didn't have electricity". I'm not sure what the crystal growth was all about.
Sorry but there is absolutely no useful information on how it works in this video, its just a light show with annoying music. Whats the: power source, the purpose of the centrifuge, the interconnected metal cylinders, material of the lingam, the solution in the syringe etc etc etc. My son and I are both electrical engineers and cant work out any of those things, so i doubt any other viewers can.
Please watch the video 'How a Water Cooled Spark Gap Works', an SGL is the next step up from a WCSG. Look in the comments, there is information about the crystal recipe as well and how to duplicate the accelerated results - Enjoy =)
Your music drowns out your voice. Can't understand a word you're saying.
This is a joke, right?
You can't accidentally nor amusingly arrange a set of electrodes in this way to create a functional, purposeful, highly advanced spark gap =)
Terrrrrrible audio - can't understand the guy
Down Music, get off the couch.
the entire thing reeks of fake pseudo science mainly because of two things, the over the top dramatic music and the LACK OF EXPLANATION AFTER THE SIGN HOW IT WORKS , PRACTICAL USE AND APPLICATION and again no explanation on the sections after .. i personally am very interested and in awe but your production style is killing any appeal and mimics fake science stories
I really thought my amazing demonstration and the text 'See recipe in video description' kind of all spoke for itself. Everything on my channel is factual and well-established science that can easily be verified or replicated. Science and learning aren't just conglomerates of information to disseminate, they are also an art to spur further curiosities and creativity. Although a bit rough, this is an amazing gift for future generations to look upon - think, if Tesla or Einstein had made videos, of course they might sound a little better (because they had more support, I have just me) but over-all, I think that their 'productions' would look and feel quite similar to mine =)
Thanks for the comment - remember, these many things are also world history and these videos are from a special point of view that is rarely, if ever, seen... Enjoy!
Are you on discord? That’s a site that is part message board part chat. In case you didn’t know.
I’d love to talk with you. Your not alone in this battle.