I have a neon with mouth fungus. I dosed for 2 weeks with Mela and Pimafix. I stopped the meds. I do have an almond leaf in his tank which I think has helped him stay alive. He's been going like this for a month. Not eating. Not sure how he is getting nourishment. Maybe through gills or absorbing thru mouth /skin. I believe he may be suffering. I will probably put him down.
bob abraham I found out that Melafix and pimafix were doing more harm to the fish so I stopped treatment of those two meds. I went on to try general cure by API and also fungus cure. Today I only have 4 of those neon tetras living. The illness will kill them slowly but they will live long and happier life’s if you only do weekly water changes. Another thing I did was keep them away from other tetras to avoid spreading it to my rummynose. I also recommend trying small pellet foods or hand feeding with Tweezers frozen to activate some type of natural feeding and remember live Brine shrimp is the best way to go.
bob abraham thought I add this... When I used fungus cure, the fungus went away(cotton mouth) but ... it turned into a ball-like similar to a wort and slowly growing bigger and bigger eventually covering the tetra’s mouth. I went on to surgically experimenting on them and removing relieving by trimming down the growth. Keep in mind that I did not sedate the fish. I lost two neons to this method but the ones alive now are alive because of it. 50/50 chance.
I have a neon with mouth fungus. I dosed for 2 weeks with Mela and Pimafix. I stopped the meds. I do have an almond leaf in his tank which I think has helped him stay alive. He's been going like this for a month. Not eating. Not sure how he is getting nourishment. Maybe through gills or absorbing thru mouth /skin. I believe he may be suffering. I will probably put him down.
bob abraham I found out that Melafix and pimafix were doing more harm to the fish so I stopped treatment of those two meds. I went on to try general cure by API and also fungus cure. Today I only have 4 of those neon tetras living. The illness will kill them slowly but they will live long and happier life’s if you only do weekly water changes. Another thing I did was keep them away from other tetras to avoid spreading it to my rummynose. I also recommend trying small pellet foods or hand feeding with Tweezers frozen to activate some type of natural feeding and remember live Brine shrimp is the best way to go.
bob abraham thank you for your comment. I am here if you need the help through this process.
bob abraham thought I add this...
When I used fungus cure, the fungus went away(cotton mouth) but ... it turned into a ball-like similar to a wort and slowly growing bigger and bigger eventually covering the tetra’s mouth. I went on to surgically experimenting on them and removing relieving by trimming down the growth. Keep in mind that I did not sedate the fish. I lost two neons to this method but the ones alive now are alive because of it. 50/50 chance.