Think of this more as a mechanical restriction, i.e if the superior oblique is tight it will not allow the eye to elevate in adduction. As such on assessment of ocular movements it will appear as though there is an IO- even thought the underaction is being driven by the SO issue.
Same, well I did at least. I’ve had 2 operations which have mostly helped but could do with a 3rd. Have you struggled with pain with yours? I had a tough time explaining the amount of pain to my Dr when I went - he just didn’t seem to get it but idk what it’s like for other people.
Why restriction only on adduction and not on all horizontal positions of the eye? Why not on all eye movement? It is restriction not paralysis of I.o
Because it’s unilateral and only the superior oblique muscle is affected, it’s not a neurological problem
When I look up one eye is normal but one eye isn't but other than that I'm fine is that good or bad
Thats brown syndrome.Dont worry i also have it.
Restriction in adduction means underacting inferior oblique na .how its superior oblique pls confused
Pls clarify
Think of this more as a mechanical restriction, i.e if the superior oblique is tight it will not allow the eye to elevate in adduction. As such on assessment of ocular movements it will appear as though there is an IO- even thought the underaction is being driven by the SO issue.
So all in all, I have severe browns Sydrome 😂
Same, well I did at least. I’ve had 2 operations which have mostly helped but could do with a 3rd. Have you struggled with pain with yours? I had a tough time explaining the amount of pain to my Dr when I went - he just didn’t seem to get it but idk what it’s like for other people.
Im confused ( i got brown syndrome)