I saw a test where the lens was very slow to lock on to a subject and excessively noisy when focussing with a very whiny gear noise, did you find this or did he have a "lemon"?
Is that online somewhere? The environment tested here didn't yield anything like that--but I also changed my AF settings around to let it go from subject to subject. I did Wide AF, and expandable spot, center spot, they all were very good. And I literally can not hear the motor, it's totally silent. I am on the latest lens firmware, which I think was released Jan 2025...I had to update it even tho I just got this lens from Blazar 4 days ago.
Looks amazing. Mine arrives tomorrow and I can’t wait to put it through its paces. Did you do any crop in since you used it on full frame?
Looks great!
I saw a test where the lens was very slow to lock on to a subject and excessively noisy when focussing with a very whiny gear noise, did you find this or did he have a "lemon"?
Is that online somewhere? The environment tested here didn't yield anything like that--but I also changed my AF settings around to let it go from subject to subject. I did Wide AF, and expandable spot, center spot, they all were very good. And I literally can not hear the motor, it's totally silent. I am on the latest lens firmware, which I think was released Jan 2025...I had to update it even tho I just got this lens from Blazar 4 days ago.