I cant even promise that I'm a Labour and a black rose socialist aka libertarian social i would walk into a Labour party conference and say Hi Folk I'm Socialist and proud and how do you like that Labour is the main left wing party in the UK I'm a tradition socialist pre-Thatcher era in philosophy I'm a Environmental Traditionalist Libertarian Socialist to Anarcho Communist Peoples government No State No Bourgeois Economics just mutual aid No Corporate masters just worker owner farms and shop aka Co-operatives No fat cat capitalists only strong unions No surrender for the people unite they become one and strong
Neither am I, but when I hear ppl wishing for technocracy instead of free elections, I start to understand that gulags and the STASI could be useful today.
@@henryseidel5469 Fun fact: The "single list you could vote for" was democratically assembled by the general assembly of all kinds of representative bodies. The last vote was merely a confirmation that the process actually worked. search for "Das andere Leben DDR Demokratie" There should be a video with "ep 3" in the title, it's a bunch of people from east Germany explaining what life and political participation was like.
@@imatreebelieveme6094 In recent years the so called 'free elections' have also turned into a single list. You can vote for whatever you want, after the elections the situation is always the same as before - or even worse. This cannot be the will of the people, so there should be some more mechanisms that are not visible to the people, who are told they lived in whatever freedom and democracy. The system of east Germany will never be shown in a clip, because the first thing that would have to be changed is the distribution of money and wealth to improve the situation of the country as a whole. There were no billionaires, but there weren't unemployed and homeless either.
I really like that this is the workers singing, not soldiers in full dress uniform. Of course a military is important to protect the proletariat from bourgeois invaders, but the core of socialism and communism are the workers, who must unite and fight against capitalist exploitation.
@@maxpaspirgilis3967>anti war “Workers peasants pick up those rifles, put those rifles in your hands” “Annihilate those fascist bandit armies set all hearts on fire” Its clearly a anti nato militarism song pro proletarian military song.
Вот это сила и мощь, Эрнст Буш певец рабочего революционного класса. Вот кого нам не хватает сейчас, певцов, которые борятся за социализм и справедливость.
Diese Leuchten in den Arbeitern wie überzeugt sie Singen, man hört die einzelne Stimmen. Fantastisch diese Musik ich bin 14 und es haut mich einfach um.
Das Leuchten in den Augen kommt wenn man begreift das ein Leben als Arbeitssklave, nur um reiche Menschen noch reicher zu machen, nicht der Sinn des Lebens sein kann.
As I German I personally think that this is a great song. One of the best songs of German political songs. Fun fact: Communism was invented by the Germans Friedrich Engels und Karl Marx.
Ich teile den Geist dieser Aussage, aber Kommunismus ist älter als Marx. Gemeinschaftliches Wirtschaften gab es mindestens in Ansätzen bereits im Mittelalter und natürlich unter indigenen Völkern (unter welchen auch Egalitarismus zu finden ist).
@@lwt9132 Eindeutig falsch. Deshalb hat Engels das Buch über die geschichtliche Entwicklung bzw. Entstehung des Sozialismus geschrieben. Feudalisten haben schon lange Sozialismusgeschafel verbreitet um "ihre" Arbeiter als Feudalistenfamilie einzuvernehmen und gegen die steigenden Machtansprüche der Kapitalisten zu wenden. Einfach mal lesen. Gibt es bei mlwerke.de oder marxists.org
@@FakeNewsHunter ach schau dir einfach mal die Zünfte an, dann die Germanen. Immer schon gab es Sozialistische Ansprüche der Deutschen. Von den Germanen aus bis in die frühere Geschichte der BRD.
I know that.But although he named the "bad boys" of his books the english socialists.And in his other book,animal farm,the communist pigs are the evil. And if I remember right he once said explicitly that he had the soviets-communists in mind when he wrote 1984.
I am not a socialist, but this song is one of the most impressive, magnificent, grand and beautiful that I have ever heard. It gives me goosebumps and causes me a mixed feeling of fear, glory and grandeur.
„Das Proletariat wird seine politische Herrschaft dazu benutzen, der Bourgeoisie nach und nach alles Kapital zu entreißen, alle Produktionsinstrumente in den Händen des Staats, d. h. des als herrschende Klasse organisierten Proletariats, zu zentralisieren und die Masse der Produktionskräfte möglichst rasch zu vermehren.“ -Karl Marx
This songs catched me, the voice the refrain, the melody, this strong spelling. I love it. I think in every society is social very important. I am not a communist but this men talks the truth.
if you think he talks the truth then why not being a communist ? i'm one now for almost 3 years and it opened my eyes bro mainly by reading but also reading songtexts like these and listening to them , i would reccomend joining your local/national Communist Party if this truth is your truth or if that is too big of a step joing a Union so you and we can attain liberty :)
But the song isn't realy about social topics but more about going to war to protect the soviet union. So I hope you don't acctually believe this man talks the truth.
@@quintenbruggink1595 In your point of view socialism or communism is mainly about equality singing and reading . (LOL) even CCCP didnt have that there were powerful families connections and mainly corruption comparable to US right now . So instead of cringy singing and so on you will be sent to uranium mines or even better in front of shooting unit like the students in communist china in revolution they were too dangerous to be left alive . They dont need ideologes they need mindless people . they need workers . and presumably you are neither mindless bloke or a worker .
What a shame that this film is nowhere to be found, no DVD and at no library here in Berlin, where you WOULD think that these two German icons, Ernst Busch and Hanns Eisler would be important enough. But as usual, powers-that-be are re-writing history... move along now, don't look here!
@@MegreliLazi1991 1. Did is said something about Zionism? 2. Zionism is a socialist ideology. 3. One of the ideas of Zionism is establishing the state of Israel, so: anty-imperialism.
This is not an anti-communist video... it's from the portrait film, "Solidarity Song" about Hanns Eisler and is very sympathetic toward his ideals, beliefs and ultimate heartbreak....
Скажу честно,как человек до глубины души политизированный, коммунистическая эстетика меня окружала давно, так же как и как националистическая эстетика,но долгое время в свою душу я ее не пускал потому что не разделял коммунистических идей будучи сам националистом, но под конец подросткового возраста я начал по-тихоньку пересматривать свою политическую позицию и когда мне исполнилось 16 лет я от националистических взглядов отказался и стал коммунистом, так я им до сих пор являюсь. Тогда я и запустил всю эту эстетику в свою душу и стал коммунистом по взглядам. Тем не менее я понимаю что в то время я волей-неволей идеализировал рабочих, представлял их сошедшими с советских и ГДРовских плакатов качками, не тем,кем они по большей части являются,а являются они в массе своей просто скуфами, живущими натурально как под наркозом: сначала на станке 8/5, после работы под пивасиком,а на выходных вообще глаза водочкой заливают. Сейчас я выступаю за власть трудящихся,но я категорически против того,чтобы властью наделять рабочих.
Average comment here: I'm a brain dead owner loving slave that is too brainwashed to see I could live better, but this song is very good (plz CIA, don't "forcefully extract" me tonight into guantanamo plz)
Matthias Petr I‘m no comrade. I am a German. A proud German. And I will fight till my last breath for my Country to stay free! As long as I live, I will do anything in my power to stop another red uprising in Europe. Better Dead than red.
Esto es genial,cada vez que lo oigo es como un llamado a hacer algo,algo que te impulsa a defenderte de los facistas...de los que quieren dañar al trabajador con falsas promesas de ser una potencia al coste de tu libertad como persona dentro de el sentimiento de pertenencia de tu patria. La patria sos vos,no el capital.
Greatings from Russia! Red revolution will never be defeated! Glory to friendship of the nations! Do not matter where are you from, main is what are you think! Forever with you, comrades! 7.11.2017
Du not let as kill again. Better kill our leaders and the propaganda machine. They try to brainwash us constantly. Putin meanwhile reach much sympathy in Germany,because media always promoted Putin or Russia bashing. Only a few believe them. Many love and watch deutsch.rt.com or the youtube channel of rt.com
Das galt mal als die Arbeiter noch wirklich unterdrückt wurden. Aber auf die heutige Zeit kann man diesen Spruch einfach nichtmehr beziehen. Zumindest nicht in den Industrieländern.
DerXanotosTypie Die Arbeiterklasse wird also in Europa nicht mehr der Früchte ihrer Arbeit beraubt und entfremdet? Die griechische, französische, spanische portugiesische etc. Arbeiterklasse wird nicht durch repressive Polizeistaaten unterdrückt, um Gesetze gegen ihren Willen durchzusetzen, welche sie noch weiter in die Armut treiben? Sie haben vlt. mehr als ihre Ketten zu verlieren, aber dennoch eine Welt zu erobern.
For everyone saying they are not a socialist/communist , you would be surprised how many socialist policies you would actually agree with. Reading a bit of theory and a critical analysis of current system might change your mind.
@Chang Bo national socialism is as "socialist" as processed cheese is "cheese". Socialism in its base is the theory of collective ownership by the working class. You could enforce it through the government owning it for you in some communist or somewhat authoritarian socialist systems or you can have Unionized economy such as a syndicalist system. Now a country like Germany encompasses none of this as their nationalization program was meant mainly to bring about the war effort. It wasnt sustainable in times of peace and they would likely have turned into the same kind of economy as of America or other liberal countries. That and ofcourse racism or any sort of racial supremacist ideals are in itself bad for humans. When we meet and exchange culture and sit with each other,Eat good food and share music is when we humans show our best.
Das Lied ist von 1939 ! Wenn die Deutschen nach diesem Lied gehandelt hätten, wäre ihnen einiges erspart geblieben. Die Fronten verlaufen nicht zwischen den Nationen oder Völkern, sondern zwischen den Klassen.
"Der Aufmarsch gegen die Sowjetunion ist der Stoß ins Herz der Revolution!" Europeans should remember, that French, British and German workers saved Soviet Union by preventing massive intervention of their counties' armies into our Motherland.
I was born to a good family, with noble blood in my past, and with academics and high and mighty. This has not stopped me from seeing the truth, that those who carry the world on their shoulders are suffering. Jelousy is a poor excuse to keep up generations of failed economy, misstreatment, and lies. The world needs socialism, now more perhaps than ever. I see no point in letting capitalists throw the world into chaos once more without a word against it. Those who will, speak against it.
why not? I acknowledge that many dictatorships were upheld in the name of Communism, but not only are there examples of democratic implications of socialism (i.e. Cuba), but there is also the possibility of getting rid of money and commodity production under socialism- this was impossible when the USSR and Maoist China existed. Many modern-day Marxists agree that the use of money and commodity production was what led to said dictatorships, and what stole the governments away from the proletariat.
Marx sagte Proletarier! Und das sind heute auch Manager, Ingeuieure, Buchhalter, Marketingleute etc. fast alle. Die 1% zocken auch die Klein-/Mittelaktionäre und den Mittelstand ab - mit Hilfe ihres Coronatheaters z.B.
@@FakeNewsHunter proletarier sind die die Produktionsmitte erschaffen. Wenn du mir zeigst welche Produktionsmittel von Managern und Buchhaltern geschaffen werden dann können wir sie gerne dazuzählen. Mal abgesehen davon das Marx ganz klar zwischen dem Proletariat und dem Bürgertum bzw der oberen Mittelschicht unterscheidet
My girlfriend:
When we visit my parents tonight, please no political topics.
Me after two drinks:
Girlfriend's parents: Sang the chorus
@@AlexSDU Then you know thay are your kind of guys)
maybe her father ,too
Girlfriend: broke up bc you are a socialist
I cant even promise that I'm a Labour and a black rose socialist aka libertarian social i would walk into a Labour party conference and say Hi Folk I'm Socialist and proud and how do you like that Labour is the main left wing party in the UK I'm a tradition socialist pre-Thatcher era in philosophy I'm a Environmental Traditionalist Libertarian Socialist to Anarcho Communist
Peoples government No State
No Bourgeois Economics just mutual aid
No Corporate masters just worker owner farms and shop aka Co-operatives
No fat cat capitalists only strong unions
No surrender for the people unite they become one and strong
Die Arbeiterstimme von Ernst Busch gigantisch...
er hört sich hier bisschen an wie der synchronsprecher von terence hill
Klngt ein wenig wie Thaddäus ^^
I'm not a socialist, but there is something magnetic about this song.
Neither am I, but when I hear ppl wishing for technocracy instead of free elections, I start to understand that gulags and the STASI could be useful today.
@@frangiancocuzzi9664 Free elections is not the problem. The problem is who can be voted for.
secretly you are a socialist
@@henryseidel5469 Fun fact: The "single list you could vote for" was democratically assembled by the general assembly of all kinds of representative bodies. The last vote was merely a confirmation that the process actually worked. search for "Das andere Leben DDR Demokratie" There should be a video with "ep 3" in the title, it's a bunch of people from east Germany explaining what life and political participation was like.
@@imatreebelieveme6094 In recent years the so called 'free elections' have also turned into a single list. You can vote for whatever you want, after the elections the situation is always the same as before - or even worse. This cannot be the will of the people, so there should be some more mechanisms that are not visible to the people, who are told they lived in whatever freedom and democracy.
The system of east Germany will never be shown in a clip, because the first thing that would have to be changed is the distribution of money and wealth to improve the situation of the country as a whole.
There were no billionaires, but there weren't unemployed and homeless either.
I like how Ernst did that nod right before they started singing the chorus the second time. :D
It perfect
yeah and his smile after that, full badassery
I'm no socialist/communist, but I feel like humming this at work sometimes.
Me: finally manages to kill that boss that was so hard
Everyone else in the office: ...
me: finally manages to kill that boss that was so hard
Everyone else in the office: ... DEMOCRATIZE THE WORKPLACE
this ist against the comunist
I'm humming this at work right now.
That's the point.
I really like that this is the workers singing, not soldiers in full dress uniform. Of course a military is important to protect the proletariat from bourgeois invaders, but the core of socialism and communism are the workers, who must unite and fight against capitalist exploitation.
This Song is precisely anti war in its lyrics, it's condemning that capitalism always leads to war.
@@maxpaspirgilis3967>anti war
“Workers peasants pick up those rifles, put those rifles in your hands”
“Annihilate those fascist bandit armies set all hearts on fire”
Its clearly a anti nato militarism song pro proletarian military song.
this song was made before NATO was created, you're thinking about der offene aufmarsch@@Basedlocation
@@AEIOU05says the mf with austrian empire pfp
The entire class when you don't want to share gum
schon langer nicht mehr gehört. und irgendwie aktuell.
Der Ivan tritt um sich und blamiert sich vor aller Welt.
@@fridericusrex1153 Russland ≠ Sozialismus
Вот это сила и мощь, Эрнст Буш певец рабочего революционного класса. Вот кого нам не хватает сейчас, певцов, которые борятся за социализм и справедливость.
Armer Irrer!
@@hansotto2992 A poor pig is brainwashed by the media.
@@hansotto2992 какие
@@hansotto2992 lieber tot als rot!
@@pingsk2023 unbesetzt es
Diese Leuchten in den Arbeitern wie überzeugt sie Singen, man hört die einzelne Stimmen. Fantastisch diese Musik ich bin 14 und es haut mich einfach um.
Das Leuchten in den Augen kommt wenn man begreift das ein Leben als Arbeitssklave, nur um reiche Menschen noch reicher zu machen, nicht der Sinn des Lebens sein kann.
Anche a me, 14enne italiano, piace moltissimo questo canzone
@@Federico_Grandi anche a me piace tanto
Lass dich nicht in diesem jungen Alter von politischen Ideologen korrumpieren
@rikm260 Ich bin auch 14 jahre alt. Gruß von Polen genosse!
Ich vor dem Lied: Lieber tot als rot
ich bin immer noch lieber tot als rot aber ja
Lieber rot als ein dummer Faschist
As I German I personally think that this is a great song. One of the best songs of German political songs. Fun fact: Communism was invented by the Germans Friedrich Engels und Karl Marx.
Ich teile den Geist dieser Aussage, aber Kommunismus ist älter als Marx.
Gemeinschaftliches Wirtschaften gab es mindestens in Ansätzen bereits im Mittelalter und natürlich unter indigenen Völkern (unter welchen auch Egalitarismus zu finden ist).
No, it was not invented by them. The idea is far older than either of them.
Der Sozialismus ist eine uralte, wenn nicht schon antike deutsche Tradition.
@@lwt9132 Eindeutig falsch. Deshalb hat Engels das Buch über die geschichtliche Entwicklung bzw. Entstehung des Sozialismus geschrieben. Feudalisten haben schon lange Sozialismusgeschafel verbreitet um "ihre" Arbeiter als Feudalistenfamilie einzuvernehmen und gegen die steigenden Machtansprüche der Kapitalisten zu wenden. Einfach mal lesen. Gibt es bei mlwerke.de oder marxists.org
@@FakeNewsHunter ach schau dir einfach mal die Zünfte an, dann die Germanen. Immer schon gab es Sozialistische Ansprüche der Deutschen. Von den Germanen aus bis in die frühere Geschichte der BRD.
Zeitloser Klassiker
Am I the only one that thinks that the screen in the middle of the room makes this look like a scene out of 1984?
It's an early 20th century factory, what do you expect?
+TheEmeraldFox Read "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley instead.
Twiggier exactly what I was thinking, I watched 1984 yesterday.
Because it´s what the Leftists want to reach.Orwell thought on the Communists when he wrote 1984.
I know that.But although he named the "bad boys" of his books the english socialists.And in his other book,animal farm,the communist pigs are the evil.
And if I remember right he once said explicitly that he had the soviets-communists in mind when he wrote 1984.
I am not a socialist, but this song is one of the most impressive, magnificent, grand and beautiful that I have ever heard. It gives me goosebumps and causes me a mixed feeling of fear, glory and grandeur.
do you have your own factory where you employ 1000 workers? where do you profit from their slave triad?
I agree with you, I am strongly anti socialistic/communist but this slaps
@@МаксимДеревишов at least there is a factory
Bin kein Sozialist aber das Lied ist schon episch
If you’re not a communist you’re not paying attention to anything going on today
Jetzt wirst du)
Whenever I see the outrageous price of that Fiji water my mind goes to this.
2:07 He's so shocked
More like his Heart is burning with Passion as described in the Song.
„Das Proletariat wird seine politische Herrschaft dazu benutzen, der Bourgeoisie nach und nach alles Kapital zu entreißen, alle Produktionsinstrumente in den Händen des Staats, d. h. des als herrschende Klasse organisierten Proletariats, zu zentralisieren und die Masse der Produktionskräfte möglichst rasch zu vermehren.“ -Karl Marx
This songs catched me, the voice the refrain, the melody, this strong spelling. I love it. I think in every society is social very important. I am not a communist but this men talks the truth.
Die Wahrheit? "Zerschlagt die faschistischen Räuberherre"
if you think he talks the truth then why not being a communist ? i'm one now for almost 3 years and it opened my eyes bro mainly by reading but also reading songtexts like these and listening to them , i would reccomend joining your local/national Communist Party if this truth is your truth or if that is too big of a step joing a Union so you and we can attain liberty :)
But the song isn't realy about social topics but more about going to war to protect the soviet union. So I hope you don't acctually believe this man talks the truth.
this song is really addictive
but at the same time thats the point
its propaganda
In your point of view socialism or communism is mainly about equality singing and reading . (LOL)
even CCCP didnt have that
there were powerful families connections and mainly corruption comparable to US right now .
So instead of cringy singing and so on you will be sent to uranium mines or even better in front of shooting unit
like the students in communist china in revolution they were too dangerous to be left alive .
They dont need ideologes they need mindless people . they need workers . and presumably you are neither mindless bloke or a worker .
Я согласен 🤝 🚩❤️🚩🎉
Ein hervorragendes Werk
What a shame that this film is nowhere to be found, no DVD and at no library here in Berlin, where you WOULD think that these two German icons, Ernst Busch and Hanns Eisler would be important enough. But as usual, powers-that-be are re-writing history... move along now, don't look here!
Hello from Russia, Comrads!
Да здравствует революция!
По факту
Hello comrades from Israel!! Long live the world revolution!!!!
@@toa9493 death to zionism
@@MegreliLazi1991 1. Did is said something about Zionism?
2. Zionism is a socialist ideology.
3. One of the ideas of Zionism is establishing the state of Israel, so: anty-imperialism.
Слава коммунизму товарищ Ленин! Слава революции! Слава вам!
This is not an anti-communist video... it's from the portrait film, "Solidarity Song" about Hanns Eisler and is very sympathetic toward his ideals, beliefs and ultimate heartbreak....
i like how the sound goes harder on the left side
Noch immer ........ danke genosse Busch❤
Скажу честно,как человек до глубины души политизированный, коммунистическая эстетика меня окружала давно, так же как и как националистическая эстетика,но долгое время в свою душу я ее не пускал потому что не разделял коммунистических идей будучи сам националистом, но под конец подросткового возраста я начал по-тихоньку пересматривать свою политическую позицию и когда мне исполнилось 16 лет я от националистических взглядов отказался и стал коммунистом, так я им до сих пор являюсь. Тогда я и запустил всю эту эстетику в свою душу и стал коммунистом по взглядам. Тем не менее я понимаю что в то время я волей-неволей идеализировал рабочих, представлял их сошедшими с советских и ГДРовских плакатов качками, не тем,кем они по большей части являются,а являются они в массе своей просто скуфами, живущими натурально как под наркозом: сначала на станке 8/5, после работы под пивасиком,а на выходных вообще глаза водочкой заливают. Сейчас я выступаю за власть трудящихся,но я категорически против того,чтобы властью наделять рабочих.
Unter dem ausschließlich deutschen Lied gibt es keine Kommentare auf Deutsch. Wohin steuert die Welt?!?
Genau dahin wo in den Zwanziegern der Willen der Förderern und Geldgeber mit des Popelbremse führte. Die Geldgeber sind die Selben.
Dieses Lied ist nunmal bekannt und ein symbol für viele menschen.
Damit gibt es absolut kein Problem und wenn du das anders siehst hast du das Lied falsch verstanden.
Nicht die einzelne Person sollte reich sein ,sondern das Volk😤💪❤️
Sondern das Proletariat*
Aktuell - wie lange nicht - das Rad der Zeit dreht sich weiter und auch die Manipulationsfähigkeit der Mächtigen...
Average comment here:
I'm a brain dead owner loving slave that is too brainwashed to see I could live better, but this song is very good (plz CIA, don't "forcefully extract" me tonight into guantanamo plz)
Godverdommt mann wie schön ist das
EPISCH.....und so aktuell
Absolutely great ! Absolutely great ! Danke, Genosse Busch ! Danke, Genosse Eisler !
Freiheit , Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit
I'm a socialist and this song is a banger
I'am a German socialist too
@@Landwirt-0306 Sehr gut
Schande für unsere Nation
@@alirezakhoshird7850 Schweige still Yezide
@@thescotts1326 Scheiß Rassist und sowas nennt sich Sozialist
Starke Interpretation mit altem Bildmaterial auf der Leinwand, Ernst Busch, unvergessen! Rot Front!
Für die rotfront
Rot front, Genosse
We aren't Czechs or Germans, we are comrades, we are humans, and our enemies are imperialist states
That's true comrade 👍🏻
@@angelofdeath1896 Who said we cared about equality? We care for human dignity and respect. Fascists like you don't deserve respect.
@@angelofdeath1896 >anime profile pic
Every fucking time.
Matthias Petr I‘m no comrade.
I am a German.
A proud German.
And I will fight till my last breath for my Country to stay free!
As long as I live, I will do anything in my power to stop another red uprising in Europe.
Better Dead than red.
@@everydaysurvival8637 Ew, a literal Nazi
Fabulous march! Ernst Buch is great! Video is amazing!
That was Hanns Eisler
Thanks!! Great anthem!! Really feel the power of working class n❤@@kimon3007
Sehr bewegend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)
Long live the worker’s revolution!
Ernst Busch Barrikaden Caruso, Proletensänger, ausdrucksstark, eindrucksvoll, einmalig unvergessen, aktuell wie lange nicht.
Раз 10 слушаю это песню
@Товарищ Тельман я еще больше)
Es passt ja heute wieder wie Arsch auf Eimer 😂👍🏻
sound so wonderful and simple,
Le plus beau chant communiste jamais écrit et composé. Il enfonce totalement l'Internationale !
La mort au capitalisme !
Einfach nur Superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
From the Larry Weinstein-Film
Solidarity Song: The Hanns Eisler Story
Как грустно осознавать что этого человека больше нет, и скоро тебя так же не станет
Hello from Ukraine, comrades!
Hello ukraine
Sadly most people in ukraine won't have the kommunism back....
@@Simon-ib1dw then the path to barbarism
Hello from Germany ,comrades !
Freundschaft, Genosse
Die Revolution wird kommen Genossen
Hoffentlich bald :c
Bald, Genossen
Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Hello from Ukraine, comrades!
This song hits hard as a world war looms over us once again
Die sozialistische Weltrepublik!!!❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Me at the family reunion after one beer
Да здравствует немецкий рабочий народ👋
Schönen ersten mai an alle
Me and the bois when we had enough of studying:
Fun fact: this factory is the condition of the school bathroms for us
Beautiful :')
Why do I like this song so goddam much.
Esto es genial,cada vez que lo oigo es como un llamado a hacer algo,algo que te impulsa a defenderte de los facistas...de los que quieren dañar al trabajador con falsas promesas de ser una potencia al coste de tu libertad como persona dentro de el sentimiento de pertenencia de tu patria.
La patria sos vos,no el capital.
Eso es, camarada ! Un abrazo fuerte desde Rusia !
Webon que culpa tenemos los fascistas? Te crees que tenemos algo que ver con las políticas comerciales liberales? Estudia historia anda
0:00 Es ist durchaus wahrscheinlich, das ein Gefüster vom Arbeiter nicht gehört wird.
Greetings from Russia,
Long live the revolution!!!
Long live the soviet union!!!
But late for long live the Soviet Union 🤣
@@A.N.E. Soviet Union is still alive
@@МаксимК-я4ы We will revive the soviet union!
Greetings from germany,towarisch!
A little bit late bro hättest du lieber das Gewehr zur Hand genommen
Death to the soviet union !
Greatings from Russia! Red revolution will never be defeated! Glory to friendship of the nations! Do not matter where are you from, main is what are you think! Forever with you, comrades! 7.11.2017
Du not let as kill again. Better kill our leaders and the propaganda machine. They try to brainwash us constantly. Putin meanwhile reach much sympathy in Germany,because media always promoted Putin or Russia bashing. Only a few believe them. Many love and watch deutsch.rt.com or the youtube channel of rt.com
@@notsalty001 may i ask how was it in the DDR? Was it actually socialist or communist or was it authoritarian? And was there money?
Hello from France, comrades !
Vive la révolution !
+Poindexter K Hi from the Russian workers!
Now burn in France tires in Front of gasstations XD
Jean Phillip Это что за партия такая?
Jean Phillip
мне тоже интересно что это за партия. Нет в России сегодня рабочей партии.
hi, greetings from germany, we need to free ourselves from US occupation
So nice, i got tears in my eyes.
I only come to this video for the head movement at 1:35
I love that song!
Us railroaders will be singing this come July 18th!!! You're warned, the strike vote is coming!!
Remember when Boomers were progressive?
They would of been economically socialist and socially Conservative e.g no gay marriage and anti weed
@@markbenjamin1703 the anti-weed is a recent government pushed phenomenon. Everyone smoked weed back then
@@markbenjamin1703 that was pretty much the common view during their time, however they would still be considered relatively progressive
@@markbenjamin1703 yeah I mean fuck weed
you mean never?
Do you have any idea what was the average LGBT acceptance in XX century socialist countries?
Me: Mom, can we have 1984?
Mom: No, We have 1984 at home.
1984 at home:
that's 1941 tho
"Die Proletarier haben nichts zu verlieren als ihre Ketten. Sie haben dafür eine Welt zu gewinnen." Karl Marx
Das galt mal als die Arbeiter noch wirklich unterdrückt wurden. Aber auf die heutige Zeit kann man diesen Spruch einfach nichtmehr beziehen. Zumindest nicht in den Industrieländern.
DerXanotosTypie Die Arbeiterklasse wird also in Europa nicht mehr der Früchte ihrer Arbeit beraubt und entfremdet? Die griechische, französische, spanische portugiesische etc. Arbeiterklasse wird nicht durch repressive Polizeistaaten unterdrückt, um Gesetze gegen ihren Willen durchzusetzen, welche sie noch weiter in die Armut treiben? Sie haben vlt. mehr als ihre Ketten zu verlieren, aber dennoch eine Welt zu erobern.
Und wieviel genau hast du mit der Arbeiterklasse und dem Proletariat zu tun?
ernst niekisch Bin eigentlich Millionenerbe, aber pssht...
P.S.: Was soll die dämliche Frage?
Angelus Novus Na, ich will wissen,ob du aus der Arbeiterklasse kommst.War doch nicht so schwer die Frage... Lass mich raten: Schüler oder Student?
For everyone saying they are not a socialist/communist , you would be surprised how many socialist policies you would actually agree with. Reading a bit of theory and a critical analysis of current system might change your mind.
@Chang Bo national socialism is as "socialist" as processed cheese is "cheese". Socialism in its base is the theory of collective ownership by the working class. You could enforce it through the government owning it for you in some communist or somewhat authoritarian socialist systems or you can have Unionized economy such as a syndicalist system. Now a country like Germany encompasses none of this as their nationalization program was meant mainly to bring about the war effort. It wasnt sustainable in times of peace and they would likely have turned into the same kind of economy as of America or other liberal countries. That and ofcourse racism or any sort of racial supremacist ideals are in itself bad for humans. When we meet and exchange culture and sit with each other,Eat good food and share music is when we humans show our best.
What's what I'm saying
Ich wünschte,das wir "Krankenkenschwestern" genauso aufstehen wie die Arbeiter!!!
Ihr seid auch Arbeiter
Hitler gets killed in ww1
The entire timeline: 0:00
Das Lied ist von 1939 ! Wenn die Deutschen nach diesem Lied gehandelt hätten, wäre ihnen einiges erspart geblieben.
Die Fronten verlaufen nicht zwischen den Nationen oder Völkern, sondern zwischen den Klassen.
Ich glaube wir müssten heute nicht mehr arbeiten wenn man danach gehandelt hätte
This literally looks like 1984.
The entire contemporary political circus (that is in no degree socialist) looks perfectly like 1984 now.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks this 😂
Grüße aus Russland.
Да здравствует мировая революция!
Es lebe die Weltrevolution!
Ja! SIe lebe hoch!
Great Stuff
Dieses Lied ist was anderes
This is isnt from 1984, it might be before 1962 because Eisler died at 1962.
Death of a legend of communist music :(
I think they’re talking about the book 1984 by George Orwell
People are talking about the book, which reflects the failures of capitalism onto communism as many anti communist arguments tend to do
This has literal 1984 vibes.
And remember, the people singing this song lost.
It does, but the lyrics are very Anti-INGSOC.
Workers FIRST!
Cerra el orto
Me a German visiting a Russian Friend’s house:
I presume it's a turtleneck but it looks like the dude has a POWERFUL double chin
Hello from Brasil!!
Independência ou morte!!!
Best version of the song not a communist
Eine Frage, die nicht mehr gestellt wird: wem dient die Wirtschaft?
This is epic
Enormous Sibling is viewing you
i just love it ..... :-)
herzlichen willkommen auf dem schirm des verfassungsschutzes
Danke. Bin gerne hier.
Von Altnazi Globke!
Wie schrieb mir neulich ein Freund: Das Schaffen Eislers ist unvergänglich.
"Der Aufmarsch gegen die Sowjetunion
ist der Stoß ins Herz der Revolution!"
Europeans should remember, that French, British and German workers saved Soviet Union by preventing massive intervention of their counties' armies into our Motherland.
I was born to a good family, with noble blood in my past, and with academics and high and mighty. This has not stopped me from seeing the truth, that those who carry the world on their shoulders are suffering.
Jelousy is a poor excuse to keep up generations of failed economy, misstreatment, and lies.
The world needs socialism, now more perhaps than ever. I see no point in letting capitalists throw the world into chaos once more without a word against it.
Those who will, speak against it.
before i clicked more i thought you were talking about what was the problem with communism since those are cummunist problems
are you talking anout communism
clicks read more
oh wait no your just stupid
Willhelm Klink Yep.
why not? I acknowledge that many dictatorships were upheld in the name of Communism, but not only are there examples of democratic implications of socialism (i.e. Cuba), but there is also the possibility of getting rid of money and commodity production under socialism- this was impossible when the USSR and Maoist China existed. Many modern-day Marxists agree that the use of money and commodity production was what led to said dictatorships, and what stole the governments away from the proletariat.
Now THAT is my kind of class traitor. Amen, comrade.
Yes we were beaten but by the grace of G-d and inspiration from fallen comrades we shall rise again.
Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre,
Nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand.
Wacht auf Verdammte dieser Erde
Marx sagte Proletarier! Und das sind heute auch Manager, Ingeuieure, Buchhalter, Marketingleute etc. fast alle. Die 1% zocken auch die Klein-/Mittelaktionäre und den Mittelstand ab - mit Hilfe ihres Coronatheaters z.B.
@@FakeNewsHunter Da spricht die Reaktion
@@FakeNewsHunter proletarier sind die die Produktionsmitte erschaffen. Wenn du mir zeigst welche Produktionsmittel von Managern und Buchhaltern geschaffen werden dann können wir sie gerne dazuzählen. Mal abgesehen davon das Marx ganz klar zwischen dem Proletariat und dem Bürgertum bzw der oberen Mittelschicht unterscheidet
@@yaahoo5041 och manno :(