Jade´s and Woody´s Golden Conure Baby is Born! Amazing

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • Uma notícia extraordinária, talvez a maior delas até hoje na minha história com esses seres!!! Nasceram 3 Ararajubas, filhas do Woody e da Jade!
    Para mim foi uma total surpresa quando vi o primeiro ovinho e mais supresa ainda vir outros, vingando 3 lindos filhotes.
    As Jubas são aves em extinção de difícil reprodução em cativeiro e absolutamente raro nascer em ambientes pet, ainda mais galando todos os ovos na sua primeira postura!
    Outro dia vi uma reportagem no Domingo Espetacular onde o Zoo de Sao Paulo comemorou muito o primeiro nascimento de um casal de Ararajubas (usaram a chocadeira, pois os pais quebraram os primeiros ovos).
    Aqui em casa o processo foi totalmente natural. Woody e Jade cuidaram e alimentaram os filhotes o tempo todo e continuam tratando deles até hoje. Fiquei muito feliz, pois se não é a prova contundente da boa qualidade de vida deles, algo positivo ha.
    Foram vários desafios e para quem me conhece sabe que sofri muito mais do que curti nestes últimos 2 meses e meio...rs.
    1- Qdo vi os ovos não sabia se iriam ser férteis.
    2- Em sendo férteis, se ela saberia chocar (há casais que inclusive quebram os ovos)
    3- Em sabendo chocar, ao nascer se saberia alimenta-los (ouvi dizer que ha casais que não conseguem).
    4- No momento de anilhar, o medo deles abandonarem o ninho (pois mexemos nos filhotes). Alias ela sozinha preparou e fez o ninho picando toda a toca. Em um outro post vou explicar o dia a dia deste processo.
    5- Depois de colocar a anilha se eles não iriam tirar, correndo o risco de machucar os filhotes.
    6- Continuo estressado, pois ainda tem a fase da saída do ninho, a adaptação aos outros, etc, etc, mas Graças a Deus eles estão sendo pais espetaculares!
    Dear friends: extraordinary news, perhaps the greatest of them up to now in my history with these beings !!! Three Golden Conures were born, Woody and Jade´s babies!
    For me it was a total surprise when I saw the first egg and even more surprised when the others appeared and three beautiful babies hatched out.
    The Golden Conures are endangered birds and it´s very difficult to breed in captivity .It´s absolutely rare for them to be born in pet environments, especially fecundating all the eggs in their first laying!
    Once I saw a report on “Domingo Espetacular” (a Brazilian TV show) São Paulo Zoo happily celebrating the first birth of a couple of Golden Conures (they used an egg hatcher because the parents had broken the first eggs).
    Here at home the process was completely natural. Woody and Jade have nursed and fed the babies since the beginning and are continuing to take care of them to this day. I was very happy because if this is not the conclusive proof of their good quality of life, there is something positive here.
    There have been several challenges and those who know me have witnessed that I have suffered much more than having enjoyed it for the last two and a half months ... lol.
    1- When I saw the eggs and didn´t know if they would be fertile.
    2- If being fertile, if Jade would know how to brood them.
    3- If knowing how to brood them, she would know how to feed them (I heard that there are couples who don´t)
    4 - At the moment of ringing them, I feared the parents could have abandoned the nest (because we touched the babies). By the way, Jade prepared and made the nest by poking all the burrow by herself. Sometime soon I will explain the day-by-day of this process.
    5- After placing the rings , I was concerned if the parents would try to take them off, risking to hurt the babies.
    6- I am still stressed out because there will be the moment of adapting to others, etc, etc, but thank God Woody and Jade have been wonderful parents!

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