HAPPY BIRTHDAY, swetheart! May your days be filled with sunshine. Collab it's perfect. All parts, alls scenes is truly amazing. I'm happy that I could be part of your birhday collab. Wonderful coloring by the way. You chose N&S? OMG so happy that you did it, it's incredible.
ааа поздравляю тебя Настена!!!!!ты замечательный человек и просто нереально талантливый кросоверщик и клипмейкер я желаю тебе счастья, здоровья и всего самого самого!!!рада быть частью этого коллаба
Can't believe that this collab was made almost year ago. i watched again and still love it that same like before :)
my lovely nastya! I wish you ALL THE BEST in the world! Happy Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, swetheart! May your days be filled with sunshine. Collab it's perfect. All parts, alls scenes is truly amazing. I'm happy that I could be part of your birhday collab. Wonderful coloring by the way. You chose N&S? OMG so happy that you did it, it's incredible.
O wow..this is really amazing! Love it:)) And Happy Birthday sweetie!! Hope you're having a wonderful day and may all your wishes come true:))
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNN! I hope you are having an amazing day and I wish all the best and btw the collab is AWESOME *0*
Happy Birthday, wish you all the best! Enjoy you day!
P.S. The Collab is amazing!!! :-)
I love how it ends with the best one - Buffy and Spike
oooh, it looks great! well done everyone. and Happy late birthday xx
ааа надо делать это почаще:) не за что мне было в радость быть частью этого плюс песня шикарная была да вообще я не могла упустить эту возможность
ааа поздравляю тебя Настена!!!!!ты замечательный человек и просто нереально талантливый кросоверщик и клипмейкер я желаю тебе счастья, здоровья и всего самого самого!!!рада быть частью этого коллаба
I hope you have a wonderful birthday...I knew this would be amazing and it is!
I'm really happy that next incredible vidder love N&S 'coz this movie deserve for it.
Turned out perfectly ♥
happy late birthday
HBD have a great day collab stunning