I'm struggling at 25, and someone shared with me that this is a hard point in life because we are entering the unknown while grieving our past. I'm glad you opened up to us, you'll find yourself again!
Unsolicited advice: The 20s are hard but you’re evolving and that’s great. Your interests, friends, lovers, jobs, and passions will usually change as you get older. Find something bigger than yourself and try to get out of your head. If that’s church or politics or charity, then pursue it. Waiting for things to come to you will just increase your frustration. Get offline for a bit and (with love) stop focusing on you and focus on something that can use your obvious strengths. Get busy and serve other people or things. You’re in a great position to help others/causes you support while maintaining your lifestyle. I hope you find relief soon. Xoxo, a 50 year old.
Your videos make people feel better also when you are being "negative" and sharing your struggles because it helps us see that you are human too, it helps us feel less alone. it helps us feel more connected to you. I think that is pretty positive. I am really struggling in life right now as well, I can't let go of the past and the future scares me but I am also not enjoying the present because I feel stuck & stagnant. I just want to escape this. It's such a relief to know that even though such times can feel lonely, I am not alone.
I also feel that Renee's vulnerability unites us (the youtube community) and we pick 'Ney up, shake her and tell her "HEY, STOP IT! ✋🏼you are smart, you are beautiful, you are loved, you are a Fricking human! So just take your time with things, we'll be here to support you" 😂 I love this Channel so much 💔
I could not say it better Babli, I feel the same, and we are not alone my sweet friend!! We are all going to make it!!! Kisses to you and all this community and Renee!!!
GIRL I AM GOING THROUGH THE SAME THINGS. I am 26. Graduated college 4 years ago. Got the job I went to college for. What now???? I am so glad you made this video because I have been struggling with this but haven’t been able to put it into words. I’ve always been one to work hard and pursue the next step in life, but I have no idea what I actually want in life now which is driving me crazy. I believe this is a perfectionist struggle. I think we need to try to go easy on ourselves and understand this is a weird stage in our lives and we’ve also been going through a pandemic which does not help at all. As a perfectionist it’s hard to accept this, but sometimes it’s okay to not be pursuing/working on something, and simply focus on the small things that make you happy (reading, yoga, walks, time with friends/family, whatever makes you happy). Hearing your struggle and reading these comments is comforting knowing I’m not alone in this. Sending love to everyone struggling with these things right now 🤍
i literally just turned 27 and feel the exact same way... the pandemic made life feel so miserable and useless. I graduated in 2020, and fell into a pit of confusion and existential crisis. I used to be so goal oriented and driven. Now I'm like whats the point? what is my goal? should i have any? so weird... Anyway, sorry you're going through it to, but so happy you are open about talking about it. Makes me feel much less alone
I feel similarly about having trouble meeting people due to lack of depth. Hearing you vent doesn’t get me down; it makes me feel that depth that we lack in day-to-day conversations! :)
Girl legit for real thank you for making this video 🙏🏻 I’ve been feeling the EXACT same way, esp related to my own channel. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve outgrown my old self, old beliefs, old channel style, etc and the reason I feel unmotivated & down is because I’m still trying to follow those old beliefs. Time to LET GO and renew🤍
Wow, so much of this feels like you picked my brain. Been feeling the exact same, I’m almost 26 and have been feeling so stagnant-after college it’s like you have nothing you’re working towards, and you want to work towards something but cannot figure out what the hell you want to work towards, constantly back and forth about what type of life you want, spend so much time worrying about it that you end up not doing anything to change it. It’s such a cycle.
Talking about what you’re going through isn’t negative and can also allow some of your viewers to be able to relate and not feel alone. I feel like i’m exactly at the same stage in life (just moved back to my hometown from New York). Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s nice to hear someone say things I have also been going through!
Renee, I can relate to everything you’ve said so much. I’m 22 and just graduated college, and I should be happy and excited about my future but instead I’m terrified. I feel like all my life there’s been something new to look forward to, like starting high school, then moving out, then starting college, etc, but now when I think about the future all I can think of is that I’ll work for the next 45 years and that’s it. And it feels so stagnant and scares me so much. On top of it I feel that I missed out on some of the best years of my life due to Covid… I could’ve spent the past year studying at college in person, going to parties with friends, traveling with friends, going on vacation etc, and I know I shouldn’t even think about these “could have” scenarios, but it pisses me off a lot that this summer is my last summer as a carefree student, and I feel that it’s wasted, just like last summer. And I know I should be grateful, and despite what I’ve just described, I actually do feel grateful and am aware there’s a lot for me to be grateful for, but still there’s a lot of anger, frustration, as well as anxiety and worry in me as well. I think it’s just life and adulthood, it’s always challenging but especially so during a global pandemic. I’m not sure what the solution is for feeling better, I’m trying to figure it out for myself as well, but I know it will get better because it always does. 🤞🏼
My God. This is the same thing I've been dealing with for the past year. What helps me a lot is thinking this is just a phase that will pass and everyone experiences it at some point in life. So just embrace it as a positive thing even though it hurts. Pain is necessary for growth.
We’re fighting for authenticity. Authenticity is the most beautiful thing because it takes alot of courage and confidence. And its also very refreshing to others when they meet someone who is authentically themselves, no facades, no pretense. Just genuine. I follow you because of how genuine you are. Even if you sway a little bit because of social media pressures, you always go back to your authentic self. You will lead a fulfilling life because of it. It may not seem like it now but you will eventually see the fruit of simply being genuine
I’m 47 and for the past 5 years have been going through this exact same thing. My daughter is 23 and has been since she is 20. I believe that we are all just waking up to the idea of what being a human living is suppose to be like, and this is not it. I live in Vancouver moved to the ocean and I am doing small things that bring me joy. Don’t have really any friends either. Maybe one day it will all come to the surface and we will really see what life is. 😎
You should try doing some group activities in the city with people who aren’t influencers/work in social media. Join an adult kickball league, a book club, a church, an adult gymnastics class, etc. There are so many opportunities to meet people whose lives don’t revolve around social media. Yes a lot of people are focused on social media and their appearance, but a lot of people aren’t. If you join activities like the ones I mentioned, you’ll meet people who are just trying to have a good time. I think it’s also important to be aware that the world was always a scary negative place for a lot of people. Minorities, people of certain religious faiths, etc. have always lived in fear and anxiety about the world/people around them. It’s just that it’s finally being talked about loudly and those who were able to be blissfully unaware of it are being forced to realize how messed up the world is and has always been.
❤️Baby girl… maybe you need Austin.. a dog .. and a yard?.. or maybe some place that matches that sweatshirt….cause if the flower isn’t blooming we don’t yell at the flower …we change the soil.. sending love and light. You got this🔥🦄.🙏🏼
I have so much respect for you for your authenticity. I'm like 100% in the same boat as you, I feel like I'm just floating through life not really knowing what I want to do. Panicking that I'm nearing 30 as well. And the whole social media/influencer thing freaks me out too! Like, it's all about that dopamine rush of just getting attention instead of enjoying life and experiencing things. They're honestly not contributing much to life and I think we as people feel most fulfilled when we're giving back and doing important things to contribute to society. So maybe that's why so many influencers are unhappy deep down. It looks glamorous and all but what does it matter? And then there I am feeling pressured to take perfect pictures when I'm out and literally stressing about it instead of enjoying myself. And for what?! Let's just live!
Girl yes. I have definitely been camping out in the same place in life. I used to find my purpose in my grades in school, then it was getting my degrees, and then it was finding my worth in my job. I wanted to be teacher of the year. Then, my husband’s job took him on the road. Meaning we are at one location for a few months then, without any notice, we could be on to the next place. I tried to keep on teaching, but the long distance relationship thing wasn’t working for me. So I gave up my classroom to teach virtually online. I thought I would be a stay at home mom and homeschool my own children one day. But I’ll be 31 next week and after 8 1/2 years of marriage I still haven’t conceived. So that leaves me feeling purposeless without my classroom, without children, and without direction. I’m just like in a funk. I need some inspo bad!
I feel the exact same way.. lost of creativity & motivation and what's next in my life- and I'm 30! Social media can be so exhausting. I agree 100% about society today and how everyone seems so superficial.. keep focusing on you and what you enjoy most. Your videos are something I look forward to every week! So good to see you're back, I absolutely love your content Renee!
Thank you so much for being too genuine and vulnerable to share this experience with us!💜 It’s absolutely relatable! Am in my 25 and going on 26 in two months, I often find myself lost in either ruminating over things that had already happened or overthinking the future. It’s literally a life-paralysis state, taking into account the society pressure on us. . Like even when you are fully aligned with your core values and pushing yourself to remain present, someone will come, intruding, asking you questions that may trigger many insecurities, that you yourself are trying to deal with...
Renee - this is why I keep watching you. Because you are authentic, honest and different. I'm so grateful to you for making my life better, because I often turn to your videos in times of pain or distress. I'm 32, but I wish we were friends. The friends you do have, are really lucky and blessed. Thank you for speaking honestly about mental struggles - they need to be talked about more. You inspire me to accept myself for who I am. Sending you love and peace of mind from Ottawa, ON, Canada xx
I could relate to everything you said even tho I'm in a very different phase of life and life situation. Feeling lost , and not feeling that enthusiasm about the future like I did before. Before I could just dream and believe it would come true. But everything feels so unpredictable now that Its hard to have faith in myself or my dreams. That inturn makes me not want to commit to anything ,leaving me even more confused and lost. Hope we all can gain back our grip on reality and rediscover who we are in this new world.
thank you so much for sharing this, I’m in the exact same place! This past year has been really hard and though my introverted self loved being at home and taking up a hobby on youtube, I feel like the world has become very scary and negative. When you stare at the same 4 walls and screens all day it’s very easy to forget the beauty of the world and life and I’m longing to just do something - anything - again. I’m turning 25 in two weeks and I feel like this is just a mid-20s thing no one ever told us about - seeing everyone from high school buying houses, getting married and on their third kid and those things are nothing close to what I want any time soon, and yet I let myself compare myself to them? It’s really weird. So thank you for sharing that we’re not alone 🥲
Don’t underestimate the role of grief in a funk like this. It took me several years after my parents passed to feel grounded again. That was without moving away from my home & friends and dealing with the collective grief of a worldwide pandemic. You’re doing amazing.
You are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think I would be able to do it if Im in your place, so I am envying you with the patience and courage that you have!
Im 29 now but at least 3 years ago i was feeling the same. i was thinking im never going to feel anything new again, my best years already past me, i dont have any projects to pursue, etc. what did i do? i start talking with friends, with my psychologist, and writing about what i was feeling and thinking: which are my hobbies? reading? pottery? ocuppied the mind is the most important thing. The projects appears when you're working or doing things you love. I waited and things started to bloom. Projects like new jobs, collaborations, travels etc. Believe me, now you feel awful but the 20s are for this. Thinking what u want in life, to fail, to try new things. its ok if u have to take some time off, everything is going to be ok renee! i promise!
I can relate to these struggles a lot. A lot of people are feeling the same way right now and it is okay to talk about it and vent because it makes us all feel better and connected during these difficult times and it's nice to know you're not alone. We will get through this!
Renee- I am so thankful for you sharing this today! You have no idea how relatable this is in every way. While everyone has gone through their own trauma dealing with this past year, I know we’re all dealing with our own difficulties in life on top of it all- and it. is. so. incredibly. hard. But I just want you to know that you are NOT alone in this AT ALL. I think finding our own pieces of happiness again is a constant battle but I know we’re all growing as we navigate each day of life. Thanks for doing what you do and sharing your life online. Being able to relate to someone through a screen is so hard but you do it so well by just simply being you. Here’s to better days ahead and everything in between. Being a human is hard. Sending you lots of love!
I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for sharing things that resonate with so many of us, and you have no idea how much it helps. I don't have many friends who can understand what it's to be actually stuck with life and be faking out without showing it so much, and knowing that such a big influence like you lives that too makes everything easier. Thank you and keep taking care of you and your mental health, we are all together in this!
I completely relate. The lack of depth in friendships is so hard and leaves me feeling empty. Know that even if what you’re talking about is “negative” it still leaves people feeling good because we know we aren’t alone. Welcome back :)
Renee, you're not alone in having anxiety after covid starting. I've experienced the same thing. Most people who have some depth to them are struggling. Also, a lot of ppl are struggling but put on a mask to hide it. Many people were brought up to only show their "better" side instead of being authentic. You are a great person. Life has its ups and downs. Thank you for being authentic. You are connecting with a lot of people in a world of virtual lies.
I really missed your videos. Thank you for being so open about everything. I feel the same. Getting older is really hard and I have no idea what I want. Loved how you edited the end.
Literally felt so emotional watching this, purely just from realising that someone else feels the way I do. It’s so overwhelming and such a hard thing to explain to others, the feeling of not wanting to let go of the past, and being scared of the future, feeling stagnated with no idea where to go, having no enthusiasm for the future, not being able to dream any more and feeling like the world is superficial and disconnected. I had hoped that I would feel better after COVID, but I’m the same, I actually feel worse, life feels empty now. So please don’t feel bad or that you are being negative, the world desperately needs more people like you, real people willing to talk about how they are genuinely feeling, wanting to cut through the crap and have real meaningful conversations and purpose in the world that gives them fulfilment. Sending lots of love 💗
Some people would day " it's a privilege to grow old" .. seeing as to how many people don't get to. Once I realised this, my perspective really shifted. Another thing, when mortality comes into perspective.. everything changes. You're not here forever'.You have to remind yourself that life is limited. Time is fleeting by. I heard somewhere (tedtalk- how to find your passion) that if you had all the money in the world and the resources and time, then- what would you want to do? That's your real passion! Hope these helped 💌
Can definitely relate to this, thank you for putting it out there ❤ I appreciate that you don't try to pretend everything is perfect and actually talk about how you're feeling even when it's hard. This is why you're my favorite channel to watch 😊
Therapy is honestly such a beautiful thing. I am also someone with a lot of anxiety, and I was getting overwhelmed by how loud it was becoming. Going to therapy helped me to sort it all out, acquire the coping mechanisms needed to help myself through moments of overwhelm, and it provided a safe outlet to let out my thoughts/ emotions in a judgement free zone. I completely agree that it’s such a loud world and social media/TH-cam and the whole “look at me” culture we have created has set us all up in a constant state of comparing/judging. In the end, it comes down to your personal happiness. Everyone’s walk is completely different, and we spend our 20s constantly pressuring ourselves to fulfill that imaginary checklist of “everything society expects me to accomplish by the end of my 20s” fuck it. 30s don’t feel any different and you’re not missing out on anything/ are not behind, you’re just living which is what we are meant to do. Enjoy the ride and get rid of the things that don’t make you happy. 30s are awesome. ✌️
I love your videos a lot, therefore im excited to that you are back. And you can always rant about what you're feeling and what's going on in your life to us. * Sends hearts *
Wow! What beautiful responses from so many people who treasure your authenticity. You are clearly an intelligent, introspective person going through a period of growth. You are not being a downer or bitching. You’ve also just been through a death in the family, a pandemic and a big move. All huge stressors and you are processing it publicly, which adds a whole other layer of difficulty to it. You also seem to be deeply conscientious about your work, which is a great quality, but it’s stressful. I think those of us not in this field don’t realize the time and effort that goes into these videos. You are right in not wanting to miss out on real life because your filming it. Your vlog with your friends and family was beautiful. Post whenever and whatever speaks to you. As you can see by the comments your experiences resonate with people, even the difficult ones and your presence is treasured no matter what you are going through. People watch your channel because you are honest about yourself and are ever evolving. As many have noted though, you be you. I think the comment about finding something out of social media might help as well. You may have to try a lot of things before you find it, but that’s part of life. And when you need to take a break…take a break. I moved back home to what is considered a deeply spiritual and peace filled place in middle America and I am miserable here because I was not living my own truth, I’m a fish out of water here, but I feel trapped. Deep down I know,I’m only trapped in my own mind. I’m processing through that now and it’s painful. I’ve lived all over and my frame of mind did influence how I felt about the various places I lived. I am older and I am finally realizing that for me meditation is what is helping me through the hard times. I am just now realizing the value of it. I also think a lot of people are going through this same thing. The Pandemic really opened our eyes to a lot crazy things in this world. I look forward to viewing your journey whenever you choose to share it.
Thank you for posting this, Renee. I can 110% relate to everything you said about how superficial and fake our world has become. I also decided to quit social media about a year and a half ago and it has made the world of difference in my mental and spiritual health. The last year or so has been super challenging and has brought with it so many changes in the world…but just know that you’ll get through this period of uncertainty! You’ve got sooo many more things left to accomplish :)
I'm so sorry that you are going through this, Renee. A couple of years ago I had a big crisis (this video reminded me a lot of that) and I took what is probably the most importante decission of my life: start going to therapy. It was life changing. I discovered myself and I totally changed the way I was living my life, and now I'm the happiest and the healthiest I've ever been in my entire life. Hope you get out of this, and ask for help if you need it because sometimes you just can't do it alone.
This is more relatable than you know! I have been doing my best to focus on my personal values, and make choices that get me closer to them rather then further away. All we can do is our best. Thanks for sharing and giving us vulnerability and depth!
Sorry to hear you feel so down. My thoughts as a mom in her late 40’s. Working from home and for yourself can become so routine, even the most introverted of us get bored. Are there any new interests you’d like to pursue? Art, music, skill, language etc? You are financially independent, is there anything you are passionate about and would like to go back to college for? Not for a career, for personal growth. Part time work? Volumteering, charity work? One of the best way to feel fullfilled is to help others. You were teaching online, could you volunteer and help kids in underprivileged NY areas with their homework? Consider suburbia. It gets a bad rep but if the city is too much, it’s a good compromise. When possible again, would you like to do more travel? US or world wide? So many places to see! You don’t mention your relationship. Have you got any plans or goals as a couple? Moving, starting a family etc, have a look at your situation and see how you move forward as a couple. When you get to 50, that sense of mortality becomes more real and palpable. It is horrible scary. You realise you only have 20, 30 years left, honesly it drives you nuts and you have to fight your own self very hard to not think and get depressed about it daily. It’s not all about amition, productivity, money, achieving more more more. There is nothing wrong with life being simple and stagnant, enjoying simple things in life. If the issue is getting bored, fill your life with helping others, growing as a person emotionally and intellectually.
I absolutely empathize with these feelings. I turned 30 at the end of last year and its been a bit of a struggle. I went to law school after undergrad which put me in a different "stage" of life than a lot of my high school/college friends who started their careers and families while I was still pursuing my education. I'm slowly trying to embrace being on my own path and enjoy this time as a single adult with much more knowledge than when I was in my 20s. I'm worrying less about what others expect and, rather, focusing on what I need and want. Some days are easier than others, but got to have a bit of faith things will work out.
Glad to see you back in any capacity. I think we're all here because you're different and relatable. Been here since Simply Ney days and will be here as long as you are. Have you thought about going back to school for something that interests you? Or, taking a class in a language you'd like to learn? I know you love to learn and you're also an excellent teacher. Also, part of your anguish is because I think you're an old soul in that almost 27 year body, so that's why it's difficult to relate to your peers. Maybe some older friends would be a good addition to your inner circle? I think this last year has given many of us PTSD, not to mention losing your dad. I think you're doing great considering everything you've gone through. Give yourself some grace. Thank you for the footage with your friends and family! Looks like that really lifted your spirits! xo
Your videos make me feel so much better. The tough times are hard but we will get through them and things will get easier. Always here to listen and I’m sure quite a few people will agree with me there. So good to have you back 🥰
I read something about younger adults having a problem with feeling like they need too make an impact in their lifetime due to everybody posting all their achievements and social media. If we didn’t have social media to look at we would be happy living our lives without seeing everybody else’s 24/7! So don’t be hard on yourself and understand that we don’t have to constantly be trying to achieve something, we can relax and work on our own goals and not worry about being the most amazing successful person ever. Hope this all makes sense and helps you feel better!
I love your channel and I will always cheer you on Renee! you are so resourceful and uplifting! I love your productive and planning type videos... thanks for coming back! in my life- my husband is dealing with chronic back pain with no real answers; I pray we get new news in an appt on Tuesday! wish us luck!~
hey, I have seen so much growth from you over the past year. I completely feel you on the connections with people. Most of the time I can let work and school fill that void, but sometimes that need for real human connection bleeds through. I miss just laying down and doing nothing all day but talking. I hope you are able to find a place that makes you feel both safe and liberated. Thank you for being vulnerable and opening up a dialogue for this time in our lifetime. I wish you the best.
I’m 36 & I feel like life is only just now beginning for me & I’m getting my niche in life figured out & somewhat together. Emphasis on somewhat ... barely lol. Thanks for being genuine. The online world needs genuine people. You’re an asset. You also aren’t alone. I felt what you’re feeling all throughout my twenties. Everyone’s timeline is different. Keep searching for what nurtures your soul. You’ll find it, sweet girl!
I'm glad you're back! Thanks for keeping it real. I feel like the world right now is very crazy, and it's been hard for me to keep moving on with my goals and stuff. A couple months ago I lost motivation and excitement for small things that made me happy and it lead me to a dark place (I've been depressed before) so I tried to listen to my body and let myself feel whatever emotion I needed to feel, and not judging myself for things I haven't accomplish like the rest of the people my age (29). I'm about to be 30 and the crisis is real!
wait totally relate to what you’re saying, it helps me if i step back and instead make small attainable goals day to day. sometimes looking at the long term future can be so overwhelming, and i feel like what you want will change over the years! focus on what you can do now, in this moment. hope this helps a little❤️
I thank you for opening up and talking about this. I am 29 and I went through the same thing right around the same age. I’m still trying to figure out what I want and what will make me happy. I think it is definitely harder on us then it was our parents because of all the influences we have. I love watching you and help me with my journey as well as I am approaching 30.
As probably the age of your parents, your right about the influencers I see it with my kids and how easy to be sucked in to the fake ness of it all! But as you get older you will realize that life is never a straight line it’s up and down! So have fun whenever you can, and remember youth is precious!
Love that you are so honest and love reading all the comments on this video. You have built such a great community, keep doing you! I’m 25 and have been feeling all those things - I deleted my insta last October and haven’t looked back! I’m coming more to terms with this phase of ‘transition’ I guess you can call it - finding who we really are and what’s the next stage for our lives - something I’m trying to turn into a thing to look forward to. Peace and love x
I literally feel like your videos are a part of my daily routine. It was weird without you posting but so glad you're back! Focus on you, girl! Do what brings you joy. I am thankful for your pure experiences, and I love that you share them with us!! You are so appreciated!!
As a viewer and NOT an influencer myself, I appreciate this perspective so much. I've been sadly watching one of my favorite youtubers get caught in the "trap". It's now nothing but haul's and re-do's and links to everything she buys. Plus, the stuff she is promoting is insanely expensive for a "typical" 25(ish) year old. I'm 49 and love following you (been watching your channel for years) for your decorating/food content, exercising, beauty stuff and just the overall relaxing vibe of your channel. I love your authenticity and realness and PLEASE don't ever let the world change you. You will figure it out - where you want to be, what you want to do. Just keep searching and trying new things/places. I know you don't like to get too preachy, but Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind. I'm rooting for you as you go through this tough stage in life! And on a total detour - YOUR HAIR IS PERFECTION! Much love from an "older" faithful viewer.
This kind of struggle is real especially during/after the pandemic. Adam Grant wrote an article on languishing and how it’s the most common emotion as a result of the pandemic. That article kept coming up for me as you were sharing. He says the antidote is flow state - which is essentially getting immersed in exercising your strengths in solving challenges (even small ones). Essentially it’s a long way of saying you’re not alone and you sound like you’re getting yourself back on track!
Hi Renee, with this video you echoed my thoughts exactly. Over the past year I was able to reflect on what's really important in life, and the more I examine today's society, the more disappointed and cynical I get. I recently moved to the East coast and life is very different here, and when you couple that with how loud the online world is, it can be very overwhelming. However, there is something very special with going your own way and taking value in truly important, non-materialistic things. Take pride in the fact that you refuse to conform to what society is pushing on you! Embrace this feeling, because it truly is special and needed in today's world :)
Renee this is why I love you. You've always been so authentic since I started watching your videos in 2017. Don't feel guilty, your feelings are always valid!
You always make me feel less alone when you make these videos. I always wonder if others think so much about their inner world as much as me. And in that I want to say, being someone in their 20s as well, you are absolutely not alone. In anything you go through.
I understand completely! You are echoing the thoughts and feelings I am going through now and it makes me feel so validated to hear someone else say it outload. I am so glad you are back because I did notice your absence and I did miss your content. We're gonna make it through these uncomfortable times and I can't wait until then!
This post was really hard to write, but...I just turned 26 and I have been feeling the same way as you for about 6 months. It's a VERY hard reality knowing that my youth is fading and that my formative years seem so far in the past. I, like you, am now romanticizing about the past and so afraid of the future. I don't feel like me anymore...I feel like a shell of me. Honestly....it's hard for me to look in the mirror now, which is crazy because I am still young but I know I'm not 18 anymore. I'm so angry at God (or the universe, whatever you believe) because I feel like I didn't have enough time and I wasn't ready to be where I'm at in my life right now. But as I get older, I realize that I'll never be ready. What's worse is realizing how unappreciative I was during the best years of my life. Sometimes I just wish I could tell 17 year old insecure me to start being grateful and enjoy the years to come because they won't last, and they'll be over before you know it. I don't know if I'll ever shake this feeling, but what helps me is knowing that I'm not alone and I appreciate that you opened up in this video. Just know (and I have to remind myself of this too) that 10 years down the road, we will miss these days too and now all we can do is to just live in the moment 😊
You always inspire me. I am 8 years older than you. And I used to feel lost.... But is there when you find the way to come back to you, to what you really want, we need to get lost to find ourselves. Trust it, it's real. All the answers are inside us, we just have to learn to see them. Thank you for sharing, thank you for being you!
I’ve been having a really tough time since fall 2019, so it’s nice to hear people on social media talk openly about struggles. I don’t feel like you’re being negative, you’re being real and it’s so needed in social media.
Thank you SO much for this Renee. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. I couldn't agree more with everything you said, it's crazy. I could have listened to you for 5 more hours no joke. I love your way of thinking and I feel less alone ! Sending virtual hugs from Europe to you my dear and to anyone who feels the same way xxxxx
Thank you for making this video. I felt like I was hearing someone else say my thoughts. I hope it gets better for you, you are not alone. Sending you all the positive vibes 💕
Girl you got this! I felt the same in my late 20s. It’s a massive change after college. A lot of people fear their 30s (you’re still a ways away) but don’t! They have been the best years of my life. You got this!
Hi Ney! This is my first time commenting on your page. Thank you for making this video. I see that so many of us are feeling the exact same way you do. And it’s comforting to know that we are not alone even when we feel we are. I started volunteering 2 hours a week outside of my home (I work full time from home and I go nuts). It’s helped me feel like I have a purpose outside of my family and work life. Have you ever thought about volunteering? I wish you all the best in finding your inspiration again. You’re a beautiful person inside and out! Blessings to you.
It's okay to feel lost. It's okay to take the time you need to figure out what you want in life. We all have those moments. I think it's important to talk about these moments and not feel like we need to hide them from the world. It's normal - thus it should be normalized. Thanks for sharing your story and your journey!
Hello Renee I'm so happy to see you back but don't worry, I understand that social media and life can be so overwhelming these days ! I live a very different life from yours, I'm 24 going on 25 and to be honest I cannot wait to be 26 and have a job in a small city & have time to just be in nature or do crafts (I'm in Paris, France now and although it's not as busy as NYC, it can be too much for me). But I understand the struggle of not knowing what the next step is because when this happens we just get lost in mundane routines...I do hope the world after all this can give us more perspective...I cried the other day in front of my teacher saying that I could not seem to find my way out (I'm doing my PhD in literature but it's not the best for getting a job outside of uni), and he told me that it is because of the situation now and not me, that I feel lost at this time. I just want to share this and hope you know what you're feeling is valid. ;) Also, welcome to France after all this ! -Mélody
Ohh how I so relate beautiful! In my twenties too and have anxiety and truly feel stagnant right now.. You know what helps me? I have come to know that being stagnant in life is needed. This place, even though you may not see it now, is challenging you to look deeper within yourself (and not let fear keep you from doing so). Keep going, keep walking, I (and so many others) are right there with you!! We got this y'all! There is a season and time for everything, no rush
You put into words exactly how I've been feeling for the past year! I'm 24 and relocated from TX to Minnesota for work in the middle of the pandemic and have had the exact same experience. I've constantly been telling my friends and family that I feel like I'm floating because I really don't enjoy my job, but I'm not entirely sure what I want from life either. I'm also a perfectionist too, and it's killing me to not have that next step or goal planned out. I made the decision to not renew my lease here in Minnesota and to go back home for a mental health reset. I'm the same way of not really feeling happy wherever I am or what I'm doing, but I know at home I feel safer and have my support system, and I think that's what I need right now. I just wanted to let you know that you are putting everything into words that I've been feeling and experiencing too and that you aren't alone!
I feel you need to get a life outside of TH-cam and the whole social media. I mean a source of income outside this world. And keep posting content just 'cause you like the process. ✨ I feel you're pressurized since this is also your career and obviously you're anxious about it.
I think that too! I find it hard to find something else lol .. like what else do I want??! Its tough to find interests at this point .. especially in the career field *pulls out hair*
i was going to say the same thing. I think, Renee, that you can try different thing, like, go back to teaching kids, become a barista, start an arts course, idk, just reeeally try to explore thinks outside of social media. XO from Brasil
@@ReneeAmberg yeahhh I understand. I guess I would suggest to just start with something. If you hate it, leave it. If you like it, voila! Just start with something.
Never feel guilty for venting! You can’t be positive or happy ALL the time. We have a variety of emotions. That’s what makes us human. This is your channel. People can choose whether or not they want to watch or listen to you vent but I listen because it makes me feel less alone
Thank you for making this video, I think we have all felt like this at some point. I see my adult daughter struggle with so much of this as well. Renee, I have missed you and I am so thankful to see you posted.
I’m so glad to see you again! I was honestly worried but I’m happy to see you’re good! Life is a challenging thing, I suffer with anxiety and OCD too but what I’ve learned with this experience is that we just have to keep rolling with the punches, learn from everything that comes your way. Keep your head up love 💗
I feel like I can relate with you, Renee! I moved back home during my quarterlife (i was 26) and after 8 years of living in a big, quite toxic city (quite the opposite with you because it's the other way around). It must feel really scary to find yourself not quite fitting in the place you decided to plant new roots in. Maybe finding acceptance in this new world could help, without necessarily changing who you are. letting other people be who they are is okay, and you are free to be yourself too...we love you that way. I wish you well Renee and hope you'll find your groove back. There isn't much we can do about how others choose to live their lives, but i hope you know that your authenticity in who you are is also inspiring to a lot of people (like me). Cheers!!! from a longtime fan of yours ❤️
The difference is that people's lives start to look so different from one another in your late 20s early 30s. When you're younger typically people's lives like similar. You relate to one another better. The older you get, the harder it is to relate to your friends. Comparison really starts to creep in during these years. Or at least they did for me. Specially if you don't want the typical life stages of marriage or children. You have to find your purpose beyond those socially accepted norms, and that's hard, and much harder to figure out with people in your life that you are finding it harder to relate to. I just turned 30 this year, and it's just been my personal experience in the last few years. You aren't alone in feeling this, and by sharing, it helps others to realize they aren't alone :)
You are so so so right, Renée. It's really sad the way that people try to "connect" now. I love that you're contuining videos without the influence of social media/trends. I'm so excited to see more of you driven by your gut!
Oh my god I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY what you mean about the vicious cycle of living in NYC. I've been threatening to leave for years but something always pulls me back. So hard to explain but I get it. I'm only 10 minutes into the video and I've yelled "YES!!!" so many times at my computer
I understand exactly what you are saying Renee! I went through the same thing and on my journey of healing and "glowing up" internally, I realized it had to do with what was going on on the inside. From what I understand, you like New York to some extent and the same goes. with Florida. Both places have their pro's and their con's to you. So why limit yourself? What I mean is, spend your time the way you want to. if you wake up tomorrow and you feel like Florida. then Florida it is. And if next week it is New York, then do that. I sense there may be less of a dissatisfaction about where you live but more of an unresolved matter within that is triggered by where you live as well as intensified by anxiety. So, I say move to wherever you need to to find that calm center and figure out and heal through it.
It's perfectly normal to feel burnt out with life, directionless, and/or feeling like you need to shift your life around your mid- to late-20s. I definitely went through that and it was hard and took awhile to work through, not gonna lie. I think you're on the right track - sometimes what you need is some kind of change that makes your life feel "fresh" and also finding things that make you feel more like you. Good luck!
I felt the same anxieties in my 20s and now that I’m in my early 30s I feel them all over again. I think it’s normal but something that people are afraid to talk about, so good for you for being so open to the world. More people need to do that. And girl…come on over to the west coast! San Diego will welcome you with open arms…and you’ll have a friend in me from day one ❤️ Keep speaking your mind, we’re all here to listen.
I missed you! I feel exactly the same way as you are describing that you are feeling. Especially when you are in to self development and spirituality that ”face” become so shallow and you want to make deeper connections. I also find it very hard to connect with other people and I just turned 30 a couple of months ago. I’m so happy that you don’t feel the need to put on that ”face” and I’m looking forward to see where life takes you being your authentic you ❤️
Came to the channel because I saw someone that was living a life I wanted to live, a life in NYC with my boyfriend, a daily routine, a seemingly perfect life. Your channel has become my favorite because of the honesty and realness you bring to the table. Life changes, people change, plans change, and things happen that we can’t control. It’s comforting to know that we aren’t alone in our feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Share your story, good, bad, ugly. Share it and we’ll be here to support you because it’s in seeing your successes and failures that motivate us to keep on and carry on.
It's so great to see you back, actually, I've been in a hard time recently. After graduating from college, I just feel so tired and lonely. I'm really happy and inspired by this video after sleeping for more than 7 hours from this afternoon. I just wanna say thank you for your back.
Hi Renee! I was in a similar mindset just a few years ago when I turned 27 as well. I felt so stagnant and lost with my job and I was having so many anxiety attacks at work, it was just horrible. It does get better as you get older, in my opinion, even tho getting older is scary. I'm turning 30 next year and I'm actually finally excited to be in my 30s. I feel like my late twenties have provided me with more experience, knowledge, money, and I just have more clarity with what I want to do with life. Good luck to you ♥️
I'm struggling at 25, and someone shared with me that this is a hard point in life because we are entering the unknown while grieving our past. I'm glad you opened up to us, you'll find yourself again!
Wow that part!
Unsolicited advice: The 20s are hard but you’re evolving and that’s great. Your interests, friends, lovers, jobs, and passions will usually change as you get older. Find something bigger than yourself and try to get out of your head. If that’s church or politics or charity, then pursue it. Waiting for things to come to you will just increase your frustration. Get offline for a bit and (with love) stop focusing on you and focus on something that can use your obvious strengths. Get busy and serve other people or things. You’re in a great position to help others/causes you support while maintaining your lifestyle. I hope you find relief soon. Xoxo, a 50 year old.
This is bomb advice. 💣
thank you!
So very true
Your videos make people feel better also when you are being "negative" and sharing your struggles because it helps us see that you are human too, it helps us feel less alone. it helps us feel more connected to you. I think that is pretty positive. I am really struggling in life right now as well, I can't let go of the past and the future scares me but I am also not enjoying the present because I feel stuck & stagnant. I just want to escape this. It's such a relief to know that even though such times can feel lonely, I am not alone.
omg you said it perfectly!
This is me100%
I also feel that Renee's vulnerability unites us (the youtube community) and we pick 'Ney up, shake her and tell her "HEY, STOP IT! ✋🏼you are smart, you are beautiful, you are loved, you are a Fricking human! So just take your time with things, we'll be here to support you" 😂 I love this Channel so much 💔
I could not say it better Babli, I feel the same, and we are not alone my sweet friend!! We are all going to make it!!! Kisses to you and all this community and Renee!!!
GIRL I AM GOING THROUGH THE SAME THINGS. I am 26. Graduated college 4 years ago. Got the job I went to college for. What now???? I am so glad you made this video because I have been struggling with this but haven’t been able to put it into words. I’ve always been one to work hard and pursue the next step in life, but I have no idea what I actually want in life now which is driving me crazy. I believe this is a perfectionist struggle. I think we need to try to go easy on ourselves and understand this is a weird stage in our lives and we’ve also been going through a pandemic which does not help at all. As a perfectionist it’s hard to accept this, but sometimes it’s okay to not be pursuing/working on something, and simply focus on the small things that make you happy (reading, yoga, walks, time with friends/family, whatever makes you happy). Hearing your struggle and reading these comments is comforting knowing I’m not alone in this. Sending love to everyone struggling with these things right now 🤍
GIRL! me ... "I believe this is a perfectionist struggle"
i literally just turned 27 and feel the exact same way... the pandemic made life feel so miserable and useless. I graduated in 2020, and fell into a pit of confusion and existential crisis. I used to be so goal oriented and driven. Now I'm like whats the point? what is my goal? should i have any? so weird... Anyway, sorry you're going through it to, but so happy you are open about talking about it. Makes me feel much less alone
I feel similarly about having trouble meeting people due to lack of depth. Hearing you vent doesn’t get me down; it makes me feel that depth that we lack in day-to-day conversations! :)
Right it makes us feel as we are not alone in feeling this way, on the nose sister!
No one ever talks about how hard your 20s are. People always say it’s the best time of your life but I truly feel like it’s the most challenging
Right on. I'm in my 30s now and don't miss my 20s at all.
SUCH a weird and erratic age ~~
@@Starfish3241 saaaaame. I feel like my 20s were a decade-long crisis
30’s has been my best decade yet. And I am only 3 years in. Try not to stress. Life will all pan out!
I agree, my 30s have been WAY better than my 20s.
ALOT of people are saying this!!
I totally agree ❤️
Same same. For sure!
YESSS! I'm 2 years into 30s and 100% agree!
Girl legit for real thank you for making this video 🙏🏻 I’ve been feeling the EXACT same way, esp related to my own channel. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve outgrown my old self, old beliefs, old channel style, etc and the reason I feel unmotivated & down is because I’m still trying to follow those old beliefs. Time to LET GO and renew🤍
Wow, so much of this feels like you picked my brain. Been feeling the exact same, I’m almost 26 and have been feeling so stagnant-after college it’s like you have nothing you’re working towards, and you want to work towards something but cannot figure out what the hell you want to work towards, constantly back and forth about what type of life you want, spend so much time worrying about it that you end up not doing anything to change it. It’s such a cycle.
Talking about what you’re going through isn’t negative and can also allow some of your viewers to be able to relate and not feel alone. I feel like i’m exactly at the same stage in life (just moved back to my hometown from New York). Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s nice to hear someone say things I have also been going through!
Renee, I can relate to everything you’ve said so much. I’m 22 and just graduated college, and I should be happy and excited about my future but instead I’m terrified. I feel like all my life there’s been something new to look forward to, like starting high school, then moving out, then starting college, etc, but now when I think about the future all I can think of is that I’ll work for the next 45 years and that’s it. And it feels so stagnant and scares me so much. On top of it I feel that I missed out on some of the best years of my life due to Covid… I could’ve spent the past year studying at college in person, going to parties with friends, traveling with friends, going on vacation etc, and I know I shouldn’t even think about these “could have” scenarios, but it pisses me off a lot that this summer is my last summer as a carefree student, and I feel that it’s wasted, just like last summer. And I know I should be grateful, and despite what I’ve just described, I actually do feel grateful and am aware there’s a lot for me to be grateful for, but still there’s a lot of anger, frustration, as well as anxiety and worry in me as well. I think it’s just life and adulthood, it’s always challenging but especially so during a global pandemic. I’m not sure what the solution is for feeling better, I’m trying to figure it out for myself as well, but I know it will get better because it always does. 🤞🏼
My God. This is the same thing I've been dealing with for the past year. What helps me a lot is thinking this is just a phase that will pass and everyone experiences it at some point in life. So just embrace it as a positive thing even though it hurts. Pain is necessary for growth.
We’re fighting for authenticity. Authenticity is the most beautiful thing because it takes alot of courage and confidence. And its also very refreshing to others when they meet someone who is authentically themselves, no facades, no pretense. Just genuine. I follow you because of how genuine you are. Even if you sway a little bit because of social media pressures, you always go back to your authentic self. You will lead a fulfilling life because of it. It may not seem like it now but you will eventually see the fruit of simply being genuine
I’m 47 and for the past 5 years have been going through this exact same thing. My daughter is 23 and has been since she is 20. I believe that we are all just waking up to the idea of what being a human living is suppose to be like, and this is not it. I live in Vancouver moved to the ocean and I am doing small things that bring me joy. Don’t have really any friends either. Maybe one day it will all come to the surface and we will really see what life is. 😎
You live in heaven. I heard Vancouver is beautiful. Life is about meaningful connections. Thank you Katrina Ann for opening up and sharing.
I have been going round in circles and want to move towards the ocean as well. It's got such a great energy. Just need to find the right town/city.
Your videos are a breath of fresh air, I love your honesty.
You should try doing some group activities in the city with people who aren’t influencers/work in social media. Join an adult kickball league, a book club, a church, an adult gymnastics class, etc. There are so many opportunities to meet people whose lives don’t revolve around social media. Yes a lot of people are focused on social media and their appearance, but a lot of people aren’t. If you join activities like the ones I mentioned, you’ll meet people who are just trying to have a good time.
I think it’s also important to be aware that the world was always a scary negative place for a lot of people. Minorities, people of certain religious faiths, etc. have always lived in fear and anxiety about the world/people around them. It’s just that it’s finally being talked about loudly and those who were able to be blissfully unaware of it are being forced to realize how messed up the world is and has always been.
❤️Baby girl… maybe you need Austin.. a dog .. and a yard?.. or maybe some place that matches that sweatshirt….cause if the flower isn’t blooming we don’t yell at the flower …we change the soil.. sending love and light. You got this🔥🦄.🙏🏼
Dayan that’s a good saying
I have so much respect for you for your authenticity. I'm like 100% in the same boat as you, I feel like I'm just floating through life not really knowing what I want to do. Panicking that I'm nearing 30 as well. And the whole social media/influencer thing freaks me out too! Like, it's all about that dopamine rush of just getting attention instead of enjoying life and experiencing things. They're honestly not contributing much to life and I think we as people feel most fulfilled when we're giving back and doing important things to contribute to society. So maybe that's why so many influencers are unhappy deep down. It looks glamorous and all but what does it matter? And then there I am feeling pressured to take perfect pictures when I'm out and literally stressing about it instead of enjoying myself. And for what?! Let's just live!
You’re the kind of real friend that everyone wants. Do you!
ily ❤️
Girl yes. I have definitely been camping out in the same place in life. I used to find my purpose in my grades in school, then it was getting my degrees, and then it was finding my worth in my job. I wanted to be teacher of the year. Then, my husband’s job took him on the road. Meaning we are at one location for a few months then, without any notice, we could be on to the next place. I tried to keep on teaching, but the long distance relationship thing wasn’t working for me. So I gave up my classroom to teach virtually online. I thought I would be a stay at home mom and homeschool my own children one day. But I’ll be 31 next week and after 8 1/2 years of marriage I still haven’t conceived. So that leaves me feeling purposeless without my classroom, without children, and without direction. I’m just like in a funk. I need some inspo bad!
I feel the exact same way.. lost of creativity & motivation and what's next in my life- and I'm 30! Social media can be so exhausting. I agree 100% about society today and how everyone seems so superficial.. keep focusing on you and what you enjoy most. Your videos are something I look forward to every week! So good to see you're back, I absolutely love your content Renee!
Thank you so much for being too genuine and vulnerable to share this experience with us!💜
It’s absolutely relatable! Am in my 25 and going on 26 in two months, I often find myself lost in either ruminating over things that had already happened or overthinking the future.
It’s literally a life-paralysis state, taking into account the society pressure on us. . Like even when you are fully aligned with your core values and pushing yourself to remain present, someone will come, intruding, asking you questions that may trigger many insecurities, that you yourself are trying to deal with...
Renee - this is why I keep watching you. Because you are authentic, honest and different. I'm so grateful to you for making my life better, because I often turn to your videos in times of pain or distress. I'm 32, but I wish we were friends. The friends you do have, are really lucky and blessed. Thank you for speaking honestly about mental struggles - they need to be talked about more. You inspire me to accept myself for who I am. Sending you love and peace of mind from Ottawa, ON, Canada xx
I could relate to everything you said even tho I'm in a very different phase of life and life situation. Feeling lost , and not feeling that enthusiasm about the future like I did before. Before I could just dream and believe it would come true. But everything feels so unpredictable now that Its hard to have faith in myself or my dreams. That inturn makes me not want to commit to anything ,leaving me even more confused and lost. Hope we all can gain back our grip on reality and rediscover who we are in this new world.
This is so true and relateble! x well said
YES!!! Its SO hard to commit .. I feel like at this point if we do we are making a life shift and we have to stick with it or something lol
thank you so much for sharing this, I’m in the exact same place! This past year has been really hard and though my introverted self loved being at home and taking up a hobby on youtube, I feel like the world has become very scary and negative. When you stare at the same 4 walls and screens all day it’s very easy to forget the beauty of the world and life and I’m longing to just do something - anything - again. I’m turning 25 in two weeks and I feel like this is just a mid-20s thing no one ever told us about - seeing everyone from high school buying houses, getting married and on their third kid and those things are nothing close to what I want any time soon, and yet I let myself compare myself to them? It’s really weird. So thank you for sharing that we’re not alone 🥲
I feel EXACTLY the same Ney, you just put the perfect words to explain that, it's such a anxious period in our life ... Love u
love you xoxo
Don’t underestimate the role of grief in a funk like this. It took me several years after my parents passed to feel grounded again. That was without moving away from my home & friends and dealing with the collective grief of a worldwide pandemic. You’re doing amazing.
You are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think I would be able to do it if Im in your place, so I am envying you with the patience and courage that you have!
Im 29 now but at least 3 years ago i was feeling the same. i was thinking im never going to feel anything new again, my best years already past me, i dont have any projects to pursue, etc. what did i do? i start talking with friends, with my psychologist, and writing about what i was feeling and thinking: which are my hobbies? reading? pottery? ocuppied the mind is the most important thing. The projects appears when you're working or doing things you love. I waited and things started to bloom. Projects like new jobs, collaborations, travels etc. Believe me, now you feel awful but the 20s are for this. Thinking what u want in life, to fail, to try new things. its ok if u have to take some time off, everything is going to be ok renee! i promise!
I can relate to these struggles a lot. A lot of people are feeling the same way right now and it is okay to talk about it and vent because it makes us all feel better and connected during these difficult times and it's nice to know you're not alone. We will get through this!
Renee- I am so thankful for you sharing this today! You have no idea how relatable this is in every way. While everyone has gone through their own trauma dealing with this past year, I know we’re all dealing with our own difficulties in life on top of it all- and it. is. so. incredibly. hard. But I just want you to know that you are NOT alone in this AT ALL. I think finding our own pieces of happiness again is a constant battle but I know we’re all growing as we navigate each day of life. Thanks for doing what you do and sharing your life online. Being able to relate to someone through a screen is so hard but you do it so well by just simply being you. Here’s to better days ahead and everything in between. Being a human is hard. Sending you lots of love!
ily thank you so much xx this meant so much
I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for sharing things that resonate with so many of us, and you have no idea how much it helps. I don't have many friends who can understand what it's to be actually stuck with life and be faking out without showing it so much, and knowing that such a big influence like you lives that too makes everything easier. Thank you and keep taking care of you and your mental health, we are all together in this!
I completely relate. The lack of depth in friendships is so hard and leaves me feeling empty. Know that even if what you’re talking about is “negative” it still leaves people feeling good because we know we aren’t alone. Welcome back :)
Renee, you're not alone in having anxiety after covid starting. I've experienced the same thing. Most people who have some depth to them are struggling. Also, a lot of ppl are struggling but put on a mask to hide it. Many people were brought up to only show their "better" side instead of being authentic. You are a great person. Life has its ups and downs. Thank you for being authentic. You are connecting with a lot of people in a world of virtual lies.
I really missed your videos.
Thank you for being so open about everything. I feel the same.
Getting older is really hard and I have no idea what I want.
Loved how you edited the end.
Literally felt so emotional watching this, purely just from realising that someone else feels the way I do. It’s so overwhelming and such a hard thing to explain to others, the feeling of not wanting to let go of the past, and being scared of the future, feeling stagnated with no idea where to go, having no enthusiasm for the future, not being able to dream any more and feeling like the world is superficial and disconnected. I had hoped that I would feel better after COVID, but I’m the same, I actually feel worse, life feels empty now. So please don’t feel bad or that you are being negative, the world desperately needs more people like you, real people willing to talk about how they are genuinely feeling, wanting to cut through the crap and have real meaningful conversations and purpose in the world that gives them fulfilment. Sending lots of love 💗
Some people would day " it's a privilege to grow old" .. seeing as to how many people don't get to. Once I realised this, my perspective really shifted. Another thing, when mortality comes into perspective.. everything changes. You're not here forever'.You have to remind yourself that life is limited. Time is fleeting by. I heard somewhere (tedtalk- how to find your passion) that if you had all the money in the world and the resources and time, then- what would you want to do? That's your real passion! Hope these helped 💌
Thank you for sharing this!
@@bellebonjour ❤️❤️
Can definitely relate to this, thank you for putting it out there ❤ I appreciate that you don't try to pretend everything is perfect and actually talk about how you're feeling even when it's hard. This is why you're my favorite channel to watch 😊
Therapy is honestly such a beautiful thing. I am also someone with a lot of anxiety, and I was getting overwhelmed by how loud it was becoming. Going to therapy helped me to sort it all out, acquire the coping mechanisms needed to help myself through moments of overwhelm, and it provided a safe outlet to let out my thoughts/ emotions in a judgement free zone. I completely agree that it’s such a loud world and social media/TH-cam and the whole “look at me” culture we have created has set us all up in a constant state of comparing/judging. In the end, it comes down to your personal happiness. Everyone’s walk is completely different, and we spend our 20s constantly pressuring ourselves to fulfill that imaginary checklist of “everything society expects me to accomplish by the end of my 20s” fuck it. 30s don’t feel any different and you’re not missing out on anything/ are not behind, you’re just living which is what we are meant to do. Enjoy the ride and get rid of the things that don’t make you happy. 30s are awesome. ✌️
I love your videos a lot, therefore im excited to that you are back.
And you can always rant about what you're feeling and what's going on in your life to us.
* Sends hearts *
Wow! What beautiful responses from so many people who treasure your authenticity. You are clearly an intelligent, introspective person going through a period of growth. You are not being a downer or bitching. You’ve also just been through a death in the family, a pandemic and a big move. All huge stressors and you are processing it publicly, which adds a whole other layer of difficulty to it. You also seem to be deeply conscientious about your work, which is a great quality, but it’s stressful. I think those of us not in this field don’t realize the time and effort that goes into these videos. You are right in not wanting to miss out on real life because your filming it.
Your vlog with your friends and family was beautiful. Post whenever and whatever speaks to you. As you can see by the comments your experiences resonate with people, even the difficult ones and your presence is treasured no matter what you are going through. People watch your channel because you are honest about yourself and are ever evolving. As many have noted though, you be you. I think the comment about finding something out of social media might help as well. You may have to try a lot of things before you find it, but that’s part of life. And when you need to take a break…take a break.
I moved back home to what is considered a deeply spiritual and peace filled place in middle America and I am miserable here because I was not living my own truth, I’m a fish out of water here, but I feel trapped. Deep down I know,I’m only trapped in my own mind. I’m processing through that now and it’s painful. I’ve lived all over and my frame of mind did influence how I felt about the various places I lived. I am older and I am finally realizing that for me meditation is what is helping me through the hard times. I am just now realizing the value of it. I also think a lot of people are going through this same thing. The Pandemic really opened our eyes to a lot crazy things in this world. I look forward to viewing your journey whenever you choose to share it.
Thank you for posting this, Renee. I can 110% relate to everything you said about how superficial and fake our world has become. I also decided to quit social media about a year and a half ago and it has made the world of difference in my mental and spiritual health.
The last year or so has been super challenging and has brought with it so many changes in the world…but just know that you’ll get through this period of uncertainty! You’ve got sooo many more things left to accomplish :)
I'm so sorry that you are going through this, Renee. A couple of years ago I had a big crisis (this video reminded me a lot of that) and I took what is probably the most importante decission of my life: start going to therapy.
It was life changing. I discovered myself and I totally changed the way I was living my life, and now I'm the happiest and the healthiest I've ever been in my entire life.
Hope you get out of this, and ask for help if you need it because sometimes you just can't do it alone.
This is more relatable than you know! I have been doing my best to focus on my personal values, and make choices that get me closer to them rather then further away. All we can do is our best. Thanks for sharing and giving us vulnerability and depth!
You are so much happier in Florida. I can see a difference in you with your videos.
Sorry to hear you feel so down. My thoughts as a mom in her late 40’s.
Working from home and for yourself can become so routine, even the most introverted of us get bored. Are there any new interests you’d like to pursue? Art, music, skill, language etc?
You are financially independent, is there anything you are passionate about and would like to go back to college for? Not for a career, for personal growth.
Part time work? Volumteering, charity work? One of the best way to feel fullfilled is to help others. You were teaching online, could you volunteer and help kids in underprivileged NY areas with their homework?
Consider suburbia. It gets a bad rep but if the city is too much, it’s a good compromise.
When possible again, would you like to do more travel? US or world wide? So many places to see!
You don’t mention your relationship. Have you got any plans or goals as a couple? Moving, starting a family etc, have a look at your situation and see how you move forward as a couple.
When you get to 50, that sense of mortality becomes more real and palpable. It is horrible scary. You realise you only have 20, 30 years left, honesly it drives you nuts and you have to fight your own self very hard to not think and get depressed about it daily. It’s not all about amition, productivity, money, achieving more more more. There is nothing wrong with life being simple and stagnant, enjoying simple things in life. If the issue is getting bored, fill your life with helping others, growing as a person emotionally and intellectually.
I absolutely empathize with these feelings. I turned 30 at the end of last year and its been a bit of a struggle. I went to law school after undergrad which put me in a different "stage" of life than a lot of my high school/college friends who started their careers and families while I was still pursuing my education. I'm slowly trying to embrace being on my own path and enjoy this time as a single adult with much more knowledge than when I was in my 20s. I'm worrying less about what others expect and, rather, focusing on what I need and want. Some days are easier than others, but got to have a bit of faith things will work out.
Glad to see you back in any capacity. I think we're all here because you're different and relatable. Been here since Simply Ney days and will be here as long as you are. Have you thought about going back to school for something that interests you? Or, taking a class in a language you'd like to learn? I know you love to learn and you're also an excellent teacher. Also, part of your anguish is because I think you're an old soul in that almost 27 year body, so that's why it's difficult to relate to your peers. Maybe some older friends would be a good addition to your inner circle? I think this last year has given many of us PTSD, not to mention losing your dad. I think you're doing great considering everything you've gone through. Give yourself some grace. Thank you for the footage with your friends and family! Looks like that really lifted your spirits! xo
Your videos make me feel so much better. The tough times are hard but we will get through them and things will get easier. Always here to listen and I’m sure quite a few people will agree with me there. So good to have you back 🥰
The lack of direction and goals is so real. I’ve been struggling with that as well! You’re not alone. Sending you good vibes!!
I read something about younger adults having a problem with feeling like they need too make an impact in their lifetime due to everybody posting all their achievements and social media. If we didn’t have social media to look at we would be happy living our lives without seeing everybody else’s 24/7! So don’t be hard on yourself and understand that we don’t have to constantly be trying to achieve something, we can relax and work on our own goals and not worry about being the most amazing successful person ever. Hope this all makes sense and helps you feel better!
I love your channel and I will always cheer you on Renee! you are so resourceful and uplifting! I love your productive and planning type videos... thanks for coming back!
in my life- my husband is dealing with chronic back pain with no real answers; I pray we get new news in an appt on Tuesday! wish us luck!~
hey, I have seen so much growth from you over the past year. I completely feel you on the connections with people. Most of the time I can let work and school fill that void, but sometimes that need for real human connection bleeds through. I miss just laying down and doing nothing all day but talking. I hope you are able to find a place that makes you feel both safe and liberated. Thank you for being vulnerable and opening up a dialogue for this time in our lifetime. I wish you the best.
I’m 36 & I feel like life is only just now beginning for me & I’m getting my niche in life figured out & somewhat together. Emphasis on somewhat ... barely lol. Thanks for being genuine. The online world needs genuine people. You’re an asset. You also aren’t alone. I felt what you’re feeling all throughout my twenties. Everyone’s timeline is different. Keep searching for what nurtures your soul. You’ll find it, sweet girl!
I'm glad you're back! Thanks for keeping it real. I feel like the world right now is very crazy, and it's been hard for me to keep moving on with my goals and stuff. A couple months ago I lost motivation and excitement for small things that made me happy and it lead me to a dark place (I've been depressed before) so I tried to listen to my body and let myself feel whatever emotion I needed to feel, and not judging myself for things I haven't accomplish like the rest of the people my age (29). I'm about to be 30 and the crisis is real!
You're literally the reflection of how I feel about myself and the world! What a coincidence
wait totally relate to what you’re saying, it helps me if i step back and instead make small attainable goals day to day. sometimes looking at the long term future can be so overwhelming, and i feel like what you want will change over the years! focus on what you can do now, in this moment. hope this helps a little❤️
I thank you for opening up and talking about this. I am 29 and I went through the same thing right around the same age. I’m still trying to figure out what I want and what will make me happy. I think it is definitely harder on us then it was our parents because of all the influences we have. I love watching you and help me with my journey as well as I am approaching 30.
As probably the age of your parents, your right about the influencers I see it with my kids and how easy to be sucked in to the fake ness of it all! But as you get older you will realize that life is never a straight line it’s up and down! So have fun whenever you can, and remember youth is precious!
Love that you are so honest and love reading all the comments on this video. You have built such a great community, keep doing you! I’m 25 and have been feeling all those things - I deleted my insta last October and haven’t looked back! I’m coming more to terms with this phase of ‘transition’ I guess you can call it - finding who we really are and what’s the next stage for our lives - something I’m trying to turn into a thing to look forward to. Peace and love x
I literally feel like your videos are a part of my daily routine. It was weird without you posting but so glad you're back! Focus on you, girl! Do what brings you joy. I am thankful for your pure experiences, and I love that you share them with us!! You are so appreciated!!
As a viewer and NOT an influencer myself, I appreciate this perspective so much. I've been sadly watching one of my favorite youtubers get caught in the "trap". It's now nothing but haul's and re-do's and links to everything she buys. Plus, the stuff she is promoting is insanely expensive for a "typical" 25(ish) year old. I'm 49 and love following you (been watching your channel for years) for your decorating/food content, exercising, beauty stuff and just the overall relaxing vibe of your channel. I love your authenticity and realness and PLEASE don't ever let the world change you. You will figure it out - where you want to be, what you want to do. Just keep searching and trying new things/places. I know you don't like to get too preachy, but Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind. I'm rooting for you as you go through this tough stage in life! And on a total detour - YOUR HAIR IS PERFECTION! Much love from an "older" faithful viewer.
This kind of struggle is real especially during/after the pandemic. Adam Grant wrote an article on languishing and how it’s the most common emotion as a result of the pandemic. That article kept coming up for me as you were sharing. He says the antidote is flow state - which is essentially getting immersed in exercising your strengths in solving challenges (even small ones). Essentially it’s a long way of saying you’re not alone and you sound like you’re getting yourself back on track!
Hi Renee, with this video you echoed my thoughts exactly. Over the past year I was able to reflect on what's really important in life, and the more I examine today's society, the more disappointed and cynical I get. I recently moved to the East coast and life is very different here, and when you couple that with how loud the online world is, it can be very overwhelming. However, there is something very special with going your own way and taking value in truly important, non-materialistic things. Take pride in the fact that you refuse to conform to what society is pushing on you! Embrace this feeling, because it truly is special and needed in today's world :)
Renee this is why I love you. You've always been so authentic since I started watching your videos in 2017. Don't feel guilty, your feelings are always valid!
You always make me feel less alone when you make these videos. I always wonder if others think so much about their inner world as much as me. And in that I want to say, being someone in their 20s as well, you are absolutely not alone. In anything you go through.
I understand completely! You are echoing the thoughts and feelings I am going through now and it makes me feel so validated to hear someone else say it outload. I am so glad you are back because I did notice your absence and I did miss your content. We're gonna make it through these uncomfortable times and I can't wait until then!
This post was really hard to write, but...I just turned 26 and I have been feeling the same way as you for about 6 months. It's a VERY hard reality knowing that my youth is fading and that my formative years seem so far in the past.
I, like you, am now romanticizing about the past and so afraid of the future. I don't feel like me anymore...I feel like a shell of me. Honestly....it's hard for me to look in the mirror now, which is crazy because I am still young but I know I'm not 18 anymore. I'm so angry at God (or the universe, whatever you believe) because I feel like I didn't have enough time and I wasn't ready to be where I'm at in my life right now. But as I get older, I realize that I'll never be ready.
What's worse is realizing how unappreciative I was during the best years of my life. Sometimes I just wish I could tell 17 year old insecure me to start being grateful and enjoy the years to come because they won't last, and they'll be over before you know it. I don't know if I'll ever shake this feeling, but what helps me is knowing that I'm not alone and I appreciate that you opened up in this video. Just know (and I have to remind myself of this too) that 10 years down the road, we will miss these days too and now all we can do is to just live in the moment 😊
When I first started watching you I felt as though I was in an another world that was simple calm and sweet. It brought me a sense of comfort! 💛
You always inspire me. I am 8 years older than you. And I used to feel lost.... But is there when you find the way to come back to you, to what you really want, we need to get lost to find ourselves. Trust it, it's real. All the answers are inside us, we just have to learn to see them. Thank you for sharing, thank you for being you!
I’ve been having a really tough time since fall 2019, so it’s nice to hear people on social media talk openly about struggles. I don’t feel like you’re being negative, you’re being real and it’s so needed in social media.
Renee, you are not alone! Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable w your followers. Biggest virtual hug 💜
Renee you mean so much to me, your content is always comforting and I am so glad your back
Thank you SO much for this Renee. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. I couldn't agree more with everything you said, it's crazy. I could have listened to you for 5 more hours no joke. I love your way of thinking and I feel less alone ! Sending virtual hugs from Europe to you my dear and to anyone who feels the same way xxxxx
I’m 45 ! Trust me it’s a blessing to turn any age - take it all on - it’s a beautiful ride
Thank you for making this video. I felt like I was hearing someone else say my thoughts. I hope it gets better for you, you are not alone. Sending you all the positive vibes 💕
Girl you got this! I felt the same in my late 20s. It’s a massive change after college. A lot of people fear their 30s (you’re still a ways away) but don’t! They have been the best years of my life. You got this!
Hi Ney! This is my first time commenting on your page. Thank you for making this video. I see that so many of us are feeling the exact same way you do. And it’s comforting to know that we are not alone even when we feel we are. I started volunteering 2 hours a week outside of my home (I work full time from home and I go nuts). It’s helped me feel like I have a purpose outside of my family and work life. Have you ever thought about volunteering? I wish you all the best in finding your inspiration again. You’re a beautiful person inside and out! Blessings to you.
It's okay to feel lost. It's okay to take the time you need to figure out what you want in life. We all have those moments. I think it's important to talk about these moments and not feel like we need to hide them from the world. It's normal - thus it should be normalized. Thanks for sharing your story and your journey!
Hello Renee I'm so happy to see you back but don't worry, I understand that social media and life can be so overwhelming these days ! I live a very different life from yours, I'm 24 going on 25 and to be honest I cannot wait to be 26 and have a job in a small city & have time to just be in nature or do crafts (I'm in Paris, France now and although it's not as busy as NYC, it can be too much for me). But I understand the struggle of not knowing what the next step is because when this happens we just get lost in mundane routines...I do hope the world after all this can give us more perspective...I cried the other day in front of my teacher saying that I could not seem to find my way out (I'm doing my PhD in literature but it's not the best for getting a job outside of uni), and he told me that it is because of the situation now and not me, that I feel lost at this time. I just want to share this and hope you know what you're feeling is valid. ;) Also, welcome to France after all this ! -Mélody
Ohh how I so relate beautiful! In my twenties too and have anxiety and truly feel stagnant right now.. You know what helps me? I have come to know that being stagnant in life is needed. This place, even though you may not see it now, is challenging you to look deeper within yourself (and not let fear keep you from doing so). Keep going, keep walking, I (and so many others) are right there with you!! We got this y'all! There is a season and time for everything, no rush
You put into words exactly how I've been feeling for the past year! I'm 24 and relocated from TX to Minnesota for work in the middle of the pandemic and have had the exact same experience. I've constantly been telling my friends and family that I feel like I'm floating because I really don't enjoy my job, but I'm not entirely sure what I want from life either. I'm also a perfectionist too, and it's killing me to not have that next step or goal planned out. I made the decision to not renew my lease here in Minnesota and to go back home for a mental health reset. I'm the same way of not really feeling happy wherever I am or what I'm doing, but I know at home I feel safer and have my support system, and I think that's what I need right now. I just wanted to let you know that you are putting everything into words that I've been feeling and experiencing too and that you aren't alone!
You just put into words exactly how I feel. Thank you for sharing. Rooting for you❤️💕
I feel you need to get a life outside of TH-cam and the whole social media. I mean a source of income outside this world. And keep posting content just 'cause you like the process. ✨ I feel you're pressurized since this is also your career and obviously you're anxious about it.
I think that too! I find it hard to find something else lol .. like what else do I want??! Its tough to find interests at this point .. especially in the career field *pulls out hair*
i was going to say the same thing.
I think, Renee, that you can try different thing, like, go back to teaching kids, become a barista, start an arts course, idk, just reeeally try to explore thinks outside of social media.
XO from Brasil
@@ReneeAmberg yeahhh I understand. I guess I would suggest to just start with something. If you hate it, leave it. If you like it, voila!
Just start with something.
You could even just start volunteering in an area you’re interested in. It would help you meet like minded people who aren’t shallow.
Thank you for making this video, you are so real and I agree with you on this video! I have loved watching you for years ❤️
Never feel guilty for venting! You can’t be positive or happy ALL the time. We have a variety of emotions. That’s what makes us human. This is your channel. People can choose whether or not they want to watch or listen to you vent but I listen because it makes me feel less alone
Thank you for making this video, I think we have all felt like this at some point. I see my adult daughter struggle with so much of this as well. Renee, I have missed you and I am so thankful to see you posted.
I’m so glad to see you again! I was honestly worried but I’m happy to see you’re good! Life is a challenging thing, I suffer with anxiety and OCD too but what I’ve learned with this experience is that we just have to keep rolling with the punches, learn from everything that comes your way. Keep your head up love 💗
I feel like I can relate with you, Renee! I moved back home during my quarterlife (i was 26) and after 8 years of living in a big, quite toxic city (quite the opposite with you because it's the other way around). It must feel really scary to find yourself not quite fitting in the place you decided to plant new roots in. Maybe finding acceptance in this new world could help, without necessarily changing who you are. letting other people be who they are is okay, and you are free to be yourself too...we love you that way. I wish you well Renee and hope you'll find your groove back. There isn't much we can do about how others choose to live their lives, but i hope you know that your authenticity in who you are is also inspiring to a lot of people (like me). Cheers!!! from a longtime fan of yours ❤️
The difference is that people's lives start to look so different from one another in your late 20s early 30s. When you're younger typically people's lives like similar. You relate to one another better. The older you get, the harder it is to relate to your friends. Comparison really starts to creep in during these years. Or at least they did for me. Specially if you don't want the typical life stages of marriage or children. You have to find your purpose beyond those socially accepted norms, and that's hard, and much harder to figure out with people in your life that you are finding it harder to relate to. I just turned 30 this year, and it's just been my personal experience in the last few years.
You aren't alone in feeling this, and by sharing, it helps others to realize they aren't alone :)
So happy you took the time you needed and I’m so glad to see your beautiful face again! Lots of love 🤍🌼
You are so so so right, Renée. It's really sad the way that people try to "connect" now. I love that you're contuining videos without the influence of social media/trends. I'm so excited to see more of you driven by your gut!
Oh my god I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY what you mean about the vicious cycle of living in NYC. I've been threatening to leave for years but something always pulls me back. So hard to explain but I get it. I'm only 10 minutes into the video and I've yelled "YES!!!" so many times at my computer
I understand exactly what you are saying Renee! I went through the same thing and on my journey of healing and "glowing up" internally, I realized it had to do with what was going on on the inside.
From what I understand, you like New York to some extent and the same goes. with Florida. Both places have their pro's and their con's to you. So why limit yourself? What I mean is, spend your time the way you want to. if you wake up tomorrow and you feel like Florida. then Florida it is. And if next week it is New York, then do that.
I sense there may be less of a dissatisfaction about where you live but more of an unresolved matter within that is triggered by where you live as well as intensified by anxiety. So, I say move to wherever you need to to find that calm center and figure out and heal through it.
It's perfectly normal to feel burnt out with life, directionless, and/or feeling like you need to shift your life around your mid- to late-20s. I definitely went through that and it was hard and took awhile to work through, not gonna lie. I think you're on the right track - sometimes what you need is some kind of change that makes your life feel "fresh" and also finding things that make you feel more like you. Good luck!
I felt the same anxieties in my 20s and now that I’m in my early 30s I feel them all over again. I think it’s normal but something that people are afraid to talk about, so good for you for being so open to the world. More people need to do that. And girl…come on over to the west coast! San Diego will welcome you with open arms…and you’ll have a friend in me from day one ❤️ Keep speaking your mind, we’re all here to listen.
I adore you and appreciate you. ❤ So happy to see your face! Thank you for being so open and honest, I know how hard that can be.
I missed you! I feel exactly the same way as you are describing that you are feeling. Especially when you are in to self development and spirituality that ”face” become so shallow and you want to make deeper connections. I also find it very hard to connect with other people and I just turned 30 a couple of months ago. I’m so happy that you don’t feel the need to put on that ”face” and I’m looking forward to see where life takes you being your authentic you ❤️
Came to the channel because I saw someone that was living a life I wanted to live, a life in NYC with my boyfriend, a daily routine, a seemingly perfect life. Your channel has become my favorite because of the honesty and realness you bring to the table. Life changes, people change, plans change, and things happen that we can’t control. It’s comforting to know that we aren’t alone in our feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Share your story, good, bad, ugly. Share it and we’ll be here to support you because it’s in seeing your successes and failures that motivate us to keep on and carry on.
It's so great to see you back, actually, I've been in a hard time recently. After graduating from college, I just feel so tired and lonely. I'm really happy and inspired by this video after sleeping for more than 7 hours from this afternoon. I just wanna say thank you for your back.
❤️❤️ thanks for coming back! lol
Hi Renee! I was in a similar mindset just a few years ago when I turned 27 as well. I felt so stagnant and lost with my job and I was having so many anxiety attacks at work, it was just horrible. It does get better as you get older, in my opinion, even tho getting older is scary. I'm turning 30 next year and I'm actually finally excited to be in my 30s. I feel like my late twenties have provided me with more experience, knowledge, money, and I just have more clarity with what I want to do with life.
Good luck to you ♥️