I feel like I lose every game rn, too. Just played one game Brand mid and my jgl went 1/4 and my bot 0/7. Still won. And it was plat ELO (my ELO). I don't know. I feel like ADC is somewhat weak rn. Even if I play high WR ADC like Kog. I manage to play a 3/0/4 Lane, be fed and still lose
When you play confident vs when you play worried was so apprent after all the nexus towers dropped. Nothing to lose mentality!
That voli dodge at 9:34 was pretty good
11:07 you think the Q bounce off Cait would've hit Morg but the Morg W made you back off?
25:20 I know the feeling of trying to do something but forgetting you're a squishy ADC that should be behind your team.
I feel like I lose every game rn, too. Just played one game Brand mid and my jgl went 1/4 and my bot 0/7. Still won. And it was plat ELO (my ELO). I don't know. I feel like ADC is somewhat weak rn. Even if I play high WR ADC like Kog. I manage to play a 3/0/4 Lane, be fed and still lose
Action really starts at 8:25