Narrative of philosophy in Hong Kongers' society is rare. Priceless. Enlightenment abandoning religious contemplating is a social or historical phenomenon, wondering wondering what is tangible or material social power caused or at least enhanced such a social shift? It has been rarely being mentioned. Italiano's craftsmanship would be counted in history? There would be a similar question asked in libertarianism rising in the human civilization history after enlightenment. 料依 [翻譯] 香港社會很少有香港人哲學敘事。無價。 啟蒙放棄宗教思考是一種社會或歷史現象,想知道是什麼有形或物質的社會力量導致或至少促進了這種社會轉變?它很少被提及。 意大利人的工匠精神會被計算在史冊內? 啟蒙運動後人類文明史上興起的自由意志主義也會提出類似的問題。
多謝陶教授, 令小弟長知識🙏🙏
感恩大德陶教授講解西方哲學教育善知識也 。弟子大大慚愧心 --- 此刻方跟進到的 --- 表達學習能力 。
弟子慚愧可否請示諸位大德 ?關於弟子衍生到的聽學 --- 而🈶意識浮現了 !
,用回以前曾經寫過的講故事的橋段 --- 五位聖人相遇相知打麻將的那一次說了一些 --- 以自相對應說的
這一輯會引介西方哲學史,估計約40講。西方的哲學史由古臘到現代歐美,表現對真理鍥而不捨的尋求;黑格爾說西方哲學史是一系列思維的英雄追求絕對真理的奮鬥史 ,相對於其他古明巴比倫、波斯、印度、中國都難以並匹。我們祈求認識西方文明的深層結構,可以從科學、歷史、藝術、宗教各方面入手,本輯提供一個蹊徑,就是接受一次西方哲學史的理性洗禮。我另一個網台節目《哲人絮語》是將以前《哲學五厘米》的講題重輯簡化,並加入字幕,方便重溫:。 希望大家點擊或提出問題,我將儘量回應,以便推廣文明的謎米。謝謝!
Narrative of philosophy in Hong Kongers' society is rare. Priceless.
Enlightenment abandoning religious contemplating is a social or historical phenomenon, wondering wondering what is tangible or material social power caused or at least enhanced such a social shift? It has been rarely being mentioned. Italiano's craftsmanship would be counted in history?
There would be a similar question asked in libertarianism rising in the human civilization history after enlightenment.
料依 [翻譯] 香港社會很少有香港人哲學敘事。無價。
啟蒙放棄宗教思考是一種社會或歷史現象,想知道是什麼有形或物質的社會力量導致或至少促進了這種社會轉變?它很少被提及。 意大利人的工匠精神會被計算在史冊內?
@@taokwokcheung8714 thanks. But pity that you didn't reply the question I raised. I can do Cina except writing.