I think that there's nothing wrong with comparing new ships with their op counterparts because at the end of the day those ships will have to stand up to their op peers and if they aren't able to do so, it's ok to point that out.
In Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts, the Japanese Modern Light Cruiser also suffered from bad firing angles on the superstructure adjacent turrets. But I found with all the modern modules, I had enough displacement to max out the armor. Like 6” belt armor, 4” deck, 3” extended belt and 2” extended deck. It’s like of these cruisers were giving 35mm+ bows and sterns and a 57mm deck. That’d be nice to have.
Stfu many *battleships* don't have 57mm decks why should a light cruiser have that. Also how is the garbage maneuverability not a problem, but the armor instead??
I have the reverse experience. I hated the T8 it’s squishiness was too much for me. The heal and faster guns make getting some torpedo hits possible. Way more comfortable.
Yeah. I ve even consistantly multi citadeled these things with my Preussen in Airship escort. Every time they pop up on the enemie team i just see free damage. Joke of a line...
@@sameerkharade7750wish they gave the British heavy cruisers better armor and faster reload time. Drake and Goliath have the potential to be great but those two things are holding them back.
Biggest issue I have is the turrets are massive bobbleheads with NO ARMOR... so as soon as anyone hits them, they're KO'ed either temporarily or permanently. The alpha strike is also very underwhelming considering the reload IME. The Ibuki's HE salvoes would be double what you were doing with roughly the same reload and absolutely no one would consider that ship OP.
point is split IJN light cruiser line's 2ndary is using 100 mm so it have 30 mm HE pen, while the main gun is at 150mm, but it also have 30mm HE pen ... WG logic strike again XD oh don't forget mogami's 155mm reloads at 10 sec and this split line reloads at 15 sec for T8 n 9, then wired 12.5 sec at T10 with 18 guns!?
The buff I'd prefer to see would be torp reload booster, even if it's at the cost of some base torp reload speed, and especially if it's just swapping it out for the catapult fighter. More interesting still would be to choose between torp or MB reload boosters. But I'd be happy with better concealment or better air-drag characteristics for the shells as alternatives. TBH the line isn't terrible or anything, but I didn't really see the appeal to it - Jinan's better at pooping out stealthier torps, and it has smoke firing potential. This line sacrifices so much in exchange for a somewhat redundant hydro given the long range spamming nature of these ships; and for torps that can hit enemy DDs, but that you'd always want to release from long distance and thus are so slow and visible that it's easy for DDs to dodge between.
"It's a weird ship and it's a weird line" sums up the historical IJN ships of WW2. After breaking away from Britain's ship designs, the Japanese really tried doing their own thing with cruisers and battleships. Cruisers especially. Experimentation leads to innovation, but they ran out of time and resources to be able to follow up on some of the initial design lines.
Cossack is still absolutely great, Kidd not as much. It used to be an AA monster which made up for lack of torps, but its really not anymore. Its American guns are just as good/bad as theyve always been. Cossack though has all that you want from a mid tier DD, great guns, great conceal, ok torps. (it does give up heals for a speed boost, but that's not exactly a drawback.)
Both are good, question is whether you liked Benson or Lightning, as these two premiums are very close to them. If you plan getting Black, Kidd is kinda redundant as premium USN destroyer unless you're Fletcher enjoyer.
5:07 New lines dont need to be broken and have to powercreep the older ones, agreed. However, they also shouldnt be just bad. I see no reason to grind this line. Is it too much asked for that WG makes balanced stuff? That they hit the spot in between broken and junk?
this line isn't junk. it's mediocre and "balanced". "balanced" and "optimal" are not the same thing, and most people seem to want optimal over actually balanced.
When your only battle impact is damage and your experience is "In some games I feel like I can do that", it doesn't seem good. It's almost a good line, but it really needs a way to impact the battle. Typically, light cruisers without utility have insane DPM and other protective measures to compensate (and a big slab of HP is only going to do so much when you're bigger than a lot of russian cruisers). Hell, you don't even have air dropped ASW on a ship with catapult launched aircraft.
PQ: "Why don't they just give this ship a little buff, it could use one." WG: "Well we could ... but then people would enjoy it and stop spending money to skip to the T10." To conclude: This line is just Henri IV and Zao mixed with a 155 Mogami, but waaaay worse. Would be nice to once get a new line thats not straight up OP or usless. Something decent for once.
I tend to play the Taka more recklessly by pushing closer and taking advantage of the amount of torps that I can offload to either side at medium and close range. I guess I play it like a big torpedo DD at those times. I can die quickly, but I usually take out 1 or 2 with me.
with the other tier 9 IJN cruiser the Ibuki, I have been called out for using some Ibuki magic. Now the tier 8 light cruiser I was doing the same thing, just with more shots fired and more torp hits.
Comparison with the Ibuki, the Tier IX heavy cruiser counterpart? Ibuki does not have that great a reputation. But Tier IX is pretty rough for cruisers in general.
Imagine wanting range with these garbage shells. You should just sell it and stop grieving yourself and your team by having a Taka or a Yodo, God help us
I don't know what this guy is talking about. These ships play and handle just fine. They are okay ships. You want okay ships. If every ship that came out were to be OP, then this game would suffer as the OP ships would just roam the map killing every ship. This all means the game is balanced. Balanced is good. Balance is great. Play these ships, 365 turrets are amazing, the range of torps and the number of torps you can send down field is great, and the fire chance on 15 shells is scary. Combine all that with the amazing concealment and holy smoke. Balanced ship :)
This ship is ok??? WTF I would play random with this shit if I can take ships like Moskva, Petro, Des moines, Stalingrad, Wooster, San Martin, Minotaur, Hindy, Venezia, Napoli, Brisbane, Goliath, Defence? All of these ships are just way better. Even Jinan is better.
You may be able to make this ship work but I don't think I could, and I'm a cruiser main, CL's mostly. I'm having a blast in Harbin and looking forward to Sejong (very close now). They DO have DPM, and also smoke and good torps, excellent stealth. I do well in Atlanta, and these are all like that. But these new IJN cruisers? Be relegated to open water? I don't think so, not for me.
Well it is a free line so it can't be too good If you wanna play competitive mode, you need coal/steel ships, very few silver ships work And the free lines need gimics to make them ineresting We where all WAU when the british light CA came out, no HE and special AP WAO, then radar came in and russan CA became even better then italy with SAP again WAO You just cant make a normal ship line any more. This is what new lines use to be I do like these ships, I wish WG would make more normal ships like this but I do think they need a twek or two Shell velocity buff maybe or better fire chance, just make the guns a little bit better. Everything else is good, speed armor, agility, torps it's a good line but the game is different now so they seem bad
@@BSoDexe I think there are a few tech tree DD's that are good with the fletcher being one of them. I played the Brindisi but I don't recall if I liked it or not.
Almost every game 150-250 hits and mostly 3-5 fires. Maybe 2 out of 10 games I get 7, 8 fires, my record is 8 with 11% fire chance. I think I would get the same fires with IFHE?
Honestly just make this line clones of Atago and it'd be way better (better deck armor, better rudder shift) but keep the 150mm guns. And better ballistics would be great too (honnestly make these guns railguns, it would be actually a nice buff to make them long range light cruisers). Right now they just have all the downsides of heavy cruisers and all the downsides of light cruisers...
Seems like the ships of the new line have two different purposes: 1)Get WG a good excuse to say: Hey not every new line we introduce is a cashgrab OP line. 2)Give BBBaybies a new target for easy dopamin one shoot overmatch BS and argue "BuT hE SHOwed ME fULl brOaDsiDe" (because the gunangles are soo bad that it f-es your DPM even more not doing so) The Japanese lines filled this role for a long time but people stop playing them more and more so they needed a new ship.
People were complaining too much about IJN CA and Zao in particular usually being the weakest compared to their peers in other tech trees. So they made something worse
"idk what to think about this ships" i know how to feel and great part of the community feel... this line is trash and the Yodo still dont have even 10K battles in total number os matches in the NA serve that is something that show that no one is willing to play such a garbage line that at best have a good quantity of torps and good turn in the turrets
Oh, thought this was for the tier 7 premium, the Takochi I think? Boo. Can't figure out how to effectively use that thing. Haven't made it passed Omono yet on this line.
If you ask me, having a heal makes all the difference. But it’s still mediocre, I wish it had a better gimmick or something to compensate the weaknesses. This whole line is only really good for killing destroyers and providing long range fire support and torps but otherwise Mino has better utility
10:35 How about we compare it to A FUCKING SEATTLE then? Is that an OP ship? High HP for a CL but bad armor? Both have it. Bad firing angles? Both have it. Radar? Only Seattle has it. Actual DPM with good fire chance? Only Seattle has it. ToRpEdOeS? Only Takahashi has it.
I have been playing the tier 8 in operations, burns easy with no dpm, will give it a pass, would rather be playing the Zao line. Perhaps if they reduce the reload time or a reload booster and maybe a speed buff or add smoke. Or maybe just like you call in planes for the ASW and dutch cruisers you can call in a Satsuma salvo :-) Just kidding WG
Smolensk, petro, Slava, even Kremlin... basically all the ships after my 5-10 long grind zero real money tier 10 ships (zao!)... are not tier 10. Wargaming needs to just spread all them ships out between 11 and 13 (or15 maybe). It's damn ridiculous.
This is by far the worst ship in the line. In fact, every single ship gets worse than the previous tier with the only exception being the tier 10, and Yodo is mediocre at best. Tier 5 and 6 are by far the most fun to play, they are fast, maneuverable and have good torps and they have paper armor so if you stay broadside to BBs they will just overpen you. Tier 7 has the best guns but the torps are not as good and you can't show broadside anymore. Tier 8 and 9 don't even bother, terrible guns, slow garbage torps that even BBs can easily dodge and they are massive and turn like a brick so you expode whenever you are spotted end have to commit to a turn which in this day and age is a massive issue because of subs, CVs, and hybrid ships.
Zao is surprisingly better, tho I would love to see a zao buff. Zao in general has better? Armor more trolly and when mixed with good rudder allows you to survive some really bad situations. Also what makes zao that much better is the accuracy you can land almost every shell assuming you lead the target well (not to mention the shell speed is pretty decent). Would love to see zao with abit more he alpha or a lot more HP considering it’s a heavy cruiser. It’s stealth and agility makes it a lot more suited for the role of a dd leader/ support than the yodo or Takahashi
When was the last time we got a new _line_ of ships that are more powerful than the last? Sure, the t10 of a couple of those lines are great, but the other ships going up the lines are absolute trash. Thats why we bitch about WG chruning out this "content".
I think that there's nothing wrong with comparing new ships with their op counterparts because at the end of the day those ships will have to stand up to their op peers and if they aren't able to do so, it's ok to point that out.
In Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts, the Japanese Modern Light Cruiser also suffered from bad firing angles on the superstructure adjacent turrets. But I found with all the modern modules, I had enough displacement to max out the armor. Like 6” belt armor, 4” deck, 3” extended belt and 2” extended deck. It’s like of these cruisers were giving 35mm+ bows and sterns and a 57mm deck. That’d be nice to have.
Stfu many *battleships* don't have 57mm decks why should a light cruiser have that. Also how is the garbage maneuverability not a problem, but the armor instead??
I have the reverse experience. I hated the T8 it’s squishiness was too much for me. The heal and faster guns make getting some torpedo hits possible. Way more comfortable.
This ship is huge, like it's just too big and a shell magnet when spotted
And has battleship maneuverability, WG clearly wanted you to gold to tier 10 but Yodo is just as bad which is so, so weird
Yeah. I ve even consistantly multi citadeled these things with my Preussen in Airship escort. Every time they pop up on the enemie team i just see free damage. Joke of a line...
@@derrickstorm6976 It is Japanese so it's going to be okay if not bad. Look how well they made the British battle cruisers..
@@sameerkharade7750wish they gave the British heavy cruisers better armor and faster reload time. Drake and Goliath have the potential to be great but those two things are holding them back.
Biggest issue I have is the turrets are massive bobbleheads with NO ARMOR... so as soon as anyone hits them, they're KO'ed either temporarily or permanently.
The alpha strike is also very underwhelming considering the reload IME. The Ibuki's HE salvoes would be double what you were doing with roughly the same reload and absolutely no one would consider that ship OP.
It seems that the Zao heavy cruiser plays better as a light cruiser than this line.
Jinan's line cruisers play the same role in battles as this line, but do it much better
point is split IJN light cruiser line's 2ndary is using 100 mm so it have 30 mm HE pen, while the main gun is at 150mm, but it also have 30mm HE pen ... WG logic strike again XD
oh don't forget mogami's 155mm reloads at 10 sec and this split line reloads at 15 sec for T8 n 9, then wired 12.5 sec at T10 with 18 guns!?
The buff I'd prefer to see would be torp reload booster, even if it's at the cost of some base torp reload speed, and especially if it's just swapping it out for the catapult fighter. More interesting still would be to choose between torp or MB reload boosters.
But I'd be happy with better concealment or better air-drag characteristics for the shells as alternatives.
TBH the line isn't terrible or anything, but I didn't really see the appeal to it - Jinan's better at pooping out stealthier torps, and it has smoke firing potential.
This line sacrifices so much in exchange for a somewhat redundant hydro given the long range spamming nature of these ships; and for torps that can hit enemy DDs, but that you'd always want to release from long distance and thus are so slow and visible that it's easy for DDs to dodge between.
"It's a weird ship and it's a weird line" sums up the historical IJN ships of WW2. After breaking away from Britain's ship designs, the Japanese really tried doing their own thing with cruisers and battleships. Cruisers especially. Experimentation leads to innovation, but they ran out of time and resources to be able to follow up on some of the initial design lines.
Im thinking about buying kidd or cossack, which one u guys reccomend? I will buy black as my next coal ship btw, if thats a factor...
Cossack is still absolutely great, Kidd not as much. It used to be an AA monster which made up for lack of torps, but its really not anymore. Its American guns are just as good/bad as theyve always been. Cossack though has all that you want from a mid tier DD, great guns, great conceal, ok torps. (it does give up heals for a speed boost, but that's not exactly a drawback.)
@@AdamtheRed- Thanks for the answer
Kidd is still a good ship but if you are getting Black then get the Cossack cuz it's more unique and arguably the best T8 dd.
Both are good, question is whether you liked Benson or Lightning, as these two premiums are very close to them.
If you plan getting Black, Kidd is kinda redundant as premium USN destroyer unless you're Fletcher enjoyer.
5:07 New lines dont need to be broken and have to powercreep the older ones, agreed. However, they also shouldnt be just bad. I see no reason to grind this line. Is it too much asked for that WG makes balanced stuff? That they hit the spot in between broken and junk?
this line isn't junk. it's mediocre and "balanced". "balanced" and "optimal" are not the same thing, and most people seem to want optimal over actually balanced.
When your only battle impact is damage and your experience is "In some games I feel like I can do that", it doesn't seem good. It's almost a good line, but it really needs a way to impact the battle. Typically, light cruisers without utility have insane DPM and other protective measures to compensate (and a big slab of HP is only going to do so much when you're bigger than a lot of russian cruisers).
Hell, you don't even have air dropped ASW on a ship with catapult launched aircraft.
I would love to see better concealment on this line.
PQ: "Why don't they just give this ship a little buff, it could use one."
WG: "Well we could ... but then people would enjoy it and stop spending money to skip to the T10."
To conclude: This line is just Henri IV and Zao mixed with a 155 Mogami, but waaaay worse. Would be nice to once get a new line thats not straight up OP or usless. Something decent for once.
Even T10 Yodo is shit. It is just pure pain to play it. I would take any other t10 cruiser than that :-)
I tend to play the Taka more recklessly by pushing closer and taking advantage of the amount of torps that I can offload to either side at medium and close range. I guess I play it like a big torpedo DD at those times. I can die quickly, but I usually take out 1 or 2 with me.
with the other tier 9 IJN cruiser the Ibuki, I have been called out for using some Ibuki magic. Now the tier 8 light cruiser I was doing the same thing, just with more shots fired and more torp hits.
good review!
Comparison with the Ibuki, the Tier IX heavy cruiser counterpart? Ibuki does not have that great a reputation. But Tier IX is pretty rough for cruisers in general.
I've had it for a few days now but I can't decide - long range or reload module .....
Imagine wanting range with these garbage shells. You should just sell it and stop grieving yourself and your team by having a Taka or a Yodo, God help us
I don't know what this guy is talking about. These ships play and handle just fine. They are okay ships. You want okay ships. If every ship that came out were to be OP, then this game would suffer as the OP ships would just roam the map killing every ship. This all means the game is balanced. Balanced is good. Balance is great. Play these ships, 365 turrets are amazing, the range of torps and the number of torps you can send down field is great, and the fire chance on 15 shells is scary. Combine all that with the amazing concealment and holy smoke. Balanced ship :)
This ship is ok??? WTF I would play random with this shit if I can take ships like Moskva, Petro, Des moines, Stalingrad, Wooster, San Martin, Minotaur, Hindy, Venezia, Napoli, Brisbane, Goliath, Defence? All of these ships are just way better. Even Jinan is better.
You may be able to make this ship work but I don't think I could, and I'm a cruiser main, CL's mostly. I'm having a blast in Harbin and looking forward to Sejong (very close now). They DO have DPM, and also smoke and good torps, excellent stealth. I do well in Atlanta, and these are all like that. But these new IJN cruisers? Be relegated to open water? I don't think so, not for me.
Well it is a free line so it can't be too good
If you wanna play competitive mode, you need coal/steel ships, very few silver ships work
And the free lines need gimics to make them ineresting
We where all WAU when the british light CA came out, no HE and special AP WAO, then radar came in and russan CA became even better then italy with SAP again WAO
You just cant make a normal ship line any more. This is what new lines use to be
I do like these ships, I wish WG would make more normal ships like this but I do think they need a twek or two
Shell velocity buff maybe or better fire chance, just make the guns a little bit better. Everything else is good, speed armor, agility, torps it's a good line but the game is different now so they seem bad
Basically about Takahashi is a "repeat" like Shimanto just like Ibuki a "repeat" from Mogami
But the Ibuki is a better 203mm cruiser than Mogami. The only thing Takahashi does better than Shimanto is torpedoes and surviving damage.
There might be one but I can't think of a T9 tech tree ship that I liked. The jump in MM compared to the jump in upgrades were not in sync.
So far, the only T9 ship I actually had a good time with was Ohio.
@@nikonhckr ah yes, Ohio, my favorite Tier 9 RB ship
I liked Brindisi and Fletcher
Tier 9 cruisers are generally junk
@@BSoDexe I think there are a few tech tree DD's that are good with the fletcher being one of them. I played the Brindisi but I don't recall if I liked it or not.
After I play hector and then realize this line is fine 😂, cos I got 384 shells hit with hector and only got 3 fire
Almost every game 150-250 hits and mostly 3-5 fires. Maybe 2 out of 10 games I get 7, 8 fires, my record is 8 with 11% fire chance. I think I would get the same fires with IFHE?
I think Takahashi Tier 9 is superior with Torpedos vs Shimanto Tier 8 among other things.
Honestly just make this line clones of Atago and it'd be way better (better deck armor, better rudder shift) but keep the 150mm guns. And better ballistics would be great too (honnestly make these guns railguns, it would be actually a nice buff to make them long range light cruisers).
Right now they just have all the downsides of heavy cruisers and all the downsides of light cruisers...
Seems like the ships of the new line have two different purposes:
1)Get WG a good excuse to say: Hey not every new line we introduce is a cashgrab OP line.
2)Give BBBaybies a new target for easy dopamin one shoot overmatch BS and argue "BuT hE SHOwed ME fULl brOaDsiDe" (because the gunangles are soo bad that it f-es your DPM even more not doing so)
The Japanese lines filled this role for a long time but people stop playing them more and more so they needed a new ship.
People were complaining too much about IJN CA and Zao in particular usually being the weakest compared to their peers in other tech trees. So they made something worse
One day they'll introduce a cruiser with like 16 Harugumo 100mm guns
Edit: Just realised Smolensk exists
16 harugumo guns would be better than smolensk. smolensk's 130s don't pen 32mm
Armor needs to be increased imo.
I just wish they would stop the Double Uptier. Other than that, I really dont have a problem with the game.
"idk what to think about this ships"
i know how to feel and great part of the community feel... this line is trash and the Yodo still dont have even 10K battles in total number os matches in the NA serve that is something that show that no one is willing to play such a garbage line that at best have a good quantity of torps and good turn in the turrets
Oh, thought this was for the tier 7 premium, the Takochi I think? Boo. Can't figure out how to effectively use that thing. Haven't made it passed Omono yet on this line.
I dont play this for main gun farming.. that is lame. I enjoy the AA, Sub Surveilance, long range hard hitting torps!!!
If you ask me, having a heal makes all the difference. But it’s still mediocre, I wish it had a better gimmick or something to compensate the weaknesses. This whole line is only really good for killing destroyers and providing long range fire support and torps but otherwise Mino has better utility
Honestly I see no point in this line. What you just described is something that Venezia does way better.
@@Virgilfinnatell true
without IFHE those guns are just garbage against well armored targets. but I maintain that this line is very true to japanese WW2 battle doctrine.
I'd rather call it hahashi, as it's really funny to just completly obliterate those :)
Not interested in this line, not in subs, not in hybrids and porbably no pan american cruisers.
Waiting for the new euro DDs and spanish cruisers.
10:35 How about we compare it to A FUCKING SEATTLE then? Is that an OP ship?
High HP for a CL but bad armor? Both have it.
Bad firing angles? Both have it.
Radar? Only Seattle has it.
Actual DPM with good fire chance? Only Seattle has it.
ToRpEdOeS? Only Takahashi has it.
This is what I compare Taka too. They're very similar to one another. Seattle isn't really different from the T8, nor is Taka.
i agree
also you forgot aa
I have been playing the tier 8 in operations, burns easy with no dpm, will give it a pass, would rather be playing the Zao line. Perhaps if they reduce the reload time or a reload booster and maybe a speed buff or add smoke. Or maybe just like you call in planes for the ASW and dutch cruisers you can call in a Satsuma salvo :-) Just kidding WG
The Shimanto works well in operations for me
This ship is so good!!
Takahashi was pretty lackluster for me. The Yodo is waaaaay better tier for tier.
Smolensk, petro, Slava, even Kremlin... basically all the ships after my 5-10 long grind zero real money tier 10 ships (zao!)... are not tier 10. Wargaming needs to just spread all them ships out between 11 and 13 (or15 maybe). It's damn ridiculous.
This is by far the worst ship in the line. In fact, every single ship gets worse than the previous tier with the only exception being the tier 10, and Yodo is mediocre at best. Tier 5 and 6 are by far the most fun to play, they are fast, maneuverable and have good torps and they have paper armor so if you stay broadside to BBs they will just overpen you. Tier 7 has the best guns but the torps are not as good and you can't show broadside anymore. Tier 8 and 9 don't even bother, terrible guns, slow garbage torps that even BBs can easily dodge and they are massive and turn like a brick so you expode whenever you are spotted end have to commit to a turn which in this day and age is a massive issue because of subs, CVs, and hybrid ships.
No way I’m literally 12k away from this thing💀
Mediocre ship but still a better Zao, WG buff Zao pls
Zao is surprisingly better, tho I would love to see a zao buff. Zao in general has better? Armor more trolly and when mixed with good rudder allows you to survive some really bad situations. Also what makes zao that much better is the accuracy you can land almost every shell assuming you lead the target well (not to mention the shell speed is pretty decent).
Would love to see zao with abit more he alpha or a lot more HP considering it’s a heavy cruiser. It’s stealth and agility makes it a lot more suited for the role of a dd leader/ support than the yodo or Takahashi
But man I think there is a difference between average and just bad like dutch cruisers being better than these or pan American being better
He was not playing it correctly.
lol, skipped the whole line.....WG fail
This line is a total failure. No armour, No fast reload & torps that can be seen 1.7km away. Zao & Yoshino are way better.
So bad this ship, total junk
When was the last time we got a new _line_ of ships that are more powerful than the last? Sure, the t10 of a couple of those lines are great, but the other ships going up the lines are absolute trash. Thats why we bitch about WG chruning out this "content".