Jersey Child Abuse Scandal: The Politicians' Story: The Pitmans

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Shona and Trevor Pitman are people of Jersey who tried to speak up for the ordinary citizens, the vulnerable and the victims of abuse on the island. Hundreds of children were sexually, physically and emotionally abused by a well organised pedophile ring. They were persecuted by the establishment for trying to help the victims and the government of Jersey chose to protect the perpetrators and bankrupt and hound the Pitmans from the island. The wealthy elite, led by appointees of the Queen, ruthlessly crush anyone who criticises their governance, even if the problem is rampant and organised child sexual abuse.
    Trevor and Shona are two of only a tiny handful of politicians who have dared to criticise the Bailiff (appointed by the Queen) and his officers, the rest being too terrified (or perhaps too complacent) to speak up on behalf of the people of Jersey whom they have been elected to represent.
    It is a shameful account of unrestrained corruption, dishonesty and cover-up by those who represent the Queen on the island.

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