It certainly sends a message - and most Bills leave the select committee process with at least some changes and recommendations based on public feedback :) for this Bill, it’s important to send a message about how popular it is or isn’t because it will be used by astroturfers as a justification to keep pushing.
Yes, submissions are used as arguments against or in favour of a bill by MPs. It is also important that people are able to make submissions because its a part of the democratic process. It also shows the committee how the general public views the bill and gives the public the opportunity to communicate how the proposed bill will impact them.
Question do submissions actually make a difference?
It certainly sends a message - and most Bills leave the select committee process with at least some changes and recommendations based on public feedback :) for this Bill, it’s important to send a message about how popular it is or isn’t because it will be used by astroturfers as a justification to keep pushing.
Yes, submissions are used as arguments against or in favour of a bill by MPs. It is also important that people are able to make submissions because its a part of the democratic process. It also shows the committee how the general public views the bill and gives the public the opportunity to communicate how the proposed bill will impact them.
Why should they extend the time , if left to the last minute then the ownus is on you if you miss out .