I made my own end fed antenna, And I wasn't even aware at the time. I just wanted a 70 foot random longwire antenna with 40 foot 50 OHM cable fed remote shortwave listening setup in an attempt to eliminate electrical and and gadget noise. I would say it was "semi" successful, I used 2 toroid coupling coils on each end. It totally eliminated the spurious strong AM broadcast signals on the SW bands when using my RTL SDR and did cut down some interference. the receiver side used a simple 1 inch toroid coupling of 10 turns each. On the antenna side, using a 2 inch toroid coil with roughly a dozen turns and a ground connection too. I was later I discovered my antenna setup was actually a HAM radio end fed circuit rated for 200 watts transmitting power. I would say it worked well for me for lowering some interference on my SW receivers.
also john if u want a long antenna for hf listening like say 40 or 80m if u have metal rain gutters use those u can rx even tx off those i use mine to listen to down there and works great and simple a few youtube videos on how to do it called a hoa buster gutter antenna.
Yes, the half wave end fed won't give any gain on 10 or 11 meters. It will get you on the bands. Its so big of course because its sized of 80 meters, so it can be used for 80 and above. Remember when you use a over sized antenna on a certain band, you get lobes and nulls. So you definitely will get a directional radiation pattern on the higher bands, ie 20 meters and above. Hams like these so they can operate on many bands with one antenna. The 49.1 balun or 9.1 unun, helps keep the iimpedance
Getting the ant higher in the air will improve the SWR.
A tuner will work fine. Yes, there is an optimal height, 40-45 ft ish..
Still Rocking that 3 EL MACO VQUAD I see.
I made my own end fed antenna, And I wasn't even aware at the time. I just wanted a 70 foot random longwire antenna with 40 foot 50 OHM cable fed remote shortwave listening setup in an attempt to eliminate electrical and and gadget noise. I would say it was "semi" successful, I used 2 toroid coupling coils on each end. It totally eliminated the spurious strong AM broadcast signals on the SW bands when using my RTL SDR and did cut down some interference. the receiver side used a simple 1 inch toroid coupling of 10 turns each. On the antenna side, using a 2 inch toroid coil with roughly a dozen turns and a ground connection too. I was later I discovered my antenna setup was actually a HAM radio end fed circuit rated for 200 watts transmitting power. I would say it worked well for me for lowering some interference on my SW receivers.
Nice ant. But i have been looking at getting the other one in the bag..can't wait for your test on it...
I'm excited to test it out as well! I might try the other antenna this weekend.
Love these Endfed Antennas. I worked with them the first 3 Years as a portable Station. They got me around the World DXCC. 💯👍
Nice! Thanks for watching
also john if u want a long antenna for hf listening like say 40 or 80m if u have metal rain gutters use those u can rx even tx off those i use mine to listen to down there and works great and simple a few youtube videos on how to do it called a hoa buster gutter antenna.
You need a G90 to hook up to that antenna, the tuner in it wouldn't have any problems matching 11 mtrs.
Yes, the half wave end fed won't give any gain on 10 or 11 meters. It will get you on the bands. Its so big of course because its sized of 80 meters, so it can be used for 80 and above. Remember when you use a over sized antenna on a certain band, you get lobes and nulls. So you definitely will get a directional radiation pattern on the higher bands, ie 20 meters and above. Hams like these so they can operate on many bands with one antenna. The 49.1 balun or 9.1 unun, helps keep the iimpedance
Impedance down so it will tune. It also works nice for a SWL antenna. Sorry phone died. 73
Outside is goodhere wi as well 43° tues 38 today ( 56+) on thursday any leftover snow will be gone then 30 40 going into weekend have snow coming
Enjoy the warmer weather! 73's
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Sent the wire my way I could use a new 80-10. 😅.
Lucky you
What is that antenna analyzer your using?
it's a Sark 100
I'm testing one of these right now too and its a pretty decent antenna if you have the room for it!
Cool, I'm looking forward to your review.
get a cheap drone to get a fishing line over the trees