"why don't you just take 79 slices (instead of 80)?" THAT'S SOCIALISM!! lol laughed my ass off. that is so American. I'm American but you gotta admit that we are that ridiculously stupid
Back when Bill Maher used to give a shit about this type of thing. He never makes great points like this any more. Maybe he’s been super wealthy for far too long. Bill has completely lost touch… I love old clips like this because it reminds me of why I watched Bill and followed his work for 25 years. These days, I barely tune in.
".....the thing about a pinata is that it doesn't open on it's own. You've got to beat it with a stick!" Man, that's classic. Bill should have his face printed on money.
The fact that people seemed to be so surprised about the pizza slice analogy shows that they never paused for a minute to grasp the problematic situation they are in. Keep grassing, human cattle.
When the wealth gap is that great, it leads to slavery... Only in Communist America, the word of a 4th graders is worth more than people with college or high school diploma...
Being Rich is not a bad thing in itself. I think, the meaning of the pyramidal shape has been perverted. Being at the top and rich should mean having more responsibility for and to others, not to be heartless and think one is separate and special. Like a lighthouse, the rich should represent a guiding light to safety and well being, of others and society. No rich person became rich in a void. They always owe it more or less to others. From their genes to the idea that was taken one step forward in the mind by that contribution from an assistant, friend, family member, etc, the fortunate rich always need and needed others. If anything, one can argue that the selfish and heartless rich are the scroungers of the masses, as they are the ones that take off the population, environment and do not give enough back compared to what they received.
***** Actually your first sentence is false. Even today, the jobs that require only simple, single minded tasks are rapidly being automatized, so gradually the lowest paying jobs are being taken over by robots and computers, leaving only supervising jobs, that require expertize in the subject. Now there are virtually no hand painted cars for example, they are painted by an automated system that will do it a million times more precisely than a human being would and much, much cheaper. So I don't know where this world is heading in the job department, but there definitely won't always be a menial role in society unless one day a ceo will be considered one.
there are three ways of becoming rich. 1st you do like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or the guys from Facebook and google and create something from nothing. In that case you create also wealth for everyone. The second way is basically to steal legally the money that are already around from other's pockets and put into yourself pockets like wall street does. the 3th one is a son of a rich guy who has never experienced what being poor means, who recieve a BMW or a Ferrari at his 16th birthday and simply exploit their parents fortune, like Paris Hilton. The first guy you can hope is a genius but morally can be "like you" so you can hope that once he is rich he will remember what being you means and care about you. The second guy is just a motherfucker sharks who kill everyone he finds on his way to fullfillment. If you think that this type of guys once become rich will start to care about others you're screwed. The third guy can't simply empathize with the people cause he has no experience, like you for example throw away half of your food when you don't like it not considering that somewhere in the world there is someone who is starving and that would kill for that food. So basically the idea that rich people have some sort of responsability towards the community is something in your head, not in theirs. They are the one that for becoming more rich have started to produce everything in china leaving million of people in their country without jobs and killing their economy. But they have now more money than before so they are more happy than ever.
+Cyr Uay Scarcity is a fact because all resources are limited. But do we produce enough to fulfill our needs? Yes, that and then some. What do you mean about the money structured society? Why do you think it's false?
why are some people here accusing him of being part of the 1%? he's nowhere near that status... this shows exactly how much you guys don't know about the 1% and their wealth. He's rich, sure, but not 1% rich.
He is well and truly in the one percent. Forbes claims that the average wealth of the top 1% is $8.4 million. He is rich, but not owning an NFL team rich.
Lmao you are so delusional. To be in the top 1% in the US, you have to make around $400k per year. You guys talk about the 1% like they’re all yacht owners. I think what you MEAN is .01%.
Archon ish are you seriously that dense? It’s amazing how confident of you are while being so misinformed. Bill Maher’s net worth is 100 million and the net worth of the bottom of the 1 percent is 8.4 million. He’s probably in the 0.1 percent. That’s why he’s shit now
The past 3 months I have been doing a ton of research on the growing wealth gap. In 2015 former president Jimmy Carter said the U.S. Is an 'Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery'. What a lot of people don't realize is that we didn't go from a Democracy to Oligarchy on specific date or year. About 30 years ago the the top 1% owned 7% of the total wealth. Today the top 1% own 40% of the total wealth in the United States of America. The Oligarchy has existed for a very long time. It is just much more powerful today.
Because of the 1 thing capitalists or right-wingers are scared shitless of. Every rich fuck out there has become rich at the cost and over the backs of the population. She's scared: the people would truly grab the power, and strip every rich fuck of all that wealth taken from the population, and redistribute it evenly back over the complete population again. Why do you think right-wingers in your country have always framed the word or idea of socialism as a horrible concept. Because the money which was taken from the population would be redistributed and empower and enrich the complete population again. She doesn't care that much for the population.
Bill Maher has had many moments of genius but this, surely, beats them all. If there's one, four-minute video that every person in the Western World should see, it has to be this one.
What people need to understand is that capitalism at its core is socialist too. It just took a different aproach to Marxism. However, the goal of both is still to make as many people as possible "wealthy".
Clint Ronnow Capitalism may not be a system of government but to a lot of people it's a fucking religion. And like most religious people, they'll fight anything that could endanger their belief, no matter if the criticism is reasonable or not. Also, where did I imply Capitalism is a form of government?
And that's relevant....because?? So in order to point out the inequity in this country you have to be poor? What's the cut off point? How much money can you have and still be able make the point?
Erik Baran It doesn't matter where I draw the line. Where does Bill draw the line? He's the multi-multi-millionaire bitching about there being too much financial success. That makes him a hilarious hypocrite. How much does Bill think is too much? Is he not past it?
Finally a voice of reason! I agree with you. When the smallest group of people pay more than the rest of the country it is already outta balance. I support a flat tax. The incentives and breaks will still be there so it wouldnt change for most people.
simply the fact that we all have to earn less for the global crisis but in turn the richest gain more in comparison already proves something is terribly wrong.
No one ever said anything about "forced integration." Why is giving someone else rights, taking yours away? If you want to have white kids then go ahead. No one is stopping you, that's great. I'm not really sure what you're against?
Every time i listen to my brain washed friends at work too much i come home and end up watching bill maher and george carlin for about 2 hours just to restore my sanity :D
In addition, the 1980-2008 period is exactly when things went wrong. Deregulation, wage stagnation despite high profits for the top, tax cuts that focus on the supply side, banking schemes that becomes legal through lobbying congress, campaign finances that becomes more and more out of control favoring the increasingly ultra rich. It took about 20-30 years to tear down what was built to protect consumer and keep the demand at a healthy level, and here we are today.
BLUES DRIVER Google: Thomas Sowell, the brilliant American economist and learn some truth about socialism and its complete failure. Do you really believe that the 1% take the money from the poor THAT DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY ? LOL !
Very well stated. Trickle down economic theory does not work when money does not move 'down'. Instead it is simply circulated amongst the upper classes. Take a fountain for example. The water flows top to bottom, and bottom to top in perpetual balance. If you were to take a cup and start collecting the water, The fountain will eventually run dry. This is how modern economics works. In order to make a profit, wealthy people have to keep more than they redistribute, and it runs dry.
I don't think rich people are the problem Bill is pointing out, rather the extremely wealthy, and he is not part of that club by a long shot. There are probably close to a hundred CEOs who make more in one year than what Bill has amassed in his entire 30+ year career, I've heard 23 million is his net worth. Taking that into consideration, there must be thousands probably earning 20 times or more than what Bill makes in 1 year, others make over a hundred times his salary, that's really the issue here I think.
Yea, he paints any rich person same he paints Greenspan and all sort of politically connected. Maybe he should focus on removing the vicious link between politics and economy/rich people.
Undercover Boss is schmaltzy and these precious expert bosses almost always fail miserably and get fired on the frontline.This really illustrates why every business should be run as a co-op.
The bit about lack of visibility is true for privately held companies, but not for public ones. You can see exactly how much a public company is making by going to the company's website and navigating to the investor relations page. In the annual report you can even look up how much the top five officers were able to squeeze out of their friends on the board.
I wasn't saying the middleclass and poor should pay more taxes. I was saying the rich and super rich should pay more. The middleclass and poor are the ones who should be paying much less taxes. Nobody should have to struggle with money. Especially not in a country like America.
Be the change you want to see in the world, for one The only thing we can do is spread the message as much as possible.. and unite. We need to see ourselves as one in order to bring down the tyrants. There is no changing it from the inside, the system protects it's own corruption
It's not about agreement, it's about truthfulness and deception for the purpose of getting a point across or making people agree with you - which is what he does here. (oh, I just realized who I was responding to)
Thomas Sowell just put out a new book, it's only 20 pages long and only costs $5.00. It's called "Trickle Down Theory and Tax Cuts for the Rich". I strongly suggest you get the book. I'd really like to hear what you think of it if you'll read it.
What Bill Maher is saying is that since the 1980 (actually probably since 1970), the rich are taken an ever increasing cut of the new incomes. Middle class incomes are stagnant, poor class is actually negative increasing while the top 1% incomes are exponentially growing. I am an engineer (middle class) and I see my salary barely competing with inflation. While my company CEO takes salary increase in the 30% when he is alreay making 20million+ a year. I see something wrong with that.
When I checked a minute ago, roughly the same proportion was spent on pensions, and the same proportion on Medicare/Medicaid. Personally, I'd support abolishing pensions, so that'd save a bit. I've never said inequality is bad. I've suggested that less inequality is better, and that giving people more equal opportunity is better. I gave you the name of a book regarding inequality/standard of living. Although now you mention it, why is inequality so wonderful?
Sorry, meant to end it with "squeeze out of the shareholders while their friends on the board nod in agreement (in return for generous director's fees, also disclosed in the annual report and paid for by the shareholders). "
I don't pride myself on anything & am no expert. He basically said that I don't know what I am talking about because I read books on the subject which means that I don't have an original thought about the subject since all my knowledge comes from books instead of self reflection on my own experience & what I see with my own eyes & therefore shouldn't be taken seriously.
There are tens of millions of people in America and around the world who work very hard but make little money. And there are many rich persons who don't work hard and have an easy life of luxury.
“It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.” ― Adam Smith
1 & 2) true 3) US manufacturing didn't shift to China for tax exemptions. It shifted because labor costs 10% of what it does in the US and labor is the biggest input in simple manufacturing. Exemption, credits, etc have an effect but this effect is dwarfed by the wage differential.
Did you forget what we were arguing about?? I never disputed that tax breaks exist but they are small compared to the benefits from using cheaper Chinese labor. Why are European countries in China? They don't benefit from US tax loopholes. They are there for the cheap labor just like we are. The deductions for US companies is just the cherry on top
you know what makes bill seem the most believable? he's speaking out against his own financial interests, somehow it seems more genuine when that happens. not many politicians could make that claim, especially on one side.
The average Norwegian makes almost $90k/yr. My cousin, an apprentice makes about $60k/yr. The worst jobs in this country gives you $45k/yr. We also get free health care and education. I rest my case.
The problem with that is the rich rarely ever "earn" their money. It is often earned through inheritance or through back-breaking labor from other people.
I am not referring to all rich people. A lot of rich people are just hardworking people like doctors, engineers, and lawyers. Rags to riches on the other hand doesn't happen very much. There are so many things trying to keep poor kids poor, lack of education being one of the biggest. You can't honestly say that there are very many rich people who started out very poor and without a proper education. All I'm saying is that I'd rather have millionaires with tax increases than low & middle classes
I can tell you that if me and my group stopped working, the company would produce nothing. I understand there is a hierarchy, and some people SHOULD make more than others, but the pie has to be divided in a more FAIR way. This is not happening now and that should be changed. The modus operandum of CEOs nowadays is this: close plants, fire a bunch of people to reduce cost, see the stock price jump because of my ideas, and get a nice year end bonus. I don't want a handout, just a fair salary.
I work my ass off and have never been fired or laid off or claimed any injury. I worked my way through school. Walked the straight and narrow. I am talented and smart and spend money wisely. I work extra to make enough to live. and I can't make it. every month my bills get higher. every month my pay stays the same. And I make almost twice the national average? The only way we can compete is to be a third world country. The super rich will not be happy until we are that poor.
For those of you referring to Bill's net worth as indicative of hypocrisy.. No. True, his net worth is much more than the average American like you and me, but the top 1 - 5% is really what he is referring to and it is the top 2% that actually has 80% of America's wealth. Bill is not in that top 2%. He's certainly not even close to being average, but he is also not even close to being comparable to billionaires.
The redistribution crowd never seems to understand a few simple facts. Someone who is worth $1 billion cannot get their hands on $1 billion of currency, they just control the money, where it spent, how it's invested. Why have these top 400 people made so much money since 1980. They invest in emerging markets. Remember Bill Marr is also a millionaire, and how does he make his money, with his opinion.
The pizza analogy contains two fatal flaws: 1. The person who took 80 paid for 100. They actually probably paid for 160 because the effective tax rate on the rich with corporate tax is roughly 50%. 2. People aren't "saying" or "asking" how about you just take 79? The state is pointing a gun at the man who paid for 160 and putting him in a cage if he does not take just 79.
the costs are certainly concentrated among lower income groups in the US but the net benefits are positive. rather than fighting globalization we need to re-tool our economy for it
DISPARITY is irrelevant. You fail to see this. There is a DISPARITY in talent; some can sing & some can't. A DISPARITY in 1 man's height to another man's height. A DISPARITY is the ability to do math and become a CPA. What U want is for everyone to be equal and they're just not ever going to be. U want people to never have to struggle and that is also unrealistic. They will struggle, financially, emotionally, and physically. Most people start out struggling financially & work their way up.
Saying "giving money to politicians" implies that I think politicians should keep it. Which isn't true. There is evidence that having a lower income inequality in society improves the health, social mobility and happiness of the entire population, and reduces crime too. I agree the government spends too much, but it spends on the wrong things. In finanical inequality, the 1% own 42.7% of the wealth. Shouldn't they pay 42% of the tax bill? If not, why not?
You are making a lot of assumptions. Employers pay their employees based off the value the employee adds to the company. It's not an arbitrary number that employers pick out of the air. How can you say the rich are greedy and immoral? Do you know them personally? Keep in mind that wages are just part of the employers overall labor costs. Additional taxes (social security, unemployment, etc) keep wages down.
Exactly right. The only thing to add is that the already rich are also likely to take the money to an overseas fund, so that they don't even have to pay (the laughably low capital gains) tax on their money.
Sources: Carroll and Colleagues, Moody Analytics, House and Senate Joint Committee on Taxation, Christian Keuschnigg and Soren Bo Nielsen. Just to name a few that have released info on this. I do not follow either party, there are things I like and dont like in both. Thats why I stay independent. Both sides are the same when it comes to spreading mis-information, its not just one or the other.
I don't think he does try to separate himself from the middle class. But that doesn't mean he can't point out that most of the rich are complete assholes when it comes to their economic plans. Sure he may not be one of "us" financially, but he sure is one of us mentally.
You missed the point about PAYING THE EMPLOYEES. Employees are underpaid overall. This is the person who deserves "any of it." And most of us are employees of someone, and we deserve a livable wage for our work. And those of us who own our own businesses would be better off if the 99% of America actually made enough money to come visit our business. Bigger picture... try to see it. And NO he didn't build the pizzeria, grow the ingredients, make the pizza, or deliver it.
Out of curiosity, instuctor of what? I never claimed to have all the answers, but I do look at the numbers. It has been shown that when a country raises the taxes on the wealthy by only 3% that their is around a 13.7% decrease in industry and a drop of almost 15% in middle class jobs.
That is so true, in fact Chris Gardner, had to deal with the IRS taking money from his bank account and putting him on the street at the worst possible time. The government in the long run, don't help nobody.
Aside the brain numbing stupidity, economic illiteracy (too many to debunk in the comment section) and straw man, the 1% millionaire worth $23 million is so touched by wealth inequality that he hasn't done a thing about it. My heart is melting.
I think you do not fully comprehend "hypocrisy". If I say "you should not smoke it is bad for you" when smoking I am not a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite when I say "You should do like me and not smoke" while I smoke in secret. Hypocrisy is acting or not acting opposite to what they say.
It is very different to gamble by risking a portion of even $1000 or $2000 a week than it is to risk a portion of $150 a week. What you say has a little bit of truth to it but it is incredibly unrealistic for someone who makes $150 a week to risk even a small portion of that on investing. They have to pay for food, housing, utilities and all the other living expenses simply to survive, while people who make even $1000 a week are able to invest with whats left over.
Say what you will about Bill Maher, but he was ahead of the curve on the potential of Donald Trump's influence on American politics. I'll leave you to greave. (the sane ones)
"why don't you just take 79 slices (instead of 80)?"
THAT'S SOCIALISM!! lol laughed my ass off. that is so American.
I'm American but you gotta admit that we are that ridiculously stupid
Socialism works though
Back when Bill Maher used to give a shit about this type of thing. He never makes great points like this any more. Maybe he’s been super wealthy for far too long. Bill has completely lost touch… I love old clips like this because it reminds me of why I watched Bill and followed his work for 25 years. These days, I barely tune in.
".....the thing about a pinata is that it doesn't open on it's own. You've got to beat it with a stick!" Man, that's classic. Bill should have his face printed on money.
Why don't you just take 79 slices? That's socialism! 😂
Great argument. I changed my mind. I just spent all that time studying economics and debating with a lot of people about it for nothing. Thank you.
The fact that people seemed to be so surprised about the pizza slice analogy shows that they never paused for a minute to grasp the problematic situation they are in. Keep grassing, human cattle.
The truth is out...
You can no longer make it in America holding a honest job...
The truth is that it is starting to become the same in a lot of other nations.
When the wealth gap is that great, it leads to slavery...
Only in Communist America, the word of a 4th graders is worth more than people with college or high school diploma...
......You're just now realizing that?
.....My gosh
Being Rich is not a bad thing in itself. I think, the meaning of the pyramidal shape has been perverted. Being at the top and rich should mean having more responsibility for and to others, not to be heartless and think one is separate and special. Like a lighthouse, the rich should represent a guiding light to safety and well being, of others and society.
No rich person became rich in a void. They always owe it more or less to others. From their genes to the idea that was taken one step forward in the mind by that contribution from an assistant, friend, family member, etc, the fortunate rich always need and needed others.
If anything, one can argue that the selfish and heartless rich are the scroungers of the masses, as they are the ones that take off the population, environment and do not give enough back compared to what they received.
And at that place theory of capitalism and theory of communism indeed overlap.
Actually your first sentence is false. Even today, the jobs that require only simple, single minded tasks are rapidly being automatized, so gradually the lowest paying jobs are being taken over by robots and computers, leaving only supervising jobs, that require expertize in the subject.
Now there are virtually no hand painted cars for example, they are painted by an automated system that will do it a million times more precisely than a human being would and much, much cheaper. So I don't know where this world is heading in the job department, but there definitely won't always be a menial role in society unless one day a ceo will be considered one.
there are three ways of becoming rich. 1st you do like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or the guys from Facebook and google and create something from nothing. In that case you create also wealth for everyone. The second way is basically to steal legally the money that are already around from other's pockets and put into yourself pockets like wall street does. the 3th one is a son of a rich guy who has never experienced what being poor means, who recieve a BMW or a Ferrari at his 16th birthday and simply exploit their parents fortune, like Paris Hilton.
The first guy you can hope is a genius but morally can be "like you" so you can hope that once he is rich he will remember what being you means and care about you. The second guy is just a motherfucker sharks who kill everyone he finds on his way to fullfillment. If you think that this type of guys once become rich will start to care about others you're screwed. The third guy can't simply empathize with the people cause he has no experience, like you for example throw away half of your food when you don't like it not considering that somewhere in the world there is someone who is starving and that would kill for that food. So basically the idea that rich people have some sort of responsability towards the community is something in your head, not in theirs. They are the one that for becoming more rich have started to produce everything in china leaving million of people in their country without jobs and killing their economy. But they have now more money than before so they are more happy than ever.
+Cyr Uay Scarcity is a fact because all resources are limited. But do we produce enough to fulfill our needs? Yes, that and then some.
What do you mean about the money structured society? Why do you think it's false?
+You have the same perspective that Jesus Christ was talking about in the bible.steel_beams
Lol your the best bill I love this show God BLESS you
"You have to beat it with stick"
why are some people here accusing him of being part of the 1%? he's nowhere near that status... this shows exactly how much you guys don't know about the 1% and their wealth. He's rich, sure, but not 1% rich.
He is well and truly in the one percent. Forbes claims that the average wealth of the top 1% is $8.4 million. He is rich, but not owning an NFL team rich.
Lmao you are so delusional. To be in the top 1% in the US, you have to make around $400k per year. You guys talk about the 1% like they’re all yacht owners.
I think what you MEAN is .01%.
Yet Bill Maher votes against his own economic interests!! Something that most of the two percent never do!!!
Archon ish are you seriously that dense? It’s amazing how confident of you are while being so misinformed. Bill Maher’s net worth is 100 million and the net worth of the bottom of the 1 percent is 8.4 million. He’s probably in the 0.1 percent. That’s why he’s shit now
The past 3 months I have been doing a ton of research on the growing wealth gap. In 2015 former president Jimmy Carter said the U.S. Is an 'Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery'. What a lot of people don't realize is that we didn't go from a Democracy to Oligarchy on specific date or year. About 30 years ago the the top 1% owned 7% of the total wealth. Today the top 1% own 40% of the total wealth in the United States of America. The Oligarchy has existed for a very long time. It is just much more powerful today.
Denis Panson ~ FORMER president Jimmy Carter.
There's nothing wrong with bring rich,as long as they pay taxes and earn through fair means
This is what I love about comedians. They have exceptional insight, and know just how to present it to the public so they'll listen.
what was the lady complaining about?
Because of the 1 thing capitalists or right-wingers are scared shitless of. Every rich fuck out there has become rich at the cost and over the backs of the population.
She's scared: the people would truly grab the power, and strip every rich fuck of all that wealth taken from the population, and redistribute it evenly back over the complete population again.
Why do you think right-wingers in your country have always framed the word or idea of socialism as a horrible concept.
Because the money which was taken from the population would be redistributed and empower and enrich the complete population again. She doesn't care that much for the population.
She was complaining how that analogy Bill gave (79 slices) wasn't applicable, but it is.
Thanks for uploading. Had a hard time looking for this
I believe he’s talking about the billionaires .. he’s a millionaire
Bill Maher has had many moments of genius but this, surely, beats them all. If there's one, four-minute video that every person in the Western World should see, it has to be this one.
What people need to understand is that capitalism at its core is socialist too. It just took a different aproach to Marxism. However, the goal of both is still to make as many people as possible "wealthy".
Never thought of it that way. I appreciate your line of thinking.
Why thanks! :)
I actually thought I would be flamed for that comment. Glad to know somebody appreciated it.
nick volta Yeah, sure, no problem. Being political doesn't mean one has to be a stupid jackass.
Your understanding is retarded if you think Capitalism is a system of government. There you have been flamed. Feel better? :-)))
Clint Ronnow
Capitalism may not be a system of government but to a lot of people it's a fucking religion. And like most religious people, they'll fight anything that could endanger their belief, no matter if the criticism is reasonable or not.
Also, where did I imply Capitalism is a form of government?
I love the beat 'em with a stick idea. 🥳🥳🥳
Meanwhile, Bill Maher has $23 million.
That damn successful person!
***** You are not allowed to be successful if you are a democrat.
Suzann Fulbright
Democrats have the right to be hypocrites.
And that's relevant....because?? So in order to point out the inequity in this country you have to be poor? What's the cut off point? How much money can you have and still be able make the point?
Erik Baran
It doesn't matter where I draw the line. Where does Bill draw the line? He's the multi-multi-millionaire bitching about there being too much financial success. That makes him a hilarious hypocrite. How much does Bill think is too much? Is he not past it?
The pizza analogy was lifted from Huey Long's "barbecue speech".
I've only discovered bill maher recently and i have to admit that I find myself agreeing with almost everything he says.
Finally a voice of reason! I agree with you. When the smallest group of people pay more than the rest of the country it is already outta balance. I support a flat tax. The incentives and breaks will still be there so it wouldnt change for most people.
Totally missed this episode. Awesome new rules!!
You've got a very good point right there. But so does Maher.
simply the fact that we all have to earn less for the global crisis but in turn the richest gain more in comparison already proves something is terribly wrong.
3:04 - 3:49 "One guy takes eighty slices. ....pinata, you have to beat it with a stick!"
Bill Maher, the best political intellectual of America
Thank you! I've been trying to get this point across!
No one ever said anything about "forced integration." Why is giving someone else rights, taking yours away? If you want to have white kids then go ahead. No one is stopping you, that's great. I'm not really sure what you're against?
as usual Bill hits the nail on the head. tax the rich, feed the poor.
Every time i listen to my brain washed friends at work too much i come home and end up watching bill maher and george carlin for about 2 hours just to restore my sanity :D
In addition, the 1980-2008 period is exactly when things went wrong.
Deregulation, wage stagnation despite high profits for the top, tax cuts that focus on the supply side, banking schemes that becomes legal through lobbying congress, campaign finances that becomes more and more out of control favoring the increasingly ultra rich.
It took about 20-30 years to tear down what was built to protect consumer and keep the demand at a healthy level, and here we are today.
love you,Bill Maher,your always right on
I love Bill mayer!,He is a GENIUS!!!
TRUTH will set you FREE
Bill Nails it AGAIN!
Google: Thomas Sowell, the brilliant American economist and learn some truth about socialism and its complete failure. Do you really believe that the 1% take the money from
Man, he's changed! He used to make a lot more sense.
New Rule: Americans with a personal net worth of $100,000,000 don't get to criticize wealth disparity in the U.S.
Trust is important, but I think the real key is "voluntarism." Government is coercion by definition. Voluntarism is freedom.
who´s the lady in the vid?
Very well stated. Trickle down economic theory does not work when money does not move 'down'. Instead it is simply circulated amongst the upper classes.
Take a fountain for example. The water flows top to bottom, and bottom to top in perpetual balance. If you were to take a cup and start collecting the water, The fountain will eventually run dry. This is how modern economics works.
In order to make a profit, wealthy people have to keep more than they redistribute, and it runs dry.
I like Bill Maher, I like him a lot. Heres my issue. BILL YOUR RICH!!! Dont act like your one of us. Your part of who you are talking about
I don't think rich people are the problem Bill is pointing out, rather the extremely wealthy, and he is not part of that club by a long shot. There are probably close to a hundred CEOs who make more in one year than what Bill has amassed in his entire 30+ year career, I've heard 23 million is his net worth. Taking that into consideration, there must be thousands probably earning 20 times or more than what Bill makes in 1 year, others make over a hundred times his salary, that's really the issue here I think.
Yea, he paints any rich person same he paints Greenspan and all sort of politically connected. Maybe he should focus on removing the vicious link between politics and economy/rich people.
Undercover Boss is schmaltzy and these precious expert bosses almost always fail miserably and get fired on the frontline.This really illustrates why every business should be run as a co-op.
The bit about lack of visibility is true for privately held companies, but not for public ones. You can see exactly how much a public company is making by going to the company's website and navigating to the investor relations page. In the annual report you can even look up how much the top five officers were able to squeeze out of their friends on the board.
I was referring to the private companies. "Squeeze out of their friends on the board." You're hilarious!
I wasn't saying the middleclass and poor should pay more taxes. I was saying the rich and super rich should pay more. The middleclass and poor are the ones who should be paying much less taxes. Nobody should have to struggle with money. Especially not in a country like America.
This right here is the cream of the Maher crop.
The analogy regarding pizza was so simple yet incredibly informative
Be the change you want to see in the world, for one
The only thing we can do is spread the message as much as possible.. and unite. We need to see ourselves as one in order to bring down the tyrants.
There is no changing it from the inside, the system protects it's own corruption
It's not about agreement, it's about truthfulness and deception for the purpose of getting a point across or making people agree with you - which is what he does here. (oh, I just realized who I was responding to)
Just curious - where in the US do you live?
"Bill Maher, comedian and actor, was born on January 20, 1956 in New York City and has a net worth of $23 million."
Thomas Sowell just put out a new book, it's only 20 pages long and only costs $5.00. It's called "Trickle Down Theory and Tax Cuts for the Rich". I strongly suggest you get the book. I'd really like to hear what you think of it if you'll read it.
What Bill Maher is saying is that since the 1980 (actually probably since 1970), the rich are taken an ever increasing cut of the new incomes. Middle class incomes are stagnant, poor class is actually negative increasing while the top 1% incomes are exponentially growing. I am an engineer (middle class) and I see my salary barely competing with inflation. While my company CEO takes salary increase in the 30% when he is alreay making 20million+ a year. I see something wrong with that.
When I checked a minute ago, roughly the same proportion was spent on pensions, and the same proportion on Medicare/Medicaid. Personally, I'd support abolishing pensions, so that'd save a bit.
I've never said inequality is bad. I've suggested that less inequality is better, and that giving people more equal opportunity is better. I gave you the name of a book regarding inequality/standard of living.
Although now you mention it, why is inequality so wonderful?
So sad that this is still applicable today 😭😂
Sorry, meant to end it with "squeeze out of the shareholders while their friends on the board nod in agreement (in return for generous director's fees, also disclosed in the annual report and paid for by the shareholders). "
I love the pizza analogy. Take 79 slices? WHAT? THAT'S SOCIALISM!!
I don't pride myself on anything & am no expert. He basically said that I don't know what I am talking about because I read books on the subject which means that I don't have an original thought about the subject since all my knowledge comes from books instead of self reflection on my own experience & what I see with my own eyes & therefore shouldn't be taken seriously.
I'm loving that 80 slices of pizza analogy
There are tens of millions of people in America and around the world who work very hard but make little money. And there are many rich persons who don't work hard and have an easy life of luxury.
Hilarious old bill Maher
The day we stop laughing and get mad about the pizza analogy is going to be a great day!!
“It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.”
― Adam Smith
1 & 2) true 3) US manufacturing didn't shift to China for tax exemptions. It shifted because labor costs 10% of what it does in the US and labor is the biggest input in simple manufacturing. Exemption, credits, etc have an effect but this effect is dwarfed by the wage differential.
Did you forget what we were arguing about?? I never disputed that tax breaks exist but they are small compared to the benefits from using cheaper Chinese labor. Why are European countries in China? They don't benefit from US tax loopholes. They are there for the cheap labor just like we are. The deductions for US companies is just the cherry on top
GREAT POINT!!!i hear in 1958 romney had an overdue library book too:):)
you know what makes bill seem the most believable? he's speaking out against his own financial interests, somehow it seems more genuine when that happens. not many politicians could make that claim, especially on one side.
The average Norwegian makes almost $90k/yr. My cousin, an apprentice makes about $60k/yr. The worst jobs in this country gives you $45k/yr. We also get free health care and education. I rest my case.
The problem with that is the rich rarely ever "earn" their money. It is often earned through inheritance or through back-breaking labor from other people.
I agree completely, also notice I mentioned absolutely nothing about government in the comment you replied too.
I am not referring to all rich people. A lot of rich people are just hardworking people like doctors, engineers, and lawyers. Rags to riches on the other hand doesn't happen very much. There are so many things trying to keep poor kids poor, lack of education being one of the biggest. You can't honestly say that there are very many rich people who started out very poor and without a proper education. All I'm saying is that I'd rather have millionaires with tax increases than low & middle classes
I can tell you that if me and my group stopped working, the company would produce nothing. I understand there is a hierarchy, and some people SHOULD make more than others, but the pie has to be divided in a more FAIR way. This is not happening now and that should be changed. The modus operandum of CEOs nowadays is this: close plants, fire a bunch of people to reduce cost, see the stock price jump because of my ideas, and get a nice year end bonus. I don't want a handout, just a fair salary.
I work my ass off and have never been fired or laid off or claimed any injury. I worked my way through school. Walked the straight and narrow. I am talented and smart and spend money wisely. I work extra to make enough to live.
and I can't make it. every month my bills get higher. every month my pay stays the same. And I make almost twice the national average? The only way we can compete is to be a third world country. The super rich will not be happy until we are that poor.
thank god this guy is on tv
For those of you referring to Bill's net worth as indicative of hypocrisy.. No. True, his net worth is much more than the average American like you and me, but the top 1 - 5% is really what he is referring to and it is the top 2% that actually has 80% of America's wealth. Bill is not in that top 2%. He's certainly not even close to being average, but he is also not even close to being comparable to billionaires.
subcaption says"only on abc". do ya think billy holds any grudges?
The redistribution crowd never seems to understand a few simple facts. Someone who is worth $1 billion cannot get their hands on $1 billion of currency, they just control the money, where it spent, how it's invested. Why have these top 400 people made so much money since 1980. They invest in emerging markets. Remember Bill Marr is also a millionaire, and how does he make his money, with his opinion.
I laughed out loud when I saw "shine my shoes fuckface". So true.
bill, boehner is like: "who is going to JAIL for this?" lmao
The pizza analogy contains two fatal flaws:
1. The person who took 80 paid for 100. They actually probably paid for 160 because the effective tax rate on the rich with corporate tax is roughly 50%.
2. People aren't "saying" or "asking" how about you just take 79? The state is pointing a gun at the man who paid for 160 and putting him in a cage if he does not take just 79.
the costs are certainly concentrated among lower income groups in the US but the net benefits are positive. rather than fighting globalization we need to re-tool our economy for it
DISPARITY is irrelevant. You fail to see this. There is a DISPARITY in talent; some can sing & some can't. A DISPARITY in 1 man's height to another man's height. A DISPARITY is the ability to do math and become a CPA. What U want is for everyone to be equal and they're just not ever going to be. U want people to never have to struggle and that is also unrealistic. They will struggle, financially, emotionally, and physically. Most people start out struggling financially & work their way up.
Saying "giving money to politicians" implies that I think politicians should keep it. Which isn't true.
There is evidence that having a lower income inequality in society improves the health, social mobility and happiness of the entire population, and reduces crime too.
I agree the government spends too much, but it spends on the wrong things.
In finanical inequality, the 1% own 42.7% of the wealth. Shouldn't they pay 42% of the tax bill? If not, why not?
Didn't we have that sort of show with paris hilton called she simple but back breaking life?
You are making a lot of assumptions. Employers pay their employees based off the value the employee adds to the company. It's not an arbitrary number that employers pick out of the air. How can you say the rich are greedy and immoral? Do you know them personally? Keep in mind that wages are just part of the employers overall labor costs. Additional taxes (social security, unemployment, etc) keep wages down.
Giving money to a political organization is not the same as paying a higher tax or giving your money away.
Exactly right. The only thing to add is that the already rich are also likely to take the money to an overseas fund, so that they don't even have to pay (the laughably low capital gains) tax on their money.
Sources: Carroll and Colleagues, Moody Analytics, House and Senate Joint Committee on Taxation, Christian Keuschnigg and Soren Bo Nielsen. Just to name a few that have released info on this.
I do not follow either party, there are things I like and dont like in both. Thats why I stay independent. Both sides are the same when it comes to spreading mis-information, its not just one or the other.
I don't think he does try to separate himself from the middle class. But that doesn't mean he can't point out that most of the rich are complete assholes when it comes to their economic plans. Sure he may not be one of "us" financially, but he sure is one of us mentally.
You missed the point about PAYING THE EMPLOYEES. Employees are underpaid overall. This is the person who deserves "any of it." And most of us are employees of someone, and we deserve a livable wage for our work. And those of us who own our own businesses would be better off if the 99% of America actually made enough money to come visit our business. Bigger picture... try to see it. And NO he didn't build the pizzeria, grow the ingredients, make the pizza, or deliver it.
Brilliant. Just brilliant...
Out of curiosity, instuctor of what? I never claimed to have all the answers, but I do look at the numbers. It has been shown that when a country raises the taxes on the wealthy by only 3% that their is around a 13.7% decrease in industry and a drop of almost 15% in middle class jobs.
That is so true, in fact Chris Gardner, had to deal with the IRS taking money from his bank account and putting him on the street at the worst possible time. The government in the long run, don't help nobody.
Wow! Didn't know Maher stuck it to rich people this hard?
Aside the brain numbing stupidity, economic illiteracy (too many to debunk in the comment section) and straw man, the 1% millionaire worth $23 million is so touched by wealth inequality that he hasn't done a thing about it. My heart is melting.
I think you do not fully comprehend "hypocrisy". If I say "you should not smoke it is bad for you" when smoking I am not a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite when I say "You should do like me and not smoke" while I smoke in secret.
Hypocrisy is acting or not acting opposite to what they say.
It is very different to gamble by risking a portion of even $1000 or $2000 a week than it is to risk a portion of $150 a week. What you say has a little bit of truth to it but it is incredibly unrealistic for someone who makes $150 a week to risk even a small portion of that on investing. They have to pay for food, housing, utilities and all the other living expenses simply to survive, while people who make even $1000 a week are able to invest with whats left over.
Say what you will about Bill Maher, but he was ahead of the curve on the potential of Donald Trump's influence on American politics. I'll leave you to greave. (the sane ones)