Well the Chinese buy our coal for USD $ 140 or $ 200 a ton and it takes half a ton to produce a megawatt so that's 10c/KWH in fuel alone. Maybe subsidized ?
Our bulk energy prices (see AEMO site) are roughly the same, 8-10 cents. Right now in NSW - $96 per MWh, maximal price for today was $116/MWh at 1430 = 11 cents per KWh. Everything above is network cost. Say big thanks to our beloved govt, in its infinite wisdom subsidising all this green BS and burdening the network with obligatory PV/wind priority.
Absolutely, greens and Labor are a pack of F wits . Anyone with a brain knows you never put all your eggs in one basket. A bit like these morons that want to replace all transport with Electric or battery vehicles, it is a path to disaster. This net zero bullshit is destroying the country and the economy. .
@@chrisburnett4742 I suppose you are a Hard Nosed Labor OR Greens Supporter Chris. I have Nothing but Pity for you. I Imagine you have been Reading and Listening to too much Left Wing Propaganda Mate. I would Quit while you are able.
@@Deljron777 Maybe you should try reading something mate and give the Sky News Angertainment Cult a miss for a while. No one cares about your tribe. Facts matter.
That's because he doesn't really know what to do, so he lies. The DISGUSTING DIVISIVE RACISTS is a complete Imbecile with ZERO CREDENTIALS, CREDIBILITY OR ABILITY.
don’t buy into the Climate Agendas & Scams. The climate changes daily but there is no climate crisis, dont believe Albo & Labor’s misinformation, everything they say is a lie, there is a lot of money to launder in the renewables scam which will see us all getting around in horse and buggy’s again if we let it continue. Replaceables: destroying the environment, energy grid & economy to save the planet, it’s an unsustainable scam. Follow the money.
@@chrisburnett4742 Batteries would provide a 'sustainable planet'? Oh, really? How? We're not getting around in horses and buggies, simply because hydrocarbons fuels have provided the world's population to advance and thrive economically, socially, environmentally, and socially. However, no type of fuel is perfect, but hydrocarbons and uranium are certainly better than the alternative. Green energy isn't green whether you like to admit it or not. Are "renewabless" going to be built by using "renewable energy"? If so, tell me how?
@@stewartread4235 single use plastic bags WEREN'T single use,i used them more than 1nce,till they wore out,what are the govt going on about,bullshit as usual.
@@stewartread4235 yes, especially the wind generators. The defunct ones are just being left unoperationable because it’s not economic to repair. Solar is much better, but panels naturally degrade every year…so much so that it’s in the panel specifications. I know as I used to calculate/design my own systems…which I have now forgotten how to do:(
When with Albo realise that we need base load power stations to control the systems frequency at 50Hz and the reactive power or system power factor at .8 or better, the renewables save on fuel cost but can’t provide stable system power! If you’re happy to have blackouts stick with Albo and Bowen’s plan!
Albanese is a fine one to talk about costings, Labor does nothing but lie. No accountability whatsoever. Why are there so many lawyers working as politicians. To make laws preventing them from prosecution from corruption, i believe. We'll take that on notice, & never get back to you, no answers, to avoid incriminating themselves or to push a dodgy bill through.
@@allandriver2066well, perhaps you would like to give us the true facts of how long the batteries will support all those homes. I’m sure we would be most grateful.
The cost I believe, from the projects website is something like 3 Billion to build, and around $100 million a year to operate over the 10 years it will last.
Based on what. Surely you not stupid enough to believe anything trotted out on Sky Au. This mining geologist has long been discredited. Like Sky, he shills for fossil fuel companies.
@@terryquarton2523that’s 1kw per hour per household once the project is fully completed. If people are running their heat pumps and charging their EVs then the 4 hrs will be extremely optimistic unless they force the smart power meters onto the West Australian public which automatically cut off none essential load like heat pumps and ev chargers.
Albo seems like a desperate PM. What has the green energy movement (wind turbines and solar panels) cost the Australian Tax payers and the ongoing maintenance costs so far?
They wont say (transparently), but are set to blow another 1.5 trillion dollars on replaceables in the next 5 years, if we dont vote Labor out soon we won’t last another 5 years.
Albodud should get the King of Clowns, Bowen, to give the costings of his useless Renewables that have to be replaced every 14-20 years (and will never be able to power Australia without another source of power production in the mix). Unfortunately Bowen won't reveal the costs because he couldn't possibly know. These fans and mirrors will be a FOREVER, NEVERENDING cost to not only this generation but every generation to come!!!
@@evil17 If Japan and South Korea are running power Stations on Hydrogen/AmmoniaI can’t believe Australia is not there yet.Keep in mind Ammonia is four times denser than Hydrogen.Electolysers from Japan or South Korea Sea water and Sunlight and your in Business.Creates other Industry’s Steel Aluminium Glass Concrete Fertilizer and Explosves.Albo has his head so far up his Arse he can’t see it.
Yep , Albo likes to mention the details for nuclear, but has no detail other than farcical projected pie in the sky for renewables. Just imagine , the greens and albo want to have more than 20,000 of those wind turbine monstrosity’s , plus battery’s , plus all the clearing of the land to do it , and those things wear out and need maintenance, and batteries have a limited service life , as will the thousands of miles of power lines also need more substations and maintenance, there’s no way , electricity will be cheaper in the long run.
@@fyiaustralia9686 this will never happen…why, well because MSM I S just “Western propaganda”. Yes, journalism like it used to be (keeping the barstools honest) is long gone…for todays journos in MSM it’s all about keeping your job and keeping your bosses happy, who in turn keeps their bosses happy, so on and so forth. This food chain doesn’t just stop at “our leaders”…it goes to our “one world Govt” agenda and even one step about them. I wish I could mention it here, but I’ll definitely get censored:(
@@mikldude9376 exactly spot on-well said. This is why power is so bloody expensive. Hey, I’m guilty of adding to this cost by putting on a subsidised massive solar system…but I either don’t do it and ultimately PAY MORE in the long run, or cough up, take the hand out, be “environmentally friendly”…what BS and save our family money in the long run. It’s not rocket science. I reckon a lot of people know this is just a scam. I also wanted to get battery backup as well to save more, but it’s just not economical AND the risk to safety is a gamble I’m not prepared to take. I’m talking about the Tesla MegaPak battery storage fires in SA and near Rocky, but also home storage where one manufacturer had to advertise a recall notice! I don’t want it going thermal runaway in my garage thanks very much. Again, this whole renewable plan was not thought out. Fools-it’s makes me mad.
The media doesn't know what questions to ask, and that's the major problem (apart from its left-wing bias). For decades there has been talk of climate change, and yet, I've not heard or read one comment anywhere in the world about climatology. Climatology is about THE LONG-TERM AVERAGES OF WEATHER. Nobody ever mentions it.........................N O B O D Y!.
That these batteries are intended to power homes is a lie of itself. Their main purpose is to stabilise the inheritenly unstable renewables grid. Act like giant capacitors in an electrical circuit. That's why they are poor at providing power, it's not their purpose.
The governments energy advisers must have wagged all their schooling and got radicalised in some mysterious planet from another solar system. None of their plans have any answers or solutions to the energy disaster at all.
The fundamental issue is that UN’s Net Zero policy is prohibitively costly, impractical and totally unnecessary as the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are actually beneficial. Benefits include increased agricultural yields (main effect), reduced water heating costs, fewer deaths from hypothermia and postponement of the next glacial maximum.
@@johngeier8692 exactly, and who do the UN answer to? Increasing solar radiation on our atmosphere over decades with the collapsing magnetic field strength (our protective umbrella from protons and other charged particles) will only get worse in the lead up to the pole shift.
Batteries in a EV need to be changed every 5 years Multiply that by approx (I guess less than a milliion. EV's and increasing ) and that will give you an idea of the mountains of lithium batteries that may catch fire when they get wet in the rain. We will have toxic burning mountains in every city. Does Chris Bowen ever pause to think about that scenario?
Neoen, a French clean energy powerhouse has received approval to build a multi-billion-dollar battery in Western Australia's coal heartlands of Collie The batteries are no substitute for base-load power plants, but they can store excess renewable energy from times of surplus and put it back into the system during periods of high demand. The project would be built in stages and would eventually have a capacity of 1 gigawatt and a duration of four hours of supply Are they serious, the energy supply of these batteries is “totally, absolutely useless.” Albo is on record as claiming these batteries could provide power for 860,000 homes, what a fool we have as a PM
You forgot to mention a few critical facts These are the build cost..3 Billion dollars. Annual operating cost... estimated 100 Million a year. Expected life: around 10 years.
@@nigelliam153 Well if the battery does catch fire it'll put out more energy than it even will as a means to firm up intermittent renewables (which is NOT its job despite the lies to the contrary being told by people like Albanese and Bowen).
@@johnwoodrow8769 your right, it’s a self perpetuating cycle of never ending payments from taxes to fund this crap. Just look at the SA battery storage and the one near Rocky-both are TESLA MefaPak-no automatic fire suppression, a severe health and safety risk to the nearby residents who were told (and this is NOT good enough) “just shut your windows and doors”…BS EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!!! Toxic gasses do long term harm. This this once they go into “thermal runaway” create their own oxygen so they can never be put out, rather the fuel source must deplete over a day plus. They there is the health and safety risk to the poor firefighters that MUST attempt to make safe and try to extinguish this unstoppable fire. Should these firefighters get exposed to these toxic gases, they will never work again! How is that going to effect the firefighters family for the rest of their lives. This absolute BS and should be BANNED.
@@nigelliam153 Actually this is a very valid point. In a place called Centralia, the coal seam under the town caught fire. They abandoned the town. Here in WA I saw a news report of a similar event after a burn off ignited a coal seam.
Well when Labour release their costings (total and including all ancillary costs) of the so called cheap and reliable renewables industry then, and only then, can you demand the same from the LNP. We all know that hell will have frozen over before that happens.
Experts are saying that a renewables policy will cost $1.5t and will need replacing every 15 years. Compare that with nuclear which will cost around $380b which will be amortised over the next 70 years, is the cleanest energy available and all the uranium we need to power the reactors is right here in Australia. All a renewables energy policy will do is line the pockets of the Chinese and will be environmentally destructive.
@@patrickn3595not just the Chinese , don’t forget the CFMEU has money tied up in renewables , labor and the unions have been doing each other favours for years.
@@mikldude9376 I hadn’t got to them yet, but thanks for the reminder! Union-backed super funds, Andrew Forrest, Malcolm Turnbull have all got skin in the renewables game and are doing everything in their power to lie and mislead Australians.
@@patrickn3595The 1.5 trillion dollars is what is eartagged to be spent on replaceables in the next 5 years & 7-9 trillion by 2060 if we are stupid enough to let it go on, how many reactors, gas or coal could we have for that. Not sure but believe it could be around the trillion already spent as people sleep in tents & the environment dies.
This geologist is absolutely right and an expert in his field but this labour government knows better and constantly peddles misleading misinformation. He is right to say labour is dragging us into the 1950s not the 21st century
Collie is where the biggest coal fired power station is. It is the central hub of the WA high voltage distribution network, they must be using transformers to back feed into the HV grid.
@@bruciew50 Too true. The superpower of Sky Au is to seek out the expertise of a bloke who presents the 0.1% case rather than the 99.9% consensus of those in the actual field and pretend that his views matter. This guy actually worked for mining companies for years.
@@bruciew50 Thats the Sky Au logic. Actual expertise is their enemy. It is the opposite of the Sky Au “Angertainment” & “Division” business model which has worked so well for their sister company, Fox, in the US.
Does albo realise our his ai, media relies heavily on eletwichitty? He wants a ban on social media ..looks like he won’t have mass communication to spread his bs soon in rolling blackouts 😂😂😂
Wow, a battery that can supply 800,000 homes. That’s 2.4 million people or twice the population of Perth. For how long will the battery array run? Five or ten minutes? If a battery is going to complement Solar and Wind then you need a battery that can give that discharge for over 48 hours to cover for the time that the Renewables don’t run. Get your cheque book out because that is going to be billions of Dollars worth.
Albo!! what are your plans to lower energy costs? Renewables cannot and never will have the capacity to meet the energy requirements of an advanced community.
@@leewilton5082 easy, we will just credit power bills AGAIN-placate the masses while we continue to Fup our treasury into the never never. Drives me MAD.
Yes. Bowen has stated them on Insiders to name one occasion. But we’ve heard zip on the nuclear costings. Nor have we heard what happens to reducing emissions in this critical decade if we’re ramping up the fossil fuel usage while the nuclear reactors are being built over the next 20 - 30 years.
@@chrisburnett4742Surely you dont believe anything that comes out of Albo, Bowen or all of the Labor ministers mouths do you??? They are wrecking Australia, Deliberately. Everything they say is a lie.
@@jamesgowing3856 You sound like an ideologue mate. How do you know it’s fake? Have you calculated the figure? What’s your personal expertise? The calculation was provided by the energy market operator. Back in June this year he said: “The Energy Market Operator released their latest Integrated Systems plan. It has the updated cost - $122 billion. That’s the system-wide non-customer owned cost of renewable energy generation, transmission and storage.” If you’re asking what’s the cost of getting […] our electricity sector to 82% renewables by 2030 and then net zero by 2050, what we’re talking about is that figure in the Australian Energy Market report.
@@chrisburnett4742 nuclear reactors taking 20 to 30 years to build, then why have Sth Korea said they can build one in 10 to 15 years and be fully operational
The renewables in SA are privately built and owned. Some companies must think it's worth doing. Their certainly not building coal fired power stations. Apart from being environmentally disastrous, their bloody expensive and non viable economically.
@bruciew50 Yes, aware of that, but investors for renewables get paid from the government even if they don't generate power, so why wouldn't you invest in his industry.
Thought. How about we take the power grid out of the hands of self serving politicians and give it to some engineers and economists a completely independent body.
Ian Plimer is right: he has said before that the earth is on the cusp of a new ice age. I am putting my money where his mouth is by signing up for 10 years of ski lodge membership. It is likely that winter skiing seasons in Australia will soon - in the next few years - run from May until October. Anyone who supports his ideas should consider doing the same. You won’t regret it.
well with the coming Grand Solar Minimum(cold like the 1670s), super flare(grid down world wide) suppose to be happening within 10-20 years plus a weakening magnetic field, converging magnetic poles under Bangladesh and micro nova to supposedly happen later this century as well, I think ice age might be happening, something is happening that's for sure lol...
Hypothesising…if Labor’s push for renewables gains momentum and gets up… if it fails (blackouts, budget blowouts etc) will Albanese and his government be accountable??
Albo still playing the same violin. Why would Australia be the only country in the world with the most expensive nuclear energy - especially when Australia has the 2nd most Uranium Ore deposits.
@southernstargazer1951 The point I was making was that it is incredibly expensive and time consuming to build the reactors, the fuel costs don't come into it. While you are waiting (15 years?) You are still having to rely on expensive dirty gas and coal.
@@bruciew50 I know what you mean. Gas is clean. Coal is dirty. Both are relatively cheap. Nuclear reactors do take a while to build (especially if the CFMEU are involved), but they do last a long time once built. A bit like the highways and roads we drive on. No one or quick solution to keep the lights on.
Yes Albo, the 3 Billion dollar Collie battery when fully charged will power those homes for...wait for it..... FOUR HOURS! Source: The projects own website
I went on hols for 1 month and the power was off at home. I have no stove, no water heater, no ac, no heater on grid power, my fridges are all on solar , and the 2 months that I did use power (Laptop TV , internet router, and lights) cost me over $500 thank you Origin . I think they can wait a few months to get paid while I eat porridge. I told them to disconnect me .
It's so refreshing to see a discussion where the interviewer allows the interviewee to answer and the interviewee actually listens to , and then answers the questions .
A battery that will power 860,000 homes for 10 minutes and then probably burst into flames. A question for Elmer Fudd, where does the energy to charge this immense environmental disater come from?
Stop assuming that what a GEOLOGIST says is fact. Lookup what actually happens in SA, he's spreading bullshit. The batteries there haven't burst into flames and they are used to backup peak loads.
Professor Plimer's middle name is "Rutherford". So appropriate. Chemistry Nobel laureate Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) discovered the nuclear structure of the atom, alpha and beta rays, along with other discoveries relevant to nuclear power.
@@darylhoskins919 nope, we be the ones eating grass while the politicians are the only ones allowed to eat meat. Exactly like I’m the novel by George Orwell “Animal Farm”. Where the politicians are the stinking pigs…quite adept really;)
They're not renewables. They're replaceable ( every 20-30 years ) if indeed wind and solar facilities actually manage to last that long without catastrophic failures.
Plymer is correct.Australia needs Hydrogen or Ammonia based power stations which are operational in Japan South Korea and China.These country’s have the Tech knowledge and it works for them.Nuclear is too expensive Hydrogen is cheaper and Japan or South Korea could get it up and running.Labor too slow and stupid to look at the option.
Labor has never costed the renewables plan. I call Albo out over his lie that the battery will power 860,000 homes. Firstly batteries are just storage and don't produce any power. Secondly he is massively overestimating the size of the battery. How long would it power them for, maybe 20 minutes?
it will last 4 hours since the maximum it can output is 500Mw and it has a 2000Mwh capacity but if you divide that over each of the 860,000 homes thats only 0.6Kw per hour
Here in the UK we have recently had announced the Pillswood battery site - hailed as "the largest in Europe". It boasts it can supply the (electrical) needs of 350,000 homes for 3 hours. That means that the nearby city of Hull, Yorkshire with over 500,000 homes can rely on the site for about 2 hours. And the thing is we have to pay them twice: once for storing the power and then again for supplying it when needed.
We seriously have to get rid of this bloke and Bandt at the next election.
Turdburgulars stick together the entire political system needs disinfecting
After transporting our coal and gas across the oceans the chinese pay 8 cents per kw/hr.
Whilst we pay 50 to 60 cents per kw/hr
Well the Chinese buy our coal for USD $ 140 or $ 200 a ton and it takes half a ton to produce a megawatt so that's 10c/KWH in fuel alone. Maybe subsidized ?
The DISGUSTING DIVISIVE RACISTS PM, ELBOW, would be supportive to China before Australia without a doubt.
Our bulk energy prices (see AEMO site) are roughly the same, 8-10 cents. Right now in NSW - $96 per MWh, maximal price for today was $116/MWh at 1430 = 11 cents per KWh. Everything above is network cost. Say big thanks to our beloved govt, in its infinite wisdom subsidising all this green BS and burdening the network with obligatory PV/wind priority.
actually 364kg to 500kg per MWh depending on the technology
Australia now has one of the most expensive electricity in the world.
Thanks green energy.
Can`t be any worse than U.K.
Had one of the dearest power grids well before the word renewable came along. Fact.
@midnorthmidwest in the 1990s we had cheap electricity. We could run smelters and car manufacturers needs. We can't do that anymore.
Gas sets the price of electricity in this country
@CraigHarvey we are as rich as Saudi Arabia with energy but obviously and unfortunately not half as smart.
Who else is sick of Labor and Greens?
I’m sick of the Sky Au propaganda.
Absolutely, greens and Labor are a pack of F wits .
Anyone with a brain knows you never put all your eggs in one basket.
A bit like these morons that want to replace all transport with Electric or battery vehicles, it is a path to disaster.
This net zero bullshit is destroying the country and the economy. .
@@chrisburnett4742 I'm sick of abc/ Lefty propaganda
@@chrisburnett4742 I suppose you are a Hard Nosed Labor OR Greens Supporter Chris. I have Nothing but Pity for you. I Imagine you have been Reading and Listening to too much Left Wing Propaganda Mate. I would Quit while you are able.
@@Deljron777 Maybe you should try reading something mate and give the Sky News Angertainment Cult a miss for a while.
No one cares about your tribe. Facts matter.
Albo spreading misinformation as per usual
That's because he doesn't really know what to do, so he lies. The DISGUSTING DIVISIVE RACISTS is a complete Imbecile with ZERO CREDENTIALS, CREDIBILITY OR ABILITY.
He just venting because he never got an invite to a P Diddy party
Which he'll be allowed to do legally under his M and D law
@@talbotdentureclinic9123 Not Really Missinformation, just STRAIGHT OUT PLAIN LYING. It won't be too long before Old Showbag falls on his own Sword.
Ian Plimer is absolutely right.
There is No shortage of Gas to supply Chyna and Japan?
Albo we sit on a rock made of iron ore coal uranium and gas😂😂😂😂😂😂we don’t need batteries
We do if you want a sustainable planet. It’s the future mate. Are you still getting around in a horse and buggy?
don’t buy into the Climate Agendas & Scams.
The climate changes daily but there is no climate crisis, dont believe Albo & Labor’s misinformation, everything they say is a lie, there is a lot of money to launder in the renewables scam which will see us all getting around in horse and buggy’s again if we let it continue.
Replaceables: destroying the environment, energy grid & economy to save the planet, it’s an unsustainable scam. Follow the money.
@@chrisburnett4742YES it’s more reliable 😊😊😊😊😊
@@chrisburnett4742 Batteries would provide a 'sustainable planet'? Oh, really? How? We're not getting around in horses and buggies, simply because hydrocarbons fuels have provided the world's population to advance and thrive economically, socially, environmentally, and socially. However, no type of fuel is perfect, but hydrocarbons and uranium are certainly better than the alternative. Green energy isn't green whether you like to admit it or not. Are "renewabless" going to be built by using "renewable energy"? If so, tell me how?
@@chrisburnett4742 So, you are about 9 years old and have been told this by your non binary teacher, or you still have the dream.
This Prime Minister is the Biggest Flog to walk the earth and Absolute Embarrassment
America still has doddery old Joe and the UK had bonkers Boris.
@@johngeier8692and both of them have more brains than Albo, Bowen and Plibersek combined
@@waynegrosvenor9699 add Jimbo to that list too
That’s my favourite word flog. Very apt .
STOP voting these clowns into power!!!
I agree but they still will.
@@John-bl8di The sheep will be the ruin of us all...
Green and teal wankers are to blame. Albo got 31%
Yeah, both sides!
Hey Albo Most aussies aren’t buying the bs which you shovel anymore.
Renewables were named correctly, every 5-15 years they'll need renewing. This will make single use plastics look environmentally friendly.!
@@stewartread4235 single use plastic bags WEREN'T single use,i used them more than 1nce,till they wore out,what are the govt going on about,bullshit as usual.
Unsustainable sustainability. Not enough mineral resources, or money, to keep doing the renewal for long.
Exactly 💯
@@stewartread4235 yes, especially the wind generators. The defunct ones are just being left unoperationable because it’s not economic to repair.
Solar is much better, but panels naturally degrade every year…so much so that it’s in the panel specifications.
I know as I used to calculate/design my own systems…which I have now forgotten how to do:(
When with Albo realise that we need base load power stations to control the systems frequency at 50Hz and the reactive power or system power factor at .8 or better, the renewables save on fuel cost but can’t provide stable system power! If you’re happy to have blackouts stick with Albo and Bowen’s plan!
Albanese is a fine one to talk about costings,
Labor does nothing but lie.
No accountability whatsoever.
Why are there so many lawyers working as politicians.
To make laws preventing them from prosecution from corruption, i believe.
We'll take that on notice, & never get back to you, no answers, to avoid incriminating themselves or to push a dodgy bill through.
860,000 homes for 5 minutes
And the cost?
Stop listening to the Sky propaganda....
@@allandriver2066well, perhaps you would like to give us the true facts of how long the batteries will support all those homes. I’m sure we would be most grateful.
The cost I believe, from the projects website is something like 3 Billion to build, and around $100 million a year to operate over the 10 years it will last.
@@locomotion4118 He can't, he's part of the religion... Faith that green energy works... Reality will never set in just like Yuri Bezmenov said.
4 hours
Give it up Albo, you are an embarrassment to this country. Another speech lacking truth.
Albo is a clown🤡🤡🤡Albo will be a one term PM
Won’t be any other term after Albo. 🤔😉🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
Based on what. Surely you not stupid enough to believe anything trotted out on Sky Au. This mining geologist has long been discredited. Like Sky, he shills for fossil fuel companies.
Let’s hope so .
Not if idiots keep voting for the greens..
No! Clowns make you laugh. Albo just causes pain, which will get worse over time.
Enough to power 860,000 homes for two minutes
4 hours
860.000 with power for a few minutes while the rest are in darkness. It won't be the so called elite going without electricity.
@@terryquarton2523that’s 1kw per hour per household once the project is fully completed. If people are running their heat pumps and charging their EVs then the 4 hrs will be extremely optimistic unless they force the smart power meters onto the West Australian public which automatically cut off none essential load like heat pumps and ev chargers.
So what happen if it rains for a week what charges the battery’s ah coal powered generation, diesel, enlighten us all
so, just enough to run the fridges, lights and one TV
Albo seems like a desperate PM. What has the green energy movement (wind turbines and solar panels) cost the Australian Tax payers and the ongoing maintenance costs so far?
Plus Green Hydrogen!!!
@@troywallace322Twiggy got 2 billion for that little fiasco.
They wont say (transparently), but are set to blow another 1.5 trillion dollars on replaceables in the next 5 years, if we dont vote Labor out soon we won’t last another 5 years.
Albodud should get the King of Clowns, Bowen, to give the costings of his useless Renewables that have to be replaced every 14-20 years (and will never be able to power Australia without another source of power production in the mix). Unfortunately Bowen won't reveal the costs because he couldn't possibly know. These fans and mirrors will be a FOREVER, NEVERENDING cost to not only this generation but every generation to come!!!
@@evil17 If Japan and South Korea are running power Stations on Hydrogen/AmmoniaI can’t believe Australia is not there yet.Keep in mind Ammonia is four times denser than Hydrogen.Electolysers from Japan or South Korea Sea water and Sunlight and your in Business.Creates other Industry’s Steel Aluminium Glass Concrete Fertilizer and Explosves.Albo has his head so far up his Arse he can’t see it.
I really wished the media would start asking Albo questions going into the election. We will see the narrative collapse soon enough.
Yep , Albo likes to mention the details for nuclear, but has no detail other than farcical projected pie in the sky for renewables.
Just imagine , the greens and albo want to have more than 20,000 of those wind turbine monstrosity’s , plus battery’s , plus all the clearing of the land to do it , and those things wear out and need maintenance, and batteries have a limited service life , as will the thousands of miles of power lines also need more substations and maintenance, there’s no way , electricity will be cheaper in the long run.
The media has already gone global don’t expect any due diligence there.
@@fyiaustralia9686 this will never happen…why, well because MSM I S just “Western propaganda”. Yes, journalism like it used to be (keeping the barstools honest) is long gone…for todays journos in MSM it’s all about keeping your job and keeping your bosses happy, who in turn keeps their bosses happy, so on and so forth. This food chain doesn’t just stop at “our leaders”…it goes to our “one world Govt” agenda and even one step about them. I wish I could mention it here, but I’ll definitely get censored:(
@@mikldude9376 exactly spot on-well said. This is why power is so bloody expensive. Hey, I’m guilty of adding to this cost by putting on a subsidised massive solar system…but I either don’t do it and ultimately PAY MORE in the long run, or cough up, take the hand out, be “environmentally friendly”…what BS and save our family money in the long run. It’s not rocket science. I reckon a lot of people know this is just a scam. I also wanted to get battery backup as well to save more, but it’s just not economical AND the risk to safety is a gamble I’m not prepared to take. I’m talking about the Tesla MegaPak battery storage fires in SA and near Rocky, but also home storage where one manufacturer had to advertise a recall notice! I don’t want it going thermal runaway in my garage thanks very much.
Again, this whole renewable plan was not thought out. Fools-it’s makes me mad.
The media doesn't know what questions to ask, and that's the major problem (apart from its left-wing bias). For decades there has been talk of climate change, and yet, I've not heard or read one comment anywhere in the world about climatology. Climatology is about THE LONG-TERM AVERAGES OF WEATHER. Nobody ever mentions it.........................N O B O D Y!.
What a FW!
Albo, What does it matter the cost, u can't rember unemployment rate, cash rate, voice pgs, $275 rebate...ffs Albo 😮
Thats the great lie. Hazelwood Batteries on 4000 hectares will power 72,000 house for 1 Hour.
I repeat 1 HOUR. 😆
That’s not 860,000 is it , and one hour is hardly 24 .
ALbo should harness the power in ur arms when u jerk off
That these batteries are intended to power homes is a lie of itself. Their main purpose is to stabilise the inheritenly unstable renewables grid. Act like giant capacitors in an electrical circuit. That's why they are poor at providing power, it's not their purpose.
It 4 hours
Seriously you are right but Josh Hazelwood has plenty of power!!
The governments energy advisers must have wagged all their schooling and got radicalised in some mysterious planet from another solar system. None of their plans have any answers or solutions to the energy disaster at all.
That is all part of the (WEF) plan.
Why to pollies who do no work need to wear gloves. Albos never done a days work in his life.
Dutton will be in WA talking to the farmers.
Lying to the Farmers
Yea his friend Gina is a farmer?
Only the white South African ones though
Those renewables have to be replaced again and again and again. Expensive useless money pit.
The fundamental issue is that UN’s Net Zero policy is prohibitively costly, impractical and totally unnecessary as the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are actually beneficial.
Benefits include increased agricultural yields (main effect), reduced water heating costs, fewer deaths from hypothermia and postponement of the next glacial maximum.
@@johngeier8692 yes. I'm in the farming sector. Our cerial crops are high carbon dependent.
Nuclear lasts 5 times as long.
@@johngeier8692 exactly, and who do the UN answer to?
Increasing solar radiation on our atmosphere over decades with the collapsing magnetic field strength (our protective umbrella from protons and other charged particles) will only get worse in the lead up to the pole shift.
Batteries in a EV need to be changed every 5 years Multiply that by approx (I guess less than a milliion. EV's and increasing ) and that will give you an idea of the mountains of lithium batteries that may catch fire when they get wet in the rain. We will have toxic burning mountains in every city. Does Chris Bowen ever pause to think about that scenario?
People will actually vote for Labor because they think batteries are the answer. We are totally stuffed.
Neoen, a French clean energy powerhouse has received approval to build a multi-billion-dollar battery in Western Australia's coal heartlands of Collie
The batteries are no substitute for base-load power plants, but they can store excess renewable energy from times of surplus and put it back into the system during periods of high demand.
The project would be built in stages and would eventually have a capacity of 1 gigawatt and a duration of four hours of supply
Are they serious, the energy supply of these batteries is “totally, absolutely useless.”
Albo is on record as claiming these batteries could provide power for 860,000 homes, what a fool we have as a PM
You forgot to mention a few critical facts
These are the build cost..3 Billion dollars. Annual operating cost... estimated 100 Million a year. Expected life: around 10 years.
@@johnwoodrow8769let’s hope it doesn’t catch fire and light up the collie coal fields its built on 😂
@@nigelliam153 Well if the battery does catch fire it'll put out more energy than it even will as a means to firm up intermittent renewables (which is NOT its job despite the lies to the contrary being told by people like Albanese and Bowen).
@@johnwoodrow8769 your right, it’s a self perpetuating cycle of never ending payments from taxes to fund this crap.
Just look at the SA battery storage and the one near Rocky-both are TESLA MefaPak-no automatic fire suppression, a severe health and safety risk to the nearby residents who were told (and this is NOT good enough) “just shut your windows and doors”…BS EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!!! Toxic gasses do long term harm.
This this once they go into “thermal runaway” create their own oxygen so they can never be put out, rather the fuel source must deplete over a day plus.
They there is the health and safety risk to the poor firefighters that MUST attempt to make safe and try to extinguish this unstoppable fire. Should these firefighters get exposed to these toxic gases, they will never work again! How is that going to effect the firefighters family for the rest of their lives. This absolute BS and should be BANNED.
@@nigelliam153 Actually this is a very valid point. In a place called Centralia, the coal seam under the town caught fire. They abandoned the town.
Here in WA I saw a news report of a similar event after a burn off ignited a coal seam.
Good old Albo, always half the story. His problem is that he thinks we are stupid enough to believe him without checking the facts.
He is so stupid that he does not understand
Dorothy saw it in a movie once and he thinks that is reality.
Albo, like a kid lying and keeps lying and now believing his own lies, what a leader!
Anymore of this government and I’ll go bankrupt…..and I’m poor already!!!
Join the que.
@@Stoic_SunHounds I really like this comment and the one that says “join the que”
Expensive wasteful govt, expensive wasteful project.
Expensive wasteful Albanese.
And he is still wasting our time and our taxes !
Well when Labour release their costings (total and including all ancillary costs) of the so called cheap and reliable renewables industry then, and only then, can you demand the same from the LNP. We all know that hell will have frozen over before that happens.
Experts are saying that a renewables policy will cost $1.5t and will need replacing every 15 years. Compare that with nuclear which will cost around $380b which will be amortised over the next 70 years, is the cleanest energy available and all the uranium we need to power the reactors is right here in Australia. All a renewables energy policy will do is line the pockets of the Chinese and will be environmentally destructive.
@@patrickn3595not just the Chinese , don’t forget the CFMEU has money tied up in renewables , labor and the unions have been doing each other favours for years.
@@mikldude9376 I hadn’t got to them yet, but thanks for the reminder! Union-backed super funds, Andrew Forrest, Malcolm Turnbull have all got skin in the renewables game and are doing everything in their power to lie and mislead Australians.
@@patrickn3595The 1.5 trillion dollars is what is eartagged to be spent on replaceables in the next 5 years & 7-9 trillion by 2060 if we are stupid enough to let it go on, how many reactors, gas or coal could we have for that.
Not sure but believe it could be around the trillion already spent as people sleep in tents & the environment dies.
This geologist is absolutely right and an expert in his field but this labour government knows better and constantly peddles misleading misinformation. He is right to say labour is dragging us into the 1950s not the 21st century
Batteries only last a couple of hours at most, when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining.
Well done Albo, you are officially the worst PM since Keating.
The Albanese government is worse than the Whitlam government.
Net Zero is economically destructive delusional insanity. We need to stop this nonsense.
Keating was good compared to Rudd / Gillard and Turnbull.
@@fitzyholden1036 except though on the wrong side of politics, he actually had a brain.
The cost of gas in a Carlton restaurant has increased from $800 by-monthly to $3,600 bi-monthly. An increase of 450%.
Good reason to switch to induction cookers.
Restaurants cannot run on induction cooktops
@@Edward-y7t why is that? too slow? though induction had better control
@@bencoad8492 Gas is instant heat.
In Collie??!! 250 km from Perth and the 860,000 homes!
Collie is where the biggest coal fired power station is. It is the central hub of the WA high voltage distribution network, they must be using transformers to back feed into the HV grid.
Power them for how long?
Long enough to find a flashlight.
When fully complete 4hrs assuming each house draws about 1000W
So basically useless.
@@glenwillson5073 yep, just like Albo and all those that toe the UN BS. F them.
@@nigelliam153 about half that
Power eight hundred and sixty thousand homes for about five minutes or it bursts into flames whichever comes first.
If you havent read any books by Prof Ian Plimer please do so they are very informative. These books should be at every school and library.
Where's labours costings for renewables
Thank you Ian for your analysis and knowledge.
Ian is discredited fossil fuel shill.
He's a bloody GEOLOGIST. He has no expertise in nuclear power and renewables.
@@bruciew50 Too true. The superpower of Sky Au is to seek out the expertise of a bloke who presents the 0.1% case rather than the 99.9% consensus of those in the actual field and pretend that his views matter. This guy actually worked for mining companies for years.
Oh, I get it, next time you have an illness, go with the advice of someone who has no expertise in that field.
@@bruciew50 Thats the Sky Au logic. Actual expertise is their enemy. It is the opposite of the Sky Au “Angertainment” & “Division” business model which has worked so well for their sister company, Fox, in the US.
Does albo realise our his ai, media relies heavily on eletwichitty? He wants a ban on social media ..looks like he won’t have mass communication to spread his bs soon in rolling blackouts 😂😂😂
That's 1.72 million homes for one minute ...I'm surprised Albo didn't use a bigger number 😅
Just get government out the way of business and Oz will be better off. Stop interfering where you have no idea what your doing governments.
800.000 for 5 minutes.😅😂
Useless Albozo pissing up dollars against the wall for useless battery
Too many politicians wth their own personal agendas.
Possibly the smartest bloke in Australia..
Wow, a battery that can supply 800,000 homes. That’s 2.4 million people or twice the population of Perth. For how long will the battery array run? Five or ten minutes? If a battery is going to complement Solar and Wind then you need a battery that can give that discharge for over 48 hours to cover for the time that the Renewables don’t run. Get your cheque book out because that is going to be billions of Dollars worth.
Albo!! what are your plans to lower energy costs? Renewables cannot and never will have the capacity to meet the energy requirements of an advanced community.
@@leewilton5082 easy, we will just credit power bills AGAIN-placate the masses while we continue to Fup our treasury into the never never.
Drives me MAD.
Call in the governor general for the govt to be sacked on their ongoing lies
Has anyone heard Albos costings for renewables?
Yes. Bowen has stated them on Insiders to name one occasion. But we’ve heard zip on the nuclear costings. Nor have we heard what happens to reducing emissions in this critical decade if we’re ramping up the fossil fuel usage while the nuclear reactors are being built over the next 20 - 30 years.
@@chrisburnett4742Surely you dont believe anything that comes out of Albo, Bowen or all of the Labor ministers mouths do you???
They are wrecking Australia, Deliberately.
Everything they say is a lie.
@@chrisburnett4742 what was his fake estimate of costings which included full costings such as transmission lines?
@@jamesgowing3856 You sound like an ideologue mate. How do you know it’s fake? Have you calculated the figure? What’s your personal expertise? The calculation was provided by the energy market operator.
Back in June this year he said: “The Energy Market Operator released their latest Integrated Systems plan. It has the updated cost - $122 billion. That’s the system-wide non-customer owned cost of renewable energy generation, transmission and storage.”
If you’re asking what’s the cost of getting […] our electricity sector to 82% renewables by 2030 and then net zero by 2050, what we’re talking about is that figure in the Australian Energy Market report.
@@chrisburnett4742 nuclear reactors taking 20 to 30 years to build, then why have Sth Korea said they can build one in 10 to 15 years and be fully operational
Gas bills on purpose 😢
Can Albo Please give us his costings for renewables!!!!!
The renewables in SA are privately built and owned. Some companies must think it's worth doing. Their certainly not building coal fired power stations. Apart from being environmentally disastrous, their bloody expensive and non viable economically.
You know why because of subsidies remove them and see the result.
@@johnnywarboAnd you think fossil fuel industry isn't? In WA the gas industry doesn't pay royalties (or very little), we are giving it away.
@bruciew50 Yes, aware of that, but investors for renewables get paid from the government even if they don't generate power, so why wouldn't you invest in his industry.
Jail Ambrosario
Thought. How about we take the power grid out of the hands of self serving politicians and give it to some engineers and economists a completely independent body.
Ian Plimer is right: he has said before that the earth is on the cusp of a new ice age. I am putting my money where his mouth is by signing up for 10 years of ski lodge membership. It is likely that winter skiing seasons in Australia will soon - in the next few years - run from May until October. Anyone who supports his ideas should consider doing the same. You won’t regret it.
well with the coming Grand Solar Minimum(cold like the 1670s), super flare(grid down world wide) suppose to be happening within 10-20 years plus a weakening magnetic field, converging magnetic poles under Bangladesh and micro nova to supposedly happen later this century as well, I think ice age might be happening, something is happening that's for sure lol...
N.E.M. Watch 22.00 EST Gas and Coal generating 77% of Australia's power requirements...
a coal fired power station had 2000 ton trains of coal feeding them every day replace this with a Battery yer right
Hypothesising…if Labor’s push for renewables gains momentum and gets up… if it fails (blackouts, budget blowouts etc) will Albanese and his government be accountable??
I hope those that appreciate the importance of free speech have put in their concerns about the “disinformation bill” which is due TODAY.
Stay out of WA Anthony! Every where you go it turns to shite
Albo still playing the same violin. Why would Australia be the only country in the world with the most expensive nuclear energy - especially when Australia has the 2nd most Uranium Ore deposits.
You have to build the bloody things before you use the uranium, duh.
@bruciew50 well that's a no brainer.
@southernstargazer1951 The point I was making was that it is incredibly expensive and time consuming to build the reactors, the fuel costs don't come into it. While you are waiting (15 years?) You are still having to rely on expensive dirty gas and coal.
@@bruciew50 I know what you mean. Gas is clean. Coal is dirty. Both are relatively cheap. Nuclear reactors do take a while to build (especially if the CFMEU are involved), but they do last a long time once built. A bit like the highways and roads we drive on. No one or quick solution to keep the lights on.
Powering 860000 homes for how long when there is no wind and no sun and by the way no coal and no gas, Hmm, I'd like to see that.
One of the greatest scams of the century affecting the entire world
Yes Albo, the 3 Billion dollar Collie battery when fully charged will power those homes for...wait for it.....
FOUR HOURS! Source: The projects own website
Cant wait for nuclear energy to arrive so our energy costs as consumers finally become cheap and manageable
We run our gas cooktop off a 9kg gas bottle. We use it a lot it lasts for 8 to 10 months on a bottle. How economical.
Who are they to dictate to us.
Since when is voting for a leader that tells society what the govt wants.
I went on hols for 1 month and the power was off at home. I have no stove, no water heater, no ac, no heater on grid power, my fridges are all on solar , and the 2 months that I did use power (Laptop TV , internet router, and lights) cost me over $500 thank you Origin . I think they can wait a few months to get paid while I eat porridge. I told them to disconnect me .
I cant believe that the government would put the high flying Oligarchs before the Australian People
It's so refreshing to see a discussion where the interviewer allows the interviewee to answer and the interviewee actually listens to , and then answers the questions .
Albo the geologist, the next Pauline Hanson skit, writes itself lol!
Not a country in the world that runs on only solar wind and batteries name one should be the question
Like the mythical successful socialist society
As long Albo,Bowen have costing😂😂😂
This is what you get when the ideology must be supported regardless of the facts!
Net zéro..follow the yellow brick road
Albo - the male version of Kamala Harris.
I don't think you realise that's a compliment.
@@wishdj are you sure..he’s male, and not an “it”. Isn’t that they all want us to be…see Pauline Hansens comic on this last Friday…it’s a pearler
@@wishdj We live in Australia mate. Take your American partisan crap and shove it.
A battery that will power 860,000 homes for 10 minutes and then probably burst into flames. A question for Elmer Fudd, where does the energy to charge this immense environmental disater come from?
Stop assuming that what a GEOLOGIST says is fact. Lookup what actually happens in SA, he's spreading bullshit. The batteries there haven't burst into flames and they are used to backup peak loads.
Albo and Bowen are a clown show.
Exactly, renewables are nice supplements, use them to lessen the burden on proper energy. Don't pretend they can do the job
Jacinta Allan... the ultimate gaslighter.
Brilliant comment by a learned Geological Scholar!.
Thank you for this Interview!
Ian Plimer is a hero! He’s been speaking out for many years, armed with facts and common sense.
Professor Plimer's middle name is "Rutherford". So appropriate. Chemistry Nobel laureate Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) discovered the nuclear structure of the atom, alpha and beta rays, along with other discoveries relevant to nuclear power.
Nice. When I did 1st year Geology at Melbourne University in 2003, Prof. Plimer called me the next David Attenborough.
After the gas is gone for cooking what will be used, cow dung?
@@darylhoskins919 nope, we be the ones eating grass while the politicians are the only ones allowed to eat meat. Exactly like I’m the novel by George Orwell “Animal Farm”.
Where the politicians are the stinking pigs…quite adept really;)
They're not renewables. They're replaceable ( every 20-30 years ) if indeed wind and solar facilities actually manage to last that long without catastrophic failures.
So why are the coal fired power stations shutting down? They have a fixed life cycle and are bloody expensive to keep running!
They are stopping gas in new suburbs in Canberra
Diesel back up . Why haven't we been told about this.
Renewables will be considerbly more expensive and unreliable......
I wonder what sort of disaster that battery will make in WA, after all the electric cars battery explosions.
@@kathyjohnston7139 it will exactly as what happened in SA and the one near Rocky.
And we are all paying for this BS.
Why are we in debt and expensive bills. We have indefinite amour of resources
Yes, buy panels and turbines from Chna so they can build out their military.
Yes buy panels from China who don’t act on climate change ….
Its so self defeating
Plymer is correct.Australia needs Hydrogen or Ammonia based power stations which are operational in Japan South Korea and China.These country’s have the Tech knowledge and it works for them.Nuclear is too expensive Hydrogen is cheaper and Japan or South Korea could get it up and running.Labor too slow and stupid to look at the option.
Trouble is, most hydrogen is produced from very dirty sources.
S Korea is one of the leaders in nuclear
Labor has never costed the renewables plan.
I call Albo out over his lie that the battery will power 860,000 homes. Firstly batteries are just storage and don't produce any power. Secondly he is massively overestimating the size of the battery. How long would it power them for, maybe 20 minutes?
it will last 4 hours since the maximum it can output is 500Mw and it has a 2000Mwh capacity but if you divide that over each of the 860,000 homes thats only 0.6Kw per hour
Here in the UK we have recently had announced the Pillswood battery site - hailed as "the largest in Europe". It boasts it can supply the (electrical) needs of 350,000 homes for 3 hours. That means that the nearby city of Hull, Yorkshire with over 500,000 homes can rely on the site for about 2 hours. And the thing is we have to pay them twice: once for storing the power and then again for supplying it when needed.