I noticed this too, right away! I've misclicked already several times out of habit as to how the clickbox was larger prior... hopefully the clickbox is reverted to how it was before.
Yeah it's pretty off-putting. There's a topic about it on the Google forums: www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AD-FnEyGg1XOdlHviSczmw1I8EXVE8OFyvsGf6ZqMPWzw2jKxk-7oCFUJWFrQe60TkvUAQhEK1Kk-moyyHrnJUSczZ7lDdLyxASHx6vAcvuLdFlq3Eko7dihkGpEWlBVj38 Maybe if it's upvoted enough they'll do something about it
Update on this issue: The Chrome devs are aware and they have recognised this is an issue. You can track their progress fixing it here: bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1136557
I noticed this too, right away! I've misclicked already several times out of habit as to how the clickbox was larger prior... hopefully the clickbox is reverted to how it was before.
Yeah it's pretty off-putting. There's a topic about it on the Google forums: www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AD-FnEyGg1XOdlHviSczmw1I8EXVE8OFyvsGf6ZqMPWzw2jKxk-7oCFUJWFrQe60TkvUAQhEK1Kk-moyyHrnJUSczZ7lDdLyxASHx6vAcvuLdFlq3Eko7dihkGpEWlBVj38
Maybe if it's upvoted enough they'll do something about it
Update on this issue: The Chrome devs are aware and they have recognised this is an issue. You can track their progress fixing it here: bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1136557
It's so annoying!