And MOND has faced several substantial challenges, which is why some continue to look for Planet 9. Example: MOND was created to explain away Dark Matter, but even with MOND you need Dark Matter to explain the spin of galaxies. Also, MOND predicts that gravitational waves would be slower than the speed of light, but we recently measured the speed of gravitational waves, and they do indeed travel at the speed of light.
@@martinfitzsimons5884 "could potentially" is the key word here:). For now axions are hypothetical and neutron stars are candidate for production of axions because they have insanely strong magnetic fields and you need strong magnetic field to produce axions. But it's all hypothetical for now.
MOND isn’t supported by most scientist or hardly any scientists, really. There’s realistically more evidence for String Theory than for MOND. Which is saying something. And MOND doesn’t even have as much explanatory power.
@@teds8747 Pluto is still a planet, the IAU definition doesn't make sense because A) Pluto will "clear it's orbit" in a few billion years, will it then be a planet despite not changing at all? Also by this definition Neptune isn't a planet either because it hasn't "cleared it's orbit." The definition is totally illogical.
@@takanara7 It has already been recognised that the de-classification of Pluto as a planet was someone's personal ego mission (I can't remember which scientist is was but the reasoning for de-classifying has now been called out as incorrect) and it is likely to be re-classified at some point.
It's worth noting that MOND does not have much support among experts in the physics community. PBS Space Time (hosted by Matt O'Dowd, a PhD Astrophysicist), has a great video that summarizes the pros and cons of MOND, including the many revisions it's undergone, and the challenges it still faces.
Yes, I thought data came out in fall 2023 that disproved MOND. There are a number of vids on this, Dr. Becks (who is an astrophysicist) is among my faves.
The problem is that every paper refuting it gets refuted, and then that gets refuted. And while Inflation/LambdaCDM is still the *best* fit for the evidence, it's not a particularly *good* fit for it either, and is also undergoing constant revision. I suspect one day we'll learn that the truth is somewhere in between them.
@@hj60dot5 Let's say the truth is 'somewhere in between them'.. That would still suggest that MOND isn't accurate and therefore can't reasonably be used to debunk Planet 9, which the reason that I commented on MOND's issues in the first place. It's also important to note that in the fall 2023 data referenced by rebeccawinter472, the lead author on that paper had previously been one of MOND's biggest supporters. This new paper disproved their own previous understanding. TLDR; a widely discredited hypothesis isn't relevant to the validity Planet 9
@@hj60dot5 That's not really true at all. The big paper that refuted it was actually done by someone who had been a big MOND proponent. Anyone can write a "paper" and claim whatever they want but the new paper was pretty definitive. The MOND backers are just coping.
There is also another technique for detecting planets that measures "wobbling" of the start in the center of the system. But here it wouldn't work because the impact of this hypothetical planet would be too faint to discern.
We are good at inferring planets in other Stellar systems we don't have any clue as to their positioning for actual existence. So far there's only one solar system😂
I hunted asteroids from 1999 to 2011. One of the things I learned was the professional surveys are not as complete as the astronomers running them claim they are. We would discover asteroids in parts of the sky that had been heavily patrolled by robotic surveys. If those surveys were half as good as they advertised, there should have been nothing left for us to find in those fields. And yet… we regularly discovered objects in such parts of the sky anyway. We also would look for asteroids off the beaten track. For much of the time we were observing, the entire sky South of declination -30 was basically unpatrolled. We found a few brightish objects that way, but we found far more searching close to the ecliptic despite all the robotic competition there. Could there be something about the object that is making it hard to find? Traversing a star-choked background field? Not the expected color? Their math may be off because they are making a wrong assumption. For example, maybe there are two or three of them, not just one! I suspect if it is found… images of it will be found on archival survey plates. Maybe it is one of those “missing stars” that were reported a year ago. Bring up a database of “missing star” observations and start trying to fit an orbit to subsets of them. All the necessary observations to find it may already be online hiding in plain sight in public databases.
@@jeffdroog they mean covering space news the same way Simon's channel Warfronts (formerly Warographics) does, where the team literally sometimes just 2 days later have a video out where Simon talks about the most recent events in conflicts around the world. Could the o.p. have worded their comment better, yes, but you also could've used a little common sense and taken the word "news" as a bit of context for what they were talking about.
one of my favorite TH-cam personalities has a channel dedicated to one of my favorite subjects and it takes me a year to find it. strapping on my dunce cap for a space based whistle-thon weekend 😅😅😅
Planet 9 will be so dim as to be almost impossible to spot. And as opposed to searching for exoplanets, we can’t look for orbital wobbles or dips in a stars brightness. Because we are trying to find a tiny, cold and extremely dim object, we probably have imaged it already. But it wasn’t possible to discern it from anything else in the frame. It is possible that there is no planet 9. But it is far more likely that it is out there beyond our current ability to visualize. I have no doubt that we’ll find it, if it is indeed out there ETA - MOND is not the answer
Regardless of whether planet 9 exists, we can be confident there are many more dwarf planets out there. Estimates have run as high as 200 in the Kuiper belt and over 10,000 in the Oort cloud.
The background music is very distracting while watching from my iPhone. It could be the small speakers or some other device specific issue, but it’s ruining an otherwise very well done video, for me. Still love the work you all do, just trying to help make things better.
If planet 9 exists and is a super Earth, since it is so far away, it would be uninhabitable, so if it is real, it would be an excellent mining resource, if we could travel to it. Fascinating mystery.
Although if there is a moon or moons around a planet 9, tidal heating could create liquid water under the moon's surface maybe. Perhaps other habitability criteria would still rule it out, I don't know, but it would be cool to have an under ice liquid ocean that far out.
Having studied the Planet Nine Hypothesis for some time, I think we will know if Planet Nine exists in the next decade, depending upon how far away it is and it's albedo. Planet Nine could be really faint in the worst case, and if so, even Rubin observatory could have difficulty seeing it. Also Planet Nine could be currently in the galactic plane where stellar crowding will make an unambiguous detection difficult. Those expecting a quick resolution of the existence of Planet Nine will be disappointed.
While Planet 9 is the center of the hypothesis theres also speculation about dwarf planets and tiny planets. Sedna if not for being in the right place would have taken thousands of years to find with our current tech. And logic dictates theres a lot more Sednas out there which are in the further parts of their orbit.
Let us not discount the one theory that Planet 9 is actually a micro black hole, it would definitely help explain why we've never seen it. It would also basically prohibit us from finding it for a very, very long time since our current and near term future technology is just not equipped to actually locate such a small black hole.
@mikepatton8691 l can discount it because a primordial black hole is a sepculative object which has never been observed, whereas we have 8 planets and thousands of exoplanets. You however can seriously consider it, but I wouldn't waste my time.
These high resolution surveys rather than just big narrow view telescopes Will have major effect on astronomy discovering things we have not imagined Because the universe...and the solar system is a big place
Gravitational wave detectors or whatever they call them maybe? Im pretty ignorant on how that all works but maybe that's what they're working toward and efforts are being put forth to make them more sensitive to be used to detect more than we can currently "see"? Again I'm pretty ignorant of it, so I could be way far off
First, We need to have an idea, where to look; maybe looking at how Neptune, and the Kuiper Belt objects, behave, may give us, a clue. Another possibility, is to look at the Kuiper Belt, and see if there are any "resonance zones", that have been "swept clean", of objects, just like the Cassini Division, in Saturn's rings, was "swept clean" by Mimas. Once We have an idea, or maybe, We can do, a general "survey" of the sky, and look for stars, "eclipsed", by a transiting body. In any event, unless Planet 9 gives off, some infrared radiation, similar to a "brown dwarf", it will be nearly impossible, to locate.
I heard "Planet X, alternatively known as Planet Nine." and thought 'wait. X≠IX.' Then Simon said "...a mathematical riddle..." and I burst out laughing. I highly recommend watching Simon highly 😉
I just want to thank William Herschel for his work in giving all astronomers and space aficionado's a reason fully engage that preteen sense of humor that remains hidden in the deep parts of ones soul until the name Uranus comes up...
We need to discover new and better ways to scan space thoroughly. It doesn't have to be universe-wide, but our old 20th century "radio, x-ray, and light measurements" is being stretched to its limits on what we can do with it. Its pretty clear we need something that can cover wide areas and isn't dependent on temperature differences or light reflection.
I wonder if when he heads home, he speaks in sign language to save his money maker from harm. Then at some point, his kids start watching TH-cam so they can remember what he actually sounds like! LOL
I still call Pluto the ninth planet simply because I honor the persons that used mathematics and astronomy to find it! Let these “regulators” pound sand!
We can use pulsar timings, which measures any perturbations on the Solar System Barycentre, to rule out an unknown Saturn sized planet out to 20,000 AU. But a Mars sized object should statistically should be expected to orbit in the Oort cloud; a remnant from the early chotic solar system that got flung out there.
Hey, I always wondered how "Voyager 6" fell into a black hole and ended up on the other side of the galaxy. It may be unlikely to be a primordial black hole, but it would be cool! 🖖
I love that they are so disparaging toward Pluto and the other dwarf “planets” saying they aren’t real planets. I mean dwarf humans are still fully human. It also goes for inanimate objects as well such as mountains. The Appalachians are just as much a mountain range as the Himalayas or Andes.
False equivalence fallacy. Your argument works if a dwarf could eat other smaller dwarfs in their vicinity in order to become an elf. 😂 I couldn't help myself with the elf joke, I'll leave now. 😂
What I find odd, is that they don't have a problem with Jupiter having too many moons. They're not saying: "well maybe we need to revise the definition of what a moon is or else, we have too many moons". How can Deimos be considered as a moon of Mars? Deimos is far less deserving of that status than Pluto is to have planetary status.
@caribbeanman3379 While I agree Deimos is little more than a space booger, it's still a moon as it orbits its planet in a stable orbit m. Same for Jupiter, heck, some of them even have moonmoons ( yes, that is an actual, real scientific term 🤣). Pluto has not only not cleaned or grabbed all the crap in its orbit like the other planets. It's hard to really call Charon a moon as well. Both it and Pluto orbit a common barycenter that's outside either body, even if much closer to Pluto. 😀
In Ezequiel 1 we read that 4 beings are using a type of wheel within a wheel which moves at the whims of the beings. This wheel has eyes all inside and out and all over. It moves because the spirit of movement is in its wheels. Although it sounds like the description of the beings is not thorough it leaves the reader with a taste for more. There must be a good reason why it’s included for us. 4 beings are also mentioned in apocalypse, there it reads, they have wings with which they use 2 to fly and 2 to cover themselves plus 2 to reach out to each other. These wings are covered with eyes throughout. But here are the faces of these beings, one like a lion, one like an eagle, one like a ox and the other like a human person. Can you imagine that? What could it mean where would these beings travel to? The 9th planet? Or beyond. They are spiritual of course.
Before proponents ever get to say there's a ton of evidence for it's existence, they gotta point to a 'relatively' small area of the Solar System this planet is located. There is precedent for this.
Can someone explain to me when people would stop defining the solid structure as a "surface?" Cause as far as I'm aware our gas planets have solid structures in them. Why do people say Venus has a surface but people don't say Neptune has one? Is it the liquid layer?
there are a few things that give the distinction. 1, although yes Venus has a very thick atmosphere, that atmosphere still makes up an extremely tiny part of it's mass(4.8 × 10to the power of 20 out of 4.8675×10 to the power of 24), compare that to Neptune, the gass giant with the largest core (it's "surface" since what is above it is a bunch of liquids mostly) has the "surface being only about 7% of neptune's mass. pretty big diffrence. Aditionally, at that point the pressure would be so great that nothing man made could stay intact there. Then there is also the idea that, we arn't even sure those cores are solid. Jupiter's Core often came up as a bit fuzzy when probes were studying it. Simular things were found with Saturn. In adition in any of these gassy planets these "surfaces" would be surounded by lots of liquids (metalic hydroden for the gas giants/ice giants along with other things like water, amonia, and others for the ice giants) I apoligize if what I typed made no sense, but hopfully ive helped to explain it a bit.
Naming Pluto the 9th planet when a slightly bigger and rounder celestial object had been discovered way before and refused the status was doing Ceres dirty.
What if we had a plant 9 but it got jettisoned by Neptune a few thousand years ago. Would the effects we see still be around even if the planet has gone rogue. Also when does science say Uranus got its extreme tilt. Is that a more recent event that a planet nine could have been caused by being “flung inward” or is that in the distant past. I’m guess the latter but it’s just a thought.
All you have to do is ask if planet 9 pulls on objects located in lagrange points. If not, no planet 9. Or, launch a probe in a direction in space accounting for all gravitational pulls from the local planetary bodies. If it deviates from it's trajectory in a way counter to the projections, then you have some evidence.
Finding exoplanets around stars normally uses stuff the transient method where we measure the dip in brightness that occurs from an exoplanet transiting in front of it's star. From that you can calculate it's mass and get a good idea what type of planet you're looking at. Very few of them have been directly imaged , and the ones that were are extremely rare cases where we got very lucky. Most exoplanets cannot be directly imaged with even our most powerful telescopes. We don't even have an image of proxima b the closest exoplanet to our solar system. It is much much more difficult task to directly image objects with a telescope in the scattered disc and nay impossible even further into Ort Cloud. The latter of which we have yet to discover a single object. So you can't really look at the fact we detect Exoplanets by dips in brightness and their gravitational interaction with their home star and compare that to imaging a planet in our solar system. That's a common misconception that people have. It takes far more powerful instruments to directly image objects in our own outer solar system then it does to detect Exoplanets with the transient or radial methods.
Johnny Depp was a great Ed Wood. I Don't know if Depp (or Wood) came closest to the thruth about Plan 9 From Outer Space. The Original had Dudley Manlove, Thor Johnson, Vampira, Bela Lugosi.
I found evidence for (probably),it was a faint object and it was at the constalation ( a bit to the right) Perseus, at line almost with uranus with an inclination of 60 degrees approximately. Also it was August 2024 and whatever its was it had rings and not vertically but also not neptune just know that if this is really it, its a mini neptune.
I’m surprised you did not mention the hunt plant Nemasis which mathematically explained the deviation in Mercury, until Einstein solved the problem with Relativity.
@RCorvinus lol, relax people, obviously a joke. Honestly, I couldn't care less what you chose to call it. I have more important things to worry about, and I'd guess you probably do too. Doesn't affect my daily life at all.
The problem with the theory of planet 9 is that there are just as many other theories that are just as likley to disprove that there even is an undiscovered planet out there.
I wonder if "Planet 9" is just a chunk of dark matter? It would explain the gravitational effects on celestial bodies in our solar system, but would still remain undetectable otherwise. The Milky Way is theorized to have more dark matter in it than normal matter, so having the nearest example of it be within astronomical spitting distance of the sun isn't too farfetched. Just a thought.
I thought it is not a Planet-X. It is either a Galaxy-X, or a Universe-X. Which upon the untold numbers out there, there is one that looks like ours, and has versions you and me both on it. just to keep the hype going!
if there is another "big one" out there, it would be pretty weird, that we never saw it. with all the "eyes" that have looked at the space around our planet with, it should have "covered up" someting already, right!?! i mean we had multiple satelites that did "full sky surverys", it should have shown up 🤔
And MOND has faced several substantial challenges, which is why some continue to look for Planet 9. Example: MOND was created to explain away Dark Matter, but even with MOND you need Dark Matter to explain the spin of galaxies. Also, MOND predicts that gravitational waves would be slower than the speed of light, but we recently measured the speed of gravitational waves, and they do indeed travel at the speed of light.
Recent studies apparently show that Neutron stars could potentially produce the axions that lead to Dark Matter
@@martinfitzsimons5884 "could potentially" is the key word here:). For now axions are hypothetical and neutron stars are candidate for production of axions because they have insanely strong magnetic fields and you need strong magnetic field to produce axions. But it's all hypothetical for now.
MOND isn’t supported by most scientist or hardly any scientists, really. There’s realistically more evidence for String Theory than for MOND. Which is saying something. And MOND doesn’t even have as much explanatory power.
I remember when it was called Planet 10
Or "Nibiru" .. Planet X.
@@THE-X-Force Nibiru is not the same as Planet Nine or X. It was falsely thought to be so by conspiracy theorists.
@@teds8747 Pluto is still a planet, the IAU definition doesn't make sense because A) Pluto will "clear it's orbit" in a few billion years, will it then be a planet despite not changing at all? Also by this definition Neptune isn't a planet either because it hasn't "cleared it's orbit." The definition is totally illogical.
@takanara7 no, it won't be a planet. If Pluto did clear it's orbit in a billion years we wouldn't be here to define it as such.
@@takanara7 It has already been recognised that the de-classification of Pluto as a planet was someone's personal ego mission (I can't remember which scientist is was but the reasoning for de-classifying has now been called out as incorrect) and it is likely to be re-classified at some point.
It's worth noting that MOND does not have much support among experts in the physics community. PBS Space Time (hosted by Matt O'Dowd, a PhD Astrophysicist), has a great video that summarizes the pros and cons of MOND, including the many revisions it's undergone, and the challenges it still faces.
Yes, I thought data came out in fall 2023 that disproved MOND. There are a number of vids on this, Dr. Becks (who is an astrophysicist) is among my faves.
@@rebeccawinter472 Just watched Dr. Becky's video, very informative! Thanks for sharing!
The problem is that every paper refuting it gets refuted, and then that gets refuted. And while Inflation/LambdaCDM is still the *best* fit for the evidence, it's not a particularly *good* fit for it either, and is also undergoing constant revision. I suspect one day we'll learn that the truth is somewhere in between them.
@@hj60dot5 Let's say the truth is 'somewhere in between them'.. That would still suggest that MOND isn't accurate and therefore can't reasonably be used to debunk Planet 9, which the reason that I commented on MOND's issues in the first place.
It's also important to note that in the fall 2023 data referenced by rebeccawinter472, the lead author on that paper had previously been one of MOND's biggest supporters. This new paper disproved their own previous understanding.
TLDR; a widely discredited hypothesis isn't relevant to the validity Planet 9
@@hj60dot5 That's not really true at all. The big paper that refuted it was actually done by someone who had been a big MOND proponent. Anyone can write a "paper" and claim whatever they want but the new paper was pretty definitive. The MOND backers are just coping.
Thank you, Simon and Astrographics team😊 Love your work!
We are good at finding planets in other solar systems, however we do it by analyzing the light coming from those systems... Not really an option here.
Thank you!
There is also another technique for detecting planets that measures "wobbling" of the start in the center of the system. But here it wouldn't work because the impact of this hypothetical planet would be too faint to discern.
We are good at inferring planets in other Stellar systems we don't have any clue as to their positioning for actual existence. So far there's only one solar system😂
@@harrypothead42024 This is false. We also have *direct images* of some planets in other solar systems; actual photos.
@@harrypothead42024 Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Last time I was this early Pluto was still a planet
This joke format REALLY needs to die
It's gettinf borderline annoying
Well at least You said SOMETHING, unlike most "First-ers" and it was actually somewhat entertaining!🤷🏼♂️. 🤓😎✌🏻
AFAIC it still is. (they're really looking for Planet 10 aka Planet X)
@@Natogoon - wrong. You need to ignore such things or it'll make you unhappy.
I hunted asteroids from 1999 to 2011. One of the things I learned was the professional surveys are not as complete as the astronomers running them claim they are. We would discover asteroids in parts of the sky that had been heavily patrolled by robotic surveys. If those surveys were half as good as they advertised, there should have been nothing left for us to find in those fields. And yet… we regularly discovered objects in such parts of the sky anyway. We also would look for asteroids off the beaten track. For much of the time we were observing, the entire sky South of declination -30 was basically unpatrolled. We found a few brightish objects that way, but we found far more searching close to the ecliptic despite all the robotic competition there.
Could there be something about the object that is making it hard to find? Traversing a star-choked background field? Not the expected color? Their math may be off because they are making a wrong assumption. For example, maybe there are two or three of them, not just one!
I suspect if it is found… images of it will be found on archival survey plates. Maybe it is one of those “missing stars” that were reported a year ago. Bring up a database of “missing star” observations and start trying to fit an orbit to subsets of them. All the necessary observations to find it may already be online hiding in plain sight in public databases.
I can't wait for Simon to start doing space news 😅😅 Ur take on what's happening would be interesting 😄😄 plz consider doing such
That would be awesome. Need some more news first but we might not have too long to wait. Simons retirement channel maybe :)
Are you alright? This is an ENTIRE channel dedicated to space science,and has been doing so for a while...
@@jeffdroog they mean covering space news the same way Simon's channel Warfronts (formerly Warographics) does, where the team literally sometimes just 2 days later have a video out where Simon talks about the most recent events in conflicts around the world. Could the o.p. have worded their comment better, yes, but you also could've used a little common sense and taken the word "news" as a bit of context for what they were talking about.
@@aceundead4750 My point is?they have been doing that lol "space news" doesn't happen every day lol
@@jeffdroog How can you say- Oh, nevermind, you probably slept through it.
Great video thanks Simon and basement team. Love the space videos.
one of my favorite TH-cam personalities has a channel dedicated to one of my favorite subjects and it takes me a year to find it.
strapping on my dunce cap for a space based whistle-thon weekend 😅😅😅
Planet 9 will be so dim as to be almost impossible to spot. And as opposed to searching for exoplanets, we can’t look for orbital wobbles or dips in a stars brightness. Because we are trying to find a tiny, cold and extremely dim object, we probably have imaged it already. But it wasn’t possible to discern it from anything else in the frame. It is possible that there is no planet 9. But it is far more likely that it is out there beyond our current ability to visualize. I have no doubt that we’ll find it, if it is indeed out there
ETA - MOND is not the answer
I really enjoyed the format of this video! The photos and the descriptions on screen with Simon just flowed really well 🤙
An impressive case study. Warmest compliments. Thank you, sir. :)
It`s coming back BABY!! Been waiting Ages.
That voice crack in the Beginning was insane 😂😂😅
Regardless of whether planet 9 exists, we can be confident there are many more dwarf planets out there. Estimates have run as high as 200 in the Kuiper belt and over 10,000 in the Oort cloud.
HD 106906 B is the best example of the possibility of Planet 9 existing.
The background music is very distracting while watching from my iPhone. It could be the small speakers or some other device specific issue, but it’s ruining an otherwise very well done video, for me. Still love the work you all do, just trying to help make things better.
If planet 9 exists and is a super Earth, since it is so far away, it would be uninhabitable, so if it is real, it would be an excellent mining resource, if we could travel to it. Fascinating mystery.
It would be terrible for mining, due to distance.
Inner solar system is much better for that.
@@et34t34fdf It would only be possible if we had outposts outside of the inner solar system.
Although if there is a moon or moons around a planet 9, tidal heating could create liquid water under the moon's surface maybe. Perhaps other habitability criteria would still rule it out, I don't know, but it would be cool to have an under ice liquid ocean that far out.
@@et34t34fdfIn particular the asteroid belt.
Ow look. Another moron to whom reality and it's pesky little friend basic physics does not apply.
I'm over here with pluto like... 😢
cause it’s not a planet lol
Having studied the Planet Nine Hypothesis for some time, I think we will know if Planet Nine exists in the next decade, depending upon how far away it is and it's albedo. Planet Nine could be really faint in the worst case, and if so, even Rubin observatory could have difficulty seeing it. Also Planet Nine could be currently in the galactic plane where stellar crowding will make an unambiguous detection difficult. Those expecting a quick resolution of the existence of Planet Nine will be disappointed.
While Planet 9 is the center of the hypothesis theres also speculation about dwarf planets and tiny planets. Sedna if not for being in the right place would have taken thousands of years to find with our current tech. And logic dictates theres a lot more Sednas out there which are in the further parts of their orbit.
Let us not discount the one theory that Planet 9 is actually a micro black hole, it would definitely help explain why we've never seen it. It would also basically prohibit us from finding it for a very, very long time since our current and near term future technology is just not equipped to actually locate such a small black hole.
@mikepatton8691 l can discount it because a primordial black hole is a sepculative object which has never been observed, whereas we have 8 planets and thousands of exoplanets. You however can seriously consider it, but I wouldn't waste my time.
These high resolution surveys rather than just big narrow view telescopes
Will have major effect on astronomy
discovering things we have not imagined
Because the universe...and the solar system is a big place
Great explanation. I wondered how you were going to summarise the observational bias argument! Really nicely explained.
It’s right next to Charon
i’ve heard about this years ago, found some good information which disappeared off the face of the earth. now everyone is talking about it again
There will be some day in the far future, when I might not laugh about Simona saying: "The guy that discovered Uranus"
Gravitational wave detectors or whatever they call them maybe? Im pretty ignorant on how that all works but maybe that's what they're working toward and efforts are being put forth to make them more sensitive to be used to detect more than we can currently "see"?
Again I'm pretty ignorant of it, so I could be way far off
There should be a vid on the search tracking down all of Simon's channels :P
Love you content! only kidding of course :)
Some useful info for once, thanks!
First, We need to have an idea, where to look; maybe looking at how Neptune, and the Kuiper Belt objects, behave, may give us, a clue.
Another possibility, is to look at the Kuiper Belt, and see if there are any "resonance zones", that have been "swept clean", of objects, just like the Cassini Division, in Saturn's rings, was "swept clean" by Mimas.
Once We have an idea, or maybe, We can do, a general "survey" of the sky, and look for stars, "eclipsed", by a transiting body. In any event, unless Planet 9 gives off, some infrared radiation, similar to a "brown dwarf", it will be nearly impossible, to locate.
Poor Pluto!!!
We were looking for planet X, (roman numerals... 10!!!), then Pluto gets demoted...(???)!!!
But Ceres got promoted! It wasn’t all bad :)
@@SecretMoose Lol!!!! Only to Dwarf Planet status...!!!
So long as the ahools who demoted Pluto are barred from naming the X planet 😠
X can also stand for "unknown" or "missing", just like in math class.
X stands for variable in this case, not 10
Space starfishes love you too
I heard "Planet X, alternatively known as Planet Nine." and thought 'wait. X≠IX.'
Then Simon said "...a mathematical riddle..." and I burst out laughing.
I highly recommend watching Simon highly 😉
I know it has virtually zero effect on me and my life, but for some reason, I really hope there is a 9th planet.
Its said that there are nearly as many stars in the Universe as Simon has TH-cam channels.
4:06 missed opportunity for a classic your mum joke.
I just want to thank William Herschel for his work in giving all astronomers and space aficionado's a reason fully engage that preteen sense of humor that remains hidden in the deep parts of ones soul until the name Uranus comes up...
If we find it we should call it 'Planet 9 from Outer Space'
I propose that planet 9 be named Rupert.
We need a planet Bob.
good video, just want to point out Uranus and Neptune are ice giants
Around 4:30 when you explain about the distance and orbit, visuals would be helpful. It would have been much clearer.
We need to discover new and better ways to scan space thoroughly. It doesn't have to be universe-wide, but our old 20th century "radio, x-ray, and light measurements" is being stretched to its limits on what we can do with it. Its pretty clear we need something that can cover wide areas and isn't dependent on temperature differences or light reflection.
Magic, got it.
Good grief, every time I think I'm subscribed to all of Simon's channels, another one pops up. I'm just waiting for one about animals to drop.
I wonder if when he heads home, he speaks in sign language to save his money maker from harm. Then at some point, his kids start watching TH-cam so they can remember what he actually sounds like! LOL
Thanks astrographics
Did Pluto go somewhere?
what would be the orbital period of this planet 9? Would be interesting if it orbits every 12,000 years.
I still call Pluto the ninth planet simply because I honor the persons that used mathematics and astronomy to find it! Let these “regulators” pound sand!
Yeah. I appreciate, that Astronomers wanted a clear Definition and Pluto doesn't fit, but I think Pluto should have been grandfathered in.
What about Ceres, Juno, Pallas and Vesta? Do you still call them planets as well?
@@sonneh86 Yes, I sometimes do :)
Back in my day, we HAD nine planets!
If planet 9 had coffee and cake. You can bet we would have found it and visited.
Planet 10. I’ll be dead in the cold hard ground before I give up on Pluto! 😂
We can use pulsar timings, which measures any perturbations on the Solar System Barycentre, to rule out an unknown Saturn sized planet out to 20,000 AU.
But a Mars sized object should statistically should be expected to orbit in the Oort cloud; a remnant from the early chotic solar system that got flung out there.
If there is a Planet 9, I hope we can find it and get some good pictures of it within my lifetime.
Simon, how many channels do u have wtf it's like every day I find a new one lol
I thought MOND was recently completely disproven?
Pluto deserves reinstatement
02:39 the son of the guy who discovered Uranus. 🤨
I'm a mature human being. I'm a mature human being.
11:12 good video, but what’s with the upside down and mirrored numbers in the video here?
Hey, I always wondered how "Voyager 6" fell into a black hole and ended up on the other side of the galaxy. It may be unlikely to be a primordial black hole, but it would be cool! 🖖
I love that they are so disparaging toward Pluto and the other dwarf “planets” saying they aren’t real planets. I mean dwarf humans are still fully human. It also goes for inanimate objects as well such as mountains. The Appalachians are just as much a mountain range as the Himalayas or Andes.
False equivalence fallacy. Your argument works if a dwarf could eat other smaller dwarfs in their vicinity in order to become an elf. 😂
I couldn't help myself with the elf joke, I'll leave now. 😂
@@TKBarnes Nice!!!
Theres Dwarfs and theres little people. And they both know which one is the dwarf. Billy Connely
What I find odd, is that they don't have a problem with Jupiter having too many moons. They're not saying: "well maybe we need to revise the definition of what a moon is or else, we have too many moons". How can Deimos be considered as a moon of Mars? Deimos is far less deserving of that status than Pluto is to have planetary status.
@caribbeanman3379 While I agree Deimos is little more than a space booger, it's still a moon as it orbits its planet in a stable orbit m. Same for Jupiter, heck, some of them even have moonmoons ( yes, that is an actual, real scientific term 🤣).
Pluto has not only not cleaned or grabbed all the crap in its orbit like the other planets. It's hard to really call Charon a moon as well. Both it and Pluto orbit a common barycenter that's outside either body, even if much closer to Pluto. 😀
In Ezequiel 1 we read that 4 beings are using a type of wheel within a wheel which moves at the whims of the beings. This wheel has eyes all inside and out and all over. It moves because the spirit of movement is in its wheels. Although it sounds like the description of the beings is not thorough it leaves the reader with a taste for more. There must be a good reason why it’s included for us.
4 beings are also mentioned in apocalypse, there it reads, they have wings with which they use 2 to fly and 2 to cover themselves plus 2 to reach out to each other. These wings are covered with eyes throughout.
But here are the faces of these beings, one like a lion, one like an eagle, one like a ox and the other like a human person. Can you imagine that? What could it mean where would these beings travel to? The 9th planet? Or beyond. They are spiritual of course.
Sometimes Simon, you make my head hurt . . .
Before proponents ever get to say there's a ton of evidence for it's existence, they gotta point to a 'relatively' small area of the Solar System this planet is located.
There is precedent for this.
Everyone out here demanding Pluto be a planet but forgetting about Ceres completely.
I'm with you. Justice for Ceres!
Thats because Ceres is much smaller than the other dwarf planets and got demoted in 1801.
Eris is either bigger or heavier than pluto
@@josephschaefer9163Eris is infact more massive than Pluto! that is a certain!! however, it could be a little smaller or larger than Pluto
I am much more okay with welcoming other bodies to the club than demoting Pluto.
Friendly feedback:
Please turn down the background music. It kind of identifies for the first 7 minutes.
Gosh how many channels do you have?
It's just gonna be another dwarf planet.
Could you do a video on the oort cloud and all the evidence that says it's and not
Can someone explain to me when people would stop defining the solid structure as a "surface?" Cause as far as I'm aware our gas planets have solid structures in them. Why do people say Venus has a surface but people don't say Neptune has one? Is it the liquid layer?
there are a few things that give the distinction. 1, although yes Venus has a very thick atmosphere, that atmosphere still makes up an extremely tiny part of it's mass(4.8 × 10to the power of 20 out of 4.8675×10 to the power of 24), compare that to Neptune, the gass giant with the largest core (it's "surface" since what is above it is a bunch of liquids mostly) has the "surface being only about 7% of neptune's mass. pretty big diffrence. Aditionally, at that point the pressure would be so great that nothing man made could stay intact there. Then there is also the idea that, we arn't even sure those cores are solid. Jupiter's Core often came up as a bit fuzzy when probes were studying it. Simular things were found with Saturn. In adition in any of these gassy planets these "surfaces" would be surounded by lots of liquids (metalic hydroden for the gas giants/ice giants along with other things like water, amonia, and others for the ice giants)
I apoligize if what I typed made no sense, but hopfully ive helped to explain it a bit.
Let's everyone get Simon to 100k so he can do ad reads and continue the channel.
Not a question of if but when for this channel. Less than two months, before the end of the year.
0.0000573% odds is a bet I would seriously consider taking.
Maybe it’s 63 ice dwarf planets 10% the size of earth in a trench coat.
They did Pluto dirty 😅...
Naming Pluto the 9th planet when a slightly bigger and rounder celestial object had been discovered way before and refused the status was doing Ceres dirty.
a highly and obscured elliptical orbit in my opinion if it does exist
Is it just me the audio keeps going up and down
It's not just you. The audiob is terrible.
What was the problem with the, now demoted, one we already had?
How many channels does Simon have?
Planet 9 is where you will find Simons hair
a Super Earth you say? I smell democracy...
I smell liber-tea
He said " Uranus" again....
That never gets old 😅.
I was pleased to see ONE comment that refers to H2G2.
So, where are the Grabulons now ?
What if we had a plant 9 but it got jettisoned by Neptune a few thousand years ago. Would the effects we see still be around even if the planet has gone rogue.
Also when does science say Uranus got its extreme tilt. Is that a more recent event that a planet nine could have been caused by being “flung inward” or is that in the distant past. I’m guess the latter but it’s just a thought.
All you have to do is ask if planet 9 pulls on objects located in lagrange points. If not, no planet 9. Or, launch a probe in a direction in space accounting for all gravitational pulls from the local planetary bodies. If it deviates from it's trajectory in a way counter to the projections, then you have some evidence.
Finding exoplanets around stars normally uses stuff the transient method where we measure the dip in brightness that occurs from an exoplanet transiting in front of it's star. From that you can calculate it's mass and get a good idea what type of planet you're looking at.
Very few of them have been directly imaged , and the ones that were are extremely rare cases where we got very lucky.
Most exoplanets cannot be directly imaged with even our most powerful telescopes.
We don't even have an image of proxima b the closest exoplanet to our solar system.
It is much much more difficult task to directly image objects with a telescope in the scattered disc and nay impossible even further into Ort Cloud. The latter of which we have yet to discover a single object.
So you can't really look at the fact we detect Exoplanets by dips in brightness and their gravitational interaction with their home star and compare that to imaging a planet in our solar system.
That's a common misconception that people have. It takes far more powerful instruments to directly image objects in our own outer solar system then it does to detect Exoplanets with the transient or radial methods.
Johnny Depp was a great Ed Wood. I Don't know if Depp (or Wood) came closest to the thruth about Plan 9 From Outer Space. The Original had Dudley Manlove, Thor Johnson, Vampira, Bela Lugosi.
I found evidence for (probably),it was a faint object and it was at the constalation ( a bit to the right) Perseus, at line almost with uranus with an inclination of 60 degrees approximately. Also it was August 2024 and whatever its was it had rings and not vertically but also not neptune just know that if this is really it, its a mini neptune.
If they find it, they should call it Yuggoth.
The Power of Statustivs!
If they do find it I hope they call it Yuggoth.
Pluto has entered the chat
Great video but what's with the plinky plonk music in the background??? 🤔
I’m surprised you did not mention the hunt plant Nemasis which mathematically explained the deviation in Mercury, until Einstein solved the problem with Relativity.
There are 9 planets! We're looking for the 10th #Fight for Pluto! ✊️✊️✊️😆
What about Ceres, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Gonggong, Orcus, and Sedna just to name a few?
@@Astrolavey let's start with Pluto then go from there. Baby steps man, baby steps.
That is not a hill to die on.
@RCorvinus lol, relax people, obviously a joke. Honestly, I couldn't care less what you chose to call it. I have more important things to worry about, and I'd guess you probably do too. Doesn't affect my daily life at all.
Lol, not to mention by the name its still called a planet. You just added dwarf in front of it.
Any suggestions of a potential name for planet 9?. I'm thinking... Brian. At least its better than Uranus.
The third body problem !!
astrology has more info than modern science
The problem with the theory of planet 9 is that there are just as many other theories that are just as likley to disprove that there even is an undiscovered planet out there.
I wonder if "Planet 9" is just a chunk of dark matter?
It would explain the gravitational effects on celestial bodies in our solar system, but would still remain undetectable otherwise. The Milky Way is theorized to have more dark matter in it than normal matter, so having the nearest example of it be within astronomical spitting distance of the sun isn't too farfetched.
Just a thought.
What's the difference between this and the "planet X/nibiru" conspiracies we were debunking about eight years ago?
To be clear, I don't believe in those. Just interesting
I thought it is not a Planet-X. It is either a Galaxy-X, or a Universe-X. Which upon the untold numbers out there, there is one that looks like ours, and has versions you and me both on it. just to keep the hype going!
if there is another "big one" out there, it would be pretty weird, that we never saw it.
with all the "eyes" that have looked at the space around our planet with, it should have "covered up" someting already, right!?!
i mean we had multiple satelites that did "full sky surverys", it should have shown up 🤔