Funny how whenever a driver gets in a situation with an aston martin, they always know its stroll. Except for lawson last week, but his engineer was quick to point out it was stroll lol. And you could hear in his voice after like "yea, i should know that by now, makes total sense" 😂🤣
Honestly, has anyone ever said "fking stroll, this idiot stroll" something along those lines about an aston martin and it was actually fernando? I cant think of one single time 😂🤣 drugo drugo drugo 🇧🇷😆
Funny how whenever a driver gets in a situation with an aston martin, they always know its stroll. Except for lawson last week, but his engineer was quick to point out it was stroll lol. And you could hear in his voice after like "yea, i should know that by now, makes total sense" 😂🤣
Honestly, has anyone ever said "fking stroll, this idiot stroll" something along those lines about an aston martin and it was actually fernando? I cant think of one single time 😂🤣 drugo drugo drugo 🇧🇷😆
Not that I've ever seen XD